The Battle for Mount Olympus [Game Thread]

Started by Valerian, February 14, 2011, 11:24:06 AM

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Stirring at the voices she stretched and glanced skyward before yawning a little. Slipping up from a place in the sunlight Josi brushed back her long golden locks letting them fall around her shoulders to bounce against her hips. It was all very confusing about where she was and who these people were. She blinked her bright blue eyes and then realized she didn't even know her own name, let alone the rest. Moving toward the others she watched and listened to them, hoping maybe someone had some insight as they all seemed as confused as she.

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!

desert ashes

One by one the Moirae awakened, heads of pale gold each lifting as the fair three rubbed their eyes and slowly stretched, brushed off their thin robes.  Where were they?  The sound of muffled voices reached their ears, had them shifting and gathering themselves as best as they could.  They all appeared quite all right, unharmed.  Merely abandoned, waking in some strange place that they could not remember, and surely with some aches and sores that could not be readily explained.  At least, that was the thought of one of the Moirae as the three emerged into the sunlight, listened to what was being said.

They certainly weren't alone, that was a comforting thought.

"Perhaps," began the blond on the left, "a prank is not far off in thought."

"Unless we have all been touched by a wretched disease," the middle picked up, and it ended, appropriately, with the blond on the right.

"But that we would surely remember."

"We having encouraged the wrath of a God seems more likely," said all three. 
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


Finally standing up, though swaying a bit from becoming slightly dizzy making sure not to bump into Geeklet, Alysanthia idly dusted off her dress. Feeling another headache coming along she rubbed her temples "so if I'm guessing right... No one has any idea how we got here or who we are" sighing in frustration, she wondered why she suddenly wanted a glass of wine.

Lord Mayerling

Mayerling sat on the bare rocks looking over the crowd of the assembled. He took up the golden lyre that sat next to him; somehow, he inherently knew how to play it. He strummed a chord, then another. An audience appeared, and he preformed the only thing that came to mind.

“I know all your names 
Yet none of your faces.
I know your powers
Yet I know not how to
Use them.

Soon among us will the
Chosen One
Be Chosen

The rest will lose, cleansed
Of what might have been.
My lack of poetic ability
Will be exposed even further.

Until the Gods will no longer
Take mercy.”

Mayerling played the last Platonic chord in melancholy with the lapping waves of the sea over the sand swallowing the final tones.


Returning from his swim along the shore he looked at his gathered siblings and remembered their ordeal.
"Standing around, dumb and confused will not ease your confusion...might as well make the best of it. It is not as if any of you have not slipped down in this realm to take a mortal lover."
He grinned, any thoughts recalling who he was or what his powers where or had been was met with a misty confusion but other things where clear. Wandering off, he went off looking for wine or a fish net to catch some supper.
"Make the best of it!"

Zelric Miras

"I agree with....him. We have no idea of what has happened but this place looks quite comfortable, enough for us to relish in it." He motioned to Aiden and remembered he was drenched. He turned to the one that had played the lyre and shrugged. "Your words are foreboding, maybe inspired by the gods...I'm afraid I can't make anything of them to our current least not now. SOMe thought should be given to it..." The gods, the term sounded almost embracng and freindly...He shook his head and glanced around. "I'll find a change of clothes for myself, if you'll excuse me..." He bowed briefly and walked away, searching the rooms for some clothes his size.


The little group spent the day in seemingly endless speculation, trying to work out their own names, their neighbors', or anything else that might spark some other memory.  At last the sky grew dark, and they all felt the need for something called "sleep".  Everyone retired to whatever hut or other shelter had caught their fancy, and all was quiet until the sun rose again.

All was not, however, peaceful.  One of their number now lay dead in his little hut.  There were no signs of violence upon him -- he seemed to have died very quietly in his sleep -- but his spirit was fled.

Each of the survivors now also realized who the young man had been Ganymede, the prince of Troy whose handsome form had led Zeus himself to bring him to Olympus as the cup-bearer to the gods.

The rest of them gathered together, perplexed.  Someone was toying with them, but who would dare?  The culprits, everyone knew, would have to be found.

Greece was the birthplace of democracy.  Vote!

Beguile's Mistress
Lord Mayerling
That Girl Analise

There are 3 Tricksters, 1 Alchemist, 1 Cupid, 1 Guardian, 1 Hunter, 1 Invincible, 1 Seer, 1 Thunderbolt, and 7 Deities.

Note that this is a Lynch Vote.  There is no tiebreaking role in this game.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Josietta glanced around at the chaos that had spread out and frowned at the newly dead member of their family. She had not known them personally but had admired the accomplishments. She sighed and glanced to each of those present and shook her head.

"Maybe it was him. He left the group quite early. Maybe to plot and plan our demise?"

She motioned toward Leorobin.

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!


Shocked at hearing someone had been murdered, Alysanthia sat there in her spot watching everyone panic. Listening to Josietta she gave a small nod of her head "yes but what about Aiden, he is taking everything so easily. As if he knows something we do not..."


"I agree," Sofronia nodded. "Aiden does seem to know more than we do."
She went back to being lost in thought. What was her name? Didn't it have an "o" sound in it? She stared out at the water and shrugged. Foam had that sound, and was easy enough to remember for now. Foam it was.

That Girl Analise

Analise had a look at the two that were accused at first, and then around at the rest of the group. There was one who seemed quick to accuse, but Analise knew that meant nothing... there were those that roamed this world jumpy from the beginning. And the one this person accused seemed to have a legitimate reason to leave... there was the one that sang, but what harm, seriously, could a musician be? "I'd guess Aiden as well, I suppose. Seems to be the most educated guess."


Eden hugs hirself and peers at the corpse, nudging it with hir toe and wondering how it might taste. "Mmm, I dunno. When I look at those three Moirae, I get the collywobbles. I be she had something to do with this!"


"Well excuse me if I would rather not spend my time lamenting over a situation we have no power over, here I go then! Are you guys ready!"
Dramatically tossing himself to the dirt he began to flail like a petulant child thrashing about and emitting a shrill cry that would be the envy of a child's tantrum.
"Why gods! Why gods do you forsake us! WHY! WHY!"
Lifting himself off and dusting himself up he looked at his first accuser
"Is that better dear sister?"
He looked over to Alysanthia with a grin.


Looking at Aiden and then Alysanthia. Xandi decided that someone so handsome couldn't possibly murder anyone. It had to be his accuser.
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

desert ashes

One by one the Moirae partially stumbled out of whomever's 'abode' they had been sharing, straightening robes and soothing tousled hair.  One set of amused eyes flickered toward Eden and she merely gave a shake of her head.

"It could not possibly have been us," they said, "But we do wonder what Saku was up to."
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes

Beguile's Mistress

Beguile rose as the sun was touching the horizon and headed off in search of...  What?  She didn't know.  The urge to find something drove her though and for the next few hours she wandered the nearly invisible animal paths through the woods and along the shore feeling naked and useless.  When at last she returned to the others she found them huddled around a handsome though dead young man.

"Ganymede!"  Beguile cried out and rushed over to the body.  "What has befallen this young man?"  Her demands went unanswered except for the accusations and pointed fingers of the others.  She searched the eyes staring down at the body hoping to see a spark of awareness, an acknowledgment of guilt, but saw nothing.  She would have to trust her instincts and bear the brunt of her own guilt if she were wrong.

"I dont' want to believe that one of us or any of us could be responsible for this but the fact is I don't know any of you.  Damnation!  I don't even know myself.  I only know I'm not responsible for this abomination!"  Looking around again Beguile stood and pointed a finger at...

The Moirae


Aiden (3) - Alysanthia, FoamWeber, That Girl Analise
Alysanthia (2) - Aiden, Xandi
Leorobin (2) - Josietta, Remiel
Moirae (2) - Eden, Beguile's Mistress
Lord Mayerling (1) - Leorobin
Saku (1) - Moirae
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
FoamWeber (0)
Geeklet (0)
Izu (0)
Josietta (0)
Kyrsa (0)
Marguerite (0)
Remiel (0)
That Girl Analise (0)
Xandi (0)

Yet to vote: Geeklet, Izu, Kyrsa, Lord Mayerling, Marguerite, Saku

There are 3 Tricksters, 1 Alchemist, 1 Cupid, 1 Guardian, 1 Hunter, 1 Invincible, 1 Seer, 1 Thunderbolt, and 7 Deities.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Returning from an invigorating swim in the ocean, Remiel lounged about on the beach to dry--completely nude, of course--while pondering the mystery of who stole everyone's memories.  For some reason, his mind kept returning to the image of...some sort of baked bread, or something...cut in the shape of a square.  With honey, or something, on top.  And then, for no reason at all, he would think of a furry, four-footed duck.  It was all very strange.  Was he secretly the god of Hallucinations?

"I don't know who would steal away our memories," he murmured, mostly to himself, "but we have no evidence at all at this point, and anyone who says otherwise is lying." 

Still, he supposed he had to vote for someoneVoting randomly, Remiel cast his suspicion on Leorobin.

Zelric Miras

Leorobin frowned at the pointed fingers and shook his head. "This is preposterous! I assure you that I have no part in the demise of this young man...My concerns would be directed towards the one with the lyre, he seems to know more than we do..." He pointed to Lord Mayerling as he spoke, it was just a wild card decision though, he had no other evidence against him than the ominous words in his song.


As the dawn broke, and the morbid reality hit that one of their number lay dead, Geeklet paced around listening as people began to hurl accusations at each other. "Let's stop and think about this," shi interjected. The whole time, hir mind was thinking upon the previous day's events.

"Now yesterday,  there were those that actively questioned events. Who they were, why they were here, etc. That seems like a fairly normal response, no? Hell, even this guy," shi paused and made a motion towards Aiden, "was out to have a good time in spite of things. And it seems like quite a few of you find that suspicious. Now, it might be, but I also believe that whoever is capable of committing such an act wouldn't wish to drawn attention to themselves as he has. There was one person though, who tried to simply blend into the background quietly. One person who not only didn't utter a word, merely sat back and watched."

Just then, hir gaze shifted, giving a rather accusatory look towards Izu.


The Prince of Troy had succumbed to whatever foul tricks had been played on him and Saku was now scared for the rest of them. Why had he been chosen and not one of them? Not being able to track down her sister (Marguerite), Saku put the earring in her pocket and made her way across the landscape, searching for her. Surely nothing untoward had happened to the woman, right? She caught sight of the others and realized they were putting a vote to who they would lynch to gain revenge on the prince's death. How could she vote for someone when she didn't know anything about the death? There was a 50/50 chance she would be wrong and a 50/50 chance she would be right. So she randomly cast her vote on Kyrsa. Saku didn't hold Moirae's vote against her personal because it wasn't a vote because she was suspicious of her, it was just that no one had any concrete evidence yet so they were voting blindly.
I'm back!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


Kyrsa eyed Saku suspiciously, shaking her head slightly at the vote against her.  She knew she wasn't the one they were searching for, but she also realized that everyone was simply guessing at this point.  Glancing around the group she settled down next to one of the huts, leaning her back against the rough wall.  "Perhaps Moirae had something to do with it, though I'm casting my vote in the dark," she said finally, hoping that luck would be on her side.


Izu had been quiet until now, listening and watching from aside. He had moved as far as possible from the dead, but when he heard his name he paused and looked up, shaking his head. "I'm not the one to be blamed." He spoke, his voice even. "Why should I speak when I remember nothing? If you ask me those who are scarier are the ones who act like it's not a big deal that they've woken up remembering nothing... or... remember things like... who their siblings are." He looked at Saku, before looking back at Geeklet. "I may not remember anything, but I know I'm no murderer."

Lord Mayerling

Mayerling picked up the lyre and began to play:

Some of the
Names do not match the
Faces, and thus must be

Lo, Leorobin

That is all.


Eden applauds Lord May and is swayed, changing hir vote to Leorobin