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Werewolf 3; VILLAGERS WIN!!

Started by Galactic Druid, May 29, 2016, 06:49:48 PM

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Galactic Druid

They went by many names; Nomads, Outcasts, Wanderers, Forsaken. Whatever they name, the group had roamed the land for nearly a year, searching for a new place to call home. It seemed like a blessing, too good to be true when they first found it; a small village on the outskirts of the woods, shrouded by the strange fog that rolled through the forest. The village was in remarkable condition; while a little overgrown, the homes and businesses still stood. The hearth in the bakery could easily be salvaged with a little dusting, and the homes were still furnished. The only thing that seemed damaged beyond repair was the gallows in the village square, a tattered, nearly unrecognizable heap of scrap wood. Luckily, they foresaw little need of a gallows.

It took little time for them to settle in to their new homes, their group was larger than anyone could have seemed to remember, and it took time to settle in. In a way, it was odd, no one could remember how big their community had been exactly, or who had been there the longest, not that it really mattered, especially with settling in being the top concern. Before too long, all that was left was to decide on a leader. Who could they trust to make the tough decisions that would effect the village?


1. Rel Mayer
2. Seranova
3. Mintprincess
4. yugi006
5. Remiel
6. Madame Professor
7. SunshineSparkle
8. Intimate Ink
9. Verasaille
10. KatKwik
11. Ceralilly
12. Christa
13. Aiden
14. AmberStarfire
15. EmyKat
16. Saffron!
17. Deamonbane
18. Derwaysh
19. Esoteric Myobi
20. NightOwl35

Roles in play (At the beginning)

Alpha Wolf+, Wolfman, Werewolves X2, Seer, Bodyguard, Witch, Healer, Priest, Lycan, Villagers X10

Notes for the game

- Because of the size of the game, I've elected to have 4 wolves, with an alpha to pick their fifth to make the 25% ratio. To make sure the game is balanced, the Alpha's ability will be unblockable this game.

- Please remeber to avoid metagame reasons for voting. Nothing is less fun than being voted off early for a reason along the lines of "They're really good at these kinds of games. We should kill them off early in case they're a wolf.", "Well, they were the wolf last time.", "They're a very active player, so they must be evil!", or worst of all, "Let's get the veteran players first so us first timers have a chance!". Not only is this a good way to hurt your team, it hurts the game as a whole, as well as future games. A veteran player isn't likely to join new games if they're under the impression they're going to be killed the first night every round.

- Mafia games can bring out people's passions, please keep E's rules and code of conduct in mind.
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!

Galactic Druid

Welcome to the first day of Miller's Hollow! The game begins with players introducing themselves, as well as casting their (public) vote for the town Sheriff!

Please be sure to put your votes in bold!

Remember, you can change your vote before the final tally!

You may not choose to vote "Nobody" when selecting a sheriff!

Please include either "Werewolf" or "Werewolves" in all game related PMs!

Remember to include ThatRPGuy in all game related PMs!
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


 Puts up Vote for Saffron posters all over!

Sheriff Aiden, the hero this town needs!


Poofs in and begins to mingle with the people around her...smiling with friendly intent.

"Hi everyone!"
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Aiden on May 29, 2016, 09:13:17 PM
Puts up Vote for Aiden posters all over!

Sheriff Aiden, the hero this town needs!
a troll for sheriff? Lol. Noping that!

Rel Mayer

Woha! 20 people?! With that many I'm just going to wait and see who the other candidates are for Sheriff.


"There are a lot to choose from this time but once again for now I will put my faith in Rel Mayer hoping I made the right decision."


So I could vote for anyone.. anyone at all.

Tell me, why do those of you who wish to be sheriff deserve my vote? :D


EmyKat shyly walks in and positions herself behind Yugi, passing him a piece of paper that reads Verasaille for sheriff. And with a nervous glance, she scans the area and trembles slightly.
My Ons and Offs <3 They are still being added on... Seeing that I'm kind of a scatter brain sometimes~


Quote from: AmberStarfire on May 29, 2016, 09:53:53 PM
So I could vote for anyone.. anyone at all.

Tell me, why do those of you who wish to be sheriff deserve my vote? :D
cuz you luff me.  And I like being sheriff!


Quote from: Mintprincess on May 29, 2016, 10:11:04 PM
cuz you luff me.  And I like being sheriff!

I do and you're awesome.

*Thinks on it a while*


Bane strolls into town, his big boots thudding the cobbles. He sees the sign to vote for Aiden as Sheriff.

"How can you read this? There aren't any pictures!"
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Mintprincess on May 29, 2016, 10:11:04 PM
cuz you luff me.  And I like being sheriff!

"That is definitely a good reason."

Madame Professor

My vote is for Derwaysh, because I know he'll make this village great again.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.

Galactic Druid

Quote from: Madame Professor on May 29, 2016, 10:17:31 PM
My vote is for Derwaysh, because I know he'll make this village great again.

A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


Quote from: Madame Professor on May 29, 2016, 10:17:31 PM
My vote is for Derwaysh, because I know he'll make this village great again.
but he fail!bodyguarded last time -teases so hard- 

I luff you Der!!!


I just want boots and cowboy hat that come along with the position, with a few for the ladies as well (giggity).


Hmm...With a good amount of people here I have never seen before (Hello by the way!), I think I'll put my sheriff vote for MintPrincess.


Hello everyone! Nice to see some new faces as well as veterans. Let's hope we find those nasty wolves! I have my thigh high boots and a pistol on each hip. And a whip coiled at my belt...Oh, sorry, for a minute there I was channeling Lara Croft. Never mind. I will take this nice cozy house over here in the middle of town. The shop is open, I might be selling antiques or something. Not sure yet. Depends on what I find in the attic...whew!! It's dusty in here! (sneezes)

Oh! Almost forgot! I will vote for Derwaysh as well. Might as well get some momentum going.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


It seems I'm late to the party but I'm now awake and if we're voting for sheriff then it looks Der is in the lead, but for now I'm going to wait awhile to cast my vote. I'd like to have a quiet life in a sleepy town with a solid sheriff.
Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


Well if you want solid, you got it right here doll.
-Points to self-


Quote from: KatKwik on May 30, 2016, 02:02:09 AM
It seems I'm late to the party but I'm now awake and if we're voting for sheriff then it looks Der is in the lead, but for now I'm going to wait awhile to cast my vote. I'd like to have a quiet life in a sleepy town with a solid sheriff.

Well with some many people that can change very fast.

Galactic Druid

Since more than a few people have asked, I will go ahead and impose a time limit for voting of 72 hours. Voting will close on Wednesday, around 8PM or whenever I get home from work.
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


I'm going to go ahead and vote for Mintprincess.

Esoteric Myobi

I think I'm going to go ahead and nominate Saffron! just because it's her first game back so we have to haze let her be Sheriff.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!