Return of the Wolf: Game Thread - VAMPIRES WIN!

Started by Galactic Druid, April 06, 2015, 08:11:57 PM

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"The only facts we have so far are than Madame Professor was the Priest and Blythe was a werewolf. We also know that Remiel was allied with Blythe. Now you ate saying you are allied with Remiel. Just because someone says a lot does not make them the bad guy. You are missing something here Vera. If what Remiel says is true Madame Professor should be alive and not dead. Remember the Shaman role. Queenie stated she was the Shaman and I believe her. The Shaman roles states that she gets one healing potion and poison. If the person who is targeted is about to die the Shaman will learn who was targeted and can save the person. If the attack was blocked the Shaman will not learn who was targeted. The bodyguard protects from a single attack so the Shaman can protect against the other. If Madame Professor was indeed attacked twice she should be alive. In this scenario the Shaman still had the healing potion left cause Remiel protected Madame Professor the second night as he claims."

"How can you know Remiel is the bodyguard? Perhaps it was James who was the bodyguard. We have no way of knowing."


"I would like to formally change my lynching vote to Remiel. Hearing all that was said I think that the vote to lynch Remiel is the smartest for our small village."
My Ons and Offs <3 They are still being added on... Seeing that I'm kind of a scatter brain sometimes~


"I'm sorry Remiel but I can't trust you anymore."

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Galactic Druid

Sheriff Votes

Vera - 7
KatKwik -2
Remi - 1
BAMF - 1
Rafiki - 1

Yet to vote-
Silver, BAMF, Queenie

Lynching Votes

Remiel - 8
Cera - 2
AffablyEvil - 1

Yet to vote - Silver, Moirae, Perse, BAMF, Queenie


Is it possible that Remiel may not be the bodyguard and that Madame was indeed protected by the bodyguard...The only way Remiel knows this for sure is if he did indeed attack Madame and was blocked but as she was found dead he now knows that the other evil faction targeted her too.

So the real bodyguard could out him or if he was protected by the shaman then then Queenie needs to speak up or is her claim false?

Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


"If the bodyguard is still in play he or she will not want to reveal his or her role as it will put a target on his or back."


"I am sorry, Kat, were you saying that I'm not the true Shaman?" She glared at her. "I'll have you know, I've made it clear since day one what my position is. I have yet to meet the bodyguard because they haven't shown their face to me." She crossed her arms in an angry fashion. "I vote for Vera to be Sheriff. And I vote to lynch no one."


"You can't vote for no lynch now. It's day four." Persephone corrected.

"It's also very possible that James was the bodyguard and was taken out the first night. We'll never know now, though. I'm more interested in what the quiet villagers have to say before I cast a vote for the lynch. I have to admit, I find it a bit unnerving that so many can be so quiet while chaos is unfolding around them."
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Galactic Druid

Also please vote in bold. It makes it easier to track the game.


So with Queenie again claiming Shaman, there is no more information needed there.

That was the point Yugi, would the bodyguard out him/herself to save the village or is Remiel the real bodyguard?

Suspicions still fall on Remiel as his story does change and flit...
Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


What's changing about my story?  I told you, I'm the Bodyguard.    At this point, it's rather moot, as the village seems determined to have my head on a pike.     

But I never claimed to be otherwise...


Strangefate’s confusion over the unfolding scene was evident on his troubled face.  “I do not want to hang the bodyguard as that would be disastrous for the village, yet I’m not sure if Remiel’s story can be trusted.  Queenie since you claim to be the shaman can you confirm if you’ve used the healing potion yet or not?  That might help give us an idea if Remiel is lying and the knowledge would not really help the monsters as far I can see.”

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


"I do have to say, Remiel, I find it particularly odd how you are wanting to hang Ceralilly, when when we first arrived to this little congress of ours you were against a random lynching based on no facts. Are there any facts you know about Ceralilly you would wish to share with us, or have you decided to do a desperate gamble to get the attention off yourself?" Evil's eyes were accusing as she glanced up and down on Remiel.
Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


Due to recent PM's I am almost certain that Yugi is a wolf and I am also certain that Remi is the bodyguard. Lynching him would not help the villagers. But I fear Yugi is way too vocal about getting rid of Remi.

I cannot reveal sources. But when a person reveals as a Special villager they are at great risk. If the healing potion was used already, it would do no good to reveal it. That only means it is lost. I would rather the Shaman use it on a good villager than risk the shaman telling us it has been used already.

I urge all of you to vote to lynch Yugi and not Remi! Yugi is not doing anything but hurling accusations without proof, too bloodthirsty in my opinion. What is he hiding? Either his blood dripping fangs or his fur coat?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


To AffablyEvil he simply responded, "Only by keen observation.  When Madame Professor announced her plan to lynch Blythe, Yugi immediately started pressuring me to lynch Madame Professor.  Since we now know Blythe to be a Werewolf, it can be inferred that yugi is one as well, and is simply trying to protect his mates.  Similarly, as soon as I tossed out Ceralilly's name for consideration, bam!  yugi jumped on me.    I commend yugi for his loyalty to his packmates, I certainly do, but in this case, it seems to be most telling."

"As for the vampires--I have no idea who they are.  I do have a few suspicions, although nothing substantial and based on anything more than hearsay and speculation."


Evil grew quiet, sighing softly. "However, the same thing could be said for you and Blythe, so that leads us to another standstill..." She said, frustrated. "Seems that educated guess it is, and you're the best we have Remiel. Sorry."
Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


"After thinking about it Katkwik is right. All we need to know is that the Shaman is still alive. It doesn't matter if she used or not. If she used the healing potion to save someone most likely Madame Professor then he lied about protecting her. If she didn't use the potion that night why not use the potion last night when Madame Professor was in danger. If Madame Professor was indeed the target for both vampires and werewovles and the Bodyguard would have protected her against one attack like Remiel said happened and the Shaman would be able to save her from the second attack. Why not save Madame Professor in this case since we know she is innocent?"

"Vera you keep say that but what proof do you have? You say you are certain that Remiel is the bodyguard but where is your proof? Unless you are the Seer I cannot believe you. Actually you are more suspicious than Remiel at the moment as you keeping changing your votes around. Considering all that has happened Queenie revealing herself as the Shaman helps us a lot. Given all the facts it is safe to say that the Shaman did use the potion to save a good villager which I believe to be Madame Professor. As for hurling around accusations with proof is what you are doing not me. If you look at what I said the proof is right there as Remiel has a big hole in his argument."

"You can't just say that I'm a werewolf cause Blythe was one. I never once defended Blythe. Yes I was pressuring you to lynch Madame Professor because I truly believed Blythe was a good guy. My reasoning was that even if Madame Professor turned out to be the Priest and she save herself we would have fewer casualties at night as Blythe can be protected at night but if we lynched Blythe and he turned out to be good we wouldn't be able to protect both of them at night.

"I jumped on you not for naming Ceralily for lynching but because of your argument for being the Bodyguard didn't make sense to me. Up until that point I had thought you to be innocent but after that post there were somethings that didn't make sense making me suspicious of you."

Galactic Druid

I just realized, it'll be a week since I started round 4 tomorrow. Since I have the majority of the votes in, in 27 hours, we will lock in votes and proceed to the next night phase. This will be your last chance to speak up, share information, or change votes.


Queen sighed. "I vote to lynch Affy. Sorry sweetie, I have nothing against you."


"I feel like we're at a crossroads. If Remi turns out to be a vampire or wolf, all the people who didn't vote for him will look suspicious. If he turns out to be the Bodyguard, then all the people who voted for him will look suspicious." Persephone sighed.

"He always seems to get the short end of the stick in these situations. I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt for now, though it looks like everyone wants to lynch him. However, I will be casting my lynch vote for Ceralilly."
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


After listening to everyone discuss a bit she would finally speak. My vote is to lynch Remiel. Everything is making me question you for the time being and I would rather be wrong than allow for this lingering feeling to carry on for another day. I also believe that KatKwik would make a good sheriff.
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Now Playing: Star - ♡ Machinedrum (A$AP Ferg Remix)
People fear what they don't understand, But then they get mad because they don't dare to do it, Everybody a shinin' star, they ain't get far so they can't prove it, Most stars foolish, full of gas, useless, Pushin' bad influence, wonder what happened to 'em?, They say hurt people hurt people, guess that is proven, They put on a mask to mask feelings, Fill the universe with mass ceilings, Most people not even tappin' in...♡


Sorry folks, have been busy with other things the last few days and haven't hardly been on E. Having read all of our discussion, I vote to lynch Yugi. As far as our sheriff, I'm undecided although Cera seems to have a good head on her shoulders. (I'm not making a formal sheriff vote, just voicing a weak leaning if I'm forced to vote).
Great things are done
by a series of small things
brought together.

»Vincent Van Gogh«

desert ashes

make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
· accepting new stories ·
 ·· · ideas & cravings ·· ons & offs ·· poetry ·· a/a ·· stories · ··

let there be beauty born from ashes

Galactic Druid

Flavor text provided by Remiel.

It was decided, in the end, that there was something too suspicious about Remiel.  Many in the village still questioned his "agreement" with Blythe, while others could not quite believe his claim of being the Bodyguard.  So he was marched to the village gallows, and a noose was slipped around his neck. 

"Do you any last words?" he was asked, as the hood was placed over his head.

"Yes," said Remiel.  "You all are making a very terrible mistake."

The trapdoor swung open, and Remiel danced the hempen fandango.  His body twitched, once or twice, and then went still.  Nothing happened--it appeared that he was nothing more than a regular villager.

"Oh well," said the village.  They all went home, satisfied in a job well done.

At least, until someone pointed out, "Wait a minute.  Aren't we hunting vampires and werewolves?  Why did we think hanging would work?  That's stupid."

"Oh, yeah," said the village.  They all  rushed back to the gallows, where Remiel still hung.   One brave villager picked up a torch, and set Remiel's corpse alight.  Immediately, there was a terrible shriek, and he twisted and struggled--he wasn't a corpse at all, but merely pretending to be dead!  Proving that he was a sneaky bastard to the last.

When the flames finally went out, and there was nothing but ash, a search of Remiel's house revealed that Remiel was, in fact, a Vampire, and the village had rid themselves of one more monster.

Not only that, but they had a new sheriff, as well. Lady Verasaille had been chosen to fill the empty boots. Did she have a lot of work ahead, or was the village already on the verge of safety?

Night Phase 4 Has Begun!

Night role PMs have been sent out, the day phase will begin as soon as I have the results.

Galactic Druid

Despite the death of a vampire the previous day, it quickly became apparent it was far, far too early to celebrate. In the morning, two corpses were found at a gruesome scene in one villager's home. Ceralilly was dead, in her own home, slumped over her table, her evening tea spilled across, cup still in her hand. She showed no signs of injury, not even a puncture anywhere in her body. Queenie, however, lay in the corner of the same room, ravaged by claw marks, and tossed aside like a rag doll. Finding nothing sinister in her home, Ceralilly was quickly ruled to have been a normal villager, though Queenie's possessions revealed significantly more. It appeared that she had been a special villager indeed.

The village was as ruled up as it could have been. It was becoming hard to tell who the bloodthirsty monsters truly were...

Day 5 Has Begun![/center]
From here on out, rounds are going to have a time limit. After 84 hours, Monday afternoon, collected votes will be tallied. Please have them in by then!


  • Remiel
  • Blythe
  • James M
  • Silver
  • Moirae
  • persephone325
  • SunshineSparkle
  • yugi006
  • Leorobin
  • BAMF
  • Verasaille
  • LunaLilith22
  • Madame Professor
  • KatKwik
  • Strangefate
  • Queenie
  • Rafiki23
  • Lady Lunarius
  • EmyKat
  • AffablyEvil
  • Ceralilly

Potential roles remaining.

  • 1-2 Werewolf players
  • 1 Vampire
  • The Seer
  • The Bodyguard
  • The Priest
  • The Shaman
  • The Diseased Villager
  • The Lycan
  • 7-8 Villagers