The Boys: Off the Rails [Extreme, Supers, Parody, Interest Check] S3 SPOILERS!

Started by firepyre, June 11, 2022, 06:01:35 AM

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Foxy DeVille

Quote from: firepyre on June 16, 2022, 07:15:29 PM
Pierce and George are maybe a little too clean for a Vought Exec, I think. JDM in a suit is... quite nice. I could definitely see him in that role. I slipped one other option for the boss in there too. Pick your poison.

JDM works for me. I like his level of scruffiness.


There's no such thing as "normal" genius intelligence lmao. You can be pretty much as smart as you like, I just don't want intelligence to be considered a superpower. Mostly because trying to think around a super genius sounds like a real headache. I'm not that smart!

Why would he need to dose for shoots? Movie magic baby! It's also worth noting that Vought has kind of sketchy control over their talent at the best of times. Homelander is a prime example. I bet Stan would just love a killswitch for Homelander about now... I'll wager most Villains are just the heroes who are maybe a touch less stable and fucked up publicly somewhere along the line.


Thinking at the moment of a hero based on Quake from marvel going with the name... Richter. And yes, I expect living vibrator jokes to be to be made.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


QuoteI wasn't tied down to any particular location, so operating out of GA and witnessing that little mistake of hers would be an interesting bit of information. I can hit you up with a potential idea for what occurred if you'd like, or I can just roll with what you think of.

@ Writersblockade -- OK, that sounds great! Yeah, sure, I'd be glad to get some ideas for the accident. Just post here for now, though, as I want to get approval from Firepyre and Totoro and not break any 4th wall stuff they may have planned. Oh! The accident was also partially Evy's fault, so I think she may have dropped the ball somehow/some way to cause them to die. And to give a name to the teammate... let's call them... "Master of Chaos." I don't want to give this dead NPC a parody hero yet, because I don't want to take away any options from other writers.

QuoteJotham hasn't really been part of a full team, but he has several times done Teamups with single supes, especially ones that might want to seem more Christian for their image, or at the very least appeal to the Christian crowd, so it's perfectly reasonable that they've met before.

@ pilgrimofpain -- I think Evy wanting to be seen as good would give her a reason to speak to or team up with Jotham then. So perhaps they've done a medicine/pharmaceutical ad together? Hmmm, maybe Jotham "uses" (read movie magic) his healing abilities after Evy gets "injured" (also movie magic) so she can get back in the fight?

QuoteI read this somewhere, and then I got distracted by something else and promptly forgot about it. Oops. To answer your question, the main reason I invented a city is because I'm not super familiar with American geography, nor any American cities, so it's far more convenient for me to make one up than worry about getting details wrong. For the sake of answering your question, let's say it's a parody of Washington DC, but a vague one... because I'm probably not going to spend too much time researching it. Main street is called King street, and there's a very famous memorial called the Martin Memorial where people gather for rallies. Beyond that, feel free to get creative.

@ firepyre -- Oh yeah, North America is vast as heck. I was asking since each State and City has different vibes, temperature, flora, scenery, and such. A place like Yuma, AZ, is hot as hell on average since it's a desert city, but the people are, on average are, more chill than a place like NYC or Philly, where it can be cold as hell, have weird smells, thanks to the close quarters and cityscape--and on average people are most def. NOT chill at all. It's all just A LOT to consider. But thanks for answering this question! Washington DC (read Lutherton) has a few titular people vying for power for different reasons, which fits well with this story. Also, it gives me an idea of the climate and whatnot. I appreciate the thoughts!

@ Kadigan -- Connection idea I have for Trini... perhaps Evy has met her through a Vaught event as well? I think Evy might be jealous of all the sponsorships Trini has. As Evy is currently loyal to Vought and Trini is the type to do whatever is ordered of her by Vought--she might look up to her as a role model (even though Evy older than Trini). But since Trini is a thrill-seeker, Evy might have tried to show off for her to "fit in" and fucked up by harming someone, which may have caused Trini to see her as useless/worthless in her eyes? Let me know what ideas you have.

Also, @ anyone, if you don't want to have a connection with Evy, let me know. Perhaps they just never met... yet. And I am totally fine with that as well! There is room for opportunities. ^_^
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


OK I have three ideas and no idea which one to play LOL.

Umm a beast girl, a stretchy woman, and a teleporter. Any suggestions on which one I should pick?

How many characters are we allow?


Quote from: Foxy DeVille on June 16, 2022, 07:54:56 PM
JDM works for me. I like his level of scruffiness.

Alright. Beardy JDM then.

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on June 17, 2022, 12:47:43 AM
Thinking at the moment of a hero based on Quake from marvel going with the name... Richter. And yes, I expect living vibrator jokes to be to be made.


Quote from: CurvyKitten on June 17, 2022, 01:23:46 AM
OK I have three ideas and no idea which one to play LOL.

Umm a beast girl, a stretchy woman, and a teleporter. Any suggestions on which one I should pick?

How many characters are we allow?

Unless you're confident you can keep yourself entertained without GM input, I'd prefer you stick to one, because I am probably going to be hard pressed keeping up with just one character each. I only have so much time. As for which... maybe you can just do a teleporting beast person like nightcrawler? Or a stretchy one like catwoman? I don't mind if you want to combine a couple of those powers.

Also @Kadi: I somehow missed your sheet earlier. I'll go over it soon, when I get a chance.

@All: I plan to work on getting some threads up starting tomorrow you've still got plenty of time to get character sheets in yet though, and feel free to continue to plot in here as you see fit.

Secondly, I just want to clarify this somewhere: If you're playing a villain working for Vought, that doesn't mean you're actually fighting heroes. They're there to make the heroes look good. Once you take off the suit, you're all working for Vought, and like heroes, they have aliases, and most of them probably go home at the end of the day like regular people. It'd be pretty damn hard to keep a camera crew alive if everyone was actually fighting. Or do multiple takes. Smoke and Mirrors, guys!

There'll be real stuff you guys have to deal with but I just want to emphasise that Villain does not equal Bad Guy, and Hero does not equal Good Guy in this setting. It's so much greyer than that.


Quote from: Kadigan on June 16, 2022, 07:33:14 PM
Here's what I've got so far. Connections are mostly empty.

Valiant Striker

The Valiant Striker
Basic Information
Name: Trini Hart
Role: Professional Heroine
Alias: The Valiant Striker (Striker Purple)
Parody of: Sentai
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisxual
Age: 22
Height/Build: 5’5 / Athletic
Hair/Eye Colour: Black / Green
Faceclaim: Natasha Yi
Notable Features: Chalk mark style lines on her shoulder, essentially counting down her former teammates.

Personality & History

Personality: Arrogant, haughty, thrill junkie. She’s a merch seller and she FUCKING knows it. Toys, t-shirts, autograph sessions, she can out sell, out brand, out bid any competitor. Sponsorship deals? They come begging to HER. At the same time she works hard for that position, and she loves loves loves mixing it up with almost impossible situations to win (not that they really ARE impossible). Give her 20 armed thugs to fight and she’s in heaven.

Aspirations & fears: She knows she’s not going to last forever. But she rarely thinks that far ahead. She has a secret account stashed away with enough for a “Normie” to live on, but she intends to never need it. She’s a good solider to the cause and she’ll keep going until she can’t any more. (The projected shelf life of a Valiant Striker is 5 years. She’s made it 4 so far.

Official Backstory: The Evil Dread Space Pirate Anicetus threatened the Earth those four years ago, forcing Drazuma-Ha*, guardian of all that is good and true, to recruit four high school seniors to bond with the Valiant Gems (at the time inside of pendants) which would transform them into mighty guardians of justice! Fighting the dark monsters Anicetus would summon, they would battle around the globe. Every time they seemed to defeat their primary enemy though, the Strikers would find themselves at the mercy of a new, more POWERFUL enemy, forcing them to seek new and distinctly different sources of power! Some members of the team left, but others came on to fight for all things righteous. Sadly during their most recent battle, the Strikers fell, leaving only the Valiant Striker Purple to carry on the terrible burden, until new teammates could be chosen!

Defining Moments & Skeletons: Trini has her definite share of skeletons, chief among them is the fact that when the other Strikers were killed during a “monster fight” gone wrong, the other remaining Striker, Gold, ranted about exposing Voight for murdering their friends. She snapped his neck without a second though. She honestly can’t really STAND being the D.A.R.E. mascot that she is at times and would rather be at the cash events then the other things, but she gets how it works. Her parents honestly believe the Voight BS and though she sends them some money, they aren’t kept in the loop as to what she actually does.



  • Photographic Reflexes: Trini can replicate any movement she’s physically capable of doing so after seeing it only once. Chief among these is martial arts, which she was trained and focused on after discovering she had this ability

  • Enhanced Physiology: Like most people given Compound V she is highly durable, and much faster, stronger, and durable then a normal human being. To put her on par with Night Witch would not be untrue.


  • Striker Armor: When she boosts into full Striker Mode, whatever the new transformation method is covers her body in the latest nanotech armor, configuring itself to the latest Striker Version she is. Currently this is Valiant Striker Purple.
  • Striker Weapons: When she boosts into full Striker Mode, she has access to her weapons, which currently include the Mega Nun chucks and Energizer Blasters.
  • Striker Cycle: When she boosts into full Striker Mode, she can summon the Striker Cycle, a fantastic and powerful motorcycle, which can also be used to subdue the various monsters she fights


    • Anything: Thanks to her powerset, she can learn almost any skill, however she has to WANT to learn it and be physically capable of doing so.


    • Thrill Junkie: Whether it’s good for her or not, heroic, bad, etc, she’ll leap head first into any new and interesting situation that seems like it might give her that natural high.
    • Forgetful by nature: The more she learns then more she has to pick. She can CHOOSE what she learns and forgets, but still. Does she want to be a master chef or the best Olympic high diver ever? Or just forget about those kids she went to school with?


    (NOTE: By default, all heroes will be managed by the same department, in the same city. This is entirely negotiable if you have a good reason otherwise(like being on the run from Vought), but is intended to ensure that characters get plenty of opportunity to interact.)

    (Use to note down any connections/ties to other PC's or NPC's. Please format as you see fit but try to make it neat and readable.)


    Theme Song:

    Corporate Sponsorships:
    Hasbro (direct deal to produce the Valiant Striker line, and all variations). Total Fitness Gym. Power Bars. She also commands a high fee for any public appearance at a Con.

    (Any extra information or details you would like to include.)

    Player goals

    Goals as of yet are unknown. Will flesh out as the character grows.

I had a bit of a change where I was going to do where Malik is a trainer and fitness social media type as his "day job" there could be a potential connection there. Just food for thought[/list]
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Tweaked up Rage!

Basic Information
Name: Malik Irving
Role: Professional Villain
Alias: Rage
Parody of: Bane
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 32
Height/Build: 6'4 240lbs normally
Hair/Eye Colour: Black/Brown
Faceclaim: Arran Aro
Notable Features: No Tattoos at all.

Personality & History

Personality: Malik was born to lose. Literally. Every victory and defeat in his life was finely crafted to give Vought the highest probability of creating a person with severe and almost constant thoughts of persecution. He has an eternal chip on his shoulder, and feels like he’s been served a great injustice. This creates a near constant need to lash out. Despite this, with medication,he’d been able to actually have a relationship with a very caring and understanding woman, who gave him fraternal twins and a reason to push harder for the better things in life. For their sake more than his own. But Vought needed a villain, and as such, they kept him very close and under-thumb. They needed him to be what they painted him to be.

Analysis indicates that he also has feelings of both inadequacy and repression considering his more animalistic urgings. Vought knows this and makes a supply of Temp V available to him as a means of keeping him addicted and on the leash, as well as supplying him with a girl every now and then, like you’d give any good pet a treat. Sometimes he uses Temp V with them…sometimes not. 

Aspirations & fears: Vought has made him completely dependent on them for his well-being. Despite that, they’ve made no qualms about informing him that there is a kill team for his family that would be utilized at the touch of a button. He needs to avoid that at all costs, and if that means giving the people what they want, then so be it.

Official Backstory: Rage was a prisoner at an institution that turned a blind eye to another company’s attempts to create competing heroes. Using prisoners as test subjects, they finally created a man capable of harnessing the power of the anger inside of him. Rage was born, and in his birth would come a new generation of heroes. But it was not to be. The chemicals used to create Rage, dubbed “The Serum”, were unstable and drove him to madness. Delusions of injustices that needed to be answered for were playing a constant loop in his mind, making him attack with cruelly calculated violence. Each destroyed building was a monument to his rejection of a world that imprisoned him unjustly! Each innocence but one body less than necessary to tip the scales. Through his rage, the city would be cleansed!

Of course, Vought will have documents and evidence surrounding the crimes he’s committed, and will release them often to solidify him as a crackpot. 

Defining Moments & Skeletons:

Is married with an actual family that Vought keeps under a microscope at all times. He keeps his mask on and plays his part, and they are able to find themselves benefactors of random sweepstakes…or grants…or scholarships. His kids will have the life he could never have, as long as he does his job. Wife knows he’s a pro-villain, but not all that entails.

Actually did kill someone before being a pro-villain. Vought had raised two people with the same powerset, and only needed one. He was the one.

When feeling especially average amongst other supers (and when is he not?), the urge to consume Temp V is high, even when he knows it isn’t needed.



  • Super Strength: Temp V only boosts what compound V did to him. Each boost makes him a little more unstable as the addiction grows, but also makes him stronger
  • Durable: Vought knew what they were looking for. A man that could take a licking and keep on ticking. Without the Temp V he’s still able to take a serious beating. With it? Walking tank.
  • The Natural: Compound V made his body a completely efficient structure. His movements were fluid to the point of gracefulness, his reactions reminiscent of Bruce Lee. On Temp V, he’s concerning. An apex predator that would smile at you as easily as punching you through a wall. Repeatedly.

  • Super Suit: Rage wears a complete suit meant to represent everyone and no one. Truth is that Vought has other potential supes they could use for the character, so keeping him in a complete suit “to protect his identity” just works. The suit is meant to elicit fear and also turn his voice into a deeper, more menacing version of itself. The light show given to the color accents of the suit is to promote the idea that he’s pumping a highly dangerous substance into his body. The suit is meant to allow for expansion up to his current projected maximum at Vought.
  • Goodie Bag: Secreted on his suit is a small supply of Temp V and small doses of various drugs meant to counter impending psychotic episodes in emergencies.


  • Bilingual: English and Spanish
  • Tinkerer: Vought doesn’t like it, but sometimes it gets hard to get the kind of service the heroes get, so a man’s gotta fix shit every once in a while to keep the masquerade up!
  • Fighter: His fighting style is more brawler, but he combines it all to a potent problem for the unwary hero!
  • Tactician: Yeah, the shots get called by the producers running the show, but he’s had to go off-script so many times to save their asses, it’s laughable.


  • Good night, sweet prince: Even with a body boosted by Compound V, the harder he hits Temp V, the harder the crash afterwards. Once the effects wear off, the timer starts, and if he can’t make it back to base, he’s gotta go to ground somewhere.
  • Doing it for the kids!: He’s on the hook, and hard. He has no doubt that the company would kill his children if they needed to, but he’s more frightened by the idea that they would keep them alive, because killing them would honestly be a mercy…
  • You caught me Monologuing!: Rage’s intellect can sometimes get the best of him, even if he’s supposed to win, a need to prove himself superior can lead to speeches and displays that end up taking more time than they should, and give the Vought producers a few headaches to cure.




Theme Song: Ante Up (warning, explicit lyrics)

Corporate Sponsorships:
Vought has created a social media platform for him to appeal to the villain-loving folks from around the world, and the company actually gets a tidy profit from extremists groups from around the world who endeavor to assist Rage in keeping up the good fight against everything from corporate control and monopolism, anti-Capitalism, etc.

Malik works for a Vought subsidiary fitness and wellness company and has a platform on social media that presents fitness tips and sells Vought nutritional products. It's a cover, but also gives him something to do while he's not “on set”.

Part of his cover is traveling to give him time away from home when the company needs him to suit up for longer periods of time. He uses those times to fully "let loose" and bleed some of those repressed urges out. Possible underground supe cage matches and moments of sinking into a sea of debauchery possible.

Takes an antipsychotic medication when not "on the clock". The “serum” running through his tubes is a lie. It's just really cool water tubing that's basically like a modded computer's water cooling system on steroids.

Question - Is it possible to have the gym he works for have card reader access to a floor that keeps his equipment for when he’s needed?


Didn't know if this was a thing, but if he had a handler, she'd be obsessed with him. Would want to make sure all of his pleasure and pain came from her hands, and keeps a personal copy of each girl he's been fed for blackmail reasons... naw, who are we kidding? She keeps them because she gets off on them. So very much.

Player goals

Knows intellectually that the game will end for him when his use has faded, and simply does his very best to keep things going for as long as he can. As smart as he is, he can’t do shit about his situation with Homelander standing above all. He’s working to squirrel away enough to give to his kids and maybe, just maybe get them from under Vought’s thumb.

Ons/Offs can be found here

My thoughts went completely the other way on this, but if we're basically making this more of a Pro Wrestling feel, then I can get behind that. Let me know if this works.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Quote from: RainyHigh on June 17, 2022, 01:08:37 AM
@ Writersblockade -- OK, that sounds great! Yeah, sure, I'd be glad to get some ideas for the accident. Just post here for now, though, as I want to get approval from Firepyre and Totoro and not break any 4th wall stuff they may have planned. Oh! The accident was also partially Evy's fault, so I think she may have dropped the ball somehow/some way to cause them to die. And to give a name to the teammate... let's call them... "Master of Chaos." I don't want to give this dead NPC a parody hero yet, because I don't want to take away any options from other writers.

@ pilgrimofpain -- I think Evy wanting to be seen as good would give her a reason to speak to or team up with Jotham then. So perhaps they've done a medicine/pharmaceutical ad together? Hmmm, maybe Jotham "uses" (read movie magic) his healing abilities after Evy gets "injured" (also movie magic) so she can get back in the fight?

@ firepyre -- Oh yeah, North America is vast as heck. I was asking since each State and City has different vibes, temperature, flora, scenery, and such. A place like Yuma, AZ, is hot as hell on average since it's a desert city, but the people are, on average are, more chill than a place like NYC or Philly, where it can be cold as hell, have weird smells, thanks to the close quarters and cityscape--and on average people are most def. NOT chill at all. It's all just A LOT to consider. But thanks for answering this question! Washington DC (read Lutherton) has a few titular people vying for power for different reasons, which fits well with this story. Also, it gives me an idea of the climate and whatnot. I appreciate the thoughts!

@ Kadigan -- Connection idea I have for Trini... perhaps Evy has met her through a Vaught event as well? I think Evy might be jealous of all the sponsorships Trini has. As Evy is currently loyal to Vought and Trini is the type to do whatever is ordered of her by Vought--she might look up to her as a role model (even though Evy older than Trini). But since Trini is a thrill-seeker, Evy might have tried to show off for her to "fit in" and fucked up by harming someone, which may have caused Trini to see her as useless/worthless in her eyes? Let me know what ideas you have.

Also, @ anyone, if you don't want to have a connection with Evy, let me know. Perhaps they just never met... yet. And I am totally fine with that as well! There is room for opportunities. ^_^

Absoloutely, Jotham is somewhat shameless when it comes to adverts and promotional deals, so a cheesy ad with Polaris, maybe advertising painkillers or perhaps even an insurance company would be perfect.


@Writersblockade -- still looking like a villainous villain 😈 but yeah, the "day job" bit sounds cool too.

@pilgrimofpain -- Both (insurance ad or painkiller ad) ideas are great! If you make me choose, I'll just roll the dice. 🤣

@All -- Hopefully, everyone gets a thumbs up later on. ^_^
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


How Striker would see almost any connection for if they're worthwhile...ha


Quote from: Writersblockade on June 17, 2022, 11:00:01 AM
Tweaked up Rage!

Basic Information
Name: Malik Irving
Role: Professional Villain
Alias: Rage
Parody of: Bane
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 32
Height/Build: 6'4 240lbs normally
Hair/Eye Colour: Black/Brown
Faceclaim: Arran Aro
Notable Features: No Tattoos at all.

Personality & History

Personality: Malik was born to lose. Literally. Every victory and defeat in his life was finely crafted to give Vought the highest probability of creating a person with severe and almost constant thoughts of persecution. He has an eternal chip on his shoulder, and feels like he’s been served a great injustice. This creates a near constant need to lash out. Despite this, with medication,he’d been able to actually have a relationship with a very caring and understanding woman, who gave him fraternal twins and a reason to push harder for the better things in life. For their sake more than his own. But Vought needed a villain, and as such, they kept him very close and under-thumb. They needed him to be what they painted him to be.

Analysis indicates that he also has feelings of both inadequacy and repression considering his more animalistic urgings. Vought knows this and makes a supply of Temp V available to him as a means of keeping him addicted and on the leash, as well as supplying him with a girl every now and then, like you’d give any good pet a treat. Sometimes he uses Temp V with them…sometimes not. 

Aspirations & fears: Vought has made him completely dependent on them for his well-being. Despite that, they’ve made no qualms about informing him that there is a kill team for his family that would be utilized at the touch of a button. He needs to avoid that at all costs, and if that means giving the people what they want, then so be it.

Official Backstory: Rage was a prisoner at an institution that turned a blind eye to another company’s attempts to create competing heroes. Using prisoners as test subjects, they finally created a man capable of harnessing the power of the anger inside of him. Rage was born, and in his birth would come a new generation of heroes. But it was not to be. The chemicals used to create Rage, dubbed “The Serum”, were unstable and drove him to madness. Delusions of injustices that needed to be answered for were playing a constant loop in his mind, making him attack with cruelly calculated violence. Each destroyed building was a monument to his rejection of a world that imprisoned him unjustly! Each innocence but one body less than necessary to tip the scales. Through his rage, the city would be cleansed!

Of course, Vought will have documents and evidence surrounding the crimes he’s committed, and will release them often to solidify him as a crackpot. 

Defining Moments & Skeletons:

Is married with an actual family that Vought keeps under a microscope at all times. He keeps his mask on and plays his part, and they are able to find themselves benefactors of random sweepstakes…or grants…or scholarships. His kids will have the life he could never have, as long as he does his job. Wife knows he’s a pro-villain, but not all that entails.

Actually did kill someone before being a pro-villain. Vought had raised two people with the same powerset, and only needed one. He was the one.

When feeling especially average amongst other supers (and when is he not?), the urge to consume Temp V is high, even when he knows it isn’t needed.


Superpowers: (Anything they can do that is beyond human capability.)

  • Super Strength: Temp V only boosts what compound V did to him. Each boost makes him a little more unstable as the addiction grows, but also makes him stronger
  • Durable: Vought knew what they were looking for. A man that could take a licking and keep on ticking. Without the Temp V he’s still able to take a serious beating. With it? Walking tank.
  • The Natural: Compound V made his body a completely efficient structure. His movements were fluid to the point of gracefulness, his reactions reminiscent of Bruce Lee. On Temp V, he’s concerning. An apex predator that would smile at you as easily as punching you through a wall. Repeatedly.

  • Super Suit: Rage wears a complete suit meant to represent everyone and no one. Truth is that Vought has other potential supes they could use for the character, so keeping him in a complete suit “to protect his identity” just works. The suit is meant to elicit fear and also turn his voice into a deeper, more menacing version of itself. The lightshow given to the color accents of the suit is to promote the idea that he’s pumping a highly dangerous substance into his body. The suit is meant to allow for expansion up to his current projected maximum at Vought.
  • Goodie Bag: Secreted on his suit is a small supply of Temp V and small doses of various drugs meant to counter impending psychotic episodes in emergencies.


  • Bilingual: English and Spanish
  • Tinkerer: Vought doesn’t like it, but sometimes it gets hard to get the kind of service the heroes get, so a man’s gotta fix shit every once in a while to keep the masquerade up!
  • Fighter: His fighting style is more brawler, but he combines it all to a potent problem for the unwary hero!
  • Tactician: Yeah, the shots get called by the producers running the show, but he’s had to go off-script so many times to save their asses, it’s laughable.


  • Good night, sweet prince: Even with a body boosted by Compound V, the harder he hits Temp V, the harder the crash afterwards. Once the effects wear off, the timer starts, and if he can’t make it back to base, he’s gotta go to ground somewhere.
  • Doing it for the kids!: He’s on the hook, and hard. He has no doubt that the company would kill his children if they needed to, but he’s more frightened by the idea that they would keep them alive, because killing them would honestly be a mercy…
  • You caught me Monologuing!: Rage’s intellect can sometimes get the best of him, even if he’s supposed to win, a need to prove himself superior can lead to speeches and displays that end up taking more time than they should, and give the Vought producers a few headaches to cure.




Theme Song: Ante Up (warning, explicit lyrics)

Corporate Sponsorships:
Vought has created a social media platform for him to appeal to the villain-loving folks from around the world, and the company actually gets a tidy profit from extremists groups from around the world who endeavor to assist Rage in keeping up the good fight against everything from corporate control and monopolism, anti-Capitalism, etc.

Malik works for a Vought subsidiary fitness and wellness company and has a platform on social media that presents fitness tips and sells Vought nutritional products. It's a cover, but also gives him something to do while he's not “on set”.

Part of his cover is traveling to give him time away from home when the company needs him to suit up for longer periods of time. He uses those times to fully "let loose" and bleed some of those repressed urges out. Possible underground supe cage matches and moments of sinking into a sea of debauchery possible.

Takes an antipsychotic medication when not "on the clock". The “serum” running through his tubes is a lie. It's just really cool water tubing that's basically like a modded computer's water cooling system on steroids.

Question - Is it possible to have the gym he works for have card reader access to a floor that keeps his equipment for when he’s needed?


Didn't know if this was a thing, but if he had a handler, she'd be obsessed with him. Would want to make sure all of his pleasure and pain came from her hands, and keeps a personal copy of each girl he's been fed for blackmail reasons... naw, who are we kidding? She keeps them because she gets off on them. So very much.

Player goals

Knows intellectually that the game will end for him when his use has faded, and simply does his very best to keep things going for as long as he can. As smart as he is, he can’t do shit about his situation with Homelander standing above all. He’s working to squirrel away enough to give to his kids and maybe, just maybe get them from under Vought’s thumb.

Ons/Offs can be found here

My thoughts went completely the other way on this, but if we're basically making this more of a Pro Wrestling feel, then I can get behind that. Let me know if this works.

Very happy with Rage. The pro wrestling analogy is apt, at least where Vought is involved. Everything is scripted, twisted, controlled... until it's not.

Quote from: Kadigan on June 17, 2022, 03:02:38 PM
How Striker would see almost any connection for if they're worthwhile...ha

Thrill seeking, money grabbing bitch? Full marks for personality!

I'd like to see the official backstory be a little more down to earth... I'm not entirely sure even Vought's audience would buy into that, but then again, I doubt her target demo would care too much even if they didn't entirely believe it, and it's certainly a fitting story for her concept.


Quote from: Kadigan on June 17, 2022, 03:02:38 PM
How Striker would see almost any connection for if they're worthwhile...ha

Ok, I was kind of ... on the money then? XD

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I guess I really don’t see the back story as any more outlandish then a demonic lord or god healing someone personally.


Quote from: Kadigan on June 17, 2022, 07:51:50 PM
I guess I really don’t see the back story as any more outlandish then a demonic lord or god healing someone personally.

lmao don't forget, these are people who eat religious fervor up with two spoons and sprinkles, so any bible-thumping hero type is in. hot demonic girl gives those same bible-thumping super lovers a reason to apply copious amounts of lotion behind closed doors!

But you start going all space warriors, and joe six pack goes "...wut?"
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I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Foxy DeVille

Well, I'm guessing a world with Superman and Green Lantern knockoffs has heard some spacey stuff in the past.


Quote from: Foxy DeVille on June 17, 2022, 08:12:55 PM
Well, I'm guessing a world with Superman and Green Lantern knockoffs has heard some spacey stuff in the past.

I know Homelander has a Superman story, but who has the Green Lantern one?
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Foxy DeVille

Lamplighter is supposed to be the Seven's Green Lantern, although they don't really get into his "origin."


Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Quote from: Kadigan on June 17, 2022, 07:51:50 PM
I guess I really don’t see the back story as any more outlandish then a demonic lord or god healing someone personally.

Objectively I absolutely agree. But believe in the Greys and you're a crackpot. Believe in Jesus, the friendly zombie, and you're just a typical, god fearing american.

Btw, I just took a quick look at some polls, to make sure I wasn't making a false assumption. Roughly 90% of of americans believe in a higher power of some kind(not just christians - they're about 65%). About 40% believe in aliens having visited earth(UFOs). That's actually way higher than I expected, so I'll give it to you. Less far fetched than I'd have though. Huh...

Anyway, OOC and Approved Characters is up. Let me know if you find any bugs with my menus etc so I can fix 'em. Also everyone who has posted a shee so far can go ahead and post a copy in the approved characters thread when they're ready. Feel free to keep updating your connections as you go.

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Is it fine that I added this for Evy's connection notes pilgrimofpain? If not I can remove it/edit it.

🌸 Jotham Bates: She's done an advertisement with Jotham before and met him at a Vought event. In the ad, Jotham fake heals her fake injuries. Movie magic, folks! She views Jotham as a good person currently--but who doesn't?
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Quote from: RainyHigh on June 17, 2022, 08:30:40 PM
Is it fine that I added this for Evy's connection notes pilgrimofpain? If not I can remove it/edit it.

🌸 Jotham Bates: She's done an advertisement with Jotham before and met him at a Vought event. In the ad, Jotham fake heals her fake injuries. Movie magic, folks! She views Jotham as a good person currently--but who doesn't?

quote author=RainyHigh link=topic=342898.msg16211671#msg16211671 date=1655495098]
@Writersblockade -- still looking like a villainous villain 😈 but yeah, the "day job" bit sounds cool too.

@pilgrimofpain -- Both (insurance ad or painkiller ad) ideas are great! If you make me choose, I'll just roll the dice. 🤣

@All -- Hopefully, everyone gets a thumbs up later on. ^_^

I think Health insurance is almost perfect, Polaris opens up by throwing a car at a villain that ends up getting a nasty blow on her in the process, then Faithmender shows up to heal her and end the fight. then something along the lines of

"When 'Im saving lives I know I can go all out because Faithmender here has my back, but he can't always be around"

Faithmender picks it up

"Which is why we have teamed up with Viti-Vaught Insurence, the most comprehensive Medical Insurance on the market today"

Then together they say

"Viti-Vaught Insurance, so you can go ALL-OUT"

a narrator finishes it

"Viti-Vaught, Life is short, go ALL-OUT"


@PilgrimogPain -- great pitch--I'm sold! Let's go with that, XD

@WritersBlockade-- how is this connection note for Rage?

🌸 Rage -- Evy has done scripted fights with Rage in the past. He was also at the one where her teammate, Master of Chaos, was killed due to an unfortunate accident. B(e) Humans disbanded a short while after that. But Malik knows what really happened. The public believes that Master of Chaos is in a rehab clinic.
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