Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Not guilty.

Ever lied about something that at the time meant nothing, but to keep that lie going, you had to add on more and more and more lies?


guilty isnt everyone

ever lied unatentionly ?



ever told an unpalatable truth - in the spirit of love
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th



ever hurt someone because you knew it would hurt more if you lied?



Ever eat something to only find out that it was bad?

(Sorry, I am stuck watching a game some from japan that is driving me up a wall.)


lol not guilty

ever eat something that was stareing back at you


"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th


Not Guilty.

And that looks very odd...

Ever eat something that looks so good, but it turns out to be so bad?

Edhel Tari


Have you ever walked in public not knowing your skirt was caught in your underwear...or for guys, that toilet paper was stuck to your shoe?
"For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That then I scorn to change my state with kings"


Not guilty.

Even went the whole day with your shirt inside out or backwards?


lol guilty a lot dolly don't pay much attention to things

ever just walked right by someonee eeven though they were screaming your name, but you didn't hear it?


Several times guilty

Ever fall going up the stairs?


Guilty, only a few times.

Ever spent the whole day cosplaying as your favorite show/anime/manga/ game character for just your normal day?


not guilty ( but I have went around as my own characters, likea ranger and stuff for awhole normal daynot sure if that counts))

ever done anything on the 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart list, or been kicked out of walmart?


soooooooooooooooooo guilty. They have my picture up at the one in town. It sucks when I need to buy something at like, 3 am.

Ever taken the fall for something that you did not even have anything to do with, because you wanted the rep for it.


not guilty for the rep - but guilty for doing it help someone

ever blushed bright red when a group is asked who did something bad even if you didn't do it?
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th



ever feel bad for things you did not do?



ever felt guilty about something your child has done?
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th



ever feel bad for something your spouse has done?



Has your spouse felt guilty about something you've done?
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th

Dreamers Sand


Ever told someone a lie only to turn around and tell them the truth afterward?
"Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features."
An Hourglass of Dreams | Ons & Offs

Avis habilis

Not guilty.

Ever had to concoct a lie because your listener found the truth beyond belief?



Have you pretended to believe a lie?
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th



Ever been told you were lying when you were telling the truth?



ever passed on a lie thinking it was the truth at the time
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th