A Cage Made of Light [Interest Check: Cyberpunk Edgerunners] Currently Closed

Started by Datawych, January 25, 2023, 09:58:20 PM

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Running on the Edge has always been the way that every single person feels most alive. When your life is being risked, your life feels like living. You're no longer a toy to the ambitions of others; you're no longer following in the footsteps of people who see you as less than them.

You are truly yourself - for the first time - while you're running along the Edge.

But the problem with running that Edge, is that EVERYONE EVENTUALLY FALLS OFF

I ain't your average sicko. I'm dead, just like disco
My bank account is zero, zero, zero, zero (oh no!)
I think I need a hero (oh), I don't have no ego (nah)
'Cause I'm spinning out now (whoaaa)

I was a teenage outlaw with no worries on my mind
And now I'm getting older, my heart is growing colder all the time...

Night City. The City on the Edge of Tomorrow. The City of Dreams. The worst place to live in America, with a crime rate higher than Arasaka Tower, and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else. An unfeeling machine, fueled by people's crushed spirits, broken dreams, and emptied pockets. This city doesn't give you a choice - you either burn alive, or you never existed at all.

A city full of miserable citizens - increasingly jacked-in, but ever more disconnected from their own humanity... Desperately seeking out any and all stimuli that might help them forget about their lot in a society that with crush them without an ounce of remorse. Even if just for a moment. Something... anything to make them feel like they're living, and not just alive.

The megacorporations that control the city ensure that the deck is stacked against everyone but their own. Corpo employees enjoy lives of relative luxury - real neo-aristocrat types - so long as they remain useful. Meanwhile, the rest of the city sinks further and further into the abyss. The only things that are truly illegal are those that cannot be monetized.

Welcome to Night City, where the only limit to what you can do is what you're willing to become. Will you live in peace as Mr./Ms. Nobody, or go down for all time in a blaze of glory?

Meta Stuff

Seeking players interested in a game inspired by Cyberpunk Edgerunners/2077 - a cyberpunk/future-noir dystopia where the citizens of Night City are trapped in an eternal struggle against one another. A city that forces its citizens to such desperation that there's always someone willing to step over the corpse of whoever came immediately before them.

Our story will follow the lives of several young citizens of Night City as their normal, boring lives crumble around around them - forced to the Edge by unfortunate circumstances beyond their control. 'Edgerunner' is another word for mercenary. They exist on the fringes of society, doing the dangerous, legal-gray-area odd jobs that no one else is desperate or crazy enough to take on. But the more successful Edgerunners become, the more dangerous foes they begin to attract - the more desperate the situation. This game would seek to explore what happens when people are repeatedly forced to the brink, the relationships that blossom under such extreme circumstances, and the legendary moments when a spark doesn't produce a flame, but a spectacular explosion.

Knowledge of the setting isn't required, but it's appreciated. There's quite a lot of slang that will inevitably come into play. Though a general knowledge of the cyberpunk genre in general would more than suffice. :)

Consider this first post just an interest check - there's so much more information forthcoming, provided anyone's interested!  ;D

And never forget, choomba - you don't make a name for yourself as a cyberpunk by how ya live. You're remembered for how ya die.

So what'chu wanna do? What's your point of view? There's a party soon - do you wanna go~ohhh?

Wilderness Soul

Hmm I love Cyberpunk 2077 and Edgerunners and have been hankering for a story based around one of these two since I joined E. Sign me up and I may have at least three characters who can work in this sitting though will need to deage them some.

la dame en noir

OOO I've returned just in time. I'm all about Cyberpunk anything.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


You know I'm interested Data, though not sure what I would be. Perhaps some sort of Media.

The Green One

-- My O/Os --Not available for new stories-- My A/As --


I'd say that definitely qualifies as interest!

In that case, I'll get to work putting together a quick-and-dirty sheet that people can use for character ideas, an example character, and some summary stuff.

Rules-wise, I'm picturing either free-form or a very light homebrew system; I want the narratives and relationships between various characters (and between characters and Night City) to be front-and-center, rather than the mechanics. That said, I'm also open to whatever suggestions people might have.

The Green One

-- My O/Os --Not available for new stories-- My A/As --


I’d be interested. I’m flexible depending on what everyone is looking to play, but would probably steer into a ripperdoc’s assistant or an aspiring Medtech EMT.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Name: Emily Hollard
Alias(es): Lilith, Lily
Role: Techie

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Natural: Blonde, Current: Black & Purple
Eyes: Red

Brief: After Emily's father passed away, her mother fell into a state of deep depression, eventually attempting to bury her sorrows in Glitter. Her addiction rapidly spiraled out of control, leaving Mrs. Hollard with gang debts she couldn't ever possibly hope to pay back. In exchange for her mother's life, Emily agreed to take on her debts and be implanted with a Doll Chip - bound to work at Clouds until the money is repaid.
Dream: Pay off her debt and achieve freedom from the Tyger Claws
Duty: Caring for her Glitter-addicted mother

- Basic wrist jack
- 4x neuroports (Frankenstein form factor)
- Doll Chip
- Kiroshi MK. II Ocular Implants
- Midnight Lady

About Character Creation
A character's Brief should be just that - brief. A few sentences on exactly what might push them to the fringes of society, forcing them to become Edgerunners.

Their Dream is a personal end goal. In the character's heart of hearts, what's the one thing they really, truly want?

Their Duty is the opposite. What is the personal/societal obligation that's at direct odds with their Dream? What's that one thing that will always tug at their heartstrings, whenever they're pursuing said Dream? What's keeping them in Night City - suffering through what they're suffering through - even though it sucks?

Character Sheet Template
[float=right][img height=200 padding=5]* * C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T * *[/img][/float]




Wilderness Soul

Got the perfect former corpo assassin turned vigilante that will be fun in this. Might be the old man of the group in his early twenties though lol.

Name: Anders Mars
Alias(es): Geppetto
Role:  Corpo Assassin

Age: 36
Sex: male
Height: 6'0
Hair: None
Eyes: Red light in black visor

Brief: Born into the Corpo life and set up to die in the Corpo life. Like his folks, Anders worked within the unstoppable military industrial complex of Militech. Another cog in the biggest most unforgiving machine in NUSA, while his parents were content to work hard, but never work hard enough to get a target on their backs. Anders was different, he had ambitions and an inborn skill of focusing on tasks to perfection. He clawed and backstabbed his way up the ranks, until a special promotion was given to him, Industrial Extermination.The code name for becoming Militech's own version of the "Saka Ninja."  He was the going to be the sniper round that took out those stupid enough to try and mess with the megacorp. What he didn't realize until it was too late though? He was just another cog in the machine to them. Forcibly implanted with cyberware that while badass and cutting edge also cursed him with never being able to stop being that sniper round for Militech. The perfect killing machine that never needs to sleep or rest, and only needs basic nutrition and water to keep going, half machine but still fully human, he did his many dirty jobs then decided to turn the weapon he was made into against those that made it.

Dream: Get the fuck out of Night City, find a nomad clan looking for members and die watching the sunset someday.
Duty: Make sure Militech doesn't do to others what they did to him.

Fracture: Due to the nature of Geppetto's augs and his inability to sleep, he must be in near constant motion so as to keep himself charged. Be it juggling or just aimlessly walking from room to room at all hours of the day and night. As such he is constantly fighting boredom so this results in him spending his off hours doing whatever he can to keep going. Be it fighting, doing jobs on his own, or looking for the closest group of gangoons to tussle with. This means he rarely stays still long enough to grow attached to anyone.
Fear: Ander's greatest fear is also his greatest desire. Stopping, just standing still for too long is deadly he will either suffocate as the rebreather in his helmet runs dry(even if he opens his helmet a little to free up his mouth) or he will suffer massive cardiac arrest and just keel over. So his greatest fear is being restrained and/or imprisoned and forced to stop moving. It is also his chosen way to die, but on his own terms watching something beautiful as the lights go out for good.


Jadisi Advanced Assassin's helmet: Geppetto's most advance and most hated augment. The helmet that has made him a perpetual motion device gives him a high end rebreather and air filtration system. It also gives him a type of wide scanning abilities that allow him study an entire landscape should he be high enough to get a bird's eye view of it. Learning the terrain and potential dangers he might face. Gives zoom and enhance capabilities as well as thermal and x-ray abilities. Also comes with a handy neuroport and the ability to partially open up so the man can eat and drink his special formula and paste.

Samualla enhanced heart and circulation augment: A mechanical heart that pumped electrically charged blood through Geppetto's veins and circularity system. It gives him the strength and agility of an athlete in their prime. The heart gives the initial charge while the circulatory system keeps the blood and muscles supercharged as long as Geppetto is sufficiently charged.

Monowire with Chemical Mod and Wrist jack capabilities: The perfect stealth weapon, allowing him to kill completely hidden and able to burn through armors and metal doors. Also doubles as your general purpose wrist jack for things.

Militech Prototype Wall-Crawlers: A high tech pair of gloves and boots that use both magnetic and chemical means to allow Geppetto to scale walls and even hang from ceilings. They are controlled by his mind so he can chose on the fly to activate or deactivate and he can also chose what kind of adhesion he wishes to use moment to moment.

Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan Mk.5: The key to his success and the key to how he will end the bastards that turned him into a perpetual motion device. Seemingly slows the world down around him allowing quicker and cleaner kills, but he usually only uses it as a last resort as it will put him on the fastest track towards cyberpsychosis. His Samualla makes him quick enough most of the time.


What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Name: Garth Munsen
Alias(es): 極道の竜 (Gokudō no ryū , lit. Dragon of the Extreme Path), Yankee Dragon, Steel Cowboy
Role: Solo Netrunner Nomad

Age: 83
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Electric Blue Eyes


Born in '94, Garth was an unremarkable boy born to parents who worked in separate Arasaka affiliate companies in the U.S and were exceptional in their field. During The Collapse that started in '96, his parents read the tides and used their connections to Arasaka to move to Japan in search of a more stable life, finding it in Tokyo as full-time Arasaka employees. There in Japan, Garth would be groomed to be yet another Arasaka employee like his parents, though in the field of security and combat rather than commerce as per his relative stature as well as his academic tendencies in the Japanese Arasaka Academy. Unfortunately, tragedy struck while he was well underway to starting as a decently ranked corporate security guard. His parents were killed on April 16th 2013 during a business trip to the Arasaka American Division HQ, unfortunate casualties of Johnny Silverhand's assault on Arasaka Tower to retrieve Alt Cunningham.

With his parents gone, Garth ended up with no sponsors and was left utterly defenceless. An overnight pariah, he had to beg his way to completing his studies and faced discrimination from his more fortunate classmates. By some miracle, he managed to graduate and eventually became a corporate security guard just like what he and his late parents wanted. For a while, it would seem things were looking up for Garth as he climbed the ranks and was on the right path to becoming a bodyguard after serving dutifully in Arasaka's employ while shedding both his and his enemies blood as a corporate soldier.

A perfect record that was unblemished save for his rocky start was completely derailed when he took on his first bodyguarding assignment. While the events that occurred were something that he keeps close to his heart now, the result was that he ended up expelled from the company with nothing to his name that he hadn't secretly squirrelled away in cold hard Eddies after learning it the hard way from his parents' death. While he was planning on becoming a solo at some point in his life, he was expecting that to come after he had quit the company once he had paid his dues, not from a dismissal from the company that would have left him destitute were it not for some forward thinking on his part. The alternative of simply wasting away never really came to pass as a chance encounter while he was still employed by Arasaka left him a lifeline. The Steel Dragons came a-knocking once they had caught wind of a skilled ex-Arasaka bodyguard was ready to go the path of the Netrunning Solo and it was then and there that he met Yorinobu Arasaka himself who had deemed it a worthwhile thing to funnel some of his not inconsiderable resources in helping Garth get back to form as a Netrunning Solo Nomad thanks to his service record for most of the Fourth Corporate War.

As the years went on, the Steel Dragons came to rely on him more and more and he regained his lost prestige among people who actually cared about him and shared his hatred of the Arasaka Corporation for being the source of his life's misfortunes. Travelling the world where Steel Dragon has a presence, he ended up in Night City once again in the current year.

Dream: To help rid the world of megacorp dominance in the world, Arasaka's in particular.
Duty: Yorinobu Arasaka and Steel Dragons, Yorinobu Arasaka's relationship with the corporation is a tricky bit of business to navigate despite his own goal of wanting to take down the Corp.
Fear: Due to his personal history, he's afraid of being abandoned. While he's not in any immediate danger of being abandoned by the family he found in the Steel Dragons, Night City's Steel Dragons presence is relatively miniscule compared to Japan and that does not help with his intrusive thoughts about abandonment at all.
Fracture: Due to his abandonment issues, he has problems with clinginess to people he lets into his life and does not handle being left alone without a reason well if no assurances of a return are given.

Arasaka "Iaijutsu Joshu/居合術助手" Sandevistan Mk. 6 (4% Time Slow/x25 Time Dilation, 14 second duration)
Arasaka Phantom Mk.6 Cyberdeck (8 Quickhacks)
Limbic System Enhancement
Visual Cortex Support
Kiroshi Optics Mk. III
Pain Editor
Subdermal Armor
Optical Camo
Titanium Bones
Ballistic Coprocessor
Steel Dragons Smart Dermal Imprint
Lynx Paws


A Malorian Arms RL (Retro Line) 1873 given to Garth personally by Yorinobu Arasaka after decades of service, the Malorian Talon is a power revolver that harkens back to a past that is over two hundred years old as of 2077. Single-action, 7 1/2-inch barrel, .45-caliber, and thanks to modern high-velocity ammunition and significantly sturdier construction, capable of some truly heinous damage that was only dreamed of back when the original design first came about. Not the fastest weapon to reload, sure, but whatever it hits will definitely feel it.


A Militech CM15-300S (Classic, Suppressed) Power-class Assault Rifle, the ironically named Howler is relatively whisper-quiet. Each report emanating from its muzzle is a mere pop that is so quiet that you could actually shoot it without using hearing protection or an audio implant thanks to its integral suppressor and heavy weight subsonic ammunition. While it is an unusual choice, it is undoubtedly a heavy-hitter of a rifle with the only drawback being that of a shorter effective range due to the use of subsonic ammunition and a suppressor.

Faith and Duty
A pair of relatively early-production Militech M-10AF Lexingtons, these two pistols were Garth's go-to weapons early on in his time with the Steel Dragons after he had proven himself to the rest of the Steel Dragons and "graduated" from using knives and such. They had been lovingly maintained and modified over the years to keep up with the weapons landscape though the use of micro-explosives for the 9mm ammunition certainly helps even things out a little.

Butter Knife
A katana of unknown manufacture with a magnetic linear scabbard, the Butter Knife (so-named to allude to its ability to cut through things like a hot knife through butter), has a titanium blade with a carbide edge and thin hardened steel core for the scabbard to act upon the blade and launch it at speed to hasten a draw.


Literally just a really nicely made knife with quality steel and a wood grip.

Wilderness Soul


Here's a link to the various Cyberpunk roles, for anybody who's wondering about that (whether for their character, or just simple curiosity about all the options).

Of all of them, Corpo, Cop, and Fixer probably won't be relevant for members of the team, but hey, someone might surprise me!

Also, I feel I should mention this, since I see two Sandies already - cyberpsychosis is something that our characters will have to contend with, so just bear that in mind.  ;)


Name: Ning Fang
Alias(es): Dr. Whatsherface
Role: Medtech / Ripperdoc

Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5’4”
Hair: Black
Eyes: Most often Neon Blue with Black Scleras

Brief: Ning Fang got her first taste of chrome when she was eight. A hit and run victim, she suffered extensive damage to her face and the left side of her body. Her parents were first generation immigrants and despite being hard working restaurant owners, they were forced to take out extensive medical loans to afford her cybernetic reconstruction.

Ning Fang grew up nauseated with herself, as the hideous “frugal” cybernetics that were bankrupting her parents had to be replaced multiple times as she grew and stumbled towards puberty. By the time she was 18, she had grown addicted to the surgery, upgrading and accessorizing herself whenever possible in pursuit of “fixing herself”. Driven by her trauma, Ning has managed to cobble together an impressive knowledge of back alley surgical and cybernetic science.

The neon hums above the shop she works, “The Best You Is What We Do!” where they offer cosmetic augmentation, body sculpting and tattoo service above board while running an unlicensed ripperdoc service for Solos to get their hands on black market cybernetics.

Dream: Ning craves ever more expensive and “less than legal” augmentation in pursuit of a very nebulous goal of “fixing herself”.
Duty: After the tremendous investment in her by her parents and the weight of charity from a decade and a half of street level medical professionals, she is obligated by honor and guilt to become successful in some capacity and repay her karmic debts.


Modular Hand: This unit contains: 1) Drug injector, 2) 1-meter garotte line extending out of fingertip, 3) 1-inch monomolecular blade for cutting, 4) Picklock. In addition, there is a 2"x2" Palm Storage Space.

Subdermal Bio-Sculpter: (Face) : Lacking the precision to mimic others appearance, tied into her Synthskin this does offer Ning a wide variety of preset faces of varying ethnicities and structure.

Nasal Filter/Chemical Analyzer

Shift-tacts: Contact lenses that offer a cheap alternative to expensive cyberoptics. They can have some novel effects, like shifting color based on mood, patterned logos, or exotic colors (including reflective metallic).
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...


Wilderness Soul

Quote from: Datawych on January 27, 2023, 08:59:13 PM

Also, I feel I should mention this, since I see two Sandies already - cyberpsychosis is something that our characters will have to contend with, so just bear that in mind.  ;)

Figured as much, twas a feature that could've added a great deal of fun to 2077. Geppetto will keep his Sandie on a leash most of the time. The rest of his chrome is pretty low impact by comparison. Working more like artificial organs than normal Augs.

Also my guy will have all kinds of things for a ripperdoc to poke and prod at.


Quote from: Datawych on January 27, 2023, 08:59:13 PM
Here's a link to the various Cyberpunk roles, for anybody who's wondering about that (whether for their character, or just simple curiosity about all the options).

Of all of them, Corpo, Cop, and Fixer probably won't be relevant for members of the team, but hey, someone might surprise me!

Also, I feel I should mention this, since I see two Sandies already - cyberpsychosis is something that our characters will have to contend with, so just bear that in mind.  ;)

Any sort of guideline as to how many uses of Sandy we get per day or whatever to avoid being close to the edge of cyberpsychosis? Garth is pretty old as is so if nothing else, he should be pretty resillient to cyberware overload by now as evidenced by his amount of cyberware that he'd accumulated over the years.


I'm not sure there's a one-size-fits all answer to that question, honestly 😅

The way I picture it would be a bit like how they work in CP2077. Different Sandevistan models provide varying degrees of 'time dilation' (or whatever else you'd call it), and the more pronounced the effect, the harder it is on the user. So it wouldn't be about 'total uses', so much, and more about the duration and the strength of the speed boost.

"The harder you push the engine, the faster it burns out", sort of a thing.


Quote from: Datawych on January 28, 2023, 01:06:25 AM
I'm not sure there's a one-size-fits all answer to that question, honestly 😅

The way I picture it would be a bit like how they work in CP2077. Different Sandevistan models provide varying degrees of 'time dilation' (or whatever else you'd call it), and the more pronounced the effect, the harder it is on the user. So it wouldn't be about 'total uses', so much, and more about the duration and the strength of the speed boost.

"The harder you push the engine, the faster it burns out", sort of a thing.
Oh man in that case my Sandy must be really carefully used since it's a Sandy from a mod. Damn thing has 4% Time Dilation, 14 seconds duration for base stats.

Wilderness Soul

Both Sandies will stay leashed for a bit it seems lol. So Datawych, is there a number of bodies you're looking to reach before? Also what forum we raking this showboat to?


Quote from: Wilderness Soul on January 28, 2023, 06:03:59 AM
Both Sandies will stay leashed for a bit it seems lol

Well, there's also the possibility of having lower-strength speed boosts, too - those can be used for longer periods without nearly as much of a problem. So if anyone's interested in that - not so much superspeed like the Flash, but still, being 20% faster than everyone else is still a fairly substantial advantage. A Sandevistan like David's though? Yeah, heed Doc's and Rebecca's advice; it should really be used more like an emergency button, than a key part of combat strategy. 😆

But who knows - Emily and/or Ning may be able to modify one so that the speed boost can actually be modulated, so there's control over how fast you're going, and not just whether it's turned on or not.  ;)

Quoteis there a number of bodies you're looking to reach before? Also what forum we raking this showboat to?

I didn't have an exact number of people in mind. I s'pose my answer is 'enough for some variety in group dynamics, but not so many it becomes unmanageable', as vague as that may be.

Though think of it more as "a found family that's managed to cobble something together that sorta works", rather than a D&D party or something like that. There can be characters with no combat ability whatsoever, characters that only show up to do their part of the job and get paid... Not everyone has to like each other, things can be awkward between certain members of the team - like how Rebecca medium-key resents Lucy because she's into David, too. Remember that these are supposed to be broken people (or ones who are about to break), so they shouldn't have these perfect relationships with one another, even if they DO really care for each other, at day's end.

As far as which forum - Night City is full of a lot of violence, drugs, potential body horror, etc., so I lean toward Extreme for something like this.


Name: Leif Jackson
Alias(es): Panter
Role: Solo Infiltrator

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Yellow

Brief: The son of a Scandinavian immigrant and a small time gangster, Leif grew up hearing stories of his mother's homeland, of how much more alive and peaceful it was compared to Night City. She had left for the city with dreams of becoming a big star, but was almost immediately crushed by the harsh realities of Night City. Motivated by his mother's stories, and the guilt of tying her down to the city she hated, Leif aspired to take her back to her homeland and start a better life there. To this end he needed to make money, and figured that using his body would be the quickest and safest means of doing so. He became a stripper at a mid-end night club, but things went south when he and a few other dancers were working a private party for a group of corpos. After getting too drunk one of the corpos ended up spilling dangerous secrets out loud, and when they realized several of the dancers, Leif included, didn't have doll chips to wipe their memories with, they decided the only way to protect the info was to kill them all. When they went to shoot Leif, his ferrosuit activated on instinct, protecting him from the bullet and allowing him to get away. While he managed to escape with his life, he now found himself on a corpo's wanted list, forcing him into the underground of the city to survive.

Dream: Raise enough money to move him and his mother to Scandinavia.
Duty: Earn enough money to get by and avoid detection of the corpos after him.

Fear: Leif's greatest fear is losing his mother, or having something terrible happen to her, since she's the whole reason he's doing what he's doing. He also has a deep fear of losing personal agency or autonomy. Having worked with a few Dolls firsthand the very concept terrifies him on an existential level, and he'd always immediately shoot it down whenever the idea of him getting a doll chip was brought up. The irony that not having one is the reason the corpos decided to execute him is not lost on him.

Fracture: Leif is highly paranoid of interacting with corpos in any way, especially since he doesn't actually know which corp the party were working for. If they ever deal with corpos or take contracts with them he will refuse to be part of the meeting, and he'll go out of his way to get around them if spotted in public. Since he was almost killed due to accidentally overhearing sensitive information, Leif has developed a strong aversion to learning people's secrets or being confided in. Possessing knowledge is dangerous, even if you didn't seek it out in the first place, so he'd rather be in the dark. This even extends to people he otherwise trusts and cares about, which can make deepening relationships difficult.


Ferrosuit: A spinal implant that houses a store of nanite infused ferrofluid. The fluid can be programed to spread across the user's body to form a bodysuit of various designs and colors, allowing one to completely change their style on a whim. Unbeknownst to Leif when he bought it, his Ferrosuit is actually military grade. Low-end sure, but still reinforced enough to serve as body armor.

Metabolic Editor: An implant designed to assist liver and pancreas function against poisons. Originally used to protect his liver from overdrinking at the club (and avoid getting roofied).

Reinforced Tendons/Maneuvering System: Implants to improve one's leg strength and a subprogram that enhances nervous system function. He had them installed to allow him to perform more dynamic and impressive pole dances, but it also allows him to double jump and dodge through the air.

Microvibration Generator: Skeleton implants that allow the body to vibrate at high frequencies. Originally intended to spice up lap dances, but can also cause melee weapons to vibrate at a high enough frequency to increase their cutting power.

Various minor cosmetic implants and treatments: Permanent makeup, hair removal, skin softening, frame slendering, butt implants, etc.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Figured I'd throw my hat into the ring, big fan of Edgerunners, and though I've still got a fair bit of playtime left in 2077, really love the universe.
As tempting as it is, think I'll pass on the sandy, for the sake of variety.

Name: Maven Rockwell
Alias(es): Summer
Role: Solo

Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue, and quite functional. The glasses don't have any strength, and are purely for looks.

Brief: Growing up in Arroyo, Maven's introduction to gangland came at a young age. Not quite poor not quite rich, there wasn't really a future beyond just continuing that, and Maven wasn't too keen on that. She was short-fused and quick to throw fists, enough to get some hustles on the side from the dominant gang in the area, the 6th street. Rarely big stuff, mostly just collecting protection money from the less resistant clinentel, and a cheeky carjacking at 14 that... Well, the car was delivered, with its owners following. Not surprising since she could hardly reach the pedals and the autodrive got busted by the hacking device. No less, she stuck with the gang until her early 20s, and got a fair bit of chrome on the gang's bill, being quite the competent member. But, she got tired of the constant "this is justice, 2nd amendment yay yay yay!" jargon that came with the affiliation. Though the higher ranks were unwilling to let her go, they eventually managed to settle, on the positive note that if they parted on a good note, she'd still work with them, and avoid jobs that would impact them negatively. Oh, and she'd have to pay down the bits of chrome that had come from their storage - Not that she was going to argue, beat having it extracted.

Dream: Getting her name on the drinks-menu doesn't sound half-bad. Truth be told, she just wants to get to the point where she feels she's explored everything that Night City has to offer - A task that makes getting the drink seem like a walk in the park.
Duty: Settling significant debts for cyberware during her time with the 6th street gang, finalizing her "out". Make rent.

Fear: Like many other edgerunners, Maven's second biggest fear is that of cyberpsychosis. That's boring though, nobody wants that, about as controversial as saying that tomatoes are a vegetable. No, what is truly scary, what she fears more than anything, is being a bystander to her own death. Enough people have lost their lives from a stray bullet, caught in the crossfire, or generally just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Dying sucks, but it feels like it'd suck way more if whoever killed you didn't even mean to.
Fracture: The feeling of nakedness is very real when unarmed. Anyone who's crazy enough to get used to firefights would happily tell you they feel the most naked when they're forced give up their arms. There's a constant feeling of being on edge when feeling outgunned, and Maven gets notably fidgety, jumpy, and overalert when unarmed.


Basic Wrist-jack
Limbic System Enhancement - A frontal cortex implant, improving aggression and fear-response.
Self-ICE - Countermeasure against hacking. Frontal cortex implant.
Syn-Lungs - Synthetic lungs, for better oxygen circulation.
Kerenzikov - Nervous system cyberware. Probably bootleg, since it just barely works. Overdue for getting thrown in the bin, but barely is better than nothing at all.
Bionic Joints - One of the main implants Summer is busy paying off. Stiffens the joints, allowing for better recoil mitigation through stiffening joints.
Fortified Ankles - Greater jumping height and less broken ankles when jumping down things.
Fake breasts - Well, if the doc's already opening up the ribs for lungs, and they're offering, might as well, right? Easy pass on getting a third though. To the best of Summer's knowledge, they don't have any hidden functionality, and thusly are more ware than cyber.
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QuoteDream: Getting her name on the drinks-menu doesn't sound half-bad.


The Green One

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