The Tree of Life

Started by Valerian, June 22, 2010, 01:40:03 PM

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In a little village called Dubrīs, a group of Keltoi from the Dumnonii tribe make their home.  It was a fine place to live -- the land was good for hunting and crops, and they were sheltered from both weather and enemies by their little valley and their wooden walls.  But the spirits of the land, the Tuatha Dé Danann, are capricious, and sometimes grow jealous of the mortals and the trust they have in each other.  For no one among the Tuatha Dé Danann dares to trust another for long.  They are experts at sowing distrust and betrayal, and sometimes, they practice that craft on any unsuspecting mortals that catch their eye...

Absinthe Tori
Beguile's Mistress

Seanacha (1) (Historian) - A type of bard, the Seanacha specializes in tracking the lineage and loyalties of nobles and commoners alike.  This player may learn another player's role once per night, via a PM to the Bard (Val).

Niadh Nask (1) (Champion of the Golden Chain) - The Champion is a mighty warrior, trained in sword and spear, and fiercely loyal.  This player may protect any player from the night attack by letting the Bard (Val) know via PM who they would like to guard.

Druí (1) (Druid) - Once during the game, this player may use the secret, mystical knowledge of the Druids to test a player about to be cast out into the wilderness.  If guilty, the removal goes on as planned; if innocent, that player is saved from near-certain death alone in the untamed lands.

Keltoi (7) (Celtic Villagers) - Through the power of their votes, these players must try to save themselves and their homeland by removing the spirits in human form who mean them harm.

Bean sídhe (3) (Banshee) - Though these spirits, who announce impending death, often show themselves in the shape of women -- young and beautiful or old and wizened -- in truth, they can take on any form.  Under the guidance of the Morrigan, the Phantom Queen, the spirit of battle, these spirits sometimes live as mortals and can wreak havoc among the mortals.  For they do not always merely announce death; they can also hasten it along.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


It was late in the afternoon as Mithlomwen knelt down, tending to her herb garden.  The sun was hanging low in the sky, the air crisp and cool, hinting that rain was not far away.  Her hands patted at the rich dark soil, pulling various weeds from between the precious herbs, the greenery thriving under her loving care.

She straightened back up to glance around her, watching with curiosity the goings on around her as the various villagers milled around, all of them going about their day just as she was doing. 
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


Ach, noe, I cannae wait t'be doin' some caber tossin'.




I have no idea if I'm doing this right.


His forearm begins to burn to a point of muscle failure as he swings his hammer one final time. The plowblade he had been making was complete. RP rotates his arm stretching and loosening his shoulder as he walks to the door of his shop. It appears the weather is about to turn.

"might be a good day for hunting"

He steps out the door and fills his nostrils with the crisp air and nods.

"ill wait till the rain comes, the rain will cover my sound and the wet ground will quiet my steps"

He pulls out a stool and sits outside, it will take some time to get his body use to the cold after spending the day in the heat of the shop.
Quote from: Remiel on June 24, 2010, 12:14:29 PM
Ach, noe, I cannae wait t'be doin' some caber tossin'.




I have no idea if I'm doing this right.
your not alone  XD
"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord

Beguile's Mistress

Beguile stands and steps away from the fire she’s been tending.  The contents of the cooking pot suspended over the flames fills her croft with the aroma of a rabbit stew that has been simmering for most of the morning.  A freshly baked loaf sits warming on the hearth stones heated by the glowing embers.  A taste of the broth tells Beguile that the herbs are just right; a poke with her wooden spoon tests the tenderness of the meat and vegetables which are close to perfection.

A wooden bucket half filled with water sits nearby.  Beguile pours the contents into the steaming cauldron sitting in the embers and heads out to the well to draw more water for the afternoon chores.  She smiles at Mithlomwen thinking to stop by and see if she has rosemary to spare and waves to RP where he sits outside his shop before lowering the drawing bucket suspended on a pulley over the well, letting it fill and starting to raise it with hand over hand tugs on the rope.

Zealously Jaded

Absinthe sat on the small stood by the front of her hut; slowly she picked up a handful of wool she was hoping to card some more before the light faded. Looking round she watched the others in the village, smiling she waved at everyone, before getting back to work before the rain arrived. There was going to be a large storm tonight, hopefully it would be gone by the morning, there was a lot of wool to go through.


A cracking sound is heard as a beast of burden is motioned forward, a large load of dry tree branches forcing its hooves deep into the wet much of the beat down road. The raid had cleared enough and the man had to make sure there was enough fire wood in the event of a long term storm. He had been at work all day and was now finally making the final load into the village.

When it was all said and done, the scratched up and muddy man went visiting neighbors to see if any would trade a hot meal for a charred hunk of fire wood that would burn bright and long into the night to ward of the cold. As a single man, he had yet to take a wife and have someone tend to his house as he worked.


Sitting on a small stool situated a few paces from the entrance to her small home, Ariadne watched the rotation of the spindle as she fed it more roving. It was easy to get lost in this particular task as she pondered the journey this particular batch of wool had gone through and where it would end up.  It was a shift in the wind, a small drop in temperature, that made her stop the spindle against her thigh and look up towards the afternoon sky.
I was lost for some time.
Ari's Absences and Social Thread    ||    Ari's Notes for Writing


Kyrsa added the last of the ingredients to the pot that hung over the fire and left it there to simmer.  Another hour and it would be ready to eat.  Not a moment too soon if the changing weather was any indication.  She walked out of her home and looked up, nothing the dark line of clouds that was just starting to appear on the horizon.  With a sigh she grabbed a shawl to wrap around her shoulders as a cool breeze spread goose bumps across her skin.


Eden strides out of hir (and Mar's) hut and strikes a pose. Completely naked and covered in swirly blue designs. "Vogue!"


Quote from: Eden on June 25, 2010, 01:55:03 PM
Eden strides out of hir (and Mar's) hut and strikes a pose. Completely naked and covered in swirly blue designs. "Vogue!"

Marguerite watched Eden stride out, her hands covered in paint from helping to decorate Eden in blue designs. "I am going to wash my hands, try not to ruin the pretty designs."
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


With a grin, Eden nods and is valiantly skyclad as shi goes about hir daily celtic chores


RP stands and waves back to Beguile as the second chill passes over him

"should be acclimated now, I wonder if I could take a boar alive and start keeping stock"

He walks to his hut and grabs his knife and the rope coiled on the floor. He tucks the knife in his belt and drapes the rope over his shoulder as he walks out the door. He walks through the village and notices Ariadne working and nods. As RP makes his way out of the gate towards the forest he thinks back to his first Boar hunt, before becoming a warrior and still naive about the way of things. He laughs to himself as he thinks about the fear he had on that first hunt not knowing the countless encounters he would have with fear and death in the years that would follow. Those times make him appreciate being a simple blacksmith.

with a quick prayer to Cernunnos he makes his way into the forest.
"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord


A rasping noise echoed around the village and those who heard it immediately knew it could only come from Kip.  Still in a deep sleep from the skilled display of imbibing from the previous night, his snores were even louder than normal.  Those around the village who were used to it knew that he'd stumble out of his hut in a few hours, red eyed, still faintly slurring his words and positively reeking of drink. 

Despite all this, he was a charming fellow.

"You say good start, I say perfect ending. 
This world has no heart and mine is beyond mending."
~Jay Brannan~

"Am I an angel or a monster?  A hero or a villian? Why can't I see the difference?"
~Mohinder Suresh~


Imogen sat on a low stool in front of her hut, a half-finished wicker basket before her. A fresh pile of reeds lay by her side, ready to be woven into what would become a sturdy container. Bending the supple material around the basket's skeleton, her fingers worked diligently, molding the material to her desire. Occasionally, she raised her head and watched the villagers pass by on their daily chores, brushing a lock of ravenblack hair that had escaped her long braid away from her face.
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]

Beguile's Mistress

The filled bucket was set carefully on a bench beside the doorway and covered with a cloth to keep the water clean.  A cool breeze carrying the smell of rain and the promise of colder temperatures.  Beguile stood and looked around the tiny village where she lived and watch as others went about their daily tasks of living.  It struck her how much they relied on each other for companionship and comfort in their daily lives.  Talents and goods were bartered among the villagers.  She milked her own small herd of goats daily and traded the milk and sometimes the meat and hides for food and other necessities.

The sounds of the village, conversations and quiet laughter, the noises of the smith at his forge, the animals that provided sustenance were often overlooked but this day they carried to her on the crisp wind.  The wind carried the smells of the village, too.  The aroma of meals cooking over wood fires and the fires themselves, the smells of animals and people and the changing of the season were offered to every nose. 

A man's voice urging his laden beast along the muddy road into the village caught her attention and knowing it was Aiden with a load of firewood gleaned from the forest she waited outside until he passed near and offered to share her stew with him in exchange for wood for her fire.  It was the way of life in the village she thought to herself as she looked to see if any of the others would welcome a meal in trade for goods or services.


sinera paused in the turning of the cheeses, using her apron to wipe the sweat from her brow and wondering idly if any of those city-dwellers who bought her cheese knew how much work and just how long it took for the darn things to ripen.

She moved the door of the cheese-house, hoping to catch a breeze, and smiled at all the people passing by. It was rather busy here for being such a small village. She liked it here.
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


Eden twirls through the village, enjoying the cold air after a hot night with Mar, waving to various villagers, then trip into Kip's hut to steal an anachronism muffin and leave some willow tea beside the snoring drunkard, before frolicking home once more and presenting Mar with the hard won breakfast


Inevitably, darkness intruded onto this idyllic scene, a darkness that was both real and metaphorical.  The anticipated storm rushed in as the sun began to set, and for several minutes it poured mercilessly.  Soon the rain died down to a steady, cold sprinkle, though this was more than enough to make everyone prefer to huddle inside their huts or beneath whatever other makeshift shelter they could find.  Somewhere, wolves howled, giving them more reason to shiver, and a pall seemed to hang over the valley.  Something was not as it should be.

The dawn broke still chilly, grey, and damp, fog lying thickly in the village.  Almost instantly, the inhabitants realized something bizarre had happened.  One little hut, that belonging to Nisien, one of their best hunters, was marked with some strange substance that glowed a very faint green.  Inside, Nisien lay on his bed, his body as shriveled and shrunken as though he had died of old age overnight.

All knew the stories.  These were clear signs that the Bean sídhe had chosen to haunt them, and they would have to decide quickly who they should trust, lest they all be destroyed utterly.

Absinthe Tori
Beguile's Mistress

There are 8 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.

[NB: Voting for the first person to be removed begins now.  The top vote-getter will be turned out into the woods, to survive if possible.  The night roles (Seanacha, Niadh Nask, and Bean sídhe) will happen on the next night, followed by another player being cast out, etc.  Choose wisely!]
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Aiden woke up the next day cursing the wretched storms as it would only make his work harder, wet timber and muddy trails would leave him exhausted but he needed to gather as much as he could before the winters truly hit lest he wanted to freeze to death and have nothing to barter goods for.

Upon hearing words of the death of a villager he felt his suspicions  rise against everyone but with no true evidence he came up with a simple solution. Fourteen twigs were stripped and marked with a person's name before he tossed them into the air for the gods to decide who was guilty. All came raining down on the ground before him only one was stuck vertically, a sign of guilt? It was good enough for hmm...Remiel
(d14 came up 12)

He voiced his vote and went off to work once more.


Remiel, the village idiot, hid behind a tree when he heard what had happened to Nisien.  When the others came by, he jumped out at them from his hiding place.  Then he began to sing and do a crazy dance.

"When a problem comes along, you must Kip it.
Before the cream sets too long, you must Kip it.
When something's goin' wrong, you must Kip it.

Now Kip it
into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To Kip it.
Kip it good."

Remiel's crazy dance.


Current Voting:

Kip (2) - Remiel, Imogen
Remiel (2) - Aiden, Absinthe Tori
Mithlomwen (1) - Eden
Absinthe Tori (0)
Aiden (0)
Ariadne (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
Imogen (0)
Kyrsa (0)
Marguerite (0)
Moirae (0)
RP7466 (0)
sinera (0)

Yet to vote: Ariadne, Beguile's Mistress, Kip, Kyrsa, Marguerite, Mithlomwen, Moirae, RP7466, sinera

There are 8 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


"As compelling as Remiel's argument is, I'm thinking Mithlomwen has something Side about her."

Zealously Jaded

Absinthe calmly looks round, it is a hard decsion but she knows that someone is evil..."I believe that  Remiel is definatly special...he could be a Bean sídhe."


"I don't know who has called this madness upon us, but I agree that Kip might have done something foolish in one of his drunken stupors." Although she had placed her vote with his, Imogen shivered and turned away from Remiel. The man was insane, touched by spirits or by illness - she wanted nothing to do with him.

[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]