Lancer Interest Check

Started by ShadowFox89, May 23, 2021, 02:29:27 AM

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 So, after not finding a GM for several months, here I am before you all, offering my ideas forth. I've got two I'm currently bouncing around with vastly different takes on things. Both are decent on story, the main difference being the starting license level.

Escape from Machine World

Escape focuses on the crew of a Union exploratory vessel answering a distress call from a planet in the Long Rim. As the ship answers the call, they find not everything with the planet is as it appears and suddenly find that they instead need rescue....

Escape is a story about surviving in a hostile world where a rogue defense network has declared all human inhabitants as having unlawful presence upon the world. Will you help those small pockets of humanity that remain to survive, or will you seek to find a way off the world? If you've seen BLAME, you may find this idea familiar. This game would start at LL6 to give some players some oomph when tackling the dangers of a hostile world.

Galactic Lancer Champion League

Do you have what it takes to be a champion? To call yourself the greatest of the great? To have your name and image known across the Union? Then get three friends and sign up for the Ultimate. Galactic. Lancer. Champion. LEAGUE!

This is a lot more lighthearted of an idea, meant partly to help teach newbies how to play as well as be able to experiment with how you want to build. On the planet of Arete, every 50 years a competition is held to determine the greatest lancer pilot team on the planet. Held as a competition for teams of four, these pilots face each other in televised brawls both as entertainment and to teach future Lancers. Both skill and showmanship are needed to reach the top, do you have what it takes?

So, the two main differences in these ideas is EfMW is a lot darker, more focused on survival and making hard choices. GLCL is, on the other hand, more light hearted, slightly less serious with heavy decisions fewer and further apart. Think of it like the difference between BLAME and Zoids New Century.
Call me Shadow
My A/A



Color me as interested, especially in the Champions one.


Very interested! Will think on choice between options.


This seems pretty cool, definitely interested.

William Blake

I've always had my eye on Lancer....

Not to be contrary, but my preference in tone and story content is on Escape. Although learning to play at lower levels wouldn't be bad, and it woooould give me an excuse to rewatch Mobile Fighter G Gundam as, like, not a child with no idea what's going on. :P


I am interested!

You had me then at BLAME!, though I am quite the newb to the system, so the 2nd idea works for me too.


Put a poll up to vote between the options, I'll give it a week for people to pick which idea they like better.

I know I'm not the best GM, I'm much better at ideas than implementation, but I'll try my best at it. My looking for GM post didn't gain any traction so I threw my own hat into the ring.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I've heard fun things about Lancer though I've never played it or read the rules. Color me interested.

William Blake

Hey, sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and dive into the games you want to play. It's how I've ended up agreeing to run a Pathfinder 2E campaign of Agents of Edgewatch, even though I've never gotten to be a player for that system. :P

It happens. And as long as you've got a patient group who are willing to roll with you, I'm sure it's going to go well.


Lancer is immense fun and if I had the energy or ability to focus, I'd run both games.

But hey, if someone wants to take the other pitch and run with it, I'd love to play too.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I voted for Champions.  I've been reading the first official adventure "No Room for a Wallflower" and it was just incredibly bleak in a way that Machine World reminds me of.  Also, sexy side action would be easier when there's downtime. :)
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


I like Champions largely because it's billed as newbie friendly, and the constraints of a tournament/league-style setting seem more inviting to low-stakes character hijinks.


I voted for Champions, but I would do either. I just feel Champions might be a better fit for E over all!


I don't see any poll anywhere to vote on...

Anyways, I'm open to either atm regardless. I've go for the BLAME stuff, though I'm a newb to this system, plus it looks like Champions is gonna win anyway. Plus well, Knights of Sidonia is Tsutomu Nihei at his most 'hopeful mecha series', so I wouldn't mind if the game took some cues from that series.

...I need to start reading Aposimz at some point...


Well poll is 50 50 right now so it's anyone's game which is picked.

I like the idea behind Escape from Machine World a bit more but voted for the Championship since it seems a lot of people are new to the system.

William Blake

Yeah. I voted for Escape because I, too, enjoy serious themes and crisis more than tournament. But that's me being an emotional sadist to my characters, I'm sure. I also think most of us being new or new-ish to the system makes a lower level game appealing though.

@wander: poll's at the very top


Thanks, somehow I missed it. ^^;

I voted Machine World and oh shit, I may have been the deciding vote!  :D

My reason was as much as I'm a newb and want to learn the system more (I've read it, though knowing the rules and playing are two different things), I'm not a fan of PvP and tournaments that much and would rather us all team up to fight off npc enemies and also... Tsutomu Nihei shit is involved as an inspiration.  ^-^


I just want to clarify- Lancer does not support pvp very well and while Champions is a "team death match" its more like.... your team gets dropped off somewhere to face off against another team of mechs.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Right, that was my assumption, it'd be the lancer/PC's vs enemy NPC's.

I also feel that since most of us would be newish going into lancer, LL0 would be a better starting point for the most part! But that's just why I voted for champions


I think then my only other thought on LL0 is... there's only so much mech customisation, so potentially there could be crossover... Although, more dakka is always good dakka. Plus, aye, learn the basics before getting the really wild stuff thrown on top.

Also, just looking at the general basic rules, there's a lot of crunch, also a good selection of weapon combos for the basic LL0 frame. Can even take a Heavy Weapon, which is a nice option to think on.


Plus no room for a wallflower introduced a new LL0 mech as a sidegrade to the everest, so even at LL0 there are now two mechs to choose from.


Oh shit, I didn't know and don't have that, I'll have to see about getting a copy.


Quote from: Changingsaint on May 25, 2021, 12:17:27 PM
Plus no room for a wallflower introduced a new LL0 mech as a sidegrade to the everest, so even at LL0 there are now two mechs to choose from.

Let's see, the Sagarmatha is a big boy at size 2, acts as hard cover for adjacent units and has the same repair benefit and mounts as the Everest. 
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Quote from: TFcommando on May 25, 2021, 08:30:41 PM
Let's see, the Sagarmatha is a big boy at size 2, acts as hard cover for adjacent units and has the same repair benefit and mounts as the Everest.
It also has a different core power.  Less HP too,