Dark Times In The Wild West Thread (Supernatural Western, Still recruiting)

Started by Untamed Skies, June 03, 2022, 06:29:04 AM

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Quote from: Clio link=topic=342695.msg1626079~8#msg16260798 date=1660604482
Is there room for another character? Hopefully a woman? If not, I understand.

I'm not the GM but I do know there is always room for more in the group!  And yes women are always welcome!  I look forward to seeing your character. 


Lady Sakura

Quote from: Clio on August 15, 2022, 06:01:22 PM
Is there room for another character? Hopefully a woman? If not, I understand.

Hi! Welcome! What Nims said! I'm very sure Untamed would say to make whatever character you'll have fun with.


I see there are already some farmers or farm workers, but I'm wondering if a woman who runs her late family's small farm and sells the produce in town would be good.
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Untamed Skies

Quote from: Clio on August 15, 2022, 06:46:26 PM
I see there are already some farmers or farm workers, but I'm wondering if a woman who runs her late family's small farm and sells the produce in town would be good.

Yes there is absolutely room for another farmer. It's a small town, and farmers absolutely would be in high demand. Just means you might have a couple of rivals when it comes to profits in a worst case scenario.


Quote from: Clio on August 15, 2022, 06:46:26 PM
I see there are already some farmers or farm workers, but I'm wondering if a woman who runs her late family's small farm and sells the produce in town would be good.

Personally I don't see why not.  After all a town can never have to much produce.  Especially when its fresh.  LOL

Angel Fire

Quote from: Clio on August 15, 2022, 06:46:26 PM
I see there are already some farmers or farm workers, but I'm wondering if a woman who runs her late family's small farm and sells the produce in town would be good.

My girl runs a cattle/pig/chicken ranch just outside of town.  Maybe Camila and your girl could be neighbors?
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Quote from: Angel Fire on August 16, 2022, 10:46:15 AM
My girl runs a cattle/pig/chicken ranch just outside of town.  Maybe Camila and your girl could be neighbors?

Sure! Let me look over your CS and maybe I’ll PM you.
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Angel Fire

Quote from: Clio on August 16, 2022, 11:00:21 AM
Sure! Let me look over your CS and maybe I’ll PM you.

Sounds good!  I look forward to some plottings hopefully!
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


I’ll try to get to my CS tomorrow, as I was busy with DM stuff today. :)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.


I gotta look over the story but I’ll probably bring my boy Charles back, and may also make a female character too!

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Tokyorose627 on August 17, 2022, 01:19:12 AM
Do we need to reserve a face claim?

You can if you like or feel the face might be picked up by another writer before you submit your character to Untamed. Yet, if you're not worried about someone else claiming it you don't have to. <3


Well, anyone who knows or remembers me knows that I'll be reserving a curvy redhead, but there are many to choose from. So I'm not worried.
Signature by the amazing Amaris.


If possible could I reserve Sebastian Stan for a faceclaim please?

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Clio on August 17, 2022, 12:30:12 PM
Well, anyone who knows or remembers me knows that I'll be reserving a curvy redhead, but there are many to choose from. So I'm not worried.



Player Name: Clio

Character Name: Marianne Groover

Face Claim: Rebecca Stice

Age: 31

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Ons & Offs: Clio's O/O

Place of Origin: Born in Missouri, but moved to Darkholme about 10 years ago.

Occupation: Farmer

Personality: Marianne is friendly, outgoing, and kind. She is a hard worker, and loves her animals while treating any farm hands very well. Absolutely the type to bring out lemonade on a hot day or offer you the clothes off her back if you're in need. Perhaps a bit naive, but not dumb. If she hadn't had to be a farmer, she might have liked to go after a higher education. She's not all sunshine and rainbows, and she will snap back if someone is disrespectful or rude. Likely not a huge fan of the darker underbelly of Darkholme, but she'll do what it takes to survive and understands that the law isn't always morally right either.

Known History:
Marianne Groover, née Ottinger, came to Darkholme with her family about ten years ago. It's not well-known why they left so suddenly and arrived without many belongings, but Darkholme is a great place to start over. No one asked too many questions, and they were able to buy a small plot of land with some of the jewelry her mother pawned off. Unfortunately, they were family heirlooms, but survival dictated the circumstances.

While her parents were alive, Marianne helped around on the farm and hoped that she might eventually gain a higher education. She knew that some of the Northeastern colleges were starting to accept women in certain fields, and she wanted to have that opportunity. However, her parents contracted typhoid fever and died before she could leave. This forced her to make a convenient marriage to a local miner so that she would have the money and help to continue her family's legacy. Her husband, Clyde Groover, was not necessarily a nice man, but he never hit her. Instead, he liked to remind her that because she was a woman, her dream of earning a degree was less believable than all those silly stories of monsters down in the mine. Perhaps ironically, he ended up disappearing in those very mines only three years after they married. It was a mysterious death, and she never saw the body. Truthfully, although she didn't want to believe that there were strange creatures nearby, it seemed a likely cause.

As she was a widow at the age of 25, she has spent the last six years tending to her farm and trying to build up a reputation in town for quality produce. She sells fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and eggs. The money she earns from that goes toward her farm hands (often seasonal) and keeping the farm up and running. Unfortunately it appears she is indeed stuck in Darkholme, but she has an Irish wolfhound named Josiah, so she's not entirely alone or unhappy. She has a small stand that she sells her produce in on Saturdays, but hopes to expand into selling in the general store and maybe opening the stand more than one day a week. She does make deliveries, though.

Alliances: None. She does go to church on Sundays, but isn't a zealot.

Dark Secret: Her family had previously lived in Missouri, farming there, but were discovered to be a stop on the Underground Railroad both before and during the war. Unfortunately, their town had strong Confederate ties and they were forced out after her father had been beaten to within an inch of death. Going west, they hoped for a new start. Not that dark, I suppose, but after what her family faced, she is afraid to let the secret out. She still has nightmares about what happened the night they left. Not only to her father, but also her mother and the enslaved people that were discovered.

Skills: Farming, Gardening, Cooking, Sewing, Animal Care, Horseback Riding, Writing

Extra: Not that I can think of for now. If you'd like a connection, please PM me. :)
Signature by the amazing Amaris.

Untamed Skies

Looks fantastic! You can consider her approved welcome to Darkholme!


Signature by the amazing Amaris.


Bringing back my character of Charles Blackwood!

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Player Name: Tokyorose627

Character Name: Charles Blackwood

Face Claim: Sebastian Stan

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Ons & Offs: Oral, Anal, Rough sex, vanilla, Teasing, Dirty Talking (Any questions just PM me!)

Place of Origin: Charles grew up, and still lives, on their family owned farm. A few handful of acres or so, the Blackwood Farm is but a carriage ride to the outskirts of Darkholme.

Occupation: Charles works on the family farm and sells their crops to the Darkholme Market for their families main income. When crops are slow, and Charles has his time, he rents out his own services to help other businesses by helping carry stock and other goods into the shops, and helps as a handyman to fix carriages and other necessities.

Personality: Charles is by no means a ignorant farm boy. Even though he has lived in his farm for years, and has stayed with his family to help their growing business, Charles knows how the world works, as well as the dangers that come along with it these days. As a man that knows the ins and outs of the local town nearby, he does his best to support his family, all while trying to grow his own independence. Pleasing, friendly, and quick on his feet, Charles has been warned about to many of the local’s daughters, due to his charming personality and almost sinful appeal he has. He is by no means a trouble maker (by himself), and likes to have just with his friends when he has his down time, but knows when to leave a fight, or to run when the situation calls for it. He’s a man that has many rumors spread about at doesn’t mean all of them are true.

Known History: Known around town as the “Blackwood Devil” by most of the older men around town, Charles simply tries to live his life helping his family with their farm, even in the face of adversity of some of the towns folk. Growing up, everything had been normal, helping with the farm, learning from his Ma and Pa, and keeping the pace afloat. Trouble didn’t really start until a few years ago, when one of the Town Committee Members came over to visit, with their family in tow; their beautiful daughter included. Charles was anything but nice and hospitable to them, and the meeting had gone great, pleasant even.

It changed however when the Town Member’s daughter continued to visit Charles, wherever he was working.

At first he was nothing but kind to her, talking and chatting, getting to know her, but even he wasn’t so stupid to not see that she had an infatuation with him. He knew her father would never agree to something as their relationship, but it didn’t seem to matter to her. Working one late night, he was settling stock and goods in one of the Silver Springs shops when she had appeared out of nowhere again, only to kiss him, promising to lead him to a world of paradise. Dazed and confused, Charles tried to let her off easy, to tell her that she was a swell gal, but that he couldn’t be with her due to her father, and not being as close as he thought with her.

It was then that her father caught them, and word was spread by him that Charles has tried to sway his daughter into sinful and unholy union, despite knowing that his own daughter was a lustful and lecherous woman himself. Muddling Charles’s name to keep his own position in the town pure, and his families name from falling in the public eye, Charles is forced to live with a rumor and reputation that truly precedes him, mostly due to the fact that it isn’t by any accounts, true.

Dark Secret: Not Common Knowledge, mostly rumor but those ‘in the know’ have this info. In order to pay for more expenses due to his mother passing away, as well as his father coming down with an illness that keep him bedridden, Charles has had to find other ways to make ends meet. With having to keep the family farm running by himself, work has been slow, and business has been declining, forcing him to go into a more ‘lucrative’ form of business to keep the family farm, and home, alive. Knowing he has good looks, and a body that has been called sinful, Charles offers his ‘services’ to pay for his father’s medicine, and for their home.

Skills: Knowledge for farming tools, Handy with fixing carriages and other mechanical tools, horse riding, people skills when bartering their stock or other goods. Knows how to use a knife, and knows how to use a pistol if necessary.

Extra: Charles is a good man caught in a bad situation with no way of getting out. Wanting to simply help his family, and hopefully find someone for himself, he finds himself trapped, but doesn’t show it.

Untamed Skies


Player Name: Tokyorose627

Character Name: Mallory Belmont

Face Claim: Felicity Jones

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ons & Offs: Please see O/O’s!

Place of Origin: Plains of Missouri, before moving to Darkholme 3 years ago.

Occupation: Church Volunteer, Nurse and Medicine Crafter

Personality: Despite the uneasiness of her job by some folks, Mallory comes off as any other woman within Darkholme. Keeping to herself when she has work to do, yet still finding time to talk to the locals in a friendly way when she can, she’s a citizen that does her best to simply have a reputation that doesn’t proceed her. While she does what she can to keep her business afloat, she doesn’t go out of her way to get into any sort of trouble, less someone is hurt or in need of something. She never seems to turn away someone that asks for her services, at least without hearing what exactly they need; is he isn’t stupid, as she knows many a woman are taken advantage of. Though, at times, Mallory can come off as a bit shy, or rather, a bit to herself when it comes to her life before, her work that she does. While she doesn’t find her occupation to be all that exciting, she does take pride in it, having learned it all her life.

Known History: Known around Darkholme as the resident ‘Elixir Shop’, Mallory’s home both houses herself, and a collection of plants and herbs that she self grows within the small plot of land she has outback behind her house. Selling potions and elixirs that help with health, Mallory uses her knowledge of plants to help bring some peace of mind to some folk that are down in hard times. While she doesn’t go out of her way to broadcast what she does, mostly due to the stigmatism that her work brings by some folk, she does her best to carry on, working in other small parts around town to make ends meet. Having moved to the town about 5 years ago, Mallory first thought of the town as a little desolate place, needing some form of life to it. Making it her home after such a long journey on her own, she found the town to be quiet, a place for her to settle while she finds her bar rings after the trip she had made from Missouri. It was peaceful, yet still held an energy, some sort of feeling that the woman couldn’t seem to shake off.

Regardless, Mallory lives in Darkholme as her permanent residence, and works on creating more herbs and elixirs to help folks that need a pick me up.

Alliances: Attends Church every Sunday by the Pastor and The Father of Darkholme. While she does offer assistance in some regards, she’s been a bit curious, or rather, suspicious of the Pastor of the Church.

Dark Secret: (Not Common Knowledge). Born under a full moon, to a woman and man within the outskirts of Missouri, Mallory as a child had always had a feeling about things. Always able to tell when something was amiss, when something felt wrong, it was a sense that the girl had never seemed to truly understand. As she grew, it became more innate, more aware, as Mallory soon discovered that she could sense the feelings of darkness, or things that shouldn’t belong. A gift from God, her mother always told her, the woman of her family supposedly made a pact with the holy one, wishing to help being good to the world and bring darkness back to whence it had came. Devoted in their faith, they were blessed with a miracle; the ability to sense the darkness of man, to sense when demons were close.

Mallory’s power was underdeveloped at a young age however, with her ability not fully manifesting until recently. She can sense things, like a sense of foreboding, but the true nature and intent, and who exactly wields it, are still a mystery to her.

Skills: Potion making, gardening, science

Extra: Lives alone, as her family passed away after an accident that lead her to Darkholme.


Player Name: Juggtacular

Character Name: Etienne Broussard Lazare

Face Claim: Orlando Jones

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ons & Offs:
Ons - Rough Sex, Multiple Partners, Role Play, Oral, Anal, Vanilla Sex, Group Sex, BDSM, Dirty Talk, Polyamory
Offs - Vore, Gore, Blood, Scat, Watersports, etc...

Place of Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana

Occupation: Ringmaster of "LAZARES' MYSTICAL MENAGERIE", a big top circus and freakshow that travels around the world

Personality:  Etienne is as wild and unpredictable as they come. Most assume it's part of his act as the Ringmaster of his circus, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Etienne was born that way. While normally he is extremely charismatic in his mannerisms and speech, he also can and does act in ways that scare and surprise people like shouting loudly out of nowhere, invading personal space without warning, and changing his attitude from happy-go-lucky to deadly serious in a heartbeat. He's harmelss though...mostly. While he is for the most part all smiles and song and dance, Etienne can also reveal he has no issue cutting someone down to the bone and sending them to the Baron with no hesitation whatsoever. So when his temper flares, it can be very bad.

Known History: Etienne Lazare is a mystery to the town of Darkholme, aside from the biography that runs in the papers alongside news of his arrival. Truth be told, Etienne Lazare is a mystery to pretty much everyone he comes across. Born deep in the Lousiana Bayou as the son of Voodoo practicioners, he grew up learning of the spirits, of the truth of the world, and how he as a man could link the two. He learned many things from his parents, and when they went into New Orleans proper, he learned from the people there as well. Growing up, Etienne was always a character. He was passionate, flamboyant, and drew people in with his words and how he acted. He even liked to put on magic shows for his parents, who of course already knew all his tricks.

But as he got older, he began doing things they couldn't figure out the secret to. He got more, and more skilled. It got to the point where he was making a decent wage performing in the city when he wasn't helping out in his parents shop. The name "Etienne Lazare" became well known in Lousiana as a Master Magician, and he began to actual perform in theaters and plazas and the like. He became very successful despite his young age, and it wasn't long before he was doing larger and larger venues. After a few years of this, he suddenly announced his retirement and went quiet for nearly a year.

Then, on the anniversary of his retirement, "Lazare's Mystical Menagerie" rolled into town. Only one Lazare had been a big name in New Orleans, but people convinced themselves it couldn't be him. Yet when the opening day came, that same familar voice that was equal parts cheerie and eerie echoed through the crowd. And he appeared from nowhere, as if by the same magic he had amazed audiences with before his disappearance.

Somehow, someway, Etienne had gone and created an entire big top circus in just a year. Lions, tigers, bears, gymnasts, strongmen, and freaks of all shapes and sizes were rolled up into one, humongous, spectacular spectacle. The show was a smash hit, and he performed in his hometown for months before taking the show on the road. The Menagerie has been traveling for years now, having performed all over the Continental United States, as well as other parts of the world. Darkhome is the most recent stop on their tour, and Etienne plans to stay for a while.

Alliances: The Menagerie(and whoever can get him interested)

Dark Secret: GM's Eyes Only...For Now


Sleight of Hand - Learning magic from books and other practicioners from a young age has allowed Etienne to hone the tricks of the trade to their utmost. He is capable of pickpocketing, sleight of hand, close up magic, and all sorts of things that involve his hands and misdirection, while leaving his marks none the wiser.
Magic Man - Etienne possesses true magic and can do things that defy logic, explanation, and the natural order of things. He hides this fact behind his more mundane tricks, and keeps the truth very close to his chest.
Gunslinger - Any black man in the South should to know how to shoot a gun for self-defense. Any man growing up in the Bayou needs to know how to shoot a gun  for survival. Etienne has been shooting pistols and rifles since he was a young boy, and has killed so many crocs and gators you'd think he has a personal vendetta against the beasts.
Voodoo Priest - Both of his parents are practicioners of Voodoo and devout followers of the Loa, so he has grown up worshipping the Gods and Spirits of the Haitian religion. He knows all of the rituals and things Priests, Priestesses, and Shamans perform to help...and hurt those who come across their path.
Superstar - Etienne is the total package when it comes to drawing in a crowd. He's devilishly good-looking, charming, and knows just the right thing to make you stop and listen. If black folk were allowed good roles in moving pictures? He'd probably be a leading man.
Born Fighter - He grew up in the Bayou of New Orleans and the city proper. He fought in the swamps with his friends. He fought in the city with his friends, and with people who thought he scammed them, or people who just didn't like seeing someone like him making good money while making people smile. He's been throwing hands since he was a young man and constantly trains with the more physically gifted of the menagerie to keep his skills sharp. He has personally knocked out several disruptive customers who caused trouble at his establishment.

Extra: Lazare's Mystical Menagerie is a fully self-contained, traveling circus/freak show that has circumnavigated the globe. They seem to have every attraction one could want from trapeze acts, to magic acts to general entertainment and the "freaks" themselves who seem to defy logic and explanation. Like "Igor The Strongman" who can heft an entire horse over his head with the greatest of ease, and "Shoshanna The Mermaid", a lovely woman who is almost never seen out of the water and can be seen swimming and playing and breathing in her tank. The Caravan that houses the Menagerie is a gigantic wagon train and once they set up on the outskirts of a town, it transforms into it's own small village with tents, quick assemble shacks, and stores that the circus folk run to suppliment their normal income when possible, something Etienne fully supports(as long as he gets a small cut).

Lady Sakura


Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Wondering if the Saloon might be in need of a singer/burlesque performer... ;D

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories