The Battle for Mount Olympus [Game Thread]

Started by Valerian, February 14, 2011, 11:24:06 AM

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All roles should now be distributed.  Please PM me if you have not received one.

The Players

Beguile's Mistress
Lord Mayerling
That Girl Analise

The Rules

Rounds of play:

The game begins with a day phase during which the players may mingle and chat.  That night, an NPC will be removed by the Tricksters, though no other active abilities will occur -- the Seer cannot scrye on anyone, etc.  The next day phase will be the first lynch vote, when all players must vote for a player to be lynched that day.  The lynched player's role will be revealed, and we will move on to the night phase.

At that time, all those players left who have an active role during the night (the Tricksters, the Seer, the Guardian, and, for this night, the Cupid) must PM their choices to Loki (Val).  The night phase is also when Alchemist must also let me know if they would like to use their (one-time) ability.  All choices will be tallied, and the results will be announced when the next day phase begins.  If a player has been removed by the Tricksters, that player's role will be revealed.  The next lynch vote will then begin, and the cycle continues until either the Deities, the Tricksters, or possibly the Lovers, are declared the winners.

Other things you need to know:

  • You may not vote to lynch yourself.
  • Voting first should not be dangerous.  I realize it can be hard to decide who to vote for, but please don't vote for anyone solely because that person spoke up first.
  • Plotting and scheming are encouraged!  Please be sure to copy me into any PM conversations you might have about the game with other players, however.
  • Once you are removed from the game, your knowledge goes with you.  Feel free to chat and socialize in the OOC thread, but please don't give away anything you might have learned.
  • Ties in lynch votes will be broken randomly.  There is no tie-breaking role in this game.
  • Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the rules or the roles.  This can be done either via PM or in the OOC thread.
  • Have fun!  :D

The Roles

3 Tricksters
You're not sure why, but you feel compelled to make mischief.  Each night, the Tricksters select one deity to remove from the game.  If they are successful, that deity is sent back to Mount Olympus, with their memories returned, but only able to watch the game from their heavenly perch.  Still, at least there's always plenty of ambrosia and nectar.

7 Deities
Use your wits and the power of your votes to try to eliminate the rogue deities and return to Mount Olympus in triumph.  Who knew life could still be so difficult, even with godlike powers?

1 Seer ~ Athena
Your wisdom knows no bounds.  Each night, you may select one other player and PM that person's name to Loki (Val) in order to learn their role.

1 Guardian ~ Hestia
And the other deities said your role as protector of the home and hearth wasn't all that important.  Each night, you may PM the name of one player to Loki (Val) in order to shield that player from the Tricksters.  You may also protect yourself if you choose.  Note that you cannot protect anyone from the lynch.

1 Thunderbolt ~ Zeus
You've forgotten a lot, just like everyone else, but you still remember how to wield your thunderbolts when you really need to.  If the Tricksters target you during the night, one of them (chosen randomly) will fall with you.  Note that being lynched during the day cycle will not activate this ability.  This is a passive ability.

1 Hunter ~ Artemis
A well-placed arrow can make all the difference.  If you are voted out during the day phase, you may select one other player to remove with you.  Choose wisely!  Note that being targeted by the Tricksters at night will not activate this ability.

1 Alchemist ~ Dionysus
In vino, veritas.  At least, you hope so.  Once during the game, during a night phase, you may target another player to remove by means of a special potion in their goblet of wine.  If the chosen player is shielded by the Guardian that night, the ability will have no effect and may not be used again.  The Invincible player, however (see below), can still be removed by means of this potion.

1 Invincible ~ Ares
You're awfully hard to get rid of, even when there's trickery involved.  If you are targeted by the Tricksters during the night phase, they will be unable to remove you from the game.  Note that the Alchemist's potion (see above) can remove you from the game during a night phase, unless you are also shielded by the Guardian; and you can still be voted out during the day.

1 Cupid ~ Eros
Once a matchmaker, always a matchmaker.  During the first night when abilities are active, you may choose two players to make into the Lovers.  One of these players may be yourself.  Note that you will not learn the roles of either of the players you choose (unless one of them is yourself); you will only know that they are the Lovers as well as whatever other roles they might have.  This is an active ability that may be used only once.


The Lovers
Becoming one of the Lovers does not alter any other abilities you might have.  If both Lovers are Deities or both are Tricksters, their win condition does not change.  If one is a Deity and the other a Trickster, however, the only way they can win is to be the last two players left standing.  The Lovers will each learn the other's role upon becoming the Lovers, and they may trust each other implicitly.  Removing one Lover, by any means, will remove the other Lover as well.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Loki was bored.  This is a dangerous thing for any deity to be, but especially for Loki.

He needed a new audience, that was the problem.  After a while, even he grew tired of fooling Thor over and over, and Odin was really becoming quite tiresome.  Yes, a new audience was exactly what he wanted.

So he turned his eyes to the south.

Some of the deities of the Greeks were quite stuffy and boring, but a few of them certainly knew how to have a good time.  Some of them would no doubt greatly appreciate his sense of humor.  It was high time he paid them a visit, and he wanted to make a good first impression.

So, in his best sneaky style, he crept to the top of Mount Olympus, chose his targets, and sent them all spiralling down to the mortal lands below.

Seventeen deities in all, they would wake confused and uncertain of who and what they were.

They are more than mere mortals, this they still know; but their existence before now is muddled and vague.  They also know that they must find their way back where they belong, whatever far-off, distant place that might be, and to do that, they must play Loki's game.

After that game ends, though, all bets are off.

You wake in a sleepy fishing village somewhere in ancient Greece, with no beings other than yourselves to be seen anywhere.  Though aware that you are all more than you appear to be, no one knows exactly who or what they are.

Three of your number, bewitched by Loki, are now Tricksters.  They spread mischief while the rest sleep, choosing people who will lose the game.  Their mortal shells will 'die', while their heavenly essence will be sent, defeated, but with memories restored, back to Mount Olympus to watch the rest of the game play out.

Will Loki's Tricksters triumph?  Or will the deities of Olympus send him back to Asgard in disgrace?

Drawing of Loki copyright Karen Beaser
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Xandi awoke is a strange little village completely disoriented. As she stood and looked around she tried to figure out where she was and more importantly who and what she was. She began to move about the other seventeen people trying to remember something important. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew something was amiss.
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


"By the gods..." Geeklet groggily groaned out, rubbing hir head as shi sat up. "Did anyone else have too much wine?" Hir head was throbbing in the pain of a hangover. Shi looked around through the haze of still trying to become fully awake, unable to recognize any of the faces in front of hir.


"Yes.  No.  Maybe?" said Remiel, who stood up, straightening his exomis.  He looked around himself, remembering that he had been in the midst of something--trying to make an important decision, maybe?--but for the life of him couldn't remember what it had been.


Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes before blinking them several times; "does anyone else smell something...Fishy?" Alysanthia said in a soft but groggy voice not really sure what was going on or where she was exactly.


Sofronia sat up slowly, then rubbed her eyes. Where was she? Her surroundings didn't seem familiar. There were others around as well, and she caught a few words of the conversation. She wasn't the only one feeling confused, then. Sofronia got to her feet carefully. Had she had any wine? No, that couldn't be it. Something else was going on...


Eden groans and flops over onto hir stomach, throwing hir arms over hir head. "Ow, my brain really is too big for my skull..."

That Girl Analise

Analise sat up groggily, yawning and stretching. Mid-stretch, she paused; something was not right here. Looking around, she saw she was surrounded by 16 other people in what seemed to be a fishing village, all of them in various states of awakeness and confusion. Had she always lived in a fishing village? She couldn't remember ever living anywhere else, and yet she couldn't remember ever living here. "Does anyone happen to know how we got here?" she paused before adding "Or, rather, ever remember being here in the first place?"


Kyrsa knew as soon as she woke that things were not as they should have been.  She sat up slowly, groaning as her body popped and complained.  Glancing at Analise she shook her head.  "I don't remember anything at all unfortunately... where is here?"


Saku remained asleep amongst all the others in the room. Perhaps someone should wake her up? Or would they all leave her lying there apparently asleep? It didn't matter one way or another since eventually she would rise and return to the waking world.
I'm back!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests

That Girl Analise

Analise opened her mouth to respond, but no words came to answer the question. "You know, I have no clue. This is just too odd," she said, looking around at those gathered.


"I remember something... something like a... duck. No, a beaver! And... a pancake..." Eden rubs hir eyes and sits up slowly, looking around as if expecting the beast of hir dreams to appear. 


"Aiden" sat up after a nap, unlike those who woke in a daze he simply decided to sleep it off and he woke up looking rather well rested. Standing he walked around the village, visited the water and drank from it before spitting it out, it tasted of nothing! His reflection was taken with a grain of salt.
"Not bad for a mortal..."
He chuckled before stripping down and wading in the water, whatever had happened his siblings could figure it out and tell him later.
"Sister! I am hungry!"
His shout was loud to any of those within ear shot to hear as he splashed for a moment longer.


Quote from: Eden on February 17, 2011, 12:26:30 AM
"I remember something... something like a... duck. No, a beaver! And... a pancake..." Eden rubs hir eyes and sits up slowly, looking around as if expecting the beast of hir dreams to appear.

"A pancake?," she asked, waking up and looking around for her goblet of ambrosia. She was still missing one of her earrings and wondered if one of her sisters had stolen them to try and impress the suitable Gods around here.
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


"Pan...cake?"  Remiel frowned.  It sounded familiar...and yet, it wasn't quite right.  He blinked at Saku, who was still asleep.  Should he wake her up?  Should he let her sleep?  It was so difficult to decide!

Racked with indecision, he decided to go for a morning swim.  Stripping off his exomis and sandals, he leapt into the sea, and was soon frolicking around amongst the waves and the surf.


He woke up and slowly sat up, leaning on some wall. His eyes were red and hurting and he remained silent as the rest woke up and spoke.


"Or maybe a crumpet. I recall... gaps. Holes... hum. And I have the taste of strawberries in my mouth." Shi licks hir lips and hums softly.


Saku happened to be sleeping by the sea since she loved the water and when Remiel dove into the sea she woke. A yawn escaped her lips and she put her hands down to push herself upward when something small, hard and glinting could be felt beneath her fingers. She picked up the item and recognized it as her older sister's earring. "Marg? You there, sis?" She asked, looking around for her sister as she curled her fingers around the earring.
I'm back!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


Looking around with a obviously confused expression on her face, Alysanthia just sat there listening to everyone. Still she could not recall a single thing that would hint to how she got here. " Does anyone know how we got here? " Looking at all the unfamiliar faces she tried to remember the tiniest bit of information that would help.


Geeklet wandered around a bit, listening to everyone talk amongst themselves, trying to figure out what was going on. Shi stopped right near Alysanthia as she spoke out, asking how everyone got there, and finally spoke out for hirself. "Last thing I remember is... is..."

Geeklet paused, trying to think, but drawing a blank on anything relevant.

Zelric Miras

Leorobin woke up...refreshed, although with a headache, something was moving him and he felt the scent of salt and most he felt...wet. Leo opened his eyes and noticed he was in a tidal pool, a crab trying to pry a mussel open glanced at him and ran away. How had he got there he didn't knew but he had to get himself dry and some clothes, a bath woould be appreciated. He reached the room with everyone else at time to hear them asking where they were, and after wandering around for a few minutes. "It seems a to be a village near the sea...And we are quite alone. Does anyone know how I ended in the beach?" He had the fair impression of waking up, wandering out and falling down a slope, but despite a slight ache on his sides he couldn't quite remember.


"So no one remembers anything?" Sofronia asked. What was going on?

Beguile's Mistress

"I don't remember anything," Beguile agreed, "least of all my name."  Her words carried on the air to be heard over the splashing water of the bathers and the chatter of the hungry.  She was sitting beneath the branches of the tree where she had found herself on waking and had been watching the others for a bit.  Everyone was confused it seemed and had no idea of where they were or a memory of their past and their identity.

"Though I have no idea what has occurred this all feels decidedly strange to me.  I wonder if there is danger here or if this is someone's idea of a prank?"


Looking up at Geeklet briefly, she turned her attention to Beguile's Mistress at the mention of danger or a prank. "A prank, this seems terribly cruel to be a thought of as a joke." Frowning she started to bite on her nails; a nervous habit that she was never able to break. "I mean I don't know who I am right now, much less any of you." Biting on her nails yet again she could only look around at everyone hoping for answers.