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Breakup with the person above you!

Started by stormkitten, March 09, 2009, 01:45:07 PM

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Dark Rez

Dear M,

I saw our future as bright and full of hope. One with joy, love, and cherishing. But you leave me no choice.

You won't even show me your face anymore, it's like your head doesn't exist.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to leave, this is goodbye!

Always and Forever,

Dark Rez


My Darling Rez,
I have tried hard to show you my love and affection, but you love your blade more then me.
Also my kitten doesn't like you and that is a deal breaker for me.
A&A: updated 12/24/15
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.


Dear Perse,

I saw you today.  Draped in someone else's arms.  And I could tell - that is where you belong. 

It's hard for me to let you go, I'll admit that much.  But, I can't fight what is so clearly your fated future with him. 

I love you enough to release you to embrace all you can have with him.  Be warm and safe in his arms, my sweet. 

Also - I'm not paying my half of the rent this month - so you're on your own.

For never yours,

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Dark Rez

Dear Bella,

Today I walked in and there you were sitting on the floor again.

The dishes needed to be done, the dog was out of his cage roaming around again. I'm almost beginning to think you're doing this on purpose.

Whatever the intent, I see it clearly now that you don't want to be with me anymore, nor I with you. So, I'm saying goodbye!

Always and Forever,

Dark Rez


Dear DR,
it's not you, it's me! Ok it couldn't possibly be me but I'll take the hit this time.
I love your cooking honestly but you make me feel so inferior in the kitchen that I finally get what
you mean about me in the bedroom. Like I said, it's not you.
I think you are better off with someone who will appreciate your amazing skills.
They are amazing, too amazing. My ego just can't take it anymore.



Dear Cailleach, and dear to me you are...

The time has come for us to say goodbye. 

I'm going to come clean - I'm not actually a lesbian.  You were just too hard even for a heterosexual lady like me to resist. 

Alas, my baser needs have surfaced and I'm going back to dating men. 

You were amazing!  I'll never forget our lovemaking and shoe shopping. 

Be well.


Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


You're awesome and all, but... you keep stealing my shirts. It'd be okay if only you ever gave them back!
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."



I would keep on dating you, but you simply have too few t-shirts, what's up with that? 

We had fun, but it's over now.

E out.
"And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.”

Dark Rez

Hey, umm, I thought I told you last time we talked, but I think this isn't going to work out for me.

Listen, It isn't, well it is your fault. You keep eating all my cookies and making jokes at the most awkward of times, that's a dealbreaker.

I left the key on your kitchen counter,

Always and Forever,

Dark Rez.


((This is a little awkward, but the show must go on, so...))

I'm sorry, Rez, but it's over between us.

I warned you of what would happen if you kept drinking wolfbane-flavored vodka, but did you listen to me? Nooo, of course not!

And don't tell me that you've always been allergic to silver, 'cuz I wasn't born yesterday!
... Babe of the Bounteous Bosom, Mistress of the Comma, Saint of Submission, Her Succubian Majesty, the Non-Prescription Viagra, The Beauty with the Booty, The Hussy Who is Busty, Curvaceous Muse, Hopeless Romantic, Horny Marshmallow, History Whore, Captured Maiden, Innocent Angel, Sex Kitten, Dutiful Daughter, Nubile Nerd, and One Wordy Wench. 💗

Current Status: Recovering from Covid. Replies may be slow.
My Ons/Offs  🌸  My A/A  🌸  My Roleplay Request Thread 🌸 Gallery of Visual Inspiration (NSFW) 🌸 Hall of Musical Inspiration 🌸 Current and Past Roleplays


Speaking of awkward..... the magic is gone.  Fly beautiful songbird, fly!

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


You disappeared without saying a word and left me holding the volleyball without a partner. How dare you?


blue bunny sparkle

How dare you turn your back on me! (Sexy as it is)

Don't... don't do it!

Dang it! You did.

I'm gone.


What? You are behaving as a sex toy again? I do not like women who are objectified... when you grow up, look for me again.


Don't you dare turn your back on me when I'm singing to you!

Fine! I expect you to return the thong and the almond oil too!
... Babe of the Bounteous Bosom, Mistress of the Comma, Saint of Submission, Her Succubian Majesty, the Non-Prescription Viagra, The Beauty with the Booty, The Hussy Who is Busty, Curvaceous Muse, Hopeless Romantic, Horny Marshmallow, History Whore, Captured Maiden, Innocent Angel, Sex Kitten, Dutiful Daughter, Nubile Nerd, and One Wordy Wench. 💗

Current Status: Recovering from Covid. Replies may be slow.
My Ons/Offs  🌸  My A/A  🌸  My Roleplay Request Thread 🌸 Gallery of Visual Inspiration (NSFW) 🌸 Hall of Musical Inspiration 🌸 Current and Past Roleplays


The singing I could deal with, but all this tweeting to greet the dawn, it's just too much!  Pirates need to sleep in!

Fare the well!!!

blue bunny sparkle

Oh for goodness sakes Swashbuckler!

Whenever I'm on my knees before you, and the lights are dim, and the waves gently rock the ship, and the stars above make it a most perfectly wondrous  night...

Could you PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Not holler "Down the hatch, Matey!"

It ruins the mood. 

I'm jumping this ship!


I'm sorry, but you've been wearing those bunny ears for three years now. THREE YEARS! I can't take it anymore. It's in the shower, it's at the work parties, it's in bed. They almost took my eye out that one time.

I hate making you choose, but it's the ears, or it's me.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."

blue bunny sparkle

Dang it Deamonbane!

Why do you have to be right all the time!

Why are you keeping track of my wardrobe?

Why do you make me doubt my every costume?

And for the love of God, why do you hate the ears??????

I will chose. And I chose the ears! *nods* You heard me.


Merry Gentry

Dearest blue.. I've come to realize that my favorite color is not Blue, but is actually Pink!
Pink I say!

I'm off to find myself a PINK bunny sparkle! 
Later kid,
“And I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now.”


You nearly got me killed, when you sent me to retrieve your diamond necklace with the reaper's skull in it, that's apparently worth billions. I was shot at multiple times by the neighbors, nearly lost my bloody tail because of you. I keep telling you not go out with jewelry on because you keep losing them, but you never listen to me, because I am just an animal in your eyes and nothing more.
---> Click here to visit current request thread for pairings with plots as well as ons and offs.<---
Note: Strictly  homosexual pairings as the main focus in stories bore me, however I am fine with it as side pairings as long as I write for the males  in a relationship with each other, or the two  males involved with each other and the female in a polyamory relationship.

Status: May be slow in replying to messages due to online Uni and job hunting.

Uni graduation: 8/24/25.


Dear beloved Dark Despairs,

I'm sorry, I thought we were going so well with our routine with me leaving you out a bowl of cream every night before I go to bed.

However, when I stumbled into my library to find you reading, I discovered many things about you that are simply too much to deal with.

1. You shed cat fur every where you go.
2. I am allergic to said cat fur.

I have tried everything to get rid of it but you insist on rubbing your cute self all over my clothes and furniture! It's over, Dark Despairs. I will not spend the next month in a sneezing coma because of you!

Yours never again,


P. S. Get your own cream.


Reading helps improve my vocabulary. I only ate those bowls of cream in hopes that you would let me go outside and hunt down those bloody dogs that took care of my previous owners. Me, rubbing on you was my attempt at trying to get your attention so that I could let you know what I want, but you always shooed me away due to getting cat hairs on your clothes.  Some owner you turned out to be. If you would let me go outside and get some fresh air, your sneezing would stop. Good-bye, it was fun while it lasted. Don't go to the back of the house and whatever you do avoid stepping on the mines in the backyard. 
---> Click here to visit current request thread for pairings with plots as well as ons and offs.<---
Note: Strictly  homosexual pairings as the main focus in stories bore me, however I am fine with it as side pairings as long as I write for the males  in a relationship with each other, or the two  males involved with each other and the female in a polyamory relationship.

Status: May be slow in replying to messages due to online Uni and job hunting.

Uni graduation: 8/24/25.


TL;DR I'm sorry but I just can't keep up with all your loquacious complaining anymore.

But I'm keeping the cat.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."

Love And Submission

This is a Matt Murdock household! I cannot put up with symbiotes in my living quarters. Skrulls are fine but sleeping beside a symbiote is out of the question.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454