Game Protagonists At War! (LGBTQ Friendly) (Video Game Mash-up!)

Started by Rel Mayer, June 15, 2015, 04:36:01 PM

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Laughing Hyena

And the ultimate attack can be a metal king slime falling from the skies. ^^


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on June 29, 2015, 11:49:54 PM
And the ultimate attack can be a metal king slime falling from the skies. ^^

I have a friend that would do that. Oddly enough it's the same guy that gave me the romms and ROM players I have.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


So I may Have a problem My browser it seems will not let me place. This will cause me a bit of an Issues in putting up any character for the time being. I am working to resolve this issue.

Never mind this post  it seems to have fixed it's self.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's

Rel Mayer


Hopefully its not to late to express some tentative interest.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 12:22:43 AM
Hopefully its not to late to express some tentative interest.

Well! Not going to lie we have a lot of players, but if you're super interested and have a fun idea -- you're more than welcome to join!


Oh. Well, I haven't made up my mind yet. I don't want to be a drag, though.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 12:45:36 AM
Oh. Well, I haven't made up my mind yet. I don't want to be a drag, though.

You won't be a drag! Not in the slightest!


Alright, thanks. Let me ask some questions then.

How does the leveling work?

Is a player limited to only one character?

Diesel Heart

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 12:59:28 AM
Alright, thanks. Let me ask some questions then.

How does the leveling work?

Is a player limited to only one character?

You can find how the game mechanics and leveling up are explained here.

You are given the chance to play 2 characters, though only 1 can participate in the main story arc at a given time while you can play your second character in the side scenes.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 12:59:28 AM
Alright, thanks. Let me ask some questions then.

How does the leveling work?

Is a player limited to only one character?

You level-up after defeating particular bosses or from events that happen in the Main Story Threads. The GM will usually throw out an announcement within the main board thread to notify of the level-up, plus it will be stated in the GM post. The stats are gained by the amount of time you play in the game - so basically at the beginning and the middle of the month you get a stat point to add to your active characters (2).

While you're only allowed to put one character at a time in the Main Arc Threads, you're welcome to have two characters. The other one is there to earn stats and play in the Side Scene Threads (which there are ton)!

Does that help?


That helps some. I also just read something from what Warden linked. Is character death possible, aside from a player voluntarily choosing it to happen?

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 01:14:17 AM
That helps some. I also just read something from what Warden linked. Is character death possible, aside from a player voluntarily choosing it to happen?

It can happen -- yes. It's pretty rare, unless your character does super stupid things.


Well, I should have just did some investigating on my own. Heh. Found a lot of information, which tells me this game isn't for me. That, and character death is a big off for me, even if it is rare in this game. I get attached to my characters. Not necessarily the greatest quality in an author, but oh well *chuckles*.

Sorry to waste your time.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Xanatos on July 10, 2015, 01:34:49 AM
Well, I should have just did some investigating on my own. Heh. Found a lot of information, which tells me this game isn't for me. That, and character death is a big off for me, even if it is rare in this game. I get attached to my characters. Not necessarily the greatest quality in an author, but oh well *chuckles*.

Sorry to waste your time.
No worries! Good luck in your RP travels! :)

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Chaosfox on July 04, 2015, 06:42:54 AM
So I may Have a problem My browser it seems will not let me place. This will cause me a bit of an Issues in putting up any character for the time being. I am working to resolve this issue.

Never mind this post  it seems to have fixed it's self.

Do you perhaps need some help with your character Chaosfox?



Current Occupation: Mechanic, at least the official job. She also has some expertise in other things such as locksmithing, hacking, and general tinkering around with various things.

Home World Information:
"InfernoMoo is a post-apocalyptic text based role-playing game. It is set after an atomic conflict has brought down the great civilizations of the 21st century. Enough time has passed that some towns and vestiges of society have returned, but not nearly enough to curb the inherent violence and conflict of a life lived without comfort or salvation. Corporations both ancient and new sit astride the few surviving cities like obscene, glittering spiders, wielding their power over their desert domains without question and without mercy. The fake smile, the furtive stare are the weapons of the city-dweller, forever dependent on their corporate masters for protection against the raiders and radioactive sands. Yet a few wander the wastes, living off the bones of the old world and whatever justice they can find at the end of their gun. Only time will tell who is stronger."

*Inferno skirts on the edge of the fourth wall, and is full of references to other material. Some NPCs in this game are mere caricatures of the real Protagonists they may be based on.

Appearance/Style Description: In her world Haruko has always been wearing armor of differing sorts, depending on what enemies she may face. Outside of her world, armor is not quite that effective--she has no idea what she'll be up against. She stands at a height of about 5 and a half feet, with a light skin tone, short black hair and black eyes. There are oddities though; the air around her occasionally crackles from a spark of electricity. The occasional patch of scale like a snake's is visible on her skin--all of her seems shiny and slick at all times. Her hands also clearly have webbed fingers.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Haruko is generally okay and acts socially acceptable, as far as her game goes. In a crossover however, she is still managable, although honestly, it's a little jarring to get used to worlds where a mass gathering of people doesn't mean a chance that 1 out of 10 won't try to kill or rob you. Inferno was PVP-laden...even for allies within the same group as her, Haruko could expect some hostilities now and then. She is not usually chatty, though someone can still talk evenly with her. Given the diversity of her world, she is already used to non-human, sentient beings...and the less tasteful will never faze her. She is contained, not exactly stoic but she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. And while she is a manageable personality...her game world experiences still stick with her. Expect suspicion and reflex action at times, even for some things one could consider casual.

History: Inferno is a place that's....well. It is not your typical game world, to put it succintly. Actually, this doesn't do it justice. Inferno is a fresh new hell all on its own, host to a post-apocalyptic world filled to the brim with monsters and freaks, terrorists and mutants, large looming corporations--all of this teetering to collapse on itself like a glass tilted to fall off a table. Or, perhaps, the glass is already on its way down. This is a game world where one quest involves a few players nuking a city and potentially killing any players who happened to be in that city at the time.

The futuristic world is reeling after a nuclear bomb has destroyed nearly all of society. Many have survived...although what remains is hardly what you could call a fulfilling life to lead. There are mutated monsters, hazardous, radiation-filled environments, a strict police force, and of course the people who show the worst in humanity in the middle of this crisis. Even the humans themselves can become subject to mutations, whether for better or for worse. Haruko has dipped her fingers in this horrid cesspool and paid the price--she will never be normal again.

Most characters in the game are prone to dying, a lot, unless they are adept, powerful and expert. They are able to come back, however, via cloning facilities that restore them in a fresh body, at the cost of money and XP. The very nature of the game makes it so most people will die in a certain situation before finding out that there was a way to survive/avoid/defeat the issue altogether. Characters also age, both normally, and by a few months every time they die. They also lose all the armor and weapons they were possessing at the time if they don't have a protective measure and someone decides to loot their corpse. Haruko is no exception to this.

There are mysterious figures within the Inferno world, always behind the scenes and capable of wielding great, unfathomable power. However, they rarely reveal themselves, and when they do it's to test some "mechanic" here or there. They're only known as "admins", and most of the Protagonists know to stay clear of them. Haruko learned when one of them broke the bones in her arms and legs by simply snapping his finger at her.

Current Situation: Aliens attacked her homeworld.

No, really. They were there--a global event only known as a "player-wipe" occurred, during which unidentified spacecraft appeared above all major cities, proclaimed their intent to eliminate humanity in an effort to preserve Earth, but gave them a chance by subjecting all of humanity to a simple test; they believe that, like with the nuclear war and humanity's rotten activities afterward, humans will always kill themselves and each other. People could have proved otherwise; a button was simply lowered down to the center of each city. It was explained that if this button were to be pressed by anybody within the next 8 hours, the aliens would kill everyone. If it was not pressed, humans would be spared.

Someone pressed the button within a minute of it being lowered.

Violet, precise shafts of light rained down, caused explosions, and directly struck and annihilated almost every Protagonist and NPC in the world that had not already left. Legion forces had infiltrated Inferno some time ago and concluded that the world was simply too unstable, too offsetting, and far too dangerous to enter. Any Legions forces present at the player-wipe were also destroyed, which only strengthened their stance. The world still began anew after this wipe, but the message was clear.

The only reason Haruko was not destroyed by this same anomaly was luck; a few hours prior, Legion was not prepared for the hazards of her world. While some were ambushing and engaging her at the north beach, they were not aware of what always happened at night; monstrous, mutant, hostile lobstros crawled up out of the sea en masse and turned the tide of the fight by targeting everyone. When the last of the Legion grunts were incapacitated, Haruko squeezed some information out of them and discovered a way to leave her world.

However, before leaving the Legion troops (she didn't even kill all of them), she killed all the lobstros, cut them free of their shells, sold the shells later on and cooked herself a meal from the meat. She took, by force, all of the Legion soldiers' armor, weapons and even clothes and sold them too. Being ambushed would spook most Protagonists...but in this game, that event was treated like a Tuesday.

Weapons: There are a wide array of weapons to choose from in Inferno, however, the more effective weapons require high levels of proficiency and experience. For example, one character can be good at blades, but can't be good at spears, and vice versa. There are also many non-combat-related skills. It's up to players to determine what they'll be good at; whether a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, or an expert in a few select areas and shitty at most else. Players usually take at least one-combat-related stat, since without fighting, your ways of getting XP are rather limited.

Haruko's current build allows for proficiency in whips, along with a few non-combat-related stats. As long as the weapons are in the whip category, she can probably wield it. There are several types from her world, however she favors:

• Flame chain--a weapon capable of producing flames as it is swung. Deals fire and impact damage.
• Dual Urumis--these are lengths of thin steel, like a sword, except they can coil and bend like a whip. Deals slash damage, however as with all weapons, mods can be added that will add a little damage of another type.
• Dual Flash Whips--Her favorite weapons, these are nasty whips that deal heavy electric damage.


Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Stamina - 3
Power - 2
Reputation - 0

Special Powers:
Haruko comes from a world rife with mutations--having them is essential to creating a specific build. some mutations come with abilities--In RPG terms, these would allow for casting spells so to speak.
Mutations that grant abilities are bolded. Those that are not, are simply mutations that contribute towards completing Haruko's build and making her a level 1 in the crossover universe's eyes.

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• Bloodhound
  Nasal cavities swell and grow thicker networks of nerve endings, enhancing tracking and overall sensory awareness.

• Brute strength
  Thickened muscle tissue which boosts brawn, but hurts endurance a bit.

• Conduit
  Develop the ability to produce electricity in your body, and channel it into other things using focus. All at the cheap price of hunger!  Benefits from the Eelskin mutation, which will increase your shock damage, make you more effective when charging objects, and lower the hunger gained from defibrillating.
  shock <any> : 'shock <obj/corpse>' to charge/defibrillate, 'shock' without arguments while in combat to zap someone. (This has a long cooldown and immediately deals a penalty to hunger, even if she just ate.)

• Eelskin
  Slippery eel-like skin helps you swim, resists stabbing, slashing, and electric, makes you much harder to grab and hold, and lets you attack at normal speed underwater. However, you get thirsty about 50% faster (but piss about 50% less, so hey). You can also breathe underwater!

• Fuck machine (I could say what this does, but do you really want to know?)

• High density
  An increased density of tissue and bones that makes it more resistant to impact damage.

• Hyperimmune
  The reaction time of your immune system increases tenfold, destroying viruses and bacteria before they have the chance to act out their intended purpose. However, any invader (helpful or harmful) is targeted, greatly reducing the effectiveness of nanites and making them almost useless. (Potion or drug effectiveness is greatly reduced, even the ones meant to help or buff her. On the other hand, she is very difficult to successfully poison.)

• Junkrat
  Your keen eyes are able to spot hidden details invisible to others, and you are able to find something in a room like no other. However, your obssesive-compulsive ways are considered nerdy to most people.
  sniff <any> : Multiple uses - 'sniff': Sniff out the room for hidden exits and items. 'sniff for <something>': Seek out all matching items in a room (including those in containers). If you own or are a resident of the room, this has a 100% success rate. Otherwise you might not find all - or even any - of the matching results.

• Nimble fingers
  Your fingers become extremely agile. On the other hand, you become a bit of a limp-wristed nerd and your bones become more brittle.  You also gain the 'massage' command, which lets you massage stress out of other players.
  massage <any> : Give someone a relaxing massage.

• Phaser
  Psi ability to phase-teleport to a memorized location.
  memorize : Remember your location for phasing back to later.
  memorized : Print your currently memorized location.
  phase : Phase back to your memorized location. (She cannot phase if someone stands near her, is looking at her, or is within ten feet of the location she memorized. Using this, whether successful or not, will add to stress. If stress is already high, this cannot be used.)

• Salamander
  Webby sticky hands, great for climbing and swimming (but problematic when crafting).  Gives the ability to 'mend', healing broken bones and damage.
  mend : Attempt to mend your broken limbs. (This adds to stress)

• Snakeskin
  A cellular restructuring of your skin leaves it resistant to slashing damage.

• Swollen brain
  Enlarged corpus callosum, which makes you brainier and more sense-aware.

• Twitchy nerves
  Mutant nerve fibers that provide enhanced reflexes, but make it a little harder to concentrate.

• Ultraclot
  Blood platelets evolve to clot faster, increasing endurance and reducing bleeding from wounds.

Medic, locksmith and crafter: Haruko has been a survivalist through-and-through, and has the know-how to assist her allies in most injuries. She also often brings over items and tech from her world in order to help. Curiously, she's also a good cook.

Hardened to combat, death, horror and general weirdness: After fighting and sometimes being killed by the many, many different monsters present in her world, anything outside of it seems trivial: the ugliest motherfucker out there might only get a "meh" from Haruko. See someone streaking through the room? "Meh." 50-foot-tall monstrosity killing Protags left and right? Guess.

Sustenance: Unlike many other Protagonists who do not need to eat regularly, Haruko must regularly take in food and water like any ordinary person. Using abilities, getting into combat, movement, etc. will raise this need.

Stress: An ingame-mechanic that dictates her mental state and capabilities. Every time she engages a new enemy or uses certain mutations, this stress rises, although fighting raises it much less than using a mutation. Most of the time this is something that will almost never be a problem, unless she uses several abilities in rapid succession. When this reaches high levels, Haruko begins suffering from debuffs, and may begin to hallucinate and hear nonsensical things. Random objects in her inventory will seem to speak to her(from her POV). If stress is maxed out, she may randomly attack someone or even kill herself on the spot.

To lower this, she has to chill out: this can involve simply sitting down to take a breather, resting in a clean and relaxing environment, even using drugs such as marijuana to mellow out.

Limitations: many of her abilities and skills either have high cooldowns, significant penalties, or are not combat-related. Without anyone to support her, Haruko actually ends up being quite squishy, even if she's pretty good with her chosen weapons.

Inventory-dependent: Haruko carries around plenty of useful shit, but should all of her gadgets and weapons get taken from her, she will end up at a disadvantage.

Specializing: When one focuses their expertise on a handful of subjects, they're by definition weaker in others. Haruko cannot wield most other weapons easily, unless she chooses to go back to her world and reroll--deleting her clone save and dying. This wipes her learned skills entirely and leaves her to learn/be taught, all over again.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-

Rel Mayer

You can put her in the claims thread, Scrib. And when it comes time for you to make her active we will look her over and make sure she's approved.


I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


I was thinking of bringing in a varient of my character sheepy.
The initial character was for a setting about dreams, sheepy minded The Arcade for all those electronic video-gamey dreams of mankind so I came up with a ton of variants.

I was thinking of using this version as a character from those old fashioned puzzle and adventure games.
Steampunk london-ish detective who works on adventure game logic and observation, with a bit of professor layton thrown in.
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.

Rel Mayer

Hey there! Thanks for the interest! While that sounds like a super cool idea -- you will have to base this character largely off of a video game that's already established if you want to make an OC. So she would have to evolve around the Professor Layton world if you wanted to do it that way.


Quote from: Rel Mayer on July 15, 2015, 10:18:26 AM
Hey there! Thanks for the interest! While that sounds like a super cool idea -- you will have to base this character largely off of a video game that's already established if you want to make an OC. So she would have to evolve around the Professor Layton world if you wanted to do it that way.
I was thinking Layton or Fallen London
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Ironwolf85 on July 16, 2015, 08:41:36 PM
I was thinking Layton or Fallen London

Sounds cool! Just make sure that the character has powers, strength or History that relates to either of those worlds.

Laughing Hyena


been working on it bigger project than I thought when I took it on.
her actual "game of origin" is an early learning game from the days of reader rabbit and Carmine Santiago called "Let's Count Sheep" my idea is that he/she has moved with the times and after her world crumbled, landed in Layton's world, sort of recycled kingdom hearts style.

In part because I'm such a gamer nerd I've been playing since atari and wanna break the fourth wall sometimes. >.>
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.