The Tree of Life

Started by Valerian, June 22, 2010, 01:40:03 PM

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sinera sighs softly, "It's impossible to know who's done this, but we must choose someone, mustn't we?" She looks down, biting her lip. "I'm sorry, Remiel," she whispers, and turns away.

At least they weren't outright murdering their suspects, like those before them had. Was this more humane? She didn't know. Perhaps others would be able to sleep at night, imagining their hands clean. She would not.
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


Kyrsa hugs her shawl tightly around her shoulders as she listens to the accusations fly.  She stayed silent for a long time, pondering her neighbors, all of who she thought she knew well.  "Sinera's right.  There is no way to know who it could have been, we can only guess and hope that we are right in the end.  I'm sorry Kip..."

desert ashes

Moirae hesitantly emerged from her hut, her features mostly covered by heavy robes, casting her eyes over the others.  None seemed, well, to be part of the dawning horrors, but someone had to be named.  A guess had to be taken.  "Kyrsa perhaps...?"
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


Current Voting:

Kip (3) - Remiel, Imogen, Kyrsa
Remiel (3) - Aiden, Absinthe Tori, sinera
Marguerite (1) - Beguile's Mistress
Kyrsa (1) - Moirae
Mithlomwen (1) - Eden
Absinthe Tori (0)
Aiden (0)
Ariadne (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
Imogen (0)
Moirae (0)
RP7466 (0)
sinera (0)

Yet to vote: Ariadne, Kip, Marguerite, Mithlomwen, RP7466

There are 8 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

Beguile's Mistress

The normal peace and calm of the village had been shattered by the death of one of them and signs left behind by the killer.  Going about her normal chores did nothing to relieve the fear and gloom that had descended on her and neither did the talk of who might be responsible for this violation.  Beguile thought hard and tried to decide which of her fellow villagers could do such a thing and covering her face with both hands she whispered Marguerite before returning to her croft to watch the bubbling pot containing a meal she knew she wouldn't eat.


RP returns to the village with a boar, unfortunately it died in the struggle to capture it but it was a fine animal and would be excellent eating.
He looks around and notices the commotion and realizes it voting time again. He is troubled by the idea, no person stands out in his mind as of yet who might be Bean sídhe. He walks over drops the boar and votes.

"since I have no idea who is a Bean sídhe I vote myself. I would rather be cast out into the wilderness than make an uninformed vote that takes the life of an Innocent person."

He picks up the boar, slings it over his shoulder and walks to his hut to begin butchering the animal. He cuts the skinned boar into quarters and brings a hind quarter inside to cut up further as this was the most tender and the part he would keep. the rest would be traded in the village. As he cuts he thinks about who could be Bean sídhe.

"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord


There is a knock on his door, he opens it and is informed that he must choose somebody else regardless of his principals.

"Well Kyrsa and Sinera seem anxious to be rid of somebody without having any proof. Granted the village would be better off without the drunkard and the idiot that's no reason to cast them out, so I vote Sinera".

He gives the visitor a nod, shuts the door, and gets back to the task at hand.
"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord


Marguerite looked at the individuals who were out making their votes. She had gone off to wash her hands of the blue paint and returned to see the votes. She looked at each of the names and thought about who to choose. It was only the first night and how could anyone know someone else was a bean sidhe? Yet, a decision needed to be made and Marguerite placed her vote on Mith trusting Eden's own sentiment.
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


Mithlomwen looked at Eden and Marguerite in confusion, not understanding why they would suspect her.  "I am not but a simple villager."  She assured them, and then turned her gaze to the rest of the village and took a moment to ponder the seriousness of there being one if the dreaded Sidhe among them.  Not having any idea who that person might be, she closed her eyes and pointed, her finger pointing at Sinera.
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


Current Voting:

Remiel (4) - Aiden, Absinthe Tori, sinera, Moirae
Kip (3) - Remiel, Imogen, Kyrsa
Mithlomwen (3) - Eden, Marguerite, Ariadne
sinera (2) - RP7466, Mithlomwen
Marguerite (1) - Beguile's Mistress
Absinthe Tori (0)
Aiden (0)
Ariadne (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
Imogen (0)
Kyrsa (0)
Moirae (0)
RP7466 (0)

Yet to vote: Kip

There are 8 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Ariadne listens to the villagers as they voice their fears and trepidations as the day goes on. It was hard to fathom that anyone in their small community could do such a thing. But the evidence was there, plain as the nose on her face. With a sigh she adds her voice to the vote reluctantly.

I was lost for some time.
Ari's Absences and Social Thread    ||    Ari's Notes for Writing

desert ashes

Warily glancing at the others, Moirae fidgeted a moment longer before: "I change my mind.  Remiel."  Surely it was safer to go with those who'd voted for the same person?  Still, it was just another stab in the dark.
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


Stumbling out, late and visually hungover as always, Kip leant against the doorjamb and looked at the groups forming.

"Damn Remiel and his caterwauling and stomping around woke me up.  Can't you let an oldtimer sleep when he is unwell?" he grumbled.

"You say good start, I say perfect ending. 
This world has no heart and mine is beyond mending."
~Jay Brannan~

"Am I an angel or a monster?  A hero or a villian? Why can't I see the difference?"
~Mohinder Suresh~


Final Voting:

Remiel (5) - Aiden, Absinthe Tori, sinera, Moirae, Kip
Kip (3) - Remiel, Imogen, Kyrsa
Mithlomwen (3) - Eden, Marguerite, Ariadne
sinera (2) - RP7466, Mithlomwen
Marguerite (1) - Beguile's Mistress
Absinthe Tori (0)
Aiden (0)
Ariadne (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
Imogen (0)
Kyrsa (0)
Moirae (0)
RP7466 (0)

Almost too befuddled to realize what was happening, Remiel was cast out of the village with only the clothes on his back and a little food.  The wooden gates would be forever barred to him.  But alas, the hapless man was only an innocent Keltoi, no danger to anyone.  Perhaps tomorrow things would go better, but for now they could only sigh over their failure.

There are 7 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


RP, troubled with the events of the last couple days focuses on cutting and salting the meat that he wouldn't use. One of the legs gets set aside for making a ham. He takes the leg, salts it, and puts it in a crock.

"I wonder if Aiden knows of any good smoking woods"

He walks out into the village and looks for Aiden.
"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord


sinera sighed, knowing she'd chosen the wrong person. She wondered if the Bane Sidhe would claim another in the night, and wished she knew who to trust; surely there'd be safety in numbers... unless one chose poorly and slept with one of the enemy.

She double-checked her windows and the door-latch, though she doubted they'd stop an attack if she were the chosen victim that night.
O/O | A/A | My Intro | Fairytale Requests
Apparently some people don't read my O/O before adding me on MSN/Y! - so I'll say it here: IF YOU DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE FROM E, I WILL NOT ACCEPT BUDDY REQUESTS. Please read my O/O before PMing me with ideas, thanks.
Best IRC cybersex come-on line EVER: "I see you're an erotica writer...So, do you ever do any realtime collaborations?"


The next day dawned grey, with the watery sunshine doing little to pierce the mist and gloom.  The strange marks on Nisien's little hut had long since faded, but now fresh marks had appeared on another.  Moirae had suffered the same fate as the young warrior, and another innocent Keltoi was lost.

Absinthe Tori
Beguile's Mistress
Moirae Keltoi, taken by Bean sídhe, Night 1
Remiel Keltoi, exiled, Day 1

There are 6 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


"Moirae?" Imogen clenched her hands at her sides. "Who had any reason to raise a hand against her? I can't say for sure, but I think Marguerite had a hand in this!"
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Mith said a silent prayer for the lost soul of Moirae, feeling a shudder of dread pass through her.  There was evil among them this much was certain, it was just finding out who.  Agreeing with Imogen, she too felt that Marguerite was to blame for this.
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


"I'm sticking to my belief that Mith is far too beautiful to be human born!"


Kip was sitting back against the wall of one of the huts watching everyone hand out blame - the support of the wall was all that was keeping him up in honesty.

His gaze kept on falling upon Absinthe Tori - something about her made him suspicious.

"You say good start, I say perfect ending. 
This world has no heart and mine is beyond mending."
~Jay Brannan~

"Am I an angel or a monster?  A hero or a villian? Why can't I see the difference?"
~Mohinder Suresh~


Kyrsa said a prayer as well for the loss of a companion and friend.  "Such evil can not go unpunished... I must agree that there is something unnaturally beautiful about Mith, may she forgive me if I am wrong..."


Current Voting:

Marguerite (3) - Imogen, Mithlomwen, Aiden
Mithlomwen (2) - Eden, Kyrsa
Absinthe Tori (1) - Kip
Aiden (0)
Ariadne (0)
Beguile's Mistress (0)
Eden (0)
Imogen (0)
Kip (0)
Kyrsa (0)
RP7466 (0)
sinera (0)

Yet to vote: Absinthe Tori, Ariadne, Beguile's Mistress, Marguerite, RP7466, sinera

There are 6 Keltoi, 1 Seanacha (Seer), 1 Niadh Nask (Champion), 1 Druí, and 3 Bean sídhe.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


She glanced at Eden and Kyrsa and shook her head, placing her hand over her heart.  "I vow to you both that I am not the evil that has been set upon us.  I am an innocent in this, just as Moirae was, and voting for me will send another innocent to their death."  She explained, beseeching them both to believe her, as she was telling them the truth. 
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


Aiden heard as accusations were fired, his suspicion drawn as Eden turned to defend her lover after someone suspected her of foul play. On that hunch alone he suspected Marguerite himself.