The Sins of Our Fathers – Comic Book Crossover (Recruiting!)

Started by Life in Color, April 21, 2016, 06:29:43 PM

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     Bella, Z
Sexual Preference:
Relationship Status:
     Power Play { ♥ }
     Forcefulness - Being manhandled / overpowered


     Zala Dane(?) [Zaladane] - Biological Mother {Deceased}
     [[Unknown]] - Biological Father {Unknown}
     Lorna Summers (formerly Dane) [Polaris] - Aunt / Guardian {MIA}
     Alex Summers [Havok] - Uncle / Guardian {Living}
     Wanda Maximoff [Scarlet Witch]  - Aunt / Half Sister to Lorna {MIA}
     Zilliya Moira Queen [Fletching] - Cousin {Life in Color}
     Jesse Proudstar [Codename] - Cousin (biologically) / Sibling (introduced as) {Codexa}


     5'2" (~157 cm)
     115 lbs. (~52 kg)

Physical Description:
     Z has pale skin and earthy brown hair that can almost look green in some light. Her eyes are hazel and also sport tinges of green in them. Being a physically active get-in-trouble type, Z is quite athletic despite having an exaggerated hour glass shape. Her waist is tiny but, her hips flare outward. She is by no means a body builder and her strength does not take away from her soft, feminine curves.

Personality Description:
     Whether it be her mother, aunt or grandfather - Z's family has a history of being just a bit... crazy. Anyone who knows Z's real mom will automatically cast her off as being a crazy bitch but, truth is? They don't know the half of it. Auntie Lorna deals with her own little array of mental disorders which Z and Uncle Alex have to make sure remains regulated via medication and, even though Z has no idea who her true father is or what kind of crazy he was to have sex with a power hungry bitch from the Savage Lands... Z herself is bi-polar. While typically the term is coined for people who are up and down in terms of happiness and sadness - for Z... It's more like a crazy meter. One moment, she is super rational and the next, her actions lack any rationality whatsoever.


     Yes, she's on meds. Damn.

     Aside from her mental state, Z is a carefree girl. She has trouble respecting authority figures but, will generally tuck tail to those she knows she cannot overpower or challenge. If you cross her, she can be vindictive to a fault so, perhaps just stay on her good side?


     Some people have an easy childhood. For others? Not so much.

     For Zabella, it was perhaps fittingly a little of both. Adopted as a baby, she never knew who her real parents were. But the parents she did have? Alex Summers and Lorna Dane of the X-Men? They loved her as if she was their very own flesh and blood. Together, they lived in a mutant populated area of downtown New York. It was convenient for her family, being only a long cab ride away from the base of operations of the mutant investigative agency X-Factor that was run by her adoptive parents.

     Zabella herself was a smart, cute and inquisitive child but, she was not without a tendency to sulk or throw tantrums with little provocation - even for a five year old. It was initially dismissed as a phase, as such things can be. Dismissed, that is, until her mother refused to buy Zabella chocolate as she busily walked her child past the Sweet Life candy store.

     A decision which resulted in a tantrum of extraordinary proportions where little Zabella pulled her hand away from her mother's and screamed and shouted and stamped her feet...and an instant later, covered herself and almost half the street in green tinged fire.

     In shock and horror and with tears in her eyes, Lorna Dane reached to hold her child regardless of the flames around her. And, as she did, she could feel them hurt and burn, not her body but, her mind and soul. In desperation, she cried out Zabella's name and, as she did, she could see her daughter start to cry. She wailed as the flame and the pain began to subside.

     Holding her child in her arms Lorna flew, as swiftly as she safely could whilst holding little Zabella. She didn't stop until she reached the doors of the Jean Grey Institute. She tore them apart with magnetic force, before even realizing how many alarms she had triggered and set off. Responding in seconds, the X-Men in residence Dr Hank McCoy and Warren Worthington found her on the floor of the atrium. She was crying softly and repeating the same three words;

     “Help her, please”.

     Of course, they did. They are heroes and that is what heroes do. They held both Lorna and Zabella in a stable condition whilst alerting Alex and, once he arrived, they ensured the young family was together and Zabella was calm enough to run tests on her. It was only necessary for her to be mildly sedated. Through the analytical mind of the Beast, Dr McCoy was in truth only confirming through testing what he had suspected upon hearing the full story from Lorna. This was not an initial indication of the X-Gene. This was something else entirely and, as such,  required the aid of a different doctor. A former neurosurgeon living in Greenwich Village, one who also practiced under the title of Master of the Mystic Arts.

     Time passed as it does and, whilst the need for his abilities to defend the Earth itself were great and pressing, Steven Strange still found time to guide Zabella and to inform her adoptive parents as to the source of her powers. Something that became more pressing and more important to her as she grew, something which seemed to press her towards the tantrums and outbursts which should have stopped yet, never did.

     Perhaps her mother simply didn't want to consider an illness similar to her own but, after the purification spells of Dr Strange revealed no mystical cause, his training in medicine did the rest. Zabella was suffering from a form of bipolar disorder - a condition which would require treatment in the form of psychoactive medication, albeit an advanced hybrid drug provided by the medical arm of Starktech created to eliminate the sedative effects of prior medication.

     With her disorder in check, Zabella rather swiftly moved away from the pressing highs and lows she had experienced. No longer needing to be excused in schools or to move districts or the occasional use of psychic abilities from family friends to ensure incidents were forgotten.

     By the age of ten, Zabella had become a stable, smart and inquisitive young lady. Though she still could not receive an answer as to why she could do magic when her parents could not. It plagued her young mind even when she would not mention it.

     Over time, Zabella has somehow acquired the ability to fly and control electromagnetic fields just as her adoptive mother Lorna as well as blast energy like Alex. Heavy testing in her teens could not explain why these powers manifested from out of nowhere and the best explanation provided has been;

     "They're family."

     Having finished her education, Zabella teaches music at the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning by day and by night, she plays piano and sings at Vortex - a local jazz club hidden in the strip of New York as a working and fully functioning member of society. Her stage name is Celadonna, a play on the shade of green celadon and she wears a sleeveless green dress with a scandalously deep V neckline. Above her navel where the V ends lies a diamond shaped pin of jewels. On her arms, she wears gloves that reach nearly her shoulders in a matching shade of green.

==The Special Stuff==

Roster Position:
     The Sorceress

     Magic: Very similar to her aunt Scarlet Witch, most of Z's power is simply a green variant of Scarlets abilities. The two often joke that Z is secretly her daughter.

     Electromagnetic Field Manipulation: Z can generate magnetic energy pulses, create force fields, manipulate the Earth's magnetic field just as Lorna. Using this power, Z can propel her body into flight.

     Energy Blasts: She has the ability to expel various forms of energy from the body, namely her left hand in a much lesser form than that of Alex.

     Ambidexterity: Z is able to dual wield, effectively, casting magics with her right hand and controlled energy blasts with her left. While not truly ambidextrous, Z's right-handed magics have always been the more powerful of the two.

     Pianist: Self taught, Z can play most music by ear and sheet music though, she cannot sigh read & play.

     Vocalist: Having done chorus throughout her schooling, Z is an adept singer and her vocal range is that of an Alto II. Because of this deeper tone, lounge singing has worked well for her as she is able to really nail those sultry tones.
     Mental Attacks: Due to her mental instability, mental attacks disrupt her abilities to cast magics with precision.

     High Frequencies: Because Z is a trained musician, high frequency sounds mess with her equilibrium and focus, sometimes even affecting her vision.

Costume Description:
     Very similar to what she wears for work, Z wears a deeply V cut leotard of striking green with specially designed gloves that don't deteriorate into nothingness when she uses her abilities. A scalloped design adorns the thigh high boots she wears, it's pattern matching the small eye mask shielding her everyday identity.

     She actually wears these same gloves to work because one never knows when you're going to need a bit of magic.

     As a young child, Zabella met a young boy that Lorna introduced to her as her brother. She never saw him very often but, simply knew that he existed.

     Some time in her late teens, Lorna told Zabella that her mother was Zaladane, a powerful and evil sorceress. She was also Lornas sister. Zabella was left to Lorna as an infant when Zaladane was killed and, as such, the truth of who her father is died with her. Testing has not conclusively been able to determine the identity of her birth father.

==Related Goodies==

Face Claim:
     Maria Fernanda Galvão

Theme Song:


|| My O/O's | Currently: Closed for stories ||


|| My O/O's | Currently: Closed for stories ||

Life in Color


So apparently in X-Men Gold they just had a big Wedding Special Issue.

As I understand it, the end effect would have been a Double Wedding with Colossus/Shadowcat and Gambit/Rogue. However, Shadowcat gets cold feet and runs off.

So in honor of that, and since OMAC seems to have been a bit of a dud, I have something in mind for a hypothetical son of Rogue and Gambit.

Basic Idea - "Scoundral"

A thief and charmer like his father, Scoundral's power is the ability to gain temporary copies of the skills, knowledge, and powers from others via intimate contact. How much and how long they last depends on the form and intensity of the contact. Kissing a Kryptonian might give a few shots of heat vision, maybe a little strength if they used tongue. Full-on unprotected sex with a Skrull on the other hand makes him a treacherous shapeshifter.

I'll do a full right-up later if this is alright.

My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Ace Flyer

Quote from: TheVillain on June 19, 2018, 02:07:53 PM
So apparently in X-Men Gold they just had a big Wedding Special Issue.

As I understand it, the end effect would have been a Double Wedding with Colossus/Shadowcat and Gambit/Rogue. However, Shadowcat gets cold feet and runs off.

So in honor of that, and since OMAC seems to have been a bit of a dud, I have something in mind for a hypothetical son of Rogue and Gambit.

Basic Idea - "Scoundral"

A thief and charmer like his father, Scoundral's power is the ability to gain temporary copies of the skills, knowledge, and powers from others via intimate contact. How much and how long they last depends on the form and intensity of the contact. Kissing a Kryptonian might give a few shots of heat vision, maybe a little strength if they used tongue. Full-on unprotected sex with a Skrull on the other hand makes him a treacherous shapeshifter.

I'll do a full right-up later if this is alright.

Rogue and Gambit are both claimed as parents. Rogue/Deadpool, and Gambit/Black Canary.

But the concept could work. I think there are other power absorption characters aside from Rogue, could try and find substitutes if its something you wanna pursue.

Life in Color

Quote from: TheVillain on June 19, 2018, 02:07:53 PM
So apparently in X-Men Gold they just had a big Wedding Special Issue.

As I understand it, the end effect would have been a Double Wedding with Colossus/Shadowcat and Gambit/Rogue. However, Shadowcat gets cold feet and runs off.

So in honor of that, and since OMAC seems to have been a bit of a dud, I have something in mind for a hypothetical son of Rogue and Gambit.

Basic Idea - "Scoundral"

A thief and charmer like his father, Scoundral's power is the ability to gain temporary copies of the skills, knowledge, and powers from others via intimate contact. How much and how long they last depends on the form and intensity of the contact. Kissing a Kryptonian might give a few shots of heat vision, maybe a little strength if they used tongue. Full-on unprotected sex with a Skrull on the other hand makes him a treacherous shapeshifter.

I'll do a full right-up later if this is alright.


Rogue and Gambit are both currently spoken for, though.

So, keep that in mind.



Ah, spoken for. Might take that back to the drawing board a bit.

Alternate universe stuff acceptable?
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Life in Color

Quote from: TheVillain on June 19, 2018, 02:21:24 PM
Ah, spoken for. Might take that back to the drawing board a bit.

Alternate universe stuff acceptable?

If only there was a handy dandy place that had all most of the current parent combos listed.



AU Stuff is always welcome, I just prefer to keep it all in the Exiles corner of the board because that's their schtick.


Sorry, supposed to be doing something else. :P

Alright, so if I write him up put him in the Exiles. Fair enough. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


I understand that the Exiles are kind of full at the moment but just to put this out there.

Name: Phillipe LeBeau
Nicknames: The Hood, Robin Hood, The Jack of Hearts
Aliases: Scoundrel
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Bisexual [Player would be Hetero, but arrangements can be made.]
Relationship Status: Single
Kinks: A bit of an exhibitionist, a bit of a shadowy romantic.
Age: Mid to Late 20's


Family: "Scoundrel" is a refugee from an alternate timeline where Anne Marie (Rogue) and Remy LeBeau (Gambit) eventually married and had three children, he being the youngest.
Players: TBD


Height: 5'7"
Weight: ~165 pounds
Physical Description: With short brown hair and green eyes, he has the physique of the acrobat and isn't afraid to show it off a little. Handsome and knows it but tries not to be too obnoxious about it beyond what is funny. Always has a smirk on his face like he's on the inside of a joke. Usually dresses in dark colors just in case an opportunity presents itself.
Personality Description: It's like he knows there's a joke going on around him and he's on the inside of it. Mostly he's an unrepentant criminal always looking for the next big score. Secretly though he has a soft spot for those that the nobility and society has tossed aside. He's been known to pull jobs on targets just because they were mean to orphans for example. A hero but only really along the lines of a Robin-Hood-style Thief. Which is surprisingly handy had times.

Background/History: Among the myriad of alternate timelines Earth-58164 looks like one of relative Peace. Peace through Power and Oppression. In this timeline Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants successfully killed Charles Xavier and conquered the nations of the world, but he also made some better choices with raising his children. As such, Magneto is the undisputed Ruler of the World but fortunately Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, and Polaris along with the surviving X-Men are there to curb his excesses.

So in this Earth, Mutants and Humans live in something that on the surface resembles Peace and Harmony - through Fear and Oppression of the vast majority of the human race. The House of M claims that if normal humans just remember their place and obey their laws they can still have something resembling a normal life but in large portions of the world this is a lie.

And of course on paper Gambit and Rogue are members of the new Upper Class of Humanity, but in truth neither of them feel like they can stand by and watch as the House of M crushes the people. On paper, they are loyal prefects and overseers of what was the American South, but secretly Remy has been calling up his old Thieves Guild and Assassin's Guild connects to start sowing the seeds of rebellion and restore hope. Especially since they had three children and their youngest, a son named Phillipe, appeared to have been born without Powers unlike his siblings. Just the thought of mutants having non-mutant children goes against the propaganda of the House of M, so Magneto ordered them to kill Phillipe before word got out that he was powerless.

Instead Remy pulled some strings and played a few tricks. His world thinks Phillipe LeBeau died in an accident when he was 12, but in truth his death was faked and he was hidden away with the Thieves Guild. Learning from them all he could, the cruelest irony is that they later discovered that he actually does have a power. Sure, his Sister can Fly and his Super-Strength while his Brother drains Life-Energy from others. Phillipe is however a Power Duplicator similar to his mother, it's just that his version requires more intimate forms of contact to begin the duplication. But by then of course it was too late to take it back, Phillipe had been officially dead for years.

Which was tragic, but in other ways was perfect. On Earth-58164, Phillipe became something of a hero. Using Thieves Guild training and "donations" of power, Phillipe has become something of a Robin Hood style thief. Stealing from the rich and powerful, sometimes literally, to give resources and hope to the underclasses of Earth-58164 like the literially powerless and the remaining superheroes that refuse to go alone with the House of M's brutal regime.

And if he happens to make some money while he does it...

==The Special Stuff==

Roster Position: TBD but with the Exiles
Powers: Power Duplication - Whether Phillipe was a late-bloomer or just nobody noticed is unknown, but similiar to his mother Phillipe LeBeau can temporarily duplicate the Knowledge, Skills, and Powers from others via physical contact. He even appears to do it without the target even noticing that it happened let alone being harmed, but for his duplication to work he requires more intimate forms of contact. How much he copies and how long he can hold the copied powers depends on the length and intensity of the contact, kissing a Kryptonian will only give him slightly elevated strength and maybe a few blasts of heat vision for example.
An open bisexual, it's been theorized that Phillipe's sexual orientation is actually a consequence of his powers, and that he might have a low-grade Charm ability as well like his father has been theorized to have. Neither of these points are confirmed.
Skills: Extensively trained by the Thieves Guild too the point where he lives with them, Phillipe would probably have been one of his Earth's best Thieves even if he hadn't developed his powers. His slight-of-hand skills are believed to be on par with high-end Stage Magicians at least and his Acrobatic skills would make him at home in any Circus, for example.
Weaknesses: Phillipe's powers are completely dependent on others, and it's believed that he can only hold a copy of someone else's abilities for no more then a few days.
Extras: On Earth-58164, "The Scoundrel" is a notorious Robin Hood-style Thief. Among positions of authority, he's considered more of a villain.
Costume Description: Dark and with a hood. When he's at his best, you don't realize he was there until he's gone.

==Related Goodies==
Face Claim: Dave Franco
Theme Song:

Yes, it is the same song. Shut up. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Life in Color


My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Life in Color

Life in Color


|| My O/O's | Currently: Closed for stories ||


My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


|| My O/O's | Currently: Closed for stories ||


Thank you.

Is there someone here using the callsign "The Asshole"? Seems like a missed opportunity. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Its not mine obviously but I'm sure theres a few people who think that of me.


Looking to fill the Magic slot...


Name: Oliver Strange
Nicknames: Ollie, You Fucking Prick!, Selfish Bastard, Shitbag
Aliases: The Hood
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual...sorta?  Sometimes extra-planar beings end up having more dicks than you expected them to. (Read: more than zero) and sometimes those aforementioned extra-planar beings want to fuck so...
Relationship Status: Single…ish.  Depends on the day.
Kinks: Anything and everything.  Oliver will try anything once.  Probably twice just to be sure.
Age: 33



  • Stephen Strange - Father (MIA)
  • Mother - Unknown - Presumed missing or dead. Oliver likes to play it off that he hopes she’s dead and she stays that way.  He’s got some issues.
  • Wong - Servant to Stephen Strange and raised Oliver even when Dr. Strange was alive for Oliver’s first ten years.  Wong taught Oliver kung-fu, managed Oliver’s estate as well as trying to “manage” Oliver. (Deceased)
  • Jennifer Kale - Friend to Stephen Strange and Wong.  Helped raise Oliver.  A mixture of mother and older sister to Oliver.  Jennifer moved into the Sanctum Sanctorum when Wong reached out to her and asked for help with Oliver.  Jennifer always had a calming influence on Oliver.  Over the years Jennifer made multiple attempts to teach Oliver sorcery and while he retained some of it he was quite adamant about not becoming his father. (Deceased)
  • Qing - Cousin to Wong, servant to Oliver Strange and a bit of a contemporary to him. Oliver has had an on again off again relationship with Qing over the years prior to her going missing. (MIA)



Height: 6’2”

Weight: 168 lbs

Physical Description: Black hair (with a touch of grey showing up here and there), hazel eyes and a penchant for a couple of days worth of facial hair.  Oliver has been trying out the “hero” thing for the last year and he’s found that it helps to be in shape. So…he’s exercising.  He was never really out of shape prior to this but there’s a big difference between “healthy” and “crime fighter worthy”.  He’s working towards the latter.

Personality Description: Abrasive (he thinks he’s a tell-it-like-it-is-sort), confident (some might say cock-sure), funny (he thinks so) , emotionally unavailable (he and those in his life can agree on this one), devoted…if you put up with him long enough.  Classic under-achiever.  Intelligent…but he’s sure as fuck not going to show you.


When the Sorceror Supreme went missing during Oliver's eleventh year, Wong; ever the devoted servant raised Oliver as best he could.  While capable and devoted, Oliver proved to be a significant challenge for the aging Wong.  He employed the assistance of the sorceress, Jennifer Kale and his younger cousin, Qing to help watch over Oliver.

As it turned out, Dr. Strange had made a number of intelligent and seemingly timely investments over the years and had amassed an impressive fortune.  This allowed  Oliver to live a very easy life; so much so that often, Oliver would go out of his way to make life less easy for himself as well as his three "keepers".

In his late twenties; on a weekend where he was feeling particularly bored and particular resentful of his absentee father; Oliver found a particularly well-warded and obfuscated room tucked away in the Sanctum Sanctorum.  There, he found an abundance of ancient tomes, occult artifacts and arcane as well as profane objects.  Suffice to say; Oliver explored the room thoroughly.

Of all the things that he explored and examined a briefcase (of all things) covered with runes and placed precisely inside some manner of arcane circle was what caught his attention.

Within the briefcase he found a strange, hooded cloak, boots and a pair of high caliber pistols.

It was only a few hours later that Oliver revealed that the items once belonged to the villain known as The Hood.  The boots allowed him to walk (or run on air) and the cloak allowed him to become entirely invisible.  The pistols?  Well...they were not as subtle as he liked but holding both of them at the same time did make him feel bad ass.

Oliver had a handful of "adventures" as he grew used to the cloak and the boots when he returned to the Sanctum Sanctorum one evening to find it under assault by a number of demons.  As it turned out; removing the items from the warded briefcase and the protective circle had alerted the previous owner and all around terrible, ancient being; Dormammu to their existence once more.  Eager to possess the artifacts once more, Dormammu sent some of his very best demons to retrieve them.  While unsuccessful at finding the desired items the demons had done an exemplary job of torturing and killing Wong and Jennifer Kale while Qing had gone missing and was nowhere to be found.

Using minor spells as well as the pistols and his new abilities, Oliver was able to destroy a few of the demons and drive the rest of them away.  It was after he had finished cleaning up the remains of Wong and Jennifer that he discovered he was the cause for the assault.  Oliver did not report their deaths to the police.  He really had no idea what to explain to them so after he properly saw to their remains it is now only him that lives in the sanctum sanctorum with brand new wards set to keep Dormammu's minions at bay.

Oliver is motivated now to stop being so selfish (not so easy to do), find Qing and learn more from her about what happened that night as well as redeem himself for the deaths of Wong and Jennifer.

He uses the boots and cloak (and pistols if necessary) for what he deems to be..."for good”.  He can only be out of the Sanctum Sanctorum for a little more than twelve hours before Dormammu is able to locate him once more.  Oliver has been successful at trading away a few of his father’s artifacts in order to obtain some of his own.  A ring made of copper that appears to be enchanted and allows him to obfuscate his location further from Dormmamu’s scrying spells.

It’s not entirely effective however and Oliver still finds himself on the run of sorts.  It’s getting more and more difficult to leave and return to the Sanctum Sanctorum and while there is a limit to how many demons Dormmamu can have on this plane at one time; the demons are getting more clever and keen to Oliver’s tricks.

==The Special Stuff==

Roster Position: The Magic One?

  • Minor Sorcery - Oliver is the son of the Sorcerer Supreme and quite literally grew up in the Sanctum Sanctorum.  He was surrounded by magic while growing up and continues to be exposed to it.  Because of that, Oliver is capable of casting minor spells but anything beyond that requires a degree of discipline that he doesn’t have…or that he hasn't been sufficiently motivated enough to master.
  • Invisibility - Oliver’s hooded cloak allows him to turn invisible for as long as he can hold his breath. (2 minutes and 22 seconds)  This is magical invisibility which means that this prevents him from being seen by infrared or any manner of technological optics.  He can be detected by sonar/radar however should someone be clever enough to try such a thing.  This does not make him silent.  Footsteps can still be heard if he’s lumbering about like an ox. (He tries to avoid lumbering)
  • Walking on Air - Oliver can do just that because of his boots.  It’s not quite flying but it certainly beats walking.
  • True Sight - Because of the cloak, Oliver can see through all manner of magical, psychic and technological based “illusions”.
  • Enchanted Bullets - If given the time...and if he's actually using his head for once, Oliver can enchant some of the bullets he uses in his pistols to have various unusual effects.
  • Concealment - Oliver has an ancient Babylonian ring made of brass that when worn, he can obscure his face with darkness.  When worn it also makes it very difficult for any manner of divination or scrying spells to locate him.  This also includes “finding him by his thoughts” for any clever psychics out there.  It also makes it impossible to Google "Oliver Strange”.  Seriously. it’s fucked up but it’s true.  Anything that has remotely anything to do with Oliver won’t show up in a Google search because of the ring.  He suspects it’s because Google is run by a bunch of evil elder god fucks.  It’s possible he’s wrong but he likes to assure himself that it’s possible he’s right.


  • Kung Fu - Oliver knows it!  He learned it from Wong and trained for years.  He could be considered a black belt...if demons cared about black belts he would be all set!
  • Pistols - Oliver is getting better at using not just one but both pistols.  For the moment; wielding two pistols simultaneously and holding them in menacing ways is still more effective than actually shooting them both at something.


  • Unfortunate Mortality - Oliver is a man.  A normal, possibly over-confident man.  He has no special protection.  He’s not super strong or super resilient and yet he’s super confident enough to think that he won’t wind up super dead.
  • Dormmamu - Seemingly Dormmamu is an asshole and has nothing better to do than hunt Oliver.  There’s a couple things stacked against Oliver. First; he’s the son of Dr. Stephen Strange and Dormammu hates Dr. Strange.  This wouldn’t be that big a deal as Dormmamu has a moderately sized list of mortals that he hates and wants to turn their lives into a living hell.  Except there’s the second thing.  Oliver has a hooded cloak and a pair of boots that belongs to Dormammu and he wants them back.  Dormmamu has sent a number of demons forth to seek out Oliver and retrieve the magical artifacts as well as Oliver so that he can be delivered to Dormmamu for an eternity of torture.


In the last year Oliver has done an excellent job of establishing ties with not just the New York City black market but the “occult” black market as well.  If Oliver can’t get you what you’re looking for; chances are he “knows a guy.”  (Please note that “guy” might actually mean a woman…or…some being from another dimension.  Oliver can’t be held responsible for the people he knows...or the gender of those "people" or how often their gender might change for that matter.)

Oliver still has access to the Sanctum Sanctorum although he’s reluctant to go there very often due to…well…the demons waiting for him outside of it.  If accessed; Oliver can use the library there as well as any number of ancient occult artifacts that he probably knows how to use and might help without tearing apart reality and sending everyone to hell.

Costume Description:
Oliver has learned how to “change” the colour of the yellow hooded cloak.  He can now change it to whatever colour he wishes … which is generally black but sometimes pink if he’s trying to impress a group of high school girls.

Boots - He wears them.  They allow him to walk on air so despite their archaic and well-worn appearance…yeah he wears them.

Aside from that…he acknowledges that he could probably do better when it comes to an actual costume aside from a t-shirt and jeans he wears along with his other items.

==Related Goodies==
Face Claim: Brendan Hines
Theme Song
Me And The Devil - Gil Scott-Heron


Life in Color

Life in Color


|| My O/O's | Currently: Closed for stories ||