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Breakup with the person above you!

Started by stormkitten, March 09, 2009, 01:45:07 PM

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Love And Submission

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


You rude, me mean, not compatible.


Quote from: Boatman on June 09, 2014, 12:29:22 PM
Dearest Cat,

They say opposites attract… but it turns out this was only in physics.
Yet, for a few exhilarating  weeks we were finally together.

I accepted you for your intellect and sharp wit and you put up with an old salt who has nothing left to lose. You’ll recall, I dressed as Indiana Jones and we went hunting for Cleopatra’s legendary leather hot pants.

Along the way, your patient diplomacy sorted out many of the world’s conflicts, whilst I simply blew those who wouldn’t listen out of the water.
We found the pants in the back room of a restaurant in Rome.
How we laughed.
And how sexy you looked wearing the mystical curve hugging garment.

But, from then on...At night, some ancient magic transformed you into an animal.
A beast!
A tantalisingly exotic sexy Egyptian Cat beast.
I loved it, apart from having to sneak out to casualty each morning to get the deep claw marks sutured. And as our love making became ever more intense, exciting and intoxicating. I felt it prudent to keep a blood transfusion handy.

Then, came the tragedy. I regained consciousness after a particularly vigorous night to find two parts of my anatomy had been accidentally clawed off. I immediately placed them in ice and rushed to hospital. But the surgeon just shook his head.

Now, your luscious curves don't drive me wild like they once did, for some reason.

So, I am sorry. I've decided to join a monastery.


I'm, I'm speechless. Sorry I let you down Boat.

Love And Submission

Hey! Being rude is my thing! It's my number five hobby right ahead of growling , scratching , nibbling , hockey and Sudoku!

We can't date if you don't respect my hobbies.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


Here's our break up poem.

Bad boys get laid,
I'm your honey not your slave,
Stupidity sums you up,
Not that you ever get it up,
You want to be a rude boy,
I want to be a princess not chew toy,


My badass poem so badass, no one wants to break my heart huh?


Monroe Cat, you are just too badass for me. I like my poetry sweet and decadent, like a twisted dessert.

*goes off in search of a smitten kitten*

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


I'm sorry but every time I hear your name I want to eat you.
That isn't a healthy basis for a relationship.

blue bunny sparkle

Little Miss Monroe Cat,

How can we carry on a relationship when you can not totally be committed or be here fully? When I can not leave you 10,000 messages a day because you are not yet approved. How can I stalk you when I dont even know what you look li-

I mean... how can we get closer and share sweet experiences?

This is just not working!

See you around...Cat!


Dear blue bunny sparkle

When things first started out it was great, the excessive amounts of notes you left made me feel loved and wanted. I thought it was cute how you use to stalk me, commenting on everything you saw and read, but then things began to turn sour when you figured out I wasnt willing to do the same for you. Is because I'm too trusting and didn't feel the need to check up on you or was it because hiring a private secretary to help read through ever message made me feel exhausted. So I think it's best that I see other people and you stalk someone else, someone who has a little more flexible in there life and has time to keep up with every single thing you send them.

With love and a bit of fear
Creator of bitter sweet dreams.
So You Think You Want to Play

blue bunny sparkle


Whadya mean you don't want to be smothered with my affections? Is it too much to ask for you to satisfy my every whim and wish? *shrugs* Now I suppose you'll be telling me you don't want to be my personal maid, servant, chauffer, sex slave either...

I can't live with someone so utterly selfish!

Good riddance!


Dear Blue Bunny Sparkle

You wanted a servant not a lover and that is not something I can do. When you are ready to be more than a master let me know.

Creator of bitter sweet dreams.
So You Think You Want to Play


Dearest Houki,

I have to admit at this point, that I was only dating you in order for you to feel it was a good idea to dump Blue Bunny. I mean, not that it wasn't fun and all, but I'm thinking of the big picture, and the big picture is that, not only do I get this illicite feeling of having destroyed a relationship, but also, cuddling the poor girl, as she makes horrible rebound choices!

It is amazing what kind of barriers you can simply ignore when someone is simply just too heart broken, and confused about where, or even who they are!  Not to sound like a horrible predator, I mean, I might be a little bit scheming, but in the end, trust me, it is all for my own benefit.

So don't worry about me, I think I'm definitely making out like a bandit in this deal~

Sincerely, Cayenne~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"


Love And Submission

Cay , Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever! Gosh! Unfortunately I'm not into long distance relationships so our previous interactions well have to come to a stop. Sorry about that.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


All I wanted for my birthday was a new spiked bought roses. Out!

Love And Submission

The restraining order was uncalled for.  A couple bruises from a harsh spanking and you get all crazy on me. You should've just used the safe word! I'm done. I still like you but the police say I can't be near you anymore.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


I'm sick and tired of you using my bondage gear ! It's mine and that's something I cant sway on... Good bye, scat.


It seemed to work well for a while, me practicing my sailor fancy knots tying you to various things. Then you screaming for release, and me releasing.
But you took it too far. There you were woven into the rigging when the sailors were trying to hoist the sails. Or somehow tied intricately to the gangway when we were needing to cast off.
So, sorry, but I just left you behind.
History, where creative writing was born.

Divine Tenacity


I'm tired of you screaming "BOATS BOATS BOATS!" in bed every night when you cum.

No more!

Love (Not!)
~Midori </3
Group Games: 0 (pending) | Solo Games: 2  | Post(s) Owed: 2

Check out my Request Thread!


No that was me panting boobs, boobs, boobs.

Your lack of attention is bringing me down  :-[

History, where creative writing was born.


Your too up tight in your uniform. You never let me undress you, always a routine and order. No fun or kinky cosplay in bed. Look me up when you have found your sense of adventure in the bedroom.



Dearest Baby,

It was always the bedroom with you, whilst I was hoping for the secret golden beach; or underwater - you dressed as a mermaid; or in tight fighter ace leathers looping at the controls of a plane.
But no.. always from you, "let's go to bed."

But then, you never made it.
"You go up," you'd say. "I'll just take a quick peek in fridge!"
And there I would find you in the morning ... pigged out ... or lying in a puddle of milk.

It's not working.
History, where creative writing was born.


Dear Boatman

I would love to say it's not and that it is me, but that is not the case. It is you, the fact that you like boats, when I like rope. The fact that you are a guy and I'm in to women. You know all of the small details just don't add up so I must end this now. Any how lets stay friends, because I would hate to loose access to that 72 inch tv over such minor details.

Your Pal
Creator of bitter sweet dreams.
So You Think You Want to Play


Darling Houki ,

I have a serious issue , you keep leading me on, stating that you adore me when in fact, I've caught you numerous times with other women clutching your  thighs. I'm not normally a possessive person but seeing you blatantly offer yourself up as a living chair, well that's just too much for me to handle.

Confused and utterly pissed off,


Dear Dia,

I was first attracted by your intellect on hearing you speak at a medical conference about the latest scientific cell culture techniques. And when we met at dinner that night it was lust at first touch of your hand in mine.
It was in the following days, I noticed the problem.
Or rather, my patients commented on the odd purple suction and bite marks all over my body.
Of course, I don’t normally worry what others think. But when those I am treating run out screaming afraid I might pass on some serious contagious illness, it gets beyond a joke.

We discussed your crystal violet addiction and we tried at length to ease you off onto beetroot juice.
But when I found your stashes of violet round the house, I knew you’d never give it up.
I’ll always love you, and think fondly of you when I am taking tissue samples.
History, where creative writing was born.


Boatman, you never let me wear your hat. Never.

You left me no choice but to steal it.

We are gone now.

We are happy without you.

Do not look for us.