BakemonoShiki [Interest Check]

Started by Leki, February 03, 2018, 09:59:03 PM

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Those are actually really nice pictures you have found there. I personally thought the number 3 and number 6 (or nr 3 on the bottom row) was the ones who stood out most to me. I think they just have somewhat of a combination of both sexy and cute :3

I personally am beginning to feel a bit torn, cause I just finished a drawing of an OC of mine, and I'm really happy with how it turned out xD But it's not a female, but a male :P


Oh! Melody he's adorable!

Leki said not to worry too much about gender ratios xD Plus we have a couple of female characters in the works. I'll make my Secondary a Female Shiki <3 so we have that on board. I probably won't make the profile for a while though, cause I have some heavy stuff going on IRL. xD ANd I need the right mindset for profile making. xD Maybe this weekend... or next week... I unno xD

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Bah, I went down for a nap and I missed The Picturing. =p

Gosh, very lovely choices! 1 (top right) looks the most 'monstery' to me (I guess it's all in the skin color), 2 and 5 (middle) have some ridiculous boobage going on, and of them I prefer 5 more. However, I know some folks here have issues with giant ones, so those may not be as popular.

4 looks prety, but a mite delicate and doesn't come off as someone who could drink you under the table, down the stairs, and out the door. xD Looks more 'princess' Oni like. Finally, 3 and 6 have a bit of everything... Cute, looks like they can hold their drink... Though 6 is kinda triggering me a bit with the mask thing (does she need to slip it over her horn to make it work?), so between those two I'd probably choose 3.

Tl;dr, my ordering would be: 5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 6, personally.

@Melody: Ooh, your Oni boy looks awesome! Could always be an attendant to her, maybe... But yeah, like SS said, no need to worry about gender ratios I think. We do indeed need more females, but there are plenty in the works for sure. o: All just needs time.

@SS: Go ahead, we know things another reason rough for you IRL right now. D: We've got time, and we got the ideas. Just get things organized on your end first. <3


Melody, don't take this wrong, but I really want to play with his ears.
Too fluffy. Should have sent a poet.

And as for Melusine, I'll take a stab at a profile for her tomorrow, but for now, this is her. The not at all dominatrixy calm and relaxed (and just a bit/lot playful) older dragonwoman.


Gorgeous! Older women are like fine wine and should be savored. o: Something Takuya shall do at some point in BMS' run. xD


Looks like 3 5 and 6 are getting some attention as far as pictures goes. xD

Melusine looks great. Really enjoy that picture.

Is that some kind of Baphoment based butler/waiter? He looks great as well.


For Tsukasa, her impression of humans usually varies in the levels of 'species' and 'individual'.

While she does see them as a species that are vulnerable because Shadows and Shiki are generally on a level of power superior to that of humans, there are those who did impress her that she'd gift them her tutelage and her weapons as well (Heroes mentioned in her biography's a slight reference to Cu Chulainn and co). She's more of a living being of the quote 'God helps those who help themselves' where people with the actual knowledge of the supernatural would seek to strengthen themselves even if it does nothing to improve their chances.

That said, still looking out for an Occultist! I'm more like waiting for someone who would find her compatible to their character rather than the other way around  ::)


Quote from: Relikai on February 13, 2018, 07:38:47 PM
For Tsukasa, her impression of humans usually varies in the levels of 'species' and 'individual'.

While she does see them as a species that are vulnerable because Shadows and Shiki are generally on a level of power superior to that of humans, there are those who did impress her that she'd gift them her tutelage and her weapons as well (Heroes mentioned in her biography's a slight reference to Cu Chulainn and co). She's more of a living being of the quote 'God helps those who help themselves' where people with the actual knowledge of the supernatural would seek to strengthen themselves even if it does nothing to improve their chances.

That said, still looking out for an Occultist! I'm more like waiting for someone who would find her compatible to their character rather than the other way around  ::)

The Celtic Pantheon as a whole was known for finding human warriors that proved themselves worthy and gifting them after passing trials. But not fuck with human lives quite the same way as say the Greek or Roman Pantheon (Or the Norse, dear gods xD) - I noticed the references, actually, as I am personally a Celtic Druid and worship several of the Celtic gods. It made me smile a bit reading her profile.

Honestly, I think her and Noel would get along quite well - and Tsukasa seems like the type of entity to be able to teach Noel temperance. :3

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


I like Tsukasa. I think she'll be an interesting character and I'm sure Haru will get around trying to prank her or pull some kind of trick on her. Not sure how well it will go but anybody who has a lot pride is likely to be a target at one point.,Not sure how reassuring that is since I'm not making an occultist but I'm certainly interested in seeing Haru interact with her.

That means  Laphren is definitely going to be targeted at least once too Leki. :P Common sense? Haru has none when it comes to targets. xD


Haha. I'm not ashamed to say that Takuya would likely have no synergy with Tsukasa whatsoever. She's too heroic minded for him, and he's way too easygoing and self-serving to really appeal to her. xD Won't stop him from talking to her, since maybe one day he can maybe be persuaded to act for reasons beyond his own fancies. Maybe.

I can't tell what he's gonna be doing all game, I just know he'll get along with some folks easily, and others will be a challenge. xD


Well now that everyone has gone to sleep, I guess I'll crawl online like I usually do xD

I thought the female doodle looked really pretty, but without seeing a colored/shaded version,
The male shiki wins hands down xD
Don't blame you for wanting to use that one at all~
So yeah, whatever suits your fancy :P
Unlike most GRP's I've seen on Elliquiy, we actually seem to have quite a few bisexual guys on here,
And in typical slutty style Shiki girls can be shared around to a certain extent xD
Nevermind the possibility that Shiki girls might be coming in soon anyway

Have to admit I'm one of those rare guys who prefer non-human males with human females as well.
Monster girls are cute and all, but the idea of a woman being ravaged by something besides your average human does sound hot to me xD Especially if they're disgusted or morally opposed to the idea at the start :/

I'd say I prefer No.3
I'm actually one of the people Gardsorm mentioned who really don't appreciate ridiculously large boobs....
Yes I am a guy, and yes I know I'm an oddity xD
I think 2 and 6 have a nice style too though.

Will also admit that the third one doesn't look like she can handle much alcohol....
Which is why I think it'd be hilarious if everyone considered her a drinking light-weight.
Only to be proved so horribly wrong xD


:3 Yeah I just... I think it's an amazing thing. Cause like... most women would be resistant to someone like Lappy having sex with them, if you think about it. But damn it'll probably ruin humans for them... -snickers-
I'm also in the 'I don't like big boobs' page as well. When I'm writing as a guy my male characters prefer medium sized nice hefty fill your palms with the nipples perfectly poised for teasing with thumbs. Enough to fill the hand - not strain it. xD That's what I prefer :3

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Well 3 and 5 definately seem to be the most popular. They were also the ones that stuck out to me the most when searching for pictures.

I'm part of the group who prefers medium breasts to smaller ones. I like things looking proportionate. Yes I'm weird. xD 3 I like for a lot of reasons, hair color her proportions, and in general a nice mixture of sexy and cute. 5 stood out to me despite the large size because of the expression and face, which is one of the most important things I look for in a picture, really stood out for me. Enough for me to ignore her being a bit bigger than I like.

Think I'm going to go with 3 after hearing so many people's opinions and she is a bit closer to my own preferences. Glad that it sounds like people are starting to take interest in her now though. Guess pictures really do help. :P


Honestly when I heard you were thinking of making a female Oni, I was actually expecting some  sort of burly woman with the proportions of an amazoness xD
Was personally thinking your idea would probably work better in a different GRP where there were more sexually flexible females around.... but if you're thinking of going with No.3 that could definitely work. (Or any of the other 5 options really).

Funny thing is, if Joanie/SS/Avalon make a female, and Cake makes a male... we've got 8 Shiki with a perfect 4/4 split xD
That's actually a really nice number to be on, though one or two more can hurt.
Still on 4 Occultists, and would like to see one or two more... but not necessary either.
I've still got a secondary spot open to use myself xD

If it sags it's bads~
Okay, that's probably overreach, but I don't understand what appeals so much about big breasts.
Ever seen images of guys who have penises so big you wonder how they can even walk?
I think the same thing of a lot of female pics, how does their spine endure~ xD
Breast ranting is something I can do for hours though, so I should probably stop before I start flaming :/

@My Own Secondary
Wondering where I should slot a character in, and what.
Briefly considered a female Shiki, but that shortage seems to be filled now.
Think the only remaining shortage is female Occultists, but considering how every Shiki is either Bisexual and/or female, it's not something we need.


Quote from: SweetSerenade on February 13, 2018, 07:40:49 PM
The Celtic Pantheon as a whole was known for finding human warriors that proved themselves worthy and gifting them after passing trials. But not fuck with human lives quite the same way as say the Greek or Roman Pantheon (Or the Norse, dear gods xD) - I noticed the references, actually, as I am personally a Celtic Druid and worship several of the Celtic gods. It made me smile a bit reading her profile.

Honestly, I think her and Noel would get along quite well - and Tsukasa seems like the type of entity to be able to teach Noel temperance. :3

Yep! I read the Iliad while I was a child, and the interference was killing my mind when the gods were just messing up hero after hero, and I've played a couple of Roman civ-building games to know how the Roman deities would literally mess me up if I don't maintain stability with them  :-X 

Maybe it's because of the Fate series and their leaning towards the Celtic Mythology for a good number of characters, but I'm sure you saw the similarity between her and Scathach  ;D

I might also add here (and to her profile) that Tsu would be moving around in normal clothes, experiencing modern life and technology (Her last appearance on Earth was around 200AD). Apart from the serious fighting Gatekeeper, perhaps there's another side of her personality for cunning characters to exploit leading to plenty of shenanigans >:)


@Boobs pretty on board with what you are saying Leki. That's why I go for tight athletic builds usually, with my female characters. I'm also really glad someone else finally brought up the overlarge flopping dicks thing... See.. for me when I see pictures like that I get a fit of giggles. Cause I think "So do you have to be laying down to get hard?" - now mind you, I'm also all about proportions... You have a 7' tall monster (I guess Shiki in this case) It'd be freaking weird to see a dinky human proportion on it. I guess my realism is sort of proportionate for the individuals build? It'd just look awkward? (Though just thought of a monster with a 'small' penis shyly telling their partner (human or shiki) Hey I'm sorry... it's really small... and the human going "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?!? THAT'S BIG!" ) XD

And yes, I'm going to make a Female Shiki, if allowed, based off of the 'Angel' I shared earlier. :3 I just need a couple days, things are heavy/stressful with school.

@Relikai - I actually have absolutely no idea what the Fate series is... I have heard it mentioned here and in a couple other places, but I'm not in here for fandom similarity? XD I'm here cause I have been addicted to Leki's games since the first Bakemono-Shiki, and the ones that are similar enough I tend to jump on like a ravenous beast. (Which is a testament to his awesome because I'm picky as fuck about 'Original' settings already, and even pickier about Group settings. Combine the two and it's basically... Yeah Bakemono Shiki, this sort of set up, If Leki posts it I basically jump... xD )

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


I sure do miss alot when I look away, huh? Geez. x:

@Leki: Not gonna lie, I can be an amazon chaser. They don't have to have monster tits, but the sexual dimorphism thing in reverse (small guy/big girl) where the lady is pretty tough looking (but not some hideous mountain of muscle) just kind of gets to me. >_>; I'm also okay with large breasts, but thanks to some conscious life choices on my part, I have a greater appreciation for all the smaller ranges as well. Only time I question things is if the cup size exceeds... Like, F cups. At that point you better hope you're either not human or you have a reinforced spine to support those damn things. x:

@Avalon: I'm happy with the outcome of going with 3 for sure. o: Can't wait to sure her profile!

@Relikai: Welp, if Tsukasa's got an exploitable side to her, she's in the right game for people to go looking for that. :3 I can't promise Takuya will find it easily, but given enough time and exposure, and he can probably find something to capitalize on. =p They may have no synergy but that doesn't mean he's not gonna be talking to people. He's got a little something to say to everyone.

@SS: Again, no worries! Sort real life things out first, we're an understanding group who'll give you the time you need to have things sorted out especially given your ceaseless enthusiasm for BMS. :3

Not sure if I missed anything else...


Quote from: Leki on February 14, 2018, 12:01:21 AM
Honestly when I heard you were thinking of making a female Oni, I was actually expecting some  sort of burly woman with the proportions of an amazoness xD
Was personally thinking your idea would probably work better in a different GRP where there were more sexually flexible females around.... but if you're thinking of going with No.3 that could definitely work. (Or any of the other 5 options really).

Nope, no amazons for me. :P  The character ability wise is less focused on the whole brute strength bit and more on the alcohol and poison. Although a variant of the alcohol that sends her into a berserker rage with increased strength and durability could be fun for an additional ability. But she's mostly moved on from such savagery unless you really make her mad, like try to ruin one of her feasts. Still she's more likely to give you poison in your drink or get you drunk and cut your head off while you're passed out if she wants  to kill you. She's the pleasant and strangely young inn keeper that used to be an outlaw. The lazy one who drinks all day and looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly until you make her mad and realize she's absolutely terrifying.

Like I said loosely based on Shuten-Doji. This is just with more emphasis on the throwing of big feasts that were dangerous for mortals, a bit of an understatement I know, and less on the rampaging oni bit. I mean the one in the myth died after getting poisoned during a drinking bout with the group sent to punish him. Seems like the basis of a fun concept to me.

Quote from: Gardsorm on February 14, 2018, 12:52:52 AM
I sure do miss alot when I look away, huh? Geez. x:

To repeat what Leki told me earlier. Activity rule number 1: activity always happens or get busy doing anything else for that matter.


So Activity Rule Number 1 - usually doesn't do much for me. Since I practically live on my computer, and I'm always checking my phone (college student with many online classes!) xD - So I'm like...always reading everything, and pop up to comment/chat when it's applicable? XD

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Shush, you're just okay with anything that looks even remotely female xD
I don't even know what cup-size I'm okay until though, since I've never really bothered to look into it.
Might as well ask the female players if they're up for educating me a bit xD

@Women (Or guys who know)
What's the largest bra cup-size that a regular store is usually likely to have stocked?
Never gone lingerie shopping, and no reason to go into that sort of store alone, so I don't know xD
Mainly just curious, since I feel as if it's a waste of shelf space to stock F-cups xD

Walking around in normal clothing? Can our characters refer to her as Tsukasa-human? xD
(Don't worry if you don't get it, inside jab) xD

No worries, we've all got plenty of time~

Might have to take a look at the Fate version of Shuten to get a better idea of what you've got in mind.
Admittedly though I do think it'd be fun to play russian vodka roulette when drinking  with her.
"Yep that was fine, nope that one will burn a hole through your stomach" xD

@My secondary
Since we seem to have balanced things out a bit more, I'll be making a human male~
For GM purposes *nods*-
Just need to clear myself some time and start writing him up


@melodycake The name choice was very deliberate, icelandic is a beautiful language.

I'm still around by the by, right now I'm trying to find a picture that's weird enough for me to find it Interesting, but not so weird that no one is going to want to pair with her. I have a few pictures chosen already, Ill post a them to see what everyone thinks when I get off work.


... I can't deny that. I have limits of course but 90% of females or female-looking entities I'd have to try at some point. =p It's why Takuya even claims he'd have to flirt with a Shadow if it looked like a halfway decent female.

Mentioning this Shuten-girl's drink potential randomly reminded me of a funny image a friend showed me the other day... Need to find it but was a funny 'combination of vodka and tequila' image. =p


@Vonandi: Like Leki boasts, if it looks even remotely female, I likely will probably have Takuya interact, hahaha. Of course, making her look appealing enough to others is the real goal.


Great to hear!
And we'll look forward to the image postage with abated breath~
Gardsorm's happy with anything female, but the rest of us will try to be a bit more critical... maybe~
Just kidding Gard ;) Just seemed fitting considering what we're talking about xD

As I keep telling others, we're scheduled to start at the end of the month, or early next month
So there's no pressure just yet :P
Though I'm sure a few people are curious to see what you come up with.
Myself included ;)


Well the profile writing for my new character is going surprisingly well. Guess it helps having the concept fairly fleshed out before writing it. Need to figure out how to sum up her personality with two keywords and add stuff in the other points of interest when I get back from campus. I’m a bit surprised on how some things turned out that I didn’t have any idea on at first like the reason she came to Earth. Hopefully I’ll finish her tonight and be able to post her here to see what people think and try to get approval from Leki.


I'm considering a more... 'conservative'... look for Tsukasa. Maybe still clad in her trademark latex bodysuit, but found in different outfits...

Credits to the artists!  XD