New York, New York (Adult slice of life / Drug dealers and violence)

Started by The Green One, April 19, 2022, 11:47:50 AM

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I'm interested!

Depending on interst for such a thing, would Delirium Nightclub have bands for live music?  If so, I could see a character that is a member of the band and also involved in other aspects, like dealing/prostitute.

I have a concept of a young male, sort of twink type looks wise.  Drummer in a band, but maybe has hit a rough patch financially.  Down on his luck, he's living in his van and isn't above working whatever angles he needs to to get by. 

Doesn't have to be that particular concept, just floating the idea.
Slice of life is very up my alley.

The Green One

Quote from: Sparky01 on April 21, 2022, 07:47:26 AM
I'm interested!

Depending on interst for such a thing, would Delirium Nightclub have bands for live music?  If so, I could see a character that is a member of the band and also involved in other aspects, like dealing/prostitute.

I have a concept of a young male, sort of twink type looks wise.  Drummer in a band, but maybe has hit a rough patch financially.  Down on his luck, he's living in his van and isn't above working whatever angles he needs to to get by. 

Doesn't have to be that particular concept, just floating the idea.
Slice of life is very up my alley.

Yes, both places would have live music, so your idea fits right in. Also, there's another player with a musician character, maybe you could plan something out.

Discord server is almost ready!

Club Onyx and Delirium Nightclub are looking for owners, if anyone is interested!

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Quote from: Liam Dale on April 21, 2022, 07:53:55 AM

Club Onyx and Delirium Nightclub are looking for owners, if anyone is interested!

If there will be no grabs... I mean, Clubs are like the main distribution area for illegal substances. :P

The Green One

Discord Server is up!

If you already submitted a character or are working on a character sheet and didn't get the link to enter the server, please send me a PM!

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The Green One

There's an opening for a biker's bar owner!

Musicians and other artists are welcome!

We still need cops!

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Interested, I think, just not sure about a character. Will give it some thought!

The Green One

Quote from: Totoro on April 22, 2022, 02:42:06 AM

Interested, I think, just not sure about a character. Will give it some thought!

Take your time~

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The Green One

The game will probably launch this Wednesday!

There's still plenty of room for more writers and characters and there's no problem if anyone decides to join later into the game~

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I may try to drum up a crooked cop, it's gonna be hard to justify but I'll ... think about it. If not then a small time drug dealer is also on my brain.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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The Green One

Whatever you'd like to play.

When I say "we need cops" it doesn't mean you can only make a cop character to participate

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Oh, I was thinking about that role before... it's challenging, but I still like the idea.

But, yes! Understood. :)

This adult slice of life with a side of crime sounds like fun.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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The Green One

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The Green One

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I just checked out the character's page and about screamed when I saw Lucy Chen FC. I looooooove "The Rookie". A lot of people hate on season 3, but I LOVED it.

Edit: OMG!!! Jung Ho Yeong and McIver!!! yaaaaassss
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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The Green One

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If someone is thinking about a character, I mean...let's face it, my Capo always can make use of one or the other member for La Famiglia. Just tossing this out here.  ;D :P


I sent in an application for an NYPD detective, but one of her siblings is a bouncer (and secretly an enforcer/fixer for a gang--not sure which one yet, though!)
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Quote from: RainyHigh on April 23, 2022, 12:43:44 PM
I sent in an application for an NYPD detective, but one of her siblings is a bouncer (and secretly an enforcer/fixer for a gang--not sure which one yet, though!)
Not-so-clean cops make for good associates! :P

The Green One

I'm a bit behind with the character grid, sorry, but we'll probably launch on Wednesday as planned!

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The Green One

- Underground Arena - Brooklyn - looking for owner, employees and fighters!

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Name: Luna Quincy
Age: 37
Ocupation (Legal / Illegal): runs the local underground fight club Illegal, secretly runs a free clinic Illigal since she doesn’t have a doctor’s license
Borough (Where the character lives / Where they work/run their ops): Brooklyn
Played by: Curvykitten
Face claim: Margot Robbie

Eye / Hair color: Blue / Blonde
Height / Weight: 5’9’’ 130lbs

Distinctive Features:
Tattoo of her brother’s name and his birthday along her right rib cage. Various scars from the years of fighting, and abuse from her father. Tattoo of we’re all mad here, and a Viking compass on the back of her left shoulder.

One Luna was a caring soft individual one that sought to relieve the pain of those around. She once sought to heal the world but then everything changed. After the attack and her life falling apart Luna became someone very different. Learning that you had to be hard in the world rather quickly. Her personality seemed to shift rather quickly, but perhaps it was simply Luna becoming who she was always meant to be. A strong willed, ass kicking, no name taking sort of person. She back bold, yet hard, wall built up around her so thick one may never get through them. Now manipulative, and even cruel at times. Specially when she hers gets in the ring, they don’t call it a blood sport for nothing.

Luna is intelligent, Charismatic, Manipulative, Creative, Resourceful, Vibrant, Sensual, Bold, Insatiable, Hedonistic to boot. She is one to see to those that can not help themselves. But also one to dull out the punishment when it was called for. She is tough as nails and not one to be screwed with. Her reputation not only protects her but makes her incredibly valuable. One would think that her way of life contradicted her will to help those around her. But for some reason, it works for her. A leader in her own right, a bold and unstoppable woman that never backs down easily.

When in the ring she is known as an unstoppable force. Hellcat is known for leaving her opponents bleeding on the mat. Though she is often the one that ends up fixing them up afterward as well. Perhaps her knowledge of the body is part of what makes her so very talented in the ring. Granted some may say it is the unchained temper that seems to come out of nowhere when pushed to the edge. All in all, Luna is respected by most everyone, feared by some, looked up to by others. She is the queen of her little domain and no one best challenge that


Luna eventually to be Marley was always a gifted child, catching on quickly to how the world around her worked. Which was good because she had to learn how to care for herself faster than most. Her mother, a drugged-up whore, ready to give it any man that would keep up her habit. Her father, or more so the man that claimed to be her father was a drunk former military Sargent. A man long past his prime, but still trying to hold onto the good old days. To give him the credit he kept some type of roof over their heads most times. But that was about all he managed to do for them. Food was a blessing when it was around, and clothes were worn until they were falling apart. The only saving grace in Luna’s life was her little brother Nick. With their parents nothing more than hopeless wrecks it was left to her to raise him. Hiding him from as much of the abuse their father sent their way as possible. She took the beatings, gave him what little food they had, stole whatever he needed. When not in school her world revolved around Nick.

Most would see this as a burden, but to Luna, it was just life and love. And one did not regret what they did for those they loved. But this world is never fair, and one day when her dad was far more wasted than normal he came into her room and tried to rape her. Nick as he normally was curled up next to her and as she was fighting he reacted and struck their father. The man struck back in a rage, beating and kicking Nick back into the bedside table. Marley saw Nick's head strike the dark wood and his body slump to the floor and she lost it.

She leaped upon her father and began to rip, claw, bite, and strike her father like a wild animal. Rage consumed her as she brought him to the ground. Her hands smashing into his face again, and again, and again. She didn't stop, she couldn't, not until her body felt weak and her lungs burned from the way she struggled to get a breath. And her body was stained with her father's blood, her hands dripping with it as she stared into the dead eyes of the man that had tormented her childhood. She had finally done it; she had killed him. But it was too late because when she finally managed to come back to her senses Nick was long dead.

The rest of the night was a blur to her, but by the time she was done all evidence of her father and his death were erased from her home. To this day no one knows what happened to him, the authorities believe he ran the moment he realized what he had done. But only Luna knows the truth, and she is never going to tell. Her mother came home the next morning, and upon hearing that what had happened and that her son was dead she to vanished. Luna suspects she died in a gutter somewhere.

Luna only being 16 at the time was thrown into the system, but back in her day, the system wasn’t well managed. Well, even worse than it was now. And Luna was a broken young woman that raged against all those that tried to get past the walls she’d built around himself. But Luna knew there was more to life, and she intended to grab it all. To have and take everything she wanted from this world. So she put her nose in her books and studied hard, graduating early Luna then entered into medical school where she of course excelled.

It was during her last years of residency that she drew the eye of the man that would end her career Gregory Reed. The man was handsome for sure, but he would prove to be a snake hiding in the bushes. One evening after a office party at the hospital Luna found herself struggling to get home. Though she didn’t recall drinking enough to be so totally tipsy. Little did she know that Gregory had decided that she’d told him no for the last time. He slipped something in her drink and eagerly saw to taking her to his place and having his way with her. When she woke the next morning Luna had no idea how she’d gotten to his place. But she knew all to well what had happened, her sore bruised body would be a strong reminder for the next several days. But the scattered memories of the evening were what would haunt her for much longer.

She reported the assault, but there were several people that spoke up for him. Stating she was all over him and wanted it, the boys club had closed ranks and now Luna was forced to work with her abuser. And she tried, she really tried but life became unbearable at the hospital and one day that anger returned and she just snapped on Gregory after he made a joke at her expense and got his buddies laughing at her. She lashed out and attacked him, striking him again and again. Blooding him up well before they were able to finally pull her off of him. Fists covered in blood and rage in her eyes, she was arrested that day. She knew that her career was over, but in truth Luna couldn’t care less. The bastard deserved it! And she takes pleasure in the thought that he would never walk right again, and he would never be handsome again.

The only problem was now Luna was left with her life in shambles. Gregory didn’t press charges, she figured it was to avoid prying eyes. To close a look and the truth might come out! But her doctor’s license was revoked. Now with no path in life Luna was left to face starting over once again. Only this time she decided to embrace the broken parts in her and make a go of it being just who she was. A rage filled beauty with a will to achieve great things in life, be they good or bad. And after many nights of drinking, Luna got into a hell of a street brawl and that was when inspiration struck.

And this is when Luna began to build her little utopia. First, she bought an old wear house and began renovating it. She built a new arena where she could freely embrace the monster within. What was once a seedy soiled den of blood and pain; was now a thriving business that had the grandest of shows every night. It has become a place known for a good time of all sorts. Drinks, guys, and girls for whatever your flavor was, betting, and the bloody sport of combat. She ruled her little domain and no longer has to follow the rules set by others. Luna helps, fights, and fucks whoever she wants now.

Partners: Men/woman

Most it depends on her mood, but Luna enjoys these things and so much more. Kissing, biting, scratching, hair pulling, spanking, knife play, leaving marks, rough sex, passion, sensation play, toys...

What she doesn't play with is - bathroom play, whiny partners, humiliation , bestiality, NC(more so you can try...try being the key word :P),bad smells (player would also like to avoid vore or gore.)


The Green One

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The Green One

Quote from: CurvyKitten on April 24, 2022, 09:31:04 AM
And done with Luna!
Awesome! Post her up!

Also, you can add Aidan Bauer and Ren Brennan for her connections since they both go rather often. Aidan to fight (current knives champion) and Ren goes to watch his boy fight.

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The Green One

Game is on! Players are still welcome to join!

Here's the Character Sheets thread, to help guide players decide what kind of character they could create!

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