Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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I'd appreciate the compliment, but still be glad Phoenyx and ritsu are here, though the last one doesn't have a clue. Thank Phoenyx for that one. :p

If I told you I'm not a 1 girl guy, especially if I have to share.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Phoe and Ritsu aren't here right now, You two are all mine for the time being.

I'd raise a brow and ask when exactly I asked for a committed relationship.

...if I woke you up in the middle of the night in the best possibly way, and pulled you off into the woods, leaving Bane sleeping beside the dying embers?


As long as it was for fun, yes please.

Committed? Never meant to say that.

If I carried you in my arms through the woods.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Of course it's for fun, silly.

I'd giggle and my heart would kick up a notch.

...if I kissed you the entire time you carried me?


Sure, as long as you made sure I could see where We were going.

If I wanted to stop in a clearing to enjoy our time together?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Ooh, definitely.

...if when you put me down in the clearing, I blew you a kiss, whispered, "come get me," and sprinted off with a grin on my face?


Hmm could get interesting.

If I caught you and carried you back?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


If it's to the clearing to do all manner of naughty things to me, absolutely.

...if I left you with bite marks?


Sure, I can handle a bit of pain, adds to the pleasure, up to a point of course.

Grumble grumble pg 13

If I carried you back to the lakeside, and placed you beside the fire again?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Very much so.

...it is getting increasingly difficult to keep to the PG-13 rule.

...if I tangled my fingers in your hair and kissed you until oxygen became a distant memory?


Depends, if you let go on time yes, if not then I guess I'd be neither here nor there on the subject.

If I brought Ice cream?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Can't eat ice cream, but...

...if I told you to eat it off me?


Hmm, good. Saves on dishes too :p

If I fed you some?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


I wouldn't eat it. Like I said, can't. Make it a sorbet and I will gladly accept some.

...if I begged you to ravish me?


Well... can't say no to that, dear...

... if I, indeed, ravished you?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


I'd be one happy camper.

...if I fell asleep snuggled in your arms afterward?


Sure you can sleep here but don't touch me afterwards in bed.
if I, wanted the bed to myself?


Hmmmm... yeah, whatever... that couch looked cool anyway :P

... If I left to sleep on the couch?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Boring, bed is better

If I made more room in the bed?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Damn straight...

... if I read you all a bed-time story?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


I would snuggle in next to you and kiss your neck.

...if I fell asleep wrapped in your arms, Kat?


I'd love that. In fact it's a date ;)

If I held you through the night?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


I would have happy dreams.

...if I woke you with soft kisses raining down on your neck and shoulders?


Depends how long I slept. :p No kidding, who wouldn't love waking up to that?

If I purred as you do?

That, do that.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


I would giggle, and...

...if I went in search if what else made you purr?