The year is 1876, and the world has gone straight to Hell. Well, pardner, that ain't entirely true – it's mostly on the way to Perdition, but no one seems to be trying too hard to slow this handbasket down. The South and the North are still dukin' it out, and the world's gone crazy over a little piece of ore called ghost-rock. Gomorra's a boom town set high atop the deadly Great Maze – that's 'California' for all you East Coast cityfolk – and the place is lousy with ghost-rock, gold and silver. The Tombstone Epitaph spins tall tales of things that go bump in the night.
CHARACTER CREATION Arcane Backgrounds | Gear | Charts | Bounty Cheat Sheet |
GOMORRA Tourist's Folly | Miner's Peril | The Tracks The Line | Ballot Boulevard | Steam Alley MAPS |
HISTORY Welcome to Gomorra | The Great Quake, Ghostrock, and Maze Dragons | Things Goin' Straight To Hell Local History | History of California & the Great Maze | History of the Weird West |
FACTIONS The Whateley Family | The Law Dogs | The Sioux Union | The Collegium The Sweetrock Mining Company | Blackjack's Raiders | The Maze Rats |
OUT OF CHARACTER THREADS Who's Who | The Gomorran Gazette | Gazette Classifieds IN CHARACTER THREADS Babel's Tower | Home Sweet Home | Buyer Beware | Around Town | Out of Town | Night Terrors | The Trailblazer | Entertainment | Town Hall | Soddom | The Collegium | Sweetrock Mining Company |
Most of the information contained in the game wiki is copywritten by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. I do not own rights to images or content within this wiki.
The coding and layout of this wikipage is copied from Shadowrun Thank you, Josi! You're a genius!