We Could Be Heroes; A Sexy Superhero RP 2nd Arc Recruitment! MALES NEEDED!

Started by Vergil Tanner, May 10, 2017, 09:00:45 AM

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Ok. Well, as for shooting a projectile I would say that would require fine control but not the control to like say tangle a girl's hair or flip dress. Keep in mind that this isn't telekinesis this is wind manipulation and as you pointed out earlier it's basically herding you can control only so much. When an angry 1000lbs animal gets mad and bucks ya just gotta hang on.

While we do determine the amount of damage your ability does our role is to ensure you've properly thought out all aspects of the power, hence the questions and conversations we have. I had probably 30 or so powers before Sasha settled on shrinking. lol and each one of those boss put me through my paces.

I think the thing that needs to be really thought out is how many MAX power bursts per day he can do, like say a Dungeons & Dragons wizard. He gets 3/day 3d6 fireballs but can do up to 6/d 1d4 magic missiles. Not as powerful but more of them. Does that make sense?

Boss is more familiar with fantasy settings than I am, I'm a sci-fi nut and so my thinking is more into hard facts and numbers. :P Frequent PM fights about caloric intake vs expenditure has earned me at least one noogie from him.

This might be a bit overkill but right now I'm comparing your power to the t-shirt gun.

For shooting t-shirts I load the main tank with 100 PSI and then fill the firing tank with 40 PSI and this seems to work fine for me and can get about 6 shots in one fill.

Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


I would say he can probably use a max power burst once and then be broken. Even if he's aiming it up at the sky he'll pound himself into the ground and if not careful snap his spine. I honeslty think that Max power just isn't an option with the way the power functions.

But, if we're gonna say that he's gonna be perfectly okay and not be harmed in any way... I'm still gonna say one :p because any subsequent ones will automatically be weakened because he's not sully rested anymore then, resulting in something that's not max power, or with a lowered max if you wanna get technical about it. Consider this, how many marathons can you run in a single day?
Fully exerting himself leaves him feeling as if he's run a marathon. He can rest a bit, catch his breath and then go again, but it wouldn't be full power anymore until he's properly rested, probably slept.


Quote from: Kujo on July 09, 2017, 11:38:43 AM
I would say he can probably use a max power burst once and then be broken. Even if he's aiming it up at the sky he'll pound himself into the ground and if not careful snap his spine. I honeslty think that Max power just isn't an option with the way the power functions.

But, if we're gonna say that he's gonna be perfectly okay and not be harmed in any way... I'm still gonna say one :p because any subsequent ones will automatically be weakened because he's not sully rested anymore then, resulting in something that's not max power, or with a lowered max if you wanna get technical about it. Consider this, how many marathons can you run in a single day?
Fully exerting himself leaves him feeling as if he's run a marathon. He can rest a bit, catch his breath and then go again, but it wouldn't be full power anymore until he's properly rested, probably slept.

Sasha's shrinking powers are the same as a marathon. Both directions are caloric black holes. The number we went with was 100 cals and inch in any direction. And that was an awesome number until Sasha got down to 4" and we were like um... the conversion process for how to put those calories back into Mini Sash was pretty much impossible. Sure she could burn/convert like a hummingbird but she couldn't actually open her mouth big enough, or have a big enough tummy, to store that many calories. So we had to do some reworks.

So basically what I'm saying is that the idea didn't survive first contact with my idea of how it worked out. Sasha is basically a bottomless pit now when it comes to eating but she still needs time to digest and convert it back into energy.

So potentially breaking bones isn't a bad idea but allow me to counter that. Perhaps you're NOT using full power because instinctively you're blasting an air burst and in the same effect brace yourself from the worst damage. Basically you're doing micro damage to your bones, ie Skye/Dasiy from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but eventually it's going to end up being a major problem down the world.

Without increased healing a bone will take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks. And if he goes full on multiple broken bones it'll probably be longer still and I don't know if that's a good idea as far as interactions are concerned. I've been in the game since the 2nd earthquake and I'm pretty sure I've been here for at least a few months on the last few days. So it'd be something you'd have to keep in mind.

Not making a call one way or the other, that's the boss's job. I'm just here to look cute and ask questions. :)
Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


Oh, I'm aware of the pain a broken bone can cause in an RP that progresses  a few days per year played. I've already been there and wasn't actually planning on breaking my character's bones unless I was sure there was someone with an ability to correct that. But at the same time, it seems the most logical repercussion when playing around with such strenuous sudden forces.
All it means is that my character and me specifically will be too scared to use full power on this ability. It's a good deterrent if nothing else, and at least allows for the option of a noble sacrifice. Best ways to go. :p

I should just give him a blowgun :p He'd be good with those.

Skye/Daisy/Quake is an interesting notion actually. I loved the effect of her abilities but hadn't actually made the connection yet between her and Ángel's situation.

Anyway, I think this is as far as we're gonna get with these powers right now. I'm still thinking about possible alternatives that could lead to fun RP, but jostling someone's hair and flipping skirts is a tough one to beat.  XD


Quote from: Kujo on July 09, 2017, 12:09:27 PM
Oh, I'm aware of the pain a broken bone can cause in an RP that progresses  a few days per year played. I've already been there and wasn't actually planning on breaking my character's bones unless I was sure there was someone with an ability to correct that. But at the same time, it seems the most logical repercussion when playing around with such strenuous sudden forces.
All it means is that my character and me specifically will be too scared to use full power on this ability. It's a good deterrent if nothing else, and at least allows for the option of a noble sacrifice. Best ways to go. :p

I should just give him a blowgun :p He'd be good with those.

Skye/Daisy/Quake is an interesting notion actually. I loved the effect of her abilities but hadn't actually made the connection yet between her and Ángel's situation.

Anyway, I think this is as far as we're gonna get with these powers right now. I'm still thinking about possible alternatives that could lead to fun RP, but jostling someone's hair and flipping skirts is a tough one to beat.  XD

Well I'm a marvel fan girl so I saw this and I was like... we've gotta Quake potential here. :D

You're right full out it's probably the best way to handle your powers but the last thing we want is for your character to be afraid of using your power. Sasha's power almost ended up getting her killed twice in one day. Luckily I like shrinking so it's not a determiment. But if you break your bone and then you later are like god why did I do that?

To my knowledge the only person who can probably heal faster is Nad, since she's Captain America, and her regen isn't to the point where she can heal a lot of stuff. Sasha's other power before we finally went with shrinking would have been the Lizard which meant she was pretty much immune to alochol and bones repaired in like half the time. But you might be able to trick Arek into making a healing gun or something. :P I could totally see us jury rigging a healing room or something out of Nikki's cloning powers.

But I think the wind power has potential to be really good and really fun. I already would love to see a scene with Sasha and Angel diving and sharing an underwater breath/kiss while they're swimming. But, right now my role isn't as a cast member. It's the strict and demanding 2ic **grins and wags tail**

Which is basically finding the hard limits of what your powers would be capable of and how we limit them into the aspects of the game. Ai is a pyro so he has a bit of manipulation control powers if I recall correctly.

So why don't you for now work on the backstory and your purposed character writings and the like and that should hopefully give Pen and boss time to review our conversation and ask more questions.

Key's examples for Nikki are super, she's the noobie now :P, and if you need an example I can provide you a link to look at the active characters. I believe you've already looked at the archived ones.
Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


I think finding a hard cap for what you can achieve with these wind powers is gonna be difficult. Unfortunately it's not like setting a max distance on your teleportation or a fixed number of clones on your duplication, since we're working with manipulating what's already there and all around us. I think with a lot of work Angel could set up a town ravaging tornado if he wanted to. It would require him to keep at it for a long time, and find the right location to work on it and then hope the environment and nature will pick up on it and keep it going. It's sorta like starting a forest fire when you have the ability to rub sticks together and find kindling. Of course, just like with the forest fire, Angel would be sucked up and killed by the tornado long before it's fully matured. His proximity would be too near if he wants to affect it, and even then it can still die out after killing him rather than keep on growing.

The air bursts we have a bit more say and control over because we can decide how hard he can effectively blow in a particular direction. Less so then going for a burst with a large surface, but a lot when the area is concentrated. So we're looking at the effects we want to achieve. If these bursts or spurts need to be capable of propelling a large guy towards they need to be substantial, even if it's only to allow him to jump a tall fence. Which means means that if not used carefully, or on smaller things it can cause severe damage. Now personally I would really like it if my character is afraid to test what is limits are. I can see him try something and maybe sprain a knee or elbow, or ankle or wrist, or he blows himself backwards into something. He's gonna be careful about the use of his power and never take unnecessary risks. That doesn't mean he's afraid to use his power, certainly not, but he has no desire to see how far he can push it if he knows there a risk to his life or way of life. For me personally that's all I really need. It's not over powered if it's never used, but I can certainly understand the reluctance on your part. It's also a matter of consistency within the setting and with others.

But ye, I assume this AI feller has had to consider similar things. Fire is also a natural element and even with a tiny flame you can potentially level buildings and forests and end up killing thousands. And in his case I'm guessing he can probably also increase the temperatures of the flames he makes, but if he's not immune to heat then it doesn't matter if he can reach a thousand degrees when a few hundred would already burn himself. :p

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to say something like "let me be overpowered!" because I am perfectly willing to just RP with just the ability to flip skirts, rustle leaves, and tussle hair. I'm just likely not gonna influence the plot further down the line. I'm assuming that eventually we're gonna need these powers to accomplish things and not just spice up slice of life events in the RP :p


Posting so the thread doesn't disappear on me :)
This is my signature, there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Sheng's o/o


I have been thinking a bit more, and remembered Jeflint's question on if Ángel can see air currents or not.
I think this is a really cool ability and would be a much better, cleaner way of introducing his powers to Ángel. He would be able to sense the air around him, and see it in the sky as transparent rivers of flowing light. I say see, but that's not quite accurate. It's a new sort of awareness and he can 'see' them even with his eyes closed. This could, potentially warn him of nearby moving objects as those would disturb the flow of the currents. With experience he might then be able to better identify those objects based on how they disrupt the currents.

This ability is that allows him to control and direct air currents. Perhaps something along the lines of him figuratively grabbing the current by the tail and giving it new directions. It would make this whole manipulation of the air much more sensual and artistic I think, rather than having it be like a brutish form of telekinesis.

I'm even tempted change his power to be more like this entirely. Have it be so that he's able to sense the currents in flowing things and redirect them at a touch. This would then be air currents, but also extend to water for example. He can conjure neither, and not change it's properties, just how it moves. In effect this would give him a sort of spacious awareness in open air or bodies of water, but not if it's still of course.

I'm imagining he might not be able to create these instant air bursts anymore then, so he'd lose his "gun" and "propulsion" but would wait fast aquatic movement en perhaps the ability to raise columns of water and make crude whips out of it.
Thinking about it now this would make him a sort of water/air bender without the healing, or ice, or other advanced techniques. To just the redirecting of it. It's potent, but cool, and not particularly damaging I think. Sure, getting hit by the equivalent of a fire-hose might hurt, but I don't see truly harm anyone. Well, aside maybe telling an ocean current to drag someone out into open waters :p

Or... changing the direction streams and rivers? Yeah okay I can see how that might be devastating... Okay I take back the harmless part :p
Still, thoughts?

How terrible would it be if the cost for gaining this new sensory awareness was that he would lose his eye sight? Not sure if I'd want what with such beautiful girls walking around, but it does open up scenes where he'd need to feel them up, or perhaps wants them in the water so that he can sense their form better? Actually he'd be able to sense them in the air too then, just not see colors and textures, just shapes and movement. Aww this would be so terrible considering the hopes and dreams I have planned for him. He wouldn't be able to do those anymore :p
Can't see pictures or or text anymore either. i'd be interesting.


Welcome Sheng. :) We've always got room if you're interested.

Sorry Kujo, went to go do some stuff away from the PC.

You're correct a hard cap is going to be hard to find with a power like this but we should come to a sorta agreement of what is acceptable between player and admin staff. If you see your character progressing in a certain way or in a certain style and feel it's not all that powerful and we're looking down the road and we're seeing the power at full tornado gale winds then that's what we've gotta try and plan for. Like trying to plan for the eventuality that you might have superman in your party you need to ensure he's challenged and the story is interesting. Not that we'd ever have a superman, but you get my drift. :)

What do you mean by not influence the plot further down the line? **tilts head to the side.**

So you'd go from Jin the wind master to Aqualad?

If you wanted to go with new sensory awarness I would see that MAYBE you'd get migraines and double vision and possibly think your hallucinating. But if you wanted him to be blind that's entirely up to you. I think that the drawback in this case would be pretty high for the power. I mean, you're talking about basically going Daredevil just to see and direct currents of water and air, which would be cool but like I said I think the cost would be to high. You're paying a one time fee not a fee for use like all of us. Does that make sense?
Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


Oh I understand perfectly, but I'm also one of those guys who slaps complications onto his characters because he thinks it adds character rather than limit what he can do. So in that regard, there's no such thing as a too hefty fee.

But I was just thinking out loud. Playing a blind character can be fun, but I fear it would lessen more joys than it would add. And... My poor guy already has such a troublesome past. I shouldn't be too cruel to him.


Quote from: Kujo on July 09, 2017, 08:44:46 PM
Oh I understand perfectly, but I'm also one of those guys who slaps complications onto his characters because he thinks it adds character rather than limit what he can do. So in that regard, there's no such thing as a too hefty fee.

But I was just thinking out loud. Playing a blind character can be fun, but I fear it would lessen more joys than it would add. And... My poor guy already has such a troublesome past. I shouldn't be too cruel to him.

Oh... don't get me wrong. I know. I've played a number of D&D characters on the premise of 1 cool ability and everything was cool but I was like "I can turn into a pool of shadows and sunlight hurts me! I'm like a shadow vampire! a Shadpire!"

I get it, trust me. I like complex characters but we want to ensure that if we do something to your character in the sake of the power... it doesn't make the game unenjoyable.

How about this. When you activate your power you go blind? That way you get the fun of seeing most times and then you have to learn how to navigate using your new current powers when you're using your powers? That would scare the crap out of just about anyone I would think to be blind but see/fell currents moving around you. Cause remember as people walk we displace the air and make a mini current for a little bit. Just a suggestion if you want to go with that thought process. :)
Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


Yeah, those displacements would be how he can 'see' people around him, their movements at least. And if he gets really good he might be able to tell who it is, or at least if its a guy or a girl and large or small etc.

The temporary blindness is not a bad idea actually. Can say that this new sensory aspect of the power requires a lot of processing power and thus overrides the part of the brain handling sight. It's our most developed sense after all.

Mind you that I haven't decided yet if I should change powers or not. Would need to get a clearer image on the effectiveness of this new current manipulation compared to wind control.

Jack of Jacks

Heyy I just came across this awesome group hoping to join the RP! ^_^

here is a concept for a character I have so far:

Sex: Male
Position: Student
Archetype: The Free Spirit
Power Theme: Aura Vision



Well, if you do decide to change powers, mind you we're going to have to start all over again with the questioning. :P

A little tip from me, the characters' powers are usually associated with a certain trait of the characters themselves. Dante in particular is very intelligent and calculated, hence his power is enhanced thinking speed and photographic memory; something associated to his intelligence. Grace is a very seductive, sensual young woman who enjoys her one night stands, hence her power is that of attraction, making people desire her and more prone to obey her.

So when you have your power sorted, just let us know. :-)


Hello Grey! Thanks so much for your interest in our game. :D

Can you tell us more about what you had in mind for the application of your character's aura reading? How well would he be able to use it on day one? And what are the extents you imagine for his full mastery of it? Tell us more about the little details. :-)
"The secret behind every genius is a heart full of sadness, a mind laced with madness, and just a little bit of magic."


Oh I'm just waiting for more feedback on the powers so I can move on to the next stage. I guess we're waiting on Vergil to say what can and cannot work.
I have these two options now and if either of them works I'll go for that. I can't say what fits or doesn't fit in the RP.

Jack of Jacks


Yes of course! (my character will go by they/them pronouns, sorry I didn't mention it earlier)

On day one I'm thinking they have practically no control over their power. It often overwhelms them, since they don't know how to necessarily turn off their power or keep it from exhausting them. The full extent of their Aura Reading power would be to be able to discern someone's (or something's) emotional state, species, sex, moral alignment, type of power if they have any, physical health, sexuality, and what sort of emotional or biological connection the person has to other people in close proximity of my character and the person who's aura they are reading. My character can read someone's aura if they are no more than about 100 feet away from them. They can read multiple people's auras at a time, however the more people they try to read at once the harder it is to see and feel all of the information they can in detail.


Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 12:28:33 AM
Oh I'm just waiting for more feedback on the powers so I can move on to the next stage. I guess we're waiting on Vergil to say what can and cannot work.
I have these two options now and if either of them works I'll go for that. I can't say what fits or doesn't fit in the RP.

That we are. I would recommend sticking with the wind option since it's more specific. Currents would too easily bypass into other powers, you know?

Quote from: Greydreamer on July 10, 2017, 12:46:27 AM

Yes of course! (my character will go by they/them pronouns, sorry I didn't mention it earlier)

On day one I'm thinking they have practically no control over their power. It often overwhelms them, since they don't know how to necessarily turn off their power or keep it from exhausting them. The full extent of their Aura Reading power would be to be able to discern someone's (or something's) emotional state, species, sex, moral alignment, type of power if they have any, physical health, sexuality, and what sort of emotional or biological connection the person has to other people in close proximity of my character and the person who's aura they are reading. My character can read someone's aura if they are no more than about 100 feet away from them. They can read multiple people's auras at a time, however the more people they try to read at once the harder it is to see and feel all of the information they can in detail.

Oof, well a 100 feet is a pretty huge radius, you know. I'd say 50 feet at full mastery, with that full extent of detail. :P even then, I'm not entirely sold on him being able to tell sexuality, moral alignment, AND biological relations, because for the first two, such traits are not definitive and for the last one, energy alone should not be able to define that.

But for now, on day one - he has JUST gotten his powers - how wide would his range be, and what are the details he can pick up?
"The secret behind every genius is a heart full of sadness, a mind laced with madness, and just a little bit of magic."

Jack of Jacks

Quote from: PentheWonderful on July 10, 2017, 02:06:04 AM

Oof, well a 100 feet is a pretty huge radius, you know. I'd say 50 feet at full mastery, with that full extent of detail. :P even then, I'm not entirely sold on him being able to tell sexuality, moral alignment, AND biological relations, because for the first two, such traits are not definitive and for the last one, energy alone should not be able to define that.

But for now, on day one - he has JUST gotten his powers - how wide would his range be, and what are the details he can pick up?

That’s true, 50 feet sounds good at full mastery. I won’t defend the sexuality and biological  sensing cause I do agree with you on that actually lol. I’d argue that one who could sense and read someone’s aura should be able to get a sense for if the person gives off positive or negative vibes (I suppose that would just tie back into sensing someone’s emotional state huh?) Although, its correct that it doesn’t mean they’d know what someone’s moral code is or even necessarily if they are evil or good based on their energy. 

As of the beginning, I'd say only up to like 7 feet away so far. The detail they could pick up on as a novice could be emotional state.


Quote from: Greydreamer on July 10, 2017, 02:26:08 AM
That’s true, 50 feet sounds good at full mastery. I won’t defend the sexuality and biological  sensing cause I do agree with you on that actually lol. I’d argue that one who could sense and read someone’s aura should be able to get a sense for if the person gives off positive or negative vibes (I suppose that would just tie back into sensing someone’s emotional state huh?) Although, its correct that it doesn’t mean they’d know what someone’s moral code is or even necessarily if they are evil or good based on their energy. 

As of the beginning, I'd say only up to like 7 feet away so far. The detail they could pick up on as a novice could be emotional state.

Well, I suppose that's true. It could certainly cause some good misunderstandings or false accusations. :D

So they're leaning more towards an Empath then, at first? Being able to sense what people are feeling? Would you say this would also allow them to sense when someone is lying? And upon further progression, would he actually be able to SEE people's auras? Visually, or through the mind's eye, do you think?
"The secret behind every genius is a heart full of sadness, a mind laced with madness, and just a little bit of magic."


So during my restless moments of sleep spread out in half hour chunks across the morning, I had a power epiphany. A powerful epiphany!

My character, who's name I will also change, will be a reluctant healer.

Thinking on it a bit more I would say that the Green Mile comes pretty close to the effect I have in mind which is; When he touches people he can take away all their pain, discomfort, sickness and injuries and absorb that into himself. He can hold that suffering for a while and pass it onto someone else, or his body will begin detoxing, purifying itself from the nasty. This process can be extremely painful with the severity of the pain and suffering he's absorbed determining how painful it wil be. It can range from stabs of pain in the gut or brain, to feeling as if he's burning alive beneath his skin.

I was thinking that he'd be virtually immune to diseases and poisons as his power will passively begin to work on breaking down everything that's harmful. This can be a painful process, but likely better than the alternative. It's also not so that he just instantly takes injuries away at a touch, it would be a process requiring energy and concentration. He wil likely have an increased appetite to make sure his body has the energy required for these processes. A side effect of this is that his core temperature is quite warm, nothing really big, but it's just noticeable that his body his always nice and warm to the touch and prolonged contact with him will likely leave others feeling better, less burdened, more energized.

This last part is probably where I'll have him start on day one. Feeling overal warmer and having a soothing effect on the people he's in contact with. He can do small things like take away headaches or hangovers, or other small pains, such as strains or muscle aches. It will be a minor passive effect mostly, and he'll later learn that he can actually speed up the healing process of others if he concentrates, resulting perhaps in effects such as closing small cuts and scrapes within moments, healing fractures in minutes, depending on their severity and if the bones have been set already etc, and somethings like sickness or poison is likely a length treatment procedure where he may spend hours absorbing the taint.

Holding on to those taints in order to pass them on is something he can maybe manage for a day at most, by which time he'll already be well underway of detoxing it and suffering the backlash of that. Depending on how much he's absorbed he may start to feel queasy and nauseous after an hour or two, after which it will rapidly become more painful until his body is cleansed again.

Possible added effect of this power may be that he can sense pain or discomfort in someone if he touches them and has an idea of the severity or perhaps even the cause. I'm thinking he might give someone a hand and sense that the person may be suffering from a painfully sprained ankle for example.
Another possible effect could be he can even affect mental afflictions, but that may be an entirely different ballgame. He could take away the physical pain or stress resulting from those conditions however. You can imagine how he might give the worlds best massages. ;)

Thoughts, and feedback please. I'm very excited about this ability and really want to make this work. It actually fits his personality and character so well the way I have it envisioned now.

Vergil Tanner

**Staggers in, reeking of sweat and airplane cheese**

I'm safely in England! Didn't die, but...jetlagged...and hungry... >.>

In any case! Pen, Flint, you continue doing the amazing job you've been doing so far - I've read through the thread and I'm happy with how you've been handling things - and I'll catch up properly tomorrow. Try and give me as little work as possible, since I'll likely still be a little lagged. :P
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


I'll do my best, boss. 😊 This is my super busy week so I probably won't respond as quickly as I did yesterday.

So... Healing powers eh Kujo? You know what that means... 😜

I have no experience with this green mile you dpeak of in more than the broadest of terms... So um... Yeah.

Sounds like this guy has nano guys in his blood making him healthy. I can work with that.

Alright, so what poison can't he cure? Instant death stuff? What about disease? What nasty virus or bug will evade out homeopathic hero? What about parasites?

How much energy and time is this requirement for himself? For others?

What will it feel like to get healed? Can he repair problems from say a stroke?
Jan's General Info, The F-List , On’s & Offs, absenteeism & BB Color Codes


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on July 10, 2017, 08:18:08 AM
**Staggers in, reeking of sweat and airplane cheese**

I'm safely in England! Didn't die, but...jetlagged...and hungry... >.>

In any case! Pen, Flint, you continue doing the amazing job you've been doing so far - I've read through the thread and I'm happy with how you've been handling things - and I'll catch up properly tomorrow. Try and give me as little work as possible, since I'll likely still be a little lagged. :P

You sure you didn't die? Because it certainly seems like something did. *pinches nose shut* :P

In any case, I'll do my best.
"The secret behind every genius is a heart full of sadness, a mind laced with madness, and just a little bit of magic."


Quote from: jeflint on July 10, 2017, 08:38:16 AM
So... Healing powers eh Kujo? You know what that means... 😜

I actually don't know what you're insinuating here.  :-(

Quote from: jeflint on July 10, 2017, 08:38:16 AM
Sounds like this guy has nano guys in his blood making him healthy. I can work with that.

Alright, so what poison can't he cure? Instant death stuff? What about disease? What nasty virus or bug will evade out homeopathic hero? What about parasites?

How much energy and time is this requirement for himself? For others?

What will it feel like to get healed? Can he repair problems from say a stroke?

Awesome questions. Let's see what we can work out.

In the injury department he's basically pushing the patient's body into a recovery boost. So anything that could heal naturally he'd be able to accomplish but at a much faster rate. This can be taxing on the patient though, so they might feel weak and hungry after the treatment. This is also where he later decide to supplies his own bodies energy to be used for healing. If the wounds are large enough then it may require the energy of both bodies, or perhaps he can even channel someone willing to donate energy.
He cannot revive dead material or tissue, so in the case of frozen toes, that's too bad. Though he can rejuvenate you before tissue dies prolonging the inevitable.
Burns are another nasty thing. He can take away the pain and get the body to heal to as much as is possible, but he cannot prevent scars from forming.
Likewise, he cannot return what's gone, so no regrowing of limbs.

All of this healing is done in the body of the the patient and at most costs him his energy, potentially leaving him cold, hungry and tired. There is the risk here that he gives too much, so if you're looking for limits or max power effect then he can use up all his energy and pass out or go into a coma or perhaps even die.

As for poisons, I don't see why he can't just cure all poisons provided he's there in time to treat it. Slow poisons shouldn't be a problem, but some others take a while to get noticed and then hit sudden and hard. But I image he can ease and treat all kinds of zoo and plant toxins such as spider bites, snake bites, thistle stings, the works.

This along with diseases ais a kind of healing where he absorbs all that's harmful into his own body, leaving the other completely healed. He'd then have to either find an outlet again for that stuff or suffer the pain and strain and exhaustion of his breaking down the toxin/virus

I don't think he can do much about parasites... Can't immediately think up how he'd fight those off... He can however treat the negative effects that these parasites cause. So there's that at least.

As for the time it takes to heal that depends on the severity of the case. He can heal cuts, scrapes, bruises, headaches, drunkenness and the likes within a minute, but other things like fractures, stab wounds, poison can take up to an hour or so. Real awful diseases and cancers will be treatments ranging from several hours to a full day, to even multiple treatments spread out over several days. Scheduled healing sessions to slowly build the body back. In cases where he's taking sickness into himself and need to break it down he'll want to space that so his painful session are manageable. He might be able to speed it up but the more he takes on the worse the backlash for him.

And how the healing will feel while it's happening? That's a really cool question, and I would say it feels amazing. The relief your body will feel for no longer having to fight whatever is ailing it is one part of it, but as it's happening I though it might be nice if it gave a very pleasant tingling sensation which may or may not be arousing to some ;) Or simply relaxing to others.


Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
Awesome questions. Let's see what we can work out.

In the injury department he's basically pushing the patient's body into a recovery boost. So anything that could heal naturally he'd be able to accomplish but at a much faster rate. This can be taxing on the patient though, so they might feel weak and hungry after the treatment. This is also where he later decide to supplies his own bodies energy to be used for healing. If the wounds are large enough then it may require the energy of both bodies, or perhaps he can even channel someone willing to donate energy.
He cannot revive dead material or tissue, so in the case of frozen toes, that's too bad. Though he can rejuvenate you before tissue dies prolonging the inevitable.
Burns are another nasty thing. He can take away the pain and get the body to heal to as much as is possible, but he cannot prevent scars from forming.
Likewise, he cannot return what's gone, so no regrowing of limbs.

All of this healing is done in the body of the the patient and at most costs him his energy, potentially leaving him cold, hungry and tired. There is the risk here that he gives too much, so if you're looking for limits or max power effect then he can use up all his energy and pass out or go into a coma or perhaps even die.

Wait, so when he's doing a recovery boost, is he using his energy, or the patient's? You mentioned that it's taxing on the patient, so this makes me assume that he's using the patient's own energy to speed up the healing process.

Those limits sound good. So, can we assume then that the extent of his powers also depend highly on his own energy/stamina and endurance? He would need to survive and endure whatever he's taken into himself long enough for his body to heal it, after all. :P
And if he can channel someone else to donate their energy, would this mean he would technically be able to absorb energy from other people too, rather than just giving it?

Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
As for poisons, I don't see why he can't just cure all poisons provided he's there in time to treat it. Slow poisons shouldn't be a problem, but some others take a while to get noticed and then hit sudden and hard. But I image he can ease and treat all kinds of zoo and plant toxins such as spider bites, snake bites, thistle stings, the works.

What about chemical poisoning? Something like carbon monoxide or mercury? Would he be able to heal those afflicted with radiation? Nuclear and the like? That's all quite different from natural poisons like plant toxins and venom.

Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
This along with diseases ais a kind of healing where he absorbs all that's harmful into his own body, leaving the other completely healed. He'd then have to either find an outlet again for that stuff or suffer the pain and strain and exhaustion of his breaking down the toxin/virus

What would be his outlets? Plants, animals, other people, or perhaps inanimate objects? Does the outlet need to be alive, or could he just transfer it to, say, a rock? I know that Latin Americans have the superstition that witch doctors can transfer one's illness to chickens or even chicken eggs. Would your character do something similar?

Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
I don't think he can do much about parasites... Can't immediately think up how he'd fight those off... He can however treat the negative effects that these parasites cause. So there's that at least.

This is acceptable.

Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
As for the time it takes to heal that depends on the severity of the case. He can heal cuts, scrapes, bruises, headaches, drunkenness and the likes within a minute, but other things like fractures, stab wounds, poison can take up to an hour or so. Real awful diseases and cancers will be treatments ranging from several hours to a full day, to even multiple treatments spread out over several days. Scheduled healing sessions to slowly build the body back. In cases where he's taking sickness into himself and need to break it down he'll want to space that so his painful session are manageable. He might be able to speed it up but the more he takes on the worse the backlash for him.

Looks like we've got a doctor in the house. :D

Quote from: Kujo on July 10, 2017, 09:41:36 AM
And how the healing will feel while it's happening? That's a really cool question, and I would say it feels amazing. The relief your body will feel for no longer having to fight whatever is ailing it is one part of it, but as it's happening I though it might be nice if it gave a very pleasant tingling sensation which may or may not be arousing to some ;) Or simply relaxing to others.

With that kind of power, he could make it big by just opening a massage business technically. :P
"The secret behind every genius is a heart full of sadness, a mind laced with madness, and just a little bit of magic."