Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Rog the Rake

HMMMMMM Sorta Guilty as I could tell a person but then I would have to do to them what I did to the person before so.. uhhhh... welll...


JK - Not Guilty might be embarassed but some people I know would freak ... some laugh... and some think it nothing...

My Turn...

Ever called a person up you did not really like much just because you wanted sex?


Not guilty.

I have gone now.... two years with out it, and have had many offers to do so with said people, and I have not done it.

Have you ever gone mad because of not being able to have any kind of physical contact with the sex that you like?\

(Like no one saw that one coming?)



ever wondered if this was all a dream and your actually in a coma or something?

Rog the Rake


Ever asked a partner to dress up in a costume for freaky sex fun?


not guilty

ever dressed up in a costume?

Rog the Rake

Guilty ... of course for Halloween... *grins*

EVER dress up in a costume but NEVER leave the house....


Guilty, I am in a costume right now.

Ever wondered what the person at the computer was really like?



ever dress up as a surprise for your partner?


Not guilty. But I have dressed down.

Ever wanted your partner to do something for you, but you could not ask them because then it would even be remotely the same as it should be?



ever pushed your partner to do something and then later realize it was a mistake?


Not guilty, pushing is bad for me.

Ever thought that just once, you wish that you had some kind of power, even if it was just the power to dance better then anyone else?



though I want to power to stop tempertantrums from 2 year olds with a singel look  lol

ever wanted to drop your kid off somewhere?


First off, I don't have kids. That would say that I would need a female around to have a kid, but alas, one of those has not been around for a bit. So, in turn, not guilty.

Ever wanted to put your kid back where they came from?


not guilty as it came from me and that sounds painfull

ever wished you had a kid?



Ever wanted to just have all kind of sex with out ever worrying about the chance of having anything negative happening later.

Rog the Rake

Guilty Guilty Guilty

Ever have sex in the middle of winter in a snow bank?


not guilty brrr

ever had sex in the middle of a field of wildflowers?

Rog the Rake

Not Guilty

Ever have sex with more than one person at a time?


Not guilty, I don't share much....

Ever had sex in the middle of the room with other people.



ever had sex where you knew you would have an audiance?



Ever had sex and found that you had audience afterwards?
There is no innocence, only layers upon layers of guilt
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Rog the Rake


Ever been masturbated in a car while it was moving?



ever sucked the driver off while going down the road?


Not guilty :p

Ever got laid in situation where you completely did not expect it?
There is no innocence, only layers upon layers of guilt
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ever goten laid in a place that was inappropriate