Macabre {Open Recruitment}

Started by Malrunar, September 01, 2022, 10:42:37 PM

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Rummy Tum Tum


I might...could...most likely roll something for this decidedly delectable world.

I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.


Rummy Tum Tum



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Tentatively interested! I wanna read through the sheets and see how research goes, but I'm thinking weretiger or maybe werewolf.

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.




It'd be great to have you join us.
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Rummy Tum Tum

Quote from: Lyron on September 14, 2022, 08:54:27 PM
Tentatively interested! I wanna read through the sheets and see how research goes, but I'm thinking weretiger or maybe werewolf.

*whispers* Weretiger. One of us. One of us :D


Also registering some interest. Might be till Friday till I can put a faceclaim and a character sheet together, but looking to play a Demon!

Rummy Tum Tum


Rummy Tum Tum



»  Sahaquiel  «

Name:- Sahaquiel (Sebastion, "Seb" or "Bastion")

Age:- Ageless (Host Body: 32)

Sexuality:- Bi

Race:- Demon

Birthplace:- Heaven itself (Host is from Takoma, WA)

Postition/Occupation:- Technically still a Lord of Hell

Personality Traits:- Sebastion seems on the surface to be pretty laid back, adopting a darkly smoldering or brooding disposition as this suits his aims in whatever seduction he is working. Beneath the surface, he tends to be calculating, though usually calculating the quickest way to spice up his surroundings. He has aeons of practice at controlling the roiling storm of hunger, lust, and hedonic passion at his core, the passion that ultimately led to his rebellion against heaven-- and hell.

Synospsis:- We rebelled against Heaven. They should have expected us to rebel against hell.

It's not like Hell has ever been truly unified. An infinity of souls whose only common traits are that they were too full of pride, or gluttony, or greed, or pick you favorite sin (lust!) to get into the vaunted (and overrated!) Gates of Heaven? Yeah, not exactly team spirit material. Not exactly a recruitment pool for great leadership. Oh, sure, all the big names want to flap their wings and hiss at everyone else, but what a fucking pointless waste of time, right? THAT is how you get so-called 'great ideas' like 'Hell on Earth.'

They had to go and get greedy, didn't they? Hell on Earth, they thought, we could suck the souls right off the streets! Except then where are the new souls going to come from? Oh yeah, you can march down main street and get to the blood and pain, the wreck and ruin-- but who's going to rebuild it all? What about after the orgy of murder, what then? Hell on Earth has another name, it's called Armageddon, the end of all things, the end of the line, that's it, no more party. You can't go home, you can't stay here, you just can't exist. Does that sound like a good time to you?

So now, someone is going to have to drag these little mortals through the motions and put a good, fucking stop to this raw unadulterated idiocy. Most of hell is too busy slobbering all over themselves thinking about the idea of sucking souls straight from the tap. Such a sad few of them learned to appreciate something finer in existence, to really savor the good stuff. He's not alone, sure, but someone has to be the first to actually do something about it. The big names are of course flopping their dicks or tits or whatever around, and everybody's too scared to cross them. But they got shit on God, and we rebelled against that dick, didn't we?

Not that God is going to get off their ass about it either. Oh sure, they'll send some plucky little mortal of faith with no real fucking clue about anything, maybe some Angels to jazz up the act, but it'll be the same old 'free will' excuse all over again. It's imperative that everyone has free will, just so they can feel all that guilt, and shame, and remorse for using it. Seriously, fuck that motherfucker.

Special Abilities:-

10,000+ Years of Torment It's not that Sahaquiel has especially strong psychic defenses. It's that it's a really bad idea to make psychic contact with someone who has experienced aeons of time in hell. Sure, when he puts his mind to it, he can swing his Will around with the best of them, but he's usually too distracted by whatever opportunity for hedonism is presenting itself to pay attention. But those who make psychic contact with his mind are in for exposure in compressed time to the experience of the torments of hell itself. Those with weak minds will probably be left gibbering shells of themselves until their minds forget it all in an act of self defense. Those of middling to high willpower will find their emotions taken over by the intense desire to indulge in whatever sin they are weakest to. Even the strongest of minds can only endure so much of the torments of hell, and will find themselves influenced in that direction, though they remain in full control of their faculties.

Arcane Senses Sahaquiel has forgotten more about the supernatural than a mortal could learn in a human lifetime. Unfortunately, he can only pack so much of that into a mortal shell without burning it out very quickly, and so he has limited himself to an extremely keen sense of the arcane, allowing him to notice and identify when supernatural powers are used in his presence-- information is the real power, after all. It should also give him a heads up as to when other agents of hell are around him, or influencing events, but he's less certain of this particular trick.

Bargain of a Lifetime Sahaquiel has reserved most of his demonic power into the ability to form pacts with mortals, and imbue them with what he deems they need to stop the coming Armageddon. This is weaker with supernaturals such as Vampires and Werekin, as they are already benefitting from long ago bargains struck with other demons. It's potency is also proportional to the faith of the mortal striking the bargain-- the stronger the faith, the more juice there is to convert into a Boon of Hell. In return, Sahaquiel gets access to their souls even at a distance, and can feed on them at will, even should he be forced out of this mortal shell. This is, make no mistake, a bargain to join him in Hell.

Friends in Low Places Sahaquiel has not packed this form with superhuman physical prowess, though he did pick a particularly fit human host. Instead, he has chosen to hold on to his little black book of favors owed to him from his eternity in Hell. What this means is he can temporarily summon a minion of hell itself to fight for him-- Something most Vampires or Werewolves could put down with a little effort, but usually enough for him to make a quick escape.

Weaknesses and Flaws:-
The Rules: From his perspective, he's actually playing fast and loose with the rules, but Sahaquiel abides by a strict code of what he will and will not do here on Earth. He is not here to vouchsafe the secrets of creation itself, he is not here to pull back the curtain on whatever Scooby Doo Mystery is behind the secret of Vampirism or shapeshifting, he is not here to create a new world order among the supernatural community and appoint himself overlord-- he is here to get things back to the status quo before someone got the bright idea that now was a great time for the End of All Things.

Enemies in High Places Sahaquiel has made perhaps a few too many trips to world of mortals in recent centuries, and so he has the attention of those powers which police such things-- namely speaking the church, and other hunters of his kind even among the supernatural. Those with access to a decent occult library should not find it too hard to identify just who they are dealing with, and his weaknesses. Not his true name-- he's not stupid-- but his pattern of behavior, and how to distract him, and what he's capable of.

Easily Distracted Sahaquiel is a demon of many sins, primarily lust, but also gluttony, pride, a fun little dash of wrath, a light sprinkling of greed. What this generally means is that he is easily distracted by opportunities for indulgence-- easily seduced, distracted by a good meal, or great wine, a fine looking ass or an intoxicating smell, the list goes on. In general, the drive to sate his eternal hungers and lusts is always a background impulse for him, which is a constant distraction, an itch he always has the need to scratch.

Itty Bitty Living Space In order to inhabit this form for what he expects to be some duration, and to maintain the power to form pacts with mortals, Sahaquiel has had to severely limit how much of his demonic power he has actually packed into this form. Should he be forced to his his abilities with high frequency, he will be in desperate need of soul energy, or risk burning this shell out entirely. He's not certain how easily he may return to Hell, recuperate, and return, given that he is in fact rebelling against Hell at the moment.

Dirty Deeds:- Dio's Ons and Offs:

Notes:- Faceclaim is Serkan Cayoglu



After watching the IC thread for a bit, I'm deciding I won't join. My track record for quick replies in a freeform game is not very high, lol. Y'all have a good pace going, and I don't wanna disrupt that. :-)

The premise and format are fun, though! Good luck with things!

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


I understand! If you change your mind you know you're always welcome, my friend!


I feel like I need to look into this game a bit. I could go for something supernatural, and there are already some great players here....

Rummy Tum Tum


Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions. ;D


I have begun the process of creating a delectable creature for this rather lovely setting. Hopefully she should be ready for viewing tomorrow...keeping all crossable appendages crossed.

I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.

Rummy Tum Tum


I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.