Corrupt a wish

Started by Twilightfiredragon, October 04, 2011, 02:08:49 PM

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And you don't because someone kidnaps you and keep you hostage for the rest of your life!

I wish i had three days off like the day shift gets this weekend!

Kit Cat

And so you are granted the extra day in exchange for working all the rest of the days of your life.

I wish peanut butter never existed


(Peanut Allergy? or just don't like peanut butter?)

Granted but now jam refuses to enter you domicile

I wish modern teenagers had a better work ethic!

Kit Cat

(loathe peanut butter, but everyone around me thinks I'm nuts...pardon the pun!)

Granted, but their ethic drives them to increase production of those annoying you tube videos about their nose hair which takes over every entertainment channel in the world.

I wish it was easier to match this outfit properly


(Sorry can't relate, i eat peanut butter by the tablespoonful!)

Easily accomplished- you've take the out fit to a store find the perfect matches only to have a homeless person steal it away from you!

i wish TV was more like the late seventies through early eighties! Good comedies and police shows!

Kit Cat

Granted - TV is exactly like that of the 70's and 80's by dint of all your favourite shows being remade due to a lack of creativity or invention...sadly they are all awful and don't match up to the original.

I wish this wasn't actually so close to reality that its fact!


Granted  but all TV becomes reality TV making it really bad!

I wish reality TV shows would disappear off TV!

Kit Cat

Reality shows are banished from tv...but in return you are cursed to be the star of one for the rest of your life. Congratulations Truman!

I wish they wouldn't use dead stars for adverts


Granted no more dead stars- you have to do all the advertisement yourself  without getting paid or having anytime off!

I wish my girlfriend wouldn't invite her "Soap Club" over to watch Coronation Street On Sundays!

Kit Cat

Granted, now they watch emmerdale, eastenders and hollyoaks instead  ;D

I wish this heat would end


(Join the club, here in Southern Ontario it has just started and according to the future weather forecast it doesn't  look like it's to break until the third week of July! Constant temperatures in the high twenties with humidex values into the mid to high 30's and forties Celsius!)

Granted it leaves only to be replaced with minus 10 degrees temperature and very low windchill values  daily!

I wish Canada was closer to The United Kingdom!

Kit Cat

(I'm melting just thinking about it, though its constant 30's here too)

Granted, but now you have to deal with Brexit too!

I wish Doctor Who was back sooner


Granted, one day inside you bedroom a weird sound occurs out of your closet comes a woman (Bet William Hartnell is rolling over in his grave)Asking you to be her new companion! Yes Kit Cat your just found out Doctor Who is a reality TV show not a BBC fiction show!

I wish there was more time in a day to write!

Kit Cat

(Bill Hartnell hasn't stopped spinning yet from the 'movie' they made with 8!)

Granted, the day is never ending now, but all apparatus for writing, whether paper, computer or other form no longer exists, and your words will never be seen.

I wish Monday was part of the weekend


(Ah yes the piece of Americanize trash that if it wasn't for the radio series wouldn't be included into the Doctor Who Mythos!)

Granted but then your Mondays becomes Tuesday and you complain about that so much that eventually every day is part of the weekend which is alright since your unemployed!

I wish my body could had a mechanism that let me pass kidney stones without the pain involved!


Granted, but it leaves a hole that will never close again. (I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this!)

I wish people didn’t exhaust me in real life.


(Thank you Soulfire that helps makes the pain less bothersome!)

Wish granted all people refuse to have anything to do with you making you totally relaxed!

I wish people would read and comment on a person's story posted here!

Kit Cat

(Hope it passes soon!)

Everyone reads and comments on the stories posted here, but the system plays up and the comments become translated into machine code, so you will never know what has been said.

I wish my muse wasnt so fickle


Quote from: Kit Cat on July 02, 2018, 06:06:16 PM
(Hope it passes soon!)

Everyone reads and comments on the stories posted here, but the system plays up and the comments become translated into machine code, so you will never know what has been said.

I wish my muse wasnt so fickle

Granted but now you're constantly busy with non-writing related things unless you're sleeping.

EDIT: (Pressed enter too soon) I wish I could easily find faceclaims.

Kit Cat

Granted, you gain a folder full of face claims within the space of an hour...and all your possible ideas for them disappear for good.

I will time didn't go fast when you were having fun


Quote from: Kit Cat on July 03, 2018, 03:50:36 AM
Granted, you gain a folder full of face claims within the space of an hour...and all your possible ideas for them disappear for good.

I will time didn't go fast when you were having fun
Granted but now you are constantly depressed and incapable of having fun.

I wish I knew the perfect way to parent.

Kit Cat

Congratulations, you are now Mary Poppins and now can tell any other parent how to be perfect, without ever being able to practice it yourself.

I wish I knew what I knew now when I was younger (ooh la la)

Nameless One

Granted! You're a sweet little girl, with an awesomely cynical, bitter, jaded personality! All the other children are scared by you and adults talk about therapy...  :o

I wish that the girl I'm dating and my best female friend wouldn't hate each other so much and be so terribly jealous.
It is "Torment". It is that which draws all tormented souls to you. The flesh knows it suffers, even when the mind has forgotten. And so you wear the rune always.

Ons and Offs

Kit Cat

Quote from: Nameless One on July 04, 2018, 04:37:00 AM
Granted! You're a sweet little girl, with an awesomely cynical, bitter, jaded personality! All the other children are scared by you and adults talk about therapy...  :o

I wish that the girl I'm dating and my best female friend wouldn't hate each other so much and be so terribly jealous.

(apart from the sweet part, that was scarily accurate!)

Granted, they no longer hate each other; in fact they have fallen in love and eloped without a word and you will never see them again, apart from in the wedding picture they will send you as a keepsake!

I wish there weren't so many drivers on the road who didn't know what they were doing

Nameless One

Granted: now the crappy drivers know what they're doing... They're driving like arseholes on purpose! And that makes them much more annoying!

I wish I manage to become a wonderful college teacher!
It is "Torment". It is that which draws all tormented souls to you. The flesh knows it suffers, even when the mind has forgotten. And so you wear the rune always.

Ons and Offs