Dungeon Crawl Mafia - Game Over (Anyone May post here now!)

Started by RedPhoenix, January 26, 2016, 02:59:08 PM

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question asked: how do I know if I have a night action? If I don't have one what do I do at night?

Your role pm will tell you if you have one! If it doesn't, you can't do anything at night currently except wait for the night to end and hope you don't die!  :)
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.



As the party wakes up you realize to your horror that the evil doers have struck again! Poor Yugi is dead, a dagger in his back. He was the strong silent type, never even saying a word the whole day yesterday!

As you roll his body over you realize that he was indeed the Druid who tended the grove nearby, and had come along simply to clear out the dungeon to keep his forest safe.

A moment of silence falls over the party as you think, will you avenge his death? Or will you fall to the same blades as he?

On a less, but somehow also more, horrifying note, Derwaysh's hair appears to be standing straight up and continues to no matter what anyone does! Weird!

Yugi has been killed in the night. He was a True Neutral Elf Druid who worshiped the gods of Nature. He was an Adventurer.

Derwaysh's Hair is Standing Up. A lot.

The party steels themselves and sets off to explore the second layer of the dungeon! This level is filled with greenskins, goblins, orcs, and other monsters lay in wait around every corner but the wits and brawn and magic of the party sends them packing! Much loot is discovered, most of it mundane in nature...except one thing!

The Party Has Cleared the Second Level of the Dungeon!

The Party has Discovered a Ring of Friendship! Whoever wears this Ring will require 1 additional vote to Eliminate during the Day!

Twelve Players Remain Alive, Twelve Votes are In Play.

It will require SEVEN votes to decide any election. Once the election on who to eliminate is finished, the day will end. The deadline is 7 PM PST on SUNDAY the 31st. If no player has been voted to be kicked out, the day will end at that time.

There are THREE things to vote on today

1) Who to Eliminate
2) Whether to Keep Exploring
3) Who to give the Ring of Friendship too! This will take effect immediately upon the election being won, if it is won. If the party cannot decide, this election will come up again tomorrow!

To vote for who to give the Ring to, use this ->

[b][u]I think ((NAME)) Should have the Ring![/u][/b]

To change your vote, simply post the code again with the new name! To remove your vote entirely, use this ->

[b][u]I am REMOVING MY VOTE about THE RING![/u][/b]

Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Well what's knew. I expected that as this always happens to me. Lol.


Question Asked! Can I reveal what my role is or powers are?

You can reveal all, nothing, lie about it, the choice is yours! However you may not quote my PM directly. Otherwise, what you reveal is up to you!
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


The half-elf drops his typical somewhat shallow demeanor to grieve for their fallen comrade, whom he had not even had a chance to know very well.

"...our jaunt left me with additional powers. I intend to use them tonight if able to benefit us, should I make it. I can seek out others who possess magical ability such as myself, but it is not limited to those of an arcane persuasion. That being said, I feel we must vote to remove someone from the party today. It is too dangerous to proceed now without doing so. I only hope others have gained new power as I have to benefit us. More importantly, I hope that someone discerned something at night to give us something to go on."

He lingers over by Trump goblin and carefully touches his hair with one hesitant finger, poking it. "It's hypnotic. This is...this is....is it alive? Will it seize control of you via a Charm effect and try to run for president of the Crawl?" The half-elf is transfixed.

Galactic Druid

Okay, the fact that it was yugi again really says something to me. Honestly, I think that our evil players are probably ones that have seen that trend in the past, which to me, puts some of the old hats at the top of my suspicions list over newer players like Derways, mintprincess, KS, or Seranova....
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!

King Serperior

Well blast it all!  Another of our number falls.  Somehow, I doubt it was Orc.  Maybe it was something that can hide easily?"   Xavier raises an eyebrow at the Goblin with its hair on end, "You, on the other hand, may want to get that checked.  I hear the venom of some of the bugs down here can do that."

As they explored and fought their way down, Xavier cleaved an Orc's leg from below, knocking it down so he could split its head like a melon.  Upon hearing about the discovery of the ring, he leaned against a rock to say, "Friendship, eh?  Well, I say not not give it to an Elf.  Their magics make them seem friendly enough.  How about we give that to someone who has no magic, eh?"

"In the meantime, let's continue onwards.  Should another of our number drop, then it would not be a coincidence.  For now, let us go forth."


With short legs, Xavier makes his way over to the entrance of the next level and plops down, "What?  If something comes up, they won't see me until my ax is between their eyes."  Upon looking around at the others' faces, he sighs, "If anyone wants to blame someone, blame someone who is really in this for power instead of glory, like someone touched by demon's blood.   Another option is someone who can obviously use magic.  How else could a Druid be killed in the night if not by some magical, deceptive means?  It's a coward's mode of murder, is it not?  Why not kill someone in equal combat?"

Xavier rolls his eyes at the Elf, still not trusting that act.  At least a Dwarf doesn't quiver in his boots when one of his own falls in the night.

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


Tisha  pats the half elf on the shoulder, "It's all right, I am still here to keep you company."

"Who said he was done in by magic? It was a dagger in his back. How is that magic?" Tisha rolls her eyes at the dwarf. "Besides, he was so silent I did not even get a chance to know him. Maybe we all need to speak up. Of course a lot of talking is not necessary if you sneak around and try to stay hidden.  I am suspicious of those who have not spoken up."

I think ((Remiel)) Should have the Ring! It certainly would be nice to keep the healer around.

Withholding my vote to eliminate to give those who have not posted yet time to catch up.

I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.

Galactic Druid

Why does the ring of friendship give you more chances to murder someone?
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


Quote from: ThatRPGuy on January 27, 2016, 10:30:45 PM
Why does the ring of friendship give you more chances to murder someone?
It means the person wearing it needs 8 votes to be lynched instead of 7. 


Galactic Druid

Wow, I really misread that. SOmehow I could have sworn it said it gives you 1 additional vote. Guess I'm tired too.

Can we choose to bestow that on a later round? Seems kind of early in the game to be giving that kind of power to someone with little knowledge....
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


It takes seven votes in agreement to bestow it on anyone.  I agree.  Although I'm not sure who to vote out at this point anyway.. I worry we'd be more likely to hit one of our own and help the baddies.   

-whirls around wildly cuz she enjoys doing strange things, her long hair spiraling in circles as she has some childlike fun-

PS.  The baghandler totally needs to handle the bags again.  Just saying.



No sooner had the druid perished Trump-goblin snarled and felt his entire perspective on life changing. The need to grub money awoke stronger within him than the need to build walls or concrete structures that kiss the sky. His hair swished every time the goblin swashed, and with greed that belies the nature of all living things such as druids, elves, men, dwarves and even goblins, he reached into Yugi’s pockets and started stuffing his items into Trump-pockets.

“The thing that you don’t understand is I am really rich, dude.” His attention was transfixed on Blythe. “I have a lot of money, much more money than all of them put together…  I see you like my hairstyle and if you’ll be willing, I’ll give you the number of Sancho who may offer you the same haircut. What do you say? Is it working?” He looks around to ascertain if anybody was paying heed. Catching sight of Mintiliciousness the she-dwarf, he claps his hands akin to an overgrown manchild and points at her.

“If she wasn’t my daughter, you know what I’d do right?” Because people ignore moronic and incestuous affidavits he sighed and summoned the inner-calm to once more transfer all power to his scalp.

“Look… look, all I am trying to say is someone gotta go. Blythe-man says the right thing and I believe him. Him and I agree on this. Somebody’s gotta go… we gotta pick somebody to just go…”

Strong gusts blow within the inner sanctum of their surroundings and suddenly his last uttered word dragged akin to ominous footfalls that linger even when nothing was said afterwards, his hair almost bending at 90 degree arc to prove his point.

“Somebody's gotta gooo... gooooo... gooooooo... goooooo...”
And I, methinks, am gone astray
In trackless wastes and lone.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name! | A peek is worth a thousand words!


Finals Week: Posting delays of up to 1 week/10 days


Viralas the ranger, who has been rather quiet, because seriously there are not enough hours in the day sometimes, joins his fellow half-elf in grieving for their fallen comrade.  “Alas, my poor friend!  Or… I mean, we could have been friends.  We never actually said two words to each other but…well, we both liked trees!  We could have built on that.  Anyways, I will remember you!  Or, you know, try to remember you.  I never actually got your name…”  Clears his throat awkwardly before taking up his bow and scimitars.  “Anyways, we must continue our quest!  He would have wanted it that way.  I think.  Maybe.”


Pondering the situation, a troubled look passes over the ranger’s exceedingly pretty face.   Pushing a few strands of his glorious blond hair behind his pointy ears with his delicate fingers, he wonders which among them could be the guilty party.  It seems impossible to guess yet to do nothing gives an advantage to their enemy it would seem.  “Since I have no clear idea who may be guilty, I do not feel confident in nominating someone to leave the party.  We could do as much harm as good… and yet the votes are information that might help us find the guilty ones later.  It is a difficult situation.”     


(But may change it if someone makes a convincing argument.  I do think going too many rounds with everyone just voting Nobody plays into the bad guys’ hands.  However, if people are gaining special abilities the longer they live, maybe it's better to wait and hope someone gains something that can help reveal the actual roles?)

“As for that lovely ring, as much as I might like to claim it myself, I believe Blythe should take it.  If he has truly developed magical insight to aid us then I feel he deserves the extra protection.”

I think Blythe Should have the Ring!

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


Due to the overwhelming confusion being caused by the hair!! I am suspecting Trump of being up to no good. Aren't we supposed to be killing goblins in this dungeon?

This is my VOTE! I am voting for ((Derwaysh))

I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.




1 - Derwaysh (Versasaille)
1 - Nobody (Strangefate)


2 - In Favor (King Serperior, Strangefate)

Ring of Friendship

1 - Blythe (Strangefate)
1 - Remiel (Verasaille)

With 12 votes in Play, it will take 7 to decide! The day will end 6 PM PST on Sunday, or when a party member has seven votes to be thrown out!
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Galactic Druid

* ThatRPGuy gets distracted watching Mint's long hair, his one weakness.

What were we talking about?
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


-whirls for rpguy!-  just cuz I have time to type that and little else.  Work!

But also keep talking people cuz this beauty isn't quite ready to go make votes yet.

Galactic Druid

The Meta(gaming)Knight Speaks his mind.

I have to admit, I'm used to having a lot more information going in to a mafia game. As it stands, we're not even sure how many baddies there are. I'm assuming two, three tops in a game this size, but it's possible they have/develop recruitment powers, so I'm actually Grinning maybe we should hold back on going too far in before we know more.

Same thing with the ring; it seems like something like that could be very powerful in the wrong hands, especially as the player count dwindles. But if someone has to have it, I think Derwaysh should have the ring, because I find him hilarious.

My second choice would be Mint, because long hair.
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!

King Serperior

With a thumping of the base of his ax against the ground, Xavier speaks up, "I think the girl has a point!  We're killing Goblins here and this one is freaking out.  I have no quarrel with you just yet, Goblin, but I think it may be safer for you to step back, else someone mistake you as a fiend."  With a sigh of thought, he observes the Goblin carefully, "Though, with that hair sticking up, perhaps you are like one of them danger-detection spells?  It may perhaps be a good idea to keep you around..."

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.

Madame Professor

The previous day had been quite the adventure and having lost one of their comrades, Talia, the Half-Orc Monk, did her best to remain wary of her surrounds. Much had happened in their explorations and another night of resting passed before they moved on. Waking the next morning revealed another death in their group. Cool violet eyes looked to her fellow adventures leerily. "It is a sad day for Nature to lose one of its own... But in light of this event, I do think it's best we press onward."


Goblins she left to others as she fluidly moved through the ambushes of evil as they ventured through the dungeon. The monk had a passion for dispatching of Orc, her strong fists and feet settling a score of what status their kind imposed on her, even as a Monk. Throughout the fray, she did notice the dispatchability of the goblins around.

I think Derwaysh should have the Ring! "After all, let the frail hairy goblin have all the protection he can get." Of course, with that hair, he was not likely to be mistaken for any of the common goblins in these parts.

Not one to usually agree with pretty boy half-elves and dwarves, Talia was resigned to see the logic in their words. "I agree it is too dangerous not to consider removing someone. The question becomes, who?"
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.


Was that a tail which grew out of a Trump-goblin’s pert bottom at the mention of his offing? Perhaps at first it may have appeared thus, but if one were to subject him to a deeper scrutiny, they’d realize it was merely an effect of the mirage caused by his constant shifting and bulging pockets he had stuffed with late Yugi’s belongings.

“You clearly don’t understand politics, Versaille.” He began to explain to the kind beaut with a kindred attitude towards him. “You need me. These people need me. I am not your enemy, I am your friend. Buy my book… everybody loves my books, you can too! Come on, change your vote. You can’t do this to me, it makes no sense… come on.”

No sooner had the Meta(Gaming)Knight spoken his mind, Trump ran over to him with the energy of a mongoose and the acrobats of a reindeer. He thwapped his hands upon a knight’s shoulders as if to hug him for a job well done. “See? This man speaks the truth. He knows what he’s talking about. I think I should have the Ring! Its obvious to all these good people here. Isn’t it just? Look at me? Look at my style. If Bruce Lee had a kid with Adolphus Gustavus that’d be me. I am that kid. Give me the ring, come on now.”

When the thumping axe-dwarf spoke up, the goblin silenced. Hands tucked upon the back of his arse, he slowly made his way to where KS stood and slowly peered at him. His voice barely a whisper above the shuffle of two goblin feet and uttered after what seemed like ages had passed. “You need me, dwarf. I can make this dungeon great again…”

This was followed by the roaring endorsement by one Talia the orc. Goblin-Trump didn’t like orcs because their humanity befuddled him. This one in particular didn’t act anything like the Faux Pas News! scrolls he had delivered to his goblin enterprises. However this was a second endorsement and because he was willing to sell his soul for it, it came much cheaper. Trump-Goblin’s hair sprang to a life of its own and almost carried him to Talia as if via magnetic transfusion. Several times he tried to jump up so he can raise her arm over her head akin to all the Wrestlemania winners of the past 30 years combined, but alas his height didn’t provide him the reach he needed.

“Look she’s right, thank you sweetheart, you’re right. You need me to beat this dungeon and find more gold, that’s what we do, that’s what us Trumps goblins do! When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let's say, the dungeon in a boxing deal? They kill us. I beat dungeons all the time. All the time. You need me. Come on, a few more endorsements… let’s make a deal!”
And I, methinks, am gone astray
In trackless wastes and lone.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name! | A peek is worth a thousand words!


Finals Week: Posting delays of up to 1 week/10 days


((since there is no OOC thread -- Derwaysh, you're killing me here.  I kind of want to vote you out, because Trump, but then again I don't, because I want to see what you'll do next.))


Look into both of our eyes, at the same time, and tell us that you can't support us, Remiel? He can make Dungeon great again! XD
And I, methinks, am gone astray
In trackless wastes and lone.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name! | A peek is worth a thousand words!


Finals Week: Posting delays of up to 1 week/10 days


OOC: Derwaysh, you are killing me. I can't even. Every time I read about Trump goblin, I die a little more inside from all the awesome. And love this game so much more. Your flavor text has to be some of the best I've read.  ;D

Blythe says, "If Remiel is truly a cleric, I think he should be protected."

I think ((Remiel)) Should have the Ring!

Blythe looks at Trump the goblin and eventually says, "I don't know if you can be trusted. I mean, that hair alone is just awful. But that being said, we need to eliminate someone and no one has come forward with information. So I am taking a risk and voting completely at random in the hopes of eliminating the traitors in our midst. I will happily change my vote if someone provides information about who we should remove."

This is my VOTE! I am voting for ((Mintprincess))