Werewolf 3; VILLAGERS WIN!!

Started by Galactic Druid, May 29, 2016, 06:49:48 PM

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Quote from: Deamonbane on June 18, 2016, 04:25:58 AM
My vote remains consistent. Unlike hers. There's nothing proven about her villager-ness in my eyes, and if it takes me being lynched to show the rest of you guys that she's bad news, so be it.

Whilst it is understandable to doubt her reasoning hitherto, it still doesn't negate the fact that she's a vetted townie. As far as her pairing with Myobi is concerned, I am assuming there's obviously a reason for that... special roles notwithstanding but this is all based on speculation, like everything else, of course. Like Madame P. also said, usually the inconsistent ones are inconsistent because they are not in direct/indirect congruence with the fang-bearing sort.

We haven't had a lot of discussion here so my vote remains as it is until more light's shed on the matter. :'(
And I, methinks, am gone astray
In trackless wastes and lone.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name! | A peek is worth a thousand words!


Finals Week: Posting delays of up to 1 week/10 days


I need to get my vote in, so right now, unless someone gives me a better reason, I'm leaning toward KatKwik.


Quote from: Derwaysh on June 18, 2016, 12:01:41 AM
Actually, she has. Time and again she's offered reasoning which may not be mine or yours cuppa but she had shown consistency with her reasoning. Now is it the right reasoning or wrong we can't say. But if you read above, when the seer scried her they discovered she was a townie and whilst she still may turn out to be a Wolfman, I doubt a Wolfman would garner said publicity because of all the trouble it can bring them.
Then by your own logic, Derwaysh, is she condemned. I feel well within my rights, however, to not be suspected as a wolf for remaining consistent with my own reasoning, and my demands that she explain her shady actions. Voting for Vera, twice... just doesn't sit well with me. If she did, in fact, vote for Vera because of shady talking with Cera, why did she not make a public inquiry on the second time around? If she did, it wasn't on this thread.

Let's ignore, for the moment, the fact that Cera was then killed by the wolves that very night. Correlation does not equal causation.

The way I see it, it's down to strikes.

Strike one: Voting twice to lynch someone who was actually a villager with a very vague explanation as to how. For now, that's the one that getting me the most.

Strike two: Insisting on evading questioning or providing vague answers once cornered. I can understand her sudden change of heart in regards to Aiden, as I share the same change, but as for Myobi, I can see no innocent explanation as to why she refuses to answer that. It seems like a bad move for a villager to trust someone as implicitly as they seem to trust each other, and as she is an experienced player, I do not see her as someone to make an unwise move in this game. So either she knows something about Myobi that none of the rest of us do, or they both know something about each other, and I only see one way of that happening. Her refusal to answer questions follows in a subtler version of what every has agreed is a werewolf-like tactic, remaining silent and hoping that it all blows over.

Strike three would be an actual confirmation one way or another. I don't trust her, but I'm not 100% sold on her being a werewolf, and neither is anybody else. I choose to vote for her because she is the shadiest, in my way of understanding.

Speaking of letting someone fight someone else's battles, Madame Professor, I would like to hear what Saffron has to say about all this instead of hanging back and let Myobi and others defend her. The way I see it, I'm giving her the chance to explain her dubious behavior, a chance that she denied Vera, and so far she has been blatantly ignoring this chance.

But I'm just repeating stuff that I've said before, King Julien, so let's agree to disagree.

*offers him a tropical smoothie (Not the Maurice special)*

Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Let me clarify just a touch, I meant consistent as in consistently provided explanations not consistently voted for the same party, you know, after they have been vetted and all too. ::)

But I will accept the tropical smoothie, considering its not the Maurice special! :o
And I, methinks, am gone astray
In trackless wastes and lone.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name! | A peek is worth a thousand words!


Finals Week: Posting delays of up to 1 week/10 days

Autumn Sativus

Bane, I don't believe you to be one of them.
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Please share the logic that led you to such a conclusion, Miss Saffron.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


So, updated list:

KatKwik - 5 (Rel Mayer, Intimate Ink, Madame Professor, MintPrincess, Seranova)
Deamonbane - 4 (Derwaysh, Esoteric Myobi, Saffron, Remiel)
Saffron - 1 (Deamonbane)
Esoteric Myobi - 1 (Aiden)

Needs to vote: Sunshine Sparkle, KatKwik, NightOwl35


Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


I'm gonna have to throw my vote for KatKwik, as well.
Sera's Ons/Off's
Hello darkness, my old friend.
I've come to talk with you again.


So I made a chart (because I'm a huge nerd), and had some interesting revelations:

Assuming the Wolfman has not been killed, Mintprincess and Derwaysh have the worst records, each voting to lynch three known innocents.

Once again, assuming the Wolfman has not been killed, of the people still alive in the game, Saffron was targeted the most (twice) by known innocents.  (For reference, Amber and Vera were each targeted three times by known innocents).

HOWEVER, If you cross-reference who Saffron has voted for, and who has voted for her, if you believe Seranova's list, she cannot logically be a werewolf.  There are not enough suspicious people (only Sunshine, Myobi, and Night) on her "friends" list.  Granted, this assumes that a werewolf will not vote to lynch another werewolf.  Nevertheless, I'm going to play the odds and assume, for the moment, she can be added to the list of vetted people.

Therefore, I'm going to switch my vote to Deamonbane and see what happens.

Rel Mayer

I don't have a lot of time to write (on my phone), but I will also be switching my vote to Bane.


So, updated list:

KatKwik - 4 (Intimate Ink, Madame Professor, MintPrincess, Seranova)
Deamonbane - 6 (Rel Mayer, Derwaysh, Esoteric Myobi, Saffron, Remiel, KatKwik)
Saffron - 1 (Deamonbane)
Esoteric Myobi - 1 (Aiden)

Needs to vote: Sunshine Sparkle, NightOwl35

(switched it out since Rel changed.)

NOTE:  If you are the priest, this is an official call to please your power to vet someone tonight.  We really need that solid knowing! KTHX!

I'm not entirely sure I understand your logic there Remi.

Autumn Sativus

Mint you know that there is no choice in who the priest uses their power on? It is only used at lynch time on the person who is going to be lynched? Today that looks like Kat or Bane.
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Looking at the posts today, I'm still undecided but I have seen the error of my ways about Saffron, saving my self too and am voting Bane.

Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


*raises hands in disgust* Maybe you guys'll start taking what I say seriously once I've been lynched.

Doubt it, though, if the pattern so far is any indication.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Saffron on June 18, 2016, 07:58:46 PM
Mint you know that there is no choice in who the priest uses their power on? It is only used at lynch time on the person who is going to be lynched? Today that looks like Kat or Bane.

Oh I know. I meant make the choice to use it period.   Sorry I wasn't clear.   <3


Quote from: Rel Mayer on June 18, 2016, 12:17:56 PM
Night - I just want to say that I have no idea if you're a werewolf or a villager, but that list is freaking amazing. I've been gandering at it for a few days, and it's super detailed and easy to read. Although, it's interesting to see how often people have voted with each other.

Honestly it took a few hours to make that whole thing...starting it in google docs, and then bringing it over here just to realize it looked like such a mess. At first I had only done the alive players, then I thought that I should include dead as well just in case if they had any sort of interesting info.

Since then, I went ahead and mixed the two together, for convenience of others. There wasn't much change to who would be added to an alive players list, but for those wondering, the changes are in the spoilers.

Alive/Dead Mix Additions

Esoteric Myobi
1.Mintprincess, 2.No Lynching, 3.Aiden, 4.Aiden

  • NightOwl35- 2 {1.Mintprincess, 3.Aiden}
  • Amberstarfire - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 2.No Lynching}
1.Rel Mayer, 2.No Lynching, 3.Saffron, 4.Saffron

  • Rel Mayer - 2 {3.Saffron, 4.Saffron}
  • KatKwik - 2 {3.Saffron, 4.Saffron}
  • Verasaille - 2 {2.No Lynching, 3.Saffron}
1.Mintprincess, 2.Seranova, 3.Verasaille, 4.Esoteric Myobi

  • Derwaysh - 2 {3.Verasaille, [5.Intimate Ink]}
  • Ceralilly - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 3.Verasaille}
  • yugi006 - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 3.Verasaille}
1.Mintprincess, 2.Amberstarfire, 3.Aiden, 4.Yugi006

  • Madame Professor - 2 {2.Amberstarfire, 4.Yugi006}
  • Intimate Ink - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 4.Yugi006}
  • Esoteric Myobi - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 3.Aiden}
  • Ceralilly -2 {1.Mintprincess, 2.Amberstarfire}
  • yugi006 - 2 {1.Mintprincess, 2.Amberstarfire}

I also ended up cutting out the rest of it just to make it easier to see. I've also not done the stuff for this day since votes are still going and changing, which brings me to my next few things I want to post.

Hmmm...I keep just deleting and retyping this as my thoughts keep changing.

And as I'm writing this I notice that besides Sunshine, I'm the only vote left. Awesome.

KatKwik - 4 ( Intimate Ink, Madame Professor, MintPrincess, Seranova)
Deamonbane - 6 (Rel Mayer, Derwaysh, Esoteric Myobi, Saffron, Remiel, KatKwik)
Saffron - 1 (Deamonbane)
Esoteric Myobi - 1 (Aiden)

Needs to vote: Sunshine Sparkle, NightOwl35

So that seems to be the current way of things. I'm...struggling with where I want to place my vote at this juncture, and mostly due to what I can...speculate on that is safer that I not mention it.

At this point it looks like Deamonbane is going to hang. I could push the vote for him over, but that doesn't do me much good.

Instead I think I'll vote Esoteric Myobi.

Mainly because I'm unsure on the jump for Deamonbane. I could see points to both sides, and quite frankly arguing about it in my head is only causing me a headache, and I know that just sitting here for about an hour now going through this in my head is not doing me any favors.

At this point, I'm going to go with my speculation to someone, and see if I can't work a thought out with them and hope that things go well.

Quote from: Remiel on June 18, 2016, 07:22:29 PM
There are not enough suspicious people (only Sunshine, Myobi, and Night) on her "friends" list.

I must say that this has me curious? I don't know how I made it on the Saffron "friends" list?


Quote from: NightOwl35 on June 18, 2016, 08:33:33 PM
I must say that this has me curious? I don't know how I made it on the Saffron "friends" list?

Defined as people who have never accused Saffron, and whom Saffron has never accused.  Namely: Seranova, Mintprincess, Remiel, Madame Professor, SunshineSparkle, Aiden, Derwaysh, Myobi, and NightOwl.

Basically, my logic goes like this: if Saffron is a werewolf, then there should be at least four other people on that list.   If we remove Seranova, Mintprincess, Remiel, Madame Professor, Aiden, and Derwaysh, because of reasons, then we are left with SunshineSparkle, Myobi, and NightOwl.  That's only three.

Either Saffron cannot be a werewolf or someone has seriously been pulling the wool over my eyes.  QED.


Oh, I almost forgot: according to my nifty nifty chart, Deamonbane and Esoteric Myobi both have the best voting records, with 0 innocent lynch votes each.  As stated, Mintprincess and Derwaysh have the worst, with 3 votes each for known innocents.

What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN


I have to ask... what are these 'reasons'?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Deamonbane on June 18, 2016, 09:53:36 PM
I have to ask... what are these 'reasons'?

Logic.  I'm pretty certain all of the people on that list know who the Seer is, for example, and yet the Seer has never been targeted at night.  If I was a werewolf, eliminating the Seer is the first thing I'd do.


Quote from: Remiel on June 18, 2016, 09:53:05 PM
Oh, I almost forgot: according to my nifty nifty chart, Deamonbane and Esoteric Myobi both have the best voting records, with 0 innocent lynch votes each.  As stated, Mintprincess and Derwaysh have the worst, with 3 votes each for known innocents.

What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN

sooooo from now on I'm just going to vote for the rando person so I lynch nobody cuz that makes about as much logic as your chart :P   

Galactic Druid

It seemed so obvious; Demonbane had to be the werewolf. He was big, powerful, unwavering in the face of the danger that lurked in the night. Someone that determined, that unwavering after the chaos, it had to be one of them. It took half the village to even haul him to the gallows, where the wooden planks creaked under his weight. "Kill me if you want!" Bane bellowed. "But it won't help your cause. Maybe once I'm gone you can-" he was cut short as the executioner kicked from from the block. The gallows groaned under his weight as the rope strained at hi neck. His body thrashed, then dangled lifelessly. The village was so sure, they waited for nearly an hour, just to see if there would ever be a change, but no change came. By all accounts, despite his size and unwavering personality. Bane appeared to be a villager.

Lynching Votes

Bane - 6 Rel, Remi, KatKwik, Saffron, Derwaysh, Myobi

KatKwik - 4 Madame Prof, Ink, Sera, Mint

Myobi - 2 Aiden, NightOwl

Saffron - 1 Demonbane

Did not vote: SunshineSparkle

Galactic Druid

The Night Phase Has Begun, and Night PMs Are Out!

PMing is allowed, as it always is, but please refrain from posts in this thread until the following day phase. The OOC is always open, remember!

Galactic Druid

The crowd was sober as they'd been as they went to bed. No one wanted to think about what was to come next. Without fail, the screams began, just after midnight. The next morning, they awoke to find that Derwaysh was added to list of victims. Would it ever stop?

The Sixth Day Phase has begun!

Derwaysh was killed during the night! He appears to be a villager!

Just like before, players will be casting votes. This time, however, the 'winner' is headed to the gallows, and will be eliminated from the game. All players are required to vote, and no lynching is no longer an option! As before, please put all your votes in bold. Multiple posts, vote changing, and role playing is welcome as always, though please do not edit your posts. If you want to change your vote, please do so in a new post. The next day phase will end Wednesday, the 22nd, at 7PM.



1. Rel Mayer
2. Seranova
3. Mintprincess
4. yugi006 Deceased!
5. Remiel
6. Madame Professor
7. SunshineSparkle
8. Intimate Ink
9. Verasaille Deceased!
10. KatKwik
11. Ceralilly Deceased!
12. Christa Deceased
13. Aiden
14. AmberStarfire Deceased!
15. EmyKat Fled the village!
16. Saffron
17. Deamonbane Deceased!
18. Derwaysh Deceased!
19. Esoteric Myobi
20. NightOwl35

Roles in play At the beginning

Alpha Wolf+, Wolfman, Werewolves X2, Seer, Bodyguard, Witch, Healer, Priest, Lycan, Villagers X10