Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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but it's so fun there *whimpers*

.... asked you to join me in my head?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Well, no thanks... my head is crowded enough...

... if I could read your thoughts?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


o.O erm... depends on what I was thinking when you read them *chuckles*

.... wanted to RP with you on Approval (positive thoughts)?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Sure... More of them positive thoughts please :P

... if I read your thought when you didn't want me to read them?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


probably be irked at first, but I'd still like you anyway.

... was abducted by aliens?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



I would be fine with you... I would get pissed at the Aliens though...*growl*

.... If I donned my old SF uniform, and went to war with the Aliens to get you back?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


my hero! definitely!

.... if, once back, found I was pregnant by said Aliens?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Ugh... wanna see how that's gonna turn out... once again, not pissed at you... pissed at them horny aliens...

.... if none of this alien stuff ever happened?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


well yeah.

.... found a cute baby squirrel and brought it home to raise?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Well... if it were my home, my two cats might have something to say about it...

... If I brought a baby squirrel of my own? :P
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


yeah, used to have one actually not to long ago..... *sighs*

..... fell into a depressed funk I couldn't shake?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Yeah, sure...

...if I tried to shake you out of that funk with a musical... funk? :P
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


*chuckles* music is always good *nods*

.... got lost and couldn't find my way back?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Eh... I would be a little pissed...

... If I drove around town to find you again?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


who said I'd be lost in a town? course if it was your town, I guess that'd happen lol

how sweet.

.... if you found me enjoying a carnival?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Well... now that would be fun ;)

.... if I even recognized you?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


uh well of course... why do I think we don't have the same definition of carnival?

.... asked you to explain what a Carnival is to you?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Yeah... you would not understand a word of it, though :P

... If I went ahead, and explained it anyway?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


yep. i'm always curious.

... I explained my idea of Carnival to you?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Would love to hear it...

... If I went fishing for the weekend, and wasn't able to get on E for a while?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


of course. one must get away from time to time and find one's self.

... went and played with sharks for a while?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Sure... just avoid them Great White... they have a grudge with humans...

... if I caught some sharks?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


No. Capturing animals just for fun is cruel

If I started an animal shelter
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


yes, especially a no kill one.

.... told you I had a liking for sharks, Great White's in particular.
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Well... let's just say I would be thoroughly terrified...

... If I decided to keep a good distance from the aforementioned Great Whites?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."