Scrib's Toolbox of Toys (Lords, Ladies, Lieges welcome. NC, Exotic, Extreme)

Started by scribus1000, May 15, 2014, 04:33:07 AM

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___Scribus' Idea Thread___

→O/O's(Click here!)←

Status: No longer looking for more RPs.

Well, I figure with everyone at least having an O/O and an idea topic, it's probably time to get better acquainted and do the same. I'm better suited to looking over someone else's ideas or having them suggested to me(feel free to PM me in that case).

Also, to get this out of the way so folks don't have to ask me:

• PM me if something interests you. Do not reply here.

If you intend to PM me, see here FIRST:

• Be serious about an RP if you contact me, and at least let me know if you lost interest or changed your mind or whatever. I've received PMs before("I have an idea!"), responded to them("Sure, let's hear it"), and never got a response back as to whether they wanted to work on an idea or not, or rather any idea.  I would much rather know for sure so that I can move on. I've been terrible at upholding this on my side, myself, being a scatterbrained dummy. I apologize and will work on it.

• If you PM me, I will respond*, even if it's just to say I'm not interested or our styles don't match.

• Odds are, I will check your O/Os and look at your posting style. I would suggest you do the same regarding me, so you can see if we match up. If you don't have an O/O of some sort at all, not even just one line, I'll likely decline.

• Have an idea of some sort when you contact me, whether something of yours or inspiration from something I've put up, etc. A simple "I'm interested" is nice, but I and/or we need something to work with(my next question will likely be "What interests you?"), or else I'm left at a loss.

*Showing disregard/disrepect for my O/Os and other preferences, being rude, or making it clear that you blatantly ignored the above or below points, will cancel this out.

• Please use normal language when posting IC with/to me, passable spelling and good grammar; no text speak. Emotes and occasional acronyms like "lol" are okay though, but not in RP threads(unless your character is actually texting or speaking the acronyms aloud for some strange reason, and in the case of the latter you will probably make my character(s) confused).

• I don't mind those that roleplay as a gender different from their own--I do plenty of it myself. Just adding this since it seems to be a touchy topic.

• I only do forum RPs; I feel no appeal in e-mail, YIM is far, far too awkward--it doesn't help that I barely know my way around it.. I'm not a fast typer and I take time to flesh out my ideas(Hence why I only have what you could call a handful, at a stretch!), so IM is not really good for me. PM RPs are plausible.

• I'm open to doing fandoms--although only for franchises or certain series that I have some knowledge of, and most likely they will have to do with video game characters.

• I am usually drawn towards action and adventure-themed plots; sci-fi, fantasy, modern time periods; superheroes(not always the typical mask-and-costume type: maybe just someone with superpowers looking out for him/herself), post-apocalypses, assassins...things along that line.

• I am fine with using or playing opposite anime/illustrated characters as well as live-action, playby-based characters. This is a simple, tiny nitpick, but I would rather the anime and live-action not intersect if I can help it, unless the drawing, painting or what-have-you looks very realistic. It's not really a pet peeve, but something noticeable and a bit awkward, although it isn't a determining factor for whether I'll like an RP.

• Communicate with me! Lately I have been feeling iffy and uncertain on several on my RPs, and it's not a very pleasant feeling. I want to know what the people I write with are thinking. If something's not working for you, or if the RP no longer interests you, let me know!

Still with me? Cool!

As stated in my O/Os, I don't care for the gender of the other player, so Lords, Ladies, Lieges, all others are welcome! So, let's get to it!
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-



The Salvaged(Closed, Under Construction!)

Name: The Salvaged (Noncon, MxF or FxM, NC Human/Exotic(Player's choice), System, One-on-One)

Genre/Setting: Modern/Sci-fi/fantasy blend, Action/Adventure, taking place in a not-so-distant future. This is more or less a mini-game, and I don't expect matches to last more than a page.

A/N: Character death was previously an aspect of this game, however this was removed. Further iterations of the game do not feature this--UNLESS it's requested.

Inspirations cited: Gantz,(following the manga, not the anime) CH:OS:EN(As its title appears in stylized form; look this up on Wikipedia or elsewhere), The Hunger Games, fighting games in general, Looper, The Monty Oum animations called Dead Fantasy, along with any film or show with the same ideas that I may have forgotten, and thread ideas I've seen that spurred me on.

Premise: "In lieu of your imminent, unavoidable death, you have been chosen for a second chance."

At the mere instant before they're meant to die, whether by an unfortunate accident, as a victim of murder, or even from natural causes, people are plucked from their original lives(replaced with an identical, cloned corpse to "take the fall") and taken, via a mysterious dimension-traveling device, to an alternate universe. There, the culture of human society is different, and one such difference is marked in a sporty pay-per-view show that hails back to the days of gladiators. The viewers are exclusive--this is not a national show--but you can bet plenty of people are watching.

Each person is told that they have been "salvaged"--saved from the fate that would have befell them--and that as a consequence, they have been given the option to participate in a competition/tournament among other people who have been saved in similar ways. Declining this leaves them to their own designs within the futuristic world, given some instruction as well as a job, but nothing beyond that. Accepting the challenge and fighting in a set amount of matches(winning more will decrease this number) means that they are given a large lump-sum of money, a home within this realm, and celebrity-status fame. Losing, obviously, means being subject to the punishment of whoever defeats them, and the pool of combatants are not known for being nice--they are handpicked and paired based on multiple facets of their personalities after all, including sexuality. They are given basic training and stimulants that grant minor superhuman athleticism and strength, followed by some training within the confines of a time-dilation facility(months inside would pass as weeks in the rest of the world.), are allowed to choose their weapons and tools, and then receive assigned opponents to fight at a random, specific location cordoned off for the event(this can include areas like offices, alleyways, subways(That are still running, oh shit!), parks, in a swamp, on a bridge, on a train, hell, maybe on top of a train, so on and so forth, etc. etc.). Almost anything goes at the end of any match--winners are encouraged to have some fun with their conquests.

Two initial ways this competition can be done:

1) Each person is paired off against another in a one-on-one battle where anything goes, and is expected to fight a certain number of matches before earning their freedom.

2) People are "salvaged" as a group and go through training as was said above, but in this case they are placed on an expansive zone like an island, and then inserted into a free-for-all where the last one standing wins. In larger groups, the fighting can end when half the combatants are dead, while the living half fights the next day, under the same conditions until a select few remain. Those few will be released...but can stand to gain more if they eliminate others.

Other ways could include a 1vs1vs1, or a team-based fight such as 2vs2.

Characters: Must be human or very close to human(elves and the like are allowed). May come from varying time periods, realities, nationalities, and races. Go crazy. Characters who are generally not nice, that would likely consent to a premise like this one, basically people that are not "innocent", are recommended.

First, we choose a setting of any sort like those I suggested above to get some ideas brewing. I wasn't especially specific so there's a lot of leeway for it, and the suggested "on top of a train" is definitely an option. Usually the chosen location won't have spectators on site(possibly could) but will have cameras around, including one or two that fly about to watch.

Then the players each make a character: male or female, hailing from a given time period, usually modern-day like year 20XX. The "Salvage Crew" does not pick soldiers or experienced martial artists, unless two are meant to be pitted against each other. Then pick some skills and weapons(they don't have to have weapons necessarily) they either have training with or would have chosen training for. Anything will work except for firearms; it can be swords, staffs, knives/throwing knives, brass knuckles, spears, nodachis, poleaxes, battle-axes, bow and arrow, etc., and of course it can be a hand-to-hand fight.

Then the characters are turned loose on each other, and this is where the background ends and the RP begins.

This point is where the RP starts: Characters are escorted separately to teleportation pads that will send them where they are supposed to go. There'll be a short introduction for both characters to the audience watching, and then the match begins.

Scoring points are roleplayed accordingly: One point and you could land a hit that leaves a mark; two points could be a direct hit, a deep cut, etc.; three points can be something heavy-hitting, but won't take an enemy completely out of the fight. Once the goal's reached, the winner can roleplay some decisive move that disables their target and leaves them helpless, which is where non-con comes into play. Otherwise, the winner does what he/she wants, leaves them to be recovered by someone else, and gets an airlift back to the facility.

There is a branch-off I might consider for a plot, in which your character escapes and attempts to flee, whether to find someplace safe in the new world or steal the technology required to return to his/her old time. This version would have some changes and new features added, most likely.

Character sheet

I'm not really asking for much on this one, although if some features are added later, this may grow in size. PM a sheet to me like this:

Full Name:





Nationality(Country you are from):

**Hair color:

**Eye color:

Background: (You may tie in a little history, personality and how the character was meant to die here, as well as any training they might have had prior and the weapon of choice they have for their matches. Unarmed is also an option. About two paragraphs here will suffice.)

Player Preference: (This is where you state whether you want a Standard match, something unique to add, something to suggest, kinks to employ, etc. The story content depends on what you want.)

**If you opt to use a picture instead, replace these with Picture:

Example Character

Full Name: Elena Wright

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5'9" and 130 lbs.

Ethnicity: White

Species: Human

Nationality: American


Background: Elena was more or less a troublemaker in her early days, and her activities spanned from simple shoplifting, to pick-pocketing, and then elevated to lock-picking, jewelry theft, and grand theft auto. She has the harsh attitude to show for it, a deep streak of greed and handling the obstacles that get in her way. She has not killed anyone ever before, but she's feeling ready, especially after how her past life ended: she stole from the wrong man. A gang affiliate that took personal offense, had her tracked down, her partners in crime kidnapped, and a surprise drive-by while she was packing up to escape.

She's been in a few scraps, but beyond that not a whole lot that will help in a straight fight. Still, she knows how to take care of herself fairly well enough...though recent events have shown the flaws in her approach, understandably. The facility's training went a long way towards prepping her: she has received some training for using dual batons, and plans to take them to her match to bludgeon her foe into submission if need be.

Player Preference: Standard match--with humiliation, spanking, noncon, etc., all on top of a speeding train. (this is just an example.)


This is going to involve dice:

• Characters start with a score of 0. The goal is to reach 7, which can be achieved by attacking an opponent(or if your opponent's misfortune makes them fall into a trap).

• Both players roll 2 1d20s in their introduction, the first is initiative for who gets to attack first, and the second is defense. The higher initiative wins and that player may attack first.
→In case of a tie, The player with the lower defense may attack first.

When attacking:
• Roll 1d20 twice; the first is for your attack, the second for your defense.

• With your attack roll, you must beat your opponent's defense roll to land a successful hit. Depending on the difference, you can earn more points:
→Beaten by 1 to 9: 1 point
→Beaten by 10 to 16: 2 points
→Beaten by 17 to 19: 3 points

• If an attack roll is tied with a defense roll, the attack either misses, is dodged, or is parried/blocked.
→If a second tie occurs immediately after, the player with the higher score will land his attack and earn a point.

• If player A rolls a 1 on attack, he suffers a "Critical Miss", and regardless of his defense roll he will be injured in some way, like by a trap or slip-up. Player A will lose one point.

• If a player rolls a 1 on attack and a 1 on defense, he suffers an "Critical failure": He loses one point, and his opponent earns one point in addition to any gained from an attack.

• There is no penalty for rolling a 1 on defense alone--aside from whether or not your opponent makes a good attack roll afterward.

• The player that reaches the goal score wins. The loser is defeated and essentially becomes a punching bag, ragdoll, helpless target, etc., which the winner is free to punish. The loser can still struggle or attempt to escape--the degree of success(or failure) can be decided between the two players involved. No death or crippling, permanent injuries allowed.

Hazards(somewhat like a quick-time-event): A roll made either at random, or when a match is sluggish(i.e. no one scores for three consecutive turns, or if both players have a negative score) or becoming too one-sided(one player has 4 or more points while the other has 0 or less).

Attack and Defense rolls cannot be made in the same turn as a Hazard roll. (Player A sees the hazard first, avoids or gets hit by it; Player B does the same; Player A resumes combat.)

For a one sided match, the hazard will only threaten the player with the higher score.

For sluggish matches: Some form of trap or environmental threat appears that threatens both players, and they must make a 2d10 roll against a target number.
Beating the roll means the hazard is evaded, failing means the character is caught or harmed.
→Failed by 1 to 5 points: You are Dazed. You take a -2 to your next Defense roll.
→Failed by 6 or more: You are Stunned, you take a -6 to your next Defense roll. The Defense roll after that one will suffer a -2 penalty, after that you're back to normal.

Manuevers: Basic abilities a combatant could use.

Power-attack: Grants +3 to an attack roll, ignoring the cap, at a cost of -3 to defense. Two turns must pass before you can use this again.

Withdraw: Grants +5 to a defense roll, ignoring the cap, but you forgo your attack. This may be used as many times as desired, but the bonus is reduced by -1 for each consecutive use, until the bonus is only +2.
Rolling a 1 on defense will cause the same effect as failing a Hazard roll(Dazed).

Flurry: Ability to take two attack rolls in one turn; -5 penalty to rolls, and takes 2 turns to cooldown.

Additional features are being considered--they are viewable in the GM's corner.

This Is How It Ends(Apocalypse, MxF, FxM, Extreme, Freeform)

Name: This Is How It Ends

Genre/Setting: Zombie Apocalypse

Inspirations Cited: None specific

Premise: Your run-of-the-mill plots, though I have a few in mind:

Concept 1: The typical setting in medias res, with the still-living trying to get by in this brutal new world. Government has already collapsed into tiny pockets, maybe a mayor here or there is still alive and running a bare-bones shelter; with infrastructure gone, raider parties and gangs have begun forming. The zombies(some call them zeds) are as always numerous, densely packed in cities and always dangerous; however they seem to recognize certain past concepts and basic movements. They are fast shamblers, lacking fine motor skills but gradually employing predator-like tactics: All are capable of tracking the living by sight, scent, and sound; many can lie on the ground motionless and play dead until suitable prey comes near; and they may naturally gravitate towards one another to form a group. They are numerous, implacable, merciless and always deadly, but that doesn't mean they can't be evaded or fooled.

My character and yours have been doing well enough in the midst of all this. By chance, they happen upon each other, and after some initial distrust they partner up to take on the threat together. After several instances of struggling to survive and protect themselves against bandits, they look for places where the infestation hasn't spread to.

Concept 2: The dead indeed walk, however they are limited to a large, sprawling city. On all sides the city is surrounded by military in a quarantine; nobody gets in, and more importantly regarding our characters, no one gets out. Desperate to contain the plague, the military begins a "torch and burn" campaign, deploying flamethrowers, chemical warfare, machine guns, burning corpses, etc. to suppress the threat. They allow uninfected to exit the city if they reach the checkpoints in time, but eventually the infection reaches these checkpoints and the military cuts everyone off completely. They seal every gate, blow up almost all the roads to make vehicle travel nearly impossible, and retreat, holding a more distant perimeter--this is the second small window that uninfected can take to escape. At this point the city becomes a death trap for those still inside, however. The city is going to be carpet-bombed, and if necessary, nuked, and very very few things will survive that blast.

The undead move rather quickly and do not use predator tactics. They can be easily fooled, and may be killed the same way as a normal human being--shooting them in the head is not required--but are extremely numerous and may often surround prey, trapping them wherever they are or overwhelming them. The virus spreads through blood transmission. Anyone bitten or with an open wound exposed to the virus will have a chance to survive, but if the odds aren't in their favor--and they usually aren't--they will turn within ten to twenty minutes: they will turn irritable and extremely aggressive, then frenzy and immediately turn zombie--they will not collapse at all. Usually others will have plenty of warning. The victim's train of thought fades, his words might slur or he stops in the middle of whatever he's doing to assault someone for a perceived insult or threat. "Stop looking at me like that! I'm not infected! I'm going to be fine but I'm going to THROTTLE you if--if....if you........arrrrrhhh..."

Our characters can start at certain points:

• Going about their business when the initial outbreak begins, and at some point they link up

• At one of the checkpoints, trying to get out, when the infected begin to arrive and the shit hits the fan. Here, they both flee together by chance or by choice. A group of NPCs can be included as well.

• After the military has pulled back for the final method to combat the infection. (Only a few days before the bombings begin, followed by a nuke. So in a sense, this would be the most tense situation but also the one where our characters would be best geared) Our characters may meet in the middle of prepping for that final run, or while gearing up to do so.

• This does not have to end after the run--it's a simple enough premise to extend indefinitely. The military's response can fail, they can be overwhelmed and our characters could end up facing the more common global pandemic as they struggle to survive--though with a veteran's head start, being two of the few people who have escaped the first outbreak.

Running the Gauntlet(Exotic, NC, Bondage, GM-Freeform)--Closed

Note: I am still looking to gain experience in a new writing style, so in these instances I will essentially act as a host, or perhaps GM if it better fits the definition for what I'm trying to do. This is the disclaimer: I am still new to the scene but will try my best.

Name: Running the Gauntlet (Exotic, NC, Bondage, GM-Freeform)

Genre/Settings: Fantasy/Modern, player choice

Content: Exotic, Bondage, Non-Con, specific kinks are player-negotiable. Non-negotiable "No" offs include but may not be limited to watersports, scat, and vore. See my O/O's for more information, otherwise the player may suggest kinks to add. Also, I usually prefer not to RP flat-out rape; I'd like the characters to have a desire surface at some point. This isn't a hard rule, however, and exceptions may be made.


Concept 1, Modern/Fantasy Post-Apocalypse: Through one way or another--unprecedented disaster, rifts opening, etc.--An onslaught of monsters previously absent(demons, monster-girls/-boys that are humanoid), now overrun the Earth in massive numbers, consuming all that they find via violence and/or sex. They are particularly good at taking their victims' souls and using it to strengthen themselves. Within mere months, humanity is mostly decimated save for a hardy, brave few that are gifted.

These gifted humans have a special power with which to fight: the power to resist the life-force draining abilities of a monster, and in return banish the creatures that they have sex with if the monster reaches an orgasm(or multiple orgasms depending on how powerful they are). Your character is one such person, picking through deserted towns, streets, and so on to gather their supplies. Will you find others like you? Conquer your opponents? Or be conquered?

Concept 2, Fantasy, Sandbox: Your traditional fantasy setting, with magic, swords and sorcery, mythical animals, castles and knights, humanoids and so on. However, this society is geared more towards power, sex, and rampant eroticism. Your character may be a hero set to some task like hunting down a certain beast, venturing into a castle to defeat a sexy witch and her female cohorts, etc. Whatever the goal is, it will not be easy, and your character will face challenges--some of which, if failed, are likely to result in some smutty hijinks.

Concept Map(OUTDATED):

Concept Map(NEW)

Concept 3:






Mostly the same setting, however, you can play as someone not at all heroic. You may make your desired character; a rogue, a pirate, warrior, etc. villain who succumbed to the darkness, and as a result, earned and wielded a vast amount of power some time a few years ago. A heroine or team of heroines used their formidable skills(whether a straightforward fight or sex magic of some sort), managed to catch you by surprise with overwhelming force, defeated you and sealed you away inside of a distant, magic void. It was meant to keep you in stasis and harmless for all eternity.

But whatever its purpose, it has been lifted and now you are free! The seal has either weakened over those years and finally failed, or an ally working for you was able to break it and bring you back. Either way, everyone from the past believes you are as good as dead, permanently, while in truth you now walk the Earth with the advantage of surprise on your side, and while you are nowhere near what you used to be, you still have a few tricks up your sleeve. The team that defeated you has disbanded; with no major threat to fight against, there is no further purpose to stay together.

What do you do now that you are free? Firstly you'll need your power back; when the heroines defeated you, they each took a sizable portion of your power, which has strengthened each of them in turn. If they catch wind of your return, they will no doubt band together once more, and with their increased power, you are no match for them. Will you stealthily track down each member of the heroine team that stopped you, and exact rightful vengeance? Overtake towns, castles, villages, and forcibly convert the people living there to your cause for an army? Or lay low and traverse the world in a false identity?

Requirements: I myself usually write 2 to 4 paragraphs, often less or more than that depending on the scene. However, regarding the other player, I usually measure a post by its quality rather than its quantity--if you give me something substantial to work with, I'll be happy as long as it has the basis of a reaction. This means adding something new in terms of detail, action or plot as your character proceeds.

Your character can be powerful in his or her own right--obviously, as it is part of one provided premise, but do not play him/her as "a God above all", so to speak. The RP won't be interesting for me if he/she bats aside everything without a problem.

Also, note that as the GM, I may take certain liberties, i.e. your character may be struck or grabbed by something. Generally they won't be harmed to the point of being permanently injured or dead, but just be aware, your character can be harmed to some degree.

I want a somewhat wacky, video-game feel to this--so while in some scenes you may lose(especially if it is plotted to happen--like being ambushed by a succubus clearly stronger than you), the "explosive" finish that may result will not be the end of the RP. Who knows? Perhaps you might wake up a little while later, with some of your possessions missing. Or maybe you found a strange mystical object an hour beforehand, that is bizarrely referred to as a "save point" for some reason. (Okay, I won't be that blatant...unless you want me to be.)

You need an O/O, or some other way to show RP preferences. See below.

Other Notes:

I will only take two players for this, and will be quite picky about who I choose. I will most likely check your O/O's and your posting style to see if we match up, and some planning over PMs is to be expected. Bring me ideas of your own if you wish, kinks to implement, how you think the world should work--and so on.

Also, none of this is set in stone. I am not averse to some or most of these concepts being tweaked, turned about, changed and custom-made for an RP. I also am not averse to a female protagonist(good or evil-oriented), futanari protagonist(same), etc. The gender of the main character's opponents may be changed as well--However, I am currently not open to M/M, as I don't feel I can play that comfortably.

Cut content
Regarding sex drain: So far, I had figured it would involve either:

• Life energy is gradually drained over time, with cumming being the final part of it where the victim loses consciousness and barely clings to life--that thin thread can be snipped easily, or

• Life energy can only be absorbed during a small window of time, the most vulnerable moment of a character: during their orgasm. And since that window doesn't last long, monsters and gifted humans can only take a portion of that energy at any one time. This of course means that the victim has to cum several times before being drained completely, and progressively becomes weaker and even more receptive to the pleasure.

And additionally(Idea optional, not implemented):

• Some form of sex magic, which any given person that is trained for it can have.
→Performing sex acts, including masturbation, will build up that energy, and edging from an orgasm provides the strongest boost. The more charged(it can be done, even over several days), the more available and more powerful. But it has a risk: If the magic-user cums, all the magic charged up becomes lost to the other partner, they end up with a bare minimum, and they have to start generating that energy over again--provided the winner allows them to. Orgasms from masturbation do not count, and also will boost the character's power, although that character will have to wait for a small amount of time before that power becomes available to use.


• Your character is given a power that is linked to their abstinence--It can be magic or a mutation like a superpower. As long as they do not cum, they are strong, resilient and in many cases very hard to defeat*.

Cumming during a fight is a devastating mistake--don't let a warrior or monster have their way with your character(unless you want them to)!

*RP does not necessarily involve killing the PC, or depending on player preference, any killing at all.

Cracks in the Armor (Heroine, Open-ended, Humiliation/Con or semi-Noncon)

Name: Cracks in the Armor (Heroine, FxF or FxM, NC Human/Exotic(Player's choice), Freeform, One-on-One)

Genre/Setting: Modern, Sci-fi, or Fantasy

Inspirations Cited: None specific


Concept 1, Modern or Sci-fi: What happens after the big "Game Over" screen? A short-term style, one-shot RP consisting of a brief battle, perhaps, followed by some smutty hijinks. A superpowered heroine(the role I will typically take) either squares off against a cornered villian, interrupts some illicit operation in progress, or infiltrates an enemy's base of operations, whatever it may be. In any case, she bites off a bit more than she can chew, and ends up defeated, if only for a moment. By that point, some of her more...lewd tendencies may come to light--and you just might find out that this woman does not fully mind losing...

This RP is meant to be short-term-ish, and works more or less like a revolving door; one player comes in, we write out a scene, finish it up and have a vague ending to it. Then another player may enter afterward, either for a part 2 of the same scene (perhaps the heroine is in the middle of escaping) or for a new scenario. In the case of a new scenario, the past ones may or may not be considered canon, depending on how her fate turns out at the end of each scene.

Concept 2, Fantasy: Alternately, we can put aside the superhero theme and instead have a more open-ended experience with a character that may still have powers and abilities. However, these powers come with two caveats:

1--Her powers may be tied to her mental condition, requiring focus, which means that being in sufficient pain or pleasure can keep her from using these powers. And sadly, an orgasm severely weakens or removes her abilities for a short period of time.

2--comes at the cost of a constant curse upon her fortune--for some reason or another, she always blunders headfirst into a dangerous situation, and while she may be threatened, attacked, or bound and kept like a prisoner, she always comes out of it mostly intact....although, after the worst of these situations, she has less clothes or less equipment in general.

If it garners enough interest, then this could work like the above, as a constant-running RP--although nearly every scene is likely to be canon. By the beginning of the series, she is already acclimated to her bizarre condition and is powerful enough to be a recognizable force--although people may know her, and by extension know her, ahem, weakness. And it doesn't help that her libido is high.

Requirements: I myself usually write 2 to 4 paragraphs, often less or more than that depending on the scene. Generally, I like this length being matched. However, I usually measure a post by its quality rather than its quantity--if you give me something substantial to work with, I'll be happy as long as it has the basis of a reaction. This means adding something new in terms of detail, action or plot as your character proceeds.

Your character can be powerful in his or her own right--obviously, as it is part of the provided premise, but do not play him/her as "a God above all", so to speak. The RP won't be interesting for me if he/she bats aside everything without a problem. The same courtesy will be extended to you--superpowered people are pretty tough, but not untouchable. And who knows, I may leave a hint here and there about an opening you can exploit.

You need an O/O, or some other way to show RP preferences. See below.

Other Notes:

I will only take one player at a time for this, and will be picky about it. I may take two at a time if those involved want to work together. I will most likely check your O/O's and your posting style to see if we match up, and some planning over PMs is to be expected. Bring me ideas of your own if you wish, kinks to implement, how you think the world should work--and so on.

Also, none of this is set in stone. I am not averse to some or most of these concepts being tweaked, turned about, changed and custom-made for an RP. I also am not averse to a female protagonist(good or evil-oriented), futanari protagonist(same), etc. The gender of the main character's opponents may be changed as well--However, I am currently not open to M/M, as I don't feel I can play that comfortably.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


Name: Alamo(scifi ship name)

Name: Cum Fu Tournament(Yes, the name is silly.)




Inspirations Cited:


ideas retired


Name: Conventional Choices

Genre/Setting: Modern

Inspirations Cited: None specific, other than already-used cliches. This is also based off fragments of a very entertaining dream I once had.


An adults-only party is held annually on a massive private property. Generally it is not open to the public; invites are by word of mouth, and the visitors are quite randy. There's quite a number of games and entertainment, gambling, dining, and so on, although there is one other interesting feature: The party comes with staff, and many of which actively satisfy those randy types whenever desired. In some areas on the party grounds, they are clothed; in others, not so much; in still others, not clothed at all. And they range from male, female, and futanari. Ready to serve or fuck at a moment's notice, each one has got an impressive amount of stamina.

More will come!

(heehee, come)
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___"Imported" Characters___
This section is another archive for the characters I made on another site--for a rough guess, I have about 30 or so. I think I'm only going to bring a few, maybe a handful if I feel like it.

Marlena Volkova

Basic Information;

Name: Marlena Vasil’yivna Volkova
Nicknames: Lena
Age: unclear, but appears to be mid-20's.
Gender: Female
Race: White
Species: Superhuman--Fulgurkinesis: ability to manipulate electricity.
Sexuality: Bisexual, favors men


Hair: Black and short, about neck length.

Eyes: If her powers are not active, her eyes are their normal bright green hashed with brown.
With powers introduced into the equation, her eyes become cold, light gray. In either appearance, they used to be much harder, much more opaque. Now, they seem to be the eyes of a tired woman, a sword once sleek and sharp whose edge is now dull and chipped. Make no mistake, though; this blade can still cut through flesh like it did on its first day at work.

Build: Lean, athletic build; 5’ 9” at 140 pounds. There is a tattoo on her left arm showing faded blue numbers: A-9374.

Notable features:

There’s a light blue tattoo on her left arm that consists of the letters and numbers A-9374, noticeable from a short distance.

Using red lightning, part of her powers, can affect her appearance. A portion of her hair will turn a dark shade of red: how much that changes depends on the amount of power she uses.


-Lightning-based powers. Color is typically blue.
-Red lightning, the second tier of her abilities. More powerful, but it has a dangerous trade-off.
-It takes a lot of alcohol for her to get even mild buzz. Perhaps an advantage to have in a drinking contest or something. If nothing else, she has an absolute iron liver.
-If injured, she can recover slowly on her own, or accelerate the healing factor by drawing electricity from any nearby power sources. This cannot regenerate a severed limb; only by channeling red lightning or capturing a massive amount of normal electricity--like at a power plant--can she do that. If she dies before she can heal herself, red lightning channels automatically to repair the damage--and she automatically suffers the consequences of the red lightning as well
-She can also power electronics herself, or disrupt them as long as they remain within a few meters of her presence.

-Tires out quickly if she uses lightning attacks in rapid succession.
-Susceptible to energy attacks, magic. Can be harmed with conventional weapons and attacks, even from humans.
-Electricity used in a surprise attack against her has an odd effect when she suppresses her powers willingly. Seeing a taser in her presence when she doesn't need a recharge will unsettle her slightly.
-If she suffers a head injury that ordinarily would be fatal to humans, she will fall as if killed. If she is able to heal said injury, she will be disoriented, uncoordinated and drunkenly balanced for a moment. 
-Red lightning has a corrosion-type effect on her body; summoning it can heal major damage, but cause minor corrosion. Her hair also reflects the limits; the roots will turn red, and more it spreads, the closer she is to that limit. If it's all red...she's good as dead.
-Her skill set and her job both make it increasingly difficult to trust anyone.

-Wants to settle down somewhere and just watch the world go by
-Die peacefully--she knows it's more than she deserves

-Capture by humans
-Experimentation, as was performed once before on her

In the past, she's enjoyed her job and killed a great number of people, liking to do that as well. Perhaps in some distant way getting off on it, taking pleasure out of gaining control over others, over life and death, over all the choices she can make and the sudden power in her hands. Getting paid for it all was a welcome bonus.

However, lately, she has come to look back on it all with a degree of sadness...shame, maybe? She did what she had to do, of course. Then there are the things she didn't have to do. Didn't have to steal from those that needed what little they had. Didn't have to murder those that never deserved a violent death. Didn't have to ruin lives that could have been happy, innocent, fulfilling. She feels that she's heading down a dead end with this way of life. One day she'll die: a double-cross by a client, a well-armed target, etc. She knows there's a large possibility that she might not see it coming if they're a professional.

In addition to typical blue lightning, which is what she primarily uses, there is also red lightning. Red is much more powerful than blue, and there is also a cost. Simply using the red lightning can cause physical damage, as it is unstable; skin tears, blood seems to evaporate into a noticeable mist as it leaves the body. The more power Marlena uses, the more severe the damage becomes: her arm has been reduced to little more than muscle and bone in the past when she used too much power. In addition to the above, using red lightning at all will cause a portion of her hair to turn from black to blood red: the more she uses it, the more hair changes color. It is unclear what will happen if all her hair turns red, but Marlena herself isn't eager to find out.

Cheryl Walker

Basic Information;

Full Name: Cheryl Danielle Walker
Nicknames: Cher; Alias she goes by is Nightshade
Age: 22
Birth Date: 4/23
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: White
Species: Human-turned-Superhuman
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian, though her faith isn't very practiced, she'll admit.
Place of Birth: New York City
Place of Residence: New York City
Occupation: Freelance photographer/also practices martial arts

Hair: Light brown, neck length.
Eyes: Dull sea-green.
Build: Lean, 5"9' and 130 pounds.
Clothing&Style:  She typically wears jeans and graphic tees, though her choice of dress isn't necessarily limited to that. Does wear makeup sometimes if where she's going suits it.
Her skin tone is light, caucasian, and appears pale as if she hasn't gotten enough sun. She seems to be fit, even if you cannot tell through the clothes she chooses to wear; having the build of an especially endowed athlete.

Appearance, as costume: She chooses to secure her hair with a ponytail, if she hasn't cut it short recently.

The transformation shifts all of her clothing; she'll have a trench-coat that sometimes contains some weapons and tech and whatnot within; and it doubles as a defensive weapon in itself, for if she has to abandon it, small shaped charges inside--spread throughout the sleeves and the back--can be set to fire a one-time pulse of concussive force to knock out whoever's taken the coat. Since the charges are meticulously designed, the direction of force is purely outward, meaning she could set it off even while wearing it and remain unharmed, though the coat itself would be inevitably torn and ruined. This can only be done once per transformation.

Underneath her trench-coat, you will find her wearing a black, short-sleeve shirt that seems to have a silky, smooth and slippery texture, almost like it's alive. Cheryl opts between shorts or long pants secured by a belt; the belt itself has some small utilities on its surface that she makes use of. Her pants are usually the same color as her shirt. Usually you will find a pouch tied to one or both thighs(either one large enough to probably house 2 full decks of cards stacked together, if you want an accurate measure of size); by default, these contain nothing after she transforms, unless she puts something in them.

-Bright sunlight
-Hot showers
-Sweet coffee(when drank, which isn't often)
-All parts of a good breakfast
-Cleanliness, tidiness
-Parks, wide open spaces as well

-Seeing crude oil in any quantity, shape, etc. Reason why is in her history.
-Being told by people to drink more coffee, she isn't interested in it
-Small rooms in a house
-Bitter fruit, coffee, other foods.
-Overly sweet fruit, the flavor wears out.

Her strength, agility, and endurance are all readily available partially outside of her transformation, allowing her to hold the advantage over most average humans.

When the transformation is accomplished, though, she's at her peak: Able to roll the a car onto its roof if she puts forth a ton of effort, or put a dent in it with a good haymaker punch; she's fast enough, with razor-sharp reflexes, to have a chance to dodge a gunshot(She can't dodge an already fired bullet, but can move out of the way before it is launched, if she has time.) and can take plenty of punishment.

She has a healing factor to a certain degree, dependent on the severity of the injury itself; wounds that take a few weeks to heal would take her the better part of a single weekend to handle. Minor wounds heal in the time it takes to say this: "Owch, look I'm cut, oh, it's healing, wait--where'd the cut go?"

Finally, Cheryl's transformation and subsequent powers allow her to materialize a weapon for her use, create the gadgets she is so fond of using(with effort, it isnt as easy as thinking it and seeing it happen), and manipulate shadows to keep herself from being spotted. Usually her favorite weapon is a bo staff, or if lethal force is ever needed, an assegai. She can use swords, small knives, whips, brass knuckles, etc., as well.

She is hypersensitive to light. Flashing something very bright, directly in her eyes will make her instinctively flinch away and cover them, which can give an opponent a decent opening. Ignited magnesium ribbons, flashbang grenades, or just a very bright flashlight are very useful against her as they disrupt her shadow-manipulation ability and their simple presence will weaken her--and the second will obviously stun her. Something to note, though: Nightshade is for the most part immune to sunlight, so she can still operate during the day, though not at full strength.

-Packs away small trinkets, of which she has a lot. Thus she falls under a "pack rat" mentality sometimes
-She's not always doing something global, citywide or otherwise, just looking out for herself. Thus, she's apt to turn from nobody to heroine if the right circumstances arise
-Practices her martial art skill as best she can when she has time. Can usually be observed in action at a gym, hard at work on a punching bag

-Keep on doing what she does, get somewhere with her powers and live a good life

-Biting off more than she can chew
-Catching too much police attention and being forced to relocate or shelve her habits

  • Generally, Cheryl is a good person with a kind heart. A jerk with a heart of gold, you could say...well, she'd kick your ass if you said that to anyone, actually. Outside of her alter-ego--so to speak--She's not confrontational. Usually she likes to remain anonymous, not going to try striking up conversation. Cheryl will keep to herself unless she figures speaking out has no adverse effects.

    The will to harm isn't etched with hard lines into her blood, but she will protect herself or put an end to a credible threat. Otherwise, the only moves she'll try are knockout blows or evading those that pursue her. She is always careful, always fast, and always cautious when it comes to her role as Nightshade.


  • Cheryl Walker had an uneventful life throughout her short time on this earth. Going through school and a bit of college while in the meantime taking up a job as a photographer. Pretty good stuff, would help her out further down the line. Still, though, while it supported her interests, it also supported a little flaw of hers; unending curiosity for the unknown, the mysteries that needed solving, questions needing answers, etcetera. We all know what kills the cat.

    So here is how this particular cat was killed:

    Cheryl had been on the way from her job, headed home, when she took notice of a large van speeding past, headed toward southward. Now, this wasn't the first she had seen of it; over the course of the entire week, she had seen the same manner of vehicle speeding past her route, headed somewhere. What's even more, these vehicles had some sort of emblem on their sides, reminiscent of DNA's appearance as a spiraling ladder headed to the top of something. Maybe there was some interesting story behind all this Cheryl took her camera, her backpack, and her trusty moped and turned to follow.

    The trail led her to the docks, someplace isolated and quiet on a worn-down warehouse. Interesting stuff. Cheryl took some pictures of the location, abandoned her moped and continued on foot to get closer and investigate. As far as she could tell, the trucks unloaded canisters, heavy barrels with caps applied tightly; whatever was inside, they didn't want it getting out. Still, she could see that some of the barrels had leakage; black, thick, somewhat slimy-looking goo trickled down the sides of some. Others were beaten and cracked, where the liquid could only ooze out by drops as if the canister bled.

    More pictures.

    The workers there reentered their truck, started it up and left, leaving the place all to Cheryl's inquisitive self. She snatched up the opportunity and scampered on inside. Her boss might find whatever this was to be interesting.

    While she was investigating, one of the newly added canisters had a worse leak than most, which spread across the floor. Cheryl failed to notice it, moving around the rows of crates and boxes and canisters stacked above head level. It was in the midst of this exploration that she heard a motor engine's approach, astoundingly familiar. Oh shit...another truck!

    She turned to run for a rear exit, and in doing so, stepped on the leaking stream and slipped, going airborne into a stack of barrels. One of the topmost barrels tipped, lost balance, fell on her and deposited its contents. The sludge found its way into her her eyes...up her nostrils...down her throat. She should have drowned in all of that mess. The cat should have met its destined end. But something else happened instead.

    Cheryl screamed, gurgled, flailed, and somehow got herself up, wiped the mess from her face and half-blindly fled. She didn't even realize she had left her camera behind. She lumbered down to a pier, washed as much off her as she could. Got on her moped, sped home, tried showering to wash herself further. But still, she felt dirty. And within the next hour, devastatingly sick.

    Outside, at the moment Cheryl had panicked: The source of the sound was a different truck, passing by. Panic had been Cheryl's one and only downfall...and the one thing that would lead to her rising again as something new. And thus the story of Nightshade began. We fast-forward a few years: Cheryl has settled nicely into her new-found role, and has found a balance to keep her job, her education, and bad-ass career in check, with the latter staying under tight wraps. There's still a lot to learn, and though she has found some allies, there are still yet some new foes coming into play as well.

Catherine Everett

Basic Information;

FULL NAME: Catherine Edith Everett
NICKNAMES: Cath, Everett
BIRTH DATE: March 15(approx. time Earth-wise, she was not born on Earth however)
RELIGION: None(Ironically)
OCCUPATION: Odd jobs, additional temporary jobs to gain currency, and selling other materials, but otherwise none.
PLACE OF BIRTH: IGP(Inter-Galactic-Protectorate)-controlled planet named Irodium
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Earth; North America

A woman stands among crowds in the midst of a shopping mall. She is near a clothing store, watching the different people walk in and out, noting their choices of clothes... her eyes track it all with a mild fascination, but at the bottom of it all, she knows the facts; no time to study this new culture any more than necessary. The mission takes priority.

Even if you didn't see the unnatural color in her eyes, any small degree of interaction with Catherine would lead you to believe that she's either completely clueless or simply not used to living on Earth. She hasn't had a lot of time to know about the customs, to absorb the culture, or to truly find a way to blend in. But, given her current situation, she should hardly have the time or the desire to rectify this.
And thus, she'll take up any fashion sense she can find. She can, of course, accurately guess the different clothes between genders, but sometimes the most pragmatic style will be her choice.


A child only a few years old sits on the front doorstep of a house, staring upward at the sky. The streaks of gray clouds peel away and follow the setting sun into its daily retreat. The waves of light that fade into existence catch her eye; she sits here every day at nightfall to see them appear, watch the radiance, wonder at their origin...Auroras were what first drove her to space travel.

Since she was a child, this was a regular dream she'd have, a goal worth working towards in her eyes while everything else took a backseat. It was something she had thought hard about, worried over, one might even say she borderline obsessed over it with an nigh single-minded drive. This was the attitude that the Protectorate sought out and often exploited. They suspected quickly that she would be an exceptional candidate for a special program, with a grave threat looming on the horizon; Everett had the mindset, had the skill set, and had the enthusiasm for the job she thought would be a cake walk... Funny, how it actually turns out different from what you expect.


-Bio-mechanical shapeshifting; As a N.O.A.H., Catherine is able to shapeshift parts of her body to form rudimentary, metallic shapes.

→ Shapes can include blades, clubs, flails, spears, and other simple objects
→ She can also use this to form more defense-oriented things like medieval shields, or mimic utilities like pickaxes, drills, ropes, hooks and lengthy cords, and so on. These shapes are able to be detached from her body, but to do so requires effort and expends much more energy than shapeshifting alone would do. Expend too much, and not only can she fail, she won't be able to shapeshift at all until she rests.
→ She has tried mimicking projectiles, but complex objects take far too long to form and just the effort usually drains her. A ballistic gun is impossible unless she spends hours or even days coming back and forth to add parts. The best she can come up with on very short notice is a bow and arrow.

-Natural healing factor
-Enhanced strength and agility
-Maintains knowledge of advanced tech from her world--while the Ark doesn't have much of it, Catherine can pass as a tech specialist on Earth and tinker with the many inventions there. She can eventually make things from her world if given the raw materials(which need to be collected or bought) and tools (which ALSO need to be made) to do it with.
-Immunity to most if not all chemicals, poisons, disease, and radiation thanks to the nanites

-Unending curiosity for things
-Quite thorough in analysis of what she finds interest in

Her shapeshifting can allow for defensive formations like listed above, but this was designed for dealing with wild animals; Catherine is not well suited for handling the deadly weaponry of another sentient race, whether it's primitive compared to Irodium or not.

→ Electricity--Disrupts her ability to focus in order to shift. Being tasered will make her scream and drop like any normal human would. Electrocution that would be lethal for a human will not kill Catherine, but her energy will be sapped.
→ Formations can be forcibly detached from her body, which will still expend her energy--only this time without her consent.
→ Armor-piercing weapons or abilities will usually penetrate anything she forms
→ Nanomachines are not affected by electricity, but they are always vulnerable to EMP--this will stun them and render them inert for a period of time unless reset somehow, meaning Catherine's stamina will be reduced, and she will not have her immunity to natural hazards listed above, and can die from them. She can still shift, as the nanites are not responsible for that ability.
→ Cauterized injuries are slow to heal. Also, the aura of a demon or other creature will slow her healing as well.
→ Explosives--usually very few of her formations are strong enough to stand up to, say, a grenade, or even a magically-generated fireball. Usually, Catherine will be sent flying even if she succeeds in defending herself. A big enough boom will break her defense and either wound her severely or kill her.
→ Magic, in any form, is a massively confusing power to Catherine, and she might mistake users for demi-gods or Xen himself (Irodist God in their mythology). As far as how it affects her, almost anything in this area can harm her. Although, as a N.O.A.H., she will not easily submit to mind control or pheromones (A few creatures from her world are able to do this), most offensive applications will hurt, subdue, or kill if powerful enough.

-Socially inept, and has been such even on Irodium. Now that she's on Earth, with an entirely different culture to absorb, it's doubly so. She sees things that, on Irodium, are normal, yet humans see it as odd/bad. And then there are things considered normal on Earth that Irodists would see as bad...And seeing as she is a virgin, with little clue as to how to handle either gender...well. Things get strange.
→ Example: Raising the middle finger alone is seen as an insult on Earth. On Irodium this may mean you want to kiss Catherine or more. Confusion ensues.
-Curiosity killed the...well, you know. It gets her into trouble.


A teenage girl swallows hard, staring out one of the stern-facing windows of the Ark at the planet she has called home for the entirety of her short life. The world she has just left is ablaze. The enemy ships, of a design she has never seen before, lash out with bright, crimson beams of light and the curves of gray smoke with orange fire at the tip--missiles. Deep red streaks of hellfire answer from Irodium, but smaller and's clear who has the louder voice in this argument. And it is also clear who will have the last word.

The girl's eyes are locked in place while she, with her enhanced vision, watches the buildings, the skyscrapers, crumble and implode upon themselves. She's too far out to see the people, but she knows many are...she can't even think the words. Tears form in her eyes, but she remembers, with a cold clarity, that now the weight of her species has dropped squarely on her shoulders and the two other N.O.A.H.s guarding the other two Arks.

Go to another time, another place. Make a new life, advance technology with the time you have. Study what the new enemy has. And then, when you're ready, return to finish the fight. She is a N.O.A.H., and this is the only chance she has.

The chance to return and stop the flood...before it washes her life, her family, and her culture away again...


Catherine Everett lived a standard life on her traumatic past beyond what you'd expect the typical child to go through growing up. But as luck would have it, things changed. The air, the mood of the surroundings changed, life shifted inexplicably. There was something coming the Protectorate's way, and every human being in the chain of planets knew it. Maybe it was a sixth sense on their part, or maybe something the planets themselves could pick up on, as if a force beyond understanding sent a warning. Whatever the case, it diverted the Protectorate's attention and convinced them to send scouts, scanners, to search.

They found something. And it was something they knew they could not win against. They had days to prepare. The word went out and every planet geared up impressively. For each passing day, a planet spouted distress signals and then fell silent. Reports came of new ships...ones unrecognizable as humans. Hostile on sight.

The Protectorate was doomed...this time around. Maybe this reality could not be saved...but what about the next? Thus the contingency plan came into action, using a time-shifting rift that had been perfected for such a day. In the event of complete eradication, three giant, experimental Arks would be deployed and sent out through these rifts, hopefully to seek out a habitable planet to settle, study and if other races were present, possibly coexist with. The Ark, when ready, would return with this new weaponry before Irodium met its fate for the second time. If needed, the rifts could be reopened and the cycle repeated.

With the expedition, there needed to be a overseer; someone that could protect the ship and look after the inhabitants. And this is where the N.O.A.H. comes in. Each Nano-Organic Anthropomorphic Hybrid would serve as the guardian and caretaker. It would have to be a human with a high level of willpower, of tolerance, and of adaptability.

Catherine was chosen, among two others. Thought it would be an honor. Spending a childhood looking after small plants wouldn't compare to a whole ecosystem; that was something she was going to find out, painfully at that.

When Catherine's Ark launched, it came under fire from enemy ships. It took several hits, lasers carving along the hull and wreaking damage that threatened her chances at success before the mission had even truly begun. On the other side of the rift, travel became...rough. A small number of the Ark's animal inhabitants, creatures from Irodium's harsh ecosystem, were killed during the transition. Several others that were in intact pods, within their respective sectors, were jettisoned.

When the N.O.A.H. was able to check, the ship's AI literally made her a list of the creatures that expired or left the Ark; it was a priority to recover them at all costs. Catherine sighed and went to work searching, half-hunting. Mere days on the job and everything was threatening to collapse. With the damage done to the ship, she found that she couldn't pursue the jettisoned pods...and repairing meant finding the resources first. And to get them, she had to go where they are. Initial scans showed the current system she occupied had the necessities. However, one of those planets had more than she expected. And, strangely, it also happened to be heavily inhabited...

Helena Cruz

Helena Rainier Cruz

A/N: Well, I've got good news and bad news.

From the very strange Role Player that brought you Miriam, comes the character equivalent of a sequel.

That was the good news, by the way. Bad news....see the app for yourself.

This character can influence reality, so be forewarned if you choose to rp with her. Anything can happen, up to and including: Explosions, bacon, guns fired akimbo, boners, cyborgs, straight up hardcore xtasy, chaos and strife, everyone's shit getting wrecked, towering erections, small-scale alien incursions, rather direct come-ons, high-speed cars in higher-speed car chases where the drivers are tossing dynamite on the road, movie-like shootouts where the henchmen fly back ten feet if shot, impossible stunts that would make a professional blush, defiance of laws of gravity, physics, logic and common sense, a dirty mouth that spews curses or elaborate speeches that make no sense, inane, unethical and criminal actions being performed, etc.

She is a natural, chaotic element of some unknown plane of existence far above our own; a disaster forged from that place's nature and brought over to our world through means no one knows about or even believes to be possible. Other characters may find themselves under the influence of her powers.

Viewer discretion is advised.

No, you should really listen to this warning and heed it. Don't look at this app.

Seriously, back out while there's time.

Are you absolutely sure about this? REALLY? Last chance.

Fine, but don't come crying to me when you're soaked to the bone in chocolate with red handprints on your rear and the feeling that you have been most definitely, irrevocably, unquestionably violated in ways that make you question your purpose for existing. You may think your virginity has been taken for the second time in your life as a result.

I apologize, but I did warn you.

Basic Information;
Full Name: Helena Rainier Cruz
Nicknames: Hell(very common and very fitting), Helen, Cruiser/Cruz
Age: "Like I'm going to tell you that. Like I can. How the fuck would I know to begin with?"
Birth Date: She's been around for awhile, but has only chosen to act more freely since 12/21/2012. Actual birthday is: January the 33rd
Gender: Female
Race: White
Species: Anomaly
Sexuality: "Libertine."
Religion: "Gods are overrated."
Place of Birth: N/A
Place of Residence: New York City
Occupation: Does whatever she wants, whenever.

Assassin. Hero. Murderer. Prankster. Terrorist. Monster. Bitch. You can slap whatever label you want on her and she could play the part.

Hair:Dark, bloody shade of red. Dyes black often.
Eyes: Brown, shines bright in direct sunlight.
Build: Thin, but still very athletic. Abs are very slightly visible, doing nothing to take away from a feminine appearance, while hinting that she is no run-of-the-mill girl.
Clothing&Style: She prefers any long it's black. Sometimes, however, she might go for some shade of blue. Usually covered top to bottom with either color. She prefers graphic tees, leather jackets, leather shirts/pants. Never seems as if she dresses for the weather specifically.

Sometimes witnessed with a spiked collar fastened about her neck. Has makeup applied daintily to her eyes, sometimes applies eye-shadow of varying color. Shaves just about everywhere; the only hair on her body that exists below the neck is trimmed very short in the form of a heart on her crotch. Said shape may change into something different each time her pubic region is revealed. There's also a tattoo just below the bikini line on her right thigh that reads varying text depending on the situation. Some examples are "No boys allowed", and "You must be 6 feet tall or higher to be ridden".

Eyes carry a dull look that might fool someone just glancing, but with a full-blown look-over, one can tell that something, somewhere, in that mind of Helena's has gone horrifically wrong. Stare too long at her, and things will go downhill from there.

Diverting attention from the eyes, there's plenty more to take stock of. Helena herself is very fit, very attractive(to many if not all, though she'll of course presume the latter), and has plenty to show for both, with her fair skin, perky breasts and rounded, shapely ass.

Just as Miriam is iffy on her choice of wear, Helena is somewhat the same. One day she'll look at a particular outfit and like it enough to follow the style for a week. But she always, always ends up gunning for something new and trashing whatever she has at such a time.

-Robbing people, things, important places
-Big guns that shoot lots of bullets
-Vegetables when applicable
-Whipped cream
-Waffle House
-Fast cars
-Muscle cars
-Anyone that matches her physique
-Massage gel
-Oil that is slippery and allows her to slide on someone else's body
-Black makeup and anyone that uses it
-Some drugs
-Her so-called wisdom and monologues
-Her boobs
-Her abs
-Her ass
-Pretty much everything about herself
-That one time she went to Japan and found some raunchy comic mags
-Some parts of Japan's culture shortly after the above occurred
-Swords, ninjas, shuriken
-Other people's boobs
-Other people's asses
-Polymorphing just to fuck with persistent men that try to bed her when she isn't interested.
-Likes to either entertain, ditch, or punch the guys that are interested anyway
-Being naughty
-Pain--depends on how it's administered

-Being interrupted:
while working
while talking
during coitus
-Idiot humans
-Arrogant demons
-Self-righteous know-it-all angels
-The color pink
-Office spaces
-Guns aimed at her
-Law enforcement
-Someone trying to pull a fast one on her, i.e. con men/women
-That guy that likes to get up in your business when he doesn't have any reason to do so other than offer some dumb wisdom
-That mugger who thinks you have a shit-ton of cash and gets angry when you tell him that all you have is a ten, as if you should have been preparing to get robbed and had more money on you
-Those scientists that like to make up explanations for all kinds of shit
-That one time she went to Japan and the name she had apparently acquired: gaijin--fucking annoying.
-Little kids
-Puppies/kittens and the people that react to them as if they've lost fifty IQ

-Dead-set on a goal once she defines it
-Like most Anomalies, posseses an often uncontrolled, powerful influence over reality, denying laws of physics, etc.
-Often times, simply doesn't care what others think
-Very analytical when she wants to be
-Blunt attitude and mannerisms. She has no fear of telling someone what she thinks, no matter who they are.
-Endures pain remarkably well

-Has COMPLETELY lost her marbles
-Attention is easily split--something shiny will catch her eyes for a brief moment roughly 70% of the time
-Methods, motives and ideas do not guarantee that she is a threat...nor do they assure that she is harmless. Her actions are unpredictable, reactions even more so
-A strong dose of electricity will make her keel over
-Explosions will throw her around like a ragdoll
-Can be K.O.ed if her opponent knows what he/she's doing

-Verbal complaints about her surroundings
-Direct, decisive and blatant actions
-Chews three sticks of bubblegum at a minimum per day
-If at a lake, throw rocks in it, doesn't matter if wildlife gets hit
-Carries a zippo lighter on her person, flicks it open and closed repeatedly when held and idling
-May occasionally smoke. If offended, she flicks ash on the perpetrator
-Any place she claims as a home will likely be tidy, a rather odd irony for her personality
-Picks one day out of the week to do nothing but sleep. If getting up during that day, she remains either wearing the bare minimum of clothing or is completely nude. Tells visitors to fuck off
-May eat fruit without bothering to peel like normal people do(e.g. orange, banana, etc.). She does it with a flawlessly straight face; the taste doesn't bother her at all
-Will pull random objects from her pants that shouldn't be able to fit
-Will grant temporary powers to random people for no reason other than entertainment
-Can wolf down ice cream without suffering a brain freeze

-Small penknife in her back pocket
-Has a so-called sweet spot that can be exploited by tugging on her hair. The effect is...pleasant.
-Tattoos that shift their image and text
-NOTE: the longer a character stays in her presence, the more likely said character is to become affected by the reality-warping abilities of an Anomaly. What this means: After a threshold of time passes(usually about a full day), her powers will continue to affect your surroundings even if she is long gone: expect random, often dangerous situations to occur.

-Not really much of anything. She supposes she'd just like to keep doing what she's been doing

-Murderous Clowns--the kind that drip blood from jaggedly sharp, serrated teeth and feed on human flesh. "What, you've never seen them before?"
-Terminator robots
-Other Anomalies

To put this woman's thought processes, establish a pattern and work from that point onward to describe what she thinks, how she feels, and why she acts as she does, would be a impressive feat in and of itself. More often than not, attempting to do so leads to confusing conclusions, where things simply don't add up.

Of course, certain facets of her personality are easy to pin down: she likes doing this, likes to watch that, etc. It's the motivations that are the mystery. Helena's actions almost never carry a reason behind them, leaving others to guess. Most don't; instead of going any deeper, they typically stop at the surface and deem her a hazard, a menace and a sex-addicted psychotic with a penchant for destroying property/buildings, committing murders, setting fires, driving illegally, sexually harassing the public, causing widespread destruction, etc.

And if they stopped there, they would still be right.

But! Going further than that, you would see a nova-bright glint of light infecting her eyes, something that carries the base particles of intelligence just as well as it does a deadly strain of insanity. Those who cross her path and catch her interest will undoubtedly have their lives--possibly among other things--touched, and memorably. You might temporarily gain a power, might become something different for a day. The bottom line: Helena has less limits than the Anomaly preceding her. Extreme caution is advised.

Sometimes that may not be enough.

Parents' Marriage Status: "What parents?"
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Sibling: N/A
Sibling: -----
Relevant Family Member: N/A
Relevant Family Member: -----
Spouse/ Significant Other: N/A
Children: Pray this remains as none.

Helena has no family, not in the literal sense. And she's never needed or wanted one; whenever, wherever she originated, she started out alone and friendless. Arguably, you could state that nothing has really changed over the years, and you would be right. Even now, though she has met a myriad of unique and colorful characters--and let's be honest, fuck buddies--, she hasn't set up any true relationship. Presently, she burns through love interests like a pack of skittles.

But I digress. Past and then present.

It's unclear where or when Helena first materialized on this unfortunate planet. Those wishing to know where she is from will be left at a loss; at best, you can presume that she came from some altered version of reality, perhaps a parallel universe scrunched up and thrown in a wastebasket by some higher form of god who was working on a elaborate reality-building draft for an essay.

Let's theorize about this. Maybe that piece of trash was unwittingly splashed by a God-soda or some contaminated leftover food that spoiled in said God's refrigerator. Probably the latter. The inhabitants of Earth and beyond will never know the truth, but this theory might provide some comfort in knowing that they're completely fucked.

Either way, this Anomaly was somehow formed in some fuckup of a alternate reality and cunningly slipped out through a crack in the foundation, dragging with her all the mental and metaphysical instabilities of her existence. Everywhere she goes, chaos and death and misery and humor and pain and probably secret arousal will typically follow.

As with the other Anomaly, some organizations are very much aware of Helena's presence on Earth, along with the gigantic potential threat of the pandemonium that she could spread like wildfire. Just reach out with one hand and sprinkle the Earth with a light helping of candy sprinkles, diced nuts and a dainty pouring of sweet caramel before opening her metaphorical mouth and swallowing the planet whole, plunging it into a new darkness full of insanity and who-knows-what-else. The very few that know what an Anomaly is prepare for the worst and--

Well, no one knows what the outcome would be if worst came to worst, but it would likely not work out well for any involved. Either way, this app is coming off as extremely morbid and foreboding, so perhaps we should end it with farting noises or something equally silly/stupid to compensate.

Miriam Blake

This individual was the play-by for the character I made about 2 years ago when I was still a weirdo; she came with a warning on her app as the following:

QuoteA/N: this character can influence reality, so be forewarned if you choose to rp with her. Anything can happen, up to and including: Explosions, pizza, gunfire, girl-wood, giant robots, copious amounts of questionable content and references, widespread devastation, rocket-propelled grenades, insane gibberings, grenade-propelled rockets, towering erections, small-scale alien incursions, not-so-subtle come-ons, high-speed cars in higher-speed car chases, movie-like shootouts, impossible stunts, defiance of gravity and laws of physics, a dirty mouth that spews strange or elaborate insults, inane, unethical and criminal actions being performed, etc.

She is a walking catastrophe, a natural disaster in and of herself. Other characters may find themselves under influence of her powers, like either the above or perhaps differently. Moreover, other chars may be subject to either suffer from or enjoy Miriam's attentions if she happens to like them enough.

Viewer discretion is advised.

No, you should really listen to this warning and heed it. Don't look at this app.

Seriously, back out while there's time.

Are you absolutely sure about this? REALLY? Last chance.

Fine, but don't come crying to me when you're covered in lube and feeling violated in some way. I apologize, but I did warn you.

most of the app

Basic Information;
Full Name: Miriam Cassandra Blake
Nicknames: Anomaly; Crazy/homicidal/psychotic bitch/whore/a host of other insults. Of course, all of them are interchangeable; Paranormal being #234-95J
Age: "It's rude to ask a woman her age, isn't it?"
Birth Date: 2/30, a Leap-Leap Day that doesn't exist, but she was born on that day anyway.
Gender: Female(she can change this from female to male to something in between)
Race: White(can be changed)
Species: Heh heh heh...
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: "Ahem...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Place of Birth: Unknown
Place of Residence: Earth, nowhere specific
Occupation: Takes what she wants, may actually do a job if she likes it. Other than that, she is free to wreak havoc, cause suffering, and generally take as much part in the above listed activities as possible.


Hair: Platinum blonde, quite short
Eyes: Bright green hues, seemingly calm one minute, then manic, a glint that somewhat borders on both insanity and ecstasy in the next.
Build: Thin, slight build at 5'9" and [REDACTED], but don't let the petite frame fool you.
Clothing&Style: Generally wears anything she wants/finds, there's no real pattern to her style. One day she'll like an article of clothing, and a week later she'll burn that shit.

Maybe it's just a trick of the mind, or some sort of overactive imagination, but for a moment, as a man laid eyes on a woman in passing, the green hues brighten, perhaps glint at him with an unlooked for malice. Like the owner of the eyes plans to do something reckless, or dangerous, or perhaps both. But this sudden light in the strange woman's eyes fades away. One thing he can be certain of, though, as she sticks her tongue out at him, is that she's not the typical young adult he should expect.

He's somewhat glad when she leaves his sight.

Platinum blonde hair, a rounded chin, pleasant lips, and a set of bright green eyes culminate to form a cute, attractive woman before you. Stopping at the surface might prove to be a mistake, though, as the personality bleeds through and starts dripping on your face obnoxiously. A woman of average height, a petite frame, and a generous bust, Miriam's figure, not to mention the way she carries herself, catches quite a lot of eyes. Often times the feeling is returned, if she's interested, but that feeling is fake, and doesn't stick around for very long.

Her style is purely temperamental; what's good today might be shitty tomorrow. She'll burn through clothes with ease in this manner; from snug jeans to leather, to tights that show off her figure, to shorts, and so on, probably with redundancy. She can't make up her mind with clothes. Makeup is another factor that seems to be on more solid ground, however. You will likely find her with mascara, perhaps some eye shadow as well as eyeliner.[/s][/q]


-Someone agreeing with her
-That spot at the small of her back, that if touched the right way...
-Creating food, making it pop into existence for her to eat.
-Showing off
-Allowing humans to see an inexplicable action to occur--sudden floating, making inanimate objects move, etc. Generally things that result in a double take.
-Some drugs
-Rock & Roll
-People that have a chance of understanding her--at least for the moment
-Action figures(will sometimes influence reality to try making a replica of what she saw)

-Being told what to do, or if someone so much as hints at trying to
-Being called crazy(she won't care about anything else)
-Unnerving, awkward moments of quiet
-Law enforcement
-Some do-gooder trying to talk her down
-Humans sometimes--on a case-by-case basis
-Someone trying to dig deep into her mind using any form of psychoanalytical approach
-Psych wards
-Police stations
-Someone trying to stop her from having her fun

-Has a powerful, unnatural, sometimes uncontrolled, influence over reality and the world in general; things that don't exist suddenly do, laws of physics are broken into tiny shards, things that shouldn't be alive suddenly become such...and more. Perhaps worse.
-High strength, speed, agility, endurance(take that however you wish)
-Very high pain tolerance. She might even like it, depending on how it's administered.
-Dead-set on being the ultimate rebel
-Flexible(take that however you wish)

-Completely insane, doesn't accept it. "I'm the only sane mofo in the room. All you assholes just don't understand."
-Judgement is horribly off
-A strong enough current of electricity will disorient her. Lesser strengths will cause pain and irritation.
-Magic can deal some damage
-High-explosives will throw her around like a ragdoll

-Fidgets or generally screws around when bored
-Absurdly high libido
-Pulling things out of her pants when others watch; it's often an object that is much too big to fit, and begs the questions:
--1.)How it got in her pants to begin with
--2.)How she could pull it out
--3.)What else is in there

-There's this spot at the small of her back, that if you happen to touch just the right way...

None too serious, she's already on cloud nine. Kickin' ass, takin' names, puttin' all the guys to shame. Oh, and all the sex, too. And drugs, and rock n' roll. But primarily the former of the last three. But if you insist on asking:
-Have a good time
-Attain as many orgasms as possible
-Mess with humans sometimes

-Losing at anything, whether at something important or not

Pinning down a precise personality is...difficult at best. She's erratic, yet focused at the same time in some bizarre combination that shouldn't be possible. But laws are meant to be broken, right? Stomped into tiny little shards, ground into a fine powder, and swept off the floor, to extend a metaphor. And this is what she does best: break the rules. She's a rebel at heart and will remain that way until the end of time, perhaps past that end too. A sign says "No trespassing?" Ten to one she's going in. Police nearby? You can expect a middle-finger salute or two to be given. Probably two.

Authority is her biggest pet peeve and you'd be wise not to remind her of it. Above all, condescension is what will set her off quickly; she's not innocent, of course, having done it herself several times, but such is the way of a selfish being that objectifies everything around her; she doesn't see much beyond herself, and that fact's made her quite dense.

As it says, yes, Miriam is capable of shifting her gender and appearance at will. Something that is probably going to be exploited in the near future (she is in a thread with Fallen already, on E). As far her abilities went, they were very powerful, but also erratic and prone to working badly, or literally turning against her due to their unstable nature. I.e. Summon a dinosaur? It might turn around on chew on her ass. Spawn a .50 handgun? It fires dry spaghetti strands and runs out of ammo after 100 shots. The point of her was never to really kill or harm other chars, more like fuck with everyone and everything and scar them with bizarre happenings.

Speaking of Fallen, he made a character back then as well, named Asher. An archdemon, though more of a quirky sort who could also morph himself. This character met mine.

They then had sex.

Miriam wasn't worried about it because she can smell STD's on people, and Asher had none. After this, they became....friends. Sorta. And lots of sex is implied between then and later on. I've also paired her with other characters with other players; though Asher is the one she likes most. And also, Miriam is the first of the three characters like this that I've made. The Elliquiy thread is here, and shows the second one. The third one will show up later.

Random excerpts below:

QuoteShe'd plopped down on her ill-chosen seat and waited for roughly fifteen minutes; and it was quite the struggle. Legs crossed, uncrossed, the pale-skinned girl swiping at her hair, munching down on a slice of pizza, something, anything to stave off the intense boredom at bay. She even pressed the button on said seat a few times, grinning ear to ear as she gathered ideas on decorating. Could be a while until her target came here, so maybe this would be the way to kill time.

Button mash once more. The machine beneath her whirred loudly and creaked under the stressful weight of the Anomaly. Knowledgeable of at least that, she eased herself just a little off of the small table, transferring most of the weight to her hands. This way, the printer wouldn't crack and break down and die, and would instead print the image of Miriam Blake's apple-bottom it had done ten or so times before already. As this last one finished scanning and printing, Miriam pressed up and away from the printer and glanced over all the objects in the office space: Papers neatly arranged on desks, office tools sparsely populated, a computer here and there, pencils abundant. There were little walls that came up to about 4 and a half feet; a person sitting down would be isolated in their own cubicle. Miriam liked the setup, it would allow for a bit of cover and privacy. No good for blocking bullets though.

She'd just finished spreading out the pictures on the desk adjacent to the printer when she heard a door in the office space open--more specifically the door to the stairs. She chose to duck out of sight in a cubicle not too far away from the abused machine--under the desk for good measure--and before long she could sense the woman nearing her hiding spot. Just one person, the Anomaly's person of interest--she came here by herself often, and always early, before other employees. Moments later, Miriam heard the crackling of paper--she was picking up the printed images and trying to make sense of them...?


"What...What the hell is this shit?"

QuoteTo her left, a garbage can rattled.

"Oh, what the hell do you know?" she muttered and swiftly kicked the rude object over, watched the contents spill out, and left the whole mess there. She spun and stalked off a ways before reaching down into the front of her pants and wiggling about like she was trying to pull out an object. It took a few seconds of negotiating, but she managed to tug hard and pull something out, hand-over-hand; a surfboard, which she dropped flat on the ground, plopped both feet on top.

And she took off, lifted out of the alley, above the weathered brick-and-mortar and the littered streets of New York City, and flew. She frankly couldn't give a shit about anyone who looked up, saw her and freaked.

And the answer came to her, surprisingly, like a room behind a shattered one-way mirror coming into focus, as she sailed to a low-rise residential building's rooftop.

Miriam Blake, the Anomaly, the self-described living, breathing, walking catastrophe, was bored.

QuoteAhh that felt, slow and sloppy handfuls of honey poured on her and slathered about with hands. Within moments the chilly sweetness had warmed up to the body heat of the Anomaly. Before then, she'd shivered, but still liked what she was getting regardless of the sensation. Cold, hot...didn't matter. She was getting excited all the same. It trailed on her breasts and dribbled down, some on her neck too. Her head tilted back and her eyes closed in a way that helped to express her bliss. Then, out of nowhere, softly kneading hands worked on her chest, and she exhaled heartily and grinned. If only massage parlors got this personal... "Ooh, I like this game..." Those hands shifted to her back.

Miriam giggled again and reached forward, taking hold on the twin that had kissed her and stood there. Closing the already-small distance, she leaned forward and captured that twin in a sudden competition of lip-lock. One hand went low and around, grabbing her victim's ass firmly, while the other went to the back of the neck and kept the twin's head in place. Inevitably, that led to the honey on her nude form spreading thinly onto the twin's, wherever their flesh touched. The other girl was still behind her, free to do as she pleased...for now. Miriam would get to her in just a moment or two.

QuoteMiriam took baby steps forward while the other woman backed away, beginning to near the edge of the roof. She tilted her head to the side, eyes inquisitive. "I'm what? What am I?" she asked, curiosity showing clearly to catch up with her eyes as she still closed the distance between them. A smile formed abruptly. "Were you going to say crazy? Nuts? Testicles? People call me that a lot...Never figured out why. Maybe it's my shirts." Her left eyebrow arched up into a suggestive curve as she stared Belial down. " gotta be an imposter. The real Belial wouldn't call me crazy. Why don't you give her her body back?"

Suffice it to say, she had lost some of her grip on reality at this point, not to mention common sense. She took one more step forward, this one at a normal length. "I mean, we can work something out, can't we?" She peeled off the plastic gloves, threw off the hairnet and shook her head, letting her hair breathe.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-



This section is a sort of archive for the characters that I have made so far, and while it's more for keeping track so I don't have to look all over the place, these can at least show the genres I like. Some parts that are unnecessary or that pertained to specific story elements have been shortened or removed entirely. This way if a character garners interest, they can be easier to change and adapt for a new RP if requested. I usually don't like "recycling" them, however.

Unused Material

Monster Island____

Name: Chryssa (short for Chrysanthe)

Age: N/A, appears to be in mid-to-late 20s.

Gender: Female/Hermaphrodite (as part-plant, the ability to be pollinated as well as self-pollinate is useful. With some time allotted, she can produce or retract a male sex organ if she wants to target a female.)

Race: Sea creature(plant-animal hybrid)

Personality: Generally, she is a neutral-attitude monster; besides 'feeding' on those deemed prey, and defending against those who show aggression towards her, Chryssa is not a hostile creature. Upon seeing something new, she is apt to take a closer look and investigate, by sight, smell, touch, and communication, as she does know basic human language. However, her feelings toward potential prey will always be, well, encouraging...or more accurately very coercive. She will fiercely guard old and new territory, usually underwater in either the sea or an inland body of water. If a fight's worth the potential outcome, she will take her chances.

Other Info: Chryssa is dominant, thoroughly, and can turn aggressive if the situation dictates. She does not always attempt raw physical force, though it is an option; beforehand she tries to seduce with her body, suggestion, or the aphrodisiacs and pheromones she secretes from her body. If her prey shows "enthusiasm" for what she wants, then she might switch to submissive, but that is a rare exception.

___"It Only Affects Men"

Name: Maria Annalise Fischer
Alias (if any): Maria
Age: 25
Profession: Chemist, was transitioning into military at the start of the apocalypse

Height: 5"9'=175.26cm
Weight: 150 lb = 67.5 kg

Hair colour: See picture
Eye colour: pale blue(I put this because the picture doesn't seem totally clear to me at least--could be either blue or a light green from my eyesight.)

Special skills: She has an adept understanding of chemistry--invariably this means she can create certain valuable items, provided she has the resources/time/experience/tools to do so, which could include explosives, acids, special gases/liquids, and if she were so inclined, drugs--who knows how many people still cling to their addictions nowadays? During the apocalypse she's picked up a little experience with electrical components and some basic knowledge about edible/usable plants(read from a book)

Additional info

Likes: Chocolate(Will take it--NOT steal, though--when found and hoard it), doodling(before the apocalypse--now there is no time for it), dice(she keeps one in a pocket and has a habit of rolling it when idle), sailboats(she wanted to do it one day, but now it seems distant), cooking(she thinks it has a relationship with chemistry)

Dislikes: Children(she resents having to see them grow up with a twisted sense of right and wrong in a world like this.), thieves(only slightly because she's guilty of it herself sometimes), traitors, loud disruptions, ignorant or arrogant people(this crosses over with likes since she can use it as an exploit.)

Personality: Behind the brooding, irritation and mistrust lies a remarkably resourceful young woman, and whether she likes it or not, her type is actually a good fit for this rapidly-shifting world, where not only strength, speed and cunning are in high demand, but adaptability as well. Lacking in one area, she figures, is the quickest and easiest way to die out here. Well, that and not being appropriately armed for the occasion. These combined traits are what's kept her alive so far.

Beyond that, Maria has been tried and tested these past handful of weeks into this nightmare; every day in this struggle to survive, every zombie she's killed, every bullet that sails whistling over her head, every night spent in constant shuddering fear, and every moment that's unkindly demanded savagery from her: all of it has hammered her mind into shape as a hard, cold steel that's as sharp as a blade. When the situation requires, she proves to be careful and analytical. Friends are few and far between, but those that become such are often a point.

History: Born and raised in a family of five, Maria and one sister outnumbered their lone brother; as one might expect, the childish bickering between them was commonplace. Still, very few things out there could damage or sever this bond.

Maria's life proceeded normally, up to her choice in profession: having developed an affinity and interest in chemistry. It's unclear where that spark started, but when she acted upon it--chose it as her career goal--she stuck with it. Rather than let the trail end there, she made a tough decision to enter the army. Here was the real deal, where she'd be able to make a difference, put her skills to good use and afterwards build upon them. She was literally days away from completing Basic training at a boot camp when the virus struck. One way to get some experience, she'd note sourly later. Her day had begun, from the moment she woke, with screams, guttural growls and gunshots. The campgrounds painted a bloody portrait of what was to come soon, on a far greater scale. Maria snatched up whatever she could find in a rush, did not stop to help a single soul(a choice she still thinks about every day), and fled.

Within a few days, she returned to her hometown to find more of the same, women running or dead in the streets, though now the numbers were more sparse. She had a feeling she knew what happened at her parents' home, but still desperate and foolishly hopeful, she tried for it. Found her brother and father had gone mad with the virus, and one mangled, chewed-away corpse. This was the day of her life that shattered all her hopes that things might get better, and the rest of her broke down just as quickly. It took the better part of two days before she gathered the will step out of that house, glue herself back together, and trudge onward.

A/N: Realized just now that these ↓↑ two wanted the same job. HA!

Survival Instincts___

Full name: Rebecca "Becky" Vivian Mitchell
Age: 23
Occupation: Scout
Ability: Matter Transmutation: Ability to create, meld or replace forms of matter and energy.

Height: 5'2"
Build: Short, otherwise curvy and slightly athletic.
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Green, darker around the edges
Orientation: Pansexual

Additional info

Personality: Rebecca is generally a kind-hearted woman and means well--however, even with that, she and those around her have come to realize meaning well doesn't always add up to doing well as a result.  While she's not quite had as much experience socializing as she would have liked in the past, she tries to make a genuine attempt to reach out. Sometimes she's a bit of a jokester as well, often referencing movies, television and literature...but in all departments, she's no stranger to seeing herself fall flat on her attempts. A joke might horribly suck(though she usually avoids that mistake at least), evidence enough that Rebecca hasn't been hard-wired to make good conversation without trying. If her attempts at humor are questioned, she might answer that it's one of the few things she has left.

She is not adept at at any peaceful approach if or when it comes to enemies, either. When the time comes, she makes her voice heard and actions, if needed, seen and felt. She has been picked on before, perceived as a weak or helpless target, and she has made an internal vow to never allow it to happen again. Avoiding conflict is still in her best interests, but if it's a fight someone wants, then a fight will be offered with an unnaturally fiery demeanor, disconnected from the Rebecca you might have seen making a giggling snort ten minutes ago.

Before the blast, she'd been once told a piece of advice from a late friend; the only way to deal with the deeds you've done in the past is to put them aside and set your sights on the present, to do only the deeds you're willing to live with in the future. It sounds like standard Jedi talk, somewhat cryptic to her, but regardless she finds herself remembering that little tidbit daily, and tries to live her life by it. Words are weighed carefully, other people observed, and those that are perceptive can see that there are less-explored layers to Rebecca, some of them sensitive, that she keeps under wraps. And with that, you might realize that she is much more intelligent than she initially lets on.

History: Rebecca was a U.S. born girl, situated in New York, with parents and two roughhousing brothers(the first being one year older, the second being two years younger), all settled in the lower-class. Still, they made do with what they had, and when the adults weren't working to put food on the table, they tried to instill a sense of morality and responsibility in their children that, for the most part, left an impression. It worked best on the two boys....but on Rebecca herself? Not quite.

With problems lurking around the corner, it was difficult to keep the lessons from peeling at the edges. Rebecca was a below-average height girl, and because of this and her chosen interests--books, lunch periods spent entirely at the library, plucking bits of trivia here and there that she'd share at home with her brothers when they weren't excessively harassing her--she was labeled a pariah by her peers and a target for ridicule. It elevated as time progressed, went on for three years and carried over into the first year of high school, all during which it made her grades slip, and she spoke not a word of it to anyone, a decision that nowadays she regrets.

At one point, a week after her father lost his job, Rebecca's own problems all came to a head, and when pushed past her breaking point, she lashed out and punched her tormentor full on in the face. It was the first time she'd ever intended to hurt someone. The other, taller girl recoiled, caught entirely flat-footed, and against all odds, broke down then and there.

Rebecca had been disciplined, at home and at school, but despite all that she could never shake the little thrill of freedom in her gut that had, at the moment, told her fighting back....felt good. The rewards of morals and of being a good person, of doing the right thing, were all Disney tales. No one picked on her again since the incident, and while Rebecca's grades rose as well as her attitude, her actions however took a turn for the worse. She stole things, mostly food and money--and rarely was she caught. Outside of school she learned to pickpocket, lie, and betray the trust of others if or when she needed to. On the streets she carved out a decent haul for herself when her own money was tight and she would otherwise go to bed with a growling stomach. She'd bring most of it home to share and earn herself a chewing out, but always put her parents in a troubling situation. The few people that knew her began to wonder why she changed, and why their attempts to help steer her were always fruitless. Rebecca heard them, of course, but she was no longer listening.

That particular spat behind her, Rebecca went on to finish high school, but financial problems still hurt her prospects of college. Nickel-and-dime thefts were hardly going to cover that, so she began looking for a job. In the interim, she chose to take classes for Karate and for fencing; less about the ability to protect herself or perform on a professional level, but more for the kind of mindset that it would gift her. Through all that she had done, even though some of it was out of necessity, Rebecca still knew she could do better, and become better. She outright refused to spend her entire life in this same situation.

Two years passed: She'd landed a job, moved out and found an apartment, and slowly but surely earned cash for her tuition--just because a meteor or whatever-the-hell was coming, as she heard so many, many times, didn't mean she felt a need to panic and drop everything. And thus, getting into the university was a cinch.

Or would have been.

Rebecca was touring the campus when the first blast hit, and lights and electronics alike were shut off entirely. Her first impulse was to get to her parents' house to check on them, but vehicles failed to turn on as well, so she went on foot, eventually stealing a bicycle that had been left unattended. She never expected a second blast to occur, much less one that would knock her unconscious. One moment, the wind rustled her hair as she sped through congested streets and messy alleyways, then the next she was tumbling off into the black of unconsciousness with a message rattling in her mind. She awoke in the street with scrapes and bruises, in pain, not yet knowing what the message meant by her being "activated". And as she saw every single person lying within line of sight, she realized she was alone. Fear held her from that moment on with a cold, twisted grip:New York, it seemed, where she'd always heard shouting, rumbling, honking and signs of activity and life, had fallen deathly silent.

The bike was unusable--the handlebars were distorted and warped; the front wheel had all the appearance of being half-liquefied, and half-converted to asphalt; the rear wheel had deflated; and the bicycle's chain had shattered like glass. Putting the blame on the blast that knocked her out, Rebecca dusted herself off and headed to safety on foot.

With half a day's passing, the city woke up with a different storm of sounds altogether, sounds Rebecca didn't recognize. Her parents weren't home, her brothers unaccounted for....she didn't know what her next move needed to be. At first she elected to stay at the house. With the kids moved out and independent, her parents had been able to provide for themselves a little better, but things hadn't changed much. Living paycheck to paycheck took away any ability to stock up. But it did gift resourcefulness. Suddenly Rebecca found herself back where she had started, just trying to live and keep a comfortable way of life, to fend for herself with what she'd learned so many years ago, only now with much more at stake.

With this in mind, she set out with a new purpose, and it didn't take long to figure out to just what degree the rules had changed. The first feeder she encountered was alone, but nearly overwhelmed her in a furious charge, and would have succeeded if it weren't for the classes she'd taken earlier. From then on she stuck to hiding and sneaking, gathering food, tools, and a few weapons whenever and however she could. No one was present to stop her from paying a nearby gun store a visit, and afterwards collected a revolver. She had basic but otherwise lacking knowledge of how to operate a gun, so she decided to keep things simple. However, the owner of the building must have been a blade collector; she saw a saber on display in a glass box, smashed her way in and took it, along with a set of push daggers, a few other knives, and much better apparel to suit her needs.

Not long after, she fled the city. It was too dangerous. Even if her family had survived in this mess...there was little, if any, chance of finding them before getting herself killed. While her decision was logical, it still haunts her to no end. With somber thoughts in mind, Rebecca bounced from place to place, encountered and joined others in a group, which gave her the first taste of how the "activated" had changed. They had powers, like straight from out of a comic book powers. When Rebecca was asked about what she could do, she was at a loss. They holed up in an abandoned building, and in the downtime, Rebecca learned that their ultimate goal was heading north--to possibly carve out a safe haven for themselves away from dense city centers.

That night with the group, she woke from a nightmare and found the flooring she'd slept on in a bizarre state, a mixture of asphalt, matted grass, loose sand and ceramic shards. She was the one responsible for the bike that had been wrecked earlier. When the others found out what she could do, they urged her to work on it, and she did. Within a few days she had begun to control her power, and soon discovered she could replicate objects she'd touched before. Rebecca managed to make food, water, and other supplies, but never at a productive pace and with flaws when she first started. Regardless, she was a great help.

As the group traveled, a group of hostile survivors took them by surprise and Rebecca split away from them in the crossfire as some of her allies were killed and she herself was hit one of the attackers caught her in the shoulder and along her right side with strange, dart-like projectiles that were probably part of his power. Rebecca's efforts for rendezvous failed, and with feeders abound--attracted to the sound of the conflict--she had little choice other than to continue onward. So she traveled, north, quickly as possible with the supplies she'd gathered dwindling and her wounds crudely treated but healing. Soon, she unexpectedly stumbled upon the Blue Mountain Settlement in this state.

___The Great Nekomimi Plague


My first foray into the Pathfinder system, or rather any established system in particular. Quite a lot to get used to...

Heinous:Succubi, Incubi, Demons, Oh My!___

Name: Olivia "Liv" Amundsen

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Height: 5 feet, 9 inches

Weight: 144 lbs

Additional Info
→Foot Pads(1)
→Ectoplasmic Extrusion(3)
Points:12(not counting mandatory)

→Addiction: Procreation(4)--Mandatory
The Fading(5)
The fomor's psyche has only the most tenuous of footholds in reality. This is not merely insanity. The fomor's mind has an affinity with one of the aspects of the Triatic Wyrm (or one of the Urge Wyrms), and is actively trying to flee this reality, to "join" with that Wyrm. The Storyteller decides which Wyrm the character is connected with. The fomor has an insanity that is the equivalent of a Derangement.

Urge Wyrm: Angu, the Urge of Cruelty
→Derangement: Sadism(3)
→Derangement: Habromania(2)
→Severe Allergy(3)--Peanuts
Points:12(not counting mandatory)

Biography: Liv was born in Los Angeles, but some time in the big city proved unattractive, so when she turned 20 she moved away to a place less...dense. But she didn't have plans to stay in the state--rather, she wanted to move to one of the bigger cities again, like New York, to pursue a career in acting. As of now she's settled down in town, having landed a solid job and doing whatever she can on the side in order to build up some funds. Eventually, she thinks, she can get out of here; but something in a dark corner of her mind says otherwise, and abruptly she feels an invisible tether, a magnetic attraction, to this quaint, interesting city. Something is bound to happen--but Liv can't say for sure what it is.

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___Picture Repository___

One more archive, for the interesting pictures that may spawn an idea--for me or for others. They can be for a setting, a character, a concept, etc. If you recognize one of these as your own work and want it removed, you need only speak the words.

A bit of forewarning: I seem to like many, many things, and there's a chance there may be something I like that you may not. I would like to think that won't mean an instant write-off, because any given element can be discussed, and then included or excluded in any RP. Just because it's here doesn't mean it's necessary to have, or that I'm going to want it included to begin with.

Also, the availability of some elements here may depend on my mood or muse as well. Don't be surprised if I decline something.

NSFW(Gelbooru links) (blowjob) (paizuri) (footjob) (spanking) (anal fingering, male) (succubus) (footjob) (FFM, blowjob) (paizuri) (handjob) (handjob) (paizuri) (paizuri) (blowjob) (futanari, anal) (dry sex) (↑, cum) (footjob, cum) (paizuri) (footjob, cum, pubic hair--perfect example of the On I mentioned in O/O's) (gun)

NSFW links--Males(traps, androgynous, monsters, and includes futanari and activities involving anal and M/M.) (animal ears/tail, anal) (sfw, androgynous) (monster, slime) (anal, cum) (demon, cock ring, riding crop) (animal ears/tail, ass) (slime, futanari) (demon/incubus, oral) (trap) (incubus, anal) (demon, cock ring, riding crop) (monster, male trap) (futanari, handjob, cum) (futanari/male, anal, cum) (futanari)


I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___"Imported" Characters___


Ireth Séregon


FULL NAME: Ireth Séregon
NICKNAMES: Whatever you can make up that is recognizable, but not demeaning.
BIRTH DATE: 6/7/XXXX (doesn't recall the year)
OCCUPATION: Odd jobs/living off the radar
PLACE OF BIRTH: Small village in Europe
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Not in a specific area, is usually on the move. Technically, she is homeless.


Ireth doesn't have a strict preference for what she wears-- all that matters is either comfort or the ability to move fluidly and freely. Usually she only comes across clothes that trade one trait for the other, so when she gets a chance to buy something that supports both, expect her to capitalize on it.

Underneath whatever garb she wears, Ireth tends to have a tight, thin cloth covering her chest, like a medieval-type of t-shirt. Sometimes she'll hide important things there, most of the time she puts items(like plants, fruits, herbs, etc.) in pouches in her clothes. A lot of towns that she frequents don't actively denounce certain things that she carries, so she's not too worried about it.

The medium she uses for her second world spell can be almost anything, but the one she keeps and uses in dire situations is a small crystal she hides in the cloth covering her chest.

Nearly all of her cream-colored skin--the four upper limbs, along the abdominals, shoulders, breasts, back and buttocks--is covered with a massive, impressive collection of tattoos. For her arms and legs, they usually end at thigh and elbow length, so that they can be concealed somewhat. The content of the tattoos themselves vary; from elegantly detailed tidal waves of the ocean, to the soft petals of a rose or kiss of pearly white lilium, to the roiling tongues of furious crimson flame, or the cracked, rugged shapes of solid stone, you would, if Ireth's choice of clothing permits it, see that her skin hosts an unheard-of level of body art.


Let's put Ireth in a metaphor. She's not completely sweet, as if always caring or generous, etc. She's more like the kind of sweetness mixed with a slight bitterness you'd get from a nearly ripe, dark-red dewberry. Ireth is easy to get along with. You'd have to do something drastic to piss her off, and if you were capable of doing such, you probably never deserved her friendship in the first place. Just like the plant, Ireth's got thorns, and there are things you're better off not doing, unless you want to get cut.

She's nowhere near what one would call an expert at most things, but sword-fighting is her main strength and she's close to mastery. Archery is a close second--she has sharp eyes and steady hands. Magic is her third, but mostly for things like lighting a fire, or some other elemental use. Still, there are plenty of ways to take her down if you make her an enemy. But why would you want to do that?



(For all of her magic, Ireth's techniques are a little unique and require a certain combination of two energy stores. She is able to tap into the natural pool of energy from nature that surrounds her, which some tend to call the Earth's pulse. The Earth's pool is massive, and there is much more than Ireth can possibly hope to spend--however, Ireth's own stores of magic are finite, and an investment of her power is required in order to pull in, guide, manipulate and direct energy from nature into forms of her choosing. Her pool restores itself over time, but if it ever becomes empty, then the Earth's pool can't be used, which means that outside of tattoos, she has no spells until she replenishes herself.

The tattoos also require energy to make and seal into her skin; Usually, this is not a problem, as outside of combat, she has plenty of time to recuperate from the stronger spells without pressure, and the tattoos preserve the spell until she wants to use it. These are spells simply held in reserve like ammunition; her strategy is using her personal pool outside of a battle, so that she doesn't have to completely drain it inside of one.)

The first, and most commonly used method; hand gestures, to gather the power she needs and convert that energy into the appropriate spell. Depending on the power of the spell, this could take a brief moment, or several precious seconds. Some spells may take half a minute or so, and in all cases, they can be interrupted.

The second method: A special ink she summons, then uses to inscribe Runes on her body that lock in nature's energy. To put the ones on her back she often has to use telekinesis on the brush, pen, or ink itself. These runes capture, convert and lock the magic into her body, and she can bring the spell out at any given time in an instant, no matter how powerful it is. The downside: the stronger the spell, the more area it requires. And Ireth only has so much bare skin. And one other problem; every rune inscribed can only be used once. After that the ink fades and her skin is clear again.

The spells she uses so far involve manipulating elements, some teleportation, defensive wards, and the powerful spell she uses as her home, so to speak. Dubbed the Second World spell by her, it creates a separate, completely different world, maybe even a planet, under Ireth's control, molded by her mind and wishes. She can, if she wanted, literally live there for as long as she wished; food is edible, water drinkable, etcetera.

She can set this world's time acceleration as she wishes; either to fast forward(every minute in the second world would be five minutes in the real world, for example) or slow down (five minutes in the second world would be one in the real world, again for example). It requires a massive amount of magic; if she were to do it using her traditional way, it would take anywhere up to a half-hour of preparation. Not very convenient when you're trying to hide or buy time. So she usually uses the ink for this spell, and it takes up half of her entire back. She reapplies the ink while she's inside the so-called world, or in the real world if she is someplace safe. It is not a speedy process, however.

Meanwhile, the spell requires a medium; this can be any given object she can put her hands on. It cannot be a person or other living creature. If this medium is abused by an outsider while the spell is in effect, it will affect the second world negatively; the land would quake, tsunamis would surge, the planet would literally shatter, etc., all of which are very real hazards to Ireth if she's still inside.

-Well-trained in most areas regarding hand-to-hand combat and ranged fighting.

-Getting better at magic, can now use it competently in a fight.

-Tattoos make for easy access to magic and hand signs are a decent fallback.

-Confident in herself.

-Intelligent, demonstrates patience when needed, and is not privvy to giving up easily.


-Sometimes doesn't know when to fold.

-Overconfidence can be exploited.

-She's a force to be reckoned with, but still not a total master.

-Can be a perfectionist at times.

-Render her hands unmovable, and the hand-sign techniques are obviously useless.

-If a blade cuts deep enough into the skin, the tattoo(s) it hits will fade into black smoke that disperses in the air.

-Still getting acclimated to modern-time technology.

-Despite heightened strength and agility, she can be injured just like an ordinary human can.

-Unaware of the real world while inside the spell world--she will not know anything is off until things start crumbling and falling apart. Depending on the method used to destroy the medium, Ireth may not even have time to escape....and even then, she still has to face whoever smashed the medium afterward.


Ireth had a nice upbringing, born in a small village somewhere in the midst of Europe. Loving parents, a strong bond with her sister, close friendships with other villagers. A nasty run-in with bandits changed that at age 15. A large portion of the people Ireth knew, including both parents, were killed while she and her sister (at their order) hid and heard them die.

The screams still haunt her dreams--and the nightmares as well-- sometimes, and it makes her a little reluctant to fall asleep sometimes. The first weeks after the slaughter were the worst... she barely slept at all, or when she did, woke up with a scream.

The day after this fateful event left her at a crossroads: Could she pursue some peaceful life, where hopefully the only violence she'd see was when they prepared livestock for food? She doubted it. She wanted revenge. She knew the chances of actually finding the ones that did it were astronomical, and yet, she couldn't let them go. Ireth's sister tried convincing her otherwise. Her response, through tears and a dried, broken voice that carried some, not all of the rage she carried: "Look around you, Abby. Everyone thought the same thing, look at them. They're dead, everyone's dead..."

Just like that, she and her sister left the remains of their village behind. While Abigail stayed behind, living at another village, Ireth went on her own, seeking some way to learn. It took years of close calls, tough masters, and a near-death experience or two before she managed to even get a solid hold on the arts of combat. It was back-breaking, sometimes demeaning, and plenty of other nasty adjectives she could think up. But she persevered, and the result is the woman you see standing before you-- A woman both beautiful and deadly; while she has a kind heart, she also has a sharp blade.

Despite all the work and time she's spent over her rather short time alive, there was more major event, or should we say transition, to impact her life. Over the years, she discovered, learned, and honed her skills on a multitude of spells. One of these was the infamous Second World spell--powerful and dangerously effective in its own right. Sometime after she had begun her travels on her own, she settled for a night in a foreign town, which was soon beset on all sides by a clan of bandits, an offshoot of the one that started her journey in the first place. She nearly lost her life in the clash, overwhelmed by memory and fear, and in a desperate last ditch effort, she cast the Second World spell to escape. But stress and panic took its toll, and while the spell worked...something went wrong.

She'd sealed herself in that crystal and found that in her hastiness, she had dialed the time-scaling much too far in the wrong direction. Instead of time slowing, it had accelerated. Far, far too fast. Ireth can remember that she had spent only thirty-two seconds inside the spell. In that short time, over one thousand years had passed in the real world. When she realized her mistake and broke the spell, coming out, she found herself thrust into a completely different world. Metal and stone, brick and mortar, machines and even more. A simple, dumb mistake threw her out of her element and now trapped her in an alien planet she couldn't even dream of.

Ireth limped back home; what was left of it. Where her childhood village used to be, a shopping mall loomed in its place(she didn't know what it was called yet, though). That field she used to play in? A pharmacy. The river she washed her clothes in? Dead and dried up, trash cluttered in the dirt of the river bed. Winding roads made of flat, cracked rock everywhere. A foreign stink, a pollution or tainting, in the air that made her wrinkle her nose. People dressed in odd clothes with strange hairstyles and even stranger language dialects. In thirty-two seconds, Ireth had gone from fighting raiders to becoming a foreign entity. And then she knew how it felt to be ultimately alone on her own planet.

She went back into the spell world, in denial, and wept.

Meredith (warning, history contains violence/gore)

Other note: Title story "Unto the Grey: Paranoia"


FULL NAME: Meredith--or Margaret for modern times
AGE: Unknown; given her circumstances she does not know her precise age anymore, and she can heartily presume that she: A: no longer ages.
B: lost track of time. And
C: regarding B, does not know if time accelerated or decelerated for her

GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Conductus Paleblood
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
PLACE OF BIRTH: A cozy little village somewhere in the midst of a harsh summer, she doesn't know much beyond that.
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Nomadic, there is no one place for her to call home. In modern time, she settles in the United States and England, but only remote areas are typically called home


From a distance, Meredith is very similar to the average person of the medieval or modern age; regardless of her current troubles, there are still some things she can manage to keep consistent and unworthy of further inspection from those with sharper eyes. Still, though, there are some things she can't quite hide.

Up close and personal, you might see that she's fatigued, tired, maybe from lack of sleep or too much stress on some particular matter. If you know her and have seen her for a consecutive number of days you may notice that one day, she has a healthy pallor to her form, and on another, she seems thinner; gaunter; the eyes glazed over with knowledge of something too great to convey via words. The hands might shake microscopically, the fingers might twitch or fiddle with something in their clutches.

The signs are all there: Meredith has seen some better days. But how long ago since her last? Unclear.


Bright sunny days;
Open fields;
Heat, Fire;
Warm meals, warm baths, warm showers unless other circumstances are present;
Natural warmth of body heat;
Feats of athleticism

When one sits on their fat ass and doesn't do much;
Muddy water, mud itself, any place harboring such a commodity;
The color gray;
Closed in spaces like caves, underground holes, sewers, etc. Wants a sky above her visible at all times;
Fog, mist, thick smoke, though this is a superficial dislike;
Pollution and ugly damage done to Earth in modern times;

-Knowledge of weaponry, adept use of it--favors whips and weapons of that sort, along with blades. Can use other things competently if needed. She's a brawler at heart and it shows; quite often she trash-talks, curses, howls in the face of her foes and proves time and again that nothing's off limits.

-Immunity to any powers regarding mind control, hypnosis, power negation, anything that can suppress/alter her free will or abilities. If a mind reading attempt is made on her, the perpetrator will hear a cacophony of overlapping voices, such that words become impossible to pick apart within the whole mess.

-Heightened strength/speed/reflexes

-Mysterious force that seems to cling to her like a messy, fetid scent that she cannot wash off. With it she has summoned immeasurable strength, brought forth bizarre magicks she made use of, and as a side effect gained a new sense that is just as potent as the natural five--an ability to see, sense, attract and communicate with ghosts, as well as detect the aura of many supernatural creatures.
↑-- The magic generally involves brief bursts of power to Meredith's physical capabilities, whether that is speed, strength, etc. She won't be winning Olympic races, or beating bodybuilders at arm wrestling (as they're short bursts, not a constant buff), but the boosts can help get her out of a tight spot, if one happens to come along.

Other abilities involve creating illusions; making people see things that aren't there, or not seeing things that are there.The usage of any magic is visible at any time, via a faint rippling of air around her figure--if the hallucination does not involve removing herself from sight.

Small hallucinations, like just making someone see that their mug of coffee has been misplaced when it actually hasn't, have a very high rate of success. Large-scale Illusions, like Meredith making herself virtually invisible, will only work:
On the weak-willed.

On anyone affected by fatigue, boredom, exhaustion, hunger, thirst, sleep-deprivation, etc.

Any other targets are only affected after dark, and even then, it will not fool the alert, or those already fighting Meredith, or those specifically looking for Meredith.

-Cursed by an entity she knows nothing of. Cannot die permanently outside the nightmare realm--if killed, she will return to life, even if her body was destroyed entirely.

-Has adapted foreign, malicious plants and chemicals for her use from the realm--via VERY careful visits.

-Complications of her back-story cause occasional distractions in day-to-day life even in stressful situations; vivid hallucinations, spacing out, daydreaming, fantasizing. Meredith will lose sense of what is real and what is imagination; what is truth and what is fiction; what is in front of her and what simply doesn't exist.

-Never dabbled in archery, completely sucks at it. Tries to compensate, somewhat, with throwing knives. It's taking a shit-ton of practice, however.

-Magicks are mostly mellow compared to even the most basic maneuvers that a recognized wizard can pull. Meredith's strengths lie in preparation and planning; if taken by surprise, her options become more limited.

-Can be wounded in ways just as humans can. Displays faster healing and mild resistance to chemicals, though there are things out there that will still put her down.

-That mysterious force has, does, and continues to eat away at her mind. Eventually she will overcome this force and grow in strength, or the force will consume her and leave nothing behind but a husk. In any case, memories of her early life are slowly destroyed or distorted, and eventually Meredith may lose her identity--or at least her original one.

-Her soul is irreparably tainted--touched by an entity that is neither of demonic nor angelic origin. Neither side can consume her soul. It is, for lack of a better description, toxic. She can go to neither heaven nor hell unless this is solved...and the cure is nowhere near discovery. This tainting is possibly linked to the above immunity.

-If(or when) she is killed, she will eventually be restored...but it's an often lengthy process during which she suffers intense, unbearable agony and in severe cases lacks even the simple freedom to scream. Her consciousness remains; she can never pass out or alleviate pain during this process. The worse her death was, the worse her revival will be. Meredith may not remember some parts of the revival which would help to keep some of her sanity intact.

When she dies--if this particular death is slow and would take a few minutes to finish its course--her mind becomes vulnerable to intrusion or tampering. Any ability that functions as a mindfray or that ordinarily would damage a person's mind will work twofold on a Conductus, accelerating their "condition" and, if potent enough, will scatter her mind and inedible soul entirely, like smashed fragments tossed out to sea. Either the below fate happens, or Meredith's cycle of existence simply stops(if the mindfray is powerful enough). She will never reform again in that case.

-Being sent back to that nightmare of a realm, and being condemned to repeated deaths, will accelerate the deterioration of her sanity, just as it has done when she was first trapped. If forced to fend for herself again, she is likely to be consumed by the realm, the sentient enemies she has made and the hostile environment for good--and after one of many deaths, she will be reborn as one of the very creatures that once hunted her down so mercilessly. This change is irreversible as far Meredith knows--there may be a way to bring them back, but dying in a such a form is confirmed to be permanent--It is the fate of any Conductus that cannot preserve his or her sanity in the world of the mist, and any number of other sentient species may decide to kill this beast form. How many deaths it takes before changing, depends on the person's willpower--they will break down, it is only a matter of patience.

↑--The monster form that a Conductus assumes is based on their personality, mental weaknesses and flaws. Someone wrathful will be an extremely aggressive, combative creature, for example.

-Talks to herself, thinks aloud sometimes.
-May curse avidly and loudly
-Has a lot of hallucinations AND contact with things that other livings cannot see--at least not clearly. You might see her eyes flicker to look at something else in the middle of a conversation.
-May be condescending to men, depends on outlying factors.
-Openly refuses to kneel or show submission to anyone, not even those of royalty or of kingdoms.
-Meredith is barren--she is unable to have children.
-In her first few decades of life(Medieval time), Meredith is illiterate.

-Sometimes, vividly, lucidly(if taking this subject literally).
-In most cases poorly or subjected to nightmares, reminders of that other "world" she was trapped in
-Become a true immortal someday.
-If she must die in violence, let it be under the sky, the last beautiful thing for her to see.

-Dying in itself
-Being trapped underground.
-Being returned to that other world of mist and smoke, by any means, and being trapped there for all eternity. This is the kind of fear that, if one can manipulate it, will rattle her.

She's a stranger to you. That is the simple, short and sweet of it. And maybe this sounds too...obvious. Any person out on the street can be a total stranger to you, but not in the sense that Meredith unwittingly offers. She is an enigma when you go beyond appearance; she seems like a troubled, distracted human being, but what boils beneath the surface is beyond understanding, beyond reason, logic, human emotions...

Meredith is an alien. You wouldn't hear or see it, but something behind her seems to signal a sense long forgotten; hairs stand up on the back of your neck, a tingling sensation crawls through your core, danger signals shoot off. But nothing is there to support these feelings. Even Meredith's own demeanor doesn't invite hostility--usually. She refrains from provocation, but is privy to falling to it herself.

Especially sharp-minded people may notice that Meredith carries a weight, a chip on her shoulder, so to speak. A past event has made her this way; what that might be, no one will have a clue until Meredith gives one. But as far as you can see, it's definitely been an influence, perhaps responsible for what she has become today.


For the sake of simplicity, this history will be from a more omniscient point of view, rather than from solely Meredith's own--since hers is warped.

Meredith's parents were generally run of the mill, innocent. Father was a farmer, making decent earnings and supplementing the family--consisting of his wife, himself, a son, and said son's sister, Meredith. This life was for the most part uneventful and peaceful for a chunk of Meredith's childhood. But that all changed.

Her father was drafted, forced to join the ranks of an army for a war he'd had no intention of getting involved in, all "in servitude of their great lord". It was either that, or watch the squad recruiting soldiers rip apart his life and and the lives of his family...perhaps with worse planned for the women. And that wasn't an option, could never be an option for a sane man that loved his family. So off he went, onward towards a "noble death" that he would meet on a rain-slicked, mud-and-blood-caked battlefield a mere six months later. His comrades neglected to bury him. Instead, a more rudimentary form of a funeral was given; they stripped off his armor, took his weapons, his boots, searched him over for any valuables he carried, and then left the body for wild animals to pilfer in their own way. News reached their farm and left a somber air behind. In his absence, a little boy and a little girl found they needed to grow up...and far, far faster than they were supposed to. Meredith was about 14 years of age by this point.

A mother found herself working harder, pushing herself, and eventually weakening from illness to the point of passing out one summer day with a burning hot fever. Her two children were the only ones present to care for her. She'd taught those two well, and it showed through their actions; always together, communicating, barely a word of argument or fighting between them. It was the life of their own mother on the line, after all.

In order to aid with the recovery, their mother required a natural ingredient, a herb, to be found in a nearby forest that ranged some miles away from the house. Meredith's brother offered to go, but he wasn't good at finding and identifying plants. Meredith could go, but then...even though the entire family knew most of the surrounding terrain, the son knew this forest could be a potentially dangerous place. And someone needed to stay at home to care for their mother. Heading out to find someone for help would take a day or two at the least, time that Meredith's mother may or may not have.

So the son chose to go, with a thousand promises to be careful, make haste, and to heed a dozen other warnings and advisories. He departed at dawn the next day.

He did not return.

And it was until noon that Meredith chose to go in pursuit; it hurt beyond belief to watch her mother's state of being deteriorate. And even more to leave her. But there was no other option. She set out on her journey with a pair of daggers and other small supplies she would make use of.

Meredith sought out the plant, found and gathered a cluster of them, and then froze in a moment of indecision. Search for her brother now? Or go back to prepare the herbs for her mother? Wherever he was...he couldn't have gone far. He knew the forests here; he would definitely come back if he were able. Could he be dead? She knew her mother had to still be alive, so that, as much as she didn't want to say it, decided her choice for her. She began to make her way back--

--and an entity engulfed her on the way there. Somehow, someway, the world opened its maw and a storm of fog slowly, gradually flowed out from all directions. It swallowed Meredith whole, and within minutes she found it impossible to see beyond a few feet. Impossible magicks, maybe...? There was no alternative she could think of.The fog began to thin. She broke clear of the trees, expecting to see her house perched neatly on the crest of a hill overlooking a vast field of green and yellow, with their familiar crops.

Instead, she saw a bleak, grey misted landscape without a hint of man-made structure. Dry, pale green grass beneath her feet. A low-hanging moon in a cloudless sky, bringing down a shade of weak light on all that she could see. Figures in the distance, neither of human form nor of any animal she could recognize. Her trip through the forest had ended in transfer to a world she knew nothing of. An animal howled in the distance; it took a moment for her to realize it fit better as an inhuman shriek, and she had no desire to meet the origin.

She dipped back into the forest, desperate, trying to retrace her steps, but the terrain had changed behind her back. She was lost, and another shriek reached her ears from a much closer source. Lost and possibly in danger.

And here, seconds later, she met her first death.

A beast burst from the shadows of brush and set upon her. Four feet tall, distended thick torso and three clawed, muscular legs in tripedal format, elongated lamprey teeth, no eyes, greyish fur splotched with red, things Meredith saw in patches of motion as it pounced and tore her apart. Claws slashed her thighs, the mouth clamped on her hand and shredded her fingers, picking pieces of her fingers off in knuckled chunks, her left foot crunched apart in chunks of bloodied bone and meat under the stomp of its leg. She screamed and sagged to the ground in a fetal position and the animal tore at her and tore and tore and tore until her screams became moans and her moans became gurgles...

She woke up later without a scratch, her clothes and the rest of her intact with no evidence of violence. Was it...a dream...? The grey was the same, the trees were the same; she was facing skyward. Meredith oriented herself upright and dazedly set off.

And in this manner, she began to traverse this alien world--and fled and failed to flee on numerous occasions. Sometimes, she would set herself to run, as far as her feet would carry her, drenched in sweat as some other creature out there howled and searched. When she finally stopped, gasping, clothes sticky, some different monster would come. It would brutalize and murder, mutilate and torture, devour its prey. And Meredith would wake up in a different area. In this way she learned; sheer trial and error, and error, and agonizing, please God let it end this time, don't make me fucking go through this again, error.

It was pain. Fear. Hell. And Meredith did not know what great sin she was repenting for. But one more realization, perhaps the greatest one, came to her attention in the worst form possible:

She met her brother during one of her many "lives", so abruptly she thought it was a hallucination. Wasn't this whole...thing, a hallucination? She tried talking to him in hushed tones, tried making him acknowledge her presence. But all he did was mutter something to himself. "I'll be back in an hour's time, I guarantee it." It was the last thing he had said to her before he'd gone missing. Over and over again.

She risked a shout, to no effect.

Then her mother appeared. Entranced like her brother, but with some delirious state of mind. "I know she'll come back. She will, I'm sure of it. Dragging him in by the ear."

"Mother? Are you...are you well now? What are you doing here?" Meredith's voice went ignored, and the two repeated their spoken with the precise, same inflection and tone each time, as if they were actors on a great stage and Meredith was an unfortunate addition who'd forgotten her lines.

"Someone, to me! Tell me, what is happening?! Someone, please, just fucking talk to me!" She yelled it shrill and echoing. When they continued their lines, Meredith screamed and swung a lightning slap at her brother's face, one that she was certain would deliver a thunder.

Her hand flew through his jaw like he wasn't even there. She recoiled as if stung and stared at him. He kept repeating himself. She tried poking her mother, but her finger passed through. Just as she was about to ask one more pointless question, she heard a unmistakable male voice behind her.

"I will come back. I promise." He began repeating it.

She knew who it was.

She took a few lumbering steps forward and then ran from them all as the truth and its implications hit. Other people began to appear, people she didn't know: men, women, children, speaking gently, or conversational, or yelling, begging, raging. She ran past a countless number and only stopped when her body refused to continue. Exhausted, she collapsed, cried, wailed like a infant that soiled itself, and waited to die.

And this continued more times than Meredith could count. Sometimes she stayed where she woke up and gave no cares about what found her. Other times she walked, traveled, never stopping. In this world, she did not feel hunger or thirst, except for occasional moments. When predators approached, she sometimes fought and other times let herself be consumed. Sometimes she drew her dagger and slashed her own throat into rags from ear to ear, and stupidly waited for that ethereal hand that would never come to take her someplace else. Every time, every single fucking time, she would come back to this damned world in exactly the same state as she came into it. Her sanity slipped away on a downward slope that slowly turned steeper and steeper.

On one of her "lives", she sat down and propped herself up against a tree, taking stock of herself. She drew her dagger again, stared at it and was wondering how she would next use it, when she suddenly felt something in one of her pouches. She withdrew the object in question from it.

Her herbs. The bundles of wrinkled and crushed leaves. The ones she meant to get for her--

"You look lost, Meredith."

Her mother. She shot her gaze upward and found that woman standing there, staring at her. "M-mother, you...?"

"Yes, I am dead. Gone. But before you get to the next part, no. It's no fault of yours. Nor of your brother's."

"It no longer matters. We are all dead."

"But not you!" Meredith's mother gestured. "You are still flesh and bone, dear. This is not your place. Nor your time. You still have growing to do."

They talked further, about this world they were in, the things there. Time passed. Neither knew how to leave, and though Meredith left with a hearty goodbye and sought others for information, she discovered nothing useful.

But something regardless had changed in her. Where there was nothingness, there was now a goal. Where she despaired, now she struggled and thought. The beasts came as they always had done, but Meredith began to learn. Every death was a new advantage rather than a setback. She began to adapt as she grew in size, strength and age. She fashioned a weapon from her surroundings, found teachers to help her amongst the crowds of ghosts that wandered this world of mist. She learned, and was taught. Wild animals that she had been terrified of became nothing more than challenges, meager problems, sources of sport and lean, tasty meat, bones and sinew for tools. She killed one of the beasts she had first fallen to by thrusting a spear of hardened wood through its mouth just as it pounced, stabbing it through and out the other side, as if in preparation for roasting on a spit.

Every day she grew stronger, each death, now few and far between, made her wiser and faster. The ghosts would sometimes be attracted to her like moths to a flame, and they would hear and see her. Nearly the entire group watched, cheered her on for every fight. Often times her family stood among them.

She spent these endless hours of moonlight scanning every inch of the forest closely, searching and searching, until she came across a gate. Two shafts of weak light, concealed in brush, undetectable from mere meters away. What looked like tiny bolts of lightning arched between them in a crooked webbing.

This had to be it.

She turned to face her dead family again, one more time, tears welling in her eyes. Ghosts cheered, applauded, but the three that meant the most to her were quiet.

Meredith spoke to them. "I could just... stay here." After all this, it wasn't really the freedom from this Hell that she thought she wanted. "I...this must sound daft but...all this time I wanted this, but now. All I want is you three."

Her mother spoke. "This place is not for you. It never was and you should not have been deposited here to begin with. Go on."

Father next. "You've become something new. Different. You'll see us again, I promise. For real this time.You fought too much for this to quit. You need to move on. Live. Please. Do it for us."

Her brother smiled at her, no need for him to say anything. She already knew.

Meredith stared at them all until her tears finally spilled, then slowly, she nodded in agreement. "I love you all." And then turned and stepped into the gate. There was a sizzling, singeing sound, like meat tossed on a heated pan, and Meredith fell...

And hit the forest floor with a thud. She rose, saw familiar trees and paths. Followed the cues in her mind and wandered. Entered a wide clearing, looked to the crest of the hill and found her house sitting there, crumbled and clearly ruined. She ignored it.

The air felt different. Wind softly tugged at her ragged clothes, dirty face and skin. She stared up and found the sun glaring down and blinding her. Warmth washed over her for the first time long? She had no idea.

But she was back home. She knew it. Meredith dropped to her knees and howled triumph.

Then she keeled over, rolled to her back and stared skyward for awhile; how long, she didn't know or give a shit about knowing.

When the sun neared the horizon, she stood and made her way to what was left of her house.

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___"Imported" Characters___


(I kept hitting the character limit in the past two parts. :P)

Judith Archer (warning, history contains violence/gore)


FULL NAME: Judith Lennox Archer
AGE: 24, has stopped aging.
BIRTH DATE: 02/09/1989
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Bisexual(?)
RELIGION: Formerly Christian
PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, California
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Used to wander place to place as a vagrant, currently settling down with her employer/mentor for the long-term


There's that sense of...pain--or perhaps a greater understanding of it or something related to it-- that lingers in her eyes, tough for almost everyone she meets to decipher. It's that same pale knowledge in Judith's expression that can make a stranger curious, like so many others of her kind: The Conducti. For this reason, she is not prone to extended eye contact unless being addressed directly; very often she averts her gaze or finds something else to focus on when not being talked to. This changes in a conversation.

In her posture, there is a deceptive slouch, most prevalent in the moments just before she takes action, that greatly minimizes her appearance as a threat--a technique that was taught to her to both aid in defense and lure enemies into giving openings. Still...some of it is not a lie. On some days she'll be lively and strong, while on others, her skin takes an unusual pallor, and her eyes grow dull and glazed. There may be reddish, bruise-like coloring around her eyes, as if she has fallen ill or, more evidently, is suffering from cold. This can happen even in 90-degree weather.


-Having allies, family, friends, etc. to come back to(she has no such things and her jealousy can show)
-The Moon
-Fruit, especially sweet grapes
-The thick icing on those cakes(where she comes from) usually bought for a birthday. Expect her to always want a corner slice.
-Good Samaritans
-Books and reading(was considering becoming a screenwriter)

-Liars, cheaters, con men/women
-Anyone she doesn't know that enters her personal space
-Being asked too many questions about her past, she'll slowly turn evasive and eventually shut down--make excuses to leave, etc.

-A generally warmhearted personality, even if it doesn't get much chance to show.

-Heightened strength/speed/reflexes

-Acts as a reliable, capable ally worth having

-Adept user of weaponry, has several "teachers" helping her along.

-Immunity to any powers regarding mind control, hypnosis, power negation or increase(so she can neither be helped nor hindered), anything else that would otherwise suppress, enchance, or alter her free will and abilities, whether to be improved or weakened. A mind reading attempt will yield only a storm of voices all crying out at once and overlapping; too much for the typical telepath to make sense of. It's like peering into someone else's mailbox and seeing nothing but a heap of junk mail. The right stuff might be there, but it's going to take some sifting through, and there's no telling if Judith's gonna come outside and spot you.

-Powerful immune system defeats infections

-Mysterious force that sticks to her without her consent, and feels like a nasty scar she can never heal or even cover up. This power has given her strength at critical moments, supplied her with an odd magic she expected ghosts to have a better handle on, and gained a new sense in addition to her original five.

↑-- The magic generally involves brief bursts of power to Judith's physical capabilities, whether that is speed, strength, etc. She won't be winning Olympic races, or beating bodybuilders at arm wrestling (as they're short bursts, not a constant buff), but the boosts can help get her out of a tight spot, if one happens to come along.

Other abilities involve creating illusions; making people see things that aren't there, or not seeing things that are there.The usage of any magic is visible at any time, via a faint rippling of air around her figure--if the hallucination does not involve removing herself from sight.

Small hallucinations, like just making someone see that their mug of coffee has been misplaced when it actually hasn't, have a very high rate of success. Large-scale Illusions, like Judith making herself virtually invisible, will only work:

On the weak-willed(virtually no PC is at this level).
On anyone affected by fatigue, boredom, exhaustion, hunger, thirst, sleep-deprivation, etc.
Any other targets are only affected after dark, and even then, it will not fool the alert, or those already fighting Judith, or those specifically looking for Judith.
-The same above entity has taken away her hope of knowing death's finality. She can never die permanently through normal means. If killed, she will be restored in some capacity, even if her body was destroyed completely.

WEAKNESSES: *ALL weaknesses stated in Judith's app, that are species-specific, ALSO apply to this app even if it is not addressed*

-Suffers from an inability to focus sometimes. Judith will occasionally find herself daydreaming, fantasizing, hallucinating, etc. Reality overlaps with it, but being able to differentiate can become impossible.

-She can be wounded in ways just like humans can, although she does have some resistance to chemicals and can heal from wounds quite fast. Cuts, bruises, and the like will heal within a minute or two(though she can still bleed to death if an artery is cut and she fails to staunch the bleeding in time). Broken bones, gunshot/deep stab/slash/etc. wounds take anywhere from ten minutes to a half hour. The problem there being whether she actually survives the injury long enough for it to be repaired. Severed limbs--or heavy damage, such as if an organ is forcefully torn out--can be regenerated, but it often takes several hours. Smaller parts that are cut off take less time to return, e.g. a finger. In any case of a limb coming back, there is a period in which her regeneration has to restore past coordination in order to bring the new limb "back up to speed" with the rest of her. Bottom line, she's much better off just not getting maimed in the first place. Or--as the last chance for a quick fix--she can find the severed part and reattach, and hold it steady for a minute. Either way, this isn't a tactic she can really use when the reason Judith was maimed might still be standing in the room.

---With the above in mind, it is possible for a foe to capture her and quite possibly torture her indefinitely in new, previously impossible, and potentially cruel ways, so long as he/she doesn't go too far. The story of Prometheus comes to mind, and being reminded of it is a good way to make her face go pale.

-If she dies and receives too much damage, whether in the process or afterward, she won't revive in the same body, but instead be restored in a new one, in the state she was in before any harm was dealt. This revival takes place within a kilometer or so of the closest "gate", and Judith typically has nothing on hand except the clothes she wears.

-Regardless of any kind of death, revival is an excrutiatingly painful process, the severity of which is proportional to how violent her death was. Disintegrated/incinerated/destroyed by an explosive=by far, the worst; involving pain that rattles her. Further description would not be accurate enough. As a younger Conductus, Judith has less tolerance to the severe pain she could be exposed to. It is not uncommon, after a death, to see Judith curled up and immobile in her next life due to the agony suffered.

--When she dies--if this particular death is slow and would take a few minutes to finish its course--her mind becomes vulnerable to intrusion or tampering. Any ability that functions as a mindfray or that ordinarily would damage a person's mind will work twofold on a Conductus, accelerating their "condition" and, if potent enough, will scatter her mind and inedible soul entirely, like smashed fragments tossed out to sea. Either the below fate happens, or Judith's cycle of existence simply stops(if the mindfray is powerful enough). She will never reform again in that case.

-Being sent back to that nightmare of a realm, and being condemned to repeated deaths, will accelerate the deterioration of her sanity, just as it has done when she was first trapped. If forced to fend for herself again, she is likely to be consumed by the realm, the sentient enemies she has made and the hostile environment for good--and after one of many deaths, she will be reborn as one of the very creatures that once hunted her down so mercilessly. This change is irreversible as far Judith knows--there may be a way to bring them back, but dying in a such a form is confirmed to be permanent--It is the fate of any Conductus that cannot preserve his or her sanity in the world of the mist, and any number of other sentient species may decide to kill this beast form. How many deaths it takes before changing, depends on the person's willpower--they will break down, it is only a matter of patience.

↑--The monster form that a Conductus assumes is based on their personality, mental weaknesses and flaws. Someone wrathful will be an extremely aggressive, combative creature, for example.

-Is not as experienced as Meredith is, concerning the World of the Mist--Judith does as she is told and studies as much as she can, but she can make mistakes, often fatal, that Meredith already knows to avoid.

-Slow to trust anyone

-Easy to tell when she is being evasive

-Crush on Meredith, if you can detect it, leaves an exploitable relationship

-Occasional stutter in her voice when startled or talking fast

-Fidgets if agitated, though she is often conscious of this habit and stops it

-Her home--wherever she lives at the moment-- is clearly meant to be tidy, but sometimes becomes messy if she is lax on managing it.

-Still has a pocket-sized stuffed animal--a bear--from her early childhood years; she can't manage to let it go, even after all this time. Its name is Bartholomew.

-Has a crush on Meredith that confuses even herself.

-As a Conductus like Meredith, Judith is no longer fertile--she cannot bear children.

-Living a normal life starting one day, someday

-Staying cursed as she is now forever, trapped somewhere to die over and over


-Being locked in the World of the Mist indefinitely

-All feral creatures from that realm


-Named Ones

She's always been one to treat others with kindness so long as it's earned. People that find otherwise in wait for them...well, they typically have to do something nasty to deserve it. With strangers, Judith remains polite but neutral, for her habits and gut feelings have often intertwined, and so far neither one has failed her. She's always careful, always on guard--with the exception of being in Meredith's presence--and never dips too far in a situation she doesn't know intimately.

And for that matter, intimacy? She's confused about it herself. Ordinarily she views herself as straight, though...there is a strange, alien bond she feels for the Conductus she knows and works with. Her eyes soften, thoughts become clearer, and it seems to her as if, for only that moment, she has entered the calm eye of the storm that's surrounded her for so long that she's gotten used to it. Separation brings her back into the mess.

In her hallucinations, reality twists. People turn to ghouls as they talk to her. That model on the television? Her skin suddenly peels off in patches. A plate of food she's enjoying? It turns to a rotting, slimy mess of flesh and pus and maggots. Though a shake of the head, a blink of the eyes, and an iron stomach help her to ride through it. Although, no matter what the illusion entails, even if all the people and objects around Judith deteriorate, Meredith is the only thing left unchanged if she is present.

Judith herself, with one long, hard look into a mirror, can tell that a natural, taken-for-granted human element within her has been torn out irreparably at some point. And this is the basis for what she is now: Hollow and steadily weakening at her foundation as rot begins to set in her supports.


These days of late, Judith's memory of her past before crossing the Gate is fluxing and fading slowly. Imagine the first few years of your life as a toddler; only a few significant memories remain here and there, and the rest is a long gap between entering childhood and the present. Here, Judith has realized this is the same thing, and of course she cannot miss the implications; these events have left her reborn, in a sense... But as what? Regardless, each day makes remembering the past become a more and more difficult struggle, the present holds no certainties and a storm of impossibilities...and the future? She has no idea where she's headed.

In a bid of enthusiasm, Judith has tried to record her thoughts and recollections by handwritten and typed documents. One day she'll have plenty; a week later, she might not even remember some parts of her writings or her memories might be skewed. With that in mind, the story thus far might not even be fully accurate...but it's worth a shot.

Judith was born into a family of three, including herself. Her parents now are nameless people in her lives, who she knows are important, but can't pull the information from her head, no matter how she tries. She knows, though, her standing with her real parents. Father had and Mother were around for the first few years. Something happened; they were in a car, headed out somewhere and left a babysitter to take care of Judith. They never came back. She'd asked the babysitter next chance she had:

"Where did mommy and daddy go?"

The teenage girl had moisture in her eyes, silent for a long moment, and the answer she gave was odd. They'd gone someplace...nice. A better place. Why? Couldn't they come back for her if it was so great? Judith wasn't satisfied with this answer, but it was all she got out of the older girl. When she was able to understand, some time after she had been adopted, and age gave her ability to understand, she was told they had been killed in a car accident. The loss didn't seem to rattle her like it should, as if some part of her had not believed it or just preferred the first story she'd been told.

The rest of her childhood was an awkward, stumbling experience like so many others', but with an element missing that Judith presently cannot pin down.

Fast forward:

Soon after finishing high school, she'd chosen to enter the Army--not an easy choice, but it would help with paying for college further down the road--she wanted to be a screenwriter eventually. Her job would likely not be as infantry, but she'd still have to go through Basic. And that was far from easy. Quite often she got smacked around--more than once earned a few bruises--, in training she'd be insulted over the course of it like many others--"KEEP YOUR FAT ASS DOWN, ARCHER, THIS ISN'T A GODDAMN BEACH RESORT!"--, and was PT'ed so much she vomited on one occasion, and had to suffer a punishment for it as well. This surely wasn't the time of her life.

But she powered on through it, despite wanting to quit, and made it to the last few days of her training. And that was the last fuzzy memory she has; everything afterward, she can still see cleanly.

Still on the base, it was during her unit's rest period, in the middle of the night, when she heard gunshots. Unorganized, sporadic, overlapping. Very close by. An alarm sounded shortly after Judith woke. What was happening? She thought this was a drill or a joke. They were on American soil, who would attack them here anyway? Then she heard screams...male and female, blood-curdling terror she couldn't miss from any distance that put her within earshot...and she started to have doubts.

She and many others took up arms and made their way outside--

And were greeted by a thick, heavy mist that hampered their visibility. Up above, the sky held no reassurance; the only defining feature in that sea of grey was a round, distant object--the moon, Judith reasoned. In the distance she could see muzzle flashes, hear the rifles fire. There was one explosion to which she flinched as heat stung her face and rushing debris skittered audibly on the ground. In patches it looked as if someone had splashed buckets of blood along walls, on floors. In the air it stank.

"Well we didn't need to end it on bad terms..."

"No no no, please!"

"I'm not a fucking slave..."

"Just tell him what I said...please..."

The mist around Judith and her companions fluttered with movement, and whispers about random subjects filled her ears. A man near Judith strayed a little further from the group. She could still see him when he was taken; she didn't see what did it, but watched as he inexplicably lurched forward as if some force pulled him away, and his limbs twisted at odd impossible angles. She heard a scream...then it stopped short with a quiet crunch.

Judith faintly felt something wet spatter her face as she lost her nerve and screamed. Others had seen and heard, and in a heartbeat's time the scene erupted into gunfire. The whispers on the air turned into animal-like howls, one from only a few feet away.

A monster, surprisingly human-like, towering eight feet in height but in a hunched-over, crouching posture. Skin white as paper. Taloned fingers stained bloody; body slim but with unmistakable muscle that pulsed with power. Its chest sported a handful of bullet holes, from which she could see black sludge trickle. It was seemingly naked, and male. It lacked ears, nose, mouth. Sported one eye the size of a small fist in the center of its face, shocking pure blue like a human's eye, with rods and cones showing brightly. Judith emptied her rifle into its chest and she felt its blood land on her in thick splattering clumps.

And like that, the gunfire around her stopped short. The beast standing before her seemed unaffected, and with no reason to do otherwise, simply advanced. She began to backpedal away and fish for a spare clip, rifle smoking. Fumbling hands slipped it in and worked the action, and Judith lifted to fire--

A quiet crunch interrupted.

It took a moment for her mind to catch up with what it saw; the creature had closed the distance between them at a blur. One of those hands had punched her in the stomach, almost comically sinking into her. Blood welled up around the wound; Judith realized its hand had gone through her. The air, along with all the strength she had, left her body through a shrill wheeze. The rifle tumbled out of her hands and she retched, her eyes going wide and panicked as the agony of what was just done to her began to register.

The humanoid creature stared for maybe a few seconds more before sharply twisting and yanking its arm to the side. Judith heard a meaty tearing sound and her world exploded into unfathomable pain. Something came out of her, splattered on the ground. She dizzily felt much more lighter than before, then airborne; it had thrown her aside. Judith couldn't find the strength to get up, to move, to talk...and she was terrified of what she might discover if she looked down at what was left of herself. Deep in her mind something told her this was it. It had killed her for good.

It couldn't be, this wasn't supposed to happen. Impossible, why wasn't she waking up? She could not even find the voice to scream, only whimper. Tears spilled; she silently cried, shoulders shaking with the sobs and struggling gasps, something running out of her nose...Should never have fucking joined the Army...killed before even leaving training. Before reaching her career goal, finding out about herself further...She was looking death in the face and left so much work behind. What would it be like...? There were other people near her still standing and shooting, some of them being slaughtered on the spot. Would they join her? Judith coughed and heaved, it got harder and harder to breathe. Wouldn't be very long now.

And that's the sum of my life, then. Dead at 21 after accomplishing nothing... She squeezed her eyes shut, felt herself fading as if something inside was finally detached, unplugged. What was agony before was a light numbing now, actually pleasant. Maybe it all didn't matter in the end...

As a moment that seemed to come far too early, Judith jolted awake. Trees, reaching anywhere from 20 feet to beyond, surrounding her. A forest? But how'd she get here? Still in her hastily thrown on clothes from the night before, and now wandering God-knows-where with only a knife, one nine-millimeter pistol with one clip, and no way to reach out and communicate with anyone. It didn't make any fucking sense. She couldn't be dreaming; Judith felt every sensation as if she were alive, even pain when she slipped on the soggy forest floor and fell. "Anyone!" She screamed out. No response.

Then, in a blood-chilling heartbeat, a howl rang out that tore through her memory. Then another. Then three more, closer, closing in from different sides. Surrounded, she had no chance.

That was how her life ended then. For an untold number of lives after, Judith would always wake up in the same state, under the same pale sun and sky, and while the monsters were different, their intentions were the same, with no motive she could understand. Perhaps they were there to cause her pain, simply. The world surrounding her was even less forgiving, if you could call it that. Plants she desperately ate that she'd recognized as safe in the past? They poisoned her. Small lakes scattered about offered sour water and foreign, alien animals that seemed like herbivores crowded it.

The longer she spent time here, the less she could recall about the Earth she used to live on. Why try remembering? She'd died and gone to hell anyway for a sin she didn't know...and nothing in the past would save her.

Further, she thought she was beginning to hallucinate. People, more like shells, that she'd spot in groups, floating about. Some were unnervingly silent as they stared at Judith with sad eyes, while others were unbearably loud and violent, spluttering curses and nonsense that made her flinch on reflex after days on end of hearing nothing louder than a twig snapping.

The monsters, the demons, had seen to that habit. Just a shout and they'd come running. Judith became even more of an expert in stealth because of them. Every lesson learned and earned in pain, her teacher trial and error. The very first time she'd been ambushed, she used her gun, and that brought them down on her in unbeatable numbers. She never used it again after that. Every death was to her advantage. With caution and acquired knowledge, on top of the training she'd been given, Judith managed to settle and carve out a life for herself...somewhat. She got used to the strange, ethereal population and accepted them. Some she even talked with, became friends with, and learned from.

An object dangled from her neck; she couldn't seem to remember how it got there, and so she took it out to see.


"Never thought I would find you here." A masculine voice.

She snapped up at attention: a man and woman, looking vaguely familiar, approached her camp and spoke directly to her. No, she did not recognize them as people she knew...but they told her stories. Knew her name, what she wanted to be when she grew up. When she next looked at the dog tag, the memories crashed back on her like heavy weights. Mouth agape, she crumbled into a broken-down grieving mass until she managed to get herself together, tear stained and sniffling. The two strangers did not interrupt.

When Judith could talk, they began.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's what we were going to ask you, Judith. Look...we could sense it. You... shouldn't be here."

"What do you mean, shouldn't be here? Isn't this supposed to be Hell?"

"No, in a's not. Now, listen, because there's not much time. We don't have many answers, but we do know one thing: you have to get out of this world. This is neither your place, nor your time."

"B-but what about you?"

Her mother spoke up now. "....I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done for us. Our fates were already decided, and it's already happened decades ago." She sighed. "I wish we hadn't been in such a hurry...that we held you a little longer. But still...I'm proud. Of what you're doing and what you've accomplished. We both are. There's so much to say....but not enough time to say it."

Voice weak and quiet, Judith spoke shakily. "I love you." She went to reach for them...and her hand went through. She withdrew, stared at it and them. Unable to touch, or hug, or even just feel another's presence.

Her dad now. "We love you too. And believe'll find us again. And then we can catch up." Both he and Mom pointed to a hill off in the distance, west, Judith thought. "Go in that direction."

She froze, not wanting to leave them. "But I--"

"Judy, please. You've got to! You can't stay here. We....saw what the monsters do. You stay here and it'll never stop. Do you understand how watching that over and over feels to us? You're not ready for this place." They were right. Judith knew it, and so did they; she slumped, managed a weak smile.

"All this time and you still lecture me. Some things don't change." She turned to leave, took three steps, then stopped, her voice coming with an edge. " listen now. I promise, I will come back. So don't get any funny ideas. 'Kay?"

Both laughed. Mom spoke: "Oh, we know you will. We knew for sure the moment you looked at that dog tag of yours for the first time since coming here. Now hustle, young lady."

"Yes, Ma'aaaaaam. What am I looking for?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

So Judith took that to heart and walked, left them behind with a tight smile on her face that didn't last long. But she knew she was coming back. Bet on it.

When she crested the hill, she saw it some distance down the other end: A flickering orange glow, a campfire, carefully nestled in the cover of the forest and several boulder-sized hunks of stone. Walking closer, she saw three figures, all armed, all with hooded cloaks. The first resting on a log facing her, his hood off to reveal a worn, tired face with the beginnings of a beard. A sword was stuck in the ground in front of him, and he nearly grabbed for it when he saw Judith appear at the hilltop; the second tending to the fire, Judith off to his side so he'd notice her in the corner of his eye shortly. There was a long, sniper's rifle slung over his shoulder and fitted with a suppressor.

The third, however, had his or her back to Judith, hood up, and was left unaware. A black, sweeping cloak draped over the shoulders and reached down to about ankle level. Judith's foot crunched something underneath softly and this stranger turned. It was a she; her figure was unmistakably feminine, and there was a steel plating over what was was a ballistic vest--she was not sure. A sub-machinegun with a suppressor slung over her shoulder, a sword sheathed at her belt...

The three stared her down and she stared back, the moment stretched into silence. Then the woman lifted up her gloved hands in a gesture of peace, and pulled her hood back.

Her dark red, nearly black hair was the first thing that stood out to Judith.

"Fuck me," the woman hissed with an English accent. "Anyone ever tell you the wisdom of announcing yourself first, you sodding twat? So maybe you don't get shot?"

That was how the next chapter began.

Chloé Bellerose

Chloé Dominique Bellerose

A/N: Warning. If you aren't familiar with Anomalies, now is a good time to get yourself acquainted before tangling with this one. The two from before were powerful, with few limits... This one, however, has one difference that gives her fewer. Chloé is an intelligent, not-so-easy-to-distract Anomaly. For the others, their degree of intelligence--or slight lack thereof--was one of the main things that held them back. Miriam was an airhead who didn't know the finer points of life; Helena was a loose cannon with an itchy trigger finger who didn't know how to handle people.

This Anomaly here is a tad smarter than that. But still, you can expect more of the same chaos that the others brought; the kind of rampant destruction, giant robots fighting, explosions that would shame a Michael Bay film, dastardly evil plots, superheroic stunts, blunt truths and sharp lies, absurd offer, wish-granting, minigun-shooting, deadpan snarking, and more that you have come to expect from this species. This time around...there's a bit of a method put into it all.

Expect that any character that comes in contact with this character to be influenced...maybe in a good way. Maybe in a bad way. Probably a messy, chaotic, sexy way too.

Oh, and being left naked and covered in some substance with unspoken nightmares of things done to you is still a possibility.

Basic Information;

Full Name: Chloé Dominique Bellerose
Nicknames: None
Age: Unknown, possibly very old
Birth Date: exact year is unknown, though she will tell those who ask that her birthdate is March 32.5
Sex: Female, predominately. She can change this
Ethnicity: White, predominately, see above
Species: Anomaly
Sexuality: "Do you really want to know?" She is pansexual.
Religion: "Get out." Self-explanatory.
Place of Birth: Unknown...likely not on this plane of existence
Place of Residence: Earth; arguably this is a specific enough description, since she could have gone anywhere else. "But if you really must know, I frequent the United States the most."
Occupation: She takes up jobs here, steals there, makes whatever she wants/needs over there and/or in between. Likes to "give" others "occupations" in exchange for something that her reality-warping abilities can grant. It's nothing more than an amusing pastime, however; seeing and hearing what different people want and seeing to what extent they would go in order to get these things.

She may also acquire other occupations if she wishes, of course getting in via her powers.


Hair: Blonde, often neck length or longer. She may dye it to an unnatural color
Eyes: Alternates between pale, icy blue and a solid dark green(in the case of the latter, rods and cones are still visible. Shine a light in her face and they flare with a staggering intensity.)
Build: Slim, but still lean with a little obvious musculature. Abs are slightly visible but do not detract from her feminine appearance.
Clothing&Style: Shirts and pants of varying color, often goes for jeans, shorts, skirts, dresses; button-down shirts, tank tops, elaborately colored halter-tops, sweaters, vests.
Chloe's clothing choices are, in a sense, diverse. She won't stray away from colors, varying styles, etc.; it all depends on what she's doing, how she feels about it and what she wants at any given time. And just like other Anomalies, the day that something in her little collection is deemed no longer usable, she'll trash it: No questions asked, zero answers or fucks given.

If you must know, there is a little pattern to it all this time around. She does tend to hover toward clothes or varying bright color, often fabric that's warm and usually worn for chilly weather. Winter: Expect heavier coats like most other people. Spring/summer: lighter fabrics, maybe short-sleeved or sleeveless, sometimes with shorts, obviously showing some of her lightly-toned skin that seems more on the pallid side. Autumn: generally long-sleeved shirts, and the shorts go away until the next summer comes along.


-Muscle cars
-Ice cream
-Rolex watches
-Playing cards
-Dealing with humans, superhumans, preternaturals, etc.
-Other Anomalies
-Diamonds, both rough and cut
-Breaking the fourth wall
-Doodling sketches of people
-Silver, small expensive ballpoint pens
-The little jar of candy she pulls out at times

-Humans in general
-Someone smoking near her
-People, both human and otherwise, that act as if the world only exists within their scope
-Board games
-Stuck up, snooty people
-Someone hiding behind a false reputation
-Getting punched in the face
-Getting shot, stabbed, burned, shocked, etc. Getting run over by a vehicle of any sort will infuriate her.
-Disturbances that occur during her downtime
-Someone snatching away any object she has in her hands. Expect it to be snatched right back, or to have your hand struck as a deterrent

-Powerful, unpredictable, sometimes uncontrolled influence over reality(Although in this case, Chloe has much more control than the last two preceding Anomalies), such that can directly change laws of physics and how the world works, what things exist and what does not, what people might think/do, etc.
-Incredibly powerful aura functioning almost like a tidal wave, clinging to her surroundings like a warning scent(as if saying this is not the place to be right now). Aura-sensitive creatures may flinch away from her if it flares up under her control.
-Healing factor

-Intelligence, which is put to good use
-Physical strength, agility, endurance(yes, think of it that way as well if you want) as expected for someone with an added superhuman advantage. Her small frame also helps.
-Involves a sense of planning with her goals when need be

-Reality influence can backfire. Just because she made a badass killer robot doesn't mean it won't turn around and shoot her.
-If using powers, the chaos that results can leave an obvious track that others may use to either follow her or evade her.
-Despite all this power, she can be killed....possibly repeatedly. She can be shot, stabbed, punched, etc. Although it will cause damage as it would to a normal human, it may or may not kill her. "Depends on what the plot demands."

-Plans don't always work out, mainly due to her volatile powers/nature.
-Anger can lead her straight into an opponent's hands
-Overconfidence can be exploited
-Blunders if under extreme stress/pressure(unlike the two preceding Anomalies who feel mostly shallow emotions, Chloe's emotions are more intense like that of ordinary people. She can feel fear, love, anxiety, etc.)

-Carries a jar full of various pieces of candy, offers some to others. It appears to never run empty or even to half capacity. Upend it, and candy will pour out indefinitely.

-Reads a lot
-Draws a lot
-Drinks coffee often, may be seen doing several activities with coffee in hand.
-Eyes may change color; sometimes you may see her as heterochromial(one eye has a different color from the other, i.e. one green, one blue)
-If someone smokes near her and blows it in her face, she'll snatch the cig and toss it away, and a fight may ensue.
-There's this spot on the back of the base of her neck, that if touched the right way...

She doesn't really have a dream or a long-term goal to work towards.

-Running out of things to do, people to see/talk to/toy with/fuck.

Not exactly the easiest to understand...okay, not easy to get at all. Chloe is to you what pi is to a calculator: impossible to determine even with the best equipment, under the best circumstances. There is far, far too much to her than what one could gather through a simple conversation. Psychoanalysis might prove conclusive, but still....there are too many layers to say for certain what she is.

But as far as what one can take at face value:

She chooses her words carefully(and yes, she can say big ones too.) every time she chooses to part her lips. She can look you in the eye and, with a glint of light reflected back, show you that there's more going on behind the scenes than a hamster turning some wheel in her head. No, what we've got here is something different and intelligent, and perhaps even more unpredictable because of it.

Chloe is smart, dangerously smart. Maybe there's a plan to it all or she's just winging it; maybe every step made and/or about to be made is carefully judged, measured, planned out and executed perfectly. Or maybe she gets up one day and says fuck it. The latter scenario is easier to stomach...but consider the danger of the former. What if she, in all her power and might, really does have an idea of what to do with it?

Parents' Marriage Status: N/A
Mother: Doesn't have one as far as she knows or is concerned with
Sibling: -----
Relevant Family Member:
Relevant Family Member: -----
Spouse/ Significant Other: None
Children: N/A

The history of a being that almost no one has ever seen, let alone understood? Whose creator looks upon her and grimaces with worry as to what limits this world might get to witness being broken?

Well, let's give it a shot.

It's impossible to determine Chloe's age, where she was born, who gave birth to her--if her species even works that way. Her creation, under any circumstance, took place on another world in another plane of existence that plays by another set of rules. Perhaps those rules actually aren't different; maybe an Anomaly's transition to ours is what led to these powers and the damage that results. Perhaps a way for the universe to tell them and all who see them that they do not belong here. These...people have crossed over into a reality that is not their own, that has in a sense rejected them at the same time as it has embraced them.

But we do not know for sure.

All we know is that whenever these being appear, chaos follows.

And Chloe Dominique Bellerose is no different. Don't let the appearance and demeanor tell you otherwise. As long as she has been on this earth, she has contributed to parts of its chaos and madness. In ways unknown, she contributes still. The end result has yet to be uncovered.

As for her interactions, she is responsible for a number of events. In medieval times, she has influenced conflicts, created treasures and monsters, stood in the middle of it all to point and laugh at all the entertainment she'd caused. Modern times; she's been a bit quieter, doing things with a greater focal style than before. She has taken interest in the supernaturals and the humans, and she knows clear as day that some gigantic conflict is going to rear its ugly head. This time, she's elected to stay low and not push any influence on it; maybe she's there to watch, or maybe she has already put all her playing pieces into place. What's clear, though, is that no matter what the outcome, she's going to probably enjoy the rollercoaster ride it'll take to reach.

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___"Game ProtagonistsAt War"___


Current Occupation: Vi serves as an officer of the NYPD, specially assigned to the Protagonist-occupied safe zone.

Home World Information: Vi comes from a world known as Runeterra, specifically the super-continent of Valoran. Once plauged by war on a massively destructive scale, a organization was formed in order to resolve conflicts--for additional wars could have led the world itself to complete instability. This organization is known as the League of Legends. Summoners with differing political allegiances would call upon a champion to compete on their behalf within specific arenas. Vi is one such champion, out of over one hundred to select from.

Appearance: Outside of combat, Vi generally dresses casual, much like the people around her. She is not overly committed to any specific fashion sense, however she is fond of clever graphic tees, jeans, other garments of that particular kind. She is very rarely seen without her massive gauntlets, and when she's not wearing them, she's probably working on them. In combat, she usually wears a recognizable, signature mishmash of armor and uniform. Although this may change depending on the variant she chooses.

"VI" is tattooed on her left cheek, and "6" is tattooed on her left breast.

Sexuality: Vi is pansexual; while she leans towards males, her preferences are not set in stone.
Personality: Vi is quite the character--brash, cocky, sometimes abrasive, and never without some crass sense of wisecracking humor, it's fair to say that the charisma isn't exactly befitting of a good cop. Vi isn't even likely to accept direct orders. But as the Piltover Enforcer, she does know about what the job takes, and her heart's in the right place--bashing on criminals and doing her best to protect the innocent. In a sense...she's more like Batman than an actual police officer.

She is also much more intelligent than she'd seem to let on. After all, those Hextech gauntlets had to come from somewhere...and someone has got to be constantly tweaking them, improving them. Being able to heft them and wield them effectively is a whole 'nother ball game...and Vi has it down to a perfect science.


*Excerpt from the League of Legends Wikia:*

As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.

Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew or trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.

After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover.

Vi's interactions with other game worlds have been mild, at best; She's had to track down criminals who world-hop in an attempt to escape Piltover laws. On many of these occasions, Piltover's Police force lacked any jurisdiction to send in units...but what do you know, Vi is never fond of following orders, even with enough brass up her ass for her to start playing the anthem. So all it takes is a bit of roaming, following faint trails, roughing up the populace of the day and disrupting businesses until the shady organizations in power recognize her, come forward and ask what the fuck it was Vi wanted, motherfucker.

And sometime after that, she mysteriously ends up with the info to waltz into her perp's supposedly untraceable hideout.

Current Situation:

Weapon(s): Vi's primary source of damage-dealing hurt comes from her heavily-modified pair of Hextech gauntlets. Capable of inflicting bone-breaking blows upon her foes, as well as the selection of abilities that come with the gauntlets themselves, Vi is dangerous to enemies whether in a one-on-one scenario or in a group, and she is never someone to be taken lightly in any case. There is also a module on her back that triggers a shield in tandem with her abilities.

Additionally, there are a multitude of items from her world that are held in a limited, 7-slot hammerspace capacity. These items generally help with modifying her potential, whether for damage, attack speed, health regeneration, max health, etc. Depending on the setup, Vi can either function as a tanky sort that soaks damage, or more bruiser-sort that dishes it out, and so on.

However, despite this, Vi doesn't always choose her tools solely for her own preference--often times, her choice can and will depend on the composition of her own team.

Special Powers: Vi's abilities from her world are the below. Notably, she is aware that the effectiveness of her kit can or will vary when compared to other worlds.

Blast Shield: Any activated ability that strikes an opponent will trigger this--Vi temporarily gains a shield that absorbs a minor amount of damage. The shield will not last long even if it's not fully expended (i.e. drained by enemy attacks), but it also has a short recharge time.

Vault Breaker: Upon first cast, Vi begins channeling in order to power up this attack. She can still move, but cannot attack or use other abilities, and she is slightly slower than usual.

When the ability is executed, Vi dashes forward, knocking aside smaller enemies and damaging them, but stopping upon impact with any significant foe (in League context, this would be another champion). This foe may get knocked backwards, off their feet. All opponents struck will gain a stack of the Denting Blows debuff.

Denting Blows: This ability is passive--every blow inflicts a stack of this debuff. Vi's gauntlets are notorious in the League for ruining the armor of her opponents; On an enemy that receives three stacks, that enemy will suffer additional damage, while Vi's attack speed increases for a short time.

This will not trigger Blast Shield.

Excessive Force: Passively, Vi stores a charge in her gauntlets every few seconds, though she only can store a max of 2 at once.

When actively triggered, Vi spends a charge to add range to her next attack. Upon hitting a target, she will deal extra damage and send out a shockwave that harms any other foes in a cone behind the original target. The first target will gain a stack of Denting Blows--the enemies behind him will not. It's useful for damaging larger enemies who dawdle behind smaller ones.

Assault and Battery (Ultimate): When cast, Vi will target a specific enemy within range and chase it down--very few things will stop this charge, as during it, Vi is immune to any ability that would stun, paralyze, slow, or otherwise affect her odds of landing the attack. She will also knock aside any other enemy in her way and deal significant damage to them, although she can still be targeted and killed, and shields can block the ability from landing. Also, enemies with an ability that grants invulnerability, or prevents them from being targeted, can avoid the attack entirely.

Upon reaching her target, Vi launches it airborne with a powerful uppercut, pursues and slams it back into the ground, leaving it vulnerable to follow-up attacks and skills.


• Deceptively skilled/intelligent: Putting aside the appearance that might have you think otherwise, there is a clear reason for those gauntlets to exist. She is an excellent mechanic, self-sufficient and hasn't yet forgotten what the time spent in her childhood has taught her.

• Has a heart: She may be eager to bring down the hurt at the drop of a hat, but she is still more friendly than she lets on. Given a choice between greed and saving lives, she chose people the first time, and has been doing so ever since. The only person she feels like killing is a certain scrawny-ass, blue-haired maniac...

• Raw strength: She's not skin and bones, and somehow those gauntlets have to be lifted. They make the rest of her frame look tiny by comparison.


• Close-combat focused: as much as she is aware of the weakness against ranged attack, and the countermeasures for it, she's still a pair of giant fists versus whatever gun is aimed her way.

• Disobedient: She's not 100% guaranteed to follow the orders given to her. Maybe not even 50%. If it's something she doesn't agree with, there's likely to be some conflict.

• Blunt: Vi likes to handle most problems head on. Where others might skirt around issues, or beat around the bush, you can expect to see Vi hammering away at the front. Unless the solution is clearly to approach from the side, it's the first tactic she'll think of using.

Iji Kataiser
Also claiming this spot!

Iji Kataiser

A/N: Iji is pronounced "ee-gee" as in "Luigi".

Current Occupation: Security guard at a Protagonist facility

Home World Information: Iji's Homeworld is nearly destroyed--it first fell victim to a coordinated space-to-ground Tasen bombardment, referred to as an Alpha Strike, which decimated most of the surface. This occurred before Iji was ever aware of any other worlds in danger. As of now, her planet is a wreck, and the humans there are gradually rebuilding...but there is no tactical advantage present other than possibly acquiring Tasen and Komato weaponry. The Tasen are almost guaranteed to be extinct, while the Komato have all left Earth after Iji defeated General Tor and convinced him to call off the Komato Alpha Strike (you can see the charge-up in the background clouds in the video below), which would have finished off all remaining life for good.

Appearance/Style Description: The first thing most people notice about Iji is her height. In her game, she was at age 20, and at 6 feet and 3 inches tall. Now, however, she has grown before being locked in the game world's suspended age growth at 6'5", age 24. In any case, Iji's surprising height forces a number of Protagonists to actually look up to address her in all her grace. This tends to lead to awkward situations on occasion. As she did on her world, Iji wears a sleeveless top and knee-length shorts, which will reveal lean, limber-looking muscles. Her brown hair usually looks a bit messy, but she tries to look after it.

Personality: Iji is best described as a woman with quite a lot of strength, keeping the will to use it when needed. Allies are generally easy to get along with if they're not impacting the safety of others--not just Iji herself. Friends are treated a little more personally with bone-crushing hugs that lift them off their feet, and new people are just as likely to get a warm welcome, if not being directly sought out. She can be a jokester and get in on the funny pranks, maybe set one up herself if need be. However, all the nice aspects of her end where foes are concerned. Iji faces threats with extreme prejudice, and bottled-up rage that she's chosen when and where to dispense tactfully. Still, she has a strong moral sense of right from wrong, and this is one trait that very often shows.

History: Iji has not spent much time as a Protagonist--or rather, not much time fighting at at. Her elevated role began after the extensive damage done to her homeworld by an alien invasion. From there, she woke from a coma to find that a team of scientists, including her brother Dan, had "installed" alien technology in her to grant her a fighting chance. With help from Dan(he was not similarly gifted, and had to direct Iji while inside an isolated control room), she fought off and killed a large number of Tasen soldiers until Dan caught wind of another alien force being mentioned--the Tasen were running from another race. Believing this to be a chance at saving their world, the two of them managed to send a distress signal...only to find that the Komato, the race that answered, was far worse and willing to annihilate all of Earth for the sole purpose of guaranteeing that the Tasen were extinct.

Iji, by herself, cut down a number of both alien races and even boarded a ship to destroy the Phantom Hammer superweapon equipped onboard. Though that effort was made moot by more ships that showed up, and more powerful and skilled soldiers that put Iji to the test. A Komato assassin named Asha got the better of her, and killed Dan. For the rest of the game, Iji was in denial about his death, even speaking to herself as if Dan was still around. However, in this state, she still pressed onward.

Tor, the general leading the Komato military, was planning an Alpha Strike--despite the Tasen's own already having put Iji's world in shambles. In a bid of desperation, Iji made her way to him and tried to convince him to stop, but her established status as the killer of hundreds of Tasen and Komato soldiers, made her efforts moot. The exchange revealed, however, that General Tor was bitter about the entire conflict between the Tasen and Komato, although at this point he felt compelled by the rest of his race to finish the war for good, and confirm the Tasen's destruction.

He ordered his fleet to begin charging for the Alpha Strike while Iji stood right in front of him, challenging her to fight him and show just how strong her convictions were. Tor himself had a personal version of a Phantom Hammer, with a massive mech to boot--but Iji managed to defeat him, and afterward he called off the strike. The rest of the Komato fleet left Earth in its crippled state, which allowed for it to rebuild.

Iji spent much of her time trying to help restore some parts of the world, and this worked for a few years--until a small handful of Protagonists approached her, telling her about the malicious forces at work, doing to other worlds the same thing that had been done to hers. They convinced the cyborg to pitch in and help out on the frontlines.

Current Situation: Iji is still working on the frontlines, aimlessly wondering what to do with herself. There is a bit of a mission, however; ensuring that no Tasen or Komato technology fall into enemy hands, because the result would be devastating. If replicas of General Tor's armor are ever found, Iji has sworn to destroy them on the spot--there is no telling how much damage such a weapon could inflict.

That, and she has ample reason to fear fighting something like that again--one of its most dangerous attacks is capable of annihilating Protagonists. She does not know if the crossover will make it weaker or stronger, but she will not leave anything to chance. The Phantom Hammer is too dangerous under any circumstance.

Weapon: Iji's primary weapon is the one from her own homeworld, dubbed a Nanogun by her definition. It is a relatively rare weapon taken from the Tasen. In more technical terms, it is a "Tasen-made replica of a Komato General GEN2 Pre-loader." The gun itself is very versatile, with the ability to assimilate weapons and morph itself in order to fire different types of projectiles. The "shotgun" function is the default, and the only projectile weapon that has infinite ammo. The launched pellets only fly for a few meters before ceasing to exist.

The Nanogun can morph into 8 basic Nanoweapons, with 8 more possible that serve as "hybrids"--in order to make a hybrid, she must have specific basic weapons in her possession first, and the hacking skill required to succeed. 2 more are unlockable. All explosives, except for the nuke(Yes, there's a nuke, but it only deals a set amount of damage, and does not blow everything up like it implies), can deal friendly fire damage to Iji. The nuke and all other weapons can harm, allies in range.

(A/N: the last unlockable weapon is literally a game breaker with random effects, which I will not be using. The other unlockable would be unattainable by this version of Iji that I'm using(unless she were to level up and choose to unlock it). You can see all of the weapons here--the two I refer to are numbers 18 and 19.)

Special Powers:

(A/N: These are not from the game; they are mostly for crossover convenience and to replace the dependency on power-ups, which I'm assuming do not exist outside of her game:)

Limited Hammerspace: Her Nanogun is of alien design, and even for her, the weapon is friggin' huge; Tasen soldiers are usually 7', while Tasen Elites, more likely to use a Nanogun like Iji's, are around 9'. Iji is just 6'5", as stated before. It wasn't long before she sought a way to not have to carry such a huge weapon around all the time.

Video-Game Conversion: She can assimilate ammo or weapons common in other worlds, into the appropriate, equivalent resources for her Nanogun (getting bullets for a rifle would equal ammo for her machinegun, or converting an RPG would equal gaining her rocket launcher basic weapon, for example.)


Durable Nanofield: She is a nanotechnology-enhanced human with a reverse-engineered Tasen Nanofield, making her into a kind of cyborg. Although she doesn't wear armor beneath her Nanofield, Iji is tough as nails--and capable of taking hits that would tear most people into bloody chunks after one. Explosions and vicious melee attacks are more likely to just send her flying backwards, as they tended to do on her homeworld. The Nanofield is required to survive--if it collapses, Iji will explode and become little more than a fine mist. It can be penetrated to harm Iji's flesh and blood body beforehand, however--it is actually easy to penetrate, just hard to collapse.

Versatile weapon set: See "Weapon" section above.

Fierce, aggressive against opponents: Iji has little desire for combat, and dislikes the kind of person she has become because of it, but she will still not hesitate to put her arsenal to good use. Enemies that threaten the lives of innocents and Protagonists will be dealt with. Friends are protected on a level that is borderline psychotic.


-Limited Munitions/Ammo dependent: Only three functioning weapons on the Nanogun have infinite ammunition, and of those, only one(the shotgun) actually involves firing a projectile. The other two project useful energy fields around Iji, but only last for an instant--so they require good timing to use. )

→ The hybrid weapons described are powerful, but they also generally consume more ammo than the basic weapons--in fact taking two types of ammo at once in order to operate!

-Slow: A common problem for tank-like characters is that they are not the best at dodging. This applies to Iji and is played straight: Although she can jump several meters into the air, her mobility is otherwise lacking until sufficient upgrades become available.

-Nanofield reboot: An ability that Iji has from the start of the game. Within her game, she has a hack-like ability referred to as "cracking", which is used to bypass security, tamper with enemy Nanofields, etc. She is able to "crack" her own Nanofield--doing this allows her to reallocate her points(from her game, not GPaW), but has heavy, immediate drawbacks:

→ All ammo types are reduced to 10, this ammunition cannot be recovered
→ All weapons the Nanogun assimilated are split from the gun, reformed and dropped. Iji will have to assimilate them all again.
→ Her health drops to critical levels
→ Obviously, as intended, her stats are reset

None of these are things she wants in the middle of a battle.

Retribution: Her special attack can only be performed once, and has a long cooldown afterward(a few hours' worth).

-Fragmenting mental state: Iji's family is dead--her brother, Dan, was alive when she was awakened to fight the alien forces, but he was killed over the course of the game by a deadly assassin named Asha. She took it hard and is in denial; she may hallucinate and believe she is speaking to Dan when no one is actually there. Losing comrades in battle or broken friendships for any reason can further agitate her mental health. The many people she's killed are slowly driving her to heartless apathy, with brief bouts of intense regret and depression.

Rubi Malone
Rubi Malone
Level 7

Home World Information: Rubi's homeworld is on a version of Earth, very nearly identical to an ordinary reality, with few additions: some of the populace may possess certain extraordinary characteristics or skills like her, but they are few and very far between. Society functions the same way as any other in the generic, modern time around the 2000's. Here, she is a mercenary, bounty hunter, assassin--any sort of job that requires her unique skillset is something she may take if she's interested.

Appearance: Rubi stands at 5'7" at a limber, athletic build, and wears specific combat gear for whenever she expects bullets to start flying. Her shirt is usually a tank top with midriff to spare, which may or may not have a graphic; her hair has a bit of fringe to it and extends beyond shoulder length. If she is careless, it can become trussed up easily. She wears a short-sleeved leather jacket over all this, and a strap across her middle that is for the scabbard of her sword. An abundant amount of speedloaders and other ammunition are secured in straps, pouches, pockets, you name it, along with any weapon she deems important enough to be holstered at her thighs.
Personality: It's possible that there was a softer, much less crude side to Rubi in the past. Perhaps it's still present somewhere for whoever bothers to do a little digging. But in the meantime, things like that have been long since dead and buried for the heroine--if you could call her that much. Rubi time and again shows her capacity for ruthless, callous actions, end-justifying-means, reason-overriding-emotion. She does not hide; Rubi will, 9 times out of 10, flatly state what she thinks when she finds the desire to do so, and you can expect many of her remarks to be scathing or filled with sarcasm if she feels slighted or challenged. Deeper friendships are usually tough to come by--Rubi does not trust anyone until they have proven themselves to her--although, a bond in the form of a respected ally is not terribly hard to forge. Don't fuck with her, and she won't fuck with you.

History: It's unclear where she is from, or how she got into the business of wet work. Her past continues to be a mystery to most people, to this day. What can be said, however, is that someday she began as a very minor presence, working her way up the underworld ladder of fame--or perhaps infamy. Somewhere along the line, Rubi caught a big break as "Problem-solver", although she will not openly state what the problem that day was. In any case, she became widely recognized for her work and built a very dangerous reputation for herself. Rubi has spent her entire life training to develop her skills; and perhaps this is where her abilities come from. After a job goes wrong(events of WET), Rubi is nearly killed, and left holding the blame. Her recovery and inevitable vengeance sees her carving a very "wet" path through London and Hong Kong, wiping out scores of gang members to track down a powerful drug lord, the man who is responsible for pulling off the double cross. Rubi duels with and breaks the neck of the boss' bodyguard, Tarantula, then decapitates the boss with her sword, and finally leaves as efficiently and quickly as she appeared. She lives in a scrapyard in Texas, at an unspecified location, still taking the occasional job, but with a grain of salt--"No one's gonna jerk me around like that ever again."

Not long after this, the remnants of the gangs she decimated called out for her blood--vengeance for vengeance. The Rubi of this day and age honestly could not care any less. Those that tried to assassinate her or ambush her as teams, were cut down swiftly, and her name and skillset became quite notable in the seedy underside of her game world. Only one large loose end was left; Despite having her neck snapped, Tarantula somehow managed to survive, although where she had gone, how she lived, and who might have helped her is still up for debate.

In the interim, Rubi had a mild dislike of her notoriety on her world, and chose to fade into obscurity somewhat by going off the grid. Only the savvy and the well-connected seem to know who she is right off the bat, especially in the hubworld. And that's the balanced way she wants it. Rubi often goes there and travels to other worlds when well-paying jobs call for it, and she's spent plenty of time in the many restaurants and bars populating that area. Even having so much as a carnal appetite from time to time and enjoying herself with the occasional Protagonist (Few people know the full extent of what she's done with Juliet Starling). However, the encounters were few and far between, and she's turned down a fair share....although there was this one redheaded bitch that didn't know what "impossible" meant. That woman didn't cease to hit on her whenever the chance came up--she'd frequented one of Rubi's old haunts. Rubi didn't know why, but perhaps some element of herself made her stand out to this Katarina Du Couteau: an assassin overly fond of blades and magic to do her wet work.

The gunslinger, honestly, was not interested on the first few days Kat approached her, and opening your greeting with suggestions about your subject's vagina wasn't quite the right way to go. An alcohol-intoxicated Rubi up against a woman that got a little too grabby led to more than one fight, which after a little time became almost customary between them. At one point she forgot why, exactly, she was hitting this bitch. When the fists were lowered and her less-than-polite demeanor was shelved for brief moments at a time, she actually got to know the persistent woman a little...and build a bond and relationship from then onward. Rubi's not sure what is coming of this, but it's certainly new to her.

Weapon: Rubi is most commonly seen with a pair of unusual revolvers holstered to both thighs, although these aren't the only weapons at her disposal--and she is capable of operating nearly all kinds of weaponry as long as it is of recognizable origin(usually human), though there are some exceptions, such as Covenant weapons for example. Anyway, Rubi typically rotates between those revolvers, sawed-off shotguns, machine pistols, and a crossbow. Along with this, she also has a sword of a very curious design sheathed and on her back. She always carries this, and is not shy about wielding it alongside a gun/some guns.

Special Powers:

Advanced reflexes, strength, agility and flexibility: The former is so sharply honed that Rubi's mind processes information much, much faster than an ordinary human being, leading to all actions, from her perception, to slow to a crawl. She can make her reactions look easy and perfect--but that isn't the case at all. She simply gets a lot more "time" than most people do to get it right (like having an extra hour or two to take an exam, with the study guide right next to her).

Finicky Healing Factor(As far I can interpret in-game): Wounds suffered in combat can be healed, to a degree, on their own--It is most likely tied to psychological traits, having to do with bloodletting and stress in fighting. It is most likely to occur, albeit in increments, for showing unrelenting, successful aggression, so all of this is useless if she is unable to fight or kill in the first place, e.g. due to a serious injury.
Alcohol is another way for her to heal from her injuries(as she does in-game); however, its effectiveness is directly proportional to how drunk she is. The wisdom of chugging a bottle mid-combat and getting totally shit-faced is something one can quickly call into question. It might work....or it can make things worse.

Further heightened strength, speed, endurance: Being covered in blood during combat, especially on her face, may trigger a frenzied state in Rubi, and only during this state is she at her best. She will have trouble focusing and recognizing friend from foe, trading away any elaborate strategies for brute force, but it is a very useful state of mind when everything in the room must absolutely die.

Golden Bullets(adapted from the game and given some context to fit--this was the difficulty mode in which Rubi's attacks dealt massive damage, killing lesser foes outright in one shot, while she herself has very little durability in combat, losing huge chunks of health from even minor hits): A technique developed over time and very rarely used due to the great amount of risk involved. Rubi can project a form of energy(she actually does not know that it is something other martial artists already employ, like Ki) and channel it into her given weapon; she calls it Golden Bullets because this is usually only done for a gun, and the result allows for shots that penetrate far better and damage internal organs better than nearly any other small-arms weapon available in her world. On other worlds, of course, they are still formidable, although the ranges of success and failure will definitely vary.

Rubi can feel the difference in the weapon, and in herself; she knows that the technique does something to her; maybe it drains life force or leaves her body unstable or weaker than normal, but whatever the cause, the symptom is that she becomes far more vulnerable while employing this power. A punch could send her staggering, or flying; a bullet will tear through her flesh and bone like wet tissue paper if it connects; a blade can rend her skin and anything beneath it with ease. One mistake on her part can end in severe injury; she refuses to use Golden Bullets unless everything, including her ass, is on the line. Combine this technique with with her blood frenzy, and you have someone speedy and heavy hitting--but can't take anywhere near the same amount of punishment as she can give out.

Level 2:

"Blink" (teleportation)
Rubi's understanding of her own abilities has improved to a point, and she has begun to grasp the unique ability of one of her former foes, Tarantula--the blind-but-deadly Thai assassin was able to disappear from sight and relocate in the blink of an eye. With some effort, and by applying the same energy to herself as that which she uses for her "Golden Bullets" technique, Rubi is capable of mimicking this power to relocate almost immediately to another spot.

Momentum and pose are both preserved between "blinks": If Rubi is facing north and teleports in the middle of a sprinting jump, then wherever she appears, she will still be facing north, and will still be in the same part of her running jump as she was at the beginning of her teleport. With planning, she can chain moves together while using this power--although it requires some set-ups or mix-up of skills, instead of the typical "teleport behind your opponent for a backstab".

"Blinking" is best used to move to locations that are within Rubi's line of sight, only going behind obstacles when she is certain that nothing is on the other side(requiring that she's seen what was there already); Teleporting into a non-living structure counts as a "telefrag" and will disintegrate any part of Rubi that "overlaps" with the object. If, for example, she teleports, and her arm ends up inside a wall, said arm will be severed at the overlapping points. On the other side of the wall, the rest of her arm falls, with blood spilling, et al. Telefragging her head or vital organs may result in serious injury or instant death.
→ She cannot telefrag, or be telefragged by small or loose objects, or living people, or any extension of that person; small objects are simply pushed away. For anything bigger, the teleport attempt will deposit her in a location that does not overlap with the entity(she will be very close to the intended spot, however!). Her fingertips or the bottom of her feet can't be telefragged by lack of precision; they'll be pushed out of hazard's way, but only if the overlap is minor.

Distance, direction and frequency: Rubi's teleports work best at close range, for now; the farthest she can blink is about two car lengths' worth, which is enough to maneuver around an opponent from a safe range. She is able to relocate to any spot in front of her, behind her, to either side, and above and below (if there is space available). In the air, gravity will immediately send her downwards unless she jumped before blinking.

And finally, Rubi cannot teleport immediately on a whim; each blink requires a charge-up of that internal energy, which takes roughly three seconds. She can do it preemptively before a fight ever happens, but no matter what, the charge-up must be done at some point beforehand.

Level 3:

"Natural Shield"
The same way Rubi has learned her Golden Bullets Technique--focusing energy into her weapons to empower them--she has learned to turn this power inward on herself, as a natural defensive measure.

• When triggered, this ability projects an invisible protective layer over Rubi's skin that will deflect physical attacks. It is not very durable--at most it will protect against one, maybe two blows before collapsing, at which point Rubi will need a moment of concentration to bring it up again.
• The only condition in which it can stop a bullet is as a glancing blow/ricochet, and only once--she's shit out of luck if up against a shotgun or something on full-auto. Direct shots will still pierce the shield.
• It may protect against one spell. However, impact causes a "shorting out" effect, which drains the shield entirely and keeps Rubi from using it again for a while.
• Due to the function of this ability, it is mutually exclusive to Golden Bullets--if one is active, the other cannot be used, and vice versa.

Level 4:

Acrobatics/Combat expert--the Rainmaker
Rubi has adopted training from other master Protagonists in their respective fields. Her speed has reached incredible levels, only feasible due to her own force of will, and even then, the grunt work has been a struggle--her body needed to be broken, and built back up, so to speak. As a result, she possesses greater dexterity, reflexes, and agility than before.

• She has learned an ultimate--Rubi gathers all that hatred and malicious intent within herself, channeling it into her blade as one lethal burst of darkened chi. Her next sword strike will have vastly amplified power; usually it will be an overhead, leaping strike, which is the signature appearance of it. In any case, this extremely deadly strike is capable of shearing through steel, or splitting a stone boulder in two--it is not the sword itself that does it, but the energy that comes with it.

• She has dubbed this move the Rainmaker, simply because when she hits a victim with it, there is a strong tendency for the malignant chi to invade the victim's body and cause a massive eruption of blood, even if it's a glancing blow--it can force an opponent to bleed to death by drawing the blood from their body.

This attack is only usable once per Arc.

Skill Tree Upgrade :

New skill tree (Terraria)
• Level 5: During one of her exploits outside of her own homeworld, she was tasked with finding a mark,a terrorist who'd fled from his own world. Rubi tracked him down to a freshly spawned world within Terraria...however, it became clear that visiting such a world was far, far too dangerous for a foreign character to traverse alone and unprepared--her mark got the upper hand and left her on one such world. It took weeks of training on Rubi's part, but in the end, she learned enough to become somewhat integrated with the other game. As a result, she is now capable of the same things as a beginning native of Terraria--basic health, mana generation, an inventory, and innate knowledge of crafting plus the materials required.

• Level 6: Rubi's training has grown even more extensive before being officially declared over. After building a base to call her own (fuck, that was a hot and sweaty day), exploring the surface, venturing deep underground and finally killing the Wall of Flesh, her capabilities have grown. More materials available to her, more crafting, more weapons and tools to help give her an edge.

• Level 7: Rubi has vanquished the jungle boss Plantera, as well as the three mechanical bosses preceding it, and the horror of the temple. Over the course of all this, she's unlocked even more resources for her own use. It was worth the time and struggling she's gone through.


Top physical shape: There is a reason she is very strong, fast and persistent. As a matter of fact, there are roughly a dozen reasons, all of which you can see for yourself if you ever find Rubi either in her bedroom or in a gym in the morning.

Unclouded judgement: Rubi is the type that can distance herself from the morals of a job and carry out what needs to be done. Sometimes people may need a person like this...other times, such a person may be shunned or distrusted.

Determination: Rubi does not know the meaning of the word "quit" when it comes to wet work. Break her arm, beat her down, and she'll still drive forward to complete a task if she thinks there's a chance. Especially if it's personal.

Fiercely protective: Her friends can expect solid support; her enemies can expect total, black-hearted retribution for harming any of them.


Physical limitations:Try as she might, she is still just a flesh-and-blood person, and like those fragile meatbags, she can be punched, shot, slashed, bludgeoned, etc. to great effect, though it may take a little more effort than normal. Sure, she can see that bullet hurtling towards her chest every inch of the way, but that fact alone cannot make her any faster than she already is. She can be sharp enough to see an attack coming and realize, within the same instant, that she is literally too slow to avoid or block it. She may even see imminent death approach her in this way--plenty of time to piss herself, she reasons.

Stubborn: This applies in anything, and doubles as a weakness and strength. If she is committed to something, then she'll dig in her heels and refuse to budge.

Antisocial traits, lack of morals: Rubi often snuffs out any semblance of emotion or empathy, and shows only cold-hearted logic, which makes it very hard to emotionally connect with another person in any way--sexually, she has no problem. In tense situations, she can suggest the smart thing to do, which may be the polar opposite of the right thing to do.

Clingy and paranoid: For those she actually does manage to connect with, she holds tight as if feeling something could come along at any moment to snatch them away. If those connections are severed, she will grieve....and then thoroughly destroy whoever did the deed.

Cruelty: She rarely shows mercy towards her foes, perhaps a fact that can distance her from other traditional heroes.

Additional info


Decent cook, by her own words: Rubi is actually quite good at this, but is never seen doing it; there have always been other things on her mind, or she just orders something up, or she spends those few occasions only cooking for herself. It would take blackmail, literal bribing, or someone else cooking incredibly bad for Rubi to do it herself.

Loner, by her own choice: She has few friends, which get fewer by the second; every person she seems to take a liking to gets hurt, put in danger, or killed solely due to being associated with her.

Good singer: However, she will not attempt at all unless she is definitely alone or hazardously drunk.

Iron Liver: It takes a lot of alcohol to bring Rubi down--and she is a crack-shot, whether drunk or sober.

Exercises regularly: She makes it a point to visit a gym or training facility nearly every day. If one wants to find her, go to such a place in the morning.

Secret fears or things she despises:

Planes: Refuses to fly in one whenever she has a choice; the mention of a country involving such travel has been enough to make her turn down a job on her Homeworld--unless 1)it is very worth her while, 2) she needs to complete a personal mission, or 3)when staying on the ground is a far worse decision. Involving a team operation, the Protagonists may have to coerce or bribe her. This fear and hatred extends to spaceships as well, although the degree is somewhat mitigated in space.

Archviles(from the DOOM franchise): She has encountered them before and survived, but the incident disturbed her. As a result, she also dislikes seeing whole skeletons or smelling the scent of burnt hair.

Robots(from Steel Skies going onward): "Motherfucking robots with their fucking armor and fucking special-ops weaponry shit...."

Endermen and Herobrine(both from the Minecraft franchise): She has seen enough. Never again.

Foes from the past: Any significant opposing character from her own Homeworld, making an appearance, will be enough to throw her off her game.

Mind-reading: Rubi values her privacy greatly--breaching the most private of places that belongs to her is enough to instantly make her an enemy. This also includes reading minor cues as to what she is feeling, beyond obvious body language.

Teleportation: Not knowing where the next attack is coming from, where she should attack to begin with, has always brought up a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Rubi's O/Os

Orientation: Pansexual

Role: May or may not participate in D/s at her own discretion.


• Spanking (giving/receiving)
• Knives (for cutting clothes/ ???)
• Foreplay
• Roughhousing (light blood is okay, sex after fight is okay)
• Oral (giving and receiving, both genders)
• Facials
• Light pain/marking--receiving (scratches and bruises, bite marks, etc. But no branding or deep wounds.)
• Hair pulling
• Restraints--Receiving/giving (handcuffs, zip ties, rope, other creative applications)
• Sex toys


• Anal (usually okay, warn beforehand)
• D/s
• Dirty talk
• Threesomes (may have problems sharing)
• Face slapping (usually no)
• Verbal abuse (is actually okay, but put here for caution, because saying the wrong word can turn everything sour)


• Anything involving a toilet
• Vomit(She only like likes people who can hold their alcohol)
• Anything to do with high temperature(branding, wax, etc.)


Current Occupation: Mechanic, at least the official job. She also has some expertise in other things such as locksmithing, hacking, and general tinkering around with various things.

Home World Information:
"InfernoMOO is a post-apocalyptic text based role-playing game. It is set after an atomic conflict has brought down the great civilizations of the 21st century. Enough time has passed that some towns and vestiges of society have returned, but not nearly enough to curb the inherent violence and conflict of a life lived without comfort or salvation. Corporations both ancient and new sit astride the few surviving cities like obscene, glittering spiders, wielding their power over their desert domains without question and without mercy. The fake smile, the furtive stare are the weapons of the city-dweller, forever dependent on their corporate masters for protection against the raiders and radioactive sands. Yet a few wander the wastes, living off the bones of the old world and whatever justice they can find at the end of their gun. Only time will tell who is stronger."

*Inferno skirts on the edge of the fourth wall, and is full of references to other material. Some NPCs in this game are mere caricatures of the real Protagonists they may be based on.

Appearance/Style Description: In her world Haruko has always been wearing armor of differing sorts, depending on what enemies she may face. Outside of her world, armor is not quite that effective--she has no idea what she'll be up against. She stands at a height of about 5 and a half feet, with a light skin tone, short black hair and black eyes. There are oddities though; the air around her occasionally crackles from a spark of electricity. The occasional patch of scale like a snake's is visible on her skin--all of her seems shiny and slick at all times. Her hands also clearly have webbed fingers.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Haruko is generally okay and acts socially acceptable, as far as her game goes. In a crossover however, she is still managable, although honestly, it's a little jarring to get used to worlds where a mass gathering of people doesn't mean a chance that 1 out of 10 won't try to kill or rob you. Inferno was PVP-laden...even for allies within the same group as her, Haruko could expect some hostilities now and then. She is not usually chatty, though someone can still talk evenly with her. Given the diversity of her world, she is already used to non-human, sentient beings...and the less tasteful will never faze her. She is contained, not exactly stoic but she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. And while she is a manageable personality...her game world experiences still stick with her. Expect suspicion and reflex action at times, even for some things one could consider casual.

History: Inferno is a place that's....well. It is not your typical game world, to put it succintly. Actually, this doesn't do it justice. Inferno is a fresh new hell all on its own, host to a post-apocalyptic world filled to the brim with monsters and freaks, terrorists and mutants, large looming corporations--all of this teetering to collapse on itself like a glass tilted to fall off a table. Or, perhaps, the glass is already on its way down. This is a game world where one quest involves a few players nuking a city and potentially killing any players who happened to be in that city at the time.

The futuristic world is reeling after a nuclear bomb has destroyed nearly all of society. Many have survived...although what remains is hardly what you could call a fulfilling life to lead. There are mutated monsters, hazardous, radiation-filled environments, a strict police force, and of course the people who show the worst in humanity in the middle of this crisis. Even the humans themselves can become subject to mutations, whether for better or for worse. Haruko has dipped her fingers in this horrid cesspool and paid the price--she will never be normal again.

Most characters in the game are prone to dying, a lot, unless they are adept, powerful and expert. They are able to come back, however, via cloning facilities that restore them in a fresh body, at the cost of money and XP. The very nature of the game makes it so most people will die in a certain situation before finding out that there was a way to survive/avoid/defeat the issue altogether. Characters also age, both normally, and by a few months every time they die. They also lose all the armor and weapons they were possessing at the time if they don't have a protective measure and someone decides to loot their corpse. Haruko is no exception to this.

There are mysterious figures within the Inferno world, always behind the scenes and capable of wielding great, unfathomable power. However, they rarely reveal themselves, and when they do it's to test some "mechanic" here or there. They're only known as "admins", and most of the Protagonists know to stay clear of them. Haruko learned when one of them broke the bones in her arms and legs by simply snapping his finger at her.

Aliens attacked her homeworld once.

No, really. They were there--a global event only known as a "player-wipe" occurred, during which unidentified spacecraft appeared above all major cities, proclaimed their intent to eliminate humanity in an effort to preserve Earth, but gave them a chance by subjecting all of humanity to a simple test; they believe that, like with the nuclear war and humanity's rotten activities afterward, humans will always kill themselves and each other. People could have proved otherwise; a button was simply lowered down to the center of each city. It was explained that if this button were to be pressed by anybody within the next 8 hours, the aliens would kill everyone. If it was not pressed, humans would be spared.

Someone pressed the button within a minute of it being lowered.

Violet, precise shafts of light rained down, caused explosions, and directly struck and annihilated almost every Protagonist and NPC in the world that had not already left. Most characters that are curious enough to enter this world conclude that it is simply too unstable, too offsetting, and far too dangerous to enter. The actions of the native only strengthened their stance. The world still began anew after this wipe, but the message was clear.

Weapons: There are a wide array of weapons to choose from in Inferno, however, the more effective weapons require high levels of proficiency and experience. For example, one character can be good at blades, but can't be good at spears, and vice versa. There are also many non-combat-related skills. It's up to players to determine what they'll be good at; whether a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, or an expert in a few select areas and shitty at most else. Players usually take at least one-combat-related stat, since without fighting, your ways of getting XP are rather limited.

Haruko's current build allows for proficiency in whips, along with a few non-combat-related stats. As long as the weapons are in the whip category, she can probably wield it. There are several types from her world, however she favors:

• Flame chain--a weapon capable of producing flames as it is swung. Deals fire and impact damage.
• Dual Urumis--these are lengths of thin steel, like a sword, except they can coil and bend like a whip. Deals slash damage, however as with all weapons, mods can be added that will add a little damage of another type.
• Dual Flash Whips--Her favorite weapons, these are nasty whips that deal heavy electric damage.

Special Powers:
Haruko comes from a world rife with mutations--having them is essential to creating a specific build. some mutations come with abilities--In RPG terms, these would allow for casting spells so to speak.
Mutations that grant abilities are bolded. Those that are not, are simply mutations that contribute towards completing Haruko's build and making her a level 1 in the crossover universe's eyes.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
• Bloodhound
  Nasal cavities swell and grow thicker networks of nerve endings, enhancing tracking and overall sensory awareness.

• Brute strength
  Thickened muscle tissue which boosts brawn, but hurts endurance a bit.

• Conduit
  Develop the ability to produce electricity in your body, and channel it into other things using focus. All at the cheap price of hunger!  Benefits from the Eelskin mutation, which will increase your shock damage, make you more effective when charging objects, and lower the hunger gained from defibrillating.
  shock <any> : 'shock <obj/corpse>' to charge/defibrillate, 'shock' without arguments while in combat to zap someone. (This has a long cooldown and immediately deals a penalty to hunger, even if she just ate.)

• Eelskin
  Slippery eel-like skin helps you swim, resists stabbing, slashing, and electric, makes you much harder to grab and hold, and lets you attack at normal speed underwater. However, you get thirsty about 50% faster (but piss about 50% less, so hey). You can also breathe underwater!

• Fuck machine (I could say what this does, but do you really want to know?)

• High density
  An increased density of tissue and bones that makes it more resistant to impact damage.

• Hyperimmune
  The reaction time of your immune system increases tenfold, destroying viruses and bacteria before they have the chance to act out their intended purpose. However, any invader (helpful or harmful) is targeted, greatly reducing the effectiveness of nanites and making them almost useless. (Potion or drug effectiveness is greatly reduced, even the ones meant to help or buff her. On the other hand, she is very difficult to successfully poison.)

• Junkrat
  Your keen eyes are able to spot hidden details invisible to others, and you are able to find something in a room like no other. However, your obssesive-compulsive ways are considered nerdy to most people.
  sniff <any> : Multiple uses - 'sniff': Sniff out the room for hidden exits and items. 'sniff for <something>': Seek out all matching items in a room (including those in containers). If you own or are a resident of the room, this has a 100% success rate. Otherwise you might not find all - or even any - of the matching results.

• Nimble fingers
  Your fingers become extremely agile. On the other hand, you become a bit of a limp-wristed nerd and your bones become more brittle.  You also gain the 'massage' command, which lets you massage stress out of other players.
  massage <any> : Give someone a relaxing massage.

• Phaser
  Psi ability to phase-teleport to a memorized location.
  memorize : Remember your location for phasing back to later.
  memorized : Print your currently memorized location.
  phase : Phase back to your memorized location. (She cannot phase if someone stands near her, is looking at her, or is within ten feet of the location she memorized. Using this, whether successful or not, will add to stress. If stress is already high, this cannot be used.)

• Salamander
  Webby sticky hands, great for climbing and swimming (but problematic when crafting).  Gives the ability to 'mend', healing broken bones and damage.
  mend : Attempt to mend your broken limbs. (This adds to stress)

• Snakeskin
  A cellular restructuring of your skin leaves it resistant to slashing damage.

• Swollen brain
  Enlarged corpus callosum, which makes you brainier and more sense-aware.

• Twitchy nerves
  Mutant nerve fibers that provide enhanced reflexes, but make it a little harder to concentrate.

• Ultraclot
  Blood platelets evolve to clot faster, increasing endurance and reducing bleeding from wounds.

Medic, locksmith and crafter: Haruko has been a survivalist through-and-through, and has the know-how to assist her allies in most injuries. She also often brings over items and tech from her world in order to help. Curiously, she's also a good cook.

Hardened to combat, death, horror and general weirdness: After fighting and sometimes being killed by the many, many different monsters present in her world, anything outside of it seems trivial: the ugliest motherfucker out there might only get a "meh" from Haruko. See someone streaking through the room? "Meh." 50-foot-tall monstrosity killing Protags left and right? Guess.

Sustenance: Unlike many other Protagonists who do not need to eat regularly, Haruko must regularly take in food and water like any ordinary person. Using abilities, getting into combat, movement, etc. will raise this need.

Stress: An ingame-mechanic that dictates her mental state and capabilities. Every time she engages a new enemy or uses certain mutations, this stress rises, although fighting raises it much less than using a mutation. Most of the time this is something that will almost never be a problem, unless she uses several abilities in rapid succession. When this reaches high levels, Haruko begins suffering from debuffs, and may begin to hallucinate and hear nonsensical things. Random objects in her inventory will seem to speak to her(from her POV). If stress is maxed out, she may randomly attack someone or even kill herself on the spot.

To lower this, she has to chill out: this can involve simply sitting down to take a breather, resting in a clean and relaxing environment, even using drugs such as marijuana to mellow out.

Limitations: many of her abilities and skills either have high cooldowns, significant penalties, or are not combat-related. Without anyone to support her, Haruko actually ends up being quite squishy, even if she's pretty good with her chosen weapons.

Inventory-dependent: Haruko carries around plenty of useful shit, but should all of her gadgets and weapons get taken from her, she will end up at a disadvantage.

Specializing: When one focuses their expertise on a handful of subjects, they're by definition weaker in others. Haruko cannot wield most other weapons easily, unless she chooses to go back to her world and reroll--deleting her clone save and dying. This wipes her learned skills entirely and leaves her to learn/be taught, all over again.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___"Works in Progress" Characters___

"Tonja: The Fever"

Name: Tonja (Tahn-YA)
Nicknames: Ton-ton (disliked), any other conjured name is also disliked. She will only accept her true name and her earned name.
Date of Birth: She does not know precisely, other than it being over 27 passing winters ago.
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Unclear/unexplored. She can be assumed to be at least heterosexual.
Occupation: Odd jobs--bounty hunter and slayer, hunter of the occult.
Place of residence: None; she is nomadic.

Tonja is often seen wearing the barbaric, bare minimum of clothing, which allows for most of her underlying features to be easily observed. She is made up of hard edges, flatly-toned abs, modest breasts, Amazonian poise and a feminine set of hips underneath it all. Her build is limber and athletic, deceptively strong, and what little armor she wears seems to be piecemeal and mismatched. Even with a lack of proper warm clothing, Tonja is mostly unaffected by extremely cold climates, due to both her upbringing and her Venom. She constantly gives off excessive body heat, and thick clothing often feels stifling. If close enough, one may notice the occasional faint scars here and there on her firm flesh that tell of past battles, and betray how much experience she may actually have.


• Tonja possesses a rare, volatile form of magic referred to by her tribe as "Venom", named so due to its hazardous, unstable nature and its tendency to harm the user. Usage of the magic causes visible changes in appearance, and gradual deterioration of the body--a notorious side effect is the severe generation of heat within the body as energy is spent. The magic is raw, crude force, and is built solely for combat. Her spells so far are:

"Push"; a simple outward pulse of energy that hits like the back kick of a horse, capable of knocking an unbalanced man off his feet, or staggering him if he is prepared. Objects or furniture hit may be sent flying. If cast at a solid surface, such as a brick wall, at very close range, the pulse can backfire and instead send Tonja flying. The general rule of thumb is that one object or another must move, and if it's too much heavier than Tonja, then the push will affect her more.

"Blood Rush"; Her agility and reaction time is significantly increased as the magic is channeled throughout her body. This has a constant effect of heating her up quickly, and can literally cause the blood to boil if it is ever overused.

"Steel Skin"; Concentration of Venom in the outer skin triggers the appearance of ink-black runic symbols on her flesh. Their location depends on where the magic is being focused. At any location that has the symbols, the durability of Tonja's skin is increased exponentially, and the affected area becomes incredibly difficult to penetrate with most weapons. Were she to cast this on her bare hands, for example, she would be capable of parrying sword strikes with just those hands alone.

It is impossible to cover her entire body--the strain to maintain it is too great and she would die from it quickly. At best, she can cover a particular spot if she predicts that she'll be struck there, or cover her hands for improvised tools if her weapons are unreachable. Any areas not covered by the symbols are fully vulnerable--for example, a wise opponent, upon seeing her hands covered, could simply sever her hand at the wrist or beyond.

• None of the spells drain her Venom stores--her body pays the price instead for converting the magic into usable abilities. Every single cast has the side effect of generating heat, under all circumstances. Tonja is limited by her own stamina--Casting in rapid succession can have agonizing consequences as the heat builds. The first signs are sweating and fatigue; as it gets worse, one may see puffs of steam from her mouth with every breath exhaled, even in hot climates; further on is a period of weakness as she has to bring her temperature down (This is where she earned her Name, as she overused her Venom once during a tribal skirmish and collapsed into a fever-like state).

Finally, the heat can become so great that the liquids in her body boil; skin blisters, smoke curls from open wounds, Tonja becomes incapable of speech as her tongue fries--and if she somehow manages to cast anything in that state, she may literally burst into pieces. Venom is not a power to be abused and taken lightly.

Marina Domek

Level One Occultist

Whiteness of the day. Numbness of Mind... Blackness of depths... Dance La Mad.

"Termina is upon us..."

Current Occupation: Part-time waitress and occasional tutor

Home World Information:

The Fear & Hunger games contain heavy topics, blood and gore, graphic nudity and sexual violence. Caution is advised if you wish to look up anything regarding the franchise. There are no plans and no intent to carry over the worst aspects of this content to GPaW, but some ritualistic details will be present. When relevant, my posts will contain content warning tags for anyone sensitive to those topics, so that they may avoid them easily.

From the wiki:

QuoteThe Fear & Hunger games are based in an alternate Europe, in a world stricken with war and tainted by the influence of cruel old gods. The games explore the desire of humanity to pursue these gods, both in worship and to be noticed. Ultimately even to try to rise to their level, discovering just the cost such an endeavour would require.

QuoteThe world of Fear & Hunger does not have one unified religion. Instead, there are several extremely powerful deities known as the "Old Gods", who are separately worshipped by different factions in the game's world. They are seen as the true gods of the world and represent the most basic concepts present in it. Information about them can be gathered from specific books regarding their nature found in the various libraries and bookcases present in the two games currently released. While not all of them have been revealed so far, ten different runic symbols have been portrayed so far, which could be an indication of their numbers.

Available lore in both games seems to indicate that some of these older deities have 'departed' from the world, but their traces are very strong remaining energies that are somehow still sentient and influential. It is also stated that Old Gods never truly perish.

There are many Gods, some Old, some New, and a few Ascended.

Some of the Old Gods are as follows:

Gro-goroth, the destroyer of man, is the god of destruction. His runic symbol depicts an eclipse.

Sylvian is the goddess of love and fertility, who wishes only for acts of love in her name. Her first runic symbol depicts an opened eye, and the second depicts an open slit vaguely resembling a vagina.

Rher is the Trickster Moon God, a jealous entity who attempts to suppress humans from attaining godhood. His runic symbol is three circles, two above one.

Vinushka is the god of nature, and an offspring of Gro-goroth and Sylvian. Its runic symbol depicts a maelstrom.

As the title implies, Ascended Gods are those who were once mortal, that may have underwent an ascension process through some specific means. Possibly this is either by taking the mantle of an Old God or being sired by one. What's known for certain is that they rival the Old Gods in power. The known Ascended Gods are:

Alll-mer, a highly revered god with likely the largest cult following. His runic symbol is a cross.

The God of Fear and Hunger represents darkness and human suffering, but with these concepts at heart, she drove humanity to progress towards a new era. Her symbol is a doubled and mirrored RЯ shape.

New Gods are considerably weaker. As mortals who ascended by using a certain Throne, they managed to become divine beings, but never fully attained the perfection they so strongly sought. They are not worth mentioning at the moment.

Appearance/Style Description: Marina is an attractive young adult at age 18, with mostly formal wear for outings that aren't Legion-related. Curiously, this also doesn't change if she is wearing armor: Marina has a type of "Glamour"(This is not from the game, but just for cosmetic purposes) slot for inventory equipment that can prevent her armor from being visibly obvious, however all characters that observe her will innately know if she is wearing anything more than her typical clothing, which tends to be collared blouses combined with long, hip-high dresses.

Glamour provides no tactical advantage whatsoever, as enemies will also innately know she's armored as well. Functionally, think of it like League of Legends, with how you are able to left-click on an opponent and "peek" into their combat stats to see the equipment and items they are currently using. Note that you cannot see Marina's entire inventory this way, though.

Marina is featured with the sigil of Gro-goroth here.

Marina has three piercings on her face, near her mouth. Additionally, while she is usually unmarked and free of any scarring, there may be occasions where she is shown with a sigil of one of the Gods carved into the flesh on her face after using her skill Engrave, which results in a buff from that particular god. It is extremely conspicuous when she does this.

Sexuality: Pansexual. Added A/N: Marina is a transgender woman in canon and will remain so in this game.
Personality: Contrary to her formal attire, Marina is apt to speak very informally, though certainly not crass.


Current Situation: Marina was trapped in the old town Prehevil along with other contestants as part of a festival orchestrated by one of the Old Gods, Rher. Some investigation leads to Marina and others discovering the town was haunted by countless monstrous horrors, and worst of all, the directions that encourage a kind of battle royale: After three days and three nights, there can only be one survivor. All contestants were told to kill each other, and it seemed that there was no alternative...

By about halfway through Day 2, this changed when a new opposing force (at the time, Marina did not know they were called the Combine, but given the creatures she'd already seen, they weren't out of place) tore open a portal from another game world and lay seige to Prehevil, with poor results. The invading soldiers were not prepared for the city's cruelties encroaching on them, whether it was the creatures that maimed bodies or the choking, oppressive evil itself that twisted and consumed minds. Marina, sensing a chance to evade the festival, made her way through one of those portals, unwittingly walking straight into enemy territory and being immediately detained and captured. Altogether, she's not sure if this was the right choice, but it definitely beats becoming tainted by the moonlight cancer...

Perhaps it was a stroke of luck, but the soldiers keeping her in custody failed to identify Marina as a protagonist, and neglected using more effective means of detention on her. At some point during transit, an attack staged by other Protagonists gave Marina the opening she needed to escape her meager bonds, pitch an assault against the soldiers, and act as an unofficial "pincer" to fight her way to new allies, including a young Alyx Vance. With this rescue secured, Marina found herself whisked away to new challenges and newer worlds, yet even with all she's seen, she is not fully sure that she's left Termina behind...

Weapon: During the Legion seige of Prehevil, Marina managed to loot a compact Combine Shotgun off of an Overwatch foot soldier and stow it in her inventory. The firearm has a one-handed design and is operated with a break-action and charging handle, rather than the typical pump you would do with wielding most two-handed shotguns.


Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Stamina - 2
Power - 3
Reputation - 0

Special Powers:

Hammerspace Inventory: As an RPG character, Marina has the capacity to carry an absurd amount of items ranging from armor to wear, weapons to wield, accessories to equip, and plenty of healing items to use. Given that she delights in being well-prepared, expect her reserves to be well-stocked.

God Affinities: Thanks to both her knowledge base and background studies, Marina has gained the favor of the significant Old Gods and Ascended Gods from her world, and with it comes access to spells of varying usefulness. However, as a level one, they're all still relatively simple to outmatch.

NOTE: Some abilities are restricted from use for balance's sake, requiring a Level Up before Marina can use them. Also, some abilities require a ritual circle to be drawn, which cannot be done in a single scene. In order  for one to be made available, Marina will have to spend either at least one thread absent from an arc or do it in between arcs.

Ritual circles can only be used ONCE, and only by drawing the appropriate god's sigil on it. If tampered with or ruined by someone else drawing on it, the circle, and Marina's time and effort, are wasted. She WILL be pissed, and she WILL gain and keep a grudge.

Engrave: Marina has a skill unique to her that allows for carving sigils relating to one of her world's gods onto either herself or to others. It does not have to be applied to the face; the body is valid too.

The buff details are particular to Fear & Hunger's RPG stats, but for GPaW they are simplified. Also, while the cosmetic sigils are permanent in her game world, Protagonists are able to remove them at will via healing (it must target the sigil directly, that way they can recover from other wounds without accidentally removing the buff), or passively regenerating between Story Threads thanks to their natural resilience (this will happen no matter what, even to Marina herself).

There is no reason for any Protagonist to possess two sigil types at once. If you were to acquire two, potentially by trying to copy Marina's engraving methods, they will cancel out and neither one will work. Marina will refuse to Engrave additional sigils, and will decline to re-add a Sigil if you change your mind and erase one after she's finished it. Make sure you know what you want.

Gro-goroth: +1 effective stat point to Strength.

Sylvian: +1 effective stat point to Stamina, but only counts against magical attacks.

Alll-mer: +1 effective stat point to Stamina, but only counts against physical attacks.

Rher: If your Protagonist uses a finite resource for special attacks, such as mana, energy, chi, or otherwise, the maximum size of that resource pool is expanded a little.

Vinushka: +1 effective stat point to Power.

The God of Fear and Hunger: +1 effective stat point to Agility.


Versatile set of equipment and spells: Marina makes use of buff-granting abilities, equipment, and offensive/defensive spells often. While they are by no means as effective as just raising stats, it's possible to use gear that helps better defend against specific damage types whenever the need arises.

Seasoned fighter: Fear & Hunger's combat revolves around a targeting mechanic strongly inspired by Dead Space's "Strategic Dismemberment", in that the priority is often about maiming your opponent so they cannot use troublesome abilities against you. Severing an arm means the enemy can no longer hold a weapon or shield, or cast certain special attacks, while crippling a leg removes the ability to run and hobbles any skill at dodging attacks, etc. Marina is adept at target selection of this nature.

Desensitized: If you can name the act, it's likely happened to her or near her. Marina is not disturbed by acts of cruelty or of filth suffered for the sake of survival. In fact, a good number of actions you might consider desecration might be something she's privvy to, like the act of necromancy to have previously slain enemies fight for her. (does not work on bosses or nonhuman entities)


Only human, and not combatant with fantastical talents: She has the same weaknesses as any flesh and blood character, and this mortality was made clear LONG before her awareness of the worlds beyond her own. One solid strike from any superpowered being to her unprotected belly (if she's not armored for some reason), and Marina is either upchucking her lunch or nursing cracked ribs. She is not a hero, nor a chosen one, nor what any entity would even call particularly special. Just because she can take a hit doesn't mean she should.

Additionally, Marina is robust, but not an absurdly talented combatant; you will not see her doing backflips or cartwheels to dodge attacks, nor super-jumps to vault over enemies. At best she can duck and/or combat-roll. If you expect her to dance around for hours like she's Errol fucking Flynn, she will shrug at you. "Get used to disappointment."

Mind: Fear and Hunger's version of Mana usage taps into a health stat called "Mind", which is a measure of the Protagonist's mental state, resistance to stress, and ability to cast spells. What this means is that attacks that affect the mind ALSO affect her resource for spellcasting! If this meter is depleted, Marina will succumb to stress and, in most circumstances, pass out.

Rev Points: Some abilities cannot be used immediately. During combat, Marina gains a resource called Rev Points at a rate of one per turn, or two if she spent her turn guarding, and can hold up to a maximum of three. Some abilities require Rev Points to be consumed before using them, which leaves her options a little more limited at the start of a battle. On the bright side, the consumption of these points enhances her attack strength, and with three points she can attack twice in one turn.

Gaps in training: Marina cannot use two-handed weapons, requiring some additional training and fitness improvement before she can do so. (LATER LEVEL UP QUEUED HERE)

Slightly skittish: Marina is usually only brave because there's no other option for surviving a life or death struggle. If you're trying to kill her, she's in dire straits, since if she's not trying to kill you in return, her odds of survival plummet. The lessons from her world have never failed her; outside of harsher circumstances, Marina prefers weaving around problems rather than plowing through them. To a degree, she can be intimidated.

Nosophobia: Marina has a strong fear of disease and contamination, and enemies stimulating this fear may make her falter.

Culture shock: Marina's skills and interests may collide with abrasive results against other Protagonists, especially those against necromancy, the removal of limbs, ritualistic bloodletting/engraving, or occultism in general.

Moonlight: Marina has an intense dislike of bright nights under a moon on Earth-like game worlds, putting her in an agitated and much less sociable state of mind for the duration. She is less likely to notice important details or behave appropriately for the situations at hand, and it's not unusual to see her beginning to sweat.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


New Frontier Shenanigans: Tomb of Whores!

GM summary layout
Ecstasy tiers:

Frigid (aquamarine) = [|||||],
Calm (green) = [|||||],
Interested (lime green) = [||||/],
Aroused (yellow) = [||||.],
Horny (orange) = [|||..],
Throbbing (purple) = [||...],
Edged (red) = [|....]
, and
Eruption (white) [8==D~]

Dreaming, Fascinated (Stunned), Bimbofied (Confusion), Blinded, Heat, Bound, etc. are crowd control effects. Some actions can't be taken while under the effects of crowd control.

Debuffs are effects that weaken a character's actions, while Buffs empower them.

Ecstasy ticks deteriorate as pleasure damage is taken. "|" indicates a full segment, then progresses in sequence to "/", then ":", and lastly ".", which indicates that segment is depleted. "8==D~" means the gauge is completely empty.


Rubi Malone (Throbbing)

Passed her turn to masturbate.


Terra Branford (Horny)


Grappled by Throne Binder.

The Throne Binder has locked Terra in its chair with synthetic webbing to restrain her hands. Terra's cock is currently being milked every turn by a tentacle sleeve.

Throne Binder (Aroused)
Targeting Terra.

• All participants in the "game" are cyborgs, even if they look entirely normal and appear to have no augmentations. This is because:

• Everyone has a base, core augment called a Nanofield, a miniature storm of nanomachines loyal to the host body, which is capable of transforming their bodies at will if given the right protocols for it (these are done with tools, that usually have to be purchased or looted off someone). If the nanofield is visible at all (they aren't, unless they are helping the host transform their body), then they appear as a fine grey mist shimmering around the body. The visual effect is like steam rising off the skin after just leaving a hot shower.

• It's installed when the protags first arrive and are admitted entry on the moon. Our method is through the fuck machine thrones, though other Rivals might have had some other way (not important).

• Nanofields make their owners both superhuman-level strong and effectively invincible--trading punches all day means nothing. As an cyborg, you can be thrown through walls, clobbered by a sledgehammer, hit by a 100+ mph speeding car, even have a 2-ton anvil dropped on your head, and the most you'll feel is slapstick-level stunned with stars spinning around your head.

• The only practical purpose fighting now serves is wrestling/grappling for shifts in position. Though if, for example, you want to kick someone off a cliff to annoy them, or slam their head in the ground to have them stuck there with their ass sticking straight up comically, that's viable.

• The conflicts center around nanofield interaction/sabotage. Other Rivals or rogue machines have their own nanofield that fights yours for control when in contact. So that's where the lewd comes in. All nanofields have a "backdoor" flaw built in that triggers a type of reset when its owner has an orgasm. It's a very brief moment, but just enough time for someone to alter a few things while the other person is, ahem, "busy".

• TFs are done with a tool from Protagonist inventory, it sort of looks like a small wand.

• There are guns, spells/gadgets and "weapons" that don't need the backdoor exploit in order to work on nanofields, but they usually just affect cosmetic items (transforming/manifesting clothes into new outfits or bondage items) or inflict status effects (aphrodisiacs, paralysis, lactation, etc.)

• You can also buy TFs from automats scattered throughout the station. Those are shaped as little hollow cubes no bigger than a 6-sided die that your nanofield "eats" to read instructions, then applies the changes to you.

• Ideally, battles take place on a small map composed of multiple "rooms", as sectors that are linked together. Opponents are a mix of low-level grunts with an occasional Rival to also oppose the main protagonists. Sound and sight are both useful: sometimes you can peek at an adjacent room, or listen and hear something happening in another room to give yourself additional information.

• Nanofields recognize sexual activity when the erogenous zones of participants overlap, so adjustments are made  on the fly in the case of large insertions or overwhelming ejaculations. Belly bulging is possible.

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Announcer/Idle spectator: Marina Domek (Fear & Hunger: Termina)

Ideal protagonist Rivals to appear:
(this is just a wishlist, not set in stone and not complete)
Eclair "Lightning" Farron (Final Fantasy XIII)
Laura Kinney "X-23" (MvC3)
Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) (they don't have a game but screw the rules)
Gwen, Katarina, Irelia (League of Legends)
Samus (Metroid)
Eve (Stellar Blade)
Reina Mishima (Tekken 8)
Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate 3)
Jill Stingray (VA-11 Hall-A)

Tifa (Final Fantasy)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2)
"Cheryl"/Heather Mason (Silent Hill)
Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda: BoTW)
Elizabeth Comstock (Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea)
Seonhee (Yakuza)
Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft 2)
Seras Victoria (Hellsing) (see Panty Anarchy)

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


"Tixij" - Quiet


"Tixij" - Quiet

Level One Sniper


Strength - 2

Agility - 3

Stamina - 2

Power - 1

Reputation - 0

Current Occupation: Game Hunter: Quiet works on other homeworlds to hunt and take down animals, especially those that people are generally paid to hunt. For example, animals such as boar that overpopulate a given area, where their numbers present an actual problem to the people and the organisms that originally live there. She's also done this for fishing.

Home World Information: Quiet existed in a time period that has technically already passed since the start of GPaW--it's the same world Snake is from, but in the year 1984. Though depending on how you look at it, the time period also hasn't passed yet, or is currently passi--oh, never mind.

Appearance/Style Description: Quiet is regularly seen wearing a bikini top of some kind under nearly every circumstance, and while the view may be quite titillating (no pun intended), there is a significant reason for this state of undress. She seems to be mostly unaffected by cold climates, though extremely low temperatures are still dangerous for her health. Quiet will still wear pants and underwear, usually dark colors. She is most comfortable with thin leggings, however.

Sexuality: Quiet is heterosexual. There may be some inclination towards a female, but in my opinion, this is unlikely.
Personality: From the other side of the table regarding the war, you'd know nearly nothing; other than the fact that she is an infamous sniper with multiple assassinations under her belt, and that those same deadly hands are aiming at you, you won't gather much. There is her default combatant attitude, and the other vicious, "the next shot will kill you" attitude when it comes to an actual battle.

Quite does not interact very often with others, at least not in a vocal sense. She is somewhat introverted, though if someone is willing to deal with the speech barrier, she can "discuss" varying topics if that person wishes. Conversations usually don't last long, in her experience. She is willing, but does not really "reach out" to others.

History: On her homeworld, she was originally meant to kill Venom Snake, and attempted to do so on several occasions. One aspect of her parasite condition was tailored to do precisely that, as well as wiping out the members of Venom Snake's "Diamond Dogs" mercenary organization. After her last failed attempt, she changed her mind, and instead opted to work for the man, much to the dislike and strong distrust of Venom's comrades. Even after being interrogated, confined, and even tortured at one point, Quiet still remained part of the group until she recognized other potential risks that could harm Diamond Dogs. That in mind, she abandoned the organization entirely.

Current Situation: Some time after her departure, Quiet was finally tracked down and captured by an unknown force; It wasn't the 'Dogs, the Soviets, or the Skulls, but a group of Legion-affiliated offworld troops--Powerful Soviet soldiers that she had never seen before, from Red Alert 2! Taken away from her homeworld, Quiet was subjected to multiple forms of torture and interrogation. Yet, at no point did the woman break her silence. Once her captors' patience ebbed, she was summarily beaten without rhyme or reason, and was then shipped off to the Steel Gauntlet--if she wouldn't talk, then someone could easily pull all relevant information from her mind, then brainwash her to work against The Protagonist Alliance and infiltrate their ranks to assassinate valuable targets. Something went wrong, however; during the massive air skirmish that occurred on Arcadia, her transportation was left insecure, and with the slaying of S.H.O.D.A.N., her captors lost all composure and caution. They attempted to execute her on the spot, but their oversights were their undoing. Quiet broke free, and she killed them all, even while in a weakened state.

Instead of joining Arcadia's recovering forces, Quiet believed her arrival could be misconstrued as a Legion trap and end in death, and thus she left the homeworld in favor of another; Runeterra. From there she attempted to gather all the information she could on the group of Protagonists that were involved in the incredible battle, even amongst the war effort raging on that world. There were the native forces, who called Arcadia their home, but one ship stood out to her like a sore thumb: The Fahrenheit. Rather than figure out where they were, Quiet took the patient and the best route; she discovered where they were going to be. She has been posited in the cordoned-off section of New York ever since, awaiting their next return to that world.

Weapon: Quiet has her default sniper rifle, hand grenades, and a handgun. In addition, she has one item that is non-canon to her world.
The Orb of Winter

This item is from the League of Legends universe. While it is not a weapon in the traditional sense, it still has its uses: The item generates a shield to protect against attacks. If Quiet has taken damage that would collapse the shield, it will regenerate if she can avoid being hit for a brief period of time.

Special Powers:

Invisibility: Quiet is able to turn completely invisible at will. This includes her clothing and any weapons she currently holds in her possession. However, she will still show up clearly on infrared/thermal vision.

High speed: She is able to move far faster than an ordinary human being, going fast enough to leave impressive dust trails marking her path from moments ago.

Hyper perception: As part of her power set, she is capable of taking in information at a higher level than most other people; she can see bullets in flight, the individual blades of a flying helicopter, incoming attacks, and more. She uses this ability often in order to place the perfect shot with her chosen firearm.


Resilient: Quiet maintains her silence under nearly all circumstances, even torture of the severe kind. She is capable of withstanding injury to keep fighting, or willingly entering and enduring hazards for one goal or another.

Patient: A prerequisite of her occupation, she will take her time waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Sentimental: While she can complete a mission with cold, calculating proficiency, she has her moments for those she can call friends. Possibly even risking her own life to defend them.

Obedient: She understands the chain of command and will follow orders given to her in a combat situation.
The character with the best combination of reputation, respectable authority in the scene, and high bond level, will be given priority. Common sense is still present. She will not jump off a bridge or toss away her rifle, just because someone with Rep 10 says so. She will not speak, however, even if ordered to do so.

Inhuman traits: Breathing, moving, shifting, etc. These are things that most people must do, and through those necessities, there are devices that can detect them. Quiet's unique abilities allow her to circumvent all but the most potent of detection methods. She is notable for this; in the wilds of Afghanistan, she was impossible to even find traces of.


Easy tell: There is a visible black discoloration over her eyes and the bridge of her nose when she uses any of the above powers.

Non-confrontational: Quiet's strong suit is engaging from afar; she is skilled in CQC, but other specialized foes can overwhelm her.

Salt water: She can swim in the ocean without too much trouble, but specifically mixing water with a high content of salt, and then dumping it on her, can cause a painful reaction. This is capable of disrupting her focus, stunning her, or even killing her with repeated applications. You'll see mist rise from her skin and she will show visible signs of distress and pain.

Clothing: Quiet's condition requires that she wears as little clothing as is socially acceptable, as she must breathe through her skin. Wearing too much will literally cause her to suffocate.

Vocal Communication Gap: Quiet can understand, read and write English, which seems to be the primary language of her current companions. However, she will never speak it. She is able to speak in another specific language, but will rarely break her silence. Her only common responses are grunts, hummings, facial expressions, or gestures such as nodding or shaking her head.

Faint tunnel vision: You'd think a deadly, infinitely patient and attentive sniper would notice a parachuting box fall from the sky before it could land on her head...


• Quiet is more likely to give leeway and listen to those who she trusts.

• In the spirit of the game she is from, this sheet will track her bond level with characters that she works with. The meters max at 100, but if a character becomes untrustworthy, that char's meter may hit a hard cap; for example, it could reach 40% and never get any higher, unless the character attains better standing.

• Characters with a higher bond are able to call for specific abilities for Quiet to use.

Character 1 (placeholder name): ►||||||||||||||||||||◄ (hard capped, this character tried using her as a human shield)
Character 2 (placeholder name): ►||||||||||||||||||||◄
Character 3 (placeholder name): ►||||||||||||||||||||◄
Character 4 (placeholder name): ►||||||||||||||||||||◄ (This character shot Quiet in the back. She does not trust him at all for the time being.)

Quiet's o/o's
Character Ons/Offs
Role: Submissive


♥♥♥ Oral sex (giving) ♥♥♥: This is a massive on for Quiet, and she is likely to become fully aroused whilst doing this. Hands on her head make it even exponentially better.

Ejaculations: Prefers to either swallow or allow to spill down her chin.

Orders: She seems to fully enjoy being told specifically what to do, under the pretense of ranking.

Cock worship: Visible erections, whether through clothing or entirely uncovered, will hit a sweet spot. Doubly so if she knows she is the cause.

Submitting: Pin her, get on top, put her against the wall, etc., and she will be...receptive.

Breast/Nipple play: Easy to arouse in this way.

Paizuri, aka titfucking: Enjoys both "giving", in which she does the work, and "receiving", in which she is still and her partner thrusts.


Oral sex (receiving): Not exactly her preference, but it can work.

Being stripped: She doesn't wear much to begin with, but hey.

Spanking/Ass grabbing (recieving): Publicly or privately, it seems not to matter either way.

Facials: Acceptable, as long as it does not hit her eyes and plenty of warning is given.


Anal sex, and anything to do with it. Will accept it from a dominant partner, but her discomfort will be obvious.

Scat, watersports, vomiting, any fluids not normally present in sex

Verbal abuse: Dirty talk is fine.



Level One Witch


Strength - 1

Agility - 2

Stamina - 2

Power - 3

Reputation - 0

Current Occupation: Guitarist

Home World Information: Guilty Gear takes place in a world similar to reality, though it's advanced further into the future--wars are brewing and there is a concern for finding energy resources. Following the discovery of an unlimited energy resource, which was given the label "magic", the energy crisis was averted; but it was only a matter of time before this discovery was integrated with war itself. Humans and other creatures became "combined" with this magic, and the results of this became living weapons referred to as "Gears."

Led by a figure named Justice, the Gears rebelled and turned against the human race, sparking a century-long war that required the Sacred Order of the Holy Knights to retaliate. They defeated Justice and locked her away in a dimensional prison; all other Gears seemingly stopped functioning, and that was the abrupt end of the war. Five years later, another Gear named Testament planned to free Justice. The United Nations attempted to gather capable fighters through a tournament in order to stop both Gears, but it was at this point that the Legion struck. Both Gears are unaccounted for, and the world itself was claimed by enemy forces.

Appearance/Style Description: I-no's default choice of clothing is mostly leather; Her top is an independent jacket with a massive gap at its front, revealing I-no's cleavage extravagantly. She seems not to pay this much mind, and sometimes even removes this jacket intentionally as a victory pose. The rest of her outfit extends from under the bust and down to the upper thighs, again not hiding much; Her long legs and perky, bubbly rear within the tight leather are easily observed if you're paying attention. She has lengthy, thigh-high heeled boots, black panties (you'll likely see them in some angles), fingerless gloves, and lastly, a peculiar hat resting atop her head. Even in the midst of acrobatics, this hat remains on her head, and it also functions as a weapon--it has a mouth that opens to launch projectiles.

I-no's eyes are also strange, in that they are not a persistent color; Their color changes depending on the angle someone chooses to look at them. Colors have varied between green (seems to be the default), purple, yellow, blue, and heterochromial combinations.

There is also a beauty mark on her left cheek.

Sexuality: "Yes."
Personality: I-no is a sadistic and manipulative woman with very little conscience--thusly, she may harm her percieved enemies with little to no regrets, or even second thoughts.

Her mannerisms are usually crude, and she swears often or makes sexually charged comments, even in the middle of a fight. I-no seems to display a masochistic side sometimes, though it depends on the nature in which she's struck. She has a few redeeming values; with the loss of her homeworld, the ideals she harbors now are threatened, mainly the idea of pursuing a brighter future. Her world seems to have no such thing with the Legion occupation, leading once more to a miserable grey world in every possible timeline.

History: Her background is unknown, but it's said that she 'served' the alleged creator of the Gears, known as "That Man", attempting to fully realize his goals and ideals. However, her nature has usually led to her hindering That Man's progress more than helping, and it's presumed that he keeps her under control solely to make her actions manageable. In some situations, he's made plots to entrap I-no and punish her for her misbehavior.

Current Situation: A powerful enemy she arrogantly attempted to fight, simply stripped I-no of her most potent time-traveling powers in a technique that seems to have a long-term, if not permanent, effect. The ass-whupping that followed nearly killed I-no, and she was left wounded and stranded in the midst of the Metroid universe. Managing to find a way offworld in a crappy, near-wrecked ship that wasn't hers, she recovered, and departed for the nearest Protagonist-controlled world with her mind made up. The Legion forces crossed her, so now she would find and destroy any of their kind that she could find. Even resolving to tolerate the Protagonists she was guaranteed to come in contact with. Even if Sol Badguy happened to be among that number. Wading her way through the suspicions and the dead ends, I-no got a definite place to attempt: Meeting a resistance cell in a New York world. They had apparently seen quite a lot of success. Perhaps it was her best chance to hit the Legion where it hurts, with an organized, concentrated effort.

Weapon: She has not come across any additional weapons other than her default ones. She argues that they're all she needs.

• Marlene: This is the name of her electric guitar, which is far more durable than any normal guitar. She is able to use it in melee without it even being scratched, and she often uses it for her own mobility. Marlene is able to take any abuse I-no can fathom, and with it, she's able to create lethal sound waves by merely playing the strings.
• Her living hat: The hat on her head has a personality of its own, and can launch projectiles briefly when it opens its mouth.

Special Powers:
Fighting game mechanics: I-no comes from a realm of fast-paced, tense combat that mixes between ranged and melee with unique powers. There is depth to the combat, and not just involving the abilities. I won't really list everything, just whatever would cost energy(tension) to do. Some abilities from the game are not here--I intend to add them with future level-ups. I also don't want to be bogged down with mechanics anyway.

These assume I-no's meter is at 100%. If she is at 0%, she cannot do any of these. Her currently available moves that use meter are:

• Roman Canceling: She, and the rest of the cast, are able to 'cancel' their attacks in order to immediately make another action. Useful if attempting an attack that's potentially unsafe, or wanting to press an offensive. There are three: Red (if she hits the enemy and wants to try an immediate follow-up with something else), Yellow (interrupting one of her own moves), and Purple(like yellow, but delayed later). Red and Purple consume a lot, while Yellow consumes significantly less. Each one slightly slows down the speed of her enemy, while she can move at normal speeds.

• Overdrive: aka a Super move. For her, I-no merely blows a kiss that spawns an animated heart...and she then plays her guitar to launch a powerful shockwave. However, this attack has short range. It has a high cost, and she usually needs to recharge her energy before performing any further supers.

• Faultless Defense: It's similar to regularly blocking, however, with this, I-no adds a shield to her guarding stance that lets her resist damage better. This will constantly drain her energy as long as it is maintained.


• Destructive: I-no is like a gun--point her at something she thinks she wants to fight, launch her, then watch the carnage ensue. When enemies need to go down, she's the one who you call on.

• Stamina: Haha, no really, she can consistently fight for extended periods of time. The woman has conditioned her body, and it shows.

• Vengeful, driven: She doesn't forget when someone has crossed her, ever, and this is one reason why she is on the Protagonist's side; The Legion has taken away her power, as well as the chance for a world not as bleak as each of the ones she's visited.

• Punishing fighter: I-no loves mix-ups and hard pressure, and heartily balances the two as she will constantly try to assault every crack in her opponent's defenses, and punish every offensive mistake they make. She often jokes about people "not lasting long" with her, or "not having enough stamina" or "experience".


• Tension meter: Think of this as energy. Though some also call it hype. This defines the limit for the amount of high-powered abilities I-no is able to perform. Generally, the more she is fighting, the more she'll generate, though the costs for certain abilities cause her Tension to deplete rapidly, if not instantly.

• Fickle powers: I-no is required to fight in order to generate more tension; running away consistently will cause her to lose tension.

• Weapon dependent: She needs her guitar; losing it effectively cuts away most of her combat prowess.

• Fickle personality: I-no makes few friends, as she's mostly concerned with her own self-serving needs and wants. It's possible this behavior can be changed, but not easily. She is prone to quickly losing her temper, especially if threatened or slighted. She's manipulated others in service of "That Man", and even then she hasn't really helped him. She delights in causing harm to her foes, and usually won't think twice about killing a Legion foe that might be better off alive as a resource.

• Depraved sexual tendencies: I-no can bed almost anyone or anything and might think about doing it too--even the goddamn bed isn't off limits. She can find a way if she wants to. Her crass speech and wandering mind define her interests; even in a fight, an attack perceived as erotic (it doesn't even have to truly be) may earn vocal encouragement or taunting.

I-no's o/o's
Character Ons/Offs
Role: Switch


♥♥♥ Anal ♥♥♥: Perfectly fine with this. Still requires some degree of preparation/lubrication.

♥♥♥ Vaginal ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Spanking/Ass grabbing ♥♥♥: Public or private, she doesn't care about the setting, only the delivery; usually hard and loud is her preference.

♥♥♥ Masturbation ♥♥♥: Mutual is great. Being watched and encouraged/instructed is also great.

♥♥♥ Biting/Licking/Kissing♥♥♥ : Any of those on any body part is welcome. I-no's targets are usually the earlobes, lips, throat, stomach, chest, buttocks, inner thighs, back of the calves, or feet.

♥♥♥ Footplay ♥♥♥: Finds this focus rather welcome, actually.

♥♥♥ Breast/Nipple Play ♥♥♥

Oral sex (giving/receiving), cock/balls worship, pussy worship: She'll give you her full attention.

Facefucking, Deep-throating

♥♥♥ Roughousing ♥♥♥: There may be a brief wrestling moment or otherwise fighting to see who ends up on top.

Paizuri, aka titfucking: Likes doing this to finish off her partner.

Multiple partners: She can willingly take on up to three partners.

Cum facials: Only if she has submitted.

Handcuffs, other light bondage

Edging, orgasm denial: Edging is the practice of staving off an orgasm by stopping all stimulation, just before the point of climax.




Dirty talk: Acceptable. However, she also likes people that take what they want rather than talking about it.

Public: Public settings are great. She's not so far gone that she would abruptly do something lewd in front of a crowd....

Voyeurism/Audiences: ...but the risk of someone coming across her activities is rather enticing.

Sex Toys


Scat, watersports, vomiting, any fluids not normally present in sex

Blood, gore

Chastity gear: She has significant problems with anything restricting her sexual activity.

Bestiality: She will not engage in sex with anyone too close to resembling an animal. Possessing animal traits, such as cat ears or a tail, is fine. I-no considers a character to be an animal if he/she is incapable of fluent speech, or shows a lack of intelligence, or poor judgement.

"Youths" (age 18*, minimum): Those that seem too naive, or too inexperienced to be worth her attention. A character can still be interesting at the minimum age, but they may have to prove themselves first; I-no will otherwise see them as too young to deal with.

Sol Badguy: This man will kill her mood on sight.

* Elliquiy's site rules allow for characters 16-17, but my limit's 18.

Miss Fortune
"Fortune doesn't favor fools."

Sarah Fortune

Level One Pirate


Strength - 3

Agility - 2

Stamina - 2

Power - 1

Reputation - 0


Current Occupation: She owns a small distillery for manufacturing the rum she is known for stashing.

Home World Information: Miss Fortune comes from a world known as Runeterra, specifically the supercontinent of Valoran. Once plagued by war on a massively destructive scale, a organization was formed in order to resolve conflicts--for additional wars could have led the world itself to complete instability. This organization is known as the League of Legends. Summoners with differing political allegiances would call upon a champion to compete on their behalf within specific arenas. Miss Fortune is one such champion, out of over one hundred for Summoners to select from.

Appearance/Style Description: She is a redhead, and that's likely the first noted feature about her. Fortune knows about her own beauty and has no qualms about flaunting it, making a flirty comment here and there, even making a seductive pass at those she deems worthwhile. Her skin has a light, creamy tone and whatever outfit she wears will usually feature cleavage of her incredible, heaving breasts, soft to the touch and often cursed to jiggle and bounce at any rapid motion. Beneath the bubbly personality, the experienced can see a very hard, harsh glint in her eyes, even through the mirth that usually graces them. She has various common outfits, but her formal one is viewed to the right.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Miss Fortune is typically someone flirty, grinning and full to the brim with confidence like a frothy mug of fine ale. But sometimes, you'll feel like someone made the drink sour if the wrong buttons have been pushed. Fortune can drop the politeness in the time it takes to blink; she can seduce a man and then gun him down in the same breath. It's not hard to see how and why she is feared widely in Bilgewater; the pirate is proud but not cocky, intelligent but not naive, and she is gentle or vicious as the situation requires. Challenge her capability as a pirate, and you may get a laugh. Challenge her and declare her as a inferior...and you may find a massive barrel pressed against your forehead, about to loudly disagree with you.


From the League of Legends Wiki:

QuoteLike most who rise to notoriety in the twisting, salt-encrusted labyrinth of Bilgewater, Miss Fortune has no shortage of blood on her hands. Yet, it was not always this way, for she was once known as Sarah, the beloved daughter of a renowned gun-dame who lived peacefully at her isolated island workshop. Young Sarah helped her mother in the forge, filing wheel locks, calibrating trigger pulls, or casting custom pistol shot. Her mother’s skill in crafting firearms was legendary, and her bespoke handguns were to be found in the collections of many a wealthy noble. But ofttimes, they were desired by those with more meager means and darker hearts.

One who desired such a weapon was an up-and-coming reaver of Bilgewater called Gangplank. Cocksure and certain of his power, he demanded Sarah’s mother fashion a pair of pistols the likes of which no other man possessed. A reluctant deal was struck, and a year later to the day, Gangplank returned for his weapons. He had donned a red scarf face-mask and had no intention of paying for the guns – he was there to take them by force.

The pistols Sarah’s mother had crafted were masterpieces, twin hand cannons of pinpoint lethality and exquisite beauty. Too fine for the likes of him, declared Sarah’s mother, seeing the brutish pirate that Gangplank had become. Enraged, Gangplank seized the pistols and gunned her down with her own creations before turning them on her husband and Sarah herself. Then, for spite’s sake, he set the workshop ablaze and smashed both pistols on the ground, declaring that if they were too good for the likes of him, then no one would have them.

Sarah awoke to agony, straw-colored hair stained red with her mother’s blood and bullets lodged on either side of her heart. She crawled from the burning ruins of her home with the broken remains of the two pistols clutched to her bleeding chest. Her body healed, but a part of her mind remained trapped in her mother’s burning workshop, and no amount of soap could wash the vivid red from Sarah’s hair – or at least, so the story is told. Waking nightmares and night terrors would forever torment her, but Sarah endured them with an all-consuming obsession with vengeance. She rebuilt her mother’s pistols and learned all she could of the red-masked reaver during his rise to power, preparing for the day when she would be ready to slay him.

Taking ship to Bilgewater, Sarah killed her first man within minutes of setting foot on the crooked timbers of the quayside, a drunken pirate with a gallon of Myron’s Dark in his gut and a bounty on his head. Sarah shot him in his stupor and dragged his corpse to the Bounty Board, before tearing off a dozen more warrants.

Within a week, every one of them was settled, and those criminals who’d had the misfortune to be hunted by Sarah were either dead or in chains. She quickly earned a fearsome reputation in the taverns and gambling dens of Bilgewater, becoming Miss Fortune to inspire fear in those she hunted and to mask her true intent with flamboyant exploits. Gangplank would never see her coming; she would be just another bounty hunter among many in the crowded streets of Bilgewater.

In the years that followed, tales of Miss Fortune spread far and wide, each more fanciful than the last. She captured the Syren from a captain who learned the hard way what it meant to slip a hand where it wasn’t wanted, drowned the master of the Silk-Knife Corsairs in a barrel of her own rum, and dragged the insane Doxy-Ripper from his lair in the belly of a half-dismembered leviathan in the slaughter docks.

Gangplank was still too powerful to confront openly, so Miss Fortune spent the years wisely, surrounding herself with a small but loyal cadre of allies and lovers she would eventually use to lay her demons to rest. But just killing Gangplank would never be enough for Miss Fortune. Only his abject humiliation and the burning to ash of all he cared for would satisfy the bloody-haired bounty hunter.

And that day has come at last.

Miss Fortune has risked everything to make her opening move against Gangplank. Plots within plots have seen the Dead Pool blown to flaming wreckage at the quayside and the self-professed King of Bilgewater overthrown. Best of all, everyone in Bilgewater saw him fall. Now, with Gangplank deposed, every reaver captain and ganglord in the port city is vying to take his position.

The battle for Bilgewater has begun.

Current Situation:

There wasn't much time to celebrate, or to claim the cradle that Sarah felt she had earned amongst the power vacuum that Gangplank's defeat left behind; For it was near that time that the Legion attacked, in the form of invading Reapers that blew the cities apart. Scathing, crimson laser beams carved into Runeterra's surface on those first few days, and Bilgewater, crazy as it already was, fell prey. Fortune took her ship and its crew, and they all stood and fought for their own patch of the world against this invader. They held out and stayed, down to the last man--or rather, woman. A bloodied and battered Fortune finally faced down an opposing foe in a duel, a blood-manipulating diva known as Eliza from the Skullgirls universe.

The freakish woman, alongside her parasite half known as Sekhmet, proved to be too much for Sarah to battle, and she was defeated. However, instead of killing Fortune, Eliza opted to capture and humiliate the former captain, grinding the pirate's face into the dirt while death rained steadily from the bloody skies. Eliza kept the woman bound and tormented during the Legion's occupation of Runeterra. Sarah was forced to watch everything she worked for explode in a shower of wood, iron, and saltwater, a thick and pungent stench of ozone overlaying it all; a bright red shaft of laser light, ordered down by Eliza herself, annihilated Fortune's ship, the Syren. And as the villain made scathing remarks in a muted background, Sarah fell to her knees with an unbridled and total defeat in her eyes. She gave Eliza what she wanted, cementing the message of who had won on that day; tears streaked down her cheeks and cut clean lines on a face caked with soot, blood and dirt, as Miss Fortune openly wept.

Eliza then promptly beat her within an inch of her life until Sarah begged her to stop.

After that, she sent what was left to be restored by healing clerics serving the Legion, and she then had Fortune sold off to slavers in the unforgiving world of FTL: Faster Than Light. She was held captive indefinitely by the crew members of the first ship she was sold to, up until the slavers tried to bargain some weapons to a peculiar ship...

...known as the Kestrel.

The occupants of that ship immediately opened fire on the slavers, nearly destroying them until the captain begged for mercy, offering to give up Fortune for free in exchange for his life and the crew's. The Kestrel accepted, although immediately after, there was an altercation: Fortune had gotten her hands on her guns from the armory in the middle of the slavers' panic. With them, she gunned down every member of the slaver ship in the time it took for the Kestrel to dock and prep for the exchange. They entered a ship full of nothing but corpses and one blood-soaked, furious woman who had never lost her pride. The rescuers gingerly offered her the slaver's spaceship, as well as an escort to the New York Refugee Zone. Miss Fortune accepted, and began to plot once more as she flew; for reclaiming her lost stature, rebuilding her destroyed naval ship, avenging her slain crew, and most importantly, taking her homeworld back at any and every cost.

She has named the small, battered ship of hers "The Vendetta", for however long she intends to own it as a means to an end.

Weapon: Fortune still possesses her two famed weapons, dual hand-cannons known as Shock and Awe.
The Dead Ringer:
One of the slavers had an artifact from another world. Fortune stole it, peeling his still-warm fingers off it, one at a time. It was known as the Dead Ringer, a valuable item that assisted with deception and cunning. Sarah learned its function:

When equipped, if she took damage, she would immediately enter a fully cloaked state with all status effects removed, and a brief boost in speed and massive damage reduction. The cloak lasts seven seconds; the buffs only lasted three seconds. The device leaves behind a complete corpse, though fake, but with no way of discerning the deception. The only caveat: she would have to survive that first hit to reap any benefits. The recharge time is brief, but requires her to be out of combat. (Once per fight use)

As for why the slaver didn't use it? She'd shot him in the face.

Special Powers:

• Love Tap (Passive): The initial attack Miss Fortune lands upon an enemy deals damage, and an additional bonus. After that, the struck target is 'marked'. Further attacks on a target that is marked will not deal bonus damage. If Fortune attacks someone else and hits them, bonus damage occurs and the mark is transferred--only one target can be marked at a time. The best way she maximizes the damage she deals, is by regularly switching targets.

• (Q) Double Up: Fortune fires a special projectile. The target it hits obviously takes damage, but the shot bounces past them to hit an additional enemy behind the first, if one is available. This prioritizes whichever foe is closer to being directly behind the first, but a Marked target overrides this priority. If the first target dies due to Miss Fortune's shot, the second enemy is subject to additional damage. The projectile seems to be a homing-type, which is very difficult to dodge--it deals both physical and magical-based damage.

• (W) Strut: Passively, Fortune can run faster than normal if she hasn't been hit by an enemy recently. Actively, she can trigger this ability to gain an instant speed boost, regardless of being hit or not, and also increase her attack speed for a moment. The ability's activity is noted by the appearance of small graphical hearts appearing at Miss Fortune's feet.

• (E) Make It Rain: Fortune shoots upwards and rains bullets down onto a target area. Opponents in this zone are slowed and dealt very little damage (magic). She seems to be able to do this anywhere, even in areas where it makes no realistic sense. See below.

• (R) Bullet Time - Ultimate: Fortune channels for 3 seconds and stands in place as she unleashes gunfire in a series of numerous massive waves. This deals mostly physical damage, but a light amount of magical damage as well.

* Sarah Fortune's humiliating defeat and consequential beating at the hands of Eliza has crippled her power, and she must regain some abilities.


• Firearm Prodigy: Put any gun in Fortune's hands, not just Shock and Awe, and she becomes incredibly difficult to put down. Her quickdraws rival the best in the business. On Runeterra's League battles, she is someone to be reckoned with if the right Summoner is using her, even amongst the likes of Jinx, Graves, Kog'Maw, and others.

• Cunning, Manipulative, Ruthless: Don't let the generous allure of Fortune deceive you; the woman is busty and perky everywhere it counts, but she is far more intelligent than she lets on. Hence, why she has progressed so far in her own world, with a ship, a crew and a terrifying reputation by the age of sixteen. Over a decade later, she has become even more dangerous with her schemes. Of course, she can indulge and her partners may enjoy--but if she intends to use that connection, is involving yourself with her worth the risks?

• Strategist: Fortune exhibits a close attention to the details given by an opponent. To some degree she is able to "read" her foe's habits if they've fought briefly, and she will recall past tactics that were shown even so little as a single time. In one fight, she will learn many, many things about you.


• "Crowd Control":  Fortune is at her best when she is allowed to stay mobile and deal constant damage, as is a common staple of many "Attack-Damage-Carry" character types from her world. Moves that stun, or otherwise restrict her ability, will make her extremely vulnerable.

• "Squishy": Fortune is not a very durable combatant. in a battle where she has no support or defensible position, she won't last long. Her combat style has always been fluid, threading in-and-out of battles and keeping away from the frontline of her team until the ideal time to strike is revealed. She rarely fights a battle head-on--usually that is only a sign of desperation.

• Pressure: Being forced to act on reflex can catch her off guard; if Fortune hasn't had time to plot something out, her stance, tactics, and general performance will all suffer greatly.

• Greed: Aside from her hatred and cruel plotting to overthrow Gangplank, the life of a pirate from beginning to now had been satisfying for her, and she's realized she wants more. Power, money, recognition--these are all fuel for Miss Fortune's drive. Those that stand between her and a grand opportunity will face more than a strong disagreement: Moreover, the best of offers may lead to Fortune even betraying an ally's trust, or screwing them over if it means a significant gain. She will seriously consider anything that could bring her one step closer to reclaiming everything she's lost.

former third claim

Current Occupation: Mechanic, at least the official job. She also has some expertise in other things such as locksmithing, hacking, and general tinkering around with various things.

Home World Information:
"InfernoMoo is a post-apocalyptic text based role-playing game. It is set after an atomic conflict has brought down the great civilizations of the 21st century. Enough time has passed that some towns and vestiges of society have returned, but not nearly enough to curb the inherent violence and conflict of a life lived without comfort or salvation. Corporations both ancient and new sit astride the few surviving cities like obscene, glittering spiders, wielding their power over their desert domains without question and without mercy. The fake smile, the furtive stare are the weapons of the city-dweller, forever dependent on their corporate masters for protection against the raiders and radioactive sands. Yet a few wander the wastes, living off the bones of the old world and whatever justice they can find at the end of their gun. Only time will tell who is stronger."

*Inferno skirts on the edge of the fourth wall and is full of references to other material. Some NPCs in this game are mere caricatures of the real Protagonists they may be based on.

Appearance/Style Description: In her world Haruko has always been wearing armor of differing sorts, depending on what enemies she may face. Outside of her world, armor is not quite that effective--she has no idea what she'll be up against. She stands at a height of about 5 and a half feet, with a light skin tone, short black hair and black eyes. There are oddities though; the air around her occasionally crackles from a spark of electricity. The occasional patch of scale like a snake's is visible on her skin--all of her seems shiny and slick at all times. Her hands also clearly have webbed fingers.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Haruko is generally okay and acts socially acceptable, as far as her game goes. In a crossover however, she is still managable, although honestly, it's a little jarring to get used to worlds where a mass gathering of people doesn't mean a chance that 1 out of 10 won't try to kill or rob you. Inferno was PVP-laden...even for allies within the same group as her, Haruko could expect some hostilities now and then. She is not usually chatty, though someone can still talk evenly with her. Given the diversity of her world, she is already used to non-human, sentient beings...and the less tasteful will never faze her. She is contained, not exactly stoic but she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. And while she is a manageable personality...her game world experiences still stick with her. Expect suspicion and reflex action at times, even for some things one could consider casual.

History: Inferno is a place that's....well. It is not your typical game world, to put it succintly. Actually, this doesn't do it justice. Inferno is a fresh new hell all on its own, host to a post-apocalyptic world filled to the brim with monsters and freaks, terrorists and mutants, large looming corporations--all of this teetering to collapse on itself like a glass tilted to fall off a table. Or, perhaps, the glass is already on its way down. This is a game world where one quest involves a few players nuking a city and potentially killing any players who happened to be in that city at the time.

The futuristic world is reeling after a nuclear bomb has destroyed nearly all of society. Many have survived...although what remains is hardly what you could call a fulfilling life to lead. There are mutated monsters, hazardous, radiation-filled environments, a strict police force, and of course the people who show the worst in humanity in the middle of this crisis. Even the humans themselves can become subject to mutations, whether for better or for worse. Haruko has dipped her fingers in this horrid cesspool and paid the price--she will never be normal again.

Most characters in the game are prone to dying, a lot, unless they are adept, powerful and expert. They are able to come back, however, via cloning facilities that restore them in a fresh body, at the cost of money and XP. The very nature of the game makes it so most people will die in a certain situation before finding out that there was a way to survive/avoid/defeat the issue altogether. Characters also age, both normally, and by a few months every time they die. They also lose all the armor and weapons they were possessing at the time if they don't have a protective measure and someone decides to loot their corpse. Haruko is no exception to this.

There are mysterious figures within the Inferno world, always behind the scenes and capable of wielding great, unfathomable power. However, they rarely reveal themselves, and when they do it's to test some "mechanic" here or there. They're only known as "admins", and most of the Protagonists know to stay clear of them. Haruko learned when one of them broke the bones in her arms and legs by simply snapping his finger at her.

Current Situation: Aliens attacked her homeworld.

No, really. They were there--a global event only known as a "player-wipe" occurred, during which unidentified spacecraft appeared above all major cities, proclaimed their intent to eliminate humanity in an effort to preserve Earth, but gave them a chance by subjecting all of humanity to a simple test; they believe that, like with the nuclear war and humanity's rotten activities afterward, humans will always kill themselves and each other. People could have proved otherwise; a button was simply lowered down to the center of each city. It was explained that if this button were to be pressed by anybody within the next 8 hours, the aliens would kill everyone. If it was not pressed, humans would be spared.

Someone pressed the button within five seconds of it being lowered.

Violet, precise shafts of light rained down, caused explosions, and directly struck and annihilated almost every Protagonist and NPC in the world that had not already left. Legion forces had infiltrated Inferno some time ago and concluded that the world was simply too unstable, too offsetting, and far too dangerous to enter. Any Legion forces present at the player-wipe were also destroyed, which only strengthened their stance. The world still began anew after this wipe, but the message was clear.

The only reason Haruko was not destroyed by this same anomaly was luck; a few hours prior, Legion was not prepared for the hazards of her world. While some were ambushing and engaging her at the north beach, they were not aware of what always happened at night; monstrous, mutant, hostile lobstros crawled up out of the sea en masse and turned the tide of the fight by targeting everyone. When the last of the Legion grunts were incapacitated, Haruko squeezed some information out of them and discovered a way to leave her world.

However, before leaving the Legion troops (she didn't even kill all of them), she killed all the lobstros, cut them free of their shells, sold the shells later on and cooked herself a meal from the meat. She took, by force, all of the Legion soldiers' armor, weapons and even clothes and sold them too. Being ambushed would spook most Protagonists...but in this game, that event was treated like a Tuesday.

Weapons: There are a wide array of weapons to choose from in Inferno, however, the more effective weapons require high levels of proficiency and experience. For example, one character can be good at blades, but can't be good at spears, and vice versa. There are also many non-combat-related skills. It's up to players to determine what they'll be good at; whether a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, or an expert in a few select areas and shitty at most else. Players usually take at least one-combat-related stat, since without fighting, your ways of getting XP are rather limited.

Haruko's current build allows for proficiency in whips, along with a few non-combat-related stats. As long as the weapons are in the whip category, she can probably wield it. There are several types from her world, however she favors:

• Flame chain--a weapon capable of producing flames as it is swung. Deals fire and impact damage.
• Dual Urumis--these are lengths of thin steel, like a sword, except they can coil and bend like a whip. Deals slash damage, however as with all weapons, mods can be added that will add a little damage of another type.
• Dual Flash Whips--Her favorite weapons, these are nasty whips that deal heavy electric damage.


Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Stamina - 3
Power - 2
Reputation - 0

Special Powers:
Haruko comes from a world rife with mutations--having them is essential to creating a specific build. some mutations come with abilities--In RPG terms, these would allow for casting spells so to speak.
Mutations that grant abilities are bolded. Those that are not, are simply mutations that contribute towards completing Haruko's build and making her a level 1 in the crossover universe's eyes.

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• Bloodhound
  Nasal cavities swell and grow thicker networks of nerve endings, enhancing tracking and overall sensory awareness.

• Brute strength
  Thickened muscle tissue which boosts brawn, but hurts endurance a bit.

• Conduit
  Develop the ability to produce electricity in your body, and channel it into other things using focus. All at the cheap price of hunger!  Benefits from the Eelskin mutation, which will increase your shock damage, make you more effective when charging objects, and lower the hunger gained from defibrillating.
  shock <any> : 'shock <obj/corpse>' to charge/defibrillate, 'shock' without arguments while in combat to zap someone. (This has a long cooldown and immediately deals a penalty to hunger, even if she just ate.)

• Eelskin
  Slippery eel-like skin helps you swim, resists stabbing, slashing, and electric, makes you much harder to grab and hold, and lets you attack at normal speed underwater. However, you get thirsty about 50% faster (but piss about 50% less, so hey). You can also breathe underwater!

• Fuck machine (I could say what this does, but do you really want to know?)

• High density
  An increased density of tissue and bones that makes it more resistant to impact damage.

• Hyperimmune
  The reaction time of your immune system increases tenfold, destroying viruses and bacteria before they have the chance to act out their intended purpose. However, any invader (helpful or harmful) is targeted, greatly reducing the effectiveness of nanites and making them almost useless. (Potion or drug effectiveness is greatly reduced, even the ones meant to help or buff her. On the other hand, she is very difficult to successfully poison.)

• Junkrat
  Your keen eyes are able to spot hidden details invisible to others, and you are able to find something in a room like no other. However, your obssesive-compulsive ways are considered nerdy to most people.
  sniff <any> : Multiple uses - 'sniff': Sniff out the room for hidden exits and items. 'sniff for <something>': Seek out all matching items in a room (including those in containers). If you own or are a resident of the room, this has a 100% success rate. Otherwise you might not find all - or even any - of the matching results.

• Nimble fingers
  Your fingers become extremely agile. On the other hand, you become a bit of a limp-wristed nerd and your bones become more brittle.  You also gain the 'massage' command, which lets you massage stress out of other players.
  massage <any> : Give someone a relaxing massage.

• Phaser
  Psi ability to phase-teleport to a memorized location.
  memorize : Remember your location for phasing back to later.
  memorized : Print your currently memorized location.
  phase : Phase back to your memorized location. (She cannot phase if someone stands near her, is looking at her, or is within ten feet of the location she memorized. Using this, whether successful or not, will add to stress. If stress is already high, this cannot be used.)

• Salamander
  Webby sticky hands, great for climbing and swimming (but problematic when crafting).  Gives the ability to 'mend', healing broken bones and damage.
  mend : Attempt to mend your broken limbs. (This adds to stress)

• Snakeskin
  A cellular restructuring of your skin leaves it resistant to slashing damage.

• Swollen brain
  Enlarged corpus callosum, which makes you brainier and more sense-aware.

• Twitchy nerves
  Mutant nerve fibers that provide enhanced reflexes, but make it a little harder to concentrate.

• Ultraclot
  Blood platelets evolve to clot faster, increasing endurance and reducing bleeding from wounds.

Medic, locksmith and crafter: Haruko has been a survivalist through-and-through, and has the know-how to assist her allies in most injuries. She also often brings over items and tech from her world in order to help. Curiously, she's also a good cook.

Hardened to combat, death, horror and general weirdness: After fighting and sometimes being killed by the many, many different monsters present in her world, anything outside of it seems trivial: the ugliest motherfucker out there might only get a "meh" from Haruko. See someone streaking through the room? "Meh." 50-foot-tall monstrosity killing Protags left and right? Guess.

Sustenance: Unlike many other Protagonists who do not need to eat regularly, Haruko must regularly take in food and water like any ordinary person. Using abilities, getting into combat, movement, etc. will raise this need.

Stress: An ingame-mechanic that dictates her mental state and capabilities. Every time she engages a new enemy or uses certain mutations, this stress rises, although fighting raises it much less than using a mutation. Most of the time this is something that will almost never be a problem, unless she uses several abilities in rapid succession. When this reaches high levels, Haruko begins suffering from debuffs, and may begin to hallucinate and hear nonsensical things. Random objects in her inventory will seem to speak to her(from her POV). If stress is maxed out, she may randomly attack someone or even kill herself on the spot.

To lower this, she has to chill out: this can involve simply sitting down to take a breather, resting in a clean and relaxing environment, even using drugs such as marijuana to mellow out.

Limitations: many of her abilities and skills either have high cooldowns, significant penalties, or are not combat-related. Without anyone to support her, Haruko actually ends up being quite squishy, even if she's pretty good with her chosen weapons.

Inventory-dependent: Haruko carries around plenty of useful shit, but should all of her gadgets and weapons get taken from her, she will end up at a disadvantage.

Specializing: When one focuses their expertise on a handful of subjects, they're by definition weaker in others. Haruko cannot wield most other weapons easily, unless she chooses to go back to her world and reroll--deleting her clone save and dying. This wipes her learned skills entirely, throws her age back to 18, strips away all mutations (so she must acquire them again) and forces her to learn/be taught/grind skills all over again. While this means that one day Haruko could abandon whips and learn something different, like blades, she would still be restricted to that weapon set if she wanted to be proficient at it.

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Level 1

Current Occupation: Waitress

Home World Information:

Appearance/Style Description: *You can make your appearance more modern, or completely different from the game character. Also, feel free to add something changing how they look to make them more physically attractive.

Sexuality: She is iffy, more or less like a blank, opinion-less canvas. The more subtle cues elude her often. In game she is age 16, however here I am bumping her age to 18.
Personality: [The most important part. Try to make it interesting and believable.]

History: Filia does not know her entire history--one night she fell asleep, and upon waking, she discovered that a parasite named Samson had taken over her hair. This also caused a severe amnesia, and as a result she barely, if at all, remembers any aspect of her life from that point onward.

Current Situation:

Weapon: Filia does not possess an actual weapon.

Special Powers: You may feel free to invent a appropriate amount of custom powers for your character, that fit with their theme and game. I would not pick more than 3.

Strengths: This can be anything, related or not related to your character's fighting abilities. My recommendation would be to pick 2 things that make you a badass Protagonist, and 2 things that are not related to combat.

Weaknesses: This can also be anything, but note that you must have at least 1 combat weakness. Try to shy away from just having personality related weaknesses, these need to be actual limitations of your character that can be used in the story. If you would like to PM me for discussion on this, because you want it to be a story element that's fine! Or potentially something related to your artifact weapon or home world.

Lena Oxton

"Don't worry, loves, the cavalry's here!"

Lena Oxton

Level One Combat Specialist. Callsign: Tracer

Current Occupation: Resides in Geralt's Dojo as a GPaW trainee

Home World Information:

Overwatch's world is set in a futuristic version of Earth, with humans and robots known as Omnics coexisting. After an uprising sparked, in which the creators of the Omnics produced militarized versions, the United Nations formed the titular peacekeeping taskforce made up of the world's most elite, skilled soldiers available. They succeeded in saving Earth from the rogue omnics, and continued to grow in size over the next 30 years.

However, internal disputes and accusations of wrongdoing took the organization down, and Overwatch was disbanded--to the point where any related activity was deemed illegal. More time has passed since then, however, and with their world becoming rife with terrorism and corruption, heroes may need to make a comeback...

Appearance/Style Description: *You can make your appearance more modern, or completely different from the game character. Also, feel free to add something changing how they look to make them more physically attractive.

Sexuality: Heterosexual; Bi-curious, but mostly leans to hetero
Personality: [The most important part. Try to make it interesting and believable.]

History: Excerpt from the Overwatch wiki:

QuoteAt a young age, Lena Oxton was accepted into Overwatch as a pilot under the call sign Tracer. Her skills made her an ideal candidate for the first pilot of the Slipstream, a fighter jet capable of teleportation. However, the Slipstream malfunctioned, giving Lena the world's first case of chronal disassociation. For several months, she would vanish and reappear at random, and was completely intangible.

After months of research, Winston was able to design a Chronal Accelerator for Lena. The device not only cured the problems presented by her condition, but also allowed her to manually speed up, slow down, or even rewind her own time. Using these abilities, Tracer became a standard soldier for Overwatch, until the organization was shut down.

Current Situation:

Tracer's homeworld is fine...for now. But its ongoing state is questionable. While hostile activity is not as blatant as seen on other worlds, Legion has its claws dug in with spies, sleeper cells and traitors. They know an all-out battle is possible, but with the likelihood of pushing former members of Overwatch into reacting in an organized counterattack of Protagonists. They can still would just take significant resources. Instead the dark forces resolve to operate secretively, in their attempts to systematically remove any chance Overwatch could have to fight as a cohesive team like they once did so long ago.

Tracer has been constantly involved in combating these attempts, and finding and taking down any Legion agents she can find. It has been difficult, and in many occasions, impossible, to get solid leads, and more and more enemies seem to appear with each passing day. Her homeworld is in a deadlock. Now, however, she rotates between cleaning house on her world, and finding any new angles that she can use to take the fight to the Legion. This includes clandestine operations with Protagonists from other realms, and it's had both success and failure.

Her latest mission has unfortunately fallen short--Legion forces attempted to infiltrate a relatively new homeworld in order to pilfer its now-legendary cache of weapons. The catch; all of this loot is concealed within a deep underground lair referred to as the Gungeon. Many of the guns within are either ridiculous or powerful, but often times they turn out to be both.

At the center of it all lies the most powerful weapon within the Gungeon: A gun rumored to have the ability to kill the past. For obvious reasons, Legion can't be allowed to gain access to such a weapon. Tracer was part of a team with the goal to either get to the gun first, or defeat the Legion squads trying to do the same. While neither her team nor theirs were able to actually reach the fabled weapon, they clashed multiple times within the Gungeon, suffering significant losses and crippling each others' capability to progress any further. Tracer and her team withdrew from the Gungeon once the last of the Legion forces were slain, and her injuries led to a mandatory handful of weeks off the job.

Since then, she took to New York, interested in spending her time to investigate the large Protagonist cell she's heard resides there.

Weapon: You may have a weapon that is not in your canon, just explain it in your backstory. Maybe you picked it up while helping to defend another home world. For instance of Mario wanted to have a Covenant Plasma Sword. Go nuts.


Strength - 1
Agility - 4
Stamina - 2
Power - 1
Reputation - 0

Special Powers:

Pulse Pistols: Tracer owns two pistols that are fired with either short bursts, or on full automatic. They have an indefinite amount of ammunition, but Tracer still has to reload. Both pistols have magazines of 20 rounds each.

Blink: Tracer can zip through space in any horizontal direction, reappearing a few yards away from her original position. She can have a stored cap of three blinks at the most. (No more than three blinks in the same post.)
→Tracer cannot blink through walls, but she can pass through "permeable" shields (Generally, if a person can walk through it, she can Blink through it.)

Recall: Tracer rewinds herself back in time, reverting her health status, ammo count, and position to the exact states they were in 3 seconds prior. This ability has a lengthy recharge (Used once per fight).
→ Note, this ability will undo debuffs and damage taken 3 seconds ago, but it will also undo all healings and buffs if they were received within that time. If she miscalculates, the recall can put her in a dangerous situation, if she initially avoided it.
→ Tracer disappears from sight and becomes untargetable during the rewind. However, crafty opponents can predict the position she returns to and attack accordingly. Though it's significantly harder if they are not familiar with the ability, i.e. have never seen it before.

Ultimate - Pulse Bomb: Tracer tosses a large, powerful bomb that sticks onto any surface or enemy. The bomb will detonate after a short delay.
(Used once per scene)

Strengths: This can be anything, related or not related to your character's fighting abilities. My recommendation would be to pick 2 things that make you a badass Protagonist, and 2 things that are not related to combat.

Weaknesses: This can also be anything, but note that you must have at least 1 combat weakness. Try to shy away from just having personality related weaknesses, these need to be actual limitations of your character that can be used in the story. If you would like to PM me for discussion on this, because you want it to be a story element that's fine! Or potentially something related to your artifact weapon or home world.

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


image test (gpaw poster)

I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-



Using this space to preview posts in their on-site formatting. Can't always trust the preview command in the text box.

GPaW: New Frontier
Cataclysm: Really Bad Day

Starring: To be determined

text colors
Shelly "Test."
Juliet "Test."
2B "Test."

Adler "Test."
Carl "Test."
Sam "Test."

The Humvee wasn't the pinnacle of comfort, but it served its purpose. A ding here, a scratch there, with one of the backseats sporting a tear that had yet to be addressed. She'd meant to get with the repair guys from the Alliance to get that looked at. There had been so much to do, and so little time to do it in, that the little issue had slipped her mind until she got in the passenger seat and glanced back in time to see Juliet Starling's cocked eyebrow just before she slid onto the cushion, noticed it, and shifted to the next seat over. Not great, but serviceable. It was a little thing she'd forgotten, but for Shelly, it brought up another reminder of a lesson learned, slapping her over the back of the head. Even the little mistakes, like neglect, can snowball out of control if you let them. Serviceable wasn't enough for what they were about to get into, and judging by the content of her contact's character, it was likely some nasty but necessary work.

They were on long roads that stretched on and on, further than the shadows stretching across the damp, foggy-grey streets like the spindly fingers of a pitch-black skeleton. Maybe an hour before nightfall, if not less. The orange misshapen disc in the sky that was supposed to be this world's Sun had too many jagged, perfect right-angle edges, making it look like a pixelated circle that belonged in a Minecraft instance. One glance to the urban jungle of industrial towers, offices, skyscrapers and storefronts would put that idea to rest. There wasn't an island in sight. This meeting point was the Teardown universe. A world that touted its value on the sheer level of voxel-based devastation its protagonists were able to wage in order to complete their heists. Apart from that, the weaponry was rather conventional. As far as Alliance intelligence knew, it was low-priority to the Legion--nothing was here that couldn't be found, built or stolen somewhere else in higher quantity.

The YoRHa was driving. Shelly would have normally done it herself, but 2B had insisted in her own polite but firm way, leading Shelly to deflate and ride shotgun. The ever-present Pod was flying outside the vehicle and, Shelly noted with a glance in the side mirror, keeping up easily.

"Do you feel discomfort?"

2B's voice broke the silence they'd been riding in for the last fifteen minutes. Still, it took a moment to parse what the android meant. Shelly looked in her direction. There must have been confusion on her face, because 2B spoke further without being prompted. "You've been shifting in your seat excessively. Your new implants were installed too recently for your body to have fully recovered. Should we consult the 'ripperdoc' again?"

And Shelly could sense the giggle coming from the backseat before Juliet could even make it, her playful, teasing nature getting the better of her. "Hey, Toobs. You might be taking this whole 'servant of humanity' thing a little too far. Surprised you aren't waiting to watch her sleep. haven't done that already, have you?"

"You are hardly in a position to criticize my judgement, Starling. It's obvious that the team leader is suffering from stress. This could impact our upcoming assignments and is affecting her health."

"Ladies, I am right here in case you forgot," Shelly snapped, and it came out a bit harsher than she meant it to. The dialogue halted for an awkward beat. "I don't need the coddling, I just need everyone to stay focused. This won't be like the gigs you're used to from the Citadel. So pretty please, let's keep the banter to a minimum tonight. Okay?"

It took only one full second for 2B to relent, likely after some kind of silent assessment. The YoRHa briefly turned to glance at Shelly through her blindfold, expression unreadable save for the slightly pursed lips. "Yes, ma'am." Annoyed, maybe. The merc had never seen her eyes and hadn't been curious enough to press that specific issue; 2B consistently did what she was told, and that was enough for Shelly to be satisfied with her. But lately, the android seemed to be showing more concern and studying everyone in the unit.

"'Kay, boss," said Juliet. "But speaking of focus, it would be nice if we knew what we were walking into."

"Can't say what I don't know. The only info I got was a world and an address. I'm sure he has his reasons." She did know, to some extent. Whatever Adler meant to tell her couldn't be told over a network; the man didn't even trust a large chunk of Alliance security when the task he was after was important. Perhaps a bit of paranoia, but then again, the Citadel had been compromised before...
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


___PATCHNOTES 1.11___

Reclaimed this spot for some GPaW mechanics work. Health tracker for quick reference.

Injury tiers:

Amazing (aquamarine),
Fine (green),
Scratched (lime green),
Hurt (yellow),
Severe (orange),
Critical (purple),
Broken (red)
, and
Dead (grey).

"Amazing" is a special tier obtained by being overhealed past your maximum health. This can only happen if the healing weapon is capable of inflicting this in its originating world (For example, the Medigun from Team Fortress 2, the Stim Pistol from Rainbow 6 Seige, etc.) or if the Protagonist has an item that grants overhealing (The Soul Sphere item from DOOM classic, HP Pickups from Serious Sam, etc.). In this state, you have increased durability, and an attack that hits you is mitigated to about half effectiveness.

Note: Extra healing that converts into a shield does not count towards the "Amazing" state.

This bonus decays within a round whether you're damaged during that time or not. Even if the item would normally let you keep any bonus health in its origin world.

The following tiers do not indicate levels of health, but instead show it under unique effects:

SHIELDED (chartreuse)
STASIS (fuchsia)

Under these effects, your health is still tracked, but usually can't be decreased further without the buff either expiring, being removed, or in the case of armor and shields, ignored/broken by certain attacks or hazards (e.g. Armor piercing bullets will shred through armor plating, and shields don't stop you from taking damage while poisoned.). A character with finite protection has their health bar covered to match the remaining protection left. For example, a character at 40% shield would look like this:

Placeholder Hero 2 (Hurt)
Acid burns on head, shoulders, arms and back.
Lit Up.

They remain in their injured state, but won't take any more health damage until the shield is depleted or bypassed somehow.

Unconscious, Asleep, Stunned, Drained, Nausea, Restraint, etc. are crowd control effects that reduce or remove a character's ability to act.

Debuffs are effects that weaken a character's actions, while Buffs empower them.

Health ticks deteriorate as damage is taken. "|" indicates a full segment, then progresses in sequence to "/", then ":", and lastly ".", which indicates that segment is depleted. "~~%~~" means that entity is dead.

Common enemies moving in large numbers as an identical classification are grouped into a Horde. The Horde's status is presented in a unique way, detailed by its remaining strength in numbers instead of the health condition of any particular unit. States are: Legions (Tens of thousands or higher), Immense (Thousands), Numerous (Hundreds), Clusters (Scores), Stragglers (19 and less.)

Avatar Korra

Multiple third-degree burns. Unresponsive left arm.
Avatar State.


Multiple gunshot wounds.
Berserk. Healing factor.


Multiple face and torso lacerations.


Severed left arm, severed right leg. Impaled. Catastrophe imminent.
Severe bleeding.

The Terror Drones are covered in an energy field that glows an eerie, pulsating red and light-warping black. All attacks are ricocheting, fizzling, or deflecting off their thin steel carapaces.

You notice the glow is fading more and more. You think it'll disappear completely in [one more turn].

Terror Drone
Attacking Minä.

Terror Drone
Attacking Korra.
Pinned (Korra's metalbending.)

Terror Drone
Attacking Korra.
Pinned (Korra's metalbending).

Terror Drone

Attacking Bombshell.
Grappled by Bombshell.

Chrono Commando

Attacking X-23. Several gunshot wounds and second-degree burns.
Severe bleeding.

This part has been scrapped, but remains here for records & possible reintroduction somewhere else.
The Alert Gauge highlights the awareness of the character relative to any nearby threats.

[blank] = nothing of interest is near you.
? = Tracking. Suspicious, but with no blatant signs of danger, i.e. hearing footsteps/seeing footprints that aren't an allies', a voice you do not recognize, seeing signs of environmental tampering like scorch marks, bullet holes, debris, etc.
? = Threatened. You have detected something irrefutably suspicious. Hearing signs of a fight such as gunfire or steel clashing, seeing blood trails, hearing distressed screams.
! = Engaging. You're fighting something right now.
?! = Startled. Same as engaging, but the enemy has ambushed you.
!!! = Peril. Perilous encounters are greater threats, higher priority than common enemies. They are best handled either very carefully or by just leaving, which is typically available as an option. This can cover boss-level entities, natural hazards (e.g. acid rainstorm), or artificial hazards (e.g. a bomb that the character is aware of).
!!!! = Doom. Combination of the above two danger indicators, which signifies fighting both a Perilous threat and any other, less significant ones at the same time. It may seem like a minor detail, but a boss with minions can be pretty troublesome.

There can be situations where only one or two players can see something hostile, while the others may have to be informed.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-