Dark Times In The Wild West Thread (Supernatural Western, Still recruiting)

Started by Untamed Skies, June 03, 2022, 06:29:04 AM

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Do we have a bank and banker yet? That seems like a needed role if not  ;)

I also have more PC outlaws for Hector's gang versus the NPC's I have listed if someone is dying to be an outlaw.
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Cold Heritage

Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Ah, I see that now. Last time I looked at those they weren't filled out yet.
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


Quote from: Untamed Skies on July 07, 2022, 09:02:48 AM
As far as doctors go those were good suggestions and I probably wouldn't have thought of them. It sounds like you are pretty set but if you'd like some more ideas there are a couple spots that could still stand to be filled.

As far as action roles go
  • The Marshall: A man with the authority of the Sheriff, but works as a enforcer for The Corrupt Mayor and his allies.
  • Right hand man for Monty Fontaine: Jugg is seeking a direct bodyguard for his character Mr. Fontaine which I assume is separate from The Marshall.
    • A ally for Deacon the Saloon owner: Kuroneko is seeking someone willing to get their hands dirty for her Saloon Owner
      • Hunter/Tracker: We have a lot of bounty hunters but we don't have really any wilderness experts
      • Bandit/Deputy/Bounty Hunter: We do have quite a lot at this point but if you were deadset on it, we'd just have a lot of competition

      Non Action Roles
      • Scientist/Occultist/Researcher: We don't have any specific specialists that'd have academic knowledge on a ton of things. A doctor or two yes, but no one that really studies. I think a Medical examiner could fall under this role unless I'm totally ignorant.
      • Horse Handler: With Flower Magnolia stepping back, we don't have any faces right this moment for tending to, selling, and/or breaking horses
        • Banker: We have a banker NPC, but he can easily be replaced.
        • Handy Man: I believe we have two hired hands to help with chores around town but it's a role that can always use more
        • Merchant/Farmer/Trader: Could always use more folks around town to bring it further to life.
        • Disciple for The Church: The sinful preacher currently has no PC followers.

          As for face claims, you can reserve some ahead of time, but to be clear are you planning to make more than one character? Or just having a few ideas for the one you are making now?
Hi Untamed,

Thanks so much for this detailed list of roles that need to be filled, it has given me a lot more to think about for a possible character. At the moment I think I will definitely just stick with one character so thanks so much for putting this all together. I am definitely drawn to the Researcher like position here so I will make a character sheet for a Medical Examiner and hopefully the process will go smoothly from there and I won't make any mistakes with the character sheet.[/list][/list][/list][/list]


Player Name: LovelyLiterate

Character Name: Benjamin Cal Douglas

Face Claim: Pierce Brosnan

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight/Hetero-Sexual

Ons & Offs: Rough sex and a power struggle. His ideal partner will be someone who loves the delicate and constant struggle for dominance. He would want to be with a partner who challenges him and will be wild and carefree in the bedroom but who will want to provide and receive aftercare and cuddle when all is said and done.

Place of Origin: Benjamin Douglas was born in Westville, New York in 1843.

Occupation: Medical Examiner

Personality:  Benjamin Douglas is a normally reserved man. He has been around death most of his life and he has seen good men turn evil and evil men do good in the end. He knows not to judge a person too quickly but will struggle to truly trust anyone in his life. While this will tie into his 'Dark Secret,' Benjamin Douglas cannot tolerate abuses of power. He will always attempt to work with society and the law to ensure that people have a good and decent life. Yet if he finds that there is anyone who is abusing their position to take advantage of others, he will make sure that person is dealt with regardless of their station in life.

Known History: Benjamin only arrived in Darkholme a few years ago. Given his profession and need to be trusted enough to do his job, he has been open enough about his past to let the townsfolk know he was part of the Union army from 1862 to 1865. He was a medic in the army, although with the severity of the battles and the wounds most of his fellow soldiers suffered, most of the time his job entailed providing the dying men some pain relief before the end and making sure their bodies were brought back to their loved ones. After being discharged from the army he went to college at Columbia in his home state of Washington. He never told anyone why he did not go on to become a surgeon, but after graduation he went out West as quickly as possible to make a life for himself.

Alliances: Officially, he is part of the law. Yet given his profession he will assist anyone so long as he feels that there has been an injustice caused in the death of the victim he has been asked to examine.

Dark Secret: Death has followed this Medical Examiner wherever he has gone. No matter how honorably he has served or how hard he has studied, he has never left a profession or school with a clean reputation. To this day no one knows what happened to Sergeant William Clay of the Union Army, but people swear the last person they saw Clay with was Mr. Douglas the night the man disappeared. William Clay's body was found a week later at the base of a river, but by that point Benjamin was long gone.

Professor Brooks was a beloved member of the medical staff at Columbia when Ben was a student there. Yet a month before graduation he also disappeared. People questioned Ben as he took classes with Professor Brooks, but he swore he never saw the man outside of class, even though local tavern owners will dispute those claims. Either way, Ben had again left town before the body of Professor Brooks was discovered four months after his death when a pack of wild dogs dug up his corpse at the school's cemetery. 

Skills: Having served in the army, Benjamin Douglas is proficient with rifles and pistols. Of course, having lived out in the wild west he has enough knowledge to know that proficiency and god-given talent are very different things. That is why he tends to avoid showing off the pistol he keeps strapped to his back at all costs. His true talent lies with the knife, and he keeps a few on him at all times, though most are simply scalpels as part of the tools of his trade.
Being a Medical Examiner he has a deep knowledge of the Human anatomy and is very well read. He has studied the occult and has always been interested in the unknown. While modern medicine teaches that there is no such thing as magic or supernatural beings, his own life experiences have taught him that this is not the case.
He is skilled in medical care and can alchemy. His strongest skills in these regards lie in crafting pain medications as his time in the military taught him how to give the correct doses and how to make the most potent drugs with the least amount of materials possible.

Extra: While Mr. Douglas is used to being alone and working in a profession that most people find unsavory, he has longed for a partner and someone he can finally open up to and share a life with. He has always believed he could eventually settle down and start a life out in the West, but has never found the right person or right place to settle in with and finally be at peace with.

Untamed Skies

He looks like he'll fit right in. You may consider him accepted.


Quote from: Untamed Skies on July 07, 2022, 11:01:46 PM
He looks like he'll fit right in. You may consider him accepted.

Thank you so much for the approval and for all of the help with setting up this character so far. I can't wait to get to writing and interacting with all of these great characters.


Thinking about throwing my ol’ hat into the ring over here if you’re still on the lookout for new faces. Let me stew on a character idea instead of getting some real sleep.

Lady Sakura

Quote from: baadbaarbie on July 08, 2022, 10:38:36 PM
Thinking about throwing my ol’ hat into the ring over here if you’re still on the lookout for new faces. Let me stew on a character idea instead of getting some real sleep.

Always! We have a group of wonderful writers and new faces bring more depth. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. <3


You are too sweet, Lady Sakura~ Thanks for your help!

I think I've settled on something I like well enough. Book me in for having reserved Lily James as a FC! I'm working on a profile slowly.

Untamed Skies

You can consider the face claimed. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with ^^


Player Name: baadbaarbie

Character Name: Alma Blythe

Face Claim: Lily James

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ons & Offs:
rough sex
hair pulling
oral (giving & receiving)
risk of pregnancy/impreg
intimacy and affection
dirty talk

snuff/extreme torture
scat/toilet play

Place of Origin: Richmond, Virginia

Occupation: Seamstress, laundress, housekeeper... whatever keeps food on the table and a roof over her head that week.

Personality: Alma is resourceful and steadfast by necessity. Though rather reserved, there is a quiet strength about her-- a strength which she often fails to acknowledge. She is intensely protective of her child, trusting very few with her care; in fact, she often prefers to keep Charlotte away from the townspeople's eyes. Alma listens more than she speaks, whether she's in the church pews or haunting the occasional saloon. She is kind, but not particularly trusting unless she knows someone well. She still feels like an outsider, even after calling Darkholme home for five years.

Known History: Alma first came to town in 1860, lured by the promise of fortune away from her family's farm just south of Richmond, Virginia. Newly wed to the son of a tobacco farmer, Alma had expected to enjoy a quiet life managing a modest plantation household, but her husband, Powell, was far from satisfied with the meager profit his crops turned in such a saturated market. They headed west on their own in search of establishing a new life, swept up by Powell's fantasy of establishing a mining company of his own and striking gold.

Powell and Alma welcomed a daughter, Charlotte, two years after arriving in Darkholme. Powell's mining corporation had begun to flounder, and money grew tight enough that Alma took up any work she could to keep themselves fed and housed. Their marriage deteriorated as quickly as Powell's dream, though Alma felt she had no choice but to stand by her husband's side as he plunged them further into debt in an effort to save his business. His mines had come up empty, so unlike the Midnight Mine-- and yet, he found all the money in the world to squander on drink.

Adding to their misfortune, Charlotte fell deathly ill just days shy of her first birthday. Though she made a miraculous recovery within the week, Powell passed of a mysterious illness in their marriage bed, leaving Alma a nearly penniless widow. The years since have not been particularly easy, but Alma has made do on her own, too fearful to travel back east on her own with a small child in tow and too poor to lose the connections she's made in Darkholme.

Alliances: Currently neutral.

Dark Secret: At the height of her daughter's illness, Alma snuck away in the dead of night to pray. Though she was alone for a time, she was soon joined by a mysterious woman who she had not met before, nor has she seen since. They sat together in the pew silently for a time before the woman asked Alma what she was praying for at such an hour. When asked what she would give to save her daughter, Alma answered honestly: anything.

The woman asked only to see Alma's wedding band in response. Bewildered, but too exhausted to protest, Alma allowed the stranger to pry the ring from her finger; the woman turned it over in her palms three times while inspecting it. Before returning it, she warned Alma she should never wear it again.

Spooked, Alma fled the chapel, returning home to find her husband in bed, cradling Charlotte. Though Charlotte's fever had broken, Powell's skin was ice cold, as though he had passed hours ago.

Alma has never spoken of the exact circumstances of Powell's death nor has she inquired about the woman in the chapel that night, fearing she inadvertently made a deal with dark magic for her daughter's life.

Skills: Sewing, housekeeping, horticulture, cooking, singing, quilting, canning and preserving, small game hunting and trapping, fishing, photography.

Extra: Alma's dream is to save up enough for a camera of her own and open a portrait business.


Player Name: Vlexia

Character Name: Aenôhe’ke (meaning “Hawk Woman”)

Face Claim: Fanny Neguesha

Age: 26

Sex: Cis-Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a stronger preference for women

Ons & Offs: Ons: Romance, passion, oral, light bondage, teasing Offs: Extreme abuse, bathroom play, race play

Place of Origin: Cheyenne Tribal Lands about 50 miles East from Darkholme

Occupation: Darkholme’s Deputy

Personality: Aenôhe’ke is an extremely focused woman who only knows how to work hard. It takes conscious effort to relax as her parents were born to hard lives and taught her the only way to survive was to outsmart everything around her, both Nature and People. She has a very strong connection to the Planet, and lives very simply because she wishes to waste nothing.

Known History: Her father, John Kirby, was freed when his Enslaver died down south in Louisiana and stated so in his will. The man made his way north before turning west, doing minimal jobs along the railroad and on farms until he made his way into Cheyenne territory in Eastern Colorado. In a small isolated tribe, emaciated from the purposeful Buffalo massacres and fearful of white men, is where he met her future mother, Tsęhe’ęsta’ehe (Long Hair).

For survival, the tribe had to move further west, and John went with them. The story of their little Afro-indigenous daughter began about two years later on the plains in southern Colorado, and Aenôhe’ke was born into a family who gave her the strength from both lines of power.

The descendent of a slave taught her resilience and mastery over her work and how to appear invisible in times of danger. The descendent of a Native woman taught her how to protect her family, to be fearless and confident in her right to exist. She has very very long hair from her mother, but it’s curly and coarse from her father. Aenôhe’ke has learned many ways of fighting, hunting, and learning her mother’s tongue. Both sides of culture are very important to her, and it shows in her own quill and beadwork along her clothing and packs, as well as her fusion of southern Creole cooking when she can.

Living so close to Darkholme, only about an hour’s ride, she met the Andros family at a young age as the town and her tribe initiated a loose trade agreement. Gabriel and Evelyn were her closest friends from about the age of twelve when she began to make the trek with her elders, Arthur being the type of disrespectful embarrassment she usually avoided in her life. That relationship opened the door for her to move into town where she felt like she could make more of a difference for her people on both sides. At the age of twenty she applied to work at his office as he was the Sheriff for any position he needed help in. A year later she was deputized.

Alliances: The Sheriff, the Law, the protection of all town inhabitants

Dark Secret: Every Full and Dark moon of the month, Aenôhe’ke goes deep into the forest by a creek clearing and does bonfire dancing rituals for the earth and dark feminine healing. With painted skin she braids her intentions into her hair, does a full ceremony, then releases the hairstyle with thanks at the very end. She makes herbal salves from scratch, and has many recipes for poisons which she sometimes tips her arrows with.

Skills: Gunslinging, archery, rope work, wild tracking, master rider, wild game hunting, chasing, investigating, gardening, making quick decisions in times of crisis and stress.

Extra: She is a Falconer, trained by her mother’s elders, and has a hunting hawk named Maahe, meaning Arrow. While skilled with a gun and rifle, Aenôhe’ke is extremely good with the bow and carries it slung on her left shoulder through town as her main weapon. She has taken farther criminals down running through town with more accuracy than other’s with a gun have.

If you cannot honor a No, then you certainly could never honor a Yes.


Quote from: Vlexia on July 20, 2022, 09:46:13 AM
Player Name: Vlexia

Character Name: Aenôhe’ke (meaning “Hawk Woman”)

Face Claim: Fanny Neguesha

Age: 26

Sex: Cis-Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a stronger preference for women

Ons & Offs: Ons: Romance, passion, oral, light bondage, teasing Offs: Extreme abuse, bathroom play, race play

Place of Origin: Cheyenne Tribal Lands about 50 miles East from Darkholme

Occupation: Darkholme’s Deputy

Personality: Aenôhe’ke is an extremely focused woman who only knows how to work hard. It takes conscious effort to relax as her parents were born to hard lives and taught her the only way to survive was to outsmart everything around her, both Nature and People. She has a very strong connection to the Planet, and lives very simply because she wishes to waste nothing.

Known History: Her father, John Kirby, was freed when his Enslaver died down south in Louisiana and stated so in his will. The man made his way north before turning west, doing minimal jobs along the railroad and on farms until he made his way into Cheyenne territory in Eastern Colorado. In a small isolated tribe, emaciated from the purposeful Buffalo massacres and fearful of white men, is where he met her future mother, Tsęhe’ęsta’ehe (Long Hair).

For survival, the tribe had to move further west, and John went with them. The story of their little Afro-indigenous daughter began about two years later on the plains in southern Colorado, and Aenôhe’ke was born into a family who gave her the strength from both lines of power.

The descendent of a slave taught her resilience and mastery over her work and how to appear invisible in times of danger. The descendent of a Native woman taught her how to protect her family, to be fearless and confident in her right to exist. She has very very long hair from her mother, but it’s curly and coarse from her father. Aenôhe’ke has learned many ways of fighting, hunting, and learning her mother’s tongue. Both sides of culture are very important to her, and it shows in her own quill and beadwork along her clothing and packs, as well as her fusion of southern Creole cooking when she can.

Living so close to Darkholme, only about an hour’s ride, she met the Andros family at a young age as the town and her tribe initiated a loose trade agreement. Gabriel and Evelyn were her closest friends from about the age of twelve when she began to make the trek with her elders, Arthur being the type of disrespectful embarrassment she usually avoided in her life. That relationship opened the door for her to move into town where she felt like she could make more of a difference for her people on both sides. At the age of twenty she applied to work at his office as he was the Sheriff for any position he needed help in. A year later she was deputized.

Alliances: The Sheriff, the Law, the protection of all town inhabitants

Dark Secret: Every Full and Dark moon of the month, Aenôhe’ke goes deep into the forest by a creek clearing and does bonfire dancing rituals for the earth and dark feminine healing. With painted skin she braids her intentions into her hair, does a full ceremony, then releases the hairstyle with thanks at the very end. She makes herbal salves from scratch, and has many recipes for poisons which she sometimes tips her arrows with.

Skills: Gunslinging, archery, rope work, wild tracking, master rider, wild game hunting, chasing, investigating, gardening, making quick decisions in times of crisis and stress.

Extra: She is a Falconer, trained by her mother’s elders, and has a hunting hawk named Maahe, meaning Arrow. While skilled with a gun and rifle, Aenôhe’ke is extremely good with the bow and carries it slung on her left shoulder through town as her main weapon. She has taken farther criminals down running through town with more accuracy than other’s with a gun have.

Well, Zani is making excited sounds.


How'd I miss this?? I'm 200% down. Is there alot of action oriented characters already? That's probably what I'd play.


If you cannot honor a No, then you certainly could never honor a Yes.

Untamed Skies

Quote from: Vonandi on July 20, 2022, 11:06:40 AM
How'd I miss this?? I'm 200% down. Is there alot of action oriented characters already? That's probably what I'd play.

Yeah, but we got a good crop of non action. So please make what will have the most fun with.

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Vonandi on July 20, 2022, 11:06:40 AM
How'd I miss this?? I'm 200% down. Is there alot of action oriented characters already? That's probably what I'd play.

Oooh! Welcome!



Thankee. It's probably going to be a sec before I get my character out, but once I do I can post pretty quick. I have a cowgirl OC I tend to slot into these sorts of RPs, but I'm using her in another rp atm. Instead I'm thinking a fresh outlaw who just killed her husband or some such and falls into crime to survive. Unless a similar sort of character already exists, I've got to look through the sheets still. I don't tend to use face claims, though I can scrounge one up if need be. Though someone already picked Sharon Stone from The Quick and The Dead  :(

Edit: Saw there's a lot of bounty hunters already, might try to step out of my comfort zone a bit and play a character I wouldn't generally,  still need to think on it

Untamed Skies


Peeks in to say hello.  I am most certainly interested in playing along here in the Wild West.  I have some ideas for a character but she is not yet fully developed.  I'm looking forward to being able to join in on the fun!!


Untamed Skies

Quote from: Nim on July 22, 2022, 09:01:49 PM
Peeks in to say hello.  I am most certainly interested in playing along here in the Wild West.  I have some ideas for a character but she is not yet fully developed.  I'm looking forward to being able to join in on the fun!!



Well if you need any help don't hesitate to ask.


wheeeee! *hugs the Nim*

Is hugged and like's it!!  Returns the hug!

Thank you Untamed Skies.  I'm thinking of a Native American Female character.  Very hardened by her life experiences having gained some skills such as the use of six shooters and bladed weapons because of the life she had been forced to lead.  Comes into town like most folks seeking some form of fortune to make life easier for herself.  Seeks work at the local brothel where she will have time to plot and set her plans into motion while being able to earn a bit of a living for herself to hold her over.  Despises men but is willing to put up with one just long enough if the money is good enough and the man doesn't stink to high heaven. 

Those are my starting thoughts anyway.  I'll most likely have the CS ready for you by tomorrow evening. If you have any suggestions I's be happy to hear them.
