Werewolf 3; VILLAGERS WIN!!

Started by Galactic Druid, May 29, 2016, 06:49:48 PM

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Quote from: Remiel on June 03, 2016, 02:05:49 PM
I am curious to hear this so-called "logic".

It's not as sexist as it sounds. I'm of the opinion that most of those who would be willing to vote him off in the first turn are in fact male, based on who's playing in the game.

That's if he was being honest about that.


Quote from: Aiden on June 03, 2016, 01:54:40 PM
If you were indeed there, then you were foiled. So I will take that as an admission of guilt

Hang the Sheriff! Or shoot her if we want to get poetic.


I'm not sure if you know you were attacked. Which would imply that the bodyguard confessed to Aiden that he was protected? Is that what you are claiming Mr. Aiden?


All you need to know is that I put my faith in the Emperor (RPguy) and through my devotion to his will, I was spared. How, who or why is not for a man like myself to pass on.

Nice try WOLF!


However, I also believe Guy might balance out the roles either randomly (dice roller?) or with a range of genders in each group.


Vera shrugs, "It could just as easily be that they are all female. On E the balance of differing sexuality's make gender profiling a bit difficult. To me anyway. I have tolerance and no animosity, but also no understanding of those who are not hetero. (Love all of you!!)
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.

Galactic Druid

Sorry, I'm too busy trying to figure out where this whole "male werewolf" thing got started, lol.

It's the weekemd, so I'll give an extra day, votes are due in by Monday evening, 7:30 pm central!


Quote from: AmberStarfire on June 03, 2016, 02:35:13 PM
However, I also believe Guy might balance out the roles either randomly (dice roller?) or with a range of genders in each group.

Uh roles are always randomly rolled.  It could just as easily be all girls as all guys. I don't see how the gender of the players has any bearing on who is a wolf to be honest.

Quote from: Aiden on June 03, 2016, 02:25:17 PM
All you need to know is that I put my faith in the Emperor (RPguy) and through my devotion to his will, I was spared. How, who or why is not for a man like myself to pass on.

Nice try WOLF!

Some reason you've been attacking me this whole game for absolutely no reason other than the fact that you're a dirty dirty facist policy passing liberal troll?  (Never letting you forget that!)

I am happily a villager, sporting a great hat and trying to root out wolves. I'm asking you questions to ascertain what you may know.   


Quote from: Mintprincess on June 03, 2016, 02:41:49 PM
Uh roles are always randomly rolled.  It could just as easily be all girls as all guys. I don't see how the gender of the players has any bearing on who is a wolf to be honest.

I'm just trying to figure out who might be who.


Day 2 and people are already fighting. What has our toen come to?

Autumn Sativus

Giggling a bit at Yugi, Saffron mumbled. "Fighting, obviously."
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


"Well what would you call it Saffron?"


So are we assuming that Aiden is telling the truth about being targeted? Would RPGuy actually let him know, or would that be something between the healer or bodyguard and the victim?
Signature by the amazing Amaris.


Quote from: Christa on June 03, 2016, 05:00:16 PM
So are we assuming that Aiden is telling the truth about being targeted? Would RPGuy actually let him know, or would that be something between the healer or bodyguard and the victim?
I did have the same question.


If you were targeted you wouldn't know unless you died. If you were protected or healed you wouldn't know unless he or she told you that they did so.

The thing is we don't exactly know what happened last night. The bodyguard could have gotten lucky and protected the right person or the healer might have used up his or her powers to do so. But since it's still early in the game it wouldn't be wise to waste the healing potion so soon.

Also you wouldn't be told by the GM either.


"Everyone wants me dead. A shame the wolves last night failed." -laughs manically-

Autumn Sativus

Someone must have been keeping you safe. ::)
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Quote from: Saffron on June 03, 2016, 06:29:57 PM
Someone must have been keeping you safe. ::)

Now why anyone would want to do that is another matter entirely... ;)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.


Quote from: Christa on June 03, 2016, 06:40:56 PM
Now why anyone would want to do that is another matter entirely... ;)

Maybe he hadn't trolled enough at that point.


Or maybe he is one of the wolves and is giving a great performance?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Quote from: Verasaille on June 03, 2016, 06:50:08 PM
Or maybe he is one of the wolves and is giving a great performance?

Very possible.
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Autumn Sativus

Personally, I think Versaille has been quick to point fingers to anyone that isn't herself.
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


"Time for a Mexican Standoff!"

-Gets his fingers ready-

Galactic Druid

Hey all! So, now that I'm awake again, I'd like to answer a couple of questions and statements.

First and foremost, a player's gender has nothing to do with their potential for a role in the game, including the gender specific title of the Witch. Now that I actually think about it, I believe I'll change that role's title to alchemist in future games. I believe everyone has the same potential to be a sneaky, intelligent player, and worrying about specific genders or a gender spread among teams is completely unnecessary, especially in a game like werewolves where player's O/O lists won't be coming into play. In fact, trying to put players of certain genders into certain roles would actually be rather unfair, if anything.

I do werewolves roles completely randomly. Specifically, I shuffle up a deck of 20 cards, then deal them out one by one for each player. The first card I flip over is the role for the person in the number 1 slot, and so on. It's possible we could end up with an all male werewolf team, I suppose, with this method, but if we did, it wouldn't be by design. As it stands, however, your best bet as villagers is to assume anyone could be evil and handle your trust accordingly.

Secondly, werewolf victims do not get any information that they are or were, other than learning they have died in the event of a successful attack. If a player were to be guarded by the bodyguard, or healed by the healer, they wouldn't get any such message from me. I hope this helps clear things up!


The last time someone drew attention to themselves that person ended up being just a villager so I won't make that same mistake again.

Autumn Sativus

What do you mean yugi, no one has been determined to be a villager yet?
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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