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I chose my username because..

Started by Ariel, July 27, 2013, 02:35:18 AM

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Lorelei Adelaide

Lorelei is my middle name *Shrugs*
I'm a fishin' in the dark nitty gritty girl.

Apologies and Absences

Lost in Thought

I chose this name because it perfectly describes how I always am.
I seem to either over think or double guess all the time. I like to ponder and doodle in my mind. It's really the ultimate sketch pad for writing or drawing ideas so I'm constantly in a perpetual state of thought... It gets so bad sometimes that I get lost in it...
Hence the name
~Lost in Thought~

Cassandra LeMay

Pretty easy to answer in my case, as I came here to pick up some roleplaying with a few friends of mine, so I chose the name of a favorite character of mine from the old site we used to hang out at. This way at least one of the characters I intend to write, if I get approved, will have her name right next to the IG posts.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Dimir is my favourite Ravnica guild from Magic: The Gathering.
My PM Box is always open for those who wish to chat with someone.
Major fan of Magic The Gathering, Sailor Moon and Pokemon


Quote from: Dimir on March 05, 2015, 12:12:10 PM
Dimir is my favourite Ravnica guild from Magic: The Gathering.

Boros all the way, every day.


About four years ago I bought a tri-plex building on cash I received from a car crash I was in. The appraiser told me it was a pretty sound building, so did the second, and third, so I paid cash for it. A ton of events happened, and long story short I fell into a depression, never ending up finishing renovations. To cheer me up, my friends would slide Japanese candy under my door. Sometimes I would wake up and notice it had been eaten.
One night in particular, I heard a noise and sat up to see what it was. A little mouse scampered away. Having a mouse in the house wasn't uncommon, having found out that the house was relatively infested with them, but this one was very tiny and missing an entire ear. I crawled out of bed and picked up the rest of my candy, leaving two or three by the door. The next night, I put more candy by the door and waited. The mouse came in, took a couple bites, and scampered off. I did this for a few days, until the mouse had become comfortable with my presence (and likewise) to the point where he would eat out of my hand. I named him Fidgit, because he always shook so much and hated sitting still.
A couple of months later of our friendship, a roommate of mine told me he had killed a mouse. He was so proud of himself, having been "tormented" by a mouse for a couple months and finally killing it. I cried. Cried, sobbed, totally confused my roommate level of tears. I shut myself back in my room and stayed under the cover all night.

Then, at around midnight, I felt little paws on my palm and opened my eyes to see Fidgit, gnawing on a package of my roommates crackers. I used my index finger and rubbed the space on top of his head and cried so quietly I thought my chest would explode. For the next few months until I moved out, Fidgit and I would have midnight snacks and sometimes, he'd bring me some of my roommates crackers. He was swift, avoiding months of traps, shoes, chemicals, and outright fists from my roommate. So my online handle became "Fidgitswift" in memoriam.


When I was younger and played on gia I made a doll like avi and I needed a name for her. So abandoneddolly was born. It fits because I do like dolls, I have a bit of collection myself. It also sounds kind of dark and sad which sort of suits me.


It was a character in a book I read once. I loved the character and thus I became....Xandi
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


i chose mine because i love harry potter, and its the last audio-book i listened to so its fresh in my mind.....and because i figured it would be nice to have a name that refers to something i enjoy as opposed to something dumb like 'JamesIstheBest' or something like that

Angelic Kitten

Just to be consistent.  I'm known by this name else where.  I don't see the point in reinventing myself again, or hiding from what i am elsewhere.


I've answered here before. Mine was my tabletop Star Wars character from a game years ago. She was a Mistryl shadow guard force adept. :) Her weapon of choice was zenji needles, which she often wore as hair pins. They're capable of punching straight through a stormtrooper's armour. It worked out perfectly.


Um.... cause it's been my online gamer tag since I played the original Everquest.  Or well back then, I had a character with the surname of Sleepingferret.  But ever since, it just sort of stuck.


Computer problems. I tried to sign in as "WildKat" but for some reason that didn't work properly. But then the computer called the name 'taken' so I switched it to "WildCat" and signed in successfully. I would ask to get it changed but... having both a WildCat and a KatKwik around, as well as all the other 'cat' names is confusing enough.
ONS and OFFS: Make Wildcat purr
Absence: Where's the cheshire Cat?

Don't want to lose track of crossrealms and my room


I was waiting for the first Prototype so long and chose it as my gaming tag, kind of stuck with me. Besides my life has been so shit that I feel like I'm a half finished project.

The puritan filth, where ivy grows
The poisoned tear, the thorn, the rose
The sin, the pleasure, the sexual urge
Is what I choose for my last dirge


It's my nickname, but with another 'M' at the end. So instead of Mike it's Mikem. I sound more adorable that way.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. So why not take the scenic route?"

My Ons & Offs


Because my imagination wasn't wild enough at the time I just did a play of my real name...Mike


I like playing with words so I decided to use a palindrome for mine.

Showing I have two sides.
ONs and OFFs
My Kinks


I've taken on the pen name Cassandra Ellovy for a while now, so it's the nickname Cassie and lack of ingenuity left me waning to make it cute so I added on Bear.  -shrugs- Take it for what it is...
Ideas|O/O's|Post Tracker
Click Me!
Random PMs always welcome.
Roleplays:Not actively seeking.
Posting Frequency: Up to a Month
Replies Owed: 0 of 4


I chose my username because i love Stars, and i love the way diamonds shine so that's how i picked Icy


Quote from: Mihkul on May 12, 2015, 11:48:31 AM
Because my imagination wasn't wild enough at the time I just did a play of my real name...Mike

Michael dropped down to 7th most popular name, from it's previous spot at 2nd. So I guess our dream of ruling the world fell through.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. So why not take the scenic route?"

My Ons & Offs


It's the name I've used online -when I didn't want to give my real name out- ever since I was 15! So it could be said it's my online persona!


I've been going by Wispyr online for more than a decade... I simply can't imagine being someone else.


I was once on a Once Upon A Time fandom based role-play site and we were allowed to play "OCs" which just meant Disney/other characters that weren't in the show yet. A few of us took to playing Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood characters. My go to was Emily Jane, or Mother Nature, Pitch Black's daughter. So she quickly became my all time favorite character to play. She doesn't have too much development in the books yet, so I kind of got to make her my own. I played her on Tumblr and Twitter and still do, and a few other sites. There was this one ship between Emily Jane and the Greek God of War, Ares, that stemmed off on that fandom site - I have no idea - there was chemistry and it just happened. I liked to call it Natural Disaster, and that's just how I got my username. :)
~*Ons & Offs*~ | ~*Story Request*~
Done with classes! Let me know if you want to continue something or start something!


My grandmother was Italian and even though she died when I was young, I grew up looking a lot like her. This name reminds me of her because I hope she's looking down hoping I have a "Beautiful Life", which is what BellaVita means in Italian :)
