Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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dropped an ice cube down your shirt in the back?


Yes, I would! ;)

Would you like me if I'd... get you drunk and take advantage of it?


Maybe ;)  depends on how good you are muahaha!

Would you like it if I shared my pizza with you?!



Would you like me if I shared my pizza with you?!

Iridescent Raven

Yes!  :-)

Would you like me if I took you to a huge field to catch lightning bugs all night long?


Sure, why not? Sounds fun! As long as it's not pouring. :P

Would you like me if I'd... take you out for supper and make you pay on your own?


No I woulnt. ;)

Would you like me if I fell asleep during our date?


Oh, of course I would. Couldn't blame anyone but myself for being a drag.

Would you like me if I would... look at other guys during a date?


Sure I would, you'll only find that none of them are as good looking as me ;)

Would you like me if I didn't like chocolate?


Yes I would, and I will make you eat it in different ways.

Would you like me if I made you eat chocolate with my mouth?
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Gmail: jenwishuknew
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I wouldn't just like you, i'd love you!

Would you like me if I dripped melted chocolate over your body and licked it all up?


*swallows hard*  indeed I would.

Would you like me if I placed two straws in milkshake and asked you to sit one the other side of the table to lean in for a sip?  Sharing a milkshake would be fun, yes?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


*nods head* yes, i would like that very very much..... lets stare deep into each others eyes while we lean forward, sip, and lick our lips.

Would you like me if I sang you a song while we laid on the grass counting the stars in the sky somewhere distant in the realms?

blue bunny sparkle

Very much, yes.

Would you like me if I named a star after you?

Beguile's Mistress

Oh, yes.  I would! :-)

Would you like me if I knitted you a scarf?


Definitely, I would.

Would you like me if I sculpted a head of an Eagle out of Chocolate, filled it with cream filling and send it to you?


Can you make it white chocolate? If so, then absolutely!!

Would you like me if I sent you a bottle of wine with bow on it and a note hidden inside?


Of course! I love wine and notes!

Would you like me if I cooked you whatever you craved, no matter what the hour?


Very much so. Could I gobble you up too afterwards?

Would you like me if I watched your favorite movie with you even if I didn't like it?


Of course you can and yes I would!

Would you like if me if I painted a picture of you to forever capture you in this moment?


Why, yes! I would be flattered :)

Would you like me if I wanted to spoil you all day and night long?


Of course
Would you like me, if I asked you to spoil me an extra 2 days and 2 nights?
Offsite Contact info:
Gmail: jenwishuknew
Discord: jenwishuknew#6959
Skype: jenwishuknew@gmail.com


My wish would be your command.  ;)

Would you like me if I layed you on the bed while I spread rose petals around your body?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


Revising: YOUR wish would be MY command. I wouldnt have it any other way. Hehe
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


Yes, but I'd rather I spread those petals on yours..

Would you like me if I wished to kiss each of them off your body?
Moments of Sanity
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Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.