Return of the Wolf: Game Thread - VAMPIRES WIN!

Started by Galactic Druid, April 06, 2015, 08:11:57 PM

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Sunshine rubbed her temples to shake off the tiredness as she listened to the discussion taking place. She didn't believe Rafiki had a hand in this, but Vera and her current speech triggered more suspicions.

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She still wasn't sure about the evil in the village so with the ever changing possibilities she voted to lynch Yugi!

Update: Tentatively Posting~Updated A/As: October 2017


Oh sure!! Go after me! You elect me sheriff and then toss me aside? Hey I am only human, I made a mistake trusting Remi, I admitted it, and I am not trying to do anything but look at the facts as we have them.

I still think Yugi is suspicious because he has been very bloodthirsty from the beginning. He makes good arguments, but he still has not offered anything to convince me he is innocent. From the beginning, he has advocating lynching. Not once did he abstain from voting to lynch, he always goes after the ones who are suspicious of him or his friends, who is he protecting this time? Is there a wolf left and a vampire? Maybe we have lost one of each. Now we have to catch the others. The reasoning he offers is to confuse and make us suspect everyone.

If he is the last werewolf or the last Vampire he will be out to kill everyone. I vote to lynch Yugi. If I lose out and die this round all of you remember one thing. There is no proof anyone can offer. All we have is the words you see here.

I am innocent and just a villager. I did not ask to be made sheriff. Don't believe the lies being told by the wolf and the vampire.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.

Galactic Druid

Current Votes:

Vera - 5
Yugi - 2

Yet to vote: Silver, Persephone, Leorobin, BAMF, Rafiki, EmyKat


"There you go again changing your vote yet again. Lynching is the best way to get info. Look at what happened when we voted no lynch. We get no where. If you look at the record I got a vampire lynched for the sake of the village why you defended him. Every round you have changed your vote each time making you more suspect. A sheriff who cannot make up there mind must be suspicious. Like I said before I'm just a villager so I can't provide you any proof. Never once did I defend a bad guy. Vera even wanted to elect a vampire for sheriff. You yourself have offered no proof of my guilt while I have offered proof of yours."


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Now Playing: Star - ♡ Machinedrum (A$AP Ferg Remix)
People fear what they don't understand, But then they get mad because they don't dare to do it, Everybody a shinin' star, they ain't get far so they can't prove it, Most stars foolish, full of gas, useless, Pushin' bad influence, wonder what happened to 'em?, They say hurt people hurt people, guess that is proven, They put on a mask to mask feelings, Fill the universe with mass ceilings, Most people not even tappin' in...♡


Mmm, I'm hesitant to believe anyone who has been quite as vocal as Yugi. I vote to lunch Yugi.
Great things are done
by a series of small things
brought together.

»Vincent Van Gogh«


"And what proof do you offer, hmm? If I change a vote, it is because I have changed my mind. I am allowed, I am a woman! I did not know Remi was a vampire, neither did I know that Blythe was a wolf. I am just as much in the dark as everyone else, except the guilty ones!
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"I'm not saying changing your vote is wrong but when you do it so many times it means you have something to hide. Blythe I can zee about not knowing but Remiel it was all to obvious that he was lying with what he said. Everyone saw the flaws in his argument. Like I said my proof is that you defended a vampire. I doubt that you voting for him for sheriff was a coincidence. By this stage in the game you should have some information even if it is little."


I was fooled just like a lot of people. I believed him! But there was no proof either way. You keep saying proof, when there is none. We only know who they are when they are dead!
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"Actually if you recall most weren't fooled by Remiel at all. As for proof I broke apart his argument as proof. What I said was logical while Remiel's words were false. If you follow my logic on that you can easily see that it makes sense."


No I am just a naive old lady! I believed Remi, and I thought he was a good guy. Not until he was revealed did I know him for a vampire. I think you are trying to hide something, you keep going after me when all I have done is the same as everyone else. Try to make a decision on what I see on the thread. There is NO proof until they die.

Logic means nothing when it is only your word against mine. I was not the only one supporting Remi either.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"Since when other than this round have I been after you. My thoughts did change when you defended him but I have never been after you before that. You should have seen that my logic about lynching him made sense. It isn't just my words against yours but more than half of our village. No one defended him as much as you did. Actually no one else really supported him."


Oh but Queenie supported him and so did Moirae. We were all fooled.

As for the last two deaths, one died from poison or disease, as she was not pale like the ones who died from vampires. So it was either the wolfman or the other werewolf who killed Queenie. That is a fact. Why was she in the same room as Cera? Was she perhaps trying to save Cera and got attacked? In which case, she could not save her. Or Queenie was the diseased villager? We don't have a lot of evidence either way.

I stand by my assessment of Yugi for the gallows. It is just too convenient he was after Remi, who turned out to be the vampire, I think Yugi is the other wolf. Trying to win by eliminating the competing vampires. That only makes sense.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"Here are our facts as I can recall them, up to this point:

- Trusted Remiel (Voted for him as Sheriff)
- Suspiciously quick to vote on who was guilty behind Cera, with high certainty
- Tried to lynch me twice. Subjective, could be a mistake.
● Suspicious of Yugi from beginning. Unsure if positive or negative.
- Did not help in lynching Remiel or Blythe
+ Sheriff, for better or worse


● Seems to be suspiciously after Vera. Unsure if positive or negative.
- Voted for Professor in the first round of voting instead of Blythe. Could be coincidence.
+ Voted for Remiel in the second round.
● Was suspected by Remiel to evil


- Supported Remiel

Did I forget anything? If I did, or you think you were unfairly represented, feel free to proposition your arguments for why I am wrong."

Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


Persephone sighed. "Evil...brings up valid points. If we look at the fact that Remi turned out to be a vampire, then Vera looks suspicious because she defended him and voted for him to be sheriff. But again, other people also voted for him to be sheriff as well. There's only one vampire left. It might be one of his supporters, or it might not." She said.

"Since we now know that Remi was a vampire, I feel like it might be fair to say that he wanted to throw suspicion on someone who has been very vocal from the beginning. Yugi makes a prime target for that suspicion. Sure, he voted for Madame to be lynched instead of Blythe. But, like Vera supporting Remi, there were other people who were unsure as to who to trust in that situation." Persephone took a breath.

"The one major point that I can't argue away, is the fact that Vera was so very quick to defend Remi when he was going to be lynched. Maybe she was blinded by his charm. I don't know. But my gut tells me that I shouldn't ignore it." She pursed her lips and sighed again. "I'm sorry Vera, but I can't shake the feeling that something is going on with you. If I'm wrong, so be it. But I really want to know."
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Zelric Miras

He sat silently watching everyone with their reasonings. He had his own, of course, but he wasn't quite as certain as some seemed to be. Still, he had to make a vote, lest they thought he was scheming against the village and mocking them. "I think yugi might be conspiring against us. I've grown suspicious of his discourse."


Lady Vera sighs. "I have made a chart, and also went through my PM's. I can only do this in hindsight. There are some consistencies I have noted. As far as who supported Blyth and who supported Remi. I admit freely I trusted Remi. In the beginning I also trusted Blyth. This was before we had any information to go on.

Going back through to see who was supporting either of them, I note a disturbing trend in some of you changing votes to go along with others who were very vocal about who to lynch. Take a close look at who is still alive. We have lost one vampire, one wolf (out of a possible 3.) and three special villagers. The rest were ordinary villagers.

Those who supported Blythe in the beginning and are still alive, were very vocal about getting rid of Remi. After He is now gone, the one vampire left and two wolves have to eliminate each other. But they also have to get rid of villagers to win.

There was quite a few PM's urging me to kill off MP. Most of those were supporters of Yugi. I am not anyone special. I cannot save anyone in the night, all I can do is vote in case of a tie. But one more villager gone will only help the bad guys win.

I ask you to vote to lynch Yugi and not me. Obviously for self preservation. But if my reasoning is wrong, well I am an old lady. I get confused easily and I learn from my mistakes. Remember there is no shaman anymore to protect someone from being attacked. There is no Priest to save someone being lynched. We do not know if the Seer is still alive or not. If they are I would hope they give us a hint as to who the other vampire or wolf is. Otherwise what good is being a Seer?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Evil blinked. "Wait, why would they ask you to kill MP? As in Madame Professor? As in, the woman who died BEFORE you were made Sheriff?" Evil said and raised an eyebrow. "Why would they ask you to kill off someone when you weren't even Sheriff and would have no reasonable expectation to hold such a power?"
Night gathers, and now my roleplaying begins. It shall not end until dawn. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my posts. I am the writer in the darkness. I am the author beyond the fourth wall. I am the creative fire that burns against the uncreative chill, the warm light that eases hearts, the pen that wakes the sleeping thoughts, the text that feeds the imaginations of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Roleplayer's Guild, for this night and all the nights to come.

And so my writing begins.


"Supporters of Yugi?" Persephone questioned. "What does that mean?"
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


"Well Remiel and Blythe were allied together and they were both bad guys. Since you defended Remiel shouldn't we assume that you are one too? Those that voted for Madame Professor did so of there own free will as I had no contact with most them so to say they support me is wrong. One of whom I had contact with voted to lynch Blythe instead. I contacted Remiel who initially voted for her then changed to no lynch. The only other person I contacted was Ceralily who voted for her but now she is dead but not from me. Remiel suspected Ceralily of being allied with me which got her killed in the night by what I can only assume was you Vera since you defended Remiel. I had no suspicions of Ceralily whatsoever. As for Queenie I believed her to be the Shaman all along so I was never suspicious of her in the first place and nor was she suspicious of me from what I can tell. The person PR persons that killed Queenie were afraid of her posion. If you had not defended Remiel so much you wouldn't be in this predicament right now."


I said I went back through looking for people who were sticking together. That was before Madame Professor was killed. Since then I have not been sure who to trust. So I went back searching for clues.

Those who were supporting Blyth were against Remi, which makes sense. One was a vampire the other a wolf. And vice versa, those who supported Remi were against Blythe. Of course this is hindsight! I am just saying everyone should go back and look to see who supported who before the last round of deaths. Who is now still alive who supported either of them?

And this bit about changing votes, I am not the only one to change votes. There have been instances when one changes votes and suddenly a few others do too. We have all done this. Look for the trends! I am new to this game and I enjoy it. But I am not going to go out without claiming my innocence. It will be proved when I am gone. If I am not lynched then I will probably be targeted by the remaining vampire or wolf.

Also watch for those who are exceptionally quiet. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but it is the hidden danger that kills you!
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"You can't look at the case of Madame Professor cause there was little evidence to go on. No one could be blamed for it except for Remiel who was allied with Blythe and changed his vote to avoid the situation. In Remiel's case there was solidnevidence against which was his testimony which didn't make sense."

"I'm not saying changing votesnis wrong as we are allowed to but you have done it almost every round. It seems like you don't even believe in yourself. Most recent!y you have changed your vote to protect yourself and Remiel. You firs voted for Affably Evil on day 3 then target me when I go after Remiel. Now you voted for Rafiki without evidence then vote for me when your life is in danger.Sounds like a desperate bad guy tryingnto stay alive."


Of course I am going to try and stay alive. As are you!

I already admitted I was wrong in trusting Remi, or Blythe. But it is past that point now. All we can do is look at the evidence. I withdrew my accusation from Rafiki as there was not enough to go on and I knew it would not be supported. It was a gut reaction. Mainly because of the two dead found together in the same room. I gave my reasons, but no one believed me. So I dropped it.

I change my mind no more than anyone else and if you are counting I can go back and see how many times you changed your mind. It does not matter. Am I desperate to stay alive? Of course! But I am saying I am innocent. I can only vote once. It is up to the rest of you to decide. If I am not lynched then all I am good for is until the night when I will probably be targeted.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"You would!d have looked less suspicious if you have stayed with your vote of Rafiki."

"Actually you have changed your vote more tan anyone else has. If you look I only changed my vote once for lynching and once for sheriff which you cannot put together."