The Tree of Life

Started by Valerian, June 22, 2010, 01:40:03 PM

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She wanders into the voting circle and places a scrap of paper on the ground without speaking a word then returns to her hut in silence. The piece of paper fluttered in the wind revealing a name - Kyrsa
I was lost for some time.
Ari's Absences and Social Thread    ||    Ari's Notes for Writing


Current Voting:

Kip (2) - Beguile's Mistress, Kyrsa
Kyrsa (1) - Ariadne
Ariadne (1) - Aiden
sinera (1) - Mithlomwen
Aiden (1) - sinera
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Mithlomwen (0)

Yet to vote:  Kip

There are 4 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


(I'm stealing a trick from Moirae's recent game and throwing in a random vote to keep things moving.)

1. Aiden
2. Ariadne
3. Beguile's Mistress
4. Kyrsa
5. Mithlomwen
6. sinera

Roll Result: Valerian rolled: 1d6
Comment: Random vote
Result: 6,
Total: 6

Final Voting:

Kip (2) - Beguile's Mistress, Kyrsa
sinera (2) - Mithlomwen, Kip
Kyrsa (1) - Ariadne
Ariadne (1) - Aiden
Aiden (1) - sinera
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Mithlomwen (0)

There are 4 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


(Die roll)

1. Kip
2. sinera

Roll Result: Valerian rolled: 1d2
Comment: Tie breaker
Result: 2,
Total: 2

(At the moment, sinera is due to be exiled.  I'll wait to hear from the Druid before moving things along, however.)
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


As sentence is passed on sinera, she holds up her hand and begs her fellow villagers to spare her a few moments.  She raises her hands to the skies, murmuring an incantation, and a wreath of flowers appears on her head.  Then everyone in the village realizes that they are looking at their Druid, and that they have been spared from making a terrible mistake in exiling her.

Absinthe Tori - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 3
Beguile's Mistress
Eden - Keltoi, exiled, Day 4
Imogen - Niadh Nask, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 3
Marguerite - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 2
Moirae - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 1
Remiel - Keltoi, exiled, Day 1
RP7466 - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 4

There are 4 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

Beguile's Mistress

Beguile stared in wonderment at the signs that proved sinera's true status and reached out her hand toward the Druid as though to absorb some of her magic.  The need to discover the last Bean sidhe and save their village still lay before them and she remained firm in her choice of a day ago. 

"I still believe it's Kip." she said.  "Please the spirits, I'm not harming an innocent."


The momentary triumph of the day before, when the exile of another innocent was narrowly avoided, was forgotten at first light.  Further tragedy had struck, and struck hard.  For now it was Ariadne who lay dead, marked with the sign of the spirits: and Ariadne was no ordinary Keltoi, but the Seanacha.  The remaining villagers were now blind as well as helpless.

Absinthe Tori - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 3
Aridane - Seanacha, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 5
Beguile's Mistress
Eden - Keltoi, exiled, Day 4
Imogen - Niadh Nask, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 3
Marguerite - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 2
Moirae - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 1
Remiel - Keltoi, exiled, Day 1
RP7466 - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 4

There are 4 Keltoi, 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


sinera paled as she realized that Ariadne had been taken. "Her last vote was for Kyrsa. Perhaps that was her way of warning us all..."
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


Kyrsa shook her head sadly, saying a prayer for Ariadne before she glanced towards Sinera.  "I would think that if she had known it was me she would have told those of us that she trusted.  I am not the enemy here.  I still think that Kip has something to hide, not me..."


Taking time to think about it, Mithlomwen finally settled on Kip and prayed that she wasn't wrong. 
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


Current Voting:

Kip (3) - Beguile's Mistress, Kyrsa, Mithlomwen
Kyrsa (1) - sinera
Mithlomwen (1) - Aiden
sinera (0)
Aiden (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)

Yet to vote:  Kip

There are 4 Keltoi, 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


"I trust less those who gang up on one person, Mithlomwen you have my suspicions!"


"Earlier Ariadne shared with me that she believed Kip to be innocent. I know not if she knew this from her studies of history, or if this was just a hunch, but I'm inclined to trust her word, knowing now as we all do, that she was the Historian." She nods toward Kip. There are far too few honest Keltoi left.
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


Final Voting:

Kip (3) - Beguile's Mistress, Kyrsa, Mithlomwen
Kyrsa (1) - sinera
Mithlomwen (1) - Aiden
sinera (0)
Aiden (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)

Kip's fate was sealed.  Forced to follow those who had been cast out before him, the rest of the village watched anxiously as he trudged unsteadily away from the walls.  But alas, there was no reassuring sign that they had found the last dire spirit.  For Kip was a Keltoi, and the village was still unsafe.

Absinthe Tori - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 3
Aridane - Seanacha, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 5
Beguile's Mistress
Eden - Keltoi, exiled, Day 4
Imogen - Niadh Nask, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 3
Kip - Keltoi, exiled, Day 6
Marguerite - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 2
Moirae - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 1
Remiel - Keltoi, exiled, Day 1
RP7466 - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 4

There are 3 Keltoi, 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


The village's plight was dire indeed.  Mithlomwen, an innocent Keltoi, had seen her last sunrise -- the spirit had taken her life during the night.  Now only four remained, and the mystery deepened.  Their Druid was known, but no one knew who else they could possibly trust.  And yet they had to decide...

Absinthe Tori - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 3
Aridane - Seanacha, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 5
Beguile's Mistress
Eden - Keltoi, exiled, Day 4
Imogen - Niadh Nask, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 3
Kip - Keltoi, exiled, Day 6
Marguerite - Bean sídhe, exiled, Day 2
Mithlomwen - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 6
Moirae - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 1
Remiel - Keltoi, exiled, Day 1
RP7466 - Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 4

There are 2 Keltoi, 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

Beguile's Mistress

To have to choose between Aiden and Kyrsa was tearing at Beguile's heart.  There was no outward sign she could use to see the evil that lay within one of these two she had known for so long.  Two fellow villagers, one of who was good and the other evil.  The added burden of know that if she chose wrong, if another innocent were exiled she was condemning sinera or herself to the Bean Sidhe's not so tender mercies.  sinera had revealed her true nature to the village but was vulnerable now because of that.

Beguile paced through the wood at the edge of the village and tried to make sense of what she must do.  Sinking to her knees with her hands covering her face and praying the choice was right she spoke a name.





Current Voting:

Kyrsa (2) - Beguile's Mistress, Aiden
Aiden (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
sinera (0)

Yet to vote: Kyrsa, sinera

There are 2 Keltoi, 1 Druí, and 1 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Again sinera feels she must follow Ariadne's last prediction. "Kyrsa."
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


Shaking her head sadly Kyrsa glances to each of them.  "I implore you not to vote for me, I'm not the one who has been haunting this village and killing our friends and family.  I can only tell you that I think it is Aiden.  Do not hold one random vote against me, after all if she had truly known it was me she would have spoken to you all in private to sway your votes then and save herself."


Final Voting:

Kyrsa (3) - Beguile's Mistress, Aiden, sinera
Aiden (1) - Kyrsa
Beguile's Mistress (0)
sinera (0)

All of Kyrsa's pleadings and logic were in vain -- the rest of the village was united against her.  Like those before her, she was turned out of the walls to fend for herself, with the few remaining villagers watching anxiously.

She took a few steps, then stopped, a pained shriek suddenly filling the air.  There was a flash of strange light, and then Kyrsa was gone, a wailing, screaming spirit left in her place.  A moment later, the spirit was racing up towards the skies, joining her fellows in defeat.  The villagers were safe!  At least until the next time the spirits sought to meddle in the affairs of mortals...

There are 2 Keltoi and 1 Druí.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Alright the hut, we have a village to repopulate! I'll be there in a few!   >:)