Macabre {Open Recruitment}

Started by Malrunar, September 01, 2022, 10:42:37 PM

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The changing of bodies is probably more like a few decades rather than a couple of years, but that's more for those who have multiple forms. Even good tires get warn out and need to be replaced every so often. It would be a little easier to give an answer if I know the specifics of what kind of fae you're looking to play. Feel free to send me a PM and we can go more deeply in detail there. ;D







Macabre 1

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Macabre 2

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Macabre 3

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Macabre 4

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Macabre 5

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Macabre 6

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»  River Murray |  Remembers-the-Ancestors «

Name:- River Murray |  Remembers-the-Ancestors

Age:- 33

Sexuality:- Homoflexible | Polyamorous | Top

Race:- Werebear

Birthplace:- Augusta, Montana | Flathead National Forest

Position/Occupation:- Lumberjack | Eco-Activist

Bloodline:- Stuart Murray & Adelaide Murray of the Highland Murrays

Personality Traits:- Tacitern | Meditative | Eco-Conscious | Protective | Serene | Socially-Awkward | Activist

Synopsis:- River is descended from the brown bears that once inhabited Scotland before they were systematically hunted into extinction, though her people remained in the Highlands and kept their heads down to try and avoid being wiped out as well.  The birth of new shifters among her bloodline was rare, and each one was highly protected by their people, carefully taught the histories and shown the manner in which man could bring about the destruction of even their proud race.  Eventually, however, the family branched out, intermarried with other clans, and many of the old stories were lost  - forgotten or discarded as the world moved on.

In 1821, the Murray clan - or at least a small portion of it - moved from Scotland and settled in the new world, finding their way west to homestead in Montana.  They made their peace with the indigenous tribes thereabouts and even lent their minimal resources and energy to try and help them to hold onto the bare land they were forced to live on.  Despite the many differences between the homesteaders and the natives, they had at least one commonality in their lore - the shifters.  Wolves had been eradicated in Scotland along with the bears, and they were loathe to witness such a thing happen all over again in the new world.  They were more than happy to protect the wild animals that shared their spirit with the changers of the old country, and that made them uneasy allies with the indigenous tribes that also protected those species.

The birth of werebears is uncommon, and River was the first to be born in nearly 200 years and the only one (so far) to be born to the Murray clan that resided in America.  She was the second child born to Stuart and Adelaide, her older brother three when she was brought home from the hospital and promptly dubbed 'Bubba', which became her childhood nickname.  She grew up idolizing her older brother Charlie, and often tagged along with him when he played with his friends - a fact that one might expect would annoy him, but actually didn't.  The pair were very close, and he loved having his little sister along on his frequent outings into the woods to play knights and dragons or look for interesting trees to climb.  Then, when he was eight and she was around five, their mother gave birth to their baby sister, and River became fascinated with the tiny creature that her parents brought home from the hospital.

She still hung out with Charlie whenever she could, but she also loved spending time at home helping her mother care for baby Clementine - feeding her, changing her, and just sitting with her in her lap and rocking her to sleep.  From then on, her social life pretty much consisted of hanging out with her big brother, or playing tea party with her baby sister, since she had a very difficult time making friends at school and largely kept to herself.  The first change came pretty close on the heels of puberty and arose from dreams that she began having of roaming through a foggy wood that seemed both dearly familiar and yet utterly unrecognizable to her.  It was the memories of her people, the bear within awakening to guide her into the next chapter of her life - and when her parents discovered she had changed, they removed her from public school so that she could be taught at home.

For the next seven years, she was given lessons not only in what she would need to live in the world but also about their clan and the bears that had come before her - though Stuart and Adelaide had precious little left from the history of their people.  River was hungry for knowledge of the past and felt stymied by all that had been lost - the lore that had fallen through the cracks of time or been stored away and forgotten over the years.  Thus, when she was 20, she reluctantly said goodbye to her parents and baby sister and traveled to Scotland to begin a five-year journey to uncover as much of the lost Murray and Scottish Werebear annals as she could so that it could be recorded and saved for future generations.  She worked various odd jobs, lending her strength as a ranchhand here or handyman there, developing her fry cooking skills at various taverns...whatever would provide her the means to continue searching out the scattered remnants of her people and the little recorded history that remained.

Once she felt the well had been run dry and she had accumulated all she could, she returned home to begin compiling and editing it all into a book - though not one she ever planned to publish to the world at large.  The massive - and ultimately multi-volume - tome was designed to be distributed only to those of clan Murray or the other Scottish clans that had ties to the Werebears.  It was a passion project that consumed her for a full six years until she finally felt it was as close to complete as she could ever make it and then she found herself at a loss for purpose.  Her people's history had been dug up and preserved, and would never again be lost as it had been for so long...but she had no idea what to do with herself.

It wasn't until she was invited along with Charlie to do some 'harmless' vandalizing of an oil field a few counties over along with some of his friends from the nearby rez that she discovered what she wanted to do with the rest of her life.  For Charlie and his friends, it was more of a lark, but eco-activism became the very meaning that River needed in her life - and it lead her to more and more acts of protest against the industries she viewed as destroying the earth on which they all lived.  Sometimes her activism was as innocent and law-abiding as showing up with a sign to march with others who believed as she did, but other times they involved setting fires that caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages and forced companies to halt the destruction of the natural world with deforestation, pipelines and the dumping of toxic chemicals or byproducts.

After being arrested for the third time by local police, she decided to leave home and travel elsewhere to keep her family out of the illegal activity she was determined not to give up - not wanting to drag them into things if she ever really got serious heat for her acts.  That's what landed her, eventually, in Seattle (or thereabouts) and working for American Forest Lands Washington Logging Company - where she could keep an eye on the company and ensure that replanting was being practiced and they weren't over-logging the natural resources.  This also gave her handy access to a good many other companies that aren't so careful, not only in terms of trees but those that overfish and pollute the ocean as well.

Special Abilities:-

Strength & Stamina - Even in her human form, River can outmatch most - if not all - human men when it comes to raw, physical power.  She can easily lift a caber and toss it further than anyone who participates in such delightful tomfoolery, a fact she proved several times over during her time in Scotland.  Not only can she bench-press a sub-compact, but she has incredible endurance, capable of sustaining herself for hours doing grueling sport or work without growing weak or weary from the strain.

Sense of Smell - Like all werebears, her sense of smell is good enough to pick up the fragrance of wild honey from a mile away, and complex enough to scent distress, or even sniff out the tale-tell odors accompanied by wakefulness or dishonesty.  In her human form this is dulled to superhuman, yet not even half the level of her nose in her other forms.

Historian - Though self-taught, her skills as a chronicler and researcher have been refined through trial,  error, and years of experience.  If there is some scrap of writing or verbal anecdote to be had about a subject, she will find it.  Pure bullheadedness and incredible patience, along with the investigative know-how she acquired in Scotland, will see it so.

Excellent Cook - If it can be griddled, grilled, fried, boiled, or steamed, then she can do it.  She is a terrible baker, however, and as much as she loves desserts and other pastries, she can't create them herself to save her life.  When it comes to savory recipes, though, she has amazing instincts for flavor combinations and methods with which to take even the most basic dish and elevate it.

Sabotage - Her expertise for destruction has grown over the years of her vandalizing and sabotaging the machinery and buildings of corporations and industries that she views as harmful.  She does her best to wreck things in ways that do not threaten the lives of those that work for said companies, however, as she understands they simply are trying to get by in the world.  This has given her a very specific set of skills and knowledge that can be quite deadly if need be, such as making bombs or other at-home incendiary devices.

Brawler - Whether it's bare-knuckle boxing, wrestling, or all-out scrapping, River is damned good at it and she never backs down from a good, clean (or not so clean) fight.  She's almost impossible to anger, but she finds the thrill of physical combat exhilarating and approaches it more like a sport than anything else.  She doesn't fight humans, however, since there's no joy in a fight you know you can't lose, so she tends to keep her scrapping to other shifters and supernatural types who can match her strength - or even outdo her.

Weaknesses and Flaws:-

Shy - River's an introvert and lacks the ease that many others possess with social interaction, especially in a larger group.  She is far more likely to be found outside in the backyard or on the balcony if she's somehow been convinced to attend a party.  It can be difficult to coax her out of her shell and once in a conversation, she is often awkward, uncertain how to carry her half of the interaction, and nervous  - at least at first.

Claustrophobic - Whenever she is forced to come into even a small town for supplies or to meet with someone, she is generally carrying a low-grade tension due to the sensation of the walls of the buildings closing in around her - even when outside.  That low-level stress amps up when she has to go inside - and forget about getting her into anything like an elevator or enclosed space without ready access to the outdoors.  She avoids the Underground like the plague unless absolutely necessary and will make sure any visit there is as brief as possible.

On a Watch List - Her role as an eco-terrorist (their term) has put her on the FBI watch list and gotten her name and face into the files of more than a few police precincts around the country.  So far she's managed to avoid being jailed for any longer than a night (and don't think that wasn't a nightmare for her) but there's always the chance that she will pull something major, get caught and get her ass in real trouble.

Sweet Tooth - Not a huge flaw, especially compared to the others, River has a massive addiction to sweets - much like a certain famous yellow bear whose head is full of stuffin'.  Desserts of all kinds lure her in, and she adds far too much honey or sugar to her tea - depending on what's available.  One of the main reasons she will enter a town or the city proper is to stock back up on her favorite treats or buy herself a basic bitch iced latte with much syrupy flavoring added.

Four-Eyes - River wears glasses, or contacts, in her human form and in her bear form her vision is worse than your average, well, bear.  Her difficulty with seeing things at a distance can be somewhat of a hindrance, though not so intensive that she would even really recognize it as a weakness.

Dirty Deeds:- Biblio's O/O's.

River is largely only attracted to feminine or feminine-presenting people, but there are certain men who she feels match her in strength and energy that draw her in.  In those instances, she prefers there not to be any D/s elements - no set top and bottom - and for the sexual encounter to have a decidedly aggressive, intense, passionate quality.  She wants to be pressed into bottoming and accepting their attention.  Once she is bested, however, she is an enthusiastic participant, though she will continue to fight some just to keep things interesting.  In those situations, she almost makes sex into a competition and works hard to bring her lover off with explosive results.

Notes:- King Mala - She Calls Me Daddy | Kehlani - Honey | LP - Lost On You


Hell yes. <3

I was surprised bears didn't get as much love as I anticipated! They're almost as rare as our kitties in this game, lol.


who doesn't love a good bear?  O8)


I'm trying to figure out how Mayumi and River could meet.  ;)

Rummy Tum Tum

(Forgot to post this here)

»  Julian Penn  «

Name:- Julian Penn | Jules; Penny; Good Neighbor

Age:- 26

Sexuality:- Heterosexual Switch

Race:- Warlock

Birthplace:- Oakland, California

Position/Occupation:- Corporate Coder, Vigilante Hacker

Personality Traits:- Repressed Perfectionist | Nerdy | Jubilant | Goofy | Wayward | Attempted Pacifist

Synopsis:- A normal life. It was all he wanted from the day his mormor started teaching him rune magic. He'd always hated her lessons; how the fun and creativity of art were stymied by the drilling of tried and proven spells; how the tiniest failure meant discipline and ridicule--'minor' tastes of what would happen if he failed without a safety net. And worst of all, he had to use his magic to fight demons and fae, sending interlopers back to their cruel home planes as was his family's sworn duty as Realmkeepers.

What 10-year-old boy would want to see a demon, or the true face of a Kindly One, let alone brutally tear them from this realm? What kind of protectors judged and executed without consideration? What kind of heroes used their powers for some evils and ignored all others? Every lesson learned about the injustices in the world came with a warning label: do not interfere. Not through magic and, given the rarity of witches and warlocks, not through mundane action either.

Resentment ultimately led Julian to take his magical knowledge and left the family business at the first opportunity. He went off to college, got his Masters in computer sciences, found a job after a long, depressing struggle then...he met with unhappiness all over again. An old question resurfaced: what good was he doing, really? Would his legacy end at summoning up readable data and writing code for a company without a soul?

So he started looking into the old injustices he'd seen growing up. Cases he was not supposed to interfere in. With tech wizardry at his beck and call, he honed in on cases of police corruption, white-collar crimes, and missing persons, among others. He specialized in those swept under the rug for the elites and the highly regarded. He reported evidence on hundreds of cases under the moniker 'Good Neighbor,' and for those that still fell cold or beyond the veil, he turned to supernatural friends. He has maintained a few of them, as his tech skills have proven invaluable in keeping the Secret safe through encryption and magical 'data scrubbing.'

His moral compass is the only thing keeping him from gaining more allies and a higher tax bracket.

Special Abilities:-

Tech God - When Jules claims to be a wizard with computers, he ain't lying. Electronics have always...reacted to him. Sometimes they did exactly what he wanted them to, other times they just exploded. The runes tattooed on his fingers help stabilize his ability and separate his magical coding from his explosive

Rune Magic - Through the transcription and carving of runes, rune mages can assert their rule on an object and through the world via said object. This magic allows him to cast spells through coded messages, the digital art he makes, and the tattoos and accessories on his person. The only downside is that the practice of rune carving was nearly lost ages ago and it is difficult to even scratch the surface of all the spells the ancient rune masters knew. Jules's answer: create new runes through trial, error, and modern technology!

Die Hard - Not just a reference to his favorite movie. Julian has an inborn enchantment that repairs his body at a supernatural rate, making him exceptionally hard to kill.

Keeper's Eye - Passed down from his Realmkeeper ancestors, Julian has the same sixth sense demons and fae have for one another. This ability comes with an active boost to all his senses when he expends energy.

Weaknesses and Flaws:-

Overload - Julian's greatest strength is directly tied to his kryptonite. If electrocuted, his spells and enchantments will go on the fritz, leaving him completely vulnerable.

Recharge - He has often been accused of laziness by the nonmagical side of his family. In truth, exhaustion is the cost of his magic. Ironically, insomnia is a recurring pain in the ass, leading to high fatigue days where he puts up with nothing.

Dirty Deeds:- Here. | Character highlights: Toys, Danger, Switching (with soft domme), Affection, Anal (giving), Edging (receiving), Leather kink & bondage (curious), Amazon Sex (curious), Pet Play (as Puppy//curious), Gentle Pegging (curious)

Notes:- Jules has a goofy fucking laugh and he's proud of it!

Probably Up - Lawrence | Movin' Out - Billy Joel | Next to Normal - Lucius | Anemone - Slenderbodies | My Generation - The Who


I got shown this game by a friend, but it seems quite far into it. So was just wondering, how does one enter in the middle of something? And is anyone looking for something specific or a pairing mayhaps?


You're more than welcome to join us! New players and characters are always welcome. I've made it a point to be sure joining the game will be a cakewalk; I'll get you up to speed with all the major events so you get a good feel of the setting and not feel like you're missing anything. 😁

It's a sandbox game with plot events on the side. This way you can do solo scenes if that is your jam as well as participate and not feel bogged down.

Rummy Tum Tum

Yes, also we've only had one major opening event thus far, just recently starting the plot off. Characters are still processing it or learning about it depending on if they were in attendance.


Quote from: Naiah on October 21, 2022, 06:52:54 PM
I got shown this game by a friend, but it seems quite far into it. So was just wondering, how does one enter in the middle of something? And is anyone looking for something specific or a pairing mayhaps?

If you're looking for shared background, we could definitely make that happen! This game is super open so pairing is maybe not the word I would use, but if you'd like I'd definitely be up for building some background!



(Peeking in)

Damn it. This looks really interesting.

Damn. It.


Come on in, Ebb.  The water's fine.   >:)



Quote from: Dionisian on October 21, 2022, 10:08:38 PM
If you're looking for shared background, we could definitely make that happen! This game is super open so pairing is maybe not the word I would use, but if you'd like I'd definitely be up for building some background!


Gotcha! And would love that :D Just jumping in seems a lil.. daunting :P Having a reason always helps, well does for me :)

Quote from: Rummy Tum Tum on October 21, 2022, 08:53:57 PM
Yes, also we've only had one major opening event thus far, just recently starting the plot off. Characters are still processing it or learning about it depending on if they were in attendance.

Quote from: Malrunar on October 21, 2022, 07:20:13 PM
You're more than welcome to join us! New players and characters are always welcome. I've made it a point to be sure joining the game will be a cakewalk; I'll get you up to speed with all the major events so you get a good feel of the setting and not feel like you're missing anything. 😁

It's a sandbox game with plot events on the side. This way you can do solo scenes if that is your jam as well as participate and not feel bogged down.

Thank you! <3


Quote from: Naiah on October 22, 2022, 05:12:41 AM
Thank you! <3

You're welcome! Feel free to message me privately if you have any questions regarding your character, I'm always happy to help!


» Ellie Hall «

Name:- Ellie Hall  - Nickname: Miss Trial

Age:- 28

Sexuality:- Bi Domme (with a small tendency to switch if the partner is right)

Race:- Human

Birthplace:- Seattle

Position/Occupation:- Criminal Lawyer for Hall, Childs & Rikkard

Personality Traits:

Driven | Hardworking | Ruthless| Manipulative | Ambitious | Intelligent | Professional | Flirtatious


Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Ellie could have done anything (or nothing) she wanted. However she inherited her father's drive and luckily the intelligence to go with it. Her father is Marcus Hall, managing partner of one of the biggest law firms in Seattle. While there is speculation that there was nepotism involved in her being appointed an associate within her second year of practicing, her track record is proof enough that she earned it, winning most of her cases or significantly reducing sentences if not getting a mistrial (hence her nickname, which she hates). Because of her track record and her drive she is one of the highest paid criminal defense lawyers in Seattle and widely used amongst the more wealthy criminals, some even on retainer.

While hard working, she does enjoy the nightlife of Seattle, especially on the weekends, often going on little sleep, not that it shows or affects her job.
She has not had a steady relationship that has lasted more than 6 months, either growing bored of the monotony of it, or finding something better to spend her time on.

She is a Domme at heart, though has no real knowledge of D/s relationships, more in the way of it is on her terms. She likes to tease, anyone and anything and uses it to get what she wants.
She has only on few occasions met her match and been the one subdued and were always rougher than what she herself dishes out.

Weaknesses and Flaws:

- She is a human, with no magical abilities
- Need for validation, does not like to fail
- Impatient, does not like to be kept waiting
- Petty, can be quite vengeful if wronged
- Unscrupulous, will do what it takes to win

Dirty Deeds:- How to tease the Tease

Notes:- Does not care to drive herself, though she has a car, often using her father's driver or uses cabs. Lives in an expensive penthouse owned by her father.


I would love to join if it's not to late. Was thinking of having a newly turned werewolf stumbling around the city trying to figure out what's going on as a good way to pop in if anyone would want to take her under their wing.
I can now be found on scripturient


You're most welcome! It's never too late for anyone to join. 😁 Please let me know if you have any questions!


I play the de facto Alfa of the county, so if you would like Will to be her mentor I would be down for that.  However, if one of the other wolf players would like to take the mantle, I am also totally okay with that!


Quote from: Bibliophilia on October 24, 2022, 07:36:40 PM
I play the de facto Alfa of the county, so if you would like Will to be her mentor I would be down for that.  However, if one of the other wolf players would like to take the mantle, I am also totally okay with that!

I would love that! Just read his CS and I think my girl might be a good match for him! I’ll get a CS submitted asap!
I can now be found on scripturient