Werewolf 3; VILLAGERS WIN!!

Started by Galactic Druid, May 29, 2016, 06:49:48 PM

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Intimate Ink

Quote from: Mintprincess on June 28, 2016, 05:30:25 PM
Nope.  I am the Maid of Honor!  I'm too amazing to be anything less than the best of the fair maidens who support you and Remiel in your true love!!


OMG it is going to be epic.

Rel Mayer

Such a beautiful marriage of werewoofs!


Wow, Ink.  Just...wow.   I am, for once, speechless.

It's still not going to save you, though.   ;)

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Remiel on June 28, 2016, 05:34:45 PM
Wow, Ink.  Just...wow.   I am, for once, speechless.

It's still not going to save you, though.   ;)

Not asking for your trust tonight, pirate.  Just the two most beautiful words from your impossibly chisled and swarthy mouth tonight: I do.

Autumn Sativus

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Intimate Ink

Gracious!  There is so much work to be done!!!
Leemurs!  Oh Leemurs, my dear friends!  Do fine the one-eyed snaggle tooth medium among you! Yes, a lemur medium!  (It could happen.) I have an important message to send at once!  Now, let’s see…

Across the veil,
My fellow villagers lie. 
Beloved friend, I beseech you to
Escape the chains of death and
Remind us Love Conquers all.  For I
& Remiel shall
Marry tonight.
Your grace is needed to bless our
One Heart.
Be our bridesmaids, our anchors in the storm.
Intimate Ink.

Oh my!  Now Blue Jays!  Blue Jays come to me!!!

Whew, it's a good thing wolves don't eat blue jays, there are still plenty of you to fly through the town!  Here!  Here!  Spread these around!  Get the refreshments ready!  Spray Stargazer Lillies and confetti across the gallows, we need to make them much more loving and festive! 

At once!!! TO ALL THE TOWN!!!!

Autumn Sativus

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Remiel on June 28, 2016, 06:18:06 PM
I'mma just leave this here.

I knew you loved me!  I knew it!  You're wrong about me, but that's okay.  It only means we will be united so, so soon my love!!!  I hope the same wolf eats some of you and me both so that way it will be like we are together forever inside them.  It will almost be as beautiful as that time you got really drunk and were inside of me.

*starstruck sigh*



ZOMG, that invitation card tho...   ;D


Quote from: Intimate Ink on June 28, 2016, 06:24:19 PM
I knew you loved me!  I knew it!  You're wrong about me, but that's okay.  It only means we will be united so, so soon my love!!!  I hope the same wolf eats some of you and me both so that way it will be like we are together forever inside them.  It will almost be as beautiful as that time you got really drunk and were inside of me.

*starstruck sigh*


Intimate Ink

"I think I will buy the flowers myself!"  Ink said, musing to one of the many blue jays that had been assisting him in preparations for the night.  There was a war going on in the town, but that was not important now. No, the only thing that was important was that he was about to become the lucky spouse of Remiel the Pirate for the rest of his life. Okay, so maybe that was not going to be a terribly long time, but... details!

The setting had to be just perfect.  That was more difficult than one might imagine given the wedding was to take place at the gallows, where the bodies of one werewolf and many a town person were left hanging in the sun.  Still, Ink took all the special steps to dress their still-dangling bodies in the most dashing of formal wear.  That was a particularly difficult task given that Kat was... well not exactly human proportions anymore.  Fortune was clearly smiling at Ink when he managed to find the forest green crushed velvet Mumu at the thrift store, though.  Mumus were not supposed to look like they fit right, after all.  She now looked like any other miserably dressed bridesmaid at a hanging-slash-wedding who also just happened to be a decomposing wolf body.

The wine was prepared to flow.  Given that there was barely a villager left alive, Ink saw no problem with having an open bar.  Even more importantly: he had secretly stolen the last of Vera's coffee beans, which were now marinating in her still-worn bra. Many thanks to the magical narrator voice of ThatRPGuy to fill him on that little secret.  Oh, the town would be so surprised to taste her special recipe once more!

Now, though, now it was time to assemble that special bouquet.  Ink knew where he must go to pick the flowers for it.  It was where he first meet saw his beloved Pirate so long ago.


Now, as all the finest artists in the land so beautifully represented, Ink was always quite the fair, handsome fellow.  Truly, the only one in all the land that was even more majestic than him was, of course, a pirate.  (Yes, of course I'm talking about that pirate; who the hell else would I be talking about?)

As Ink gathered the calla-lilies from the field, he recalled the first time he saw that chiseled hunk of man-candy that was Remiel in that very location.  Ink’s heart was clearly won over the moment he saw such a truly exquisite being.  And yet, the pirate rebuked his breathless need, and instead insisted about asking him about what he would do if he was co-writing illicit stories with someone, and that partner stopped replying.

Ink was devastated!!!!  There was only one man for him.  There was only one man whose replies to his stories mattered... but all that slab of piratey mansex could do was keep asking Ink questions!!  Did he not see that they were meant to be together?!  What writing other than the sweet, sweet vows that they would say to each other mattered now?!

Galactic Druid

I was so busy watching all this I nearly forgot the day phase is ending. I'll give it an extra hour for you guys to wrap up since 10 crept up on me, then close the polls.

Intimate Ink

“You mean… you mean you don’t know?!”

Ink was beside himself, crying into the arms of his good friend… uh… Madame Profesor!  Yes.   His good friend Madame Professor.

“Just read his ons and offs!  He’s just not into you!  There will be others, though.  I don’t know why you are even so concerned, Ink, when you are clearly the handsomest, smartest, wisest, and – most of all – clearly the most humble of all the people in our village!”

“But you will never have Remiel, Ink!  Never!”

Little, of course, did poor sweet Ink know at the time that Madame Professor was always evil.  Even when she was not a wolf, she still was evil. 

Always.  No, seriously – I would like to vote to lynch Madame Professor in the next game I play with her, whatever it is.  Even if we are playing Candyland; trust me, she’ll stab you in the back with a sharpened candycane as you gayly stroll through the Peppermint Forest if you let her.

Oh, but Ink didn’t realize that!  He wept; he wept for the pirate who would not love him, and his heart grew so very heavy!

Intimate Ink

... That was in the past, though, right?

Does the past really matter?

There was a wedding to be had.  The gallows looked quite lavish with the floral bouquets.  The few nooses the town had not used yet were folded into elegant partridge shapes alongside matching napkins.  Ink had commissioned the wedding planner to clean out the pyre used to burn witches from game's past, and instead filled it with a beautiful chocolate fountain.  Sure, if one was greedy and dipped their strawberry a little too deep into the once witch-torture pit, it would taste just faintly of singed human flesh, but at least the witch remains had been previously certified gluten-free.

For long magical moments Ink danced the night away with his beloved pirate. He had forgotten about the past and future: for once, it was only the present that mattered.  Only his sweet, sweet husband-to-be pirate who knew just how to kiss Ink, how to make him feel so much more beautiful than that no-nothing, vile, ugly Emma Swan who had once threatened to steal Remiel away.

Ink had found the perfect man.  And not just because he was god-modding Reniel's actions throughout the story, either.

Autumn Sativus

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~

Galactic Druid

Alright guys, it's time! This time for real!

Intimate Ink

Oh!  Oh how the wedding was wonderful!

Ink looked so much better than that skanky Swan girl ever did.  And Remiel well.. just look at him.  No, seriously, go look.  I’ll wait.  The most glorious and handsome devil of them all, am-I-right-ladies-and-fellas-of-a-certain-persuasion?  Hell yeah!  And he was all Ink’s.

MintPrincess was ravishing as always.  Being the Sheriff of the land she was both Maid of Honor and Officiator for the wedding.  Oh and the bridesmaids!!!  The lemur medium had outdone himself conjuring both Myobi and Amber who had accepted the invitation gladly; after all, being angels now they knew there was only one word to describe the love between Remiel and Intimate Ink:  Heavenly.

Ink and Remiel kissed and the people cheered; the music soared, and the entire town forgot their differences and began to dance.  For one magic moment, no one cared any more.  There was, dare I say it, world peace.

It was only as Remiel finally held Intimate Ink in his arms, against his chest, Intimate Ink began to cry.  At first Remiel simply thought it was because of the skilled music of pop mistress Adele, whom the leemurs had tracked down to perform at the wedding.  Adele, of course, hearing of the intensity of Ink’s love for the pirate gladly performed for the pair of lovers for free.

“What… what’s wrong, my sexy and sweet and absolute-perfect Intimate Ink?”  The pirate spoke, his eyes finally aflame with the truth that his heart had denied for so long!

“It… it… it’s just so beautiful,” Ink sobbed, “I don’t want it to end.”

“It won’t.  Of course it won’t!  Is this because of that little lover’s quarrel we had?  When I said you were a werewolf and must die?  You know I never actually meant any of that!  It’s forgotten.”

Remiel stood like the proud and protective husband he now was.  “You hear me!  Anyone who wants to harm Ink must come through me first!  I withdraw my vote a thousand times!”

Yet Ink still sobbed, his tears inconsolable, even when touched by the pirate’s perfect mouth.

“But... but my dear pirate.  I am a wolf and must die.  You know that!  Or do you?  I just can't say one way or the other because the game is going on still!!  After being told that you would never love me by Madame Professor I began experimenting in werewolves.  You know, as troubled teenagers do.  I… I became addicted to being a werewolf as a teenager because of that!  I can’t stop.  I want to, but I can’t quit it… I can’t quit it… just like I can’t quit you, Remiel!  That’s right, I can’t quit you!”

Remiel kissed his beloved’s cheek, now crying himself.  “It doesn’t matter!  It doesn’t matter anymore!  The town and the wolves can live in peace now, it’s okay!  Ink:  You complete me.  You think I don't love you after hearing this?  I STILL DO.

Ink smiled softly, sadly, “Oh, but it must matter…”  And that’s when Ink held out his hand.  The bottle was unmistakable.  It was Vera’s wolfbane that she always laced in the coffee; Ink must have taken it when he stole her beans!  It was empty now, though, drunk before the lovers' dance even started. 

“Doctor!  Doctor!”  Remiel cried.

But no, Ink had known his love would try to stop him.  The act was done too long ago for him to be saved.

In true drama-queen style Ink’s feet began to give way, his beautiful, beautiful face (so much more beautiful than Emma Swan’s…) growing pale and diaphoretic.  Remiel tried to support him, taking Ink in his arms and holding him to his chest, “No, no love…”

And Ink looked up into those beautiful dark pirate eyes for the last time, and offered his final breaths with an uneasy gasp. “You… you… beautiful bastard, at least hold me lower against you when I die.  I’m still a gay male… let me feel your famous Helmeted Crotch Pirate just.. one... time…”

And Remiel did. And Ink died a happy man werewolf

The village all cried.  Sure, they were saved another night... but at what cost?


Still, even though the town unanimously decided to rename their fair hamlet Intimate-Inks-alot they stuck Remiel’s poor and only love one on the gallows anyway, ‘cause they can be jerks like that.


I declare this to be officially canon.

Galactic Druid

It is Canon. Ink had special permission to post the flavor text for this lynching.

Galactic Druid

As you have seen, Intimate Ink was a werewolf, thought a rather brilliant one I must say. I believe I see where your moniker came from, Ink!

Lynching Votes

Ink - 5 (Mint, Saffron, Aiden, Remi, Sunshine)

Remi - 1 (Ink... I'm petty sure anyway?)

Nightowl - 1 (Rel)

Galactic Druid

The Night Phase Has Begun, and Night PMs Are Out!

PMing is allowed, as it always is, but please refrain from posts in this thread until the following day phase. The OOC is always open, remember!

Galactic Druid

Aiden was found dead in his room the following day. The only thing he left behind was a tattered journal entry that read "Took them long enough!" By all accounts, he appeared to be a Villager!

The Ninth Day Phase has begun!

Aiden was killed during the night! He appears to be a villager!

Sorry for the lack of fun flavor, especially after Ink's amazing work. I'm still really sore, and am having trouble maintaining long periods of focus between the soreness and the meds.

Just like before, players will be casting votes. This time, however, the 'winner' is headed to the gallows, and will be eliminated from the game. All players are required to vote, and no lynching is no longer an option! As before, please put all your votes in bold. Multiple posts, vote changing, and role playing is welcome as always, though please do not edit your posts. If you want to change your vote, please do so in a new post.

Once again, the day phase will last 48 hours, ending on Tuesday, at 10PM.



1. Rel Mayer
2. Seranova Deceased!
3. Mintprincess
4. yugi006 Deceased!
5. Remiel
6. Madame Professor Deceased!
7. SunshineSparkle
8. Intimate Ink Married and off on a honeymoon somewhere exotic!
9. Verasaille Deceased!
10. KatKwik Deceased!
11. Ceralilly Deceased!
12. Christa Deceased!
13. Aiden Decsesed!
14. AmberStarfire Deceased!
15. EmyKat Fled the village!
16. Saffron
17. Deamonbane Deceased!
18. Derwaysh Deceased!
19. Esoteric Myobi Deceased!
20. NightOwl35 Here in Spirit!

Roles in play At the beginning

Alpha Wolf+, Wolfman, Werewolves X2, Seer, Bodyguard, Witch, Healer, Priest, Lycan, Villagers X10

Autumn Sativus

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


I'm going to assume that was saffron sarcasm there lol. 

Ok. Three down. Two to go. Whose next. Nightowl? Sunshine?

Eh lets get gong. Nightowl