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Flash - Moments in time

Started by Oreo, August 20, 2014, 04:41:56 AM

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Breathe it in, Love it out.

I have debated about committing to a blog for some time now. As life seems shorter, the memories along the way become clearer. The beauty, the losses, the magnificent joys. I love pictures and the little snapshots in life they bring to the fore. This started in my A/As, but feels more at home here.

This blog is dedicated to my ditsy mind, full of light, hope, joy, darkness, despair, and dreams.
All the things that meld together into a life well lived.
I have made no mark on the world, but it has made a mark on me.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on life. Welcome all.

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


That feeling you are the only person on earth.
But, being okay with it.

There was a time, not so long ago when reaching for the clouds seemed a simple thing. Strap on a fifty pound pack, tighten the laces of a pair of hiking boots, grab the walking stick and I was off on another adventure into the wild. My soul is one that revels in solitude, stepping on a spot no human has touched; moments to treasure. The odds of that get greater the farther you stray from the path. Finding a partner that felt the same way, smiles, what fun we had making wild turns on the map. Well, we would if we had chosen to use maps.

One of the best trips ever, came from saying, "Let's see what is over that five-hundred yard stretch of boulders." With silly morning grins we made our way to the top, to find the only escape was shimmying up between two slabs of stone, to see what, if anything, was on the other side. Joy, there was a small lake with a tiny island in the middle. Making our way over the wide spread stepping stones we camped out for the day. Caught some wild trout for dinner, that was as orange as salmon. Delicious, cooked on a stick like marshmallows over the campfire.

The following morning was a bit rougher, as we had to make our way down the side of the mountain. Well worth the effort even if it was a similar counterpart to the rocky slope we scaled the day before. I recall it involved much belly sliding, and fearful eeeps. Eventually we found the path again, and continued the mundane walk, still full of beauty, but nothing to compare with that rare, once in a lifetime surprise of the day before.

God, I miss climbing mountains.

Climbing the stairs doesn't bring the same elation.

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


Looking for Autumn in the wind.

I am so ready for summer to be over.

So ready for it to be cold enough that I want to pull the covers back over me to keep the chill at a proper distance.
Meaning, frosty nose poking out from cuddly blankets.
I am ready for warm soup and sappy movies.
I am ready for candy corn, mallow treats, and oven warm pie.
I am ready for sleepy days and crisp starry nights.
I am ready to rest and wait for Spring.

I am ready for the circle of life to mark my world.

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


Quote from: Oreo on August 20, 2014, 04:41:56 AM
I have made no mark on the world, but it has made a mark on me.

I will share this.  The statement above is wrong.  You have made numerous marks on this world.  You may not see them, but they are there.  In the lives of every person you have touched.  You matter more, perhaps, than you realize, Oreo.

I know this.  Others do too.


I agree with Cycle. You are a special one indeed Oreo. Every moment you are here leaves a mark on someone. Not just here either. I'm sure you've done many things that have impact others outside of here. Just keep on being yourself and making this place and the world around you a better place.


Marking the World

Many people live bright, vivid lives that leave marks so great they cannot be erased;
not by man, not by time. I am not this kind of person.
I never dove with whales in the Arctic Sea, nor studied lizards on the Galapagos.
Never riveted the gridiron of a skyscraper, nor chiseled a statue.
I never protested great wrongs, nor filled a political office.
Never rushed into a burning building, nor rescued victims in the aftermath of destruction.
I never created an AMD processor, or discovered the cure for Ebola.
I never wrote a book, expounded wisdom, nor painted a picture worth a thousand words.
I never wrote a song, or sang words that cut to the heart.

These things are done by great personalities, larger than life.
Their marks are etched as surely as the Grand Canyon cleaves the Earth.

Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

The glory above is nothing I ever sought, nor wished to pursue.
It does not lessen my existence, or the belittle the choices I made, the good and the bad.
I have lived a life that pleased me with all its daily mistakes, with all the little tasks done right.
I have not changed the face of man, but I have changed the face of ME.
That is often a more difficult and delicate task.
My life has been simple, and I prefer it that way.
My jobs have been honest labor, that kept food on the table.
I raised my children to love deeply from the heart,
to be kind to all, no matter their status or creed.
Speak the tender word, sooth the pain of one at a time.
Be humble, be a peacemaker, show generosity whenever possible.

I do not want to be remembered as someone that marked the world.
Please, let it be that I touched the lives of those I met along the journey.

Thank you Cycle and Yugi for seeing this in me. <3
If enough of us persevere, then we will mark the world in a greater way.

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


You've also made the most profound mark on me, touched my life in a way that I will be forever grateful. Our close friendship these last few years and the time we have shared together means so much to me.


Beautiful, and lovely.'Life is like a rollercostar, with it's ups and downs' is a quoit from one of my favorite Animes' of all times, and I think it suites what you are saying about light and darkness. But I can't imagine that you haven't made a mark on the world in someway. I think that everyone, even if it is in only a slight way, has made a mark on the world. One only needs to look around them. I'm sure you have friends, so you've touched their lives, and they probally have friends outside your own circle, so they've touched their lives. In doing so, you've made a mark on the world, on your world and on other people's worlds.
I am like the Wind, playful and unyielding. I am like the Fire, Strong and swift. I am like the Water, calm and gentle when needed and ruffe and stubborn, also when needed. I am like the Earth, Wise ans quit, always observing, yet never intervening. I am Light, smiling at all I cross. I am Dark, able to destroy all who anger me. I am shadow, a mask that betrays nothing. I am a Magi, Daughter and servant to the moon. I heal the wounded, I protect the weak, I defend my family and friends. I am the daughter of Earth, the mother of everyone. I am daughter to the sun, who bore all man kind. I am friend to the wind, who is always caring. I am servant to Bast, Goddess of cats, and most importantly, I am the servant of Isis, Goddess of Magic, Wife of Osiris, Queen of the dead.


Quote from: Oreo on August 20, 2014, 04:46:30 AM
Looking for Autumn in the wind.

I am so ready for summer to be over.

So ready for it to be cold enough that I want to pull the covers back over me to keep the chill at a proper distance.
Meaning, frosty nose poking out from cuddly blankets.
I am ready for warm soup and sappy movies.
I am ready for candy corn, mallow treats, and oven warm pie.
I am ready for sleepy days and crisp starry nights.
I am ready to rest and wait for Spring.

I am ready for the circle of life to mark my world.

very nice..

I love Fall. The harvest and then the hope for Spring. I just wish I could hibernate through Spring. 

Your writing is soulful and touching.

~ Thangar


Dear Mom,
  You know in our life we had ups and downs, our differences and similarities.
Through it all, you were there for me no matter what you had to stop doing at the time.
Sometimes you were there even when I needed to be alone, or thought so at the time.
There were days I hated you, there were days you were all that held me together.
Ever clever, intelligent, wise, and silly all rolled into a character that put others before yourself.
You were the glue that brought us together, taught us how to be a family.
I remember you driving a thousand miles to dry my tears... an hundred to rescue us in the wilderness.
The hardest memory of them all, I held your hand as you slipped longer able to still my tears.
This day they are streaming again, in between sweet moments of treasured memories.
I miss you and love you, mama.

~Always, your precious baby

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin


You matter, Oreo.

You matter so much to so many.

You matter to me.


I met a girl...

It's been close to 18 years years ago that my mom and I drove to my son's wedding and met my new family. That day I gained a daughter, a granddaughter and a grandson. Today I would like to tell you a bit about my granddaughter. Like most youngsters she was both wonderful, and at times not so joyful. Kids are like that. I think she reminded me a lot of myself at her age. Dwelling on boys, reading books, geeking while wanting to be part of the cool crowd. Not yet knowing herself or who she wanted to be.

The years passed and she made a mistake here and there, but always took the right road to make the error something beautiful. She took time along the way to be kind to others, always looking for the good in people and passing along a hopeful heart of wishes.

She has been a blessing in so many ways. Whenever I feel low, I know I can go to her FB page and see something to lift the soul. Her posts are always inspiring, funny, good humored, or sharing about someone in need. No matter what the hot topic of the day is you will not find it in her feed. Her heart is now and always has been about love, peace, joy, and family.

I know I should be the one inspiring her, but she has always been the one that makes me stop and think things through. No, she is not perfect. None of us are.

This season is especially hard. After receiving news of her remission from cancer about six months ago I was able to breathe again and rejoice in the fact that she was going to be okay. She is a survivor. That joy broke two days before Christmas when I found out she had relapsed and is on her last few days. Her spirit and strength through it all ...leaves me shattered. My pain and debilities fade to nothing, nothing in the face of her determination to be the strong one in the family. The one to show us all how to be noble facing the worst news ever.

Too young to go, barely 30.

Listen to our youth. Some are wise beyond their years.

Link to Request thread, and more information

She led me to safety in a forest of green, and showed my stale eyes some sights never seen.
She spins magic and moonlight in her meadows and streams, and seeks deep inside me,
and touches my dreams. - Harry Chapin