WH40000 - what's your opinion?

Started by Beorning, August 09, 2014, 03:58:53 PM

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Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


I'll try that, if I get around to owning this game :)

If I may go a bit personal for a moment... the aspect of not having anyone to play it with really bothers me. Problems like that pop up with some regularity in my life: I just tend to have hobbies that no-one around shares...

Like, say,comics: I discuss them online, but I only have one RL friend who reads them and can actually talk about them with me, share them etc. Also, RPGs? I've always been interested in them, but I haven't had anyone to play them with for ages. Again, Internet helps somewhat... but playing by forums has its share of problems. I really wish I would have someone I could play this stuff in person, someone who would read RPG books together with me etc.

Other example: martial arts. I got interested in these sports some years ago and tried picking one of them up (taekwondo, specifically). But again, my friends weren't interested in training with me - and I didn't really connect with the people in my group (because most of them were manly men... and I have trouble finding common language with such guys). It was one of the reasons I dropped away from training - I was tired of being a lonely guy in a group of strangers... and the worst trainee in the group, too.

It's like that even with TV shows. Me and my sister keep watching some stuff together: Lost in the past, now Game Of Thrones. But I also watch other shows, like Dr Who, The Good Wife, American Horror Story and Hannibal... and nobody around watches them. It's kind of annoying...

Now, here comes WH40K... and again, I find something new and fascinating. I would like to share it with someone in my life... and I can't. Nobody's interested. I fear I'll never get into it, then... The whole hobby is just way too expensive to get into without having anyone to play with. It would be nonsense to spend a few hundred dollars on miniatures that wouldn't see any use...


Well, you've said there is a local gaming shop, didn't you. That means there are people there that you can play against. You never know, if you play there you may end up widening your circle of friends.

Alternately, have a look at Kill Team. I think I posted about it before. It's basically small scale 40k, where you play with a squad instead of an army. A single box of miniatures is enough to get you started, and that's a much smaller investment than a full army. You might be able to get some of your current friends interested that way.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Kill Team... I'll look it up.

As to the local GW shop: I saw people painting there, but I'm not sure anyone's gaming there. At least, with bringing their own armies etc. There are two game tables set, but they are for example games ran by the shop guys...

Also, I wonder what kind of people I could meet there. When I went there on Thursday, there were two kids and one adult guy who giggled uncontrollably...

Okay, okay, I know I'm complaining now.


Kill Team


That's not the official GW Kill Team rules, they're fan made ones.

Go into the shop and ask if they have a dedicated gaming night .. most game stores you can play any time, but they'll have one night in particular open late for people to come in and play.

What kind of people you might meet .. well, I've met gamers younger than some of my models, and I've met ones who are in their 50s. Some are good craic, some are power gamers, and you'll meet the occasional person who has no concept of fun and who you will never willingly play again. Gamers are like everyone else.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Okay, thanks.

On another note, I found this article online:


What do you guys think of it? For me, the notion that women don't play WH40K, because it's not "cute", sounds a bit sexist. On the other hand, I do admit that I kind of am wondering how many female players are attracted to this hobby because of it speaking to their artistic side (painting etc.), as opposed to their "lead troops and slaughter enemies" side...

Also, I'm afraid I'd probably be one of the "creepy guys", if I met a female gamer... Being a 35 years old virgin who has never had a girlfriend makes this to a guy...  :-\


It's easy not to be a creeper. All you have to do is remember that you're going to a game shop, not a bar. You're there for a pick-up wargame, not a pick-up date. They're female gamers, not female gamers. Etc., etc.


Quote from: Beorning on August 31, 2014, 12:23:56 PM
Okay, thanks.

On another note, I found this article online:


You may want to look at the comments to that blog article.  There's a very good one from a female gamer right up front, and even a few from male gamers who disagree with the blogger.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up!
Requests updated March 17


True that. And as I said, I find the idea that "women like cute" a bit laughable.

Back in my university days, I've known a girl who was, in many ways, very feminine and traditionally-minded. At the same time, she loved playing Diablo... and it was her that dragged me to see the first Resident Evil movie.

Funny story: when we went for that movie, I ran into some people I had known from high school in the cinema lobby. They approached me (the girl was in the bathroom at the time) and the following exchanged took place:

They: So, what are you seeing?
Me: Uhm... Resident Evil. A girl invited me.
They (stunned silence): ... wow. Some girl...

Another friend at the university I've had was a smallish heavy metal girl with the demeanor of overactive pokemon (I'm saying this is a compliment). She both loved manga *and* some very gruesome stuff. She shared my fascination with Hellraiser - and it was her who introduced me to Silent Hill games...

So... yeah. Women like cute? Not always.


One of the few female 40k players I know is an ex US Marine who plays World Eaters. Make of that what you will :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Quote from: HairyHeretic on August 31, 2014, 03:29:53 PM
One of the few female 40k players I know is an ex US Marine who plays World Eaters. Make of that what you will :)

I have two lesbian friends who play Pre-heresy and post heresy world eaters respectively :P They're the most feminine people I know, but they enjoy the carnage of the World Eats immensely
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."

"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"


Why can't I be meeting women like that? Why haven't I been meeting more women like that when I was younger?

I want to date an RPing or wargaming woman...  :P


I have (of course) a question: what's your approach to buying paints? Do you buy a wide selection of them at once, to have many colours handy when painting - or do you try to decide beforehand which colours you'll be using and you buy just a few specific paints?

BTW. Do you think that, if a miniature is listed as available  GW's webpage, then it's *really* available? I'm asking, as I see that all of Sisters' models are available... but I also read somewhere on the web that GW actually dropped all their metal miniatures and sent them to be melted?  :o


Generally I'll buy what I need when I need it.

GW did away with some metal models when they moved to FailFinecast resins. I don't know what proportion of their range shifted there.

If they say something is available on the website, I imagine it should be.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


I like to have a wide array of paints myself seeing as I like to customize my HQs quite a bit
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."

"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"


I try to only get the colors I know I'll need, and work my way from there. I generally like to keep my armies looking uniform ( it helps that I generally play armies that have legit uniforms - Dark elves, Empire, Tau ). When I do vary colors, it's generally fur, hair, that sort of thing.


Out of curiosity - how would you go around painting her:

According to what I learned so far, I think I should start with painting the whole mini black - then, add the rest of the colours?

BTW. What colours would you use? I see black, white, red, metallic grey and skin?


I believe you paint white over black, it will dull it down, so you might need a few coats of white to bring the colour back up. Either that or do something else between them. I'll let a better painter than I am talk about that :)

For myself, if I were painting that ...

Spray black first
Flesh for the face
White on the tabard
Silver on the chain, bolter muzzle and magazine, maybe on some of the embossing on the armour
Red last

Then go over it and touch up any parts where I got one colour spilling over another that I hadn't intended it to.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.

Life on Mars

Did somebody say Warhammer 40k????

Oh. They did. Eleven pages ago.

So, I'm not approved yet and I'm getting into this late (read through the thread to make sure I'm not repeating anything) but I love the Warhammer 40K setting! It's just so fun with it's over-the-top grimdark and extreme amounts of everything. You can have some great adventures in it once you accept all of that.

Now, I don't play the tabletop war-games at all but I have own, read, and have DM'ed for Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, AND Black Crusade. I'm also confident I could run Only War, which is a great book, so if I get approved I would love to host a game for any interested parties. Personally, I would be more apt to run either Rogue Trader or a corruption/infiltration focused Black Crusade came. Don't want to get bogged down in combat after all.


I don't think I've ever played a Rogue Trader game that wasn't combat heavy. The RT's entourage is basically the bridge crew of the Enterprise, they always end up getting involved in sticky situations.


Hey, general modeling question. On something like that, seeing as they're plastic most times, would you use primer?

Colored primer is actually really good for adding depth of color to the object.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


From what I've read around the Internet, primer is rather necessary. It'd be especially necessary for the Sororitas minis, which are metal.

My ideas painting this miniature: I'd use Vallejo paints. From what I've read, Vallejo has great primers, which can be applied by ordinary brush, so I'd definitely prefer to use that. I'd go with a white primer, as people are saying that it's easier to paint dark colours over white, than light colours over black.

For the proper colours, I'd with black, white, silver, red, brown (for the hair and the ground), dark grey (for the gun) and flesh. Vallejo also has some washes, so I'd use them - for example, the flesh wash to try shading the face...

Quote from: Life on Mars on September 05, 2014, 09:08:47 PM
Did somebody say Warhammer 40k????

Oh. They did. Eleven pages ago.

So, I'm not approved yet and I'm getting into this late (read through the thread to make sure I'm not repeating anything) but I love the Warhammer 40K setting! It's just so fun with it's over-the-top grimdark and extreme amounts of everything. You can have some great adventures in it once you accept all of that.

Now, I don't play the tabletop war-games at all but I have own, read, and have DM'ed for Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, AND Black Crusade. I'm also confident I could run Only War, which is a great book, so if I get approved I would love to host a game for any interested parties. Personally, I would be more apt to run either Rogue Trader or a corruption/infiltration focused Black Crusade came. Don't want to get bogged down in combat after all.

Great! Let's talk if you're accepted!

Life on Mars

Has anyone else here gotten a copy of the 2nd edition rules for Dark Heresy? The pdf is selling for $30 or so and I picked up a copy a couple days ago along with Tome of Decay for Black Crusade. So far the new rules are very interesting and I would love to try them out.