Sorcha's List of Roleplays & Idea's (very much WIP)

Started by Sorcha, May 24, 2019, 12:28:09 PM

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 Right, so I've tried to update this almost a dozen times since I wrote it and kept going off at tangents, or clarifying what I meant from a simple comment over the course of seven paragraphs and the like... so let's try again? (again)

 Top 10 Likes:-

 1) Communication. If I'm writing a story with someone I'd like to talk to them about it first, and during. Not only does it help see if we're compatible, it helps ideas flow and opens up new avenues. It's also how we can nudge a story away from things that we don't like. If you're not sure if I'll like something, just ask first, and I'll do the same for you. And if I do accidentally hit something you don't like, let me know, I'll change it.

 2) Story - If the story's good enough, you can ignore most of the likes that follow below. If it gets my attention, if it works, if we like the characters enough, then that trumps pretty much everything! I like a story that develops as we go along. Even if our tale is mostly smut, I'd like there to be some development in it. Drama, excitement, ups and downs. We've got a world and characters to explore, even if it only takes place in one room, developing the context around it makes the story better, more interesting, more exciting.

 3) Happy endings - Okay that sounds a little trite, especially as I'm quite happy to write some pretty dark stuff. But that's part of the point, I'm happy for characters to go through hell (literally if that's the way the story goes) but at the end of it I want things to work out. The ending may be bittersweet, and the character's may come out damaged at the end. But the point is they come out the other side, and the villains don't get away from it unscathed.

 4) BDSM - This isn't a must by any means. I'm quite happy to do a vanilla romantic story if the settings and characters are right. But kinky adventures really do excite me, and there's a whole world to explore. How far we go, and how realistic it is depends on the story. A happy D/s couple can be as interesting as a dark tale of kidnapping and escape...

 5) MTF - Okay, another thing I like, that isn't an essential part of stories. I like the idea of a man transforming into a woman through various means, willingly or unwillingly.

 6) Clothing - okay I'll say it now, I don't find nudity sexy. I don't find it a turn off as such, but it's just not a turn on. The naked human body can be a wonderful thing, and I'm happy to play nude, but it doesn't do anything for me. The description of outfits, how they feel, how they look well that's a different matter.

 7) Fantasy - Elves, Angels, a world of magic and different races. It's all exciting. The idea of the elven heroine being pursued by a horde of goblins, or the princess in the tower waiting for her brave knight (of any sex), the adventurous heroine exploring the dark dungeon, the surprisingly sensitive orc that defies the expectations of that heroine...  So yeah fantasy worlds good.

 8) Size - Nothing too extreme here, but I do like the idea of being the small, feminine character in relation to the bigger stronger partner. It's a concept that appeals to me in all sorts of settings and adventures. I'm talking within adult human ranges here just under 5' with over 6'8" is about my limit to give you some idea.

 9) Teasing - this can be light or it can be dark. But let's not get straight into the sex even if it's a smutty story? Develop the characters a little, have the sensual little touches, the sly little comments, let it build - and then get to the action. Most of the best story moments don't work that well in isolation, it's the build up that makes them special!

 10) Did I mention communication? I'm pretty sure it was number 1, but I'm going to add it again. No I haven't run out of ideas... this is important. It's by talking that we can hit the right notes in a story, make sure we're all invested in it, and that it's going in the direction we like. Nothing is more disappointing than someone walking away because the story you thought they were enjoying hadn't interested them for a while. Or when someone just disappears on you... so talk to me!

 Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be unhappy with what I've put, and I know it's not perfect, but it's a start. I'll do the things I really don't like next... god modders I'm looking at you...

 Sorcha. xx

 So after looking at this I've realised it doesn't include any dislikes. So I figured I should add them. This will not be complete, but I hope to cover both the important things, and my weird little preferences. Also anything forbidden by the sight is right out, so it doesn't need me to write it out here.

 1) Character death/mutilation. - I'm up for some pretty dark themes, but I have my limits. Death is kinda the ultimate turn off. Now getting close... the split second before. That's all good. But no death or permanent damage - I might be flexible about the damage part IF there's a compelling reason to go with it.

 2) Excess nudity - the flip side of one of my likes. Don't just strip my character nude (especially when I've gone into detail about the outfit) Nudity just is - it's not a turn on.

 3) Telling me what my character does - You can tell me what you do to my character, but not how my character responds to it. Also, give me a chance to react when appropriate. I know this can lead to short posts but not being able to respond to what you do at an appropriate junction breaks the immersion in the story.

 4) Tattoos/Branding/Piercings on my character - Just... no. If you like them, fine. If your character has them, also fine. But not on me (Excluding pierced ears because I'm fine with that)

Adventuring through fiction, one story at a time.


Story Idea's:-

English girl/American Man:-       A young English woman finds herself in the states for the first time, all alone and a little lost. Time for the gallant gentleman (or lady if you prefer) to come to her rescue! Howere are they all that they seem or do they harbour darker intentions.

Okay so, as usually I'm happy for this to be as dark or light as my partner likes. It's either a fairly innocent romance, of a girl getting shown around a part of the states, and falling in love/ lust with someone, or that same girl being taken advantage of... both interest me.

The background of this idea came when I thought about all the stories I've written with people from the US, and how I've wondered what it's like to go there. See it through the eyes of a native, rather than the version I see on the news or TV.  To be fair this would work for any part of the world - and I could do the inverse with someone coming over to the UK.

Lot's of potential here, so if it catches your eye, let me know ...

Adventuring through fiction, one story at a time.


Okay, so it's been a long time since I updated this! (Ouch)

So I'm looking for new stories - preferably with me in the submissive role. I've also got a desire to play the girl in this image:-

How did she get there? Was she a she at the start? Can she walk in those boots...

Let me know if this interests you ;-)
Adventuring through fiction, one story at a time.


Okay so once again an epiclly long time since I updated this.... been busy all through covid.

Looking for a story where I get to play the sub - please contact me if interested.

(I'll get round to updating this properly... sometime... promise...)
Adventuring through fiction, one story at a time.


(imported and edited from the old Ons and Offs board.)

Hi, I'm Sorcha, I've been roleplaying for err...  ages? I'm pretty open minded as to settings.

- Writing/Creating a story should be a collarborative thing, with both parties contributing ideas.
- I mainly write as female or Male to female TG, and I think that's where my strengths lie, though I'm prepared to experiment given a suitably tempting premise.
-I am happy to write with any gender or sexuality. I also write with anyone of any gender tagging here on Elliquiy.
- I currently post about once a week, but hope to be more frequent in the future.
- I'm hoping for well written pieces, but I don't expect miracles (and I will be more annoyed at my mistakes than yours)
-I like to discuss ideas and concepts. Anything to help me get a more rounded view of who I'm writing with/talking to.
- I'm not too worried about post length, mine generally expand or contract to match my partners. As long as the story progresses that's the main thing.


    Bondage and Submission
    Violent and Rough
    Fantasy worlds
    Erotic clothing


    Mary Sues and their ilk
    Stories without some drama/conflict
    My character being nude for prolonged periods of time (Okay it's a bit weird but I just don't like it)
    Tattoos etc on my character.


   Just about anything else...

Adventuring through fiction, one story at a time.