Godric's Acadamy of Young Adults.

Started by CurvyKitten, August 18, 2009, 03:37:07 AM

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This is a letter from The Godric Academy of Young Adults, your particular skills and interests have caught the eye of our employee acquisition branch as a result you have been offered a seat on our staff, if interested please fill out the attached application form.
Name:Kaylea Moon
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Physical Description: 
Short Biography: Kaylea Moon or Ms.Moon her studant will call her, is the newest and youngest teacher on the payroll. But NEVER underestimate her, or what she can do. She is by far a lover, it is what she does best. Being one of Godric past studants he called upon her and "tested" to see if she could handle what he had in mind for her. And to say the least she past. Strict, sexy, sexual, pleas er, if you're her student she take charge but if your her lover...she is equal or if you can take control then she loves it and she is the perfect pet.She is good at what she does depends on what level your at and if you can keep up. She is smart far beyond what she let people think.Being very well educated, her parents and Godric saw to that. Being able to speak several languages, dance, sing, write... All of which she using to seduce, teach, please, those around her.
Position Requested:( Oral Presentation 



Name:  Cindy Adams
Age:  25
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Physical Description:

Cindy is slightly tall for a woman, her hair kept back in a ponytail.  It is not often you come across her without a cigarette in her mouth.  She has glasses, but refuses to wear them, preferring the contacts, even though they exaggerate the green in her eyes.  When she does wear them, they are thin rimmed, the frames a deep scarlet.
Short Biography:  Cindy was always a science wizz, loving biology.  As a teenager, she was sent to Godric's school to try to get her to open up more, which she did.  Once she graduated she went to school to study to become a doctor, but got kicked out after abusing patients when she was studying at a clinic.  "They wouldnt listen to the directions I told them, so they needed to be disciplined."  She told the reporter who decided to make a story out of it.  Soon following her expulsion she got a letter from Godric asking her to be the new nurse at his academy.  She gladly accepted.
Position Requested: Nurse, Gym Teacher


Godric’s Academy Bids Welcome to This Year’s Preferoti!

Favorite Teacher
Reason for Returning

The Preferorti also known as the trustees are students from last year who have returned to continue their studies, they fill in the position of teachers aids/ personal pets for the teaching staff.  Their authority over the underclassmen is given and taken by the teachers, no trustee can ever stand up to a teacher, just as no student may stand up to a trustee. Trustee’s are assigned to a specific teacher who may use or abuse them any way they see fit, at the same time they are under that teachers protection and tutelage, or lack of protection if that is the case. Teachers select their trustee’s not the other way around.  Each teacher is allowed up to 2 trustees The trustee’s sleep in their teacher’s rooms and alternate nights as the dorm mother/father of the male and female dorms insuring order when no teachers are around.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.

Pretty in Pink

Name: James 'Jamie' Gray
Age: 15

History: Always the model child, James is a bit of an oddity at Godric's, as he wasn't sent here because he was out of control, or needed to be broken down. Rather he was sent here because his parents were here as teens, and they wanted him to experience what they experienced. Other than a case of mild asthma, he's perfectly healthy, and obedient towards authority figures to a T.
Favorite Teacher: Not really a teacher, but...  Cindy Adams
Reason for Returning: Not necessarily returning.  Awarded Perfertori status due to generous donations to Godric's Academy

Name: Carrie Greenwood
Age: 19

History: Carrie attended Godric's back when she was 14, when she was into drugs, gangs, and sex.  Her first meeting with Mr. Godric didn't go well, as it wound up with her in his dungeon, a solid steel dildo in her vagina, with the end held in his hand, which was covered by his electric glove.

Needless to say, this instilled a healthy respect in her for the man, and she took his lessons to heart, quickly rising to become his favorite in her class.  Of course, she still had times where she butted heads with him, and there pretty much isn't ANY of his punishments that she hasn't endured, aside from ones he has just come up with recently.
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Godric
Reason for Returning: She wanted to come back and be a part of the school that made her what she is today.

I've taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RP



Name: Damian Parker
Age: 18

History:  Damian came to the school two yearsbefore as snotty rich boy.  He didnt listen to his parents, threw parties, did bad in school, and even ran away from home once, but came back because he missed his money.
Favorite Teacher: Serenity Graham
Reason for returning:  Damian missed the school after a year of being back in high school.  He begged his parents to let him return.


Name: Jessica Mcbride
Age: 16

History: Jessica was your usual spoiled brat.  She wanted everything handed to her, payed her teachers off for good grades, payed the smart kids to do homework.  Every guy wanted her for her money.  A year ago she was sent to Godric's Academy.
Favorite Teacher: Jack Harkeness
Reason for returning:  She came back home, and returned to being a spoiled brat, so her parents are sending her again, hoping they will be harder on her this time.


Name: Dr. Tarkasian
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Eastern European
Physical description:

Brief Bio: Once a well respected surgeon Tarkasian or ‘Tark” as his friends used to call him, when he had friends,  had the easy life, he loved his work and was amazing at it. But that wasn’t enough he needed to go down in history. This need drove him to become more and more desperate as the years went by, eventually shrugging off the restrictions that society placed on him.  He began human trials for several experimental drugs and vaccines he was cooking up. Even worse he did it without the knowledge of his ‘lab rats’, eventually he was caught and his license revoked. He was to be placed in jail but made a run for the border. Just outside of Eagle Pass(a border town in Texas) he was caught, not by the law but by Godric. Rather than taken to the authorities he was offered a deal…that he never even considered turning down. He now works as the schools Emergency surgeon handling anything the nurse can’t and overseeing all the drug mixtures placed in the food for the students.  When not needed he is always in his lab, working on experimental cures, test subjects for which are never in short supply thanks to Godric’s connections with a certain South American prison.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
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My Apologies.


Quote from: Urbanzorro on August 20, 2009, 11:29:30 PM
Godric’s Academy Bids Welcome to This Year's Preferoti!

Name Scarlet O'Connell
Age 18

History she was sent here being a wild party child, lost to sex and drugs. She loves to sing and dancing, a true artist when you get past her outer layers. She was more then set straight by godric and the staff and focused her talents else where
Favorite Teacher.Morgan Alex Tellus
Reason for Returning she missed her life here, and wanted to return to finish her classes and her training. And hopfully get back in touch with her favorite teacher.

Name Dean Matherson
Age 17
History He came to the school becuase he was a cocky spoiled brat, a teenage sex machine that would love and leave them. He was giving his parents and his family name a reputation that couldn't take any more so they sent him here.
Favorite Teacher
Reason for Returning After leaving for a short time he was a model son. But he secretly missed it here so he wasn't back to his old ways to get sent back here and now that he's back he happy and cockier then ever.


Name: Will Birkin
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: American (British Decent)
Physical description:

Brief Bio: Always an eager student he excelled in all his classes taking quite a taste to all the activities that took place at the Academy.  He went their when he was just 14 but begged his parents to send him back. They refused it not wanting him to turn into a total sexual deviant. As soon as he turned 18 he left the house and applied for position as a preferarti. He was a bit older than usual, and it had been a while but Godric could see a bit of potential in him and decided another year wouldn’t hurt the boy. He was Will was eager to learn, and to have quite a bit of FUN doing it.
Favorite Teacher: All of them honestly
Reason for Returning: Enjoy another year, and hopefully get a position on the staff in the future.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


I'll be a female student. I'll send in application as soon as I can!



I think I may have to leave the RP... I never get a chance to post in the topic when most of the stuff is actually happening, and as such, my character is rapidly becoming part of the furniture and not much more...


I understand, It sucks to lose you all the same.


Hey, I said I may leave, not that I am leaving. XD I'm gonna stick with it for a bit and see if anything changes, but, yeah...


nods and huggles~ hopefully we can work something out. We are trying to work it so there is something going on, on more regular hours lol so if you do try and stick it out we are trying to work it out.


I'm sure you are trying to work something out, I have faith in GM's, which is why I am sticking around :-)


Is this RP up yet? I keep checking the thread but don't see an update anywhere that lists there being an IC thread or an OOC thread. When do you think you'll be getting this out?
I am slowly making a return in 2024!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


Wow. I didn't know it was already up and going for so long. I'm lost... how come the link wasn't posted up in the thread and why didn't anyone PM me? I'm not entirely sure what to do now... it seems as though I've already missed a lot and I don't like coming in the middle of things...

Anyone want to fill me in on how the classes work? Is there a certain section for each class? Like a thread for each particular class so that it doesn't get all combined in one thread and confusing?
I am slowly making a return in 2024!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


Don't worry. I'm pretty confused as well. I tend to miss all of the important bits and post once or twice when nothing is happening. If you read through the main topic and this one, then you should get everything. Not a lot is happening, to be honest xD

And, it was posted here, on the second page, about halfway down. Also, links are on the first page, in the OP


well, there will be a thread for each class... once we have our own subforum. So, for now, we're mainly in the one thread, but we have a private side-threat for the students and one for the teachers going as well.


Right now that classes just go in the odered that they fall in.
6:00 AM Obedience 101
Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Amber Brown
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike


7:00 AM Sensuality 315
Jacob Stevens
Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Jamie O'Grady
Amber Brown

8:00 AM Physical Fitness
Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Marie O'Grady
Amber Brown

9:00 AM Lesb ed
Marie O'Grady
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Amber Brown
Lily Collen

Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Cathy Brian
Adam Bark
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

9:00 AM Male Studies
Jacob Stevens
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Jamie O'Grady
Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Amber Brown
Adam Bark
Lily Collen

10:00 AM Canine Studies
Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Amber Brown
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Cathy Brian

11:00 AM Pride Management
Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Amber Brown
Adam Bark
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Marie O'Grady
Lily Collen

1:00 PM Theater
Jacob Stevens
Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Jamie O'Grady
Amber Brown

2:00 PM SESC
Jacob Stevens
Jamie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Cathy Brian
Amber Brown
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Marie O'Grady

3:00 PM Equestrian Studies
Jamie O'Grady
Marie O'Grady
Reyna Morrisey
Kanami Risuke
Amber Brown
Christopher Pike

Jacob Stevens
Alex Cross
Cathy Brian
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green

4:00 PM Oral Presentation
Jacob Stevens
Marie O'Grady
Alex Cross
Kanami Risuke
Adam Bark
Lily Collen
Ian Green
Christopher Pike

Jamie O'Grady
Reyna Morrisey
Cathy Brian
Amber Brown

once we get the ability to Fourth divide the classes we will do just that. As for now you find you r name and get to your class, We are at PE as of yet. I'm very sorry for not putting the thread in a better place it was posted just in the middle and not at the top where people didn't have to search for it. The thread grew so fast in just two days. Were very proud of it and would love it if you would still be a part of it.


O.O I missed the link ; ; but I see it now. Hmmm, well it's 10:00AM now so we should be in Canine Studies? But you say we're in P.E. How do I tell what class is going on if it's not real time? *laughs* and how long do we know P.E. goes on for? Also can I just show up at the class and then someone realizes I haven't been properly outfitted yet?
I am slowly making a return in 2024!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


I think, its like, every class lasts 24 real-time hours, although its only an hour in the RP.


Quote from: Whitey on August 21, 2009, 09:06:05 AM
I think, its like, every class lasts 24 real-time hours, although its only an hour in the RP.

Okay so if today is P.E. that means tomorrow will be the start of Lesbian Education class? And if you're not in that class then you get free period and can do whatever you want on the grounds?

Maybe I should enter at that point so that I'm not lost xD
I am slowly making a return in 2024!
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests
