The Best of Blydad

Started by Blythe, December 07, 2017, 07:41:53 PM

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Quote from: Blythe on August 19, 2018, 09:06:16 PM

This is oddly specific...

(And something I'd like to see on a motivational graphic...)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


He really likes Ronda Rousey. She is his favorite female athlete at the moment. ^^;


omg I love Blydad!!  Would he consider adopting? LOL
Bow to the Queen; I'm the Alpha, the Omega, everything in between.


He did have an addendum to the Strong Female Lead conversation last night, right in the middle of watching wrestling

Blydad: (suddenly) I would also accept romantic happy endings with two women
Blydad: Or something that involves three people, that would be interesting
Me: I did not know you were pro-poly, that's cool, dad!
Blydad: One time I was in a relationship when I was a young man with a military wife; her husband knew, was completely fine with it, and he and I were pals and not romantically involved with each other, but we both had a relationship with her.
Blydad: I just want movies to more accurately reflect the diversity I know is there--I'm fine with hetero romances for strong female leads, I just don't want it to be the only thing I see in every show--I'm very weary of the repetitiveness. I mean I know from my experiences that life really varies. Sometimes the 1 + 1 dynamic isn't how it works in reality.
Me: Write a TV script, please.
Blydad: I'm too lazy; you're the writer, son. WRITE MY IDEAS.
Me: Pay me to, writing is hard work, you know
Blydad: I will pay you in pudding snack packs
Me: ...I am unduly tempted by that
Blydad: They have a sale at the store, you know
Blydad: Actually we are getting pudding packs whether or not I pay you in them


I have two questions, Bly.

1) How many words per snack pack?

2) What flavours do these snack packs come in?


Quote from: marauder13 on August 20, 2018, 08:40:26 PM
I have two questions, Bly.

1) How many words per snack pack?

2) What flavours do these snack packs come in?

1) he didn't say but I think 5,000 words per snack pack would hopefully ensure I don't break my diet <_<
2) the oreo-flavored ones are the ones on sale ^^


Good lord, the Oreo flavored ones are the best.

Also I'd watch the heck out of a show you wrote so... let him tempt you >__>;


Have I said recently that I love you folks?

Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):

Wistful Dream

You know, I didn't think I could adore him anymore and he just proved me wrong. <3


Yeeeeeeeees, Blydad! ;D <333 Let's go, atypical strong female lead!
"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?


Fury Aphrodisia

I think he'd like Lost Girl. Really like it. Not only does she decide to move in with her bestie and the "happy ending" is a lesbian relationship, (and only really happens half way through) but she in fact does become a teacher and pass on her knowledge of magical ass-kickery. There's nothing wrong with his dream.

Edit: But for my mastery of puns being sub-par (though I still appreciate them)....

1. Love of Supernatural
2. Appreciation of off-norm storylines
3. Convincing myself ghosts live in my attic or zombies are waiting under the bed (I used to think my dogs would save me then 7Days to Die gave me zombiedogs and moar nightmares)
4. Midnight breakfast foods
5. Pouting about dusting and avoiding adulthood
6. Also unable to make eye contact with people I like....

.... Guys. I might be Blydad from another universe. Nobody panic.... perfectly normal...

(Blydad: The hero we all deserve.)
Fire and Flora - My Ons and Offs  - Updated May 17th '17 ---- Aphrodisia Acedia - (A&A's) - Updated September 9th '17 ---- Sinful Inspirations - Story Ideas - Updated May 17th '17

~I am not the voice of reason: I am the voice of truth. I do not fall gently on hopeful ears. I am strident and abrasive. I do not bend to the convenience of comfort. I am unyeilding. I do not change with wind and whim, but am always standing, unchanging, steady, constant and persevering. You rebuke me when you need me most, yet still I fight. The enemies of truth are everywhere. But I am not defeated.~


Blydad: Do you know what I like about summer
Me: What?
Blydad: *puts on sunglasses*
Blydad: Look at this beautiful invention
Blydad: I can look cool and hide all my insecurities
Blydad: Plus, handy-dandy protection from the eye-searing evil that is the sun


Quote from: Blythe on August 25, 2018, 05:07:31 PM
Blydad: Do you know what I like about summer
Me: What?
Blydad: *puts on sunglasses*
Blydad: Look at this beautiful invention
Blydad: I can look cool and hide all my insecurities
Blydad: Plus, handy-dandy protection from the eye-searing evil that is the sun

I use a hat with a brim, but he's not wrong on any point there.

(I have to admit, I was expecting some sort of pun followed by the CSI/Roger Daltrey rock-scream.)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


He's a little off his pun game lately; he has to meet with the church lady he's got a crush on to help fix her water heater & he's been a bundle of nerves (he gets like that every time she asks him to help with something) ^^;


Quote from: Blythe on August 25, 2018, 05:20:40 PM
He's a little off his pun game lately; he has to meet with the church lady he's got a crush on to help fix her water heater & he's been a bundle of nerves (he gets like that every time she asks him to help with something) ^^;

Part of Blydad's charm is that he really doesn't know how awesome he is.


<3, Blydad! You can do it! Breathe!

Quote from: Oniya on August 25, 2018, 05:13:04 PM
I use a hat with a brim, but he's not wrong on any point there.

(I have to admit, I was expecting some sort of pun followed by the CSI/Roger Daltrey rock-scream.)

I was half expecting the rock-scream, too. XD
"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?


You seriously need to write a book called The Philosophy of Blydad.

I'd buy it.
she wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell

you can find me on discord, ketling
Ons & Offs~Menagerie~Pulse~Den of Iniquity
wee little Ketlings don't yet have the ability to spit forth flame with the ferocity needed to vanquish a horde of vehicular bound tiny arachnids.


Overhearing my dad on the phone. I'm not sure what was said on the other end (I am fairly sure it was a political survey for a non-profit), but I am 110% sure they are now irritated with him.

...of course, I can't stop laughing. >_>;

Blydad: Hey, hi!
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Yes, I am he.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Oh, sure, I have time to answer some questions!
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: I would say I am liberal. Also I am hungry.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Well, there was no breakfast at home and the bakery is out of my favorite donuts. As for your question: disapprove, more than I disapprove of someone taking the last donut from the bakery before I get there.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: I mean, I don't know. What about you?
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Oh, I didn't know you weren't supposed to answer the questions, just that it was only me.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: More likely? Look, I don't know. Politics is just a lot of interchangeable people in ties deeply offending me most of the time.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Less likely. That sounds like an internet thing. Like...a meme. My son told me about memes. That just sounds like a meme.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Support.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: ...against my better judgement, I'm just going to admit you used a word whose meaning I do not remotely understand, so you are going to have to tell me what that means before I can answer your question.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: Oh!
Blydad: Support.
*pause as he listens*
Blydad: wait
Blydad: are you a person or one of those robot automated calls?
*pause as he listens*
*shout for me*
*hands me the phone*
Me: You an automated call?
Voice: No. Please just ask him to focus.
Me: He goes at his own pace. You caught him when he's had a lot of coffee and Oreos. Just let him meander and he'll answer whatever you want. Well....eventually.
*passes phone back*
Me: Not a robot,  Dad.
Blydad: Cool! Okay, so about that last question--no. No, no, no. What a terrible question.
Blydad: Why don't these surveys ever ask me about my favorite comics or food? Questions I want to answer. DC comics, by the way, and donuts, in case you were wondering.
Blydad: *shocked*
Blydad: They hung up on me
Blydad: *offended*


What a pity that the phone drone was so beaten down they couldn't appreciate a little fun in their otherwise pointless routine...

Also, what Red said ;D
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


Love Blydad. He just wanted to talk about his donuts!


Quote from: Amaris on October 13, 2018, 04:21:10 PM
He just wanted to talk about his donuts!

I legit think he participated in the survey solely because he was grumpy the bakery was out of his donuts and wanted to be chatty. >_>


It's a dilemma I tell you! The bakery being out of your donuts is like the worst of the worst kind of days! Missing out on that deep fried sweet dough...

Damn it... I'm hungry now.
What Makes A Cryp-Tic (O/Os)
"All men were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers." ~Chief Joseph
Cryptic's Little Shop Of Mysteries (Requests)NOT CURRENTLY LOOKING
"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." ~Martin Luther King Jr.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa


That was hilarious. I wanna do that during surveys.


"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?