The Boys: Off the Rails [Extreme, Supers, Parody, Interest Check] S3 SPOILERS!

Started by firepyre, June 11, 2022, 06:01:35 AM

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Quote from: Andronica on June 22, 2022, 06:15:51 PM
Wolfie <3

Hello, beauty. The caliber of writers here means that I will be VASTLY entertained, even if I have NO idea about anything Boys related...
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Quote from: Andronica on June 22, 2022, 06:09:44 PM
-makes grabby hands-

So... besties? Or given the parody nature would it be better if your Cap and my Kat did not get along?

I'm also ruminating on a fire powered hero to toss into the mix (Hot Shot is his WIP name), but we'll see how the turn out is by the weekend.

I...have some ideas. I'll tell you what I think before I make it official.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Okay, made sure Andro was good with the tie-in to her Valkyrie official backstory. As long as they're approved, I can fine tune connections. Let me know if you need anything tweaked!

I bring you...Vanguard!

Basic Information
Name: Trevor Washington
Role: Professional Hero
Alias: Vanguard
Parody of: Captain America
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 35
Height/Build:  6'2 220 lbs
Hair/Eye Colour: Dark Sandy Blonde/Blue eyes with a little green
Faceclaim: Chris Evans
Notable Features: None

Personality & History

Personality: When on the clock he’s outwardly patriotic, virtuous, and gregarious. Always has time for a selfie bomb and a handshake, as long as he’s not on duty! When doing his job, he puts the safety of people first, even if he might lose the battle at that moment. When not on the clock he could give a fuck about you and always has his eye out for a spectacular set of female attributes. A practical lifetime of sheltering has made him act out to the point of late night partying when the company doesn’t reel him in. Loves the power, and loves what he can do with it in or out of uniform.

Aspirations & fears: Wants a spot in The Seven, but fears his “age” is catching up to him and the network’s need to keep the drama worked up between him and Valkyrie is both the only thing keeping him afloat, and the very thing holding him back.

Official Backstory: When the government wanted soldiers to use against the growing threat against their nation’s interest, they began experimenting with performance enhancers created from an experimental lab deep within the bowels of Area 51. Trevor Washington was an unheralded soldier with minimum physical ability, but maximum heart. His keen sense of danger and devotion to his fellow soldier gave him the ability to put his humvee in harm’s way, in order to use it to do what he could not. To shield the people he cared for. It was a sad twist of fate that called him away from his unit on the day it was hit with an IED. His unit. The people he called his family, and the woman he secretly held a torch for, was gone.

It wouldn’t be until later that they would put the pieces together, but by then, he had to leave the military. Unfortunately, the armed forces couldn’t handle a man of such exemplary skill and strong moral compass. When all he wanted to do was serve, when his change made him into his very best self, it proved too much for the powers that be. But Vought, seeing the promise of such a dedicated man, made sure to create a place for him where he could keep the homefires burning and uphold the liberties we hold dear. Where he could serve the people who really mattered. The American People. He became…Vanguard!   

And as Vanguard, those very same pieces pointed him to a horrible truth. The woman he secretly loved, who had embodied all he held dear as both a soldier, and a woman, had been turned. She was now the Russian puppet Valkyrie, and held no memories of him, despite the many memories he held of her. Knowing the truth, he could never bring himself to apprehend her. His love always seemed to override his duty.

Defining Moments & Skeletons: Trevor was raised as part of Vought’s plan to have supers in the military, but he wasn't allowed to be in the forefront. Before he was Vanguard, he was simply The Asset. And he usually operated in places that needed a spanking to let them know that the US was in charge. One mission went…a little sideways. Terrorists were using human shields while mass producing IEDs and suicide vests for distribution. And Trevor, being Trevor, arranged for the entire building to go up with no survivors. The death toll was…significant and since he's established a history of brutality, the CIA thought it best that Vought take back their little toy. Since no one officially knows who he was, Vought decided to make sure they got their money's worth and created Vanguard.

Despite being a CIA asset at one time, he's never officially served, but service records and "body cam" footage shows him in multiple places, all staged. And he's got paid (and straight up blackmailed) Army officials who will attest to his skills and bravery in the field.

His saves can, at times, result in deaths that are always, ALWAYS blamed on the villain. No exceptions.



  • Slowed Aging: Thirty Five years young and still looking like he can sweep a terrorists’ safe house clean! He’s definitely getting older, but he’d be bench pressing coeds for fun well past a hundred…if he lives!

  • Fast Healer: While not instant, his ability to heal means that he can come back from some of the worst physical damage with time and care. Things that would kill a normal person would mean a few months in a hospital. And that’s if they’ve got to juice to get through…which leads us to-

  • Durable: Like many of his ilk, he’s been left with the ability to shrug off insignificant damage. 9mm? Fuck you. .50 cal? You better aim for the head, because when he gets up, it’ll be his turn. He’ll take it slow. You’ve earned it.

  • Triathlete on all the crack: He can run faster than most cars drive on the street, while dodging other cars and shooting a gun with a ridiculous amount of accuracy. The shit people fake with Parkour he does just to show up the people faking it, because Parkour is fucking stupid. He likes throwing things at people. Sometimes he likes to see if he can throw jelly beans in a woman’s cleavage from a few yards out…you just gotta lob it right.

  • America Strong!: The might of America coursing through him with the physique to match, you better be ready to send waves if you wanna storm this fortress of liberty!.

  • Vought Trained: What do you do when you’re meant to be a soldier from the moment you’re practically born? He knows shit. Tactical…hand-to-hand, the works. Sometimes it just jumbles together in his head, and if the V hadn’t improved his intellect, he might have suffered from decision paralysis!


  • Vanguardian Suit: Navy blue suit with a patriotic flare, with a belt used to hold all manners of military might! Most of the pockets have Jelly beans of assorted colors.

  • The Shield: Metal triangular shield with his symbol that’s made of the same material as Valkyrie’s arm.

  • Jelly Belly: Belt around his waist holds mostly jelly beans arranged by color. He eats them in-between takes or when he's not doing anything in particular..


  • Accountant: You laugh, but he is. The man has a mind for numbers that could get him far. He’s even got a CPA under his “name” Trevor Washington.

  • Cook: One more thing to do when you spend your life in a bubble. Cook as if the world was at your doorstep. He cooks a little something from everywhere when possible…except Russia

  • Orator: He can drop a speech about nothing if needed, and usually likes hamming it up when he has those moments to speak dramatically for the camera.


  • Sheltered Life: He was raised on things that, while Vought-centric, weren’t necessarily bad. Duty, honor, sacrifice. All things to admire, until the bubble crashes down and the real world knocks every single thing he learned right on its ass. And Homelander?! Homelander becomes the truth that he lives in pursuit of. This places him at potential odds with heroes and villains alike, and makes Vought a little harder than they should to keep his clean image unmarred.

  • Type-cast: The company struck gold when the Vanguard/Valkyrie or #Vankyrie story took place, and since then they’ve been riding on years of the same thing in different variations. There’s nothing he can do about it, because he’s been convinced that it’s the only thing holding his numbers up enough to be even a conversation piece regarding future Seven placement  .

  • Hero all the Time: Some people have a life they can lead when not in uniform, but he has a face too recognizable. The pressure to live the lie to such an extent requires minor blow-ups here and there that he prefer to have with supers who can live through it, but beggars can’t be choosers, now can they?


Valkyrie - Knows her personally. Understands she wants to get rebranded, and honestly wants it for her as well, but can’t shake the fear that he’ll sink if he lets her go. He’d only act directly against her if needed, but otherwise doesn’t exactly help either…


Theme Song: Real American

Corporate Sponsorships:

Take your pick! He’s who they use when they can’t afford Homelander, so NASCAR, car dealerships. Vought’s Patriotic Pop. Any Verteran’s organization able to foot his appearance fee.

Miscellaneous Notes:

  • Has an ongoing scripted thing with Valkyrie. Every time he defeats her he'll say "There's goodness in her…I know it. I just pray that she finds it…one day. " and people know the line by heart and eat it up.

  • The company unofficially officially demands a point wear Valkyrie punches his shield during a scene they have together.

  • Is just a son of a bitch who adores Homelander even if he has a healthy fear of him. He's not a boot-licker, but he treats an order from Homelander as if it's straight from God's mouth. And God made Abraham kill his son, right? Homelander, like God, just needs a sacrifice here and there to make sure you're on his side.

Player goals

I’d like to pursuit his need to get to the Seven and how it might result in his slow and painful downfall, or meteoric rise!

Ons/Offs can be found here

Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Alright guys, first IC thread is up. I'm still updating links about the place, but you're free to start posting.

Also, while I appreciate the creative energy y'all have, I'm going to have to insist you stick to one supe each for the time being. Lutherton only needs so many heroes, and I'd like to leave myself room to let everyone who wants to join play a hero. If you guys still want to play additional characters, we could probably use some of the following:

- A public relations manager(in charge of Janitors, and also media teams/spin doctors)
- A hero talent manager(shit job, basically stuck between Wade and the Heroes)
- A villain talent manager(See above)
- Basically any other non-powered individuals or personnel you'd be interested in playing. Reporters, Film crew, groupies, that one guy standing outside protesting... etc


Were other people getting DMs about being approved? because I didn't get any such message.... or did people just assume that they could or.....



You're approved Pilgrim. The DMs are just for anyone I have to chase up.


Quote from: firepyre on June 22, 2022, 11:09:01 PM

Alright guys, first IC thread is up. I'm still updating links about the place, but you're free to start posting.

Also, while I appreciate the creative energy y'all have, I'm going to have to insist you stick to one supe each for the time being. Lutherton only needs so many heroes, and I'd like to leave myself room to let everyone who wants to join play a hero. If you guys still want to play additional characters, we could probably use some of the following:

- A public relations manager(in charge of Janitors, and o media teams/spin doctors)
- A hero talent manager(shit job, basically stuck between Wde and the Heroes)
- A villain talent manager(See above)
- Basically any other non-powered individuals or personnel you'd be interested in playing. Reporters, Film crew, groupies, that one guy standing outside protesting... etc

I'll happily conjure up NPCs as needed. Maybe a hero PA or the handler of our current hero cast.

Though re: character limits, is this intended to be only a small group game that's fairly self contained? Are we looking for a specific hero to villain ratio?

Depraved Lucidity

Who's the GM of this game, and is there room for more players, and what roles are needed? Thanks in advance!


Quote from: Depraved Lucidity on July 07, 2022, 10:20:09 PM
Who's the GM of this game, and is there room for more players, and what roles are needed? Thanks in advance!

I'll likely reboot this in the near future. Will keep you posted. 😊


Quote from: Andronica on July 08, 2022, 08:40:50 AM
I'll likely reboot this in the near future. Will keep you posted. 😊

Andronica, really?! Howww could you do this?!

*Starts getting another CS ready*

I can always try and apply to TWO games related to the Boys universe. Muahahaha  >:)
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Rainy's Scene Tracker
Want automatic bold text for dialogue? Use Sseith's custom script!


Foxy DeVille

Quote from: Andronica on July 08, 2022, 08:40:50 AM
I'll likely reboot this in the near future. Will keep you posted. 😊

Ooooo... that would be sweet!