MarvelThrones:A Tale Of Spider's & Hulk's(Need Captain America, Phoenix, others)

Started by NubianLegend, May 05, 2015, 07:02:09 PM

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Lands & Alliances [Info]
(OOC) Thread
Approved Character Sheets & Relationships
Power Tiers

A Tale of &

A land of intrigue and war.  A story of men, myth and magic. Who will ultimately sit atop the iron throne?

(Several major houses and their respective sigils)

General Information:

Setting: A medieval world loosely inspired by Westeros and Marvel.
Level of Technology: Some technology, mostly fantasy(think early final fantasy and dungeons and dragons)
Roleplay Type: Freeform Sandbox with a general structured plot
Possible Character Types: Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Maesters, Priests and Wizards, Knights and Rogues, Spies, Bannerman, Sellswords, Soldiers, Clerics, Merchants and Artisans, Harlots and Whoremongers , Adventurers and Fugitives, Knaves and Raiders. Just about anything that would be feasible in a medieval-ish fantasy setting.
Possible Themes: Geopolitical conflicts, crime and punishment, love and hate, passion, drama, tragedy, corruption, wars and intrigue, social class, prejudice, tribalism, alliances, extramarital affairs.
Genre Inspirations: A Song of Fire and Ice(that's Game of Thrones for you tv folks), Marvel Comics, sword & sorcery type stories, some steampunk.

What is this game about exactly?

A medieval take on the marvel-verse, simply put.

Which canons are available?
Any canons pledged or non committed to any of the houses of Marvelos are available, but taken characters are not. Use your discretion.

Are Originals Allowed?
Yes, Originals are allowed but Originals cannot claim the throne. Originals must pledge allegiance to one of the nine major houses of Marvelos. Some houses are aligned which means you'll have enemies and allies depending on who your character is pledged to. I'll elaborate more on alliances later.

Who is this game for?
Fans of Marvel Comics, Fans of Game of Thrones, Fans of Marvel and Game of Thrones. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics and Atheists, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Gay people, Straight people, Intersex and Transgender people,  Asexuals, Promiscuous people,  Fans of none of the above.  etc. etc.

How many characters can I manage?

More than three, less than five.

Will this be GBLTQA and cross-gender writer friendly?
See above.

Which board will this be featured in?

NC-Exotic most likely, I welcome smut. ;)

The Players/the Houses of Marvelos
House Odinson

Colors: Silver, Blue & Black
Motto: "Drop the Hammer/God's Upon Earth"
Morality: Above Good and Evil
Territory: Asgard (High Rock)
King: Thor Odinson(the present ruler of the nine)
Queen: Angela Odinson(yep, they're incestous)
Priests/Wizards: Loki
Knight(s): Lady Sif, Balder the Brave
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Stark

Colors: Red and Gold
Motto:"At All Costs"
Morality: Lawful Neutral
Territory: Solitude (Storm's End)
Lord: Tony Stark
Lady: Pepper Potts
Wizard/Priestess: Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlett Woman)
Knight: Sir James Rhodes
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Rogers

Colors:Red,White and Blue
Motto: "Duty, Loyalty, Sacrifice"/"Fight The Good Fight"
Morality: Good
Territory: Winterhold
Lord: Steve Rogers
Lady: Natasha Romanoff
Priests/Wizards:Carol Danvers
Knight(s) Sir James Buchanon Barnes, Sir Sam Wilson
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House M

Colors:Blue and Yellow
Motto: "Different and Proud"
Morality: True Neutral
Lord: Scott Summers
Lady: Emma Frost
Territory: East March (Vale)
Priest/Wizard: Erik Lehnsherr
Knight: Sir James Howlett
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Udaku

Colors: Black and Gold
Motto: "All Power to the People"
Morality: Amoral
Territory: Summerset Isles
Lord: T'challa Udaku
Lady: Ororo Munroe
Priest/Wizard: Brother Vodoo
Knight(s): Sir Erik Brooks, Sir Mathew Murdock
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Parker

Color: Red, White, and black
Motto: Power and Responsibility
Morality: Chaotic Good
Territory: Riverlands
Lord: Petyr Parker
Lady: Gwendolyn Stacy
Priest/Wizard: Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson
Knight: Sir Danny Rand
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Doom

Colors: Silver and Green
Motto: "We Master All that Lies Before."
Morality:Lawful Evil
Territory: Valyria (Dorne)
Lord: Victor Von Doom
Lady: Sue Storm
Priest/Wizard: Reed Richards
Knight(s): Sir Ben Grimm, Sir Johnny Storm
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Hydra

Colors: Black, Red or Purple
Motto: "Hail Hydra!"
Morality: Evil
Territory: The Reach (High Garden)
Lord: Baron Helmut Zemo
Lady: Ophelia Sarkissian
Priest/Wizard: Ulysses Klaw, Norman Osborne
Knight(s): Sir Brock Rumlow, Sir Simon Williams
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)
House Grey

Colors: Red, Blue and Yellow
Motto: "Now and Forever, Fire and Life Incarnate!"
Morality: Chaotic Neutral
Territory: Formerly Crownlands (King's Landing)
Lady: Jean Grey
Priest/Wizard: Vincent Strange
Knight: Sir Wade Wilson
Bannerman: (Original Character)
Bannerman 2: (Original Character)
Bannerman 3: (Original Character)

S.H.I.E.L.D Brothers/Sisters

S.H.I.E.L.D fulfills a role similar to the Nightswatch of Westeros, the sole difference being that both men and women are free to join S.H.I.E.L.D and although the taking of wives/husband is forbidden, people still manage to get pregnant.

Lord Cammander of SHIELD: Nicholas J. Fury
Vice-Commander: Maria Hill

First Ranger:
Fist Builder:
First Stewart:

The S.H.I.E.L.D is a military order entrusted with holding and keeping the Wall, an immense ice structure which separates the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms from the lands beyond. The order is currently led by Lord Commander Nick Fury from the stronghold of Castle Black.

The SHIELD consists of three groups: the Rangers, who fight, defend the Wall and patrol the Haunted Forest; the Builders, who maintain the Wall and the castles; and the Stewards, who support and feed the members of the Watch. The men and women of SHIELD are known for only wearing black. For once you Join SHIELD, you can never go back.

Bastards & Names

Someone asked me what all the Bastard Names were in-game wise. So here goes.

Summerset Isles: Summers
Dorne: Sands
The Reach: Flowers
Solitude: Storm
Asgard: Hill
Riverlands: Rivers
Vale: Stone
Winterhold: Frost

Character Skeleton

For Canon

[float=right][img width=350][/img][/float]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Physical Description:[/b] (include things like height, weight, hair color, physical build, etc)
[b]Role:[/b] (Knight, Wizard, Bannerman, Sellsword, Bannerman, Craftsman, Tavern Owner, Doctor, Scholar, Priest, Rogue, Raider, Wanderer Pimp/Harlot, in other words, what do you do?)
[b]What does your character desire most?:[/b]
[b]Personal Philosophy:[/b]
[b]Notable Equipment & Weaponry:[/b]
[b]Skills:[/b] (Keep this to 5 max)
[b]A List of Powers/Spells attributes of your character:[/b]
[b]Bio:[/b] (min. 100 words)
[b]I pledge to:[/b] (Any of the 9 houses of marvelos, SHIELD or no one).

For Originals

[float=right][img width=350][/img][/float]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Physical Description:[/b] (include things like height, weight, haircolor, physical build, etc)
[b]Sexuality:[/b] (anything related to your characters sexuality goes here)
[b]Role:[/b] (Lord, Lady, Knight, Wizard, Bannerman, Sellsword, Bannerman, Craftsman, Tavern Owner, Doctor, Scholar, Priest, Rogue, Raider, Wanderer Pimp/Harlot, in other words, what do you do?)
[b]What does your character desire most?[/b]
[b]Personal Philosophy:[/b]
[b]Notable Equipment & Weaponry:[/b]
[b]Skills:[/b] (Keep this to 5 max)
[b]A List of Powers/Spells attributes of your character:[/b]
[b]Bio:[/b] (min. 100 words)
[b]I pledge to:[/b] (Any of the 9 houses of marvelos, SHIELD or no one).


For some reason I found this so funny.

I'm in, just got a few questions:

No Powers Cosmic?

Can I take any canon and...Marvelos them?

Are canons pre-set to a certain Great House, or is that player choice?


Quote from: Ascia on May 05, 2015, 11:17:41 PM
For some reason I found this so funny.

I'm in, just got a few questions:

No Powers Cosmic?

Can I take any canon and...Marvelos them?

Are canons pre-set to a certain Great House, or is that player choice?

Cosmic Powers? You mean like silver surfer and infinity glove thanos? I'd like to avoid using them if possible because it seems more of a high-end sci-fi type of thing and they're far too overpowered to want to rule one world. I dunno, I may have something like that(infinty rings), but they're probably going to be watered down immensely. Jean Grey/Odinsons are pretty much the closest thing to a cosmic type in this game.

I was working on where canons would go but the forum backed me out right before I could finish, so that left me pretty bummed. I know which characters goes where for the most part, I'm just  taking my time with that sort of thing now because I got plenty of time to do all the updating I want.


Just one question; Is there room for the Inhuman canons and which House would they factor into? :)


Oh my freakin' GAWD! This is awesome! I would give my firstborn, my soul, and any organ or appendage in the human (or superhuman) body to play Cloak (if i can find a Dagger) in this setting. House Parker forever!


Quote from: wander on May 05, 2015, 11:39:50 PM
Just one question; Is there room for the Inhuman canons and which House would they factor into? :)

As far as Canons go, the ones I listed are mandatory just because they make the most sense to me. An inhuman could potentially go anywhere on the spectrum, within expectations. If your canon isn't listed, you have some reign to plug them in however.

Sirian Eve

I am loving this idea.

I have no idea who I would play though.. I would like to play a significant role. Possibly model my character after Daneyrs  and Ororo Munroe. Maybe Jean Grey..

Edit Oh and then there's Angela?? What an interesting twist.


Bloodied Porcelain

I may be completely overlooking it, but is there a accepted character thread so we can see which canons have been taken? Or is it that the canons listed under the various houses are already taken and we have to come up with something else?
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Tentatively interested.

Edit to add: I don't usually play canon characters but I am interested in either Black Widow or Mockingbird.
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 3/6
Current Group Game Posts Owed: --/1

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas (FxF for now)

Bloodied Porcelain

I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


O/O's  Request Thread  A/A's
Now Playing: Star - ♡ Machinedrum (A$AP Ferg Remix)
People fear what they don't understand, But then they get mad because they don't dare to do it, Everybody a shinin' star, they ain't get far so they can't prove it, Most stars foolish, full of gas, useless, Pushin' bad influence, wonder what happened to 'em?, They say hurt people hurt people, guess that is proven, They put on a mask to mask feelings, Fill the universe with mass ceilings, Most people not even tappin' in...♡


Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on May 06, 2015, 11:24:53 AM
I may be completely overlooking it, but is there a accepted character thread so we can see which canons have been taken? Or is it that the canons listed under the various houses are already taken and we have to come up with something else?

None of the canons are taken so much as they're already pledged in-game. Anyone can pick up these characters if they so choose. Also, you can make knights and wizards(canon or original) and I'll add them over to the house tab. There's way too many characters in marvel and ASOFAI for me to designate each and every single one, these are just the core characters who are foundation of the story, more or less.


I like that SHIELD are pretty much the Night's Watch... They're doing the same in Battleworld with the new Secret Wars. The Wall is built towards the south of Battleworld and manned by SHIELD to keep the various hordes from the other areas. The three hordes being Ultron drones from the Age of Ultron universe, the Marvel Zombies and the Annihilation Wave drones.

Those three are basically the White Walkers and it seems from promotional stuff that basically the Nova Corps are the Wildlings.

So, perhaps some of that may inspire? ;)

I'm hovering towards playing Loki as a more bardic/swashbuckling Agent of Asgard type... Though I'm dusting off my MHR pdfs and seeing if there's someone I may have forgotten about that may be a good addition.

Possible Avengers 2 spoiler
I noticed Hawkeye and Hulk seem to be missing from the canon lists. I can probably understand just why, though we won't talk about that.  ::)


I was gonna do one for Hulk but then I realized that Hulk works better as a wildcard force of nature than a player like the other houses. A big part of Hulk's character is being misunderstood/shunned by everyone, so he's a loner without a cause. There will be a Hulk, I'm just not sure how to approach it just yet. Hawkeye, I'm thinking about making him a Wildling leader. There's that or Theon.

Sirian Eve


Bloodied Porcelain

Hawkeye kind of strikes me more as a Ranger for SHIELD, but that's me. >.>
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.



Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on May 06, 2015, 12:15:37 PM
Hawkeye kind of strikes me more as a Ranger for SHIELD, but that's me. >.>

You might be right, but I want a theon and he fits.

Sirian Eve

I'm interested in playing Angela Odinson, since I'm still in the mode to play her.



I would like to lay some claim on a Sir Wade Wilson... just for kicks. Just a question: Do the powers of the Marvel characters used apply, or are they dialed down, or taken away completely?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Deamonbane on May 06, 2015, 12:29:50 PM
I would like to lay some claim on a Sir Wade Wilson... just for kicks. Just a question: Do the powers of the Marvel characters used apply, or are they dialed down, or taken away completely?

Good question, I'd say they're dialed down for some competitive balance. Characters can heal, use some magic and take on small armies, but it won't be instantaneous or anything like ridiculous, obviously this being a medieval setting and all, guns and high tech weaponry won't apply here, since you're using deadpool, I would recommend maybe using a crossbow and some type of asian sword.


Well I had him in mind as having an arsenal of weapons to choose from (Only carrying two or three at a time, of course). The Nepalese Kukri was what came to mind at first thought.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Deamonbane on May 06, 2015, 12:42:19 PM
Well I had him in mind as having an arsenal of weapons to choose from (Only carrying two or three at a time, of course). The Nepalese Kukri was what came to mind at first thought.

That's even better.


Quote from: Sirian Eve on May 06, 2015, 12:26:34 PM
I'm interested in playing Angela Odinson, since I'm still in the mode to play her.

Angela is fine but she's not an actual full blooded goddess, so much as she's a very powerful being descended from gods. Their god blood is weakening that's why the Odinsons are inbreeding like crazy. There actually was a god king who ruled all nine realms at one time, but got bored and vacated to his demigod offspring. Who are/were thor's forefathers.


I'm working out the personality, powers, and background details for Tyrone Johnson, Master of Darkness, but i don't want to set too much in stone without knowing if I might, maybe, have someone willing to play Dagger opposite him. If not, i'll still do him because I love the character. It just won't be the same. So anyone who might be interested in collaborating on that, by all means speak up! I'm thinking of playing off the canon a bit and having Tyrone be basically pacted to the demonic being called the Predator, which is where he draws much of his magical power and arcane gifts and knowledge from. A big element of the character will be his struggle with the hunger, and in fact without a Dagger around it might be even more central to the character since he won't have a ready-made way to feed the hunger.