The Story Lottery - Information and Participant Profiles

Started by Britwitch, January 22, 2023, 01:28:46 PM

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Life in Color

Name: Life in Color
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E (But very story-specific)], [BON], [BON-E (But very story-specific)]
Preferred pairings: M-F, prefer female but not opposed to Males depending on who/what (IE: I could probably write Clark Kent / Superman at this point)
Preferred genres: Romance, historical, modern, fantasy (all levels), superheroes and superheroes and superheroes, fanfiction (Let's compare notes and find something that jives with us both - I'm a slut for crossovers)
Preferred content: Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1 or 2
Typical post length: Flexible with this - and expect my partner to be flexible, too - I don't feel like every post needs to be novel but sometimes longer posts are necessary. <3
Typical posting rate: This is so muse dependent, but let's say slow to moderate just to give myself some space, but multiple posts a day aren't out of the question if we're vibing. 



Name: wind_voyager
Preferred story tags: BON-E, L-E, NC-E
Preferred pairings: M/M, F/m, All my characters are switches
Preferred genres: Horror, psychological horror, darker themes, Five Nights at Freddys.  No interest in fantasy, super hero or supernatural.
Preferred content: Prefer story\character driven over smut heavy. I like it when smut is organic and not shoehorned into the plot. I have no interest in human only characters and less interest in overly sexualized characters.
Maximum number of stories: 2-3
Typical post length Flexible
Typical posting rate: Moderate

midnight diamond

Name: midnight diamond
Preferred story tags: [NA], [BON], [NC-H], [EX] (for violence/snuff)
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, fantasy, paranormal/supernatural, post-apocalyptic
Preferred content: Story heavy (roughly 60-70% story, 30-40% smut)
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: Tends to vary, but usually around 300-500 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate to rapid


Name: Mainsnoires
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [NC-H].
Preferred pairings: M-F I only play male and I prefer my character to be dominant.
Preferred genres: Sci-fi, Historical/alt-historical, Western, Superheroes, Fandom, Fantasy, Action, Epic adventures.
Preferred content: Story heavy.
Maximum number of stories: just 1.
Typical post length: 500+ words.
Typical posting rate: Slow (once/twice a week)


Name: Atenai

Preferred story tags: [L-H], lighter [BON-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F pairings, I write women who tend more toward switch/sub. (No dom experience.)
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi/fantasy, contemporary, paranormal... can try historical but my accuracy may be dependent on the time period. Open to other ideas.
Preferred content: Flexible, but prefer stories to quick character hookups.

Maximum number of stories: ONE. Gotta start small.

Typical post length: I usually write about 500 words per post; however, I tend to match my partners, and I can write quite a bit now and then. 200 words only good in very limited circumstances. I'd rather write more than less. Longest story post to date is 2600+.
Typical posting rate: Slow (I've been scattered of late, so I don't want to promise)

Note: I keep my O/Os, A/As, and requests thread links in my signature, as well as a complete list of the RPs I've been part of on site to my knowledge (might have missed one or two over the years) on the Elluiki, though it's out of date.

IRL Status: Offline. On hiatus.

Atenai's Addictions (O/Os & Ideas), Requests, and Apologies [NEW! 17 Jun '23]
Elluiki User Page (Bio, Stories Old and New)   "Fucking insatiable, teasing brat."


Name: Sorcha
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [NC-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F,M-TransF F-TransF  = Hoping to play a sub/switch character.
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, paranormal, Action/Adventure/Horror (You can pretty much sell me anything with a good enough story hook)
Preferred content: Flexible - but with a fair amount of sexual content.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: Depends on who I'm writing with, I usually try and match my partners post length - (I try and avoid very long posts as they often restrict the other partners options too much.)
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so)
On Discord as Sorcha#5671


Name: Britwitch
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON-H], [NC-H], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F
Preferred genres: Romance, slice of life/contemporary, historical, thriller, action/adventure
Preferred content: Flexible either way. Generally leaning towards story heavy but for a one shot more smut isn't an issue
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 500+ words as a rule but can easily be 1000+ if that fits the story/setting/pacing etc.
Typical posting rate: Hovering somewhere between Slow and Moderate in general but can have the odd rapid fire evening (CET) or weekend day now and then

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [BDSM/Kink] Pretty good with pure story and no smut but I've been known to write a thing or two that is  riddled with naughty bits. I added the BDSM/Kink tag for reasons, Pm me if you have a question.
Preferred pairings: M-F
Preferred genres: Urban Fantasy, Magepunk, Historical, Southern Gothic, Noir, Slice of Life, Steampunk, Pulp/High Adventure, Anything with magic can be on the table.
Preferred content: usually Story heavy but not opposed to smut.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 1000 - 1500
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week or less)


Name: Dale
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], UN.
Preferred pairings: M-F. Can write any M NPC’s.
Preferred genres: Romance, Slice of Life contemporary to 19th- 20th century – earlier historical, Action/Adventure.
Preferred content: Story heavy, Flexible about smut, preferably sensual, small d domination..
Maximum number of stories: 1.
Typical post length: 500+ words.
Typical posting rate: Moderate, Replies in 1- 5 days.


Name: Captain Erotica
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E] [BON] [BON-E] [NC-H] [NC-E] [UN]
Preferred pairings:  M-F, F-F
Preferred genres: Romance, Horror, Comedy, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, pretty much anything.
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 100-1000 words depending on the situation and my Muse.
Typical posting rate: Moderate (2-3 times/week), slow (1/week)

Lovely Complex

Name: Lovely Complex
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E] [BON-H] [BON-E] [NC-H] [EX-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F, M-M (I primarily write switch characters but adaptable)
Preferred genres: Romance, contemporary/slice of life, historical, medieval, modern, supernatural, drama, crime
Preferred content: Flexible either way but do prefer equal story-smut ratio
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 500+ words
Typical posting rate: Moderate


Name: CassieBear
Preferred story tags: [NA] [L-H]
Preferred pairings: F-F M-M M-F
Preferred genres: Romance, Slice of Life, Horror, Modern, Crime, Drama, Post-Apocalyptic
Preferred content: Story Heavy
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: Anywhere from 300 words to as many as 1500 words depending on situation and partner
Typical posting rate: Incredibly slow; usually it's posted in my signature.
Ideas|O/O's|Post Tracker
Click Me!
Random PMs always welcome.
Roleplays:Not actively seeking.
Posting Frequency: Up to a Month
Replies Owed: 0 of 4


Name: Candied (but call me K.)
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E] [BON] [NC-H] - I’m super flexible but have to know that the person I’m writing with will give justice to more extreme requests.
Preferred pairings: M-M, M-F, F-F, in order of preference. I play all genders.
Preferred genres: Dystopian apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Fantasy.
Preferred content: Gimmie story, gimmie smut.
Maximum number of stories: 1- 2
Typical post length: I give what I get, but looking for a good 5ish paragraphs onwards.
Typical posting rate: =Moderate (every other day or so), but if I’m excited it could be more frequently.


Name: SheenaTiger
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], , [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E] with a strong preference for the submissive parts in pairings.
Preferred pairings: F-F including Futa (my definition might be different though)
Preferred genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy, Medieval
Preferred content: Smut heavy, but needs some story to it.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: varies with scene and partner, 300-500 or 1000+ not unusual in the posts I checked for this
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate
Generally slow between posts ... sorry but Health-Issues and other RL-Things happen.
My RP-Search / BDSM-Test (2015-08-16) / BDSM-Test (2018-12-23) / BDSM-Test (2022-11-28) / My A&A (2020-12-16)

QuoteThe complete Domination over a Submissive is not based on fear and harshness, but is based on trust, love, guidance and understanding.


 Name: Starcaller
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [NC-H] [UN]
Preferred pairings: M-F, FxF
Preferred genres: Cyberpunk, Horror, Medieval Fantasy (either high or low), Sci-Fi, maybe even some good ol' Slice of Life.
Preferred content: Flexible. Smut will happen, it's only a matter of how easy our characters spark each other up.
Maximum number of stories: One, maybe two at most.
Typical post length: It depends, anywhere from 300+ words to maybe 1000 or more if I'm feeling very inspired.
Typical posting rate: Moderate, sometimes can drop into slow, it all depends on how tired I am after work. 


Name: Wordworker
Preferred story tags: [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, F-TransF
Preferred genres: Fantasy, cyberpunk, scifi, paranormal romance
Preferred content: Flexible, Smut-heavy
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 100-500 words (more if required)
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so), Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)
My O/Os.


Name:  LaVnde
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [EX].
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F.
Preferred genres: Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Modern, Slice of Life.
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 3
Typical post length: 100-400 words.
Typical posting rate: Slow
Muse -  Pretty much AFK
Plot | O/O | PC's


Name: Chi
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [UN]
Preferred pairings: M-F, MMM(etc)-F (don’t mind helping with the other ‘M’s lol)
Preferred genres: Romance, humor, sci-fi, historical/alt-historical, western, High/low fantasy, medieval, cyberpunk, action, slice of life, pretty open to most things, but those are my faves.
Preferred content: Flexible either way, but prefer some balance to The Force LOL.
Maximum number of stories: 1 for my first try XD
Typical post length: 200/300-1000+ words depending on what the story situation calls for and my Muse.
Typical posting rate: Moderate to Rapid. If I have a downturn in my mental health, I will notify my partner(s) if I feel like I will go below several posts a week.  I don’t have much control over how my brain works sometimes.
~~~ Language is my canvas, and words are my palette. Wanna finger paint?  ~~~


Name: FourStellar
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F (any for NPCs)
Preferred genres: Romance in a contemporary setting
Preferred content: Flexible, so long as the smut serves the story
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 300 is a bare minimum for me; usually more
Typical posting rate: Moderate (daily is typical)


Name: Bepi
Preferred story tags: [L-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M etc. as well as highlighting your preferred gender to write in each pairing. (E.g. M-F) F-F, M-F
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, fantasy, alt-history
Preferred content: Flexible, as long as there is a reason for the smut
Maximum number of stories: 1(for my first time)
Typical post length: 300+
Typical posting rate: Mod (daily is usual for me)


Name: Oneironaut
Preferred story tags: [NC-H], [BON-H]
Preferred pairings: M-f, F/f (lean towards sub, but could be either for the right story in the latter)
Preferred genres: modern/slice of life, ghosts, cyberpunk
Preferred content: Lean towards story heavy 60/40.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2 (to start off)
Typical post length: depending on circumstances, 300+, less for dialogue, more for scene-setting
Typical posting rate: 2-3 times per week

Murdoc Is God

Name: Murdoc Is God (Miranda)
Preferred story tags: [L-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, canon, drama.
Preferred content: Story-heavy.
Maximum number of stories: 3
Typical post length: 500-1500 words (can do more, can do less depending on the
Typical posting rate: Moderate to rapid.

Golden Spider

 Name: Golden Spider
Preferred story tags: [L-H] or [BON-H]
Preferred pairings: [M-F can play either depending on the plot] [F-F]
Preferred genres: Romance, Sci-FI, Modern, Fantasy
Preferred content: 50/50 smut/plot
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 200-500
Typical posting rate: Moderate generally, but I can fluctuate from slow to rapid as well, depending on my schedule and vibe with the story
Here are my O/Os: 

I have taken the Oath of the Drake:


Name: Summer
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]. Anthro's/Furries I consider humanoid, not bestial.
Preferred pairings: M-F, M-M, M-(trans)F, H(erm)-F, H(erm)-M. At least one character should have a penis. I'm flexible which gender I write.
Preferred genres: Modern, Post-Modern, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Historical, Paranormal (Werewolves/shifters).
Preferred content: 60/40 smut/story
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 100-500 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so) / Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day) - Really varies based on how busy work is.
WRITING STATUS: Open to discuss story ideas.

O/O & About Me Thread -
A/A Thread:
Story Ideas -
On E! Discord @ SummerDawn232. Please DM me here if you want to friend me on Discord.


Name: Lomesa
Preferred story tags: NC-H, NC-E, EX
Preferred pairings: M-F and F-M
Preferred genres: Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror
Preferred content: Looking for something about 30% smut and 70% plot
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500 - 1000 words, or 200-500 if the story is faster paced
Typical posting rate: Slow-moderate (between 1-3 posts a week)
"A monster is not such a terrible thing to be. From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the Old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: centaur, griffin, satyr. To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once."
—    Ocean Vuong