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The Alien Compound - A random idea

Started by Chrystal, July 12, 2015, 08:22:30 AM

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The Alien Compound

A random idea - most of my ideas are totally random. If anyone wants to take this and run with it, please do...

18th March 2021 - First Contact

The ship arrived in the solar system apparently out of nowhere. One moment it wasn't there, the next moment it was. It's arrival generated an electromagnetic pulse that was picked up around the world. Radio telescopes triangulated, telescopes focussed, Hubble transmitted live images to computer screens around the world. The ship was real, it was alien, it was too late to hush it up. And it was on a direct collision course with the Sun.

Estimates gave it around ten days before the combination of heat, radiation and gravity would destroy the vessel. Even as the world watched, with a mixture of horror, terror, curiosity, fascination, awe and amazement, a smaller vessel detached itself from the larger one that was about a kilometre in length. This smaller craft, about a hundred metres long, changed course and headed for Earth.

Radio contact with the craft came soon after and although it was clear that communication would be difficult, it was not impossible. The creatures on the ship were bipedal, four limned, and apparently mammalian, although it appeared there were a number of species on the vessel. Linguists on both side worked on establishing communication and soon enough the alien's story began to emerge.

The ship was directed to land at Groom Lake AFB, Nevada, AKA Area 51. (Where else? The irony of the first actual extraterrestrial space craft being publicly directed to land in the very site that had always been rumoured to house the remains of crashed alien space craft was not lost on people. If anything it served to heighten the rumours).

An it was then that the trouble started. The ship was escorted into the atmosphere by the USAF, it landed on the runway as directed and stopped. The hatch opened and the aliens came out. And they were very clearly armed.

So, of course, were the American air force soldiers who had arrived to secure the ship. and things could have gone very badly if the ship's commander hadn't stepped forward, arms away from it's sides and ordered the crew to stand down, then try to start talking using the patois that had been established on their five day journey from the mother ship.

The story that unfolded was of a galaxy in turmoil. War raged in the inner systems, and Earth was very lucky not to have been caught up in it. The mother ship - a jump-capable battle cruiser, was damaged beyond repair and attempts to save it were futile. The crew had made for the nearest habitable system with the last of their fuel and had been rather disturbed to find an un-contacted space-faring species already there. Of course, the lack of jump-drive technology accounted for the lack of contact, and the use of radio waves for communication was not as universal as Humans had expected, plus the nearest world with advanced technology on it was well over a hundred light years away, so the signals from Earth were barely reaching there yet and were so weak when they did as to be little more than background clutter.

The fifty or so aliens were just grateful to be alive, they refused to surrender their weapons, but agreed instead to share technology. Sadly, jump technology was not something they could offer. The ships engineer knew how it worked but not how it was made.

And so, the aliens settled in a small, fenced off town in the Nevada dessert, guarded by the US military, besieged by UFO watchers, religious nuts, conspiracy theorists, and other weirdos. And of course the Press.

Over time the world slowly lost interest as more immediate concerns presented themselves - the economy, a massive earthquake in South America, a terrorist attack in Riyadh... The aliens did nothing, they just stayed in their little town and talked to the scientists.

11th August 2027 - Second Contact

It seemed that things had settled down. Two of the aliens who were apparently the same species and different genders had reproduced, creating a brief media frenzy - the paranoid insisted that this was all part of a plot to take over the world, but most people looked at pictures of the cute ball of fuzz and went "AWWWWWWW!"

Earth's technology was suddenly decades ahead of where it had been. The energy crisis was solved, food was available in abundance and if it hadn't been for a black-market trade in Alien weapon tech, the world might even have become a Rodenberrian utopia. And then suddenly it all changed again.

Another ship appeared, also heading for the sun. But this one changed course and headed for Earth. The world nearly panicked. The aliens were brought at gun point to their communications devices that had been stripped from their ship, and managed to talk to the incoming vessel. It was a refugee ship, they reported, a cargo vessel, crammed full of creatures from different worlds, fleeing the violence in the centre of the Galaxy. They had arrive in a nearby system, detected the radio transmissions and homed in on them. The vessel was unarmed and was offered as payment in exchange for asylum for the two to three hundred refugees.

There was only one possible answer the people of Earth could give if they were to live collectively with themselves. The refugees were allowed to land at Area 51, they were searched and interrogated by a combined force of US military and "Off-World Military" as the US government chose to designate the crew of the destroyed cruiser. They were decontaminated according to instructions given by the OWM Commander and moved into a refugee camp hastily erected for them. And Earth's scientists swarmed onto the surrendered jump-ship....

That is the background to the game. The story starts with the alien refugees in their township, guarded by the US military, policed internally by the crew of the alien battle cruiser, the Off-World Military, and besieged by the world's press and nutcases.


  • The game will go in NC Exotic Freeform. There will not be a system.
  • The game is open to anyone and everyone.
  • Player characters will be Alien Refugees, Off World Military Personnel, US Air Force Personnel and Human scientists. Other human characters will be considered. The game will be sand-box, for people to make their own inter-species interactions of whatever sort they like.
  • The setting is the Alien Refugee Compoind at Area 51 in the Nevada Desert
  • See above for the over-arching plot - players will be encouraged to come up with sub-plots. The GM may throw sub-plots at the players from time to time.
  • Character sheets will be supplied if there is enough interest, along with instructions on how to fill them in
  • The only required resource is a love of sci-fi and an interest in aliens
  • Players will be expected to post at least once a fortnight, preferably once a week or more.
  • Sexual activity is allowed, and possibly encouraged, especially between humans and aliens
  • Post header code will be used to track where people are in a thread and whom they are with. Code will be supplied if there is sufficient interest
Game Master Info / GM(s) Participation Level (If/where applicable)

  • There should be at least one Co-GM
  • The game will be full sandbox with occasional GM intervention
  • Players will be free to create areas of the refugee camp at need. It is a large area, big enough to house over 300 aliens in reasonable conditions
  • NPCs can be created on-the-fly by players, used, discarded and re-used by other players. Key NPCs will be under GM control
  • The GM will probably have at least one active character as well as control of the key NPCs
  • An OOC thread will be supplied for game related and non-game-related discussions.
  • The OP (Chrystal) can be contacted by posting in this thread or by PM
  • I have a standard set of rules of Play that I use in all my group games. Anyone wishing to run this is welcome to use them as they are or modify them as preferred.
  • PVP will be allowed.

  • "The Oath of the Drake" is mostly common sense and common courtesy, but is worth looking at to remind yourself what joining a group game means!   
  • Player Ons and Offs are there for a reason. Non Consent applies to the character and NOT the player. Of the character is screaming "No, stop it", carry on, but if the player asks you to stop, you MUST stop.
  • Players should post at least once a week if they can. Players who drop out will have their characters taken over by the GM. Such characters will be manipulated as NPCs to end any scenes they are in. They may also be offered to other players to take over.
  • New players may join at any time. We have an entire world of humans and almost 300 aliens available.
  • Players may use whatever tense and point of view they feel most comfortable with.

If anyone is interested in running this game either as GM or Co-GM, please let me know. If no-one else takes it up and there is enough interest, I might be persuaded to run it myself, but it won't start for a long time!

Ah, who am I kidding, I'll end up running it myself if it gathers enough interest... *eyeroll*

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I'll post tentitive interest.

Thinking about a behavioral scientist intending on studying, researching and perhaps getting a little too involved with an alien in the process of trying to understand how the various species interact both within their species and with others.

Assuming that someone is interested in becoming an alien that she becomes too close too... or something else interesting comes along.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


If I get this correctly, then the crew of the first ship will be policing the new arrivals of the second ship?

A totally random question, but how far along will robotics be in 2027?
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


@ Blinkin - Hi, yep that's the sort of human character that would work, but if we don't get any aliens the game is going nowhere anyway!

@ RedEve - That is correct, yes. I've broken one of my golden rules and created a three-tier system, knowing that they never work! The crew of the first ship are military, ended up on Earth by accident and rather than "surrender" to Earth's military have managed to achieve a trusted position of working with them...

Robotics... Okay, there is a quote from Heinlein's novel Friday:

Quote... several times Al scientists have announced that they were making a breakthrough to the fully self-aware computer. But it always went sour ... It always will go sour. A computer can become self-aware-oh, certainly! Get it up to human level of complication and it has to become self-aware. Then it discovers that it is not human. Then it figures out that it can never be human; all it can do is sit there and take orders from humans. Then it goes crazy.

So, I'm going with that. No self-aware artificial intelligence. Robots have advanced to the point where an android is physically indistinguishable from a human, but will always need to be remotely controlled or pre-programmed with a limited set of instructions because a fully self aware computer is impossible.

Oh and something else someone asked: Cross-breeding between species is biologically impossible. There is no way a himan can get pregnant from an alien nor vice versa. However that does not mean there can't be creatures that need to lay their eggs inside the womb of another animal, either in symbiosis or as a parasite.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Thanks for the feedback Chrystal.

Based on that, I would say that all androids should be limited to NPC roles? I could see them have their use in supporting/guarding the alien town, since they would not have the psychological problems a human would have when dealing with alien lifeforms.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Thanks Chrystal, What I would like to do is put the character into a sort of full emersion situation to see how things work from that point of view. She would need a liason, which would, in theory, be the alien.

And, no aliens means no sotry... so, lets hope. lol
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.

Lustful Bride

*plants interest flag*

Im going to wait to see how others make their characters so I get a good example of what to work with in my mind :)

though im thinking of making her an MP.


Quote from: RedEve on July 12, 2015, 11:43:54 AM
Thanks for the feedback Chrystal.

Based on that, I would say that all androids should be limited to NPC roles? I could see them have their use in supporting/guarding the alien town, since they would not have the psychological problems a human would have when dealing with alien lifeforms.

I wasn't planning on having androids have anything to do with it, to be honest... Robots would be for cleaning and construction. I think the idea of giving a weapon to a machine would still be something the US public would be far to paranoid about - Bad enough that the nightmare of extra-terrestrials with guns has come true, no matter how friendly they seem, no way we're going to give guns to machines that could side with the aliens and rise up to take over the world!

Androids - humanoid robots - would be mostly used as receptionists and sporting opponents where they can follow a set of pre-programmed instructions..

And that is another reason machines wouldn't be effective guards: they have no initiative, no insight and would be far too predictable.

Quote from: Blinkin on July 12, 2015, 12:07:54 PM
Thanks Chrystal, What I would like to do is put the character into a sort of full emersion situation to see how things work from that point of view. She would need a liason, which would, in theory, be the alien.

And, no aliens means no sotry... so, lets hope. lol

Not totally sure what you mean by "full immersion", but I'm sure we can work something out.

Quote from: Lustful Bride on July 12, 2015, 12:30:41 PM
*plants interest flag*

Im going to wait to see how others make their characters so I get a good example of what to work with in my mind :)

though im thinking of making her an MP.

Human, then? Okay so two humans, one disallowed android and zero aliens?


Any kind of non-human creature is allowed. All the OWM are bipedal and four limbed (two legs, two arms and one head), and mammalian, but can be pretty much any variant on that theme. The refugees can be anything and everything... I'm going to allow tentacle monsters, reptiles, insects, arachnids, I might even allow a shape shifter.

Any size any shape any gender.

As for motives for being there, anything goes, within reason. The OWM are all military, all disciplined and all in uniform. The civilians can be of the same species as the military if you wish, but (as stated above) they don't have to be. They can be anything from people who have lost their homes, livelihoods and families to rich merchants who bribed there way onto the refugee ship, to theives who stole their way on, murderers who killed to get on, Even (possibly) an agent provocateur from the other side in the war. We can also have members of the crew of the cargo ship.

Sub plot suggestions:

I'm willing to consider any and all sub-plots from drug trafficking to illegal weapons trading to slavery. If you want top be a human enslaved by the aliens or an alien enslaved by humans, either is fine, as long as you can find someone to play against.

Of course the issue here is getting enough people interested...

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I'll have to find a way to explain full, or total emmersion in a way that makes sense.
In essence, she would live, work and interact within the alien comunity to get a sort o insider's perspective on the subject.
If it's acceptible, I was thinking that she might actually be military. Again, the thought was that when all the shit hit the fan, the airforce needed all
kinds of scientist and recruited quickly from universities. As part of getting to work with the aliens, you got a commission, BDU's andPerhaps she even
learned to fly a helicopter in the process.crappy pay in exchange for actually talking to aliens. p
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: Blinkin on July 12, 2015, 02:49:18 PM
I'll have to find a way to explain full, or total emmersion in a way that makes sense.

In essence, she would live, work and interact within the alien comunity to get a sort o insider's perspective on the subject.

If it's acceptible, I was thinking that she might actually be military. Again, the thought was that when all the shit hit the fan, the airforce needed all
kinds of scientist and recruited quickly from universities. As part of getting to work with the aliens, you got a commission, BDU's andPerhaps she even
learned to fly a helicopter in the process.crappy pay in exchange for actually talking to aliens. p

Yeah, I can see that working, although learning to fly a helicopter isn't something you do overnight. And you don't get to use Amanda Tapping as your face claim! *sniggers*

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


No, it takes a couple of weeks to learn to fly a whirly-bird... nothing as easy as a jet.
And you ruin all of my fun, but I guess I can deal with the other hottie from the show, The good Doctor. ;)
I haven't settled on an image yet, although I'm thinking kinda petite this time.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Haven't played a Sci fi scene in a while and this sounds like great fun! Count me in!

I plan on playing one of the alien refugees. Time to put out my Twi'lek!
Current status:A/As updated as of 12/17.
Feel free to message me if you're interested!

I currently owe: 3 out of 5

Ons and Offs
Ideas and rules for RP with me
Absences and Excuses

Lustful Bride

Quote from: SithMistress on July 12, 2015, 07:38:43 PM
Haven't played a Sci fi scene in a while and this sounds like great fun! Count me in!

I plan on playing one of the alien refugees. Time to put out my Twi'lek!

All hail the Amazing Lekkus!  ;D

I also wanted to ask Chrystal if we could get some visual inspirations perhaps? to get an idea of what we are working with and will there ever be a possibility of going into space?


Visual Inspiration: Um, do a google image search for "Alien lifeform" or "Extra Terrestrial", you could also search for "anthropomorphic" if that's the sort of creature you fancy being, "tentacle alien" is always a good one (but watch out for the hentai porn), "lizard-man" - but do try and avoid the seventies kitsch.

Getting into space...

That really depends upon how long the game lasts. If it hit's big game status then that does become a possibility.

Important note: This is a sandbox, and sandbox games usually fizzle out if people don't keep coming up with things to do with their characters. Equally, it is quite rare for a sandbox to survive longer than one day of game time. What usually happens is everyone joins, pairs up, has sex and drops out, not necessarily in that order!

If you want to get to the "good stuff" (like possibly going into space) you need to keep the game going!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!