Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Sure... *pulls out earplugs*

... If I sang just as off-key?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


If the music is loud enough no one will know *giggles*

If I danced while singing?

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


I love people dancing along.

If I missed a few notes due to slipping on the roof?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Oh dear lord, you guys quit singing off key! Like the people in my house yelling and screaming at one another aren't enough :( And Kata no falling ff the damn roof!

...if I said, Bane, you want to have a go at a dress for me?


Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


Sure, but be warned i wear size 14.

If i picked your shoes?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


You can certainly try, dear.

...if I said I think I prefer 19th century gowns. Fitted around the waist, not so... circus tent-like from the breasts down.


I'd say I'd agree, but not for this setting. Aside from that yes Georgian style has it's pluses.

If I suggested a roman style? (still not in setting, but ever so beautiful.)
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Hey I was not told such gowns were an option. You were talking about Italy!

...if I said to hell with all this period clothing, can I just find something pretty and show up in that. I will be...from the future! :D


if it were up to me, you could show up stark naked, hell I'd love that. unfortunately it's not my call.

If i suggested we just roleplayed together, perhaps with some of our E friends?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


of course, I'm trying to wait for them to get approved >.<

.... stole your instruments and ran off with them laughing?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



When I get a pretty red Lady bar, I'd love to roleplay with you Kata. OMG you got my scatter-assed brain all on dressed, now! I love Elie Saab:

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*grins* but if I just showed up naked, you wouldn't get the fun off stripping me out of the dress later on...

...if I asked you which you liked best, Kata?


just as a reminder try not to add names at the end, some people might feel left out, most don't but some do

the bottom right one.

If I came dressed in a full suit of armor?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Depends on the dress, Manic... a pretty one, please :P

Hey... can I use it? You prefer being nude anyway...

... If I told you all of my Viking heritage?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


*grins* I knew you would pick that one. 's my favorite too. Probably has something to do with the sparkles across the ass. And I didn't mean to leave anyone out, but the question was mostly directed at you, and I'm not currently able to PM, so, sorry guys. Everyone, feel free to pick a favorite. :P Bane, I'm sure you have some input.

And if you showed up in a full suit of armor, I would immediately form a game plan for getting you the hell out of all that metal.

Ooh, tell me all about it, Vikings are fun. *grins* You gonna show up dressed as Thor?

...if I came down a sweeping staircase in that final red one, Princess style? hehe


I like it... I would look pretty dashing... well, I think my ability to look dashing would be lost by wearing a dress, but ftw, I am pretteh :P

No... Thor is mythology, as if Mjolnir... Sit down kids, the story is about to begin... a long time ago, when mammoths were trodding the land...

I would(considering I am not in the dress) bow, kiss your hand, and ask for the first dance...

... if I was wearing the dress while asking you for that first dance?:P
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


yep as i laughed uncontrollably...

.... if i giggled everytime I looked at you in your dress?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Hey, i go through all the trouble of shaving my legs for that thing and you giggle.
If I got upset?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Hmmm... I am a proud man... a little drunk, but still... you know, proud...*grins*

... if I kept the dress as a souvenir?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Manic would be extremely miffed at you for daring to wear the same dress as her. Hello, fashion fopaux! :P

...if I slapped you with a glove and went in search of a man not dressed in drag? lol Which is apparently going to be one hell of a task, since Kata is shaving his legs and your trying to play my twin... *sighs*

Don't get upset, Kata. Put on something dapper and tailored for a man!

...someone come dance with me!


Lol... nice one... okay, I am dressed in a tux now... would you dance with me?

... and if I took away your glove, in hope of not getting slapped again?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Deamonbane on October 09, 2012, 07:18:27 PM
Lol... nice one... okay, I am dressed in a tux now... would you dance with me?

... and if I took away your glove, in hope of not getting slapped again?

I would take your hand and let you lead me to the dance floor.

...and if I explained to you just how much a woman can tetris into her purse, would you still feel like having the glove meant anything at all? lol


Hmmm... yeah, you had better take that back... no slapping though, or you can dance with Kat...

...if I led you into a waltz?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Well I usually lead but sure.

If I stepped on your toes?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Yeah, whatever.... Rome was not built in a day, after all...

... if I taught you to lead?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."