A Cage Made of Light [Interest Check: Cyberpunk Edgerunners] Currently Closed

Started by Datawych, January 25, 2023, 09:58:20 PM

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Name: Concobhar Mac Cárthaigh
Alias(es): Vane Redbeard
Role: Solo

Age: 36
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4"
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green

Brief: Born to a Coporate family in Charter Hill, Vane's life was streamlined to one day be a Corpo, though he would later serve in the Unification War. He later worked for Arasaka as a counterintelligence operative. Office politics later saw him 'dismissed' rather unceremoniously (to put it lightly). With his military experience & insight to Corpo intelligence becoming a Solo Merc seemed natural. For years taking down Arasaka was his ultimate goal though he eventually let the grudge go, finding freedom in not letting Arasaka have power over him. His reputation grew steadily for his capabilities & reliability. Like many he was chasing the fame & prestige of the lifestyle that would permanently imprint his name in the history of Night City. When the jobs got more intense Vane started investing more & more of his pay back into equipment, in particular the fortune he spent on cyberware. Now at what might be the peak of his career he's starting to wonder if he went too far, the threat of Cyberpsychosis ever creeping into his mind.
Dream: He tells himself his dream is to go out in a blaze of glory, bleeding out while standing atop a mountain of Arasaka special forces. In reality at some point he'd like to walk away from it all, start a new life and die an old man surrounded by loved ones.
Duty: Having watched so many wannabe Edgerunners get smoked early, Vane feels obligated to help 'the kids' learn the ropes, or when required to tell them to walk away from the lifestyle.

Fracture: Despite all of Vane's desires to ultimately leave the lifestyle of the Solo Merc, he's both addicted to it and scared he won't be able to function without it. Being a Solo gives him prestige and recognition among peers, without it he's worried he'll have nothing and be nothing. To this end Vane isn't likely to ever leave on his own terms, and is thus consigned to do jobs over and over until eventually he fails and can't walk away.
Fear: Vane is a very skilled Solo and his natural talent & experience are augmented by a significant amount of cybernetics. At his level of augmentation cyberpsychosis is always a threat. Some days are better than others. His greatest fear, which thus far he appears to be powerless to ultimately resist, is that he will neither retire on his terms or go out in a blaze of glory. Instead he will succumb to cyberpsychosis and likely be eliminated unceremoniously by Max-Tac.


  • Frontal Cortex: Limbic System Enhancement, Heal-On-Kill, Self-Ice
  • Ocular System: Kiroshi Optics Mk. 3
  • Operating System: Militech Berserk MK.5
  • Circulatory System: Adrenaline Booster, Second Heart, Bioplastic Blood Vessels, Mr. Studd
  • Immune System: Cataresist, Pain Editor, Detoxifier
  • Nervous System: Kerenzikov, Neofiber
  • Integumentary System: Subdermal Armour, Supra-dermal Weave, Fireproof Coating
  • Skeleton Cyberware: Titanium Bones, Microrotors
  • Hands Cyberware: None
  • Arms Cyberware: Gorilla Arms - Animal Knuckles, Black-Market Battery
  • Legs Cyberware: Reinforced Tendons


Man, seeing all these younger characters makes me wonder if I made Garth too old.



That may be true but Garth is literally over twice as old as the next currently oldest character.

Wilderness Soul

Be wary of an old man in a profession where men usually die young. Logically Garth could likely be the most dangerous among this group.

Lotta Solos in this, every fight is gonna be an 80s action movie lol.


Well the number of younger characters is probably due to the initial prompt Data gave for the story.

Quote from: Datawych on January 25, 2023, 09:58:20 PM
Our story will follow the lives of several young citizens of Night City as their normal, boring lives crumble around around them - forced to the Edge by unfortunate circumstances beyond their control.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Oh wow, I completely missed page two!  :o

In that case, I'll get to work on putting together an actual character thread where people can do some more in-depth discussion/character-building & team-building.

In the meantime, though...


I'm gonna add two new character fields for everyone to think about: Fear and Fracture.

To explain, a character's Fear is just that; a deep-seated personal fear so powerful that it could be exploited to force them to do things they otherwise wouldn't dream of doing. What's that one thing that might convince them to do something that puts other members of the team in danger? Maybe even betray them, if the circumstances are bad enough. Consider a character's Fear to be purely meta-information, though! It's likely the character themselves isn't even consciously aware of their own Fear, or at least in deep denial about it.

Their Fracture is some kind of recurring, broken behavior that has resulted from Night City chewing the character up in whatever particular way the city has chosen for them.

Using Lily as an example, again...

Name: Emily Hollard
Alias(es): Lilith, Lily
Role: Techie

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Natural: Blonde, Current: Black & Purple
Eyes: Red

Brief: After Emily's father passed away, her mother fell into a state of deep depression, eventually attempting to bury her sorrows in Glitter. Her addiction rapidly spiraled out of control, leaving Mrs. Hollard with gang debts she couldn't ever possibly hope to pay back. In exchange for her mother's life, Emily agreed to take on her debts and be implanted with a Doll Chip - bound to work at Clouds until the money is repaid.

Dream: Pay off her debt and achieve freedom from the Tyger Claws
Duty: Caring for her Glitter-addicted mother

Fracture: Outside of work, Emily can't handle being physically touched, save by a few highly-trusted individuals. Waking up each day after a 10 hour shift at Clouds - remembering nothing but knowing full well she's just been run through by half the city's seedy underbelly - has a tendency to do that. Unexpected/unwanted physical contact has the nasty side-effect of throwing Emily into fits of violent, irrational anger.
Fear: Emily has all but given up on the thought of finding romantic love. People don't fall in love with Dolls; they play with them until they get bored, then cast them aside.

- Basic wrist jack
- 4x neuroports (Frankenstein form factor)
- Doll Chip
- Kiroshi MK. II Ocular Implants
- Midnight Lady


What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Wilderness Soul

Hmm fears and fractures, that'll be interesting for a guy who can never stop moving or take a nap.


Wilderness Soul

Updated Geppetto and changed his role to Corpo Assassin as well, able to back stab in the office or back alley XD.

Also gave him another type of aug to try and keep up with all the super jumpers in the house lol.


I guess this is just as good a time as any to ask...

Anyone who's interested in already having been on the team for a while? One of the founding members, so to speak - whoever was involved with the original idea in the first place? Definitely a couple characters, like Garth and Vane, who seem like they'd make good mentor-types.

And what about anyone who wants to be brand new?

What about any pre-existing relationships, even if they're very vague or one-note? ('That guy who lived around the corner from me', or something, even!  ;D)

Anyone who needs something fixed without too many questions - be it weaponry, vehicles, the occasional bit of cyberware - may have run into Lily before. Particularly if they live/operate around Kabuki/Japantown.  ;)

Wilderness Soul

Just realized I jumped the gun and posted my guy in the character thread before he was actually and properly approved by our lovely GM sorry lol.

As for being a Founder, I agree Vane and Garth would be good first choices if their players agree. And if we need another I can kick Geppettos age up some too. I think in his original sheet he's in his 30s or late twenties anyway.

For previous interactions?

Garth and Vane would've likely heard of Geppetto if not directly worked against him considering they were both Saka boys and my guy is Militech.

Our medtech and Techie could've worked on him from some previous injury or Aug malfunction.

Leif and Maven would most likely have never interacted with or heard of Anders. He wasn't used to zero "low value" targets(i.e. non corpo people who migh've heard or seen something they shouldn't have.) He would've just been sent to kill the Corpos that blabbed to Leif instead.

Anders also never dealt with any of the gangs in Night City unless they pissed off Militech in some way. So Maven would've never had the chance to meet Geppetto during her time with 6th Street.

Of course all these can change if someone else has a good idea for the shared pasts.


Leif would be brand new to running. Like, within the last week new. So he'd probably be limited as far as connections with others unless they were in the same club scene.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread



Quote from: Datawych on January 29, 2023, 10:55:48 PM
I guess this is just as good a time as any to ask...

Anyone who's interested in already having been on the team for a while? One of the founding members, so to speak - whoever was involved with the original idea in the first place? Definitely a couple characters, like Garth and Vane, who seem like they'd make good mentor-types.

I'm perfectly happy to set up Vane as a founding member/mentor to the others.


Quote from: MetroFallout on January 30, 2023, 06:48:13 AM
Are fractures a must?

Fractures are fairly important to what I'm picturing, honestly. They represent the 'emotional battle scars' that have formed over wounds to the character's psyche/personality as a result of all the terrible things Night City has put them through.

To think about it another way, they're a major opportunity for inter-team drama, connection-forming, and relationship-building. They're the player calling out "Hey, here is something my character does not like/doesn't want to deal with/etc. But as that character's player, I'm giving everyone else permission to pick and prod at whatever that is. The character might not want it to happen, but their controlling player does."

Continuing to use Emily as an example - she tells herself she doesn't want to be physically touched ever again, but she's lying to herself. Flying into an angry rage, maybe even pulling a gun on someone, all over something as simple as an encouraging pat on the shoulder... That's not something she ever wants to have to go through. It's humiliating, and it's a sign that's she's very obviously broken. But as her player, I want to force her to go through that. Because if she doesn't, she'll never be able to heal and learn to trust someone in that way - that would be something that she can't ever have again, unless she finds a way past it.

Wilderness Soul


la dame en noir

Ill read through everyones sheets and create a character after the gym tonight!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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The Green One

I'm sorry guys but I won't be joining at the moment, I'll peek back in a while and too see if you're still accepting new players <3

-- My O/Os --Not available for new stories-- My A/As --


Tentative interest. Waiting to hear back from Datawych about an idea I had


Gonna start sending out some one-on-one tendrils - collecting character information, concocting inter-character backstories, etc.

Feel free to do the same with each other, as well! Most Night City residents aren't just going to lay all their secrets out on the table, even to their friends!

Also - flip side - feel free to PM me with character-specific questions, and any general-type questions can go in this thread, of course.

Wilderness Soul

Only questions I have are how many threads are you planning to have going? And will we, the players be expected to move things along at our own paces? 

I'd wager the Afterlife would be our main hub and get its own IC, since the story will be more about interactions and character growth sub plots rather than a big overarching thing.

But I could also see each district of Night City having its own IC as well for missions and such?