Mass Effect: Legacy [Interest Thread] - Still Accepting

Started by la dame en noir, March 17, 2015, 03:36:27 PM

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la dame en noir

Mass Effect: Legacy || A Sandbox ME Universe RP with Plot

- Currently looking to have more male characters to balance out the game! So I won't be taking anymore female characters until this balance has been made.

In this time, there is no Shepard; great soldier and hero to every inhabitant in the universe. In this time, Reapers do not torment or live as just a mere horror legend to scare organic beings. What takes place now, in this Mass Effect Universe, is something unexpected – but not completely. Remember the Thorian? You know the giant plant like species that could just mind control and duplicate any organic species within their range? The Thorian has reached heights that no one thought possible for such stationary, plant like species. The Exogeni Corporation and its employees, along with the Feros colony, have worked alongside the Thorian as mind slaves. Against their will, the Exogeni employees have started to spread Thorian seeds to different organic colonies in attempt to control and dominant every lesser species in the galaxy. The process is slow, but happening under Alliance and Council radar.

It is up to new found heroes to get to the root of the problem and stop it from spreading. There will be challenges; however, many players will face enemies and those willing to assist the Thorian to achieve its ultimate goal. The most frightening thing is not knowing exactly what they’re capable of. The Thorian, which was already an established intelligent species, can now transfer and alter organic appearance through sexual means. That’s right folks – we have some real Alien shit going on here.

What our people do now will be the Legacy they leave behind for the universe. If they fail, then the legacy left to future generations will be enthrallment under a being akin to a God. If they win, they pave the way for a peaceful galaxy. One the Stargazer would be proud to tell a story of.

Game Notes

•   The Mass Effect universe is open as a massive playground for everyone to explore. So basically it is a sandbox game with a plot, but not necessarily an ending.
•   This is story driven with tons of character interaction and a few well-known NPCs
•   The story will not have a Shepard mentioned or even in it. The Reapers do not and have not ever existed, and there is no Genophage either. This is only so that players who have not finished the games or playing through them can avoid as many spoilers as possible.
•   For the sake of keeping this game sexy and not vomit inducing….there will be certain races that I will not allow for main characters, such as; Volus, Vorcha, Elcor, Hanar, Yahg, etc
•   Despite no Shepard and no Reapers, other entities and organizations will still exist, for example The Shadow Broker (galactic information dealer), Cerberus (Extremist Human Advancement Group), etc...
•   I don’t trust anyone who has a Space Cow
This group game will take place in extreme for the sake of making this RP as real to the ME world as possible. HOWEVER this does not mean I will allow sick shit (imo) in the game. This goes for; vore, scat, bathroom play in general, snuff, death of characters without player consent and anything players don’t agree to beforehand.
•   Certain Canon's will be available for play and NPC's. You can view the list in the later posts which will be written up by Juggtacular. If you have any questions, please feel free to message either of us.


•      Please follow E’s Rules and I shall be a happy camper.
•   Your GM’s for this game will be me (la dame en noir) & Juggtacular. If you have any questions regarding this game and its format or any issues with any of the players, please contact us.
•   Backseat GMing will not be tolerated in this game. We appreciate and welcome feedback and suggestions, but anything beyond that will be swift kick in the rear.
•   All character profiles can be posted her, but must be PM’d for official approval. When PMing your character profile please label it as your character’s name.
•   Questions regarding this game can be posted here or pmed directly to us.
•   Any PMs must have us both included so that we know all that’s going on.
•   Drama is not allowed in the Interest thread or OOC. Disagreements and debates are welcome, but berating, nitpicking, or otherwise being very mean to any of the players will not be tolerated.
•   We are open to character and mission ideas. Just PM us a premise and we can see about working it into the game.  That way, they can make their own missions from time to time. Give the players a bit of interactive control.
•   This is a literate roleplay which means….I expect quality in everyone’s post. Please take the time to make at least 3 to 4 paragraphs a post, if it’s 1 paragraph or a few sentences, I will think that you’re not interested in the story or character development.
•   I do not expect everyone to post 10 times a day, 7 days a week. I do however expect players to put a little time and dedication into the roleplay. If you’re in a scene with someone, do not leave them hanging for weeks at a time. Please be courtesy and let us all know if you have to take time away and will be back. Real life happens, shit happens – I understand.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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la dame en noir

Character table made by Ontan! <3

Character (gender)Base Class (race)Allegiance
Marshall Kennedy (m)Sentinel (Human)                      Spectre
Septiius Tertibius (m)Rebel (Turian)Spectre
Pelera (f)Infiltrator (Drell)Citadel security
Urdnot Gron (m) Sentinel (Krogan) Citadel Security (hired agent)
Tevora Gava (f / Asari) Adept (Asari) Citadel Security, Thessian Republic Guard
Lillith K. Marshal (f)Engineer (Human)Alliance
Jennifer Drake (f) Infiltrator (Human) Alliance
Olivia Blackstar (f) Vanguard (Human) Alliance
Abigail P. Bryant (f)Sentinel (Human) Alliance (applicant)
G-Unit-73b “Vladimir” (m / Geth) Infiltrator (Geth) Alliance / Independent
Agami Ruff (f) Vanguard (Human) Cerberus
Gabriel Cutler (m) Sentinel (Human) Cerberus
Remi’Xema nar Teera (f)       Infiltrator (Quarian)        Independent (Migrant Fleet)
Suzie Lao (f)Sentinel (Human) Independent (Criminal Underground)
Shirala L’Ark (f / Asari) Vanguard (Asari) Independent (Bounty Hunter)
Wyatt Smith (m) Vanguard (Human) Independent (freelance)
Taevia Mortis (f / Asari)Ardat-Yakshi (Asari)Antagonist (Thorian, Omega)
Thaddeus Hackett (m)Soldier (Human)Antagonist (Omega)
Magnus Ahlberg (m) Infiltrator (Human)Antagonist (Omega)
Lautrec Akarius (m) Vanguard (Turian) Antagonist (Omega, independent)
Jonah “The Red” Cloud (m) Infiltrator (Human) Antagonist (freelance)
Shoksa Raal (m) Infiltrator (Drell) Antagonist (freelance)

[No anime pictures. Fantasy/Sci Fi art & real photos are all accepted.] This skeleton is for all heroes, lone wolves, etc. There is a separate sheet for Villians.

Player name:
Name: (Of your character of course)
Nickname: (if they have one)
Age:  (Make sure it makes sense for your character race)
Race: (Human, Turian, Drell, Asari, Krogan, Quarian, AI [will need to speak with GMs first], Salarian, Batarian)

Appearance: (any other links or descriptions can be placed here)

Job Title/Occupation: (If applicable|| Also known as classes can be found here If you play an older Asari, you are welcome to be a Justicar or Matriarch, but run it by us first.)
Class Specialization:  (Under Specializations )
Affiliation: (If applicable. IE: Cerberus, Alliance, Omega, N7, Citadel Council/Spectre, Blue Suns, etc)

Weapons: (everyone is allowed one standard pistol and another weapon. If you have any questions or you want to have more, please PM us.)
Personality: (2 or more paragraphs)
Background: (3 or more paragraphs)


Connections: (if any)
Notes: (Anything that couldn’t be fit anywhere else you can put it here)

[center][b]Player name:[/b][/center]
[justify][float=left][img height=300 padding=7][/img][/float][b]Name:[/b] (Of your character of course)
[b]Nickname:[/b] (if they have one)
[b]Age:[/b]  (Make sure it makes sense for your character race)
[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Turian, Drell, Asari, Krogan, Quarian, AI [will need to speak with GMs first], Salarian, Batarian)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (any other links or descriptions can be placed here)

[b]Job Title/Occupation:[/b] (If applicable|| [url=]Also known as classes can be found here[/url] If you play an older Asari, you are welcome to be a Justicar or Matriarch, but run it by us first.)
[b]Class Specialization:[/b]  ([url=]Under Specializations [/url])
[b]Affiliation:[/b] (If applicable. IE: Cerberus, Alliance, Omega, N7, Citadel Council/Spectre, Blue Suns, etc)

[b]Weapons:[/b] (everyone is allowed one standard pistol and another weapon. If you have any questions or you want to have more, please PM us.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (2 or more paragraphs)
[b]Background:[/b] (3 or more paragraphs)


[b]Connections:[/b] (if any)
[b]Notes:[/b] (Anything that couldn’t be fit anywhere else you can put it here)[/justify]

This is the Villain template!

Player Name:
Home Planet:

Appearance: (description to go along with your picture or just a description if you can’t find an appropriate photo)


Background/Personality: (3 or more paragraphs)
Goal: (What’s your Vilians goal in this game? What does she/he want to accomplish?)


[center][b]Player Name:[/b][/center]
[justify][float=left][img height=300 padding=7][/img][/float][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Home Planet:[/b]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (description to go along with your picture or just a description if you can’t find an appropriate photo)


[b]Background/Personality:[/b] (3 or more paragraphs)
[b]Goal:[/b] (What’s your Vilians goal in this game? What does she/he want to accomplish?)

[b]Offs:[/b] [/justify]

GM Profiles as an Example

Marshall Kennedy by Juggtacular
Player name: Juggtacular
Name: Marshall Kennedy
Nickname: Wraith(The irony of "Wraith" the Spectre isn't lost on him)
Age: 26
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Homeworld: Earth

Job Title/Occupation: Spectre
Class Specialization:  Sentinel
Affiliation: Citadel Special Tactics and Reconnaissance

Weapons: M-11 Suppressor, Phaeston Assault Rifle, Telescoping Monomolecular Blade
Powers: Throw(Telekinesis), Tactical Cloak, Barrier, Reave, Stasis

Personality: Partially raised in almost complete isolation, Marshall is a bit of an introvert. He has no problems working alone, and is a bit guarded when meeting new people. He's not against working with people or a team though, and once you do get to know him, he's a personable and pretty social person.

He has a somewhat grim sense of humor due to being in the military for so long. Joking about death, torture, dismemberment, and other heinous things is second nature to him at this point. He's a loyal soldier, and will never leave a man behind if he can help it.

And if he can't he'll shoulder their sacrifice for the rest of his days. He is also dedicated to his job, and bribing him is nearly impossible. Even if he accepts, chances are he's just doing so to put himself in a better position before bringing the hammer down. Marshall is a consummate professional, and always strives for perfection from himself and others.

Failure is not an option, but it is an inevitable circumstance. As long as he and whoever he worked with did everything in their power to succeed, then he won't be too upset by a loss.  He is a habitual flirt, and pretty damn charming. He once wooed an Asari Matriarch just to prove he could...those were a wonderful few months.

Background:   The man known as Marshall Kennedy was born as a result of humans not being able to shed who they were before leaving Earth. What that means is, despite the races being closer than ever, and all the things that everyone has been through...humanity still wants to be the best. Human Biotics were good, but on more than average, Asari Biotics and Krogan Battlemasters were just better.

Attempts had already been made at making an amazing human biotic; like Biotic Acclimation and Temperance Training(BAaT), also known as Brain Camp. As well as the experiments that led to the powerful, but highly unstable Subject Zero, and the Ascension Project. But failure was only the inspiration for tomorrow's breakthrough, and success was merely a stepping stone to perfection. Which meant that the journey to making a better biotic continued. Terrance and Paige Henson were a couple who volunteered for the Alliance's top secret research base crew.

And Paige unknowingly volunteered to be subjected to extremely high amounts of Eezo while in utero. She and about 2 dozen other women all volunteered" to see if abnormally high exposure would induce any increased effects beyond what had become the standard. The people living and working on the base thought they were all just doing highly classified research. The people monitoring the base from the outside knew better, and performed tests on them without their knowledge.

Many of the babies didn't make it; most of the rest came out deformed or ill in some way. Marshall was the only one to come out happy and healthy, but his birth had been one of the last, so his parents knew something was wrong before he came. His father found out the truth and went AWOL with his budding family, so Marshall wouldn't be raised as a human weapon. His parents had done a lot of things for a lot of people, so disappearing and starting fresh wasn't too hard. And on the plus side, Marshall's Biotic levels were also incredibly potent.

He was fitted with his implants when he was the right age, and began training immediately. A unique side-effect from his heightened biotics was a strange red coloration of his energy as opposed to the normal blackish-blue. Over the years it would come to light that Cerberus had infiltrated the Alliance and the entire Manifest Unity project was reported directly to the Illusive Man.

This massive breach of security caused the Alliance to reimburse a majority of the people who had worked there to cover their own asses, and it allowed Marshall and his family to come out of hiding. Although he was given a different last name to keep him safe.  He continued to train until he was old enough to enlist at his parents behest. You might think it strange that after getting him away from the Alliance, they'd throw him right back. But there was a method to the madness. If he joined the Alliance, he would just be seen as a highly skilled Biotic, and they could never have enough of them.

No one would ever think he was the son of the one couple that had no birth records from the "Manifest Unity" station, and suddenly disappeared. From the moment he left boot camp, Marshall was on the fast track to success and rapidly climbed the ladder. He made N7 in a few short years, and was considered for being chosen as one of the first human Spectre's; however another candidate, Beverly Kendricks was also put forth.

It would be a competition as to who would become the first Specture to represent humanity. Marshall was mentored by Nihlus Kyrik for a year and a half, while his counterpart was mentored by a Salarian Spectre. When the training was finished, a joint mission was undertaken by Marshall and Beverly with Nihlus overseeing it. The job was to find a terror cell that had been bombing civilian cruise ships after looting them, leaving the people aboard to float in space if the ship wasn't obliterated.

Nihlus had been chasing them for a while and when he finally found them, he figured taking them down would be a good test for his candidates. Things went routinely at first, until reinforcements came and the three of them got cornered in a warehouse. Nihlus and his candidates were much better in a fight, but the terrorists had heavy ordinance and numbers. They couldn't break through to get them, so they decided to just bring the whole place down.

An explosive barrage against a supporting pillar weakened the integrity of the warehouse, and the three got separated. The terrorists took advantage of that and tried to escape. Marhsall was the only one who could get to them, but he disobeyed a direct order to complete the mission to save both Nihlus and his opponent from a collapsing roof.

But not before slipping a tracer on one of the terrorists they'd been hunting. Because of his quick thinking, he not only saved both of them but they now had a way to track the group back to their main base of operations. When they found it, the three of them cleaned house and called in a crew to handle the leftovers.

A few weeks later Nihlus' report was read over several times and Marshall was made the first human Spectre. His proficiency and Nihlus' glowing report began to open the Council's eyes to how much they'd been underestimating humanity, and already more humans were being considered to be made Spectre's.

Ons: Rough Sex, Hair Pulling, Anal, Oral, Seduction, Foreplay, Public Sex, Domination, An aggressive partner
Offs: Scat, Watersports, Gore, Vore, etc...

Connections: TBA

Description: Marshall stands at about 6'3, and he weighs roughly 240lbs, which is far more muscle than not. A lifestyle of constant activity and murder will do that for you. He's not pale, but he's not quite tan either. He's lived in space more or less all his life and it seems his skin will never feel the kiss of the sun. He's got brown hair which he styles(right now he's got the sides of his head shaved), and a scruffy beard/goatee combo thing goin' on. His biotics and eyes glow red as a result of the far beyond "safe" levels of eezo he was exposed to in utero...he thinks it's pretty badass, and very helpful when it comes to intimidation.  He's got a tongue piercing, and he speaks with a distinctive South London accent as that's where his parents are from(Brixton).

Ship: The Laurentian - The Laurentian is a frigate class vessel; a bit sleeker in design than standard, but it doesn't lack for weapons and armor. In fact it has a bigger punch and a tougher hull than most would expect from a craft that size. Where the Laurentian really excels though is speed and maneuverability as well as it's stealth capabilities. Wraith needs to get places quickly and quietly; and his job means sometimes he has to blow up ships while avoiding getting blown up himself. It's a tough job, but his baby and his crew are always up for the task.

Taevia Mortis - Asari Ardat-Yakshi by la dame en noir
Player Name: la dame en noir
Name: Taevia Mortis
Age: 400 years old – she is a matron
Race: Asari | Ardat-Yakshi
Gender: Physically Female, by human standards
Sexuality: Not something she can engage in, but she prefers those of the female variety.
Home Planet: Thessia

Appearance: Taevia stands at five feet eight inches in height. She is a curvaceous Asari, which many of her victims find most alluring about her. Her eyes are a steel blue and she has white dotted markings covering around her eyes and place over her scalp. Taevia prefers to wear dark clothing, sometimes leather and other garments which make her alluring to the eye. Appearances can fool a lot of people.

Affiliation: Herself, occasionally she dabbles with Aria.
Weapons: Acolyte]Heavy Pistol
Power: Singularity, Throw, and Shockwave

Background/Personality: Taevia Mortis was born as a pure blood Asari in a world where being pure blood was frowned upon. Growing up, Taevia did not understand why she got so much flak from society because of her background and her parents often kept things very vague for her. She was different from the other Asari, but she didn’t know why. She was teased relentlessly by other Asari children and often pushed herself away from most people when she was in their presence. She was strange, but highly intelligent – using her free time to study her biotic powers.

During her first part of her early stages as a matron, Taevia fell in love with a Quarian female she met during the girl’s pilgrimage. The Asari was attracted to her inability to ever be able to physically touch her for fear of sickness, but she loved the girl’s out-going personality and quick witted way of talking. Coming from Thessia, she had very little interaction with other alien species and found her to be quite intriguing.

Taevia discovered her condition through means that destroyed her from the inside out. When her lover finally agreed to be intimate with her, she killed her. Taevia did not know how or why, but there she was - lying dead in her arms after convulsing violently for thirty seconds. Frightened, she left her lover in hopes that someone else would find her and escaped immediately from Omega to Thessia to confront her parents. Once there, her parents explained that she was in fact an Ardat-Yakshi and when she is intimate with another, they will die on contact.

The news not only devastated Taevia, but shaped who she is now. She left Thessia after the attempt to keep her in a sanctuary and is now rogue throughout the terminus systems and currently resides in Omega. With news of the Thorian and its goal, she hopes to persuade it to help all bring Ardat-Yakshi peace and proper place in the universe. She will do anything and everything to achieve this goal.

Goal: Taevia has no real goal. She is simply evil because society has taught her to hate. The once loving and caring girl is now on a rampage to kill or be killed. She does not kill in massive quantities, but she picks her victims carefully. Taevia feels that the Thorian is the Ardat-Yakshi’s answer to a normal life and she will do anything and everything to help it achieve its goal.

Ons: She can’t be intimate with anyone – though there are these human inventions called Dildos. Taevia is an aggressive and dominant character. If she wanted to fuck someone without killing them(women only) she would use toys and would never kiss or touch them otherwise.
Offs: Nothing to put here, she won’t be fucking many people to begin with.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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la dame en noir

Other Information & Resources

As Mass Effect takes place just as much in the galaxy surrounding these worlds as the worlds themselves, having a means of transportation is extremely important. Can't stay stuck on Virmire your whole life now can you? There is a set ship class system in place in the Mass Effect universe; one which we will employ(with a bit of tweaking). However as the larger varieties of ship(Cruiser, Carrier, Dreadnought, etc...) are only for pitched battles and for higher ranked people, they're unnecessary aside from GM/NPC use.

Ship Classes

Fighter - A one person spacecraft designed for up close combat and skirmishes. These ships are small, fast, and extremely maneuverable. They lack heavy firepower and shielding, but more than make up for that with blinding speed and maneuverability. If properly outfitted, they can do some decent damage against Freighters and Frigates, although you'll rarely see a Fighter go in for the kill. (Think X-Wing)

Freighter - A larger craft that is not only highly customizable, but boasts incredible speed and combat capabilities. While much larger than a Fighter, a Freighter can still be fully operated by a single person. Some Freighters may even house a  fighter or two if their cargo hold is large enough. (Think Ebon Hawk)

Frigate - The same class of ship as the Normandy SR-1 and SR-2. These ships are the perfect balance of speed, maneuverability, and power for their size. Nobody may have a ship of a higher class than a Frigate, and we are only allowing 2 of these starting out, as these ships are fairly large and require a decent crew to function at full capacity.(30+) Your character will need a good reason to have a ship this size.

Beginner's Guide to the world of Mass Effect

Hey everybody, I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man co-GM, Juggtacular! And this list is essentially here to help those of you who like the concept and are interest in Mass Effect, but haven't played the trilogy or read the books or all of that other tedious stuff to really get the feel of how it works. So I've basically compiled some basic stuff to help you understand how things work better so the game and the posts read better.

For example, despite being the future, there are no such thing as "blaster rifles" like in Star Wars. Instead bullets the size of a grain of sand are shaved off of a block of metal within the gun and accelerated through micro mass effect fields like "hyper bullets". A paint chip accelerated with a large enough mass effect field can impact with the force of a nuclear weapon. Awesome right?! Well there's lots of stuff like that and my job is to help make it a bit more user friendly. I'll be giving descriptions, but will have links as well so you can go more in depth if you so choose. Here we go!

Mass Effect Fields: The game got it's name from the titular "Mass Effect" Field that essentially makes moving around the universe possible and a ton of other useful things. A mass effect field is generated when "Element Zero", or Eezo, a rare material is subjected to powerful electric currents. The reaction is the creation of "Dark Energy" which allows a Mass Effect field to be created. They're called Mass Effect fields as the mass of anything within the field can be affected by adding a positive or negative electrical charge. Positive current makes the mass increase, negative makes it decrease. [Mass Effect Field]

Element Zero: Element Zero, also known as "eezo", is a rare material that, when subjected to an electrical current, releases dark energy which can be manipulated into a mass effect field, raising or lowering the mass of all objects within that field. A positive current increases mass, a negative current decreases it. This "mass effect" is used in countless ways, from generating artificial gravity to manufacturing high-strength construction materials. It is most prominently used to enable faster-than-light space travel without causing time dilation. In it's dust form, exposure to eezo in utero can strengthen the chances of a child being born with Biotic capabilities. Although just as often, if not more so it has no effect or just results in cancer. [Eezo]

Weaponry: All firearms of all shapes and sizes in this day and age are powered by Mass Accelerators, leaving the archaic concept of gunpowder(and whatever methods non-human races used) and such a thing of the past. Put simply, the Mass Accelerator in a weapon(pistol or a ships main gun) uses a combination of electromagnetics to launch the projectile like a rail gun, and in conjunction with a mass effect field, said projectile can have it's mass reduced to allow for higher travel speeds which translates to much higher velocity. Ammunition is no longer a problem as thousands of rounds can be spat out from a single "ammo block", a cube of metal housed within the weapon that has a piece shaved off to serve as ammunition. However, this method causes extreme heat buildup, so "Thermal Clips" are used to absorb that heat, then ejected from the weapon so it can continue firing normally.[Mass Accelerator] / [Weapons]

Mass Relay: The Mass Relay's are those giant, mysterious monolith's just floating out in deep space. However each one is nearly indestructible(made from the same stuff as the Citadel), and makes travel through the many galaxies of the universe possible. Even at FTL(Faster-than-Light) speeds, going from one end of one galaxy to the other would take centuries, much less traveling to a different portion of the universe. The Relays bypass this limitation by creating a tunnel of sorts between two Relays. One that makes everything inside virtually free of mass. By reducing the mass of a ship to 0, it can reach speeds far beyond even FTL, which allows one to literally go from one corner of creation to the other in a matter of days at the most. [Mass Relay]

Kinetic Barriers: Called "shields" colloquially through the universe, Kinetic Barriers are in essence, mass effect fields generated around a person or thing through generators that cause most things launched by a mass accelerator to be deflected. Essentially it's a bulletproof shield for whatever you have it around. However a barrier can only take so much damage before being forcibly shut down and needing to recharge. [Kinetic Barrier]

Biotics: Biotics is the process an organic being creating naturally creating mass effect fields to effect the environment around them. It is also the title put on anyone who possesses the ability. i.e., "Dwayne is a biotic". While Asari are all naturally born with varying levels of Biotic power, every other race must be helped along by exposure to eezo while in utero. If successful the biotic will develop nodules throughout their nervous system that actually generate element zero, which in turn allows the person to manipulate that to fuel their biotic abilities by focusing the electric current generated from brain commands and releasing dark energy which is used to manipulate the environment. But for these abilities to actually be effective, biological amplifiers are surgically implanted throughout the body to increase the power generated. Again, as Asari are naturally biotic, they have no need for the bio-amps. [Biotics]

[Races] - This is a link that leads to information on every race and creature in the Mass Effect universe. Simply click on one to learn all you need to know about them.

Of course there's far more to expand upon, but I don't think I can handle making a list that'll end up being 4 pages long. So if you have any further questions, feel free to drop me a line!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


While we love OC's, we also realize how tempting it is to play canons. Not all of them will be available due to reasons like running a planet, but a majority are open to be played.

NPC: Urdnot Wrex, Aria T'Loak, Liara T'Soni, Samara, The Shadow Broker, The Citadel Council, General Hackett

Playable: Kaiden Alenko, Miranda Lawson, Jacob Taylor, Kasumi Goto, Garrus Vakarian, Ashley Williams, Thane Krios, Kai Leng, , Subject "Jack" Zero(PM for info), Zaeed Massani, Mordin Solus, James Vega, Nihlus Kyrik, Saren Arterius, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

NOTICE: These lists are not all encompassing. If you have any questions about a character not on this list, feel free to PM la dame or myself and we'll be happy to give you an answer on whether they're available to be picked up or not.


There are a multitude of jobs available to your characters, however everybody can't be C-Sec or a Spectre, etc, etc... So we're implementing a limit on important job types for the time being.

Spectre: For the moment, we will be accepting a maximum amount of 4 Spectres, not including my character. Keep in mind that Council Races tend to get preferential treatment to be made Spectres. i.e. Human, Asari, Turian, or Salarian at the moment, and on a case by case basis we will look at any inquiries to make a non-council race a Spectre, like a Krogan, Quarian or Batarian.

Systems Alliance Officer: About 6 or 7 of these at most. This covers any position within the Alliance like "Pilot", "Soldier", "Medic", "Spec-Ops", etc...

Council Officer: This includes any job where you report in some way to the Council. C-Sec, Citadel Fleet, Salarian STG, Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission(who work with Tuchanka's government to keep the checks and balances running that allows Krogan out into the galaxy), etc... About the same as the Alliance, so 6 or 7.

Cerberus: 5, maybe 6 Cerberus operatives will be allowed. Anyone Cerberus must be human. Remember they're pro-human to the point of near racism.

Geth: 3 at max for the moment(including Legion with some tweaking). Any playable Geth will be in the extreme minority as 99.9% of them remain behind the Perseus Veil to stay away from the organics who they feel will continue to attack them simply for existing. The remaining percent available to characters would be free thinkers who realize that organics fear AI for the potential they represent to replace them, but not all of them will attack on sight or try to obliterate them. They would be the few that have the courage to leave the veil so to speak.

All other positions like Mercenary, Freelancer, Hacker, Omega Gang Member, etc... are free to as many people that want them. If it's a specialized position like you want to report directly to Aria or something like that, feel free to PM la dame or myself with your proposal.

As the RP grows, the limits will of course be expanded upon to allow for more people.

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Oh heeeeeeeey, you two  ;)

I might just try and squeeze this game into my continually growing list of group games, since I love the Mass Effect universe and both of you as well :3 Would Salarians be a race you'd allow to be playable? If not, it's not a big deal and I'm not set in stone with the idea either, but I've always wanted to play a female Salarian so I might give it a go if acceptable.

- Rainbow ♥


Definitely interested, I'll resurrect Suzie Lao if she works:

Suzie Lao

Suzie Lao is a counterculture icon, famous throughout the galaxy for her illegal broadcasts detailing the excesses, hypocrisy and tyranny of the major governments.  A Champion of the People, she’s sexy, fun, a pistol-wielding Robin Hood of hacking and information broking – half rock star glam and half folk hero violence.  As much as she pisses off big business and government, she enthralls everyone else.  She’s not above burglary, shootouts or seduction to get a story, and her news station – the Underground – hacks its way into normal feeds and brings anarchy, chaos and free love to every man, woman and Asari that ever felt sick of the powers keeping them down.  The revolution will be televised!

More to come once I can give proper time to read your intro and tweak the character sheet to suit. 


Quote from: xSnorkleRainbow on March 17, 2015, 05:55:38 PM
Oh heeeeeeeey, you two  ;)

I might just try and squeeze this game into my continually growing list of group games, since I love the Mass Effect universe and both of you as well :3 Would Salarians be a race you'd allow to be playable? If not, it's not a big deal and I'm not set in stone with the idea either, but I've always wanted to play a female Salarian so I might give it a go if acceptable.

- Rainbow ♥

Salarian's are a playable race. Go ahead, Snorkle.  XD


Quote from: Juggtacular on March 17, 2015, 05:59:15 PM
Salarian's are a playable race. Go ahead, Snorkle.  XD

Woo! :3 Thanks, Jugg. I'll give it a look and hopefully have a character up within the next few days.

- Rainbow ♥

la dame en noir

Quote from: xSnorkleRainbow on March 17, 2015, 05:55:38 PM
Oh heeeeeeeey, you two  ;)

I might just try and squeeze this game into my continually growing list of group games, since I love the Mass Effect universe and both of you as well :3 Would Salarians be a race you'd allow to be playable? If not, it's not a big deal and I'm not set in stone with the idea either, but I've always wanted to play a female Salarian so I might give it a go if acceptable.

- Rainbow ♥

Exactly what Jugg said :D - Welcome my dear.

Quote from: eBadger on March 17, 2015, 05:57:37 PM
Definitely interested, I'll resurrect Suzie Lao if she works:

Suzie Lao

Suzie Lao is a counterculture icon, famous throughout the galaxy for her illegal broadcasts detailing the excesses, hypocrisy and tyranny of the major governments.  A Champion of the People, she’s sexy, fun, a pistol-wielding Robin Hood of hacking and information broking – half rock star glam and half folk hero violence.  As much as she pisses off big business and government, she enthralls everyone else.  She’s not above burglary, shootouts or seduction to get a story, and her news station – the Underground – hacks its way into normal feeds and brings anarchy, chaos and free love to every man, woman and Asari that ever felt sick of the powers keeping them down.  The revolution will be televised!

More to come once I can give proper time to read your intro and tweak the character sheet to suit. 

Yes, she is definitely allowed! Its great to see you again.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

la dame en noir

Seeing posts in this thread makes me want to cry tears of happiness.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

Lustful Bride

*throws hat in* I will try and work up a character soon, I just need to do some thinking on it.

la dame en noir

Quote from: Lustful Bride on March 17, 2015, 06:32:29 PM
*throws hat in* I will try and work up a character soon, I just need to do some thinking on it.

Awesome! Take your time and let us know if you have any questions. I almost didn't recognize you with the new avatar lol.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

Lustful Bride

 ;D hmmm I kind of want a character who is a fitter pilot but I just had a thought, what about someone who is a gunship pilot instead?

I'm still working it out so its okay if those are not allowed, I still have lots of thinking to do.  :P

la dame en noir

I let Jugg handle all of that. lol He's better with that stuff, but I don't see why not.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: Lustful Bride on March 17, 2015, 06:38:28 PM
;D hmmm I kind of want a character who is a fitter pilot but I just had a thought, what about someone who is a gunship pilot instead?

I'm still working it out so its okay if those are not allowed, I still have lots of thinking to do.  :P

Yes, being a Fighter Pilot is acceptable. You could also be the pilot for a  Freighter or Frigate vessel as well(like Joker for the Normandy). Bigger than that you get Cruisers and such and those take multiple people to pilot and don't see much action aside from patrol and heavy space battles.

Lustful Bride

Quote from: Juggtacular on March 17, 2015, 06:43:01 PM
Yes, being a Fighter Pilot is acceptable. You could also be the pilot for a  Freighter or Frigate vessel as well(like Joker for the Normandy). Bigger than that you get Cruisers and such and those take multiple people to pilot and don't see much action aside from patrol and heavy space battles.

They all sound so good. I'm gonna think on it more and get back to you.  :-)


Quote from: Lustful Bride on March 17, 2015, 06:44:52 PM
They all sound so good. I'm gonna think on it more and get back to you.  :-)

Can't wait to see what you come up with.  XD


*buys hat, throws it in the ring*

I have class tonight, but I'm in.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


Quote from: thebobmaster on March 17, 2015, 07:08:19 PM
*buys hat, throws it in the ring*

I have class tonight, but I'm in.

Welcome Bob. Glad to have you aboard. :)


Soooo, because I'm awful at sticking to decisions I think I make (but don't really make lol) I'm in a toss up between a female Salarian and a female Quarian. Just wanted to let you know so you kinda have an idea what's coming from me.

- Rainbow ♥

la dame en noir

Quote from: xSnorkleRainbow on March 17, 2015, 07:12:13 PM
Soooo, because I'm awful at sticking to decisions I think I make (but don't really make lol) I'm in a toss up between a female Salarian and a female Quarian. Just wanted to let you know so you kinda have an idea what's coming from me.

- Rainbow ♥

I already know the heap of fanboys would love a female Quarian lol.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

la dame en noir

Villain template has been added! So if anyone is interested in playing a bad guy, please feel free.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Interested.  I would like to play a Human Soldier.


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Always seeking 5E games.