[NC][Seeking More Players Who Want an In-Depth Game!] Burden City

Started by Lady Reign, September 28, 2010, 01:14:14 PM

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Edited my characters' history a bit to give more ideas on what they are during in the present time of the roleplay.

Le Immortelle

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Christa McGinn on October 02, 2010, 08:55:42 PM
I'm definitely in, and I have several ideas to run by you tomorrow Lady Reign. I've been mobile all day because I'm babysitting my niece, but by tomorrow, the profile will be copied onto here and I'll throw out some possibilities for the story. I'm excited!

Also reply regarding question that do you allow my char (originally intended as crime lord) to be your 'right hand' man (a general somesort)?


Act I. The Profile

Birth Name:
Tatiana Nika Andropov

Lady Ana

Many names...Lady of Sin, Queen of the Night, La Femme Nikita, Goddess of Debauchery, Madame Fatale, The Phoenix, etc... However, the one she prefers is Queen of the Night.

29...appears 24.




Crime Lord

Crime Lord

Act II. The Diagnostics



Her hair is long, blood red, and curly. It reaches her mid-back, and she often has it down in its natural ringlets, or up in a sophisticated twist.

Ana's eyes are blue, but can appear green when she wears certain clothing and in certain lights. Generally they are blue or teal.

Very pale with a slight rosy tint.

Birth Mark:
One brown freckle in her left eye's iris.

Only one. It is a black phoenix in a tribal-style on her left hip.

Distinguishable Mark/Scar:
She has a chemical burn on her left arm that reaches from her shoulder to her elbow.

Act III. The Dossier

Non-Sexual~Music, art, opera, classical music, baroque architecture, wine, theatre, travel, history, literature, being obeyed, men, women, horseback riding, diamonds, jewelry, money, power, night, a challenge, tea, chocolate, cold weather, etc...
Sexual~Men, women, oral, vaginal, anal, multiple partners, pain, bondage, BDSM, domination, double penetration, gaping, breath play, marking, ice, wax, etc...

Non-Sexual~Disobedience, rap music, hot weather, fear, cowardice, women who are too skinny, spicy food, beer, coffee, dark chocolate, superficiality, the police, government, her family, etc...
Sexual~Snakes, scat, amputation and electricity.

Ana is the epitome of grace, elegance and sophistication. She is always perfectly put together and a seductive smirk seems permanently painted across her beautiful face. When she walks into a room, you feel the change in power shift to her curvaceous form. No one would ever guess what kind of diabolical plans her mind was capable of, and yet she runs Burden City with an iron...albeit well-manicured...fist. She takes defiance from no one, and she doles out punishment flawlessly and knows exactly how to break a person.

Her attitude is stubborn and strong-willed, but you will rarely see her lose her temper. When she is angry, she grows quiet and an almost frightening smile smooths across her features before she will calmly tell you the punishment or decision she has decided upon. She has henchmen and spies all over the city, and some rumors say all over the world, and with a snap of her polished fingers, she can have your neck broken.

Ana is not pure evil, though. She will never murder or sacrifice an innocent unless there is a damn good reason, and she has little respect for those criminals who do. In her mind, that makes them weak...preying on those weaker than them.

She has a tendency twirl her hair around her finger, or use seduction to get her way without even realizing it. Biting and nibbling her bottom lip is common.

"Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away."  ~Laurence J. Peter
"Men will always delight in a woman whose voice is lined with velvet."  ~Brendan Francis
"Women are meant to be loved, not understood." ~Oscar Wilde
“While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats.” ~Mark Twain
“There is no good and evil, there is only power... and those too weak to seek it.” ~J.K. Rowling
Primarily her mind and vagina. However, she does often have a dagger strapped into a garter on her thigh, and a gun (a Colt Double Eagle) there as well. She is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and her high heels can be used whenever needed as well. Of course, she prefers to have others fight for her.

Tatiana Nika Andropov was born to Dmitri Aleksandr Andropov and Ekaterina Inga Andropov (nee Borisova) on December 13, 1980 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Ana was Dmitri & Ekaterina's...or Katya's...first child, and unfortunately their only. Katya died in childbirth, and Dmitri was left with Ana on his own. Even when she was but minutes old, her father blamed her for the death of the only woman he ever loved.

Dmitri was the head of the Andropov sect of the Russian mafia, and had led it to become a powerful foe in the organized criminal world. St. Petersburg belonged to him, and he knew it. He had over 200 men beneath him, and had amassed a vast fortune in stolen oil money and nuclear trading. A truly heartless man, the only thing that had tamed him...even briefly...was Katya. She was a well-known ballerina in the city, and Dmitri fell in love with her after watching one of her performances. It was the classic tale of "good girl, bad boy," but soon she fell in love with him as well. His gang didn't like this one bit, as they thought it made him soft, but he didn't care. He only had eyes for the petite ballet dancer with the flame colored hair and blue eyes.

When they found out she was pregnant, the couple was thrilled, and Dmitri hoped for a son to be his heir in the organization. When Tatiana emerged, he was slightly disappointed, but it wasn't until the nurse said that Katya was bleeding out that he truly hardened his heart. He held his wife as she died, and couldn't bear to even look at Ana. His heart was stone cold, and he was a more evil man than he was even before he met Katya. Immediately he passed off Ana to a nanny, and had as little to do with her upbringing as possible.

He spent most of his time in Paris, London, Rome and Burden City, never even bothering to send letters or birthday presents. He ignored his daughter as much as possible, especially after she began showing her mother's beauty. However, eventually he got word of the law enforcement in Russia closing in on his original headquarters, and he knew that if they found his daughter...they'd find him. Reluctantly, he summoned her over to the States, and insisted she stay out of his way.

Ana wanted as little to do with her father as possible anyway, so that wasn't a problem. It became a problem, though, when Dmitri ran into her one day and all the pain from that day seventeen years before came back. As if possessed, he began beating her...raping her...abusing her...and traumatizing her for life. It was a miracle that she survived the first attack, and when she tried to return to Russia, he would have none of it. Although he hated her, his mind saw her as a way to take out all the pain from his wife's death...and he began a sexually, emotionally and physically abusive relationship with her. She always fought back, but it was no use. If the men who worked for her father disapproved, they never interfered, and Ana became as cold and hard-hearted as her father was.

Alongside this, though, Ana enrolled at the top music school in Burden City and graduated at the top of her class. It was the night of her graduation that her life changed forever. She was 22 years old, and Dmitri saw her kissing another boy outside of the college's auditorium. Going crazy, he murdered the young man and dragged Ana home. Wanting to remind her of who she belonged to, he forced her to sit still while he had the Andropov's symbol...the Phoenix...tattooed on her hip. From there, he raped and beat her again, but this time she fought back harder. Looking for something to hurt her even more, he found a bottle of Drano and poured it down her left side. Luckily she was able to escape the brunt of the chemical, but it still left a nasty scar. Because of this, she had finally had enough, and stabbed him multiple times with a letter opener.

Dmitri died at his daughter's hand, and this seemed to "prove" her worth to the Andropov gang. She was named their leader, but that wasn't enough. The hatred in her heart and the need for power moved her beyond the Russian mafia, and into the city at large. She now controls the majority of the criminals in Burden City, and they all report back to her. Traitors are dealt with quickly and efficiently, and the police have never been able to nab Lady Ana yet. She lives in the lap of luxury in one of the only nice houses in the area, and runs a bordello in the middle of town. It caters to every station...poor all the way to the rich. Prostitution is her specialty, but to her, crime is an art. How much she can get away with, and so far, it's pretty damn much.

Signature by the amazing Amaris.


There she is! Sorry it took me so long, but yesterday I was babysitting my niece, and I didn't really have access to a computer without pulling out my laptop and trying to entertain a 3 year old at the same time. Lol. But today should be better. And now I'll switch to the OOC. :)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Lady Reign

Noted. Welcome Linna to BC, and we can get together at anytime today Christa.


Oh good Lord I feel so very inadequate :-( Hopefully I won't drag you all down... I will certainly do my best not to!
- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -

Lady Reign


hey do we still need some male victims? lol i think i may have an idea for one as long as you k with me playing a guy.

Lady Reign

Go ahead Venom, I don't mind another male victim at all. I made the class unlimited so, whoever would like to make on, feel free.


Act I. The Profile
Birth Name: Kyba Draconious Jamerson
Name: Same
Alias: not a criminal, but he does go by Nightmare to some of his friends for his dark side...
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight with Bi tendencies
Profession: College Student
Role: Victim
Alignment: Neutral for he don't really trust any of them...

Act II. The Diagnostics
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair:  Shaggy Black hair
Eyes: Green
Skin: a tiny bit tan mostly pale
Birth Mark: none
Tattoos: He has a hatchetman all the way down his back which is blood red. Then he has sleeves as well.
Distinguishable Mark/Scar: He has some scars on his stomach and arms from being cut and such in the past even stabbed...

Act III. The Dossier

Juggalo Family

A lil blood
Being Sub mostly


Water Sports
Dating Men
Dating In general
Romance... (too much of a player for that...)


*Rude (sometimes)
*Fakely Romantic
*Hard Working


*loves being fucked by men but would never ever date one...


"Oh aren't we just the feisty one!"
"I'm you lover for the night please me, tease me... oooooooo have fun with me..."


*pocket knife
*a small hand gun


Born into the lap of luxury Kyba was a sweet dude, but a very spiteful one. He grew up as the most spoiled rotten boy there ever was getting whatever he wanted when he wanted it including Women and Men. He never really knew his real family, but he still says he was born into luxury even though his parents are two gay men. They moved there because of how much business they could get. He just lives here cause its easy to find easy men and women.

Lady Reign


I noticed that the investigators/detectives team seems to be full, but the criminals seem to have an extra. Would it be bad form of me to submit an officer character or should I just play a victim?

Lady Reign

You'd be the last Investigator I would allow period to keep the teams even.


Then I think I'll lay a claim to it if you don't mind.  ;D

Act I. The Profile
Birth Name: Trace Nathan Thompson
Name: Same
Alias: TNT
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Profession: FBI Agent
Role: Investigator
Alignment: The Law.

Act II. The Diagnostics
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210lbs
Hair:  Long, straight, red-orange
Eyes: Green
Skin: Very pale
Birth Mark: none
Tattoos: Crescent moon tattoo in his left shoulder blade with a wolf silhouette eclipsing it.

Act III. The Dossier

Martial Arts



Public speaking
Stupid punks

Water Sport
Excessive blood

Trace is a pretty easy going guy. Unless it's business related. Then he's cold, calculating, and rather rude. But that doesn't stop him. Trace has a one track mind with a whole lot of tracks to choose from. He tends to be rather ruthless when hunting down criminals or having sex. This usually leads to him dating girls who have rape fantasies, but he doesn't even really date much anymore. His personality isn't really anything special in his opinion. He's very honest and doesn't bother censoring himself in any company. He does have a nasty temper, being of Irish decent. It takes a lot to bring it out, but it's never pretty.

Trace's left eye twitches when he gets stressed to a certain point. It's usually a good indicator when he's going to lose his temper.

"I missed the part where I'm supposed to care."
"Because I'm liable to explode.... And that gets messy."

Turned in his standard issue pistol in favor of something with a little more heft to it. Now carries his customized 38' Smith & Wesson revolver. He's put a considerable amount of money into it, so he absolutely loves his gun.

Trace was born into a military family. All the men in his father's family had been army men of one rank or another. Trace was the first one to break that chain. He hated the military and refused to join. His father and he haven't spoken since he turned eighteen and moved out. Trace had it rough until he managed to get accepted into the police academy. He was reluctant to join because it reminded him of the army until he actually got into it. Then he found his calling after a year on a force in some irrelevant town in the middle of nowhere. He caught a serial killer that had been passing through. The FBI recruited him on the spot because they could see in him the perfect machine to hunt and bring to justice the criminals that had cropped up in Burden City. He's there now for one reason and one reason only. To find and detain all the criminal fuck wads he can and then go for their boss.


Act I. The Profile

Birth Name: Theodore Mueller
Name: “Papa Bear” or “Teddy”
Alias: N/A
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Bouncer at Wicked Sisters- He gets paid to stand at the doors to private rooms and make sure that only the right people enter them. He knows enough not to remember which people went into which room, who entered the club, or to enquire what they will or won’t be doing inside private rooms. He also is not as distracted by the pretty dancers as some of the other bouncers.
Role: Victim
Alignment: Neutral

Act II. The Diagnostics

Height: 6’4”
Weight: 320
Hair: Brown hair. He has a buzz cut.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: White, but dark. He thinks his father may have been a Latino.
Birth Mark: no
Tattoos: no
Distinguishable Mark/Scar: He has several scars on his arms and one large scar from where he was cut across the chest. All were gotten in the course of his job.

Act III. The Dossier

His Family (His Aunt(53) and Sister(8) living in the suburbs just outside of the city.)
Keeping his nose clean
Masculine Men
Sex without drama
Classical Music

Dislikes: [Character's Offs]
Pushy guys messing with his girls
People who are rude to him

Attitude: At the club he always keeps up his presence of “big tuff guy who you do NOT want to fight” in the public eye. When he doesn’t have to be that guy, he mellows out quite a bit. He really is a big softie underneath the bulging triceps and all the girls at the club know it. He is the type of person who will intervene if someone is getting mugged or hassled. The girls know they can come to Papa Bear if some guy is getting too fresh. The down side is this makes him a target for the people who he has pissed off.
Habit/Twitch: He usually is listening to his mp3 player on volume 9(!) when he walks to and from work. When he does, he inevitably ends up zoning out and whistling along with it.
Quote: “No one messes with my girls.”
His Fists- Teddy is a big guy who’s hobbies include boxing and lifting weights. Most guys don’t really want to pick a fight with him
Pistol- Yes, he has a gun, but it is mostly for show. He has fired it maybe twice. Sometimes he even forgets to bring it with him, if he does have it on him he might forget to use it. He knows he has to pull the trigger to shoot, but little more. He only has it because after he was stabbed, his aunt insisted.
Teddy moved into a small apartment in Burden City from one of the surrounding suburbs in order to find a job to help support his little sister and aunt. He loves his little sister a great deal, and his aunt had been more of a mother to him than his own mom ever had been. She had taken them both in after his sister was born. Neither of them knew their fathers and now their mother is god-only-knows where.
After scouring the city, the bouncerposition at Wicked Sisters’ was the best paying legal job he could find. He runs on a tight budget and sends most of his pay back home. He is well aware that illegal activities take place in the club, but he needs this job too badly to quit because of them. He is more than a bit scared of his boss and would be too scared to disobey her in most cases. Other bodyguards have “quit” or “moved away” suddenly. He has his sister and aunt to think about before doing anything foolish.


Act I. The Profile
Birth Name: Nikita Petrova Svoroneva
Name: Nikki Svoroneva
Alias: -
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi-sexual with a preference for women.
Profession: Jobless
Role: Victim
Alignment: Neutral for now.

Act II. The Diagnostics
Height: 5'7
Weight: 110
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Blue'ish
Skin: White
Birth Mark: -
Tattoos: None.
Distinguishable Mark/Scar: -

Act III. The Dossier
Likes: Animals, The great outdoor's, snow, cold, ice, night time
Dislikes: Humans, sun, warm weather, being in a group
Attitude: Shy and very careful
Habit/Twitch: Very present sock fetish
Quote: -
Weapons: -
History: Nikita is an illegal immigrant in the city. She fled the Russian country side when her parents had 'sold' her to the mayor of their village to pay for their farm. With the Russian police at her back (The mayor had good friends in Moscow and they pulled some strings) she boarded a ship and after a three week journey across the world, she ended up in Burden City. Knowing she was illegal and had to be very careful, she avoided crowded places at day and only moved about at night. Having arrived at the city only a few weeks ago, she is not too familiar with the city yet but her clothes show signs of long wear and stress.
Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals and I get my back into my living.

I don't need to fight to prove I'm right and I don't need to be forgiven.


Act I. The Profile
Birth Name: Nicholas Amadeus Ardole
Name: Robert Leo Striker
Alias: Echo
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Profession: Hacker / Negotiator
Role: Criminal
Alignment: Loyal to the Crime Lord

Act II. The Diagnostics

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown no particular style, just lets it fall where it wants to
Eyes: Deep Green
Skin: Lightly tanned
Birth Mark: N/A
Tattoos: Tribal tattoo across chest and left arm.
Distinguishable Mark/Scar: Bullet wound in right leg

Act III. The Dossier
Likes: Nonsexual - Music, Electronics, Challenges, Swimming, Women, Cold Weather, Traveling
           Sexual - Bondage, Candle Wax, Ice, Foreplay, Oral, M/F/F

Dislikes: Nonsexual - Cowardice, 'Throwing others under the bus', Simpletons, Disrespect.
               Sexual - Scat, Vore, Gore

Attitude: Sarcastic, Intelligent, Stubborn, Humorous, Calm, Collective.

Habit/Twitch: Perfectionist, Fidgety when Idle (twiddles thumbs, hums, anything to keep his mind occupied)

Quote: "Be Reasonable, Demand The Impossible" - Unknown
            “The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.” - Bruce Feirstein

Weapons: .44 Magnum Revolver, Butterfly Knife also uses a Lighter and various chemicals for torture purposes should the need arise, however these materials are kept at HQ.

History: Former government official, Echo worked as counter-intelligence who was previously on the hunt for the notorious Lady Ana. He began digging into her files finding information detailing her whereabouts, operations, etc and went to investigate, however Lady Ana was prepared for his attempt to capture her and in turn received a bullet wound in his right leg attempting to escape.

Now captured by the woman he was persistent to remain silent and offer nothing to her, but as time progressed his will began to wane and eventually crack. She offered him a position as a Hacker giving detailed information about the corrupt officials and other connections they had throughout their network and he agreed. After hacking into the systems and listing himself as KIA, Echo went through a complete overhaul to sever his ties and remove all traces of his work with the government. As part he changed his name and appearance to what it is now. 

He has flown through the ranks becoming trusted as he progressed, now resting directly below Lady Ana's command as Obshchak. Upon numerous occasions Echo has bedded with the woman and has begun to develop a close bond to her, which will be determined as the story progresses. 
I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.  I aim with my eye.

I do not shoot with my hand;  He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.  I shoot with my mind.

I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.  I kill with my heart.


I noticed on the front page it looked like there was one more slot open for an investigator. Is this spot still open?

Lady Reign

It can be yes, since it seems that some of the people that have made profiles do not wish to be active in the game.


Decided to go ahead and submit a profile despite not being able to get a good picture. Let me know if it is acceptable/needs work. Thank you! :-)

Act I. The Profile
Birth Name: Edward Richards
Name: Eddie Rich
Alias: N/A
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Profession: Cop
Role: Investigator
Alignment: Neutral, but showing signs of corruption
Act II. The Diagnostics
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Hair: Brown, buzzcut
Eyes: Heterochromia (left blue, right red)
Skin: Pale, pale white.
Birth Mark: N/A
Tattoos: A large serpent coiled on itself in the symbol of infinity (shoulder blades)
Distinguishable Mark/Scar: Incredibly stocky and muscular for his height, almost suspiciously so....
Act III. The Dossier
Likes: Pretty women/bondage/tickling-teasing/blindfolds/unwilling companions/abusing power
Dislikes: Men/goody-goods/people who tell him 'no'/'strong people' ("everyone breaks")
Attitude: Outwardly, Eddie is a nice, mild-mannered man, if a bit overly developed in the muscle department. He'll help someone carry something, he'll treat everyone politely, and will behave as if he's everyone's little brother if they'll let him. Inside, Eddie's a monster-in-development. He loves breaking the strong-spirited, is almost offended by those who don't. While he'll bed a willing partner without complaint, the less willing, the better. He's on the side of the law only because he feels it gives him opportunities to abuse those no one would shed tears for, but lately Eddie has started to think that maybe tears could be fun...
Habit/Twitch: Tapping his chin.
Quote: "Everybody breaks; everybody."
Weapons: 9 mm gun, baton, handcuffs, Body (Eddie has trained since 5 years of age in Kyokushen Karate, and knows how to handle himself in a scrap), A syringe filled with an anysthetic (M99) he secures from a doctor "friend" he is blackmailing: keeps in his coat for "special events"
History: Eddie started life just like any boy; born into a family, raised to meet certain expectations, and until he was 13 years old, he tried to meet them. His father was the head of his own small Kyokushen dojo, and had worked as a bouncer, a coach, and a trainer for both police and military. His mother a strong-willed woman who defied her parents to end up the wife of "some bum who runs a dead-end dojo". But at the aforementioned age of 13, Eddie watched his strong-willed mother get raped into a submissive little mouse before having her throat slit. It never registered with Eddie that he only survived because his mother had managed to hide him from the scum's eyes; he only saw the strong become weak. The seed for a monster was planted. Thanks to his father's connections, he was able to graduate the police academy and became an investigator, but due to "suspicious incidents" where most was known yet nothing was proved, Eddie was transfered to Burden City. Burden City seems to have a multitude of "strong women...."

Lady Reign


Whoa! Seems I've come a little late... :-(

You've got a lot of interest, so I'll just stay on the sidelines for now. But, if you ever need another body, please message me. I'd love to be either a criminal, victim, or detective.


We can always accept more victims. No more criminals or detectives for now, but you're welcome to make a victim. :)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Lady Reign

I am sure we'll be needing victims soon enough and you are welcome to make one of those already. However, the Investigative and Criminal positions are no longer open.

Eek, Christa got to it first >_>