The Story Lottery - Information and Participant Profiles

Started by Britwitch, August 20, 2019, 12:11:07 AM

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Name: noric
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [UN]
Preferred pairings: Any; more comfortable writing from the female pov but willing to try other perspectives
Preferred genres: For shorts, I'll try anything. I prefer fantasy, medieval, and sci-fi, however.
Preferred content: Story heavy, smut if organic
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: Para at minimum, so 100 to 500 words, upwardsly flexible.
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so) to Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: shore
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: More interested in a female partner, but flexible
Preferred genres: Vampire, Mystery, Horror
Preferred content: Focused on story, enjoy intertwined smut
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 1-6 paragraphs, flexible
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so) to Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Britwitch
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [NC-H] [BON], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F (writing the female role ideally), F-F
Preferred genres: Romance, historical, 'slice of life', fantasy, age of sailing/pirates
Preferred content: I need story for the smut to make sense, even in a one shot, so would have to say I prefer things on the story heavy side where possible
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 1000+ generally speaking but I tend to write to match my partner, whether that's more or less than my typical post length
Typical posting rate: Slow at the moment I'm afraid

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Name: Seera
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, Futa-F. I can play as any gender. Though I don't RP with male charachters.
Preferred genres: Romance, Action, Adventure.
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1-5
Typical post length: 500+ words, (Though it is variable)
Typical posting rate: Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Tilt
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [BON] [BON-E] [UN]
Preferred pairings: M-F or F-F I prefer to play a female character
Preferred genres: Fantasy, urban fantasy, vampire, action/adventure, and romance
Preferred content: Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 100-500+ words, preferably on the lower side.
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week or less)/Moderate (every other day or so)  ((Note: I may be an inconsistent partner, due to mental health reasons and familial responsibilities. I will try to post regularly.))


Preferred story tags: [VAN], [NC-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F . I can play either gender, but I will always require at least one girl in a pairing.
Preferred genres: Anime/Hentai- Modern, Sci-fi, Slice of Life, Thriller
Preferred content: flexible
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 100-200 words, 1000 words average. 2000+ for sex scenes.
Typical posting rate: Moderate


Name: RedEve
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [NC-H] [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-F (preferably in the F role but will play M too if required)
Preferred genres: Pretty open, into modern/sci-fi/historical. Less into trying fantasy settings right now.
Preferred content: For this, I’m looking for something smutty but with enough plot/story to keep it interesting
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: My post length tends to vary from 300-1000+ words. For this I would be looking for something in the 300-600 words range.
Typical posting rate: 1-2 posts per week (per player)
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Name: JessLowell12
Preferred story tags: [NA] to [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: I'm a big F/F writer, but can do the occasional M/F, and would certainly not mind branching into M/M
Preferred genres: Supernatural, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, and the occasional fandom
Preferred content: Story-Heavy, but that can be with a healthy mix of smut.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 500+ words
Typical posting rate: Moderate-Rapid (Depends on the day)

Fantasy Red

Name: Fantasy Red
Preferred story tags: [BON] [BON-E] [NC-H] [NC-E] [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F (I write F)
Preferred genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Modern. Horror maybe. (Hard limits: No apocalypses)
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length:  500+ words
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so)

[BON-E] [NC-H] [NC-E]


Name: nilyarosa
Preferred story tags: [L-H] to [EX]
Preferred pairings: M x M , M x F , usually preferring to write the male character.
Preferred genres: fandom roleplays, romance, alternate universes, history, ANGST, anything and everything except fantasy.
Preferred content: a good mixture of smut and story
Maximum number of stories: i am crazy about stories so 8-)
Typical post length: 500+ words
Typical posting rate: slow to moderate - heavily depending on how interested I am in the story


Name: Tortuga
Preferred story tags: [NA] to [EX]
Preferred pairings: F-F or M-F, where I write the M part. I tend to play dominants but I'm open to whatever.
Preferred genres: Horror. Adventure. Exploration. Historical. Steampunk. Fantasy. Sci-fi
Preferred content: Flexible, I don't super go for romance, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 400+ words, but I strive to match my partner.
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so)

Lady Lunarius

Name: Lady Lunarius
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [EX] etc. (Happy to discuss)
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M etc.... Open to play either role
Preferred genres: Romance, historical, fantasy, modern, etc....
Preferred content: Story or Smut happy with either or both
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: Varies based on partner
Typical posting rate: Slow to moderate sometimes rapid
LaLu's updated A/A's Updated
LaLu's Delicious treats!
LaLu's O.O's/Current Interests Updated 3-11-23
I am currently NOT open for a few new RP's


Name: Dahling
Preferred story tags:   [BON] & [BON-E] (This one, has always confused me as I'm not a very big bondage fan, but do enjoy S&M, thus it's listed.) [NC] & [NC-E], [EX] but I'll add [UN] as much will also depend on the partner.
Preferred pairings: M-F, writing as the F.
Preferred genres: Romance, Gritty Romance, Modern, Historical (any era), Fantasy. Down-on-your-luck slice of life, Supernatural. 
Preferred content: Flexible either way.  Though I tend to really dig my teeth into and enjoy a story with a slightly darker edge.  I like characters with flaws, with conflict and issues that need to be worked through. I do not have a plot/smut ratio.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: Usually a minimum of 500 to 1,000+ words. It can swing a little either way, depending on what I'm given as I tend to match length.
Typical posting rate: Moderate  through the week, Rapid on the weekends.


Name: Reno
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-F, as M
Preferred genres: Romance,  sci-fi, fantasy.
Preferred content:  Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 200-400 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate


Name: scrum3364
Preferred story tags: [L-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F; with me writing as the male.
Preferred genres: Romance, modern, slice of life, .
Preferred content: I think they go hand in hand but I’ve been trending smut heavy for a bit.
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: 200-500 words.
Typical posting rate: Somewhere between Moderate (every other day or so) and Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Wolf Blackthorne
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [NC-H], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F; with me writing as the male.
Preferred genres: Horror, Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Slice of life
Preferred content: 50/50
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 200-500 words.
Typical posting rate: Somewhere between Moderate (every other day or so) and Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Haloriel
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E] - NC/EX not preffered.
Preferred pairings: M-F, MFF, MMF; Writes Queer/NB characters or male, and almost entirely respectful&elegant people of colour regardless of gender. [No Lords/Knights partners.]
Preferred genres: Contemporary fantasy romance, contemporary sci-fi romance. [No slice of life.]
Preferred content: Smut heavy preferred, but with plenty of thoughtful story writing elements.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 300-500+ words; 1000+ if feeling inspired.
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate (every other day or so); Can arrange rapid multi-posting by request only so I can schedule it as part of daily “me time!”


Name: Afsana
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, writing female characters
Preferred genres: Romance (!), combined with historical, historical fantasy, fantasy, high fantasy, steampunk, scifi, apocalyptic, post apocalyptic, dystopian
Preferred content: Flexible from Story: Smut = 70:30 to 40:60
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: 500+ words (but flexible. Action scenes: Shorter, Character development, scenery descriptions etc: Sometimes (much) more)
Typical posting rate: Moderate


Name: Dotley
Preferred story tags: [BON-H], [NC-H], [EX].
Preferred pairings: M/M. I love polyamory so I'm also willing to write M/M/M or Gay Harem.
Preferred genres: Dark Romance, Gothic, Horror, Crime/Mystery, Suspense, Psychological, Slice of Life, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural
Preferred content: Flexible. I tend to favor story over smut, but I'm not adverse to sex occurring early on if it has context.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500-1000 words
Typical posting rate: Slow
O&O's || A&A's

"I don’t use people for stories.
I use stories to express my feelings for people."


Name: Chantal
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [NC-H]
Preferred pairings: M-F, MFF, FMM . The gender of my partner doesn't matter.
Preferred genres: Romance (!), fantasy, urban fantasy, adventure, supernatural, humor,
Preferred content: Story heavy, smut and story ratio about 30:70, because I think erotica is much better when it is surrounded by a good plot.
Maximum number of stories: 1 in lottery
Typical post length: 100-500 words. It really depends on the moment of the story. Action packed situation has shorter posts as it should be more dynamic.
Typical posting rate: Slow, sometimes Moderate. Depends on my RL situation. Slow preffered.

Leon Weber

Name:Leon Weber
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [BON-H]
Preferred pairings:M/F, can play either role but i'm more comfortable playing a male
Preferred genres:Romance, Slice-of-Life, Fantasy Adventure, Modern Action-Adventures, Stories of Political Intrigue and Military Themes
Preferred content: I prefer to strike a good story-smut balance slightly leaning in favor of story.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: Fairly dynamic dependent on the context of the scene. Anywhere from 250-5000. Though in the case of the higher numbers its usually intros and the setting of new scenes.
Typical posting rate: rapid (I would like it noted that this doesn't mean I won't play with people with a moderate or slow speed, I myself am simply capable of rapid posting)


Name: littlefairyone
Preferred story tags: [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E], & [EX]

Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M etc. as well as your preferred gender to write in each pairing. M-F pairing myself F and partner M
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, sci-fi, historical etc. Romance, Fantasy, Historical, BDSM (I am submissive, therefore, the other person should be a dominant or enjoy playing a dominant), Abduction, etc.
Preferred content: Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way. Flexible either way though I prefer moderate to heavy smut.
Maximum number of stories: 1-5 4 or 5
Typical post length: 100-200 words, 500+ words, 1000+ words. Typically 100 words is the lower end for my replies. I honestly have never done a word count, but my replies are at minimum 1 long paragraph.
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week or less)/Moderate (every other day or so)/Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day): Rapid to Moderate. I typically do at least 1 reply a day, but it's not required for a partner. I'm ok with replying when they do.

My O/O's:
Ever met a girl who was interested in things other girls aren't? Well here I am...

Things have been crazy, so, my replies are currently delayed.



Name: Xywel
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E], Dub-Con might also be okay, Non-Con not.
Preferred pairings: M-F, heavy pref for writing males.
Preferred genres: Romance (!), sci-fi, fantasy (!), monster girls/women (!), detective, steampunk, adventure, slice of life.
Preferred content: Flexible either way, although I do prefer quite some (well story-integrated) smut. Do lean slightly to non-human x human match-ups and romantic match-ups with power differences (Goddess x human for example).
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: Around 400 words, can go up to 1000+ if needed or a bit lower to 300.
Typical posting rate: Moderate to Rapid, depending on how busy I am. 


Name: Gabrielconners
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, (Male Preferably) F-F,
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, Fantasy, video game fandoms
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 500+ words,
Typical posting rate: Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: AmandaShow
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [L-E], [EX]
Preferred pairings: F-F pairings preferred but I also have experience writing male characters for M-F Rps
Preferred genres: Cyberpunk/SciFi, Modern, Horror and anything that allows me add humor into the mix are my mains but I'm pretty flexible.
Preferred content: Always-always-always prefer story vs smut
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: I match what I'm given but average a 500-1000 words
Typical posting rate: Slow but I'm working my way back up to moderate!
Entrapta: “Did you hear that, Emily? I’ve never had a lab partner before!"