Werewolf 3; VILLAGERS WIN!!

Started by Galactic Druid, May 29, 2016, 06:49:48 PM

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Galactic Druid

And it's past 3, the voting is closed! I'll post results as soon as I tally votes and wait an a PM.

Galactic Druid

It was a close vote, but in the end, the village decided that Seranova was to be held responsible for the string of murders that plagued the village nightly. Emboldened by their recent victory, Sera was not hung, but instead, show with silver, just as Katkwik had been. Much to their dismay, Sera's body did not change. Even worse, while it was meant to kill a werewolf, a silver arrow to the heart was still just as lethal to a human. If there was anything mroe to Sera, it certainly didn't show. It was safe to assume they had killed another seemingly innocent villager, with nothing new to show for themselves.

Lynching Votes

Seranova - 4 (Rel, Remi, Sunshine, Ink)

SunshineSparkle - 2 (Seranova, Mintprincess)

Remi - 1 (Aiden)

Nightowl - 1 (Saffron)

Did not vote - Myobi

Unable to vote - NightOwl

Galactic Druid

The Night Phase Has Begun, and Night PMs Are Out!

PMing is allowed, as it always is, but please refrain from posts in this thread until the following day phase. The OOC is always open, remember!

Galactic Druid

The following day arrived, and many villagers were surprised to find they were still alive in their beds as they woke. At least, most of them were. Esoteric Myobi was nowhere to be seen, save for the bloody remains in her home. With so few of them left, they were down to their last chance, or so it felt. If they didn't get rid of the wolves that day, they were good as dead.

The Eighth Day Phase has begun!

Esoteric Myobi was killed during the night! She appears to be a villager!

Just like before, players will be casting votes. This time, however, the 'winner' is headed to the gallows, and will be eliminated from the game. All players are required to vote, and no lynching is no longer an option! As before, please put all your votes in bold. Multiple posts, vote changing, and role playing is welcome as always, though please do not edit your posts. If you want to change your vote, please do so in a new post.

Once again, the day phase will last 48 hours, ending on Tuesday, at 10PM.



1. Rel Mayer
2. Seranova Deceased!
3. Mintprincess
4. yugi006 Deceased!
5. Remiel
6. Madame Professor Deceased!
7. SunshineSparkle
8. Intimate Ink
9. Verasaille Deceased!
10. KatKwik Deceased!
11. Ceralilly Deceased!
12. Christa Deceased
13. Aiden
14. AmberStarfire Deceased!
15. EmyKat Fled the village!
16. Saffron
17. Deamonbane Deceased!
18. Derwaysh Deceased!
19. Esoteric Myobi Deceased!
20. NightOwl35 Here in Spirit!

Roles in play At the beginning

Alpha Wolf+, Wolfman, Werewolves X2, Seer, Bodyguard, Witch, Healer, Priest, Lycan, Villagers X10


Well we are fucked, let's get on with this then.

Let's hang Ink.

Autumn Sativus

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~

Intimate Ink

Right.  Well, while I try to compose a good response to that extraordinarily well laid-out and reasoned argument, I figure I’ll actually give playing the game a try.

So, that sucked.  Particularly since it feels like we are two steps forward and one step back with our knowledge.  It’s important to take note that the Wolfman is not among us.  If so, the game would be over.  That still does leave the alpha wolf power unaccounted for, unless it was Kat.  I’m not particularly fond of that theory, though, honestly.  Looking at the possible wolves, I just don’t see why of all the players that she would have been their pick. For the sake of spelling it out, that would also mean Amber, Vera, Yugi, Deamonbane, or Seranova was the wolfman.

While I’d love to feel so confident that I found the Wolfman in Sera: I’m just not.  I'm also not confident he was not the wolfman, mind you. Consequently I have to think of other possibilities, though.  Remiel’s theory that Bane was the Wolfman seems like an equally plausible one.  If that was the case, it definitely is not looking very good for NightOwl since it lends some weight to Remiel’s theory that he did not vote for either KatKwik or Deamonbane on Day 5 because they were allies.

Mind you, since Remiel is among one of the better turn targets, I also have to consider the possibility that being a wolf he knew who the Wolfman was.  Therefore, anticipating the reveal that the Wolfman’s death was going to be obvious, he set up a trap to make NightOwl guilty at the time.   He talks about me being "quite clever," but I have to think that he’s just trying to make me forget how everyone’s knee-jerk reaction to his own name is “ohhh… Remiel is tricky!

At this point I could actually find plenty to say about each and every one of you, sans Aiden, to make me suspicious, mind you.  (I can’t even accuse Aiden of being the biggest troll.)  That includes myself.  At this point in the game, though, I have to stick with the “most likely” scenario because we don’t have any mistakes to make at this point. 

Consequently, I have to go for NightOwl, though am open to changing my vote.  I hate doing it to someone not here, but it really comes down to trusting the people around each of them.   I have heard numerous people I know to be innocent say Remiel is to be trusted this game, and I’m feeling confused enough that the opinions of people I trust, living or dead, matter.  Here is hoping that damn pirate isn't being so charming he's fooled me and so many others this time around.


It's time to reveal your true face, Ink.

O&O    A&A    Avatars


Like I said...fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me. 

No hard feelings, Intimate Ink.  You were a worthy adversary.


Quote from: Madame Professor on June 19, 2016, 05:06:59 PM
Here is thing guys...

I honestly believe Remi IS the Lycan. Here is why: if he believe Der OR Sera was the Seer... he would not have let them live this long.

I also don't think Saffron is a wolf.

My suspects at the moment are KatKwik, Myobi, Ink, Sunshine, and Nightowl.

Seriously... I will happily lynch any of the folks on this list. Eagerly so.

Intimate Ink is fine this round. And then the rest of that list goes next. 

Rel Mayer


Honestly, I'm gonna be a butt and vote Night. I'm not 100% sure about Ink.


Such a hipster, always having to go against the mainstream.


Anyone want to give their reasons for Ink vs Night?

I leaned to Night earlier because of the logic Remy pointed out in the Kat vs Bane vote that kept him under the radar.  Ink is a great player though and really good at presenting shit so logically that he sounds right even when he's playing wolf (as Remy pointed out cuz last game.  Since he had four votes anyway, mine didn't much matter. 

And if they are both wolves, then it doesn't really matter. 

But it is nice to hear why. Since we have a day, we can debate the two.  Or if no one is wanting to change/talk can we vote to close early and move on?

Lutz Aiden.  The guy who voted Remy last round.

Rel Mayer

Honestly I just don't want a 100% swing for Ink. It feels like it means that the wolves are giving him up on a silver platter to sacrifice, or that the wolves are setting him up.

Personally, Ink is a good player and had it out for a wolf before we knew for sure that the wolves were giving Kat as a sacrifice. That makes me think that he may be villager.


Here are the voting patterns

It's just as possible he was throwing Kat under the bus.   After all, nearly everyone voted for her round six.

Intimate Ink

It is okay, Rel.   Everyone knows that when with one bad village kill could lose the game, "it is just as possible that" is really the smart play. 

Intimate Ink

Fine, fine, you all have me!

I do have a confession to make.

I, Intimate Ink, have lust in my heart for one swarthy and sexy pirate. 

Since I have been given very little information as to why I am accused to even argue against, I will instead be taking these final few hours to  present my case to the Gods on why he should give up on that skanky Swan girl, and instead make sweet, sweet pirate love to me.  My innocence, but more importantly the sweetness of my love, will be revealed as the night draws down.  To begin?

Easy, easy on the eyes!
Made for me!
I would gladly hang for him a thousand more times!
Elevates me, challenges me to be a better Ink!
Lust.  Oh, how this night would be better if my death would not end in a hanging, but instead going down on his long plank.

Oh love, oh you poor, poor misguided love.

Rest assured this is only the beginning.



I might have changed have my vote if I had gotten a poem :(

(But it was amazing!)

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Mintprincess on June 28, 2016, 03:58:35 PM
I might have changed have my vote if I had gotten a poem :(

(But it was amazing!)

How cute of you to think I'm done.  Buckle up, kids.

Autumn Sativus

Did we have some secret siblings happening? Well, you both die then. Lawlz. ::)
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~

Rel Mayer

I think we should all obviously change our votes away from Ink and to another after that beautiful poem.

I wanna see this romance pan out. -grabs popcorn.-

Intimate Ink

Lemurs!  Our beloved Derwaysh has fallen!  I plead you now to join me!
With a scurry the lemurs quickly take the gallows stage.  Why our beloved Ink uses his spontaneous power to have them gather the angry mobs torches and affix them like a spotlight to the side of the gallows stage is a mysterious question.  He could use them to escape.. but no!! HE DOES NOT!!!  Will we ever know why?

Then again:  Maybe we already do.  Twue Wuv!!!!!  :-* :-*

Intimate Ink sighs, realizing there isn’t jewelry around, dammit.  This requires a heart pendant.  Lacking any option he shrugs and carves into Yugi’s chest and puts his on a sterling silver chain – (what, I’m not a monster, he didn’t have a use for it anymore!  It’s just like the Native Americans!  At least use the parts of all these innocent villagers that you all are lynching… incidentially, Remiel, if you have any use for my corpse, by all means, FEEL Free.  OH YEAH.  You can send those pics to heaven plz thx.)


No, no, I can’t be side tracked like this.  I am a DIVA!  Lemurs, fasten the beautifully crafted Yugi-heart pendant around my neck, please.  Thank you!  Thank you my dear subjects!

Do, remi!!!  Do re mi sol!!!!”

With windswept hair our fair, beloved misunderstood hero steps into the spotlight!!

Eeeevery night in my dreams!
I see you, I feel you.
That is how I know my pirate, will go on!

Sure he keeps me at distance,
Denies to me his penis,
Tells me that my crush is so wrong!

But near, far, pirate whereeeeever you are!
I believe that my love for you will go on!

Just leeet me touch you one time,
Before the end of my life line!
Then I will peacefully… go on.

Emma Swan will never love you!
She’ll just cheat and she’ll hurt you!
But my love will always be stronnnnnng!

I do know that my love will go on!!!!
Sure, you still sayyyy,
That you will 'not do gay',
But YOU ARE MINE pirate,
And my love will go onnn anddd onnn.


Quote from: Intimate Ink on June 28, 2016, 04:03:59 PM
How cute of you to think I'm done.  Buckle up, kids.
Ooooh so I do get one?

Although honestly after a day to think, I still think Night is a wolf and even though he isn't here to defend himself he also isn't here to play.  Sunshine also plays even less than Night (when he was here he played) but she is here.  So I'm going to go ahead and change my vote that doesn't much matter to Night on the belief they are all wolves, but it's more fair to eliminate the missing person than the active ones.

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Mintprincess on June 28, 2016, 04:53:36 PM
Ooooh so I do get one?

Although honestly after a day to think, I still think Night is a wolf and even though he isn't here to defend himself he also isn't here to play.  Sunshine also plays even less than Night (when he was here he played) but she is here.  So I'm going to go ahead and change my vote that doesn't much matter to Night on the belief they are all wolves, but it's more fair to eliminate the missing person than the active ones.

OMG you can totally be the bridesmaid at Remiel and I's wedding. 


Nope.  I am the Maid of Honor!  I'm too amazing to be anything less than the best of the fair maidens who support you and Remiel in your true love!!